The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-12-06, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER Ctt», 1028 giicljiwl of QLommetxe . CLINTON, ONTARIO OFIRS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING that has made it possible l’or our scorces of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high standard of efficiency. THERE IS A POSITION WAITING FOR YOU Courses: Secretarial, Commercial, Stenographic, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers. Courses and Special Courses arranged. You cannot attend a better school.Why not attend this? STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME Write to-day for information. Phone 198 M. A. STONE, B. F. WARD, B.A. Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal Principal DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phone 56 Residence 114 HENSALL Mr. A. W. Whitesides, of Goderich was in town Monday. Mr. John McGregor, of Stratford, was in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Drysdale recent­ ly visited relatives in Toronto. A big islioot will be liel|d' in the village on Friday of this week. Mr. Wm. Wilson, of Goderich, was in town on (Monday on business. Mr. Alex Buchanan, Sr., is confin- to hi® room and is seriously ill. Reeve Higgins is this week at­ tending county council at Goderich. Mr. Claude Blowes visited over the week-end tat liisjhome in Mit­ ehell. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Powell, of Exeter, visited Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. Legg of St. Marys was the guest of Miss Mattie Ellis over the week-end. Mr. Wm. Lemon, the new proprie­ tor of the Commercial Hotel, took possession on Monday. Mrs. Duncan McMartin. visited on Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hoskin, of Stratford. Mrs. Verne Hediden has been vis­ iting for the past two weeks with relatives in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. John Elligsen left Monday for Mitchell where they will make their home for awhile. Mrs. D. Davis, of Salemanac^ N. Y.,'is visiting at the home of'Mr. and 'Mrs. Duncan McMartin. Miss M. Judd, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ingram on the London road. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, of Strat­ ford. visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Smith and babe, of .St. Marys, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, C. Petty. Mr. W. J. White is this week moving into the house recently va­ cated by (Mr. W. J. Elder. Mr. Edwards, of Goderich, Inspect­ or of the Children's Aid society for Huron county, was in town on Sat­ urday. Mr. Wm. Doig, of Port Huron, visited over the week-end with rel­ atives and friends in and around Hensall. The Sunday Schools of the local churches are now busy practising for Christmas concerts to be held in the near future. Mr. Alex. Mur.d’ock, village clerk, Is confined to his home through ill­ ness. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Greta Blackwell, of Buffalo, visited for a few days with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blackwell west, of the village. A number from Hensall attended the hockey match at London on Friday evening last, the match was between Toronto and London. 'Judge Lewis, of Goderich, was in town Friday holding court on the appeals to the voters list. Some 40 names were added and a few struck off. Mr. Win. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. 'A. J. Sweitzer and little daughter and Mr. Manley Jinks, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with rela­ tives here, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Gramm and Mr. Wm, Gramm. ».f Lansing, Mich., and Miss Ada Gramm, ef Detroit, visited over the week-end with their parents, (Mix and Mrs. Geo. Gramm. Mr. Earl Drummond. who recent­ ly purchased his father's share in the butcher business here. i> remodelling the shop, painting and papering and otherwise improving his place of business. A new Him- dam- ■ xviP ’>■ held in the town hali on Friday evening of this week. The music wiF. he fur­ nished by the Seaforth orchestra. Como and enjoy the evonit-g with yoyr friends. The service® in the United viiurcii. on Sunday last were very largely at­ tended. The pastor delivered very Instructive .sermons a. both services and very pleasing anthems ; • • dcr.'l by the ch dr. “Don’t miss the Concert and Christmas Tree to be given on the evening of Tuesday, December 18tli, at S. S. No. 14, Hay. The pupils are preparing choruses, drills, motion songs, dialogues, etc., and Santa Claus has promised to be there also.” The A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul’s Angli­ can church motored to Clinton on Monday evening and had a social evening with the Anglican church branch there. Tile Henisall league gave a very interesting program af­ ter which. a dainty lunch was served. The Mission band of the United church held a. meeting Sunday after­ noon with a large attendance pre­ sent. After the devotional part of th© meeting, Mrs. Legg, of St. Marys' gave a very interesting address that was greatly enjoyed by the mission band. The following program was then given.: a chorus by idle small boys; duet by Mrs. McDowell and Miss M. Johnston; chorus by a num­ ber of girls; duet by Mrs. M. Drys­ dale and Mrs. Sinclair, Miss Ellis then closed the meeting with prayer. The meeting of tilie Young People’s League of the United Church was held on Monday evening and was in charge of Miss Mattie Ellis and pre­ sided over by Mr. Walter Spencer. The meeting was opened, with a song service led by Mr. C. Blowes, after the devotional part of the meeting Mr. Geo. Foillck gave a very interesting, address on “Christ the Great Star of tlhe Universe” which was geatly enjoyed, after which .solos were rendered by Mr, IT. Phile and Mr. Sam Rennie. The meeting was then closed with pray­ er. McEwan—Love Nuptials The wedding of Miss Grace Love to Mr. John McEwan, of Hensall, took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Love, of Hillsgeen, on Saturday last. Af­ ter a..short honeymoon trip the young couple will be at home to their friends on the groom’s fine farm, London road, just south of Hensall. A Nasty Fall On Saturday evening while taking down tlhe decorations in the town hall from the recent' Oddfellows ban­ quet Mr. Alf Clarke had a serious fall. The long ladder on which he was standing slipped and. he fell to the floor, resulting in a badly cut eys, sprained arm and a severe shak­ ing up. Moir—-Wolff Nuptials Ther wedding of Miss Olive Woll’f, of Henisall, to Mr. George Moir, of Exeter, took place Saturday evening. The ceremony was performed at the Anglican church by the Rector Rev. Mr. Jones. After the ceremony the youqg couple retuned to the home of (ho bride’s parents where a sump­ tuous wedding dinner was served. Mr. and. Mrs. Moir will reside in Exe­ ter. Death of Mrs. Gould Word was received in town on Thursday last, of the death of Mrs. J. E. Gould, a former resident of Hensall. '-Mr. and Mrs. Gould left Hensall in 1910 for Nokomis, Sask., where they have since resided. . She leaves to mourn her loss her husband one son and two daughters; her mo­ ther, Mrs. Peter Munn, of London, formerly of Hensall; one sister, Mrs. Ortwein. of London, and ojie bro­ ther. Edgar Munn, bf Hensall. Oddfellows At Home A fine “At Home” was held under the auspices of the Hensall Lodge, No. 223. I.O.O.F. in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening last, with a large crowd present, and a most en­ joyable time was spent. The first part of the evening took the order of a splendid concert, given by Mr. McCulloch and his troupe,, of Lon­ don. Their fine musical and dra­ matic numbers were greatly enjoy­ ed. After the concert a dainty lunch was served followed by danc­ ing and cards. The music l’or the dance was furnished by the Boyce Orchestra, of Brucefield. Uotmcil Meeting A short meeting of the village council was held on 'Monday evening but owing to the illness of the clerk, who was unable to be present, no important htisinss was transacted. The reeve stated that the local hy­ dro commission had received word from the Ontario Hydro Commission that they were preparing estimates for a new toed wire to be run up from Exeter to take earc of the ih- ' reused demand ou our hydro sys- tern. The reeve stated that our whole system here was practically rebuilt, and the local commission were .satisfied that with a new feed wie from Exeter we would then have a splendid service, but until that was done there would still be some dis­ satisfaction, therefore the action of the Ontario Hydro Commission. The two blocks in front of Twitcliell’s garage, which are badly broken, will be replaced and a short drain will be put in in front of the John Wil­ son property on Oxford St., as a wa­ ter-hole there spoil® the road and is also ia menace Jo the health of the people in that district. The reeve also brought' up the matter of re­ opening the street -lighting question and asked' the council to consider the placing of a light immediately in front of the post office, as this was a dark and dangerous spot and a place where the public had to go for their mail. After considerable dis­ cussion it was moved by Petty, sec­ onded by Priest that a light be plac­ ed there for six months and that Councillors Petty and Sangster see to its placing. The council then adjourned to meet again on the 15th HURONDALE HURONDALE\W. I. A very successful and largely at­ tended meeting of the Huron-dale W. Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Cudmore on Wednesday, Nov. 2 8th when the ladies met for their regular monthly meeting. The pre­ sident, Mrs. Rufus Kestle, occupied the chair and the roll call: “If I had only one labour slaving device it woud be —” was well answered. Communications were read and dis­ cussed and as there wias no particu­ lar business on hand the time was fully given over to Rearing and dis- cussng the delegates reports. Mrs. Alvin Moir and Mrs. Arthur Rundle gave two very excellent reports of the convention. Hurondale were honored this year in having their very capable secretary, Miss N. I. Keddy appointed at the convention, as convenor of tihe standing commit­ tee on Education for the coming year. A special feature of the meeting was the presentation of a small gift to two of the younger members of the Institute who had been bride-elects during November. A social half hour was spent at the close of the meeting during which a contest was put on and a lunch ser­ ved. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Wood on Thursday, Dec. 27th instead of Wed­ nesday as formerly. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week.. Miss Tillie Zimmer left for De­ troit. on Wednesday where she will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch spent Sunday in London. Mrs. Louis Rader, who underwent an operation in London Hospital has returned home. We are pleased to say she is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. E. Kraft entertained a number of their friends on Wed­ nesday evening. Mr. D. Lippert, of Melbourne, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Lippert. Mrs. Humble, of Sarnia, is spend­ ing a few days with her mother Mrs. Finkbelner. Mrs? F. Slunt spent Tuesday in London. Mrs. L. Hamacher, who spent sev­ eral weeks in Detroit, returned home on Sunday. Mr. James Reid and son Nelson, of Varna, spent Sunday with Mr. J. C. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Hotchkiss and Mrs. Huntly, of Detroit, visited with friends a few days. Mr. J. C. Reid is on the sick list We hope for a speedy recovery. GREENWAY Mr, and Mrs. Henry Belling en­ tertained a few friends on Saturday evening in honor of their son Mr. Robert Belling and his bride who had just returned from their honey­ moon. Rev. J. Foster and family, of Vt-r- seboyle visited his sister Mrs. Law­ rence Pollock on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Eagleson spell*- the week-end in London. Mrs. J. Carruthers Jr., has been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Fiuk- beiner, of Crediton. Miss Moon and Miss Greta Baker, of the Babylon Line spent the week­ end as guests of Miiss Lois Brown. Rev. J. M. Colling will preach on the “Parables of the Tares” nex" Sunday afternoon. During the win­ ter months he will have a short talk for the boys and girls each Sunday. As announced last week the Young People of Thedford gave a three act comedy here on Friday evening. All the parts were well sustained and the play was interesting and amus­ ing. The very unfortunate weather caused a smaller crowd than usual but all who came were well repaid. The young folk of the United S. S. presented Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Woodburn with a handsome chair, last week. THAMES ROAD Mrs. j. W. Hackney has returned after spending a few days amongst relatives in Exeter. Amongst the visitors returning from the Royal Winter Fair at To­ ronto were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harri­ son with their son; Mr. and Mrs. C, Harrison and Mr. Albert Ether- ington, Mrs. Nelson Squires land mother Mrs. Hicks are visiting in Flipt. Mrs. Matthew Thompson has re­ turned after spending three months among relatives around Moosejaw. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pullen have purchased the farm of Mr. Thos. Aid­ rington of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Penlrale, of Ex­ eter, have returned to their home recently vacated by Mr. Pullen. Wild life is having an excited time these days at the “hands of the hun­ ters. Mr. and Mrs, Arch. Hodgert and family were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. K, McNichol. Mr, and Mrs. Lome McNaughton have rented her father’s farm at Cromarty, they take possession in March. Miss Grace Christie, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her friend Miss Mary Kerslake. Mrs. Ken. McNichol is quite ill at the time of writing. We hope, she will soon be herself again. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jeffries. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Lakeside. Mr. Hy. Rhode attended the colt sale at Exeter on Saturday. Harry’s stock has increased two head. Social Evening' A number of friends from Exeter to the number of 35 or 40 arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollen on Wednesday, armed with those goodies housewives make and with their cards'. A very happy time was spent by all at this genial home, Mrs. Leslie Giatenby and Miss Pauline with Miiss K. Pollen, of Mitchell were week-end visitors with the latter’s parents. ST. ANDREW’S NIGHT AT THAMES ROAD A very interesting evening was spent at Thames Road church on Friday evening when a St. Andrew’s Banquet was held in the basement of the church. At 8 o’clock 180 peo­ ple were seated, at 15 tastefully dec­ orated tables with hosts and hostes­ ses attending each. St. Andrew’s crosses adorned the tables and dif­ ferent plaids were in evidence. Grace was sung followed by a. selection on the violin by Mr. W. McNicol accom­ panied by Mrs. iMcNIcol, The Maple Leaf was sung by all present. The first course included “Haggis”, so dear to the Scottish heart and was served by the youn'g ladies of the Anna Fletcher Class, during which a duett “Bonnie Doon” was sung by Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Stanley Cow­ ard; Miss Margaret Rhode recited "Bairnies Cuddle Doon. After the '"i-ond course Mr. Walker kindly rendered a group of three numbers, followed by singing ol! “Old Folks at Home”, Rev. Jas. Anthony pro­ posed “The King” to which all sang God Save the King. “The Night” was proposed by Mr. Fred Dawson and was responded to by Mrs. Robt. Kydd. when interesting Scotch his­ tory and some humorous stories were told. “The Progress Club” was proposed by Miss Belle McDougal and responded to by Miss Thomson who capably explained the object and aims of the club. Mrs. Jas. Gar- liner, Kirkton then gave an ad­ dress, somewhat reminiscent, fol­ lowed by a quartette and Violin sel­ ection by “Wat”. The toast to “The Young People” was proposed by Mr. Amos Doupe and Miss Baxter res­ ponded for the young ladies and Mr. Leslie Thompson ably responded for -he young men. Rev. Jas. Anthony .tdded greatly to the mirth by his wealth of humorous Scotch stories. Mr. Wm. Moody then sang “The Highlandman’s Toast,” and so bro­ ught to a close a delightful hiiglit when “Abide With Me” was sung end The Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison. Our thanks are due to the onveners and their different com­ mittees and to the hosts and host­ esses whose united efforts made possible such a happy night. KIRKTON Mrs. David Hazelwood is visiting friends in London. Misses Ellen and Iva Switzer who spent the past few months out west returned home on Thursday. The subscribers of the Blanshard Municipal Telephone Co. met here on Saturday and decided to buy tile Sebringville Line. The price will he in the neighborhood of $23,(100. ZION (Mrs. (Rev.) Weir, of Bly th, gave ail address to the Zion W.M.S. be­ fore a large congregation in the Church Sunday morning and also spoke at Elimville in the evening. The Young People are practicing tor the Christmas entertainment to be held in the church. Mix Thos. Brock is able to bo out after his recent illness. Mrs. Chas, slowly. CENTRALIA Miss Helen Hicks, nurse-in-train­ ing, Victoria hospital, London, spent Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. Robt. Anderson, of Thedford, visited with Mrs. Andrew Anderson on Sunday. On Sunday morning last Rev. Mr. Garbu’tt had charge of the service in the church, speaking in the interests of the British and Foreign Bible So­ ciety. Mrs. W. J. Bowden, who has been ill for some time is notrecovering as fast as her friends would like to see. Messrs. Willert Bros, attended the Flax-Growers Convention in Clinton on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis have re­ turned from Toronto, where they spent a few days last week. Mr. Bert Duffield,, who has been in the West for some time, has re­ turned to the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones visited at the home of the former’s sister Mrs. M. C. Sleamon on Siunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and babe, of Wyoming, visited with Mr and’ Mrs. W. H. Mills on Sunday. We are sorry to learn of the ill­ ness of Mrs. Gus. Hennessey, who is in the hospital in London. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Fred Dobbs i^ again confined, to the hospital in London?* having undergone an operation for appendi­ citis. His many friends will be glad to know that he progressing favor­ ably. Mix and Mrs. Chas. Isaac. Jr., and children, of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isaac, of London, spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hicks and family have moved to their new home on the 2nd of Stephen. SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR On Thursday evening, November 29th the W.IM.S. of Centralia United cliruch ,lield its annual bazaar and fowl supper. The Sunday School room with its gaily decorated class rooms presented quite a festive ap­ pearance. The booths were under the direction of the captains of the four circles into which the member­ ship is divided, namely Mrs, R. Smith, Mrs. Penwarden, Miss F. Da­ vey and Miss Mildred Mitchell. A splendid display of numerous useful and fancy articles, and their ready sale, proved without a doubt the en­ ergetic and capable leadership of the ladies. An added attraction was a booth of liand-painted novelties, solely the work of, and under the supervision of Mrs. (Rev. Irwin. Even the supper tables seemed to I be in gala attire. A sumptuous sup­ per was served, which was patron­ ized largely, not. only by the congre­ gation but many others from the surrounding district, proceeds were over $400.00. CENTRALIA PASTOR INVITED TO REMAIN At a well attended meeting uf the Official Board of Centralia United church held on Monday evening the pastor Rev. R. Fulton Irwin accept­ ed a very hearty and unanimous in­ vitation. for the fourth year. Mr. Irwin in accepting the invitation thanked the officials and people for their unqualified courtesy since com­ ing amongst them. He stated, how­ ever, that he had always advocated a limited; pastorate, and at the close of the, fourth year ho considered it best for the. pastor and people to have a change. The church treasur­ er having paid all expenses to date reported ia substantial balance in the treasury. A nominating committee was appointed to prepare a ballot with nominees for the Session and Board of Stewards to be submitted a day to be ap-Jaques is improving i to the people on jpointed later. , ................— „ Grant’s Bakery Bread - Cakes - Pastry “Made to a QiieejTs Taste” Christmas Cake, Shortbread, Puff Pastry and Special Fruit Loaves Fresh Every Day PHONE IN YOUR ORDER EARLY. CREDITON Mr. Samuel Truemner, Mrs. Hen­ ry Norman and daughter Geraldine, of Detroit, yisited at the home of Mr. J. H. Holtzmann, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Motz and Mr. Dan. Truemner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Messner of Dashwood. Mr. Howard' Truemer, of Detroit, te visiting his father, Max Daniel Truemner. GRAND BEND -Mr®, Jolhn Holt is quite ill at present, We hope for a speedy re­ covery.;* Mtas, Job Ravelie Jr., returned home after spending a week in Kit­ chener at the bedside of her mother, who is-improving nicely. Mr. -and Mrs. Melvin Dodds and Master Dodds land Master Jack, of Buffalo, .spent the week-end with Mr. Roy Holt. Mix and Mrs. George Eccleston and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Strathmire spent a few days last week at their cottages, also Mr. and Mais, Morri- Master Jack, of Buffalo, spent the son and family, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. Roy Holt. Mt. and Mrs. Frank Geromett, of Buffalo, sent Saturday at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stattons. Mr. Frank Station has bought out Mr. Mark Wild’s property. He takes possession April 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Light, of St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie on Sunday. Mr. Dave Sturgeon, who has been fishing at Pt. Dover, for about four months, returned home last Sunday. W|iait mignt nave been a serious mishap occurred when Mr. Mel. Dis- jar dine ran into IMIelvin Hamilton, who drives the milk wagon in our burg and dumped him over an em­ bankment just north of the village near Mr. Hamilton’s gate. The horse broke loose with the shafts and fell in a deep ditdh about four rods away. The horse was some­ what stiffened up but is coming along alright. Mr. Disjardine’s coupe was mot hurt and all escaped with only a shaking up. The rain at the time mad'e the lights obscure. The high water has caused the dredge to come to a halt for a- time at least. The men have finished the woTk on the dock for this year supervis­ ed by W. B. Oliver. Mrs. Maria Statton, who has been laid up some time, has improved nicely. Miss Pearl Mousso is spending a few weeks with Wm. Jennison Jr. Mrts. T. F. Turnbull is able to be around after beng laid up by a bad fall. Don’t forget the series of sermons on the Parables next Sunday morn- tlie evening “Paul’s Letter to the lug “Parables of the Tares” and in Church at Corinth.” Rev. J. M. Colling has started a question bur­ eau Send in your questions he will answer them. ELIMVILLE Messrs. Garnet Johns and Ewart Cornish went to Detroit last week. Mrs. Bacon and son Gordon, of Windsor, visited Mrs. Geo. Kellatt over the week-end. Mr. Wm. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hunter were in Sarnia last Sun­ day attending the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Case Miners. Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Weir, of Blyth, gave a highly interesting and in­ structive address in this church last Sunday evening in the interests of the W.M.S. An offering amounting to $21.00 was received. Mrs. Weir also addressed the S S. in the after­ noon. The funeral of the late Mrs. John Tucker was held from the church last Friday afternoon. Interment in the Elimville cemetery. The de­ ceased had been a resident of the village tor over twenty years.. Mr. Tucker is still quite ill. The Live Oak’s mission circle met last- Thursday evening in the church, about 45 being present. Messrs. W. I Beer and Earl Russell were, present with a. batteryless radio from which they heard the whole service in the Metropolitan church. London, at which Dr. Stanley Jones, of India, the most outstanding missionary in the world to-day, gave an excellent address. Afterward a social half- hour was spent and0 refreshments served. About $20 was taken in at this meeting. Rev. Mr. White, and Mr. Hy. Del- b”idge were in Goderich Tuesday at­ tending Presbytery Rev. Mix White, Messrs. Chas aiyi Wm. Johns went to London last Thursday evening to hoar Rev. Dr. .Stanley Jones at the Metropolitan church. It has been decided to hold the Xmas, concert on Friday evening, Dec. 21st. in the chlirolh. A splendid program ia being prepared.