Clinton News-Record, 1960-09-01, Page 8• JOWETT'S GROVE Bayfield DANCING every Friday night Until September 9 from 9.30 p.m. to 1. a.m. STEW and HIS COLLEGIANS - Door Prize - MIDNIGHT DANCE Labor Day Weekend Sunday, Sept. 4 Dancing from 12.05 to FIRST SIX COUPLES ADMITTED FREE.. , LAST DANCE OF SEASON ON FRI., SEPT. 9 34-5-b SERVICE IS OUR MIDDLE NAME JACK S~RUT EtartEm ON FOR EVERYTRINO IN • PETROLtiN , HU.2-9653 CLINTON board of directors under the writer's signeture. It was decided to leave the screen and benches in their pre- sent location, Date set for the rummage sale is July 18, 1961, The meeting adjourned to Friday, August 12 to receive the report of the nominating committee and other business. The adjourned meeting of Pioneer Park Association was held' in the Town Hall, Bayfield on Tuesday, August 23, under the chairmanship of the presi- dent J. M. Stewart, Mrs. F, H. Paull was ap- pointed secretary pro tern in Mrs. W. E. Parker's absence. Rev. F, H. Paull, convener of the nominating committee gave his report. Elected to the board of direc- tors to serve until 1963 were: Miss Lucy R. Woods, Miss K. M. Reid, Gordon Pfaff and Stanley H. Bryant. Other members of the board are Dr, A. C. Chapman, H. H. Ormond, Rev. F. H. Paull, J. M. Stewart, Gordon Galbraith, Mrs. J. Mac- Kenzie. Miss Jessie Metcalf was appointed convener of the rummage sale. After the 'adjournment a di- rectors meeting was held, Miss Lucy R. Woods was named president, Dr. A. C. Chapman, vice-president; Mrs, William E. Parker was appointed secret- ary and Mrs. J. E. Hovey, treasurer. The retiring president, J. M. Stewart reported 'that the gov- ernment had proceeded with the expropriation of land near the pier for the extension of the dock on the south river bank, Mr. Stewart, one, of 'the prime movers' in forming the Pioneer Park Association has been an active director since its inception •and served two years as president. GOSHEN NORTH Mrs. Clare McBride Correspondent Hugh McBride, London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride and John, Friday visitors with Mrs. Clare McBride, were her sise ter, Mrs. Murray Milton, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Orval Rap- son and Mrs. Grace Rapson, Hens all. Goshen Mission Band met on Sunday morning with Donna Peck presiding. Mrs. James Keys was in charge of the wor- ship with Bob McBride• reading the Scripture. The theme was "Choosing Friends". Dianne Peck was' at the piano. Jacqueline Peck read the minutes and Marilyn Keys marked the attendance with 27 present. One birthday was reported. The election of officers was conducted by Mrs. Clare Mc- Bride: president, Jacqueline Peck; vice-president, Mary Margaret Armstrong; secret- ary, Diane McKinley; treasur• - er, Marilyn Keys; pianist, Don- na Peck; roll call secretary, Karen McKinley. Mrs, J. Keys read the last chapter of the study book, "Two Kinds of Fun", while Mrs. Arnold Keys read short stories of interest to the young people. 0 VARNA The Varna Softball Team look very smart in their new uniforms. Mr. and Mrs, Wat Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Cole- man spent the weekend in Niagara district. Mrs. William McAsh was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, for treatment on Sun- day. Miss Joan McClymont has re- turned home after spending the past month with relatives at King City. CITIES r /*$ IF YOU NEED A BETTER FUEL OIL' DON'T DESPAIR..! KW: "GIVE US A CALL, WE'LL BE THERE!"/ Our OIL 4V-s- - TOPS 4Y odbz:44.44 egb Mich., visited over the weekend with his motheri Mrs. Lydia Doig and sister 3anet, Mr, Doig attended 'the Canadian National Exhibition in Torente on Mon- day. Philip McKenzie realized a successful sale of his farm on Friday, August 26. He leaves Tuesday for his new home in the West, Mr. and Mrs, David Jarrett, Ottawa, recent bridal couple, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Alex lVfelVlurtrie while travelling through this district on their wedding trip. Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim enjoyed a few days last week at Southampton Beach, Emer- son Kyle, who was on business in the area, joined his wife and son. Edgar McBride, 52, Kippen, met with a painful accident on Wednesday of last week on his own farm in Hay Township. He was taking down the elevator when :he slipped and it fell on him, causing a fracture of both legs, He was removed to St. Josephs' Hospital, London, Dr. J. C. Goddard, Hensall, at- tended. ME DEFINITION OF A CARD IS SOMETHING THAT STANDS BETWEEN tiOU AND TWE T.V.SETi er 129 HURON ST ' CLINTON FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 Feed Gainmaker with home- grown grains and make more money on milk! Keeps cows healthier, for profit- able steady milk production. NI YOUR 'LOCAL MASTER DEALER TO.DAY H F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Phone HU 2.9792 Mary Street Clinton, Ont. •••••14, 1/2 PRICE SALE on the Following Summer Items WATER TOYS LIFE JACKETS WADING POOLS GRASS SHEARS SWIM FINS COOLER JUGS LAWN SOAKERS CL.AYT DIXON'S NN liprionm‘O AUTO S'UPPL'Y HU. 2-7034 a.zet 00, attoeitsx- 1 SANTA Comes Early to the SPORT SHOP LATE SEASON SPECIALS TILL SEPTEMBER 10th Picnic Ice Chests 21x13x12 Carry Lite Reg. $19 21x13x12 Thunder Bird Chest Reg. $33 19x 9 x15 Aluminum Chest Reg. $28 19x 9 x12 Aluminum Chest Reg. $23 20x10x16 Brown Metal Chest Reg. $23 13x 9 x11 Dylite Plastic Kooler Reg. $ 8 .75-Special $13.75 .95-Special $22.75 .95-Special $19.50 .95-Special $16.25 .95-Special $16.25 .65-Special $ 4.95 WOODLAND BARBECUE 18" Adjustable Fire Pot-26" Legs .. BARBECUE 12" Fire Pot-10" Legs Reg. $ 9.95-Special $ 6.95 Reg. $ 3.69-Special $ 2.50 Fold Up Type GOLF CART Reg. $19.95-Special $13.50 Fold Up Type GOLF CART Reg. $13.95-Special $ 9.50 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 1/3 0 F F ON ALL FISHING TACKLE AND MARINE SUPPLIES SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9622 4111.11111111.1111111INININOMIllk KING STREET (correspondent, MRS. N. LONG, Phone .Henezil 694r15) NEWS OF KIPPEN Ronald Peth, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Mrs, 3, Pease and Eevine Pease, London, spent the weeke end at their cottage. Miss 'Nesbitt and Miss Wood, London, are holidaying at a Jowett cottage. Le Roy Poth. was in New Dundee on Sunday to visit 'his mother wbo is in ill health. Mrs. ,Colin Campbell left on Sunday to be with Mrs, le. T. Orr, Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Pongracz, Detroit, were at their cottage from Wednesday to Saturday. Thomas Dunbar, Lambeth, called at the rectory on Mon- day, Mrs. Bernard Davis, Preston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon this week. Master Berry Wild, Clinton is spending 'this week with his cousin Danny Johnston. Miss Cheryl Johnston is spending this week with 'her cousin Kathy Wild, Clinton. Miss Bonnie Johnston spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Hargreaves and family, Brucefield. Prof: and Miis. H. K. Kelb- fleische London, have been holi- daying alt their cottage this week. Mrs. George Contrick and family returned to Birming- ham, Mich., after vacationing at their cottage, "Birchcliff". Mr, and Mrs. Keith Brandon and family, Stratford, camped here over the weekend, The Rev. and Mrs, Edward C. Atwell and children, David and Mary Margaret visited at the rectory on Monday. Mrs, Fred Erb and family with guests, Birmingham, Mich. are spending this week at her cottage "Birchcliff", Miss Fanny Harmer, Wind- sor, Mrs, G. Erskine, 1Vleaford, visited Miss Lucy R. Woods on Tuesday afternoon. William Wamsley returned to Toronto on Monday after hav- ing spent ten days' with his sis- ter, Mrs. John R. Cameron. Mrs. Carl Blauman and family returned to their home in Birmingham, Mich,, on Fri- day after holidaying 'at the Me- Combe cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stalk- er, Toledo, Ohio, were with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam R. Talbot over the week- end. Mrs. G, Vance and four sons, Ronnie, Johnny, Donnie and Leon, Willowdale, 'are occupy- ing 'their cottage until Labour Day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Ford returned to London on Wednes- day after having occupied Miss G. Woolfenden's cottage for two months. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison was in Sarnia on Thursday on a business trip where he was the guest of his brother Charl- es C. and Mrs. Harrison. Jo Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt is now at her home in London after hav- ing been in Children's War Me- morial Hospital for ten days'. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sparks, Marion, Indiana, came on Fri- day to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sparks, fourth concession, Goderich Township. Mrs. Adam Boyd, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Howard and Miss Anne Drouin visited the Rev. and' Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby in Mooretown on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Thomas Dillon and four children, Tommy, Chris, Greg and Margaret, returned to her home on Long Island, on Aug- ust 22, after having spent a fortnight with her mother, Mrs. E. J. Bauer. Mrs. Murray Brunskill and son Wayne, Belmont, returned home after spending the past two weeks with her sister Mrs. Walter Johnston and family. Billy Wright, Comber, is vis- iting his pal Wayne Pye, with the latter's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Pye at a Jewett cottage. Mr. •and Mrs, James P. Dunn, London, and their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Lawrie Dunn, Boston, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Ford. Mr, and Mrs, Keith Leonard and family, Toronto, who have been camping at Georgian Bay, arrived on Monday evening to be with Mrs. Leonard's Parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Feather- ston until Labour Day. Mr, and Mrs. John Schiller and daughter Linda, returned to Mount Clemens, Mich., on Monday after having spent a week with her uncle, Leslie El- liott, The Rev, and Mrs. W. G. Bugler and David who have been 'holidaying at Port Franks left on Saturday for their home on Long Island, New York. They visited friends 'in the vil- lage on Friday evening. Mr, •and Mrs. Douglas Mar- shall and two children, Mary Ellen and Bruce, Applewood Acres, Pont Credit, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Lindsay from Monday to Thures day last week, George Boyd and small son George, Erin, were the guests of his aunt, Mrs. J. E. How- ard over Friday night. Mrs. Adam Boyd' who has been vis- iting her, sister •for several weeks accompanied her son on his return' to Erin on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. William L, Metcalf, Montreal, came on Wednesday of last week to spend a vacation with his sis- ter, Miss Jessie L. Metcalf and Mrs. Metcalf's mother, Mrs. David Dewar. Miss Ida McGowan returned to London on, Sunday after a two weeks' vacation with her aunt, Dr. Annie Ross and sis- ter, Miss Clare McGowan, in the Aust cottage. Bobby Brandon, Beaton, vis- ited his 'father, H. N. Brandon, and other relatives on Sunday before going on to London for his wife and small son who were visiting relatives there, Mr. and Mrs. Warren blade, Oakville, visited her fa- ther, H. N. Brandon over the weekend. Miss Shirley Bran- don, who attended summer school in Toronto, is home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bran- don and family motored to St. Thomas on Wednesday to meet Mrs. Brandon's sister, Miss Jeannine Denby, Buffalo, who 'is their guest. Keith Fryer, Toronto, visited his aunt, Mrs. William R. El- liott from Sunday to Wednes- day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and family, Kit- chener, were with his parents on Saturday and Sunday. Me. and Mrs. Arthur Fryer, Strat- ford, also spent Sunday with her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and daughter Gwen returned on Friday night after a motor trip to Edmonton to visit their daughter, Mrs, Don Robinson. Mr.' and Mrs: D. Robinson and Susan accompanied them to the West Coast. On the return trip they came through the States and visited Mr. Baker's great uncle, Wellington Johnston,, Ne- koma, N. Dak. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Long and Greg spent the weekend with her parents at "Wheel- In" and on Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Baker and Gwen went with them to Ancaster, on to the Toronto exhibition on Mon- day, returning to Bayfield' 'the same night. George Castle' was able to re- turn home on. Monday after having been a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital for a week. Mrs. Castle spent the week with their daughter, Mrs. Wil- liam Craig and family, Clin- ton. J. Gingerich, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleave, and Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Gingerich and two children who spent a holi- day at Deer Lodge' Park re- turned to Bad Axe, Mich., on Sunday. Visiting Mrs. Lorne Sparks RECEPTION for Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dowson (nee JOYCE JEWITT) Bayfield Pavilion on Sat., Sept. 3 Music by STU and His Collegians Everyone Welcome 35b The annual meeting of the Pioneer Park Association cal- led for August 5 was well-at- tended, Mrs. William E, Park- er, secretary, read the minutes of the last 'annual meeleng. The treasurer's report for the calendar year 1959 as audi- ted by R. Roy Fitzsimons• was read by Mrs, J. E. Hovey. The president, J, 1W, Stewart, read a letter from Dr. A. C. Chapman in which he made a number of suggestions for ex- panding the Pioneer Park As- sociation activities, This was referred to the beard of direc- tors for consideration and a motion made that a letter of appreciation be sent Dr. Chap- man for his great interest and efforts to improve Pioneer Park, Votes of thanks were also extended to Miss C. P. Ran- kin, Penney Farms, Florida, for her contribution at the time of the rummage sale; to Miss J. Metcalf, Hales Dresser, S. H. Bryant and all others' who helped with the rummage sale; Gordon Galbraith for his time and effort on behalf of the Pio- neer Park Association; Alan Galbraith: and the Lions Club for projection of films (Lions R. A. Simons, Alf Scotchiner, Reg. Francis, J, E. Hovey and Charles Scotehmer, under the convenership of Leslie Elliott projected the NFB releases on. Monday nights) and to R. Roy Fitzsimons for auditing the books. He was asked to con- tinue as 'auditor for 1961. Miss J. Metcalf gave a brief account of the rummage gale this year. The proceeds were $232.76. There was consider- able discussion concerning the cost of projecting 'the films re- lative to small collections be- ing received. Development of the Park also involved a, leng- thy discussion. It was resolved that all suggestions for Park improvement o r complaints should be in writing to the and family from Thursday, Au- gust 25 to Friday, September 2 are the following members of her family, Mr. and, Mrs. F. H. Streckfus', Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid Streckfus and Miss Judith Streckfus, New Albany, In- diana. David Elliott and his friend Dick Powell, Sarnia, were over night guests at the former's godfather, Rev. E. J. B. liar- &son' at the rectory on Fri- day. They left on Saturday morning for a short holiday to the Georgian Bay area. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith' and Richard, Cincinnati, Ohio, are spending a vacation at "Fairlawn" the summer home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore, Detroit, were with them for the weekend. And their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moore spent the weekend at "The Little Inn" where they celebrated their wedding anniversary wi t h Claudia who has been married six years, and Richard, married a year ago. Mrs. William R. Jowett who was in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich for a week came on Sunday to re- cuperate at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Le Roy Poth. Mrs. Poth was herself a patient in Clinton Public Hispital from Monday to Wednesday as the result of allergy from a bee sting. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest van Rennenn'kampff, M. and Mrs. Otto van Rennenn'kampff, Lon- don were the guests of Mrs. L. M, Burt and two grandchil- dren, Karen and Jeffrey Burt on Sunday. Mrs. Otto van Rennennkampff remained to spend the week with her moth- er. Ferguson Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ferguson held a family reunion at their home on Sunday, August 28. Those present were Mrs. J. A. Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Molitor and three girls, Cathy, Janey and Patty, Strath- roy; Miss Dorthea Raymond, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Reymann and three children, Joanne, Dome and Billy, Bir- mingham, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. George Woods and three chil- dren, Kenneth, Ernie and Mary accompanied by the latter's girl friend, Thamesford; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson and four children, David, Caro- lyn, Judy and Johnny, London, Three Honoured As Blyth Folk Gather at Aust's (Bayfield Correspondent) On Saturday afternoon, Aug- ust 27, Dr. Annie Ross and Misses 'Clare and Ida McGow- an, holidaying at the Aust cots tage were honoured by friends from Blyth. It \Alas a real surprise for them when a number of Blyth people arrived with bouquets' of flowers from their gardens and a picnic supper. After enjoying the meal, ser- ved on •the lawn, by the •guests, a further surprise was' in store for them. Mrs. Bernard Hall read a presentation address to Dr. An- nie Ross, as Mrs. Alice Roger- son and Mrs. Jack MacDougal presented her with an exquis- ite vase, They also presented Misses Clare and Ida McGowan with beautiful table lamps. Mrs. Les- lie Wightman read an address signed by 23 which expressed the love and 'affection in which they 'were held, "in the true sense of the word have been real friends." They expressed their thanks' and •appreciation to all for the gifts and this happy gathering arranged for them. The McGowans have recent- ly sold their home in Blyth and are living in Goderich. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre visited friends at Acton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kruger, Kitchener, spent the weekend 'with Mr. Keuger's mother, Mrs, In'gs. Mes. Ethel Atkinson and Miss Edna Atkinson, Toronto, visited with Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Hardy. Mrs. George Griffith, Strat- ford, and son Tim, Mrs. Gordon Elliott, left on' Monday to visit theit sisters and father in North Dakota. John Moffatt, Mrs. Walter Moffatt, Mrs. James Striefler and daughter Carol, California, attended the wedding of Ross Stanway, St. Catharines on Saturday. Rev. H. Johnston and Mrs. Johnston have returned from a month's holiday and will oc- cupy Ithe pulpit in the United Church at 11.30 on Sunday morning. Mrs, Ted' Munn and family called briefly upon her, neeente, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin, on Saturday on their way to their home in Kitchener after a two week holiday near St. Joseph. MIDDLETON The Women's Auxiliary of St. James Church, Mid/dleton will meet on Wednesday afternoon, September 7 at the home of Mrs. Gordon Steepe. 0 Tell some people you can't get along without them and be- fore long you can't get along with them. Lorne McBride visited a few @eye in Windsor with relatives. John Henderson, Exeter, .vis- ited during the week with fur- Mer neighbours at Kipper,, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Wahl, List, owel, visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickent, John Doig, accompanied by his sister Janet, motored to Stratford Saturday, Mrs. Robert J. Elgie returned home from six weeks vacation in North Battleford, Sask., and Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr, and Mrs. O. C. R. Little- ton and family recently return- ed home from a short holiday at Turnbull's Grove, They spent last weekend in Hamilton visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alex 1VIeBeath and Mr. and Mrs. Allan John- eton are holidaying a week in Buffalo, N.Y. and Niagara Falls and other point's. Flight Sergeant and Mrs, Robert Perkins and boys, RCAF Station Clinton, visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. N.' Long. Mr. and Mrs. Bud McLeod, Ottawa, spent the weekend with. Mr. 'and' Mrs. Ross Broad- foot and Margaret Jean. John Doig, Grand Rapids, Dick Heard Has Injuries After Fall of Piano (Bayfield Correspondent) Dick Heard, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Heard met with a painful (and' what could have been a very serious 'accident) on Saturday. Walter Pierson had bought a piano at the Kelly sale. Dick and his father had helped load it into Pierson's pick-up truck. Dick was standing beside the piano 'to steady it in the truck, As it drew away, one wheel went down into a low spot on the boulevard tipping Dick out and the piano on top of him. He was removed by 'ambu- lance to Clinton Public Hospi- tal. X-rays showed no broken bones. He was released on Monday morning and is still suffering from a badly bruised arm, sore stomach and back, The piano was not broken in the fall. Page 01,--Clinton News-Record-Thursday, Sept. 1, 1960 News of NAM ley MISS !AMY WOODS PHONE BAYFIELD 45r3 Pioneer Prli Reviews Past Year And Names Officers For The Future (Reynold Correspondent) LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND LAST 3 DANCES OF THE SEASON! FRIDAY - • SATURDAY AND THE "Miss Grand Bend Ball" Midnight - Sunday, Sept. 4 LIONEL THORNTON and His Casa Royal Orchestra Beauty Contestants will appear at the Dance. Beauty Contest -- Labour Day FOR THE TITLE OF "MISS GRAND BEND 1960 . PARADE starts 11.30 a.m. with show following on the beach.