Clinton News-Record, 1960-02-25, Page 81 NOVis-Record TherSdey, Febrile r 254, 1964 News of ,AIISS .WM' L WOO** PHONg: A/MI:MP 45 r3 YANA South 4foron1c,014 South Huron Orenge Lodge met in the Vopia Orange Hall :on Tuesday evening Test for their annual meeting A large number of Orangemen from the various lodges ,in the county at, tended, also visitors from North Huron, Kitchener anti. AlPinston. The local. celebration is to be held in Rrussles on. TuesdaY, July 12, andon Saturday, July 9, a number of lodges from. here are .attending the Ceatennial celebra- tion in Toronto- Barden 13roWn of Seaforth was re-elected county master for 1960; other officers elected were deputy Master, Oliver Jacques, Howell; chaplain, James Morris, Goderich; recording secretary, Fred 1‘,/leCly- ziont, Varna; financial secretary, Harry Odell, Clinton: treasurer, Frank Falconer, Clinton; marshall, Mdlwain, .ayrield; first, lecturer, Fro Jggill-csPYI, Wood- harry; second lecturer, .Claytori Hudgins; Clinton; deputy marshal, Earl Cooper, Goderich, The officers were Installed by Past Grand Lodge Master Carl Smith, Kitche,ner, HOLMESVILLE MRS. F. MCCULLOUGH Photle HU 2-7418 WA Meeting The Woman's Association fol- /lowed with the president, Mrs. Reg. Miller in charge. She read the Scripture lesson, and Ninian Heard gave the comments on it, Mrs. Frank McCullough gave ' the treasurer's report. It as plan- ned to have a Grokinole party and Auction sale at the InTtmesville School on March 18, et was de- cided' to' put a double sink in the church kitchen, at the time the drain is put in at the side of the church. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs, Miller. Hostessse for the day were Mrs. Kenneth Harris, Mrs'. William Norman and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha. WMS Meeting, With Mrs. Stewart Farquhar's group in charge of the program, and Mrs. Ninian Heard in the chair, the February meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society . of Holmesville United Church opened -with the call to worship, given by Mrs. Heard. Mrs. William.Bend- er read the Scripture lesson. The devotional period was bas- ed on the Lord's Prayer with Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs. J. A, McKim, Mrs. William Norman and Mrs. Ninian Heard taking the lead, and all members making the responses, and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, The president, Mrs. Jack Yeo conducted the business session, Plans were made for a spring thankofferine meeting, at which time societies ftom Porter's Hill, Union, Taylor's Corner arid Mid- dleton will be guests, The -vice- presidents, Mrs. Leslie Jervis, Mrs. Stewart Farquhar, Mrs. Lloyd Bond and Mrs. 'John Grigg were named a committee to get a speaker, and make further plans. It was' also decided to join with the rest of the societies for this district, in observing Women's World Day of Prayer in the Bap- tist Church in Clinton. Mrs. J. A. McKim gave a few points on the coming vote in Clinton in regards to. the liquor question. Mrs. Barth Walter read a let- ter from Mrs. Moote art Christian stewardship, naming Miss Dulcie Cooke as the missionary for pray- er. Mrs. William Norman gave an interesting review of the chap, ter in the study book, Africa Disturbed. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs, Ninian Heard. •••••••+. • miciw NEW; Esso • M:P GREASE, H in .cariridgos: USED CARS 1959 CHEVROLET Impala 4-Door Hardtop, fully powered, special motor 348 h.p, H. D. equipment. Saving of $1,100 off list - $3,195.00 3-1959 PONTIAC Laurentian Sedans, auto-` matic, fully, equipped $2,595.00 1959 CHEVROLET- Bel-Air Sedan, auto- matic $2,495.00 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne Sedan, auto- • matic, fully eauipped $2,350.00 1959 CHEVROLET Biseayne Sedan, fully equipped $2,795.00 1958 OLDSMOBILE 4-dr. Hardtop, power equipped $2,495.00 1958 PONTIAC Strata-Chief, fully equip pod $2,095.00 1958 CHEVROLET Sedan, automatic V8 ,$2,195.00 1956 MERCURY Sedan, fully powered $1,495.00 1956 CHEVROLET Sedan, automatic ,,, $1,495.00 1956 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, radio ,,$1,395.00 1956 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan $1,395.00 1956 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan $1,295.00 1956 FORD Coach, 8 cyl. $1,295.00 1955 DODGE Coach with radio $ 795.00 1954 BUICK Special, automatic $ 995.00 1953 FORD Sedan .$ 695.00 1953 FORD Sedan, automatic $ 495.00 A number of 1954 CHEVROLET Standards and automatics, ranging in price from ,$ 650.00 to $ 850.00 TRUCKS... 1955 INTERNATIONAL, 14 ft. platform with racks $1,250.00 " ALL CARS UNDER COVER AND HEATED, CAN BE SEEN IN COMFORT ANYTIME MANY OLDER MODELS AVAILABLE Cars Can Be Driven Away at the Prices Listed-in This Advertisement Brussels Motors Brussels, Ont. Phone 173 Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer \‘‘,. Smileage HOLLAND'S TIRE SERVICE 24 Princess. St. CLINTON — HU 2-9559 20% Discounts ON HUNTING 'CLOTHES. ETC. IN STOCK DROP 'SEAT.„HUNTING COATS Khaki bucks, Wool lined with Hood `Sizes 40, . 42, 44 Reg. $19.95 *ME BOYS" VOurt 'MADMAN( OfThe MEV Fun AYAII.AINZ IN YOUR ctoratort roll. SE SEEING US' li THE ADS... RUN BY: Save Feed Dollar Clinton Feed Mill SERVICE IS OUR MIDDLE NAME CITIES SERVICE, scatfioN FOR EVER": iNG IN • PETROLEUM et HU.2-9653 CLINTON 0 JACK Wield Trinity Women's Auxilim Hold Meeting At "The Nut"; Hear Reports Sgt, .artcl Mt's. J.. .1.Y.farnan, .and 'Jeffrey, Centraiia„were with:Pecr -pare and MO, ft, M4.0. milieu from. „,F.riday to..StinaaY. When Mr, .and Adant Flow- era wept to Toronto this Week, their granddaughter Debbie, who. has. been .witti them for three Weeks, returned to the WY, • Mr.,- and,a s,:Grant 'Turner, Barbara, MarY ElVa, both ErViTre visited "Mrs, 'Turner's 4 niece, 'Ms. Gerald Clarke, • A.rvai on Sunday; Mr, and .Mrs. Jack Rounder, Johnny,. Catherine and Mat's, accoMptinied by Mrs. L, Rtirt, London, YisitedlYrrs, Lloyd Sec/Wie- n*, and family on. 'Sunday. The Rev. E, J. E..Kaersen tereled a meeting of the Deanery Of 'Huron- Chapter of.. which he is secretary, at St. johreS $xlassGtts, Mrs, R, MaelVtifien rettirricd borne en rriday been in London for a week .owing. the death of her ,hrother-in-low, Archibald YOung, which occur,red at his, -home oil February 14, R.. L, MacMillen was 4.IS4 in LOA14.9o, for the funeral, Sylvia FiWitnens retUriled to .01)CT . DTI Monday' eelernieig, -She was hospitaliml „ for .4. couple of days f011owhig the accident „ in which the geheol bus and 'an atito- mobile,. were in-...collision on the 13.ayfield Line at $.40 Teen, on Feb:: r guy 17, The TrinitY Club Will meet on: March 1 at the home of Mrs, Alt. F. Scotchiner. A well-knOwn- end popiilar speaker has consented to acquaint the members' with as- Nets of his profession which will (By our Hayfield Correspondent) The Cob Pack with their lead, era, Mrs Robert Turner, CUbmast- er, and, Mrs, A. F.:,Scotchiner, sistant, the Scout Troop. with their. master, Merton Meruer; the Guide Company with Nu's. ,QPIant, TWO* ere captain, Mrs. R. 11/faeveiliii, . ..„ of 'interest and beilefit to tlipM.. Bridge .0110 Cht Wednesday, February 17, .lv'frs, R.. A. Simons ante tanned - her bridge club at "SliangFI-La". MrS, P. Phelan WAS the ree$Pi.ent of the booby pride for the .evenpng. prime Were given on the aggr'eg'ate . SVPre. of 'four` ,SOSiOna, to Mrs. Q.„ Bruce, first; Mrs, S.Brightwell, secondr.Mrs, R. A. Simons, third. A delicious lunch was served Try Mrs. F. S. Lebedovitch, Mrs, At Michalski and Mrs. L, Wade. Members and subs who +mpg from the RCAF Station Clinton married quarters were Mrs, M, Michalski, Mrs. J, A. Glover, Mrs, E.,S. Jackson, Mrs. S.'Lehedeeriteh, Mrs. W. 3, White, Mrs; P. Folard,. Mrs. F: C. Buschlen,- Mrs. L. A, Wade, Mrs, D, Bruce, Mrs, C, H. Hawthorne,-. Mrs-, T. G. Phelan, Boy,fieldNalive No* 90 Yeah .- Old (By our Bayfield` Correspondent) Congratulations and best wishes go to Mrs. William Howard who on February 5, 1960, marked 'her 90th leirdeley. She resides with her daughter, Mrs. C, Wiley, 1190 Stephenson Road, Onsted, Mich- igan, Recently. Mrs. C, Wallace of Detroit has pined her sister and mother. MT's: Wiley entertained members of the family on the Sunday in celebration of her mother's birth- day. Beloved by relatives here, "Aunt. Ellen", has kept abreast of the times. But despite TV and needle- work to pass the time in the winter, she longs for spring when •she can get out to work in the garden. Last year her melon4 grew to. the largest size ever, and the crop was so abundant that she gave them away to the neighbours and friends to get rid of them, Ac- cording 'to the stories of the deys when Mrs. Howard was a girl in Eayfield, there was no trouble dis- posing of melons. Mere often than not, the patch" carefully watcheel over and tended by the owner, be= came the object of a raid by the village boys). Mrs. Howard was born in Bay- field. - She is the youngest daugh- ter and only surviving member of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heard who settled here in the early days. Nothing delights her more •than to receive a letter with news of the village or .former Bayfielders. FARME 11S Are You Going To Waste Time and Fuel Again This Year? DON'T! Trade In Those Old Tractor Tires Now On B. F. GOODRICH Power Grip . Tractor Tires Put that Extra. GO Back In Your Ttractor Do It No Before Those Tries Blow Out And Are Worth Nothing As A Trade. SEE US NOW AT Clinton's Complete Tire Service • FOR lieutenant, and Mrs. J. LindS. assistant; and: til9 -)3;•Qmaltos ,, aY,. , wlta Mrs, J. 13. Higgins, DM/PM OK and Mrs. Austin McCurdy, Tawny Owl, numbering about .40- in all,' attended service at Trinity Chureb. on Sunday morning,. After gathering in 'the parish hall, the rector escorted them m 'through the, -thancel to the reSew- eti seats, The colour party fol- lowed the choir and proceeded too the back of the nave, , „- After the singing of the first hymn, they „moved up the aisle to the chancel to deposit their flags,„ end: 'tor the singing of 'the National Anthem. Bearer's Weee; Mary. Elizaibeth Erverie; Jackie Weston (Guides}, Nig01 -1301101.1.0m-her and George Lindsay (Scouts), Ricky Talbot (Cubs). Harrison based his impres- sive sermon on, I> 'Timothy 2: 14, "Of these things keep them in, remembrance.” In keeping with Baden Powell Day and Thinking Day, on Febru- ary 22, he reviewed the life of Lord Baden Powell, his work in Africa, and how the inspiration fer the scout newer-rent merle from the* fact that boys -were used es messengers. in the siege of lVfafe- • king, 1111 the, Boer War. When he returned to England he organized the Bay Scouts In 1907, and the Guides in ;1909, Ile had a greet sympathy for and knowledge Of children and• his books are commended for leaders.- The speaker pointed out that the organization call for right- eousnees and purity of living, stressing .the promises. made by the girls andThoys, 4 'On my hon- our," "It is a great thing to be re- garded as an ,honourable person, highly respected in the commun- ity," said Mr, Harrison, "We promise to do our best according to our ability," - The Thinking Day ceremony of the Brownie Pack consisted of the whole story of Thinking Day. The Fairy Gold for that evening goes to 'the World Friendship' Fund, Thoughtfulness every day was stressed byliirown Owl and Tawny Owl. In caerying out the pPeLerarre each Brownie had a flag of dif, ferent countries pinned on her, arid as she lighted her candle ;she thought of. the Brownies in that land. On Monday, February 22, they wore their badges to school for Thinking Day. At Guides on February 15, Mrs. Grant Turner, Mrs. R. MacVean and Mrs, J, Lindsay held an en- rolment when the following girls who came up from Brownies in June were enrolled as Guides. Barbara Turner, Micheline Lavoie, Lynnda Scotchmer, Ellen • Lindsey Janice Merrier, Linda Gerneirtharcet and. Joan Mote. Sylvia Fitzsim- ons received her hostess, laund- ress, cook's and child nurse bad- ges. Margaret Wallis received her first class badge, laundress, needle- woman' atitl cook's badgeS. The mothers of those- enrolled attend- ed. Thursday night a Court of Hon- our was' held at the home of Mrs, Grant Turner, captain. An investiture was held .. by Scoutmaster Merton Merrier,~ as- sisted-by Patrol Leader Howard Scotchmer, on Monday evening for Michael Turner and Johnny Tal- bot, Phillip Turner received his Leaping Wolf badge at a Scout ceremony on February 15. He is the first boy to go up from Bay-. field Cubs to :Scouts and get this badge. There are now 16 mem- bers in the troop, Seaforth Business Joins Ontario Coop Members of the Seaforth Farm- ers Co-operative approved the merger of the Co-op's half million dollar egg and poultry business. with the United Dairy and Poultry Co-operatives of Weston, at a members meeting on February 10, at Seaforth. The egg and poultry shippers to the Seaforth Co-op will now be able to '„,become members of the UDPC, arid have the advantage of marketing their products through the province-wide dairy and poul- try co-operative. The feed and farm supplies program of the Sea- forth co-operative is not affected by this merger and will continue to serve farmers in the Seaforth area, "We are pleased that the Sea- forth district farmers see fit 'to merge 'their egg and poultry op- erations with us," said Robert S. McKereher, president of UDPC. "The Seaforth Co-op is the foterth co-operative in the province to merge its dairy or poultry opera- tions with UDPC. The mergers mean, increased efficiency of oper- ations for farmer co-operatives handling these products and bet- ter service to the farmer." (Py our gayfleld .Corresp,ondeitt)„ 'MrS. J. B. .Higgins played for the opening hymn at the „Meoti-40, of 'the Woman's Auxiliary at "The Hut op. Thereday, February' 28, The rector, the Rev, E. Harrison, conducted the Litany and: opening prayers. 'Mrs. William 11., Elliott read the Scripture, St. gat*, chapter 4, 13, sg and St, Matthew 18, .$-$5, Following The reading of the raingtea, the secretary, Mrs. T. W. Castle ;read a letter from Mrs, S. H. Bryant in which she hacl eloeld a donation to the WA in lieu, of flowers in memory .of a dear friend, Mrs. Esther Sinipson who recently passed to a higher service, at Belleville. Also a lot- ter to 'the rector from The Prim- ate of Canada drawing to the at- tention of all church`rncinbers the special collection on Sexagesinta Sunday for 'his fund for World Refugee work. Plans were made for the pan- cake supper 'to be held in the parish hall on Shrove Tuesday, March 1, Taking into considera- tion the Cost of maple syrup and food in general, it was decided to increase the price to 60 cents for adults this year. The president, Lucy' R. Woods, announced that the. presidente of the' missionary groups of St, And- rew's United Church, Knox Pres- byterian and Trinity Church had met and planned the service for the latter church on the Women's World Day of Prayer on March 4. Manitoba President To Speak At Huron OFU Meeting . Rudy. Usick, president of the Manitoba Farmers Union, will be in Clinton tomorrow night,. Fri- day, February 26, to attend a meeting of the Huron District Ontario Farmers Union. Mr. Usick helped to organize farm unions in this' area several years ago.- According to Gordnn ne, president of the Ontario Far- mere Union, the OFU has pre- sented two suggestedequestionseto the Ontario Farm Products Mar- keting Board for consideration as ballots on the coming hog mar- keting vote. They are: 1. Are yeti in favour of a com- pulsory marketing plan for hogs? 2. Are you in. favour of the pres- ent marketing plan for hogs? • DALEVISTA • GUERNSEYS COWS AND BRED HEIFERS FOR SALE Our Junior Bull Calf that was bred and exhibited by us was first at the Royal. "Corn King" Products for Livestock and Poultry Wm. J. Dale R.R. 1, Clinton Phone Seaforth 860r21 2-tfb Mrs. Lore SPerl(e will give the aciciross ,on this oeeAsion, Mrs, 3, R., Higgins, edireationer• secretary, gave a report of Ater .meoting of cloperF prOOdonks act secretary-treasurers which was: held recently at St. Paul's Cali,. earal, London, relieve/tie. the 40sIng rmaY0r0.' by the rector, Mrs, Percy Weete(1,.. hostess, served tea, Little L0's AnnaMcLeod, assisted her .grand, mother, W.frs, J, LarSo urer, by taking up the collection;. CITIES SERVICE All Bayfield Scouting Groups Observe Founder's Day With Special Activities LEAKPROOF: TROUBLE-FREEI You just slip the cap off a Cartridge, insert it in your grease gun, and you're ready to, grease , any fitting. There's no waste, no mess ... and no dirt can get in. Esso MP Grease H in cartridges will save you time and protect your valuable " equipment. Give your Imperial Esso Agent a call. , special introductory offer Ask about our special offer on Esso MP Grease cartridges and the new Esso cartridge gun. Offer good for a limited time only. always look to Imperial far the best HAROLD M. BLACK Phone HU 2-3873 — James Street — Clinton President, Manitoba Fo'eers' Union Will Be Speaking In Clinton, Friday, February 26 at 8.30 p.m. In The Agricultural Board Room Everyone Welcome LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH LITTLE BOYS SKATES RED AND BLACK MACKINAW COATS Size 42 Reg. $24.50 DELUXE WOOL SHIRTS Reg. $7.95 Sizes 15-151/2 SPECIAL 0.00 2 ONLY UNLINED MACKINAW COATS Medium Size Reg. $17.50 2 RUBBERIZED HUNTING PARKAS Reg. $18.95 KHAKI DUCK WOOL LINED HUNTING PANTS Size 32 - Reg. $14.95 RED AND BLACK MACKINAW HUNTING PANTS Size 42 Reg. $9.75 KHAKI DRILL HUNTING PANTS Reg. $8.50 LARGE SIZE WOOL SHIRTS Assorted Colours Reg. $7.95 HUNTING PACK SACKS—Complete with Carrying Straps and Trunk Line - Reg. $9.95 REVERSIBLE HUNTING CAPS and HATS Rig. $2.50 CCM HOCKEY SKATES- Speeigi 04.9 eg. 19.9 5 5 BOYS HOCKEY SKATES s.i z.'sp4e5ccete.$V.Ii5) White in the store be sure and look at the LADIES' SPORT SHOES 'AND SLIPPERS, HANDBAGS, and also FANCY BEADED BELTS in assorted sizes. Spot ,Nt,t9 soara Aggialf Reg. $5,98 'Special $4.80 111111111111111111111111111111n Huron Street, Clinton Phone HU 2-3815