Clinton News-Record, 1960-04-07, Page 6Clinton News-Record Thursdays April. 7, 1900 Rates. No Charge .:for Annenneernerits of Births, Marriages and Deaths, Articles :for Sale, Rent, etc,, Cards ,of Thanks, In Mereoriams, Eogagernents, Sc a word, .minimum 75e, 139.x No, to this office 150_ additional. Repeat .insertions 2c a word, minimum 50c, CASH. DISCOUNT: % if paid by Saturday fol- towing last .inaertien, Billing charge of ,10c .4040. Latest 'Time for •thaOrtion, ee• 12 noon 'Wednesday pia; Hyntor 2-3443 , NEWS.RE(ORD WANT FOR QUICK RESULTS ee Easter Novelties —Made of Delicious Chocolate. -r-Made & Decorated in our own shop. —Come in and see Our Wide Variety. • By: In Easter Wrap MOIRS and. SMILES 'N CHUCKLES OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL- -From Our Store Only APPLE SAUCE CAKE Reg: 40c ..... for 34c fr Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. Bakery and Restaurant CLINTON HU 24727 Come a-ruhningl These shoes are new arrivals and too good to miss. Good, looking styles •in all Wanted colors. Textured and smooth leathers . . . all the finest. Shoes for dress, play, school or work. We' have what you want. Come in, and see! Men's Hightongue Slip-on black brown walnut Classic 5-eyelet Oxford By Scott-McHale AIKEN'S LUGGAGE — CLOTHING CLINTON HU 2-9352 Boys' Novel Vamp' Oxford ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 2 APARTMENTS, 06f-emit-Weed, unfernished, gas equipinent. Phone HU 2-9682, let* TWO SELF-CONTAINED APart- ments; one furnished, one unfur- nished. Phone HU 2-9928. 9tfb UNFURNISHED DUPLEX House for rent, available now. Phone , IiU 2-3W7. ' 3 ROOM - APARTMENT; unfurn- ished, heated, with bath avale April 1. Batidn's Apartments,s ab HU 2-7057, al-tfb 2 BEDROOM FULLY MODERN apartment, now available. Central location,'Phone HU 2.7471. 10p-tfb ONE 'BEDROOM unfurnished apartment, self contained, Coin- mercial Apartments, HU 2-6685. 9-tfb TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished. Available on or be- fore May 1. Apply to H. C. Law- son, HU 2-9644. 13-tfb, 3 ROOM' FURNISHED APART- MENT, 227 Huron Street, avail- - able April 1. Phone HU 2-6610. 13-144) 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, unfurnish- ed, kitchen, diningroorn and living- room, located on Bayfield Road. Phone HU 2-7447, 14-15-16-b 2'TRAILERS FOR RENT, fully equipped; one used trailer 10'x41' for sale. Apply Becker's Trailer Park, Clinton. 14-5-b ONE. BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment, on second floor, priv- ate bath, private entrance. Avail- able immediately. HU 2-9869. 13-14-b DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, furnished, heated, 2-3 bedroatns, range, washer and frig. supplied, utilities paid. Phone HU 2-9540. 13-14-p 3 ROOM APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, private bath; 2 bedroom apartment, furnished or unfurnished, heated, private bath; ' furnished apartment available May 1. Phone HU 2.3329. 14-15-p DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT in country house, close to RCAF Station Clinton. Two bedrooms, Use of garden, etc„ can be ar- ranged.. Hydro, hot water. Fur- nished or unfurnished. Children welcome. Phone 3411, Local, 208. T. Szwaba or HU 2-3230. 14-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED :-.• HOUSE OR FARM--in CLINTON vicinity, 3 or 4 bedrooms, good basement or hobby shop area; oil or gas heat; inside facilities. flail HU 2-3405 .or '11U 2-9527. ' 11-tfb ARTICLES. FOR SALE RANGETTE, GOOD CONDITION rewired. Phone HU 2-7130. 13-4-b COAL AND WOOD ,RANGE, in good condition. phone HU 2-9685. . 14-5-b 137ITT,DING MATERIALS-:-.10,000 used white brick, also some used cloo.s and windoWs, etc.' Phone III-isall"687r21, Wes McBride, V '.rata. '14-p ARTICLES FOR SALE USED TV's FOR SALE, Eight sets to choose from. Ex0-101)1e---1955 Halicrafter 2V', $75.00; 1955 Sylvania 21", $75.00. Ted Ryder's TV, HU 2-9320. 13-14-13 Up To $150 Allowance "For Your Old TV On the New 1960 23" Admiral - Wide-angle TV Call us at HU 213232 A. Dynan Appliances I3RUCEFIELD Open evenings until .9 p.m. 10-tfb FARMALL CUB TRACTOR with touch control, 'hydraulic belt pul- ley, new tires, starter, lights, hy- draulic seat. Complete with mat- ched implements-2 single furrow moldboard •ploughs. (wide and nar- row bottom) 1 row scuffler •a mounted spring tooth cultivator; one set 16 plate double discs; ad- justable hydraulic dozer blade, front mounted; Ideal buy for light work, ploughing gardens, moving snow, etc„ reasonably priced. Con- tact Melvin and Bob Elliott, ph- ones HU 2-7217 or 9287. 14-tfb ARTICLES WANTED USED SACKS. R, N.. ALEXAND- er, Loadesboro, au 2-7475. 14-b AUTOS FOR SALE 1953 MERCURY half ton pick-up truck in excellent condition. Apply Goderich, Motel, Bayfield Road, phone JA 4-8542, Goderich. 14tfb FOR IMIVIEDIA SALE-1959 Pontiac Laurentian 4-door Sedan, two tone, automatic transmission, custom deluxe pushbutton radio, backup lights, custom interior,' with 7,000 miles. In immaculate condition, just like new. Owner leaving for Europe. Call Wing- ham- 446J. 14b BOARD AND. ROOM ACCOMMODATION for THREE or four male roomers or boardera. Call HU 2-9376. 13-14-b CLOTHING FOR SALE PINK FORMAL, WORN -ONCE, size 12, cocktail length. Phone HU 2-7130. 13x-14b NOW FEATURING Spring Styles of Miss Sun Valley dresses, suits, trendh coats and reversible, coats. Bayfield Woollen Shop. 14-b BOYS -CLOTHING, SPORTS jac- ket, size 14, blue-grey' tweed; car- digan sweater, size 14, grey; two white shirts, sizes 121/2 , 13: 1 pair grey flannels, size 12. Phone HU 2-3863. 14b CUSTOM WORK FOR YOUR PLUMBING 'AND HEATING needs, call HU '2-9433. Hawkins Hardware.• 2-tfb WELDING AND REPAIRS, met- al' fabrication. John Hamilton, 293 Albert Street. 6p-tfb DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge, Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb AIR COMPRESSOR — equipped with jack, hammer, mud spade and drill, Cale Doucette. builder, phone HU 2-9562. ' 14b SPRING CLEANING TIME Have your chesterfield or uphols- tery cleaned in your own honee. Phone Wilfrid Gaudet, HU 2-9163. 13-tfb TED RYDER'S TV Sales and Ser- vice. Your. Dumont-Zenith Dealer. We service all makes of TV and radios. 54 Mill Street, HU 2-9320. 4 to 15-p Septic Tanks Cleaned MODERN EQUIPMENT USED. All work guaranteed. Quick ser- vice. -Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 42 r 6, Brus- sels. 7-26-p MOTORS and PORTABLE Power Tools 'Rewound, and Repaired. Parts for all popular makes. Newt/ Leland and Wagner motors avail- able on short notice. Art Levett, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640. 13-tfb FARM• EQUIPMENT FOR SALE A' GOOD LINEL OF JI CASE farm machinery is on hand. Much of it at the old prices -at Robbie Burns Garage$ Londesboro, phone Blyth 44r15. 13-'tfb 1 IVIASSEY -ITARRIS 7 ft, Power mower; Massey Ferguson parts, mew and used, at the 'old price. Sturdy's Farm Equipment, phone HU 2-3371. 14-5 p COCI<SHUTT '70 TRACTOR with Starter on good rubber, also hy- draulic front end loader fig. Min- neapolis Z tractor in good condi- tion. Apply Clifford Greer, phone 59r2, Bayfield. I.4p PERFECTION IV/IL/KING MACH- INES, all types, with automatic teat-cup release, Sold for over 40 years. "Perfection'' has lead the way tO scientific milking methods. Your inquiries without obligation ate invited. Ainerlean Separator SaleS, phone CarlOW 2821, Code- rich, Ontario. 14•1: FARMS FOR RENT. FARM FOR RENT, ter gran% Good water, Jim Boyle, Bayfield Road, RR 3, Clinton. 14-p. 100 ACRES OF GOOD FARM land for pent in Stanley Town- ship Use of large L Barn. 114 main building and with hyd- ro and water. Phone HU 2-3411, Local 208. T. Szwaba, or HU 2- 3230, 14-P FRUIT FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE: Spy, King, Russet, Tatman Sweet, Greening, Snow, Delicious, etc.-Ph- one HU 2-3214. Free delivery in town or RCAF houses. Fred Mc- Clymont and Sons, one mile south of Varna. 4-tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE DININGROO.M GIRL, room and board included, 6 days weekly. Apply in person to Hotel Clinton. 11-tfb OUR COMPANY HAS Openings in your district for a number of women to act as demonstrators. Full or part time. Those selected must be between the ages of 20 and 55, married and own their own home. Above average com- mission. Write to Purity, 781 Warden Ave., Scarborough, One, 12-3-4-b WOMAN OF ACHIEVEMENT— THE AVON LADY, Country wo- men—be a hit with your family. Buy for them the clothes, TV or extras needed by earning $$$$ selling popular AVON PRODUCTS to your friends and neighbours, Write Miss. Mosher, PO Box 86,' Owen Sound, stating telephone number. 12-13-14-b LEGAL NOTICES THIS IS TO ANNOUNCE THAT hereafter I will not be responsible for -any debts incurred without my written authority. Ted Szwa- ba. 14-p CLOTHING •and Personal Effects belonging to roomers who left last September, will be disposed of if not claimed by April 15. Contact Mrs. Victor • Finale, 163 Albert Street, Clinton::; 14b LIVE STOCICFOR SALE 19.PIGS FOR SALE, 7 'weeks old. Phone HU 2-7447. 14b 6 EWES and 10 LAMBS, 2 ewes to freshen in couple of weeks. Ape ply Gus Bisback, Auburn, RR L 14-p HOLSTEIN COW, due April 10. Gerinan Shepherd pup, J'an Koene, phorie HU 2-9987.. 14-b LIVE STOCK WANTED OLD HORSES WANTED at 3%c lb., and dead cattle at value, If dead, phone at_ once, GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich JA 4-7092 or JA. 4- 7022. tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! • High- est cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, ac- cording to size and condition.. All other stock picked up free of charge. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. llto2Spetfb A.CHESON'S DEAD "STOCK Ser- vice. Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses and cattle. Old horses at 5c a lb, For the fastest and prop- er removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange, at no cost to you. Call long dist- ance and ask for Atwood -Zenith 34900 (no toll charge), or Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12, 44tfle Dead-Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN or DISABLED COWS and ' HORSES. also , Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value OH'Horses — 4c per pound Phone Collect 133 --- BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 HOUR SERVICE PERSONAL WHY PEEL OLD? Ostrex Tonic Tablels help thousands of men, women past 40 feel younger. Make 3-day test, Only 60e. At all dtg- gists. 14 & 16-b POULTRY WANTED VI'VETURKEYS ducks, geese, and bens. Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zurich district con- tact Mervyn $layter. East Huron Produce, l3rUssels. 46-tfb LOST AND FOUND LOST Lt whit4 gold wrist- watch. Reward. Phone 'HU 2-9359. 1$-14-p ....„., .1-..9$17—Tire, wheel end carrier, size 750x20; 100 On April 1. $5 reward,. Finder please. notify Ed. ,Andrews, •Seaforth. r 14-p, IVIISCEILLANEOIJS WATCH REPAIR, IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. 14p 7-4s4 US 13,U,'.AIR AND MAFJC pour rings and eewellereelike new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured ---;dOn't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch re- Pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 14p WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING. - ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls. Are Used" ARTIF14A1. INSEMINATION SERVICE FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE - Farmer Owned end Controlled Call us between: 7.e0 and ,10,00 ,a.m. Week Days and 6.00 and '8.00 p.ni, Saturday Evenings — at Clinton HU 2-3441 46-tfb SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY OF RED CLOVER Seed for sale, $20 per bushel. Phone HU 2-9240. 14b RODNEY OATS, Rodney oats and Herta barley mix-for sale, both' $2.85 per 100. Apply Fred Gibson, phone HU 2-3260. 14b ALFALFA SEED for sale. Good clean seed. William Gibbirms, RR 1, Clinton, phone HU 2-9935. 14p ALFALFA SEED; BROOM grass; permanent pasture; War- wick seed corn. Phone HU 2-3371. Clarence Sturdy, 14-5-p BRANT BARLEY, GARRY 'Oats, Common timothy, Climax timothy, red clover and alfalfa. Buy now at farm prices and save. -J. Arn- old Jamieson, HU 2-9828. 13-14b QUANTITY OF OUR 0 W N home-grown timothy seed, guax- enteed 1959 crop. Cleaned by a seed cleaning plant. Priced reas- onable. We deliver if ordered within the next ten days. We are also agents for Tendergreen seed mixtures for both permanent hay and pasture seeding, put up by Purity Seed Co. Ltd., Brantford, Ontario. Consult us for your re- quirements. J. W. Crich, RR 4, Clinton, phone HU 2-9204. 14-15-p ',TEACHERS WANTED GODERICH TOWNSHIP School Area requires two teachers for, Schools No. 6 and No. 4. Please state qualifications and present inspector. Frank Yeo, secretary- treasurer, RR 3, Clinton, 14-5-b PROTESTANT TEACHER want- ed for USS No. 2 Hallett and Goderich Township. School 11/2 miles from town. Duties to com- mence September 1st. Apply -stating qualifications to Keith Tyndall, secretary-treasuret, RR 4, Clinten. Applications to be in by April 14th. 14.-5-h REAL. ESTATE ONE AND A :UAT.X.sToni four bedroom house, four-piece hath, low priced, early possession, terms under VIAA.. Phone HU 2-9605. 12-13,14-p FOUR ROOM •CCUTACIE ON, Maple Street. Ideally .situated, For mformation contact T. M. Falconer, HU 23843, Mrs, Verna Glazier, KU 2.9279, Executor and Executrix for the estate of the late Mrs. Elizabeth .Glazier. 13-4p , . . 30 ACRE FARM, lot 34, Con, 7, Goderich Twp, Barn .30'x56", 12. acres standing timber, 13 acres ploughed, balance seeded in perr rnan.ent pasture, spring creek, If not sold will rent,' Phone HU 2- 9181, Toni Hudie, -14-p. TWO LOTS AND CEMENT block building, 52 x 28, asphalt roof, in A-1.- condition, equipped with chimney, located on Welling- ton street. Cash or terms. Apply Melvin Elliott or Robert Elliott, phones HU 2-721.7 or 9287. 10-tfb, IN CLINTON, APARTMENT house, •average income $250 mon. thly, Fully furnished,, separate meters, 'heavy wired, oil fUrnace. Priced at $1.0,500 with - terms. Apartments all full. Taxes $190. Phone HU 2-3844, 14-5-p FOR AS LITTLE AS $250 Down, you can own a home of your own -on a choice lot. For further in- formation see Larry Genius, 184 Huron Street, your Colonial Home agent. IIU 2-9600. 26tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard • G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd Moore, RR, 5, Clinton, 11U 2- 9572. 11,tfb 36,750.06-11/2 storey frame house situated on double lot, House has recently been , remodelled, Two-tone asbestos siding. New oil forced air furnace. Modern kitchen with built-in cupboards. 3-piece bath down. 3 bedrooms up. New tile floors. Owner mov- ing from •town. $6,000.00—Two storey insul brick house, 1 block from main inter- section. 4 bedrooms and bath up. 1 bedroom down, Could be changed to duplex—two entranc- es—spacious lot—good residen- tial district. Owner wishes to sell for health reasons and will con- sider mortgage. K. W. Colquhoun REAL. ESTATE & INSURANCE Isaac Street—P ho ne HU 2-9747 Vic Kennedy„ Salesman Phone Blyth 78 REAL ESTATE , on:a sitofirre:13awbxec4iirpio.: room, ranch ratypoe. dwelling, living. room with Mt- ern kitchen, forced air oil heat- ing, basement with recreation room, aluminum. '''sint°11711s958,,scLror 45p944rolgIcrarely1:•$711xt 120'. Down p.ayment $6,000 bal- ance under .C,M, fg.4 H, payment plan. i.y? storey 7 room _dwelling, 3 bed- rooms, 3-piece bath, hot air tur., nim:ne, t .$g19,°00c10,1cireelarce• PlIrranellPtlhaly" ).' payments.. Two. storey,,two apartment hot water heating with oil, each Apartment, Corner lot 132' by 165'. Excellent location-- Down payment $5,000, balance oujerins. One etorey„ two apartment brick dwelling, A 01 1 ale r heating, tm en bed- rooms,, Excel- lent . condition, ;1.4oesto :two blocks from post office, Down payment p,000, balance'' on Wens. 114Censttrgarl" M3oribegaclgre°64%'' d.HWoegaigigg, Corp. Low monthly payments. Two storey brick store 'with 2 bed- room modern Apartment, early possession, Lot 66'x127' with cement block building 18'x24', good location, Price $1,000. ' Lot 460'x190', situated on High- way 4. About Ye mile south RCAF Station Clinton. Suitable for lots or motel. H. C. LAWSON REAL ESTATE HOTEL CLINTON BLOCK HU 2-9644 1.2tfle TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BL,OWES TRAVEL Service, 32 Wellington St., Stratford. Phone 170. Agents for all airlines and steamship, companies. CNR ticket office. All Cruise, Tour and Hotel reservations. GERMAN & DUTCH spoken. 14-b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of JOHN MERVIN ELLIOTT, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Salesman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said -Estate, on or before the 11th day of April, A.D. 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled -there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notive shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 18th day of March, A.D. 1960. E. B. Menzies, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. 12-13-14-b ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTeIt OLUX Sales and Service. Gary Cooper, Gordon Street, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-7209. 11-tfb BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE, very good coedition, Apply 223 Ontario Street. 14p ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- down. Don C. Coiquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial IFIU 2-3297, atfb ENGLISH CARRIAGE, in excel- lent condition; Tnetal ironing hoard; GE leettle, Phone HU 2•••9323. 14b HIDE-A-BED CHESTERFIELD "Suite and chair. Price $75, Phone HU 2-9833. 14-b GLJERNEY PROPANE GAS stove with coal and wood annex in cellent "condition. Mr, T. M. Fal- coner, HU 2-3843. 13-4-p 21" PICTURE TUBES, installed, $34.95. Type 21ALP4A, one year guarantee. Call Ted Ryder's TV, HU 2-9320. 13-14-15.16-1e RCA VICTOR 17" TV with aerial, good shape, cheap for quick sale. Phone HU 2-9079, Roy Mann's Supertest Service Station. 14-p ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR, lat- est model, in excellent condition, owner must sell; now living in furnished apartment. Phone HU 2-9573, located over Chapman's Barber Shop. e 13p-14b SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, includine lovely "Cornflower". -See it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china, Counter's Jewellery. 14 p LATE MODEL DAVENPORT and chesterfield combination, matching chair, original price $220, sold less than half price, owner must sell, transferred, Phone HU 2-9226. - 13-14-b NEW AND USED TV's—We re- condition„ and guarantee our trade-ins. All sizes from: $50 up. Hutchinson Radio and TV, Huron Road, Goderich, phone JA 4-7831.' 14-15.16-17p TELEVISION TRADE NOW, Bring your old TV, take your new one away. Choose from RCA, Victor, Admiral, Electrohome T. A. DUTTONAPPLIANCES, Bruce- field, phone HU 2-3232. Open evenings till 9 lam. 1-tfb DRAIN TILE 1",e$55 per M de- livered; 5", $85 delivered; 6",.$110 delivered; 8", $175 delivered. Pric- es, 10", 12", 14" on request. Rydall Brick'and Tile Ltd., Elginfield, ph- one BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 1-52p ATTENTION DAIRYMEN and Beef Producers. See Badger Silo Unioader and Auger Feeders- in operation. Loweet prices on stable cleaners. Bill Armstrong, RR 3, Bayfield, phone 58r14. 8p-tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special, care. Phone for an even- rig appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU 2-7054, Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb FOR QUICK SALE--:Child's steel crib, $10; tricycle, 16-inch wheel, $6.00; junior bed, inner spring mattress, $20.00; floor polish type Eaton's "Viking", $20.00; lady's light grey suit, size 14, wool gab- ardine, $5.00. RCA 21" TV with timer, c/w multi-channel antenna and rater assembly, 5150,00. Phone HU 2-9967. 14-5-b Announcement: Having recently sold my interest in Central Cities Service to Mr. Elmer Hugill, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all my friends in Clinton and surrounding district for past patronage for which I have been most appreciative. --BUD GRAHAM 14-b