The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-11-15, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WANT COLUMN Redpath Sugar $5.95 a bag; get your supply now at Harvey’s Gro­ cery. NOTICE—All accounts for Onion Seed must be paid by November the 24th.—J. H. GRIEVE FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—We always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.-—G. J. Dow. 6,7,tfc Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25 Oats 50c, Barley 65 c, Manitoba Flour $4.00 Blend Flour $3.80 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.80 Shorts $1.80 . / Creamery Butter 45c, Dairy Butter 38 and 41c.Eggs, fresh firsts, 55c. *' t Pullet, extras, 42c Fresh seconds, 3 6c Hogs, $8.75. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ♦ Rev. Janies Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Mr. David Perrie, of Kn-ox Col­ lege, Toronto, will conduct both ser­ vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. NOTICE—Dressmaking done very reansonably. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. Apply to Mrs. N. Hockey. 101-S-3tc. -----------j__locals__J We have a nice stock of low grade Flour and Shorts and we are prepared to give a cut for cash. Now is the. time to fill up.—HAR­ VEY BROS. Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that his office will be closed on Friday and Saturday, November 16 and 17 while attending a clinic on “Full Denture Construction’’ in Lon­ don. POULTRY WANTED—We are ini the market for all kinds of poultry , paying the highest prices; also live i rabbits. Trucks will call. Phone 30, Dashwood. C. Anderson TFC I PASTURE FARM FOR SALE-—150 ; acres. Lot 6 and Sfc, Lot 7, Conces-i sion 5, Stephen. Apply to GLADMAN j STANBURY, Exeter. 9-27-Stc. > ■ .. . ■ ------- "■■»»•** • ’V j FOR SALE— The Fotneringham | farm, Lot 3, Concession 9, Blanshard I IvO acres. Fine 2 storey brick; dwelling, large barn, etc. Price low for Quick sale. Easy terms. Ap-| ply to Jarvis. Vining’ & Dyer, Barris- j ters, &c., 101 Dundas St., London,' Ont. ll-8-2tCj WANTED—Pressing, cleaning and repairing of all kinds. Phone 49,1 Huron St. Call for and delivered, j D. G. Appleton • LOST—A ring with three -small chip diamonds mounted on a plain band, valued as a keepsake. Reward Please communicate with Times-Ad- vocate, Exeter. ll-8-2tc ' I)i\ Roulston desires to announce that he will be absent from his of­ fice1 on Friday afternoon and Satur­ day of this week. GAS TANK FOR SALE—Heavy iron, holds 2 barrels, perfectly air tight, with approved non-Ieak tap and top for filling; less than half price. Apply to Mr. O. H. Sanders, ■ Exeter. Dr. Kinsman will be at his office in Exeter on Monday, November the 19th„ instead of Saturday, November the 17th. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Complin visit­ ed in Toronto for Thanksgiving. .Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods, spent the Thanksgiving holidays at Dut­ ton. A number from town have been in Loudon during the past week tak­ ing in the hockey matches. Mr. R. E. Davis, of Windsor, spent Thanksgiving with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Davis. Miss Dorothy Snell, of St. Thomas, spent the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snell. Miss Vera Mooney, of London, visited with her mother fur the holi­ days. .Miss Hettie Sweet has taken a position at Dr. Roulston’s Dental Of­ fice. Mr. and Mrs. J. McLean and fam­ ily, of St. Thomas, called on friends in Exeter on Saturday. Miss Frances Pearce, of Strat­ ford, spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader ANNIVERSARY , a.m.—Rev. E. W. Young, M.A., B.D., of Dundas Centre, • London, preacher, subject: “Building the Church.’’ p.m.—Sabbath School—Address by Mr. Young: “A boy’s excur­ sion into the Country.” p.m,—Rev. Mr. Young, subject: “Day Dreams.” The choir will be assisted by the Listowel Male Quartette. Morning and evening. The pesonnei of the quartette, Messrs, E. F. Finkbeiner, C. Blackmore, E. S. Hudson, A. W. Zurbrigg. Morning selections, “My Anchor Holds”; “Siteal Away to-Je­ sus”—Negro Spiritual. Evening se­ lections, “Sun of My Soul” Jerome; “Softly and Tenderly” Thompson. 11 3 < MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse. Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston a.m.—Communion Service, pi’ coeded by a brief message “The Source of the Church’s PowerJ’ p.m.—Church School 11 3 7 p.m.—There will be no service. We will join with James Street .Church in vice-. Thursday week prayer their Anniversary Ser- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1»28 Are You Interested in FURS Men’s Winter Coats Southcott Bros On November 23rd a representative of the Canada Fur Manufacturing Co. will Display in this Store a Complete Range of Furs consisting of FUR COATS and NECK PIECES. This will give you an opportunity of securing anything in Furs at Big Red­ uctions as we do not have to carry a stock. Cali and see them, you are- under no obligation to buy. evening at 7:30 mid service. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector ARMISTICE DAY a.m.—Holy Communion -Morning prayer and ser- Ladies’ Cloth Coats . $15.95 There are some wonderful values in this assortment as some of these coats sold as high as $35.00 We are clearing them at $15.95. This .ek’s X” ■, wders al In sizes’35 to 40. Some of these are leather lined, all are exception­ al values as they are reg. $25 values Special price $14.95 each We have m stock for sale the fol­ lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc NOTICE TO DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the construction of the Ryan Municipal drain up to Tuesday, November 20tli at 7 p.m. Tenders may be for all or in two separate sections the earth to be re­ moved is estimated at 6130 cu. yds. Plans, profiles and specifications may be seen at the office of the un­ dersigned, Crediton. A certified check or other approved security or 5 % of the specified price shall ac­ company tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Henry Either, • Clerk, Township of Stephen, Crediton, Ont. Rev. W. Jones and Mrs. Jones were in London Tuesday when the former attended a> committee of the Deanery Superintendents of Sunday Schools and A.Y.P.A. WANTED NOW Salesmen in Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc. Good pay. Exclusive- territory. Whole or part time arrangement. A 600-Acre Nursery We own and operate a modern, well-eauipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in qual­ ity and variety. Sell hardy, Cana­ dian-grown Nursery Stock and you will be successful. Our agency is valuable. Established 35 years. PELHAM NURSERY CO. 10-4-8tp. Toronto 2. Mr. Harold Skinner has taken a position- in B. W. F. Beaver’s Hard­ ware store. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. F. Neil, of De­ troit. spent the forepart of the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May and fam­ ily spent Thanksgiving in Mitchell. Mrs. K. G. Clark and daughter, June, of Windsor, spent Thanksgiv­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. M. Pfaff. 'Miss Madeline Dearing, of London, spent ’the holidays under the par­ ental roof. Miss Gladys Ward, of London, vis- i ited with her brother, Dr. J. and Mrs. Ward over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Perkins, of Detroit visited in town over the holidays. Messrs. George Hind, Howard Dig- nan and Grant Sanders, of Toronto University, spent the holidays at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey and son Donald, visited with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Manson for Thanksgiving. Miss Marguerite Aidworth, of Stratford, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aidworth, for- Thanksgiving. Mrs. Walter Connor, oi Windsor, and Mrs. Win. Carr, of Detroit, visit­ ed over Thanksgiving with Mr. and Wm. Melville. Mr. .and Mrs. M. L. Beavers, mov­ ed to Exeter last week from their farm near Woodham. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. Lloyd McDonald and Miss Tenie McCurdy, spent Thanksgiving with their uncle Mr. Hugh McDon­ ald, of Essex. 5 Jelly Powders for 25c. at Har­ vey’s Grocery. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis, of To­ ronto, spent the holidays with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Davis. Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Batson, of To­ ronto, are visiting for a few days with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Harvey. x Mrs. Frank Gill, who has been vis­ iting for some time with relatives in the west, returned home the latter part of last week. o 7 8:00 .11 a wn.- mon. p.m.—Sunday School: p.m.-—Evensong i McLaren’s Jeljy^ i Arlequjjir^alnut tfWes( ^Jistrge Jar Plum Jany Wefy Specials Mens Woollen Shirts, Drawers He Penman’s make, A good warm tinder- ers rw- o a I wear for men> jias a percentage of cot- 49c * 39c . a ton which gives extra long wear, Reg $1.50 SALE PRICE $1.29 \ Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grieve and family, of Strathroy, spent Thanks­ giving in town, Mr. Frank Johns, of Toronto, mo­ tored up for Thanksgiving and was accompanied -back to the city by his parents Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Johns, who will spend the winter with him. Mr. Johns has not enjoying good health for some A pleasant family reunion held at the home of Mr. and Ed. Heideman over the week-end, when Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Heideman and son; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Heideman and daughter, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sill and son, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. M. Coxworth and fam­ ily of London, all were present for the occasion. been time. was Mrs. Martin’s Music Store NOTICE SALE! SALE! SALE! This word sale means a lot to some people, and let me tell you it is not always a money saver to the buyer. But the people that put these sales on are the people that are making the money. So why not buy from T. H. Elliotf, the store that is trying to help the public to keep the cost of high profits down. I am not running for Reeve or Councillor; but I am going to ask for your support in helping me to keep down the high cost of living by patronizing my store T. H. Elliott Southcott- Bros. Enter November 5th Join the class entering here on November the 5th. I Our business training fits you for business success. I Central Business College STRATFORD ONTARIO N. W. ROUTLEDGE OSTEOPATH Office in the Snell Block Wednesday afternoon and evening. - -- ......................... , —' ... Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS. WINDSTORM, ETC. ta I E' Si Furniture CCTtlR—WMlWIH'irNI,WIIW !!■ 1IWM ’ IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR BIG STOCK WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GET GOOD FURNITURE AT A LOW PRICE. WE HAVE A GOOD CHOICE. R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w; RESIDENCE 20 j COMING TO EXETER! FOR 1 DAY ONLY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 th While we sell all the Banks & Insurance Com­ panies throughout the Do­ minion* we are just as de­ sirous of serving the small investors who has $100 or upwards for safe investinent. We handle only securities enjoying an immediate market. H. R. Rain & Co., Investment Bankers Atlas Bldg. Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Francis0 Hill and two sons, of Hamilton, visited over the holidays with the former’s mother Mrs. James Hill. for Christmas Mrs. (Rev.) W. G. H. McAllister, of London, called on Mrs, J. S. Har­ vey and other friends in town on Thursday last. The work of putting jn new cul­ verts and bridges on the provincial highway between Exeter and Hen­ sail is almost completed. Mr. Harold Horton and sister Miss Bernice Horton, of Oshawa, visited with their mother. Mrs, H. Horton, over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Arfo Delve and dau­ ghter and Mrs. W. F. Abbott and daughter, spent the holiday in Wind­ sor, Herbert Hoover was last week el­ ected president of the United States be one vt the largest majorities ever polled in a presidential election. Gifts conveniently make shopping pleasant. Our show­ ing this year will excel anything previously attempted. We never had a finer selection- of toys, or a better assortment of Christmas Cards, Booklets, Tying Cords, Rib-, bons, Wrapping Paper, Fancy Boxes, artificial snow, etc. at prices rang­ ing from lc. Our pretty Chinaware at popular prices are worthy of your inspection, and Confectionery, well, just wait and see. Don’t buy your too early* Ice cream in fancy serv­ ings for parties, etc., is a specality with our concern. Ask us about it. THE NEW STORE Furniture and Undertaking arranged to , 'HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 E. R. HOPPER MODERN EQUIPMENT KlNpLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE Powell’s Variety Store ‘‘WHERE YOU SAVE” Phone 55, W R. MOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music m Schools Studio* Main St. Box 57, Phone 193 EXETER, ONT. , Mr. a\z. Garner the special Head Office representative of Tip Top Tailors, bringing an advance display of THE NEW FALL FABRICS AND ACTUAL FINISHED MODELS OF TIP TOP SUITS AND OVERCOATS We sincerely believe that the new Tip Top Fall fabrics are bet­ ter than we have ever before received. At the standard Tip Top , price of $24.00 these fabrics represent ’the most amazing values ever offered in made-to-measure clothes. There are hundreds of beautiful fabrics to cho,ose from. Any of them will be tailored to your measure in suits or overcoats for only For one day only Saturday, November t-he 17th this special dis­ play will be directed by Mr. A. Z. Garner the special Head Office representative of TIP TOP TAILORS. Mr. Garner will personally fit all men purchasing garments during this special showing This clothes”131’^1116 opporlunjty £or men wh0 are particular about their See them on Saturday, November the 17th. * This special dis­ play positively will lot be continued beyond the advertised dates. Head Office representative of Tip Top PHONE 81w w. W. TAMAN EXETER, ONT, | —----------—---------------It DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO.” Hear Office, Waterloo, Ontario CLINTON G. MORLOCK * Agent, Crediton, Ont* Telephone 21 r 5 SM3-tfc. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE .....,......................., DOUBLE EDGE ......... Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST, 3ft lent i