Clinton News-Record, 1960-07-07, Page 4H. C. LAWSON, Chairman, Box 28,, Clinton, Ontario. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton COOL! COMFORTABLE! SPORTSWEAR SWIM TRUNKS Styled by JANTZEN Brief or Boxer Styles from $2.95 up TRIM SHORTS SHORT and WALKING LENGTHS. ALL SIZES from $3.95 up A SPORT SHIRTS Long or Short Sleeves $2.95 up T-SH1RTS Comfortable Cottons PLAINS or FANCIES $2.95 up BAN-LON SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVES Really Smart! $7.95 to $10.95 bell Limited Pickett 81 Camp OPEN PrIbAY EVENINGS Main Coiner, Clinton PhdndHU2.9132 STATIONARY ENGINEER Sealed applications dearly marked as to con- tents, will be received by the undersigned until ,Tuesday, July 26th at 5.00 p.m. for the position or positions, of stationary engineer 4th class or better at the Huron County Home, Clinton. Starting salary $3,000.00 per annum plus usual employee benefits. Please supply suitable references. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 27-b Page 4—Clinton News-Record--,Thursday, July 7, 1960 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED heat- ed apartment, available July 1, Apply MeEwares Store. 22tfb 3 ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished and heated, Cease to up- town. Phone HU 2-3844. 27b 2 APARTMENTS, self-contain- ed, unfurnished, gas equipment. Phone HU 2-9682. 12-tfb SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment, suitable for couple. Phone HU 2-9742 after 6 p.m. 26-7p TWO SELF - CONTAINED Apartments, one furnished, one unfurnished. Phone HU 2-9928, 9-tfb VACANT 5-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private entrance, available now. Phone HU 27b 2- 70. 6 ROOM APARTMENT — 3- bedroom, Central heating, well located, separate entrances. E. B, Menzies, HU 2-9752. 27b SMALL MODERN COTTAGE, perfect for 2. Spacious grounds, complete privacy, Phone HU 2- 9768 or 7086. • 27-8-p 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, with stove and frig, private bath, available July 15, Phone HU 2-3329. , 27-8-p BRIGHT ROOMY One-Bedroom apartment, furnished, modern conveniences. Just off main st. Phone HU 2-9352. 27b UNFURNISHED, HEATED, 4- room apartment, newly decor- ated, private entrance, central- ly located. Phone HU 2-3282, after 7 p.m. 27-8-p BUSINESS LOCATION, 70x24, Hensall, Main Street, available August 1; 5 room apartment, self-contained, available August 1. Phone 36, Hensall. 27b TWO UPSTAIRS APART- ments, furnished, at 12 King Street. Available by July 18. Apply at Clinton Cab for infor- mation, 27-tfb SMALL APARTMENT, fully furnished and heated, suitable for single lady, reasonable rent. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, 200 High Street, phone HU 2-6692. 27-tfb MODERN APARTMENT, heat- ed, unfurnished, three rooms and private bath, all modern conveniences, private entrance. Phone HU 2-9892 after 5 p.m. 23tfb 6 ROOM HOUSE, kitchen, liv- ing room and dining room, lo- cated five miles west of Clin- ton on Hayfield Road. Phone HU 2-7447. 25-6-7b COTTAGE FOR RENT, one mile south of Hayfield, 3 bed- rooms, stove, frig. and indoor plumbing. Available July and August. Phone HU 2-9218. 27p 4 or 5 ROOM GROUND FLOOR apartment. Unfurnished. Mo- dern. Private bath. Full base- ment, with laundry tubs. Private entrance. 74 Victoria Street, ph- one HU 2-7065 or HU 2-9233. 24tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE ALUMINUM DOORS and Win. doves, Don C. Colquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial HU 2-3297. 1-tfb WHITE BABY SCALE for sale; hand lawn mower. Phone RU 2- 7190, 27b TWO 41x10 USED TRAILERS for sale; also new trailers. Ap- ply at Becker's Trailer Court. 27-b HOSPITAL BED for sale, $60, large size; also used lawn glider and large wicker chair. Phone HU 2-7117. 27x AGAIN THIS YEAR, outside white paint at $2.99 per gallon, T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruce, field, phone HU 2-3232. 16tfb TED RYDER'S TV, 245 Victoria Street, Clinton. Phone HU 2- 9320 your authorized dealer for Dumont, Zenith. Fairbanks- Morse and Rogers Majestic Television. 26 to 43b ELECIROLUX Sales and Ser- vice. Cleaners and polishers. Also reconditioned cleaner s, Gary Cooper, 126 Gordon Street, Clinton, phone HU 2-7200, 11-tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2s7054 Anstett Jewellers, 53-tfb Home Freezers and Refrigera- tors on display all this week at T. A, Dutton Appliance Centre, Brucefield. Open evenings till 9 p,m. For information call HU 2-3232, 26-7-b MINK STOLES, CAPES, Jack- ets, and other furs at reason- able prices. Save by buying direct from the ranch and be sure of fresh fine quality skins. Styles and fittings to please and compliment the wearer. Phone DU VAL FUR FARM, Wingham, 660W for appoint meat or address your inquir- ies to Du Val Fur Farm, Box 83, Wingham. 27-8-9p CUSTOM WORK FOR TV SERVICE call HU 2- 9320, Ted Ryder, 245 Victoria Street. 26 to 43b FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2tfb WELDING AND REPAIRS, metal fabrication. John Hamil- ton, 293 Albert Street. 6p-tfb DIAMONDS CLEANED arid checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb AIR COMPRESSOR EQUIP- ment with jack . hammer, mud spade and drill. Cale Doucette, builder. Phone HU 2-9562. NEW OR REPAIR WORK on anything you have in carpentry work. Free estimates. Phone HU 2-9141. 25 to 30p MOTORS AND PORTABLE Power Tools Rewound and Re- paired. Parts for all popular makes, New Leland and Wag- ner motors available on short notice. Art Levett, 139 Erie Street, Phone HU 2-6640. 13-tfb ARTICLES WANTED COLONY HOUSE, approximat- ely 12x14, Suitable to be moved to town. HeJ 2-9789, 27b BABY'S STROLLER, in good condition. Phone HU 2-7494. 27b imikorminumlinielimololoyalimmanakkawirklikmokmarlkik EMPLOYMENT WANTED GOOD GIRL WOULD LIKE to work at summer cottage in Hayfield, Phone HU 2-9159, 26-7-b HELP WANTED MALE GARAGE REQUIRES service station attendant, steady em- ployment, between 18 and 40 years of age. Apply in writing to Box 270, Clinton News- Record. 27b WANTED — AUTOMOBILE BODY MAN with licence and experience in spray painting. Good working conditions in mo- dern premises. No flat rate. 5% days at $80 per week. Please apply Box 240 Clinton News- Record, 24, 5, 6, 7p MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts, Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb FILTER QUEEN SALES and Service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Recondi- tioned cleaners for sale, Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 696 r 2, collect. 16-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb NOW YOU CAN RENT the f ollowing "Clarke Electric Equipment" for those "Do-it- yourself" jobs from BALL & Me!TCH IHA Hardware, Clin- ton: Floor Sander and Edger, Floor Polisher, Rug Shampoo machine with wet and dry. vac- uum, Electric hand finishing sander, all purpose electric hand sander. 26tfb NOTICES TOWNSHIP OF TUCKER- SMITH Tax Prepayment Re- ceipts for 196e—The Township of 'Tuckersmith will pay inter- est at the rate of 4 percent per annum filen June 15 to December 15 on all prepaid •taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the clerk's office, Tuckersmith, RR 4, Seaforth. Signed—Cora Chesney, treasurer. 26tfb WILL THE PERSON OR per- sons who removed tables and other equipment from the Fish and Game Club farm on conces- sion 14, Goderich Township, and also a scythe from the Club House at Alma Groove, 'please re- turn same immediately to avoid more severe action.—(Signed— Huron Fish and Game Conser- vation Association. 27b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of HARRY WIL- LIAM CHARLESWORTH, late of the 'Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 11th day of July, A.D. 1960, after which date the assets will, be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of June, A.D. 1960, E. S. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 25-26-27b #01L- ieetwieweit...P PERSONAL OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex To- nic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women -past 40. Only 69e, At all druggist% 27&29b PET STOCK PUREBRED BEAGLE puppies, 7 weeks old, males $10, females $5. Phone HU 2-7282. 27b REAL ESTATE 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement, oil furnace, gas facile, ties, 131 Princess Street, Phone 1.1U 2-7238. 26-7p CHOICE BUILDING LOTS for sale on East Street.- HU 2- 7088. Clarence Potter, 237 Vic- toria Street. 22tfb REDDI-BUILT homes and cots tages, prefab and erected. Free literature. Easy terms. See our samples, Genoe Lumber, Orangeville, Ontario 18 to 30b FOR AS LITTLE AS $250 down, you can own a home of your own on a choice lot, For further information see Larry Gemus, 184 Huron Street, your Colonial Home agent. HU 2- 9600. 26tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd Moore, RR 5, Clinton, HU 2- 9572. 11tfb Two bedroom cottage on Rat- tenbury street west, corner lot, in good residential district, own- er is leaving town, $2,700 down payment and buyer take over the present mortgage with CMHC. Monthly payments of $28 includes taxes, insurance, interest and payments on prin- cipal. Immediate possession. General Store in the Village of Varna-2 storey brick dwell- ing 22x60. Spacious apartment on second floor. Lunch counter and store on first floor, heavy duty wiring, built-in cupboards, and pressure system. Owner would trade property for private dwelling in Clinton, Goderich or Seaforth or full cash price of $6,000. Lunch counter and store now rented and stock and equip- ment could be purchased at a reasonable figure. 6-room cottage near Holmes- vile, 3 bedrooms, tile floors, modern kitchen, full• basement. Mortgage arranged on low down payment. $6,500.00 — Two storey insul brick house, 1 block from main intersection, 4 bedrooms and bath up, 1 bedroom down. Could be changed to duplex — two entrances — spacious lot — good residential district. Owner wish- es to sell for health reasons and will consider mortgage, 5-room insul brick cottage on Maple Street, 5 years old. Im- mediate possession. K. W. Colquhoun INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Bus. HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7556 Vic Kennedy, Salesman Phone Blyth 78 26b TENDERS WANTED THE TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL Area Board invites tenders as specified below: 1. Best quality furnace oil, delivered when re- quired during the 1960-61 school term to schools number 2; 5; 7; 9 and 10. Tender to state price per gallon delivered. 2. Supply seven (7) tons No, 1 anthracite furnace coal to school No. 1 and seven (7) tons to school No, 4. Delivery not later than August 15, 1960. 3. Supply furnace stoker coal to Egmondville school, when re- quired during the 1960-61 school term, All tenders to be sealed and marked "Fuel Tenders". Tenders will be accepted up to noon, July 12. The loveest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted* W. P. Roberts, Sec.- Treas., RR 8, Seaforth. 27b TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ow. Phone 170. Agents for all airlines and steamship compan- ies. CNR ticket office. All Cruises, Tour and Hotel reserva- tions. GERMAN and DUTCH spoken. 27b SCHOOL BUS '59 Chevrolet 1 Ton Converted to 18 Passenger School Bus. Fully equipped to Government standards. Two extra snow tires. Only 13,000 miles by original owner, Reaton for selling; route discontinued. Cost Nov $4,400 Sale Price $3,000 Lorne Brown Motors Limited ontart6 Street 6LINtON ONTAIllb Phone HU 24321 BIRTHS GINGERICH—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, July 5, 1980, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gingerich, Zurich, a daughter. RUGILL —In , Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, June 29, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs, Ron- ald Hugh, Kitchener, a dau- eliter. LAY)D—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, Jtme 29, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Ladd, Clinton, a daughter. RAU—In Clinton Pelelic Hospi- tal, on Thursday, June 30, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs, J. T, Rau, RR 2, Zurich, a daugh- ter, REID—In Sydenham Hospital, Wallaceburg, on Saturday, July 2, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Reid, Wallaceburg (nee Margaret Schilbe), a son (brother for Jody, Darlene and Cheryl). RIEHL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, July 2, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs. William Riehl, 24 North Street, Clin- ton, a son (Larry Kenneth, brother for Bonnie, Bobby and Douglas). DEATHS BROADFOOT—In Seaforth on Thursday, June 30, 1960, Glenn Broadfoot, RR 5, Clin- ton, beloved husband of An- nie Buck, in his 58th year, Service from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, to Baird's Cemetery, on Sunday, July 3, CANTELON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, June 30, 1960, Robert James Cant- elon, 75 Rattenbury Street West, Clinton, dear husband of the late Mary Belle Ram- sey, in his 85th year. Service from the Beattie funeral home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, July 4, by the Rev. Grant L. Mills. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN BULL CALF suit- able for vealing. Bob Taylor, HU 2-9144. 27b THREE FIRST LITTER YORK sows. due in ten days. John Grigg, RR 3, Clinton, phone HU 2-7565. 27b 1,000 DEKALB PULLETS, 15 Weeks old, $1.65 ea. Will sell any number; 1,000 Shaver Star- cross pullets, 8 weeks old. Con- tact Ralph Holland, phone HU 2-7084. 27p SERVICES OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/4 c lb., and dead 'cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, GILBERT BROS, MINK RANCH, phone collect, Gode- rich JA 4-7092 or JA 4-7022. tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE; Highest prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses and cattle. Call long distance Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) day or night. Seven day service, or Blyth 21 r 12. 15tfb 'ATTENTION FARMERS! High- est cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, according to size and condition. All other stock pick- ed up free of charge. Call col- lect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Sea- forth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 11. to 28p-tfb Durham Well Drilling Contractors WHY TRY THE REST? "WE DO THE BEST" For experience and efficient Service contact Durham Phone Durham Box 299 342W 26-31-p WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds. We are farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost, Summer calling hours: Between: 7.80 and 9.30 a.m. week days. 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Seturdey evenings. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2.344 or Clinton Zenith 9-5650 DEATHS SAUNDERCOCK — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, July 4, 1960, Annie Almira Patterson, widow of the late Nathaniel Saundercocle, in her 77th year, Service from the I3orethron funeral chapel, by the Rev, R. C. Winlew, Hensall, on July 6, to Blyth Union Cemetery. TURBERVILLE — In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, June 30, 1960, John James Turberville, Auburn, in 'his 77th year. Service from the J, Keith Arthur funeral home, Auburn, to Union Cemetery, Myth, on Monday, July 4, by the Rev. Bren de Vries, Exe- ter. MARRIAGES BROHMAN , GOLDSWORTHY —In St. Joseph's Roman Ca- tholic Church, Clinton, on Saturday, July 2, 1960, by the Rev. L. E. Reed-Lewis, Marjorie Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Golds- worthy, RR 1, Clinton, to Francis Patrick Paul Broh- man Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A,. Brohman, Hamilton. CLEAVE-TALBOT — In Bay- field Baptist Church, on Sat- urday, July 2, 1960, by the Rev. Laurence Talbot, Harris- ton, Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot, RR 3, Hayfield, to Eric Cleave, Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete. Cleave, Hayfield, VEENSTRA GERRITS — I n Clinton Christian Reformed Church, on Thursday evening, June 30, 1960, by the Rev. A. re. van Eek, Exeter, Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerrits, Clinton, to John Veenstra, Strathroy, son of Mrs. Getiee Veenstra, Sur- huizum, Holland and the late G. Veenstra. FOR SALE McCORMICK No. 45 P.T.O. BALER, nearly new. Apply Mil- ford Durst, RR 2, Clinton, phone Carlow 11r12. 27p 1950 ALLIS CHALMERS trac- tor, Model B. Frank Smith, Varna, phone Hensail 696 r 3. 26-7-b MCCORMICK DEERING 8 ft, binder on rubber, practically new. Charles Rau, RR 2, Zu- rich, phone 98 r 3. 26-7-8p A GOOD LINE OF a CASE farm machinery is on hand. Much of it at the old prices at Robbie Burns Garage, Londes- bora, phone myth 44 r 15. 13tfb DRAIN TILE-4", $55 per M delivered; 5", $85 delivered; 6", $110 delivered; 8", $175 de- livered. Prices, 10", 12"e 14" on request. Ryden. Brick and Tile Ltd., EIgin.field, phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 1-52p HAY FOR SALE 3,000 BALES HAY; alfalfa and timothy, 25c a bale in the field; also two western saddles. Ph- one HU 2-9275, 27b 40 ACRES OF HAY, $6.50 per acre; 4 grass cattle. Lorne Tyn- dall, RR 2, Clinton, phone HU 2-9904. 27p WANTED WANTED—Live Turkeys, ducks geese and hens. Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zu- rich district contact Mervyn Hayter, East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tfb Clinton Community Auction Scales EVERY FRIDAY 7.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager HOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUI-IOUN, Clerk ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. •and Mrs, Roy W. 3', Elliott, Clinton, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Phy., Ills Jo Ann to Howard Jo- seph Edwards, son of Mr, and Mrs. Fanmerson Ed- wards, the marriage will take place Saturday, July 23 at 3 p.m. in Ontario St. United Church. 27p * * * Mr. and Mrs. Jelin E. Turner, RR 3, Seaforth, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Helen Irene, to Reginald Taylor Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Lawson, RR 1, Clinton. The wedding will take place Saturday, July 23 in Turner's United Church. 27p * * Mr. and! Mrs. Milton Steepe, RR 3, Clinton, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Mavis Mari- lyn to Allen Thomas Wil- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Goderich. The marriage to take place on Saturday, July 23 at 7 p.m. in Wesley-Willis Unit- ed Church, Clinton. 27p CARDS OF THANKS To all those who helped to make my stay an St. Joseph's Hospital, London, more pleas- ant, my sincere thanks.—PEARL McCLINCHEY. 27b Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Dex- ter wish to take this opportun- ity to thank their many friends and neighbours for their kind visits, cards arid •gifts, on their recent golden wedding anniver- sary. 27b I wish to express my deep appreciation to relatives and friends who so kindly remem- bered me with flowers, cards, letters and other treats while I was a patient in London hos- pital; also special thanks to Rev. J. A. McKim. —CHARLES F. LOCKWOOD. 27p CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks -and appreciation to all my friends neighbours and rent- fives who so kindly remembered me with lovely flowers cards and gifts while I was a patient in Clinton and Victoria Hospi- tals. Special thanks to Dr. Ad- dison nurses and staff, — MRS. GRANT RATH, 27b MISS BERTHA CANTELON, nephews and nieces wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends, neighbours and relatives for their acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful fiaral tributes, contributions to the Cancer Society during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses while Mr. Cantelon was in the hospital, and to Rev. G. Mills. 27b The sisters of the late Mrs. William Foster, Hensall, wish to express sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for many acts of kindness and sympathy re- ceived in their recent sad be- reavement. Special thanks to Dr. J. C. Goddard, Hensall; nur- ses •and staff of South Huron Hospital, Exeter; the Rev, R. C. Wireaw, Hensall United Church; the pall-bearers and Bonthron funeral chapel Hensall.—RATI-1. WELL SISTERS, 27p 'AV)-AiWA":%'• .AK,' • AAA LARGE FOREIGN TENT with 3 ROOM APARTMENT, fur- over tent; one Coleman oil nislied, private bath and ent- burner, medium size with pip- ranee, available July 18. Phone es. Apply Bldg. G, Apt. 1, HU 2-3837. 27b RCM' Station Clinton, HU 7-b 2. 9577. 2 BITE in! Pure butter, whole eggs and fresh fruit make our cakes and pies delicious family table treats! Try them! Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Reg. 55c FOR 49c -ales0e/e'resefee:4.044.Assia Bartliffs Bakery HU 24727 Limited CLINION atskory and Rost aroma EVERYONE THOUGHT SEDAUSE HE WAS SO ENTHUSED TELI-iNd Or: THE GREAT!SATISFACTION HE HAS RECtiVED AT HARRY WILLIAMS HEATINGOILS4ASOLINE OltEASES,HOTON.0114,4 ATTENTION FARMERS! CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL REQUIRES ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Duties to commence September 1) MI New Personnel Policy Wog bonsidered, Apply stating qualifications, experience and salary expected. Ap.. plications 0 be in by July 30, 1960. Applications to be addressed 16: