The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-12-13, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 'nWHSIMT, DECEMBER 13, W28 i..........t .................................................................................................< Huron County Council (Continued from previous page.) iVlr. Hawes, povineial highway in* apector, for this district was present, and addressed the council regarding the work being, done. He said the day for team hauling was about pass­ ed and tlhat trucks were fast taking their place. The report of the Education com­ mittee was taken up with Mr. Hig­ gins in the chair. The report of the Finance com­ mittee was taken up with Mr. Adams In the chair. Moved by Messrs. Henneberg and Wright tihat a» Wroxeter will have hydro by the first of the year and as there are two dangerous corners in the village on the county highway it would be advisable to have a light placed at each corner. Sent to Good Hoads Commission. Moved by Higgins and Kennedy that this council grant to the Village of Hensall and the Township of Tuckersmith a reasonable sum to maintain the road east of Hensall though the Township of Tucker­ smith a distance of 5 miles. Sent to Good Roads Commission. Moved by Messrs. McKibbon and Hili that the committees of the Hu­ ron County Council beginning 19 29 be as follows: Executive Com. 5; Legislative 5; Finance 5; Education 5; County Property 5; House of Re­ fuge 5; Wardenis Com. 5; Agricul­ tural Advisory Com, 5; Children’s Shelter 3, of which the Warden be one. Good Roads Commission 3. Carried, We a|so recommend that wherever possible that at least one of the previous years members of the Agricultural Advisory Com., Chil­ dren’s Shelter, Good Roads Com. be atmong those present. Inspector Beacon) was present and was asked «to address tilie council. Thursday Morning After roll call and minutes Mr. 0. Ginn, Inspector for enforcing the Corn Borers Act, said from reports it was evident the corn borer was getting under control and there was a general increase in corn grow­ ing. He said the infection in Huron averaged about 20 per cent. There •were still some .aggravated cases but altogether the results were good. Mr. T. R. Patterson, County En­ gineer, presented his report for the year to date. He went fully into the matter of operating trucks in hauling gavel and also the keeping open of the roads in winter. Johnston and Langford: That this council express our sympathy with the old age pension and would urge the adoption of tihe legislation by the government.. Carried. McKibbon and Kennedy: That those members of Huron County Council unable to attend the Special meeting of the Advisory Board be placed on the pay sheet as usual. Carried. • Baeker and Inglis: That the Mo­ the’s Allowance, committee be paid §145.00 to be divided as follows: Chairman $65; secretary $3 5; ‘three •members each $15. Carried. Hubbard' and Anderson: That Messrs. Cox, Klopp, Henderson and the Warden and Clerk be appointed a special committee to investigate the matters referred to by the War­ den in his address re the steno- gaphic service rendered in the Court House; also the admission of indig­ enes to (hospitals and the bills in connection therewith and report with recommendations to the coun­ cil at the January meeting. Carried Thursday Afternoon Following the roll call and min­ utes Mr. C. A. Robertson, M.L.A., addressed the council on the invita­ tion of the Warden. He said tihat a great portion of our Educational Act was put there by the- High Schools and their interests. He thought that at the next session of the leg­ islature much change would he brought about with regard to our hospitals. In reference to highways he thought it a mistake to ask for a reduction of payments when -we were, constantly asking for more mileage. He thought the increase in the gasoline tax was alright and be thought the next thing would be compulsory inisuranee for automo­ biles. In speaking of keeping the roads open in winter he thought it al­ most an impossibility in the north and in cases, of gravel roads was in­ jurious in many cases. The County Property committee brought in its report with Mr. Smell in the chair. The Special Committee reported •with Mr. Johnston in the chair. Con­ siderable discussion took place on the clause where the committee re­ ported no action in the case of the request for the approval of the coun­ cil of the scheme for superannuation allowances for goalers, or placing these officers on the Civil Service list. Finally the following resolu­ tion of approval be sent forward with the proviso that the scmne is made self supporting. The House of Refuge committee report was taken up with Mr. Cox 3u the chair. The Executive Committee report was taken up with Mr. Beattie in the chair. The Good Roads Commission re­ port was taken up with Mr. Mc­ Kibben in the chair. Mr, Thos. In­ glis gave a very full and interesting report of the visit of the G.R.C. to ^Michigan where they went during the summer to inspect the methods employed in that state in their high’ way construction. Moved (by Messrs, MeKibbpn and Dr. (Milne that this council memor­ ialize the provincial government to take over the road from Clinton to Wingham as a. provincial highway thus making the complete London Road a provincial highway, Carried Moved by Messrs. Kennedy and Goetz that Thomas Gundry, Sr., be appointed constable undei* the Liquor Control Act under section 121 to act in and for the county of Huron jn tihe enforcement of said act and that a by-law be passed confirming this appointment. Left over to the January meeting. Moved by Messrs. Beattie and Dodds that the Good Roads Commis­ sion have snow fences erected on the county road north of Seaforth at the different places wlhere it is needed, estimated amount needed 120 rods, Carried, Moved by Messrs. Hill and Cox that the government be requested to change the act apportioning, the fines from inf'omation laid on county road's to the county insteady of to municipalities where complaint is laid. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Inglis and Hen­ derson that is is with feelings of the deepest regret that this council learns of the continued illness of our beloved Sovereign, that we ex­ tend our sincerest sympathy and do earnestly hope and pray that he may be restored to health and live many years "fo reign over us. This motion was carried unanimously, the coun­ cil standing and singing “God Save the King.” Thursday Evening The Council met in the evening at 7:30 p.m. with the Warden in the chair. The Clerk read an application for the position of motor cycle operator from Mr. Norman Lever, Fruit|and, Onl“. Referred to the Good Roads Commission. Mr. Young, County Treasurer, ad­ dressed the council with reference to a bonus for the year as the work of the office had increased. After much discussion it was moved by McKibbon and Anderson that Mr. Young be granted $150 as a bonus for extra work during the year. Car­ ried. Towards the close of the session the Warden was asked to vacate the chair and Mr. Beattie was appointed chairman. The Warden and coun­ cillors Hill and Cox were asked to come forward. Councillor Hill read an address to the Warden which ap­ pears elsewhere and Councillor Cox presented the County Council’s gift, a gold-headed cane. The Warden made a very appropriate and feeling reply thanking the council for the splendid mark of their appreciation. All of the councillors spoke appre- iately of Mr. Hayes work as Warden during the year. House of Refuge Committee The four regular meetings were held at times fixed and quarterly ac­ counts were audited and orders is­ sued as follows: March $3311.33; June $2414.89; September $5090.- 50; December $1981.64; Tofal $12,- 798.36. Since our June meeting, we have had new flooring in -the men’s dormi­ tory at a cost of $375.00 and have had the pump repaired which has made the water system satisfactory. The report of the government in­ spector was very favorable and high­ ly creditable and complimentary to the management. Re tilie changes in bathrooms re­ commended by inspector we recom­ mend that they be referred to Janu­ ary council. The deaths during the year have been more - numerous than in any year in the history of the house. There have been 25 deaths, average age 75.6, particulars may be seen in printed report which has been handed to each member. At the last meeting in December it was found that the refrigeration plant was worn out. We recommend the purchase of a Frigiidair plant ac­ cording to specifications attached at a cost of $ 1072.50. This item was adopted by the couneij. We inspected the other buildings and plants in conneotion with the County Home ad found everything in first-class shape. The products of file farm were first-class with the exception of on­ ions which were almost a total fail­ ure. We were only enabled to realize $97.00 from sale of tobacco and re­ commend discontinuance of the crop. Carried. Wo have found the inspector and other officials in connection with the Home efficient in every way and attentive to all details. Committee Property Committee We have examined the goal ami f'lund every thing 111 good order with nine p risom>rs there in. We visite d the gisiry office and found everything order. As the legist r ar m,'eds i nore space for t'il- iug pa.pors.We Wiould recommend that Jue get plans fo r sumo and sub- in it th em tc1 the Jarmary meeting. Wo recon 1 m end m >w valves be put in the rad I a tors wl lore needed and the window a n d blind in the Court Room ho repairs I. John A. Manson, Chairman Special Committee Re recommendation of the St. John Indian School re Smith. We recommend that this case and other similiar cases be referred to tlm gov­ ernment for immediate legislation; that the county will not he undei' any obligation for maintenance it the parent or others in control have removed from the county or when that class are re-admitted to these institutions; <tliat when these cases are put on parole and re-ad'mitted it should be on another charge. Car­ ried, Re recommendation of the Goal Governor’s Association in respect to goal officials superannuation. We recommend no action, Re resolution of tlie united coun­ ties of Stormont, Dundas and Glen­ garry that ithe assessment of the Province of Ontario be amended to provide that lands and premises and their appurtenances exempted by lo­ cal municipalities shall not be ex­ empted from county rates or assess­ ments. We concur in this resolu­ tion and we further recommend that a, copy of this resolution be forward­ ed to the Honorable, the Attorney General of the Province of Ontario, and to the Honorable tlie Minister of Public Works and Highways of the Province of Ontario and to the members elect of the Legislative As­ sembly, Carried, In regard to By-law No. 12 which was passed in 19 06 and referred to us. We submitted' the by-law Ao our county solicitor for considera­ tion. We concur in his report and submit it to the council for consid­ eration. Ernest A. Adams, Chairman Finance Committee Re R. Paty account of Bowman- ville school. We refer this matter to our solicitor. Carried. Re communication of the Royal Bank, Goderich, regarding a portion of the county’s bank business. We recommend that the Warden and Treasure!’ interview the manager of the Royal Bank and report to the County Council at their first session in 1929. Carried. Regarding the payments of hos­ pitals accounts ire indfigents. We recommend that the county pay these accounts as in the past. A. Baeker, Chairman HCRON CO. ROAD COMMISSION’ The working season of 1928 has been almost completed, and the pro­ gram of works approved in June have been carried out, as nearly in accordance with proposals as condi­ tions would permit. The wet sea­ son, however, did' not permit much work bo be done on the McKillip- Gray Boundary, and has been made very difficult fire carrying out of other work. On the new county roads south of McGraw and north at Bluevale it was found necessary to widen sections of the roacl as these were found to be to narrow for safety. It is fortunate that a large program of bridge and road con­ struction was not undertaken, as the traffic on many roads wo.uld have been interrupted very seriously on account of exces.sve rain. To date $168,140.26 has been expended, and at the end of the year it is expect­ ed tilrat there wijl be a small surplus but not sufficient to wipe out the deficit from last year, as was hoped. However, the extra maintenance work done has shown results on the roads and we are pleased to report that the roads in general are much improved. Since, however, no bridges were built, and a comparatively small amount of permanent work was done, it is obvious that we can­ not continue to maintain our roads to a high standard with the present low highway rate in view of the in­ creasing demands from the traffic. During the year most -of our grav­ el was hauled by truck, partly by our own trucks. Hired trucks were paid 20c. and 18c. per yard mile, and we "are submitting herewith a statement, showing the costs of hauling by the County owned trucks, which we believe you will find int­ eresting. Huron County Truck Records Truck No. 1—From Juno 16th to November 19th, 1928, miles travell­ ed 13-.S71; gravel hauled 15,432 yd. miles; value of grading and other jobs done $70.00. Costs, licenses $60.00; operator’s wages $452.36; gasoline 1<)27 gallons $422.88; oil 197 quarts $45.20; repairs new lir<‘s $202.00; sundry $82.05; interest on investment 55% on $28.50 for six months $78.37; depreciation otm third of $285011 $950.00; total $2.- 292.86 less value of grading etc, $70.00——$2222.86 at 15,432 yard miles cost $222.86 or 14.4c. per-’mile Truck Number 2—-miles travelled 13.496; gravel hauled 16,303 yard miles; value of grading and odd job- $165.50. Costs-— license $60.00, operator's wages $402.85; gas, 1,555 gallons, $342.10; oil 117 qts. $27.- 3o, repairs $23.60; interest on in­ vestment $78.37; depreciation $11 lo total $2074.22, less value of grading etc., $165.00. 16,303 yard mil­ cost $1908.72 or 11.7c. per yard mile. When it is considered that teams at $5.00 per day hauling 15 yards and travelling 27 miles per day would cost 25c. per yard mile, the economy of truck h'auling is very plainly seen. Re petition of ratepayers of the Village of Bayfield and petition of A Genuine ROGERS Batteryless Radio and PllOlBOgFBpll W. J. BEER,Main St.,Exeter, Ont. COOK BROS.,- -Hensall, Ont. “Rogers—The World’s Best Radio” COMBINES all the advantages of the Rogers “Four Hundred” Highboy and a built-in phonograph with electrical pick-up unit in one complete instrument—at a price heretofore unapproached for a radio of this type. Reproduces phonograph records through the A/C Audio System. Radio equipment, cabinet and speaker same as “Four Hundred” Elighboy. One year ago a Rogers of similar type cost .pOO more, without the phonograph. Today you can purchase these two musical instruments in one for only $325. Come in and hear this marvellous new model—start the new Radio season with a new Rogers. ratepayers of the Goderich-Bayfield road, that this road be kept open for wheel traffic during the coming winter in view of the large number of petitioners, we recommend that this be done as far as practicable. Carried. Re petition of ratepayers for the erection of snow fences at Vinegar Hill in the the town of Clinton, we recommend that a suitable fence be erected. Carried. Re motion of Messrs. Baker and Keys that snow fence be provided for road No. 12 in the neighborhood of Brussels, we recommend that 5 00 feet of fence be erected on this road. Carried. Re resodution passed by Perth Co. Council, and forwarded to this Coun­ cil for endorsement, that bridges in (owns and villages on other than County Roads receive a government subsidy, we recommend no action as there is only one such bridge in Hu­ ron and it is a new one. Carried. Re motion of Messrs. Henneberg and Wright that lights be placed at White’s and Pope’s corners in the Village of Wroxeter, we recommend that $10.00 per 'annum be granted towards the maintenance of each of these lights, if erected by suspend­ ing in the centre of the inlesection and show red in part. Carried. lie application of (lie representa­ tives of Morris, Grey and MeKillop for assistance with maintaining two lights in Walton. Same recommen­ dation as above. Carried. Re motion of Messrs. Higgins and Kennedy for assistance' towards maintaining the road easterly from Hensall, since the county has a by­ law designating this road as a Coun­ ty Road which has not yet been ap­ proved by the Department of High­ ways we recommend that the Muni­ cipalities interested take the matter up with the. government. Carried. Thos. Inglis. Chairman Road and Bridge CoinniiHcc On October 18, 1928, a meeting was held and title work being done at Summerhill bridge was examined and the recommendation of a year previous has been caried and com­ pleted satisfactorily. Carried. Black’s bridge on the MeKillop- Hallett boundary was examined and we recommend that the bridge bo painted, the approaches be widened. and a. cable quaid-fence he built. Car­ ried. An inspection was made of the bridge .at Corbett’s Corners, on tlie Stephen-McGillivray boundary, where the fatal accident occurred, 011 ac­ count of which claims for damages were made 'against, the county. Your committee could not see that neglect on the part of the county had in any ivay contributed to the accident and it was the view of your committee that any action taken should be de­ fended. Whereas By-law No. 19, 1927. has been approved by the Department of Highways at Toronto, and as all work in the future on county bridges will be paid from the Highways Im­ provement Fund, and the bridges will be under the jurisdiction of the Good Roads Commission, wo recom­ mend that no Road and Bridge Com­ mittee be appointed in the future. A. E. Johnston, Chairman Education Coinmitfeo We recommend the paj^nent of the following, high school levies: Clinton Collegiate Institute, regular levy $9736.29; per Sec. 35 (2) R.S. O. 1927, Chap. 326, $671.75; Total $1040.50. Seaforth Collegiate In­ stitute, regular levy $6723.00; per statute as above $165 1.93; total $8374.93. Exeter High School, re­ gular levy $7397.79; per statute as above, $630.39; total $S028.18. Wingham High School, regular levy $7115.24; per statute as aboVi $777.71; total $7892.95. Carried. The following sums have bi-mt paid to outside schools during the year. Harriston U.S. $511.38; St. Marys Collegiate $48O.()8; Strat­ ford Collegiate $115.08; Parkhill H. S. $360.45; London Collegiate $136; and we endorse the same. Carried. We recommend that Hie grants to the following continuation schools In paid when verified by tin* clerks; viz: Lucknow, Wroxeter, Blyili, Brussels, Hensall, Zurich and Ford- wich. We also recommend that the de­ benture indebtedness incurred year­ ly bo remitted to the village trea­ surers instead of to the school board. Deferred. Re motion of McKibbon and Turn­ er re grants to Winglmm and Gode­ rich public schools. We recommend that no further action be taken by this council until the department complete that investigation and ret organization as per letter of March 114, 1928 from the department. I Amended that motion be carried out. J. Wesley Beattie, Chairman Executive Repaid Re application for the Township of Usborne closing certain roads al­ lowance. We recommend that this application be granted and that this council pass a by-law confirming the same. R. A. Goetz, Chairman Heart Palpitating Made Her Throat and Chest Throb Many people may be unaware off having anything wrong with their heart till some little excitement, overwork or worry starts it to palpitate and throb, skip boats, beat fast for a time and then so slow as to seem almost to stop, then it causes great anxiety and alarm, Mrs, O. Hicks, Chatfield, Man., writes:—,fT used to be very bad with palpitation of the heart and. sometimes;, with the least excitement, it would seem to beat very fast and make my throat and cheat throb. “I Was told by a friend to try whfch X did, and I had tfikm hal/ th© box my trouble had stoppod?' Prico 50c. a box at «dl druggie donl&ns, or mailed dlroot on e£ price by Th® T. MRWtb Oft., IM, Toronto, Qzrt,