The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-11-01, Page 8WANT COLUMN FOR SALE OR KENT-—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—We always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J* Dow. 6,7,tfe NOTICE—Dressmaking dune very reansonably. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. Apply to Mrs. N, Hockey. 101-S-3tc. FOR SALE OR RENT—Brick res­ idence on Main St. All modern con­ veniences. Barn, fruit trees and small fruits. Apply to Miss Mary A. Tom 9-13-tfc. Southeott Bros, are holding a 15- Day sale. See their full page ad­ vertisement in this issue. POULTRY WANTED—We are in *he market for all kinds of poultry, paying the highest prices; also live Phone TFC rabbits. Trucks will call. 30, Dashwood, C. Anderson forNOTICE— Contracts taken gravel, ploughing, quantity of man­ ure for sale; also good frame build­ ing suitable for garage or chicken house. Apply to Clyde Heywood, Exeter. 9-6-tfc. LOST—Hub cap with Buffalo Wire Wheel Corporation, between Exeter and 1U miles south and 1U miles west of Crediton. Reward. Apply at. Exeter Garage. 11-1-ltc. WANTED—-A capable young or middle aged woman several hours a day for house work. Apply to Miss Elliot. 11-1-tfe STRAYED—Onto lot 20. Usborne. an aged cow. Owner have same by proving property paying expenses. M. Peckler. rfnrni.mtfirTirr— THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Exeter Markets Wheat $145 Oats 50c. Barley 65c, Manitoba Flour $4.00 Blend Flour $3.80 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.80 Shorts $1.80 Creamery Butter 44c* Dairy Butter 38 and 41c, Eggs, extras 48c. Eggs, seconds 36c, Hogs $9.00 -------,------- — 7 11 7 HARD, DRY WOOD A single eord, delivered CASH I £ 7 11 a.m.- 3 9 to 12 inches long $4.00 FOR SALE 11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong Special Armistice Service Sunday, morning November the 11th, H. R. Bain & Co., Investment Bankers Atlas Bids'. Toronto E. J. Christie Coal. Coke, Wood & Insurance -Sunday School ■Services withdrawn in favor of Main St. Anniversary. Our people are urged to attend this special service. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector 23iul Sunday After Trinity a.m.—Holy Communion THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, IDS# The Times-Advocate our Windows for ATTENTION Prof. C. McKenna, the Master Mind in scientific Palmistry, Phren­ ology and Physiological Readings. He gives special, truthful advice and knowledge on the following subjects Love, Marriage, Business attainment. If you want to know who cares for you or who you care for he will tell you. Will consult at Mrs. Cottle's, Anne St., from to-night at 6 p.m. onward. Also Thursday, Fri­ day and longer, if required. Tele­ phone for appointment 13 Oj. Hours 11 a.m. to 40 p,m. If preferable Prof. McKenna will give you a read-, ing at your own home. Know Thyself CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Mantes Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.-—-Sunday School- 11 a.m.—Main St, United church anniversary, ('aven congregation will worship with Main St. con­ gregation ;,t Ln morning service, pan.-—"Tho Great Desire.” OV MTT T• IJL/JlI/JlV* XvJLlJL/JLr WILL RUN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY Pressing cider 5c per gallon & steam cooking apple butter CUSTOM WORK 35c. cwt paid for 2|JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T,C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader l a.m.—“A challenge to greater service,” p.m.- p.m.- S. J. V, CANN, Proprietor PHONO 115, EXETER, ONT,7 j r j k /* Sugar at $5.95 at Southeott Bros. Read their full page advertisement. locals London, Sexsmith London, on Satur- I have another consignment of horses coming from the West which I expect next week. In this lot is car-load of Percheron suckers. We will put this lot at auction. These colts should be .good buying, as they will be needed in the near future and our farmers can develop them much better than on the range. Watch for date and we will give you some real value. G. J. DOW eon. 2, may and NOTICE On account of the high cost cows and feed the undersigned have decided to increase the price of milk to 12c. a quart for the winter months WM. HATTER. ' BEN CASE It is not necessary to market poultry thin as you can buy corn, whole or ground, at H; Bros. of PP Grocery Specials galore at Soutli- cott Bros, for the next 15 days. Read the announcement elsewhere. FOUND—A pair of electric curl­ ing irons. Apply at Times-Advocate NOTICE—Washing and Ironing done. For particulars apply to the Times-Advocate 10-25-2tc PASTURE FARM FOR SALE—150 acres, Lot 6 and Si, Lot 7, Conces­ sion 5, Stephen. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter. 9-27-8tc. We have m stock for sale the fol­ lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster«»SheI>l -and-. Grit, semi-solid Butterjnilk and. Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply- your* needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY HATCHERY. CHICK 7-26-tfc CLEAN- pressing Johns I of press­ WANTED—PRESSING & ING,—Having bought the outfit of Mr. Wellington am prepared to do all kinds ing and cleaning. Will call for and deliver. Work done satisfactorily. Phone 49, D. G. Appleton, Huron St. M— ! iw,unital Last week we made mention that a bicycle belonging to Eldon Had­ ing had been backed aver by an au­ tomobile. Eldon tells us' that an­ other lad had ridden his bicycle and left it beside the curb and had settl­ ed for the damages. A girl thinks the wisdom of Sol­ omon mere piffle when compared to the smart sayings of her first beau. Kitchener Record. WANTED NOW Salesmen in Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc. Good pay. Exclusive- territory. Whole or part time arrangement. A 600-Acrc Nursery We own and operate a modern, well-equipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in qual­ ity and variety. Sell hardy, Cana­ dian-grown Nursery Stock.. and you. will bo successful. Our ” agency Vis valuable. Established 35 years. PELHAM NURSERY CO. l(M-8tp. Toronto 2. Sth Join the class entering here on November the Sth. Our business training fits you for business success. Central Business College STRATFORD ONTARIO K Mr. George Willis, of called on friends around on Saturday. Mt? Robt. Horney, of called on friends in town day last. Miss Pearl Rollins, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William May, 4 5 Jelly Powders for 23c. at Har­ vey’s Grocery. Mrs. Will Shipley, of Clinton vis­ ited friends in Exeter the past week. —Clinton News-Record,) Mr. Harry Gould, of Windsor, spent the week-end visiting with his mother, Mrs. Rd. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish, Andrew St., returned home Sunday after spending the past week with theii' son in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hansford, of Exeter visited the former’s par­ ents over the week-end.—The Clin­ ton News-Record. Mr. W. G. Stewart and daughter, Joan, of Detroit, visited during the past weelf with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. * Sugar $5.05 at Harvey's Grocery. Miss Vera Rowe has returned home after visiting for several weeks in Toronto and at the home of Dr. Holloway, in Peterboro. Mr. Clifford Blanchard and Mr. Allan Nicholls, both of Frankenmuth Michigan, visited in town over the week-end. Mr. Alexander Elliott, teller in the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in Exeter, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. J. H. R. and liott.—Bly th Standard. Mr. R. N. Creech, who able to be up and around, advised by his physician to keep his bed for awhile with the hopes that he may regain his strength faster.- iMr. Joseph Allison and bride, of Dumbarton, Ont., visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Allison and other re­ latives for a few days while on their wedding trip. Mr. Bert Spicer, accompanied by his aged mother, and Mr. and M'rs. Edwin. Braund, of Brantford, visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. D. Roweliffe and other friends on Sunday. It is not necessary to market your poultry thin as you can buy good corn, whole or ground, at Harvey Bros..., Mrs. in St. having It is not necessary to market your poultry thin as you can buy good corn, whole or ground, at Harvey Bros. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist. Miss E. Hustona ANNIVERSARY The Rev. Sidney Davison, of Wing­ ham, one of our talented ministers, will have charge of the services. You will enjoy him. Mrs. El- has been has been Miss Char- M'rs. Ralph of London, C. E. Tuckey is at present Joseph’s Hospital, London, undergone an operation on Monday last. She is getting along as well as can be expected. Miss Madeline Dearing, lotto Green, and Mr. and Camp and son Norman, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Poppy Day in Exeter will be ob­ served on Saturday, November the 10th, when poppies will be sold in aid of the consumptive and gassed soldiers at Byron Sanitorium. Mirs. Wm. B. Snell is ill in Vic­ toria ’'Hospital, London, having un­ dergone a operation for mastoid trouble. She is getting along nice­ ly. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Northcott and Mr, and Mrs. E, Ubolacker and Miss Marguerite Aidworth, of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth. Have you had your Limburger to-day, at Harvey’s” Grocery. Misses Helen Glasgow and Flor­ ence Balkwill, students of the Nor­ mal School, London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and 'Mrs. J. T. Miners. The Jaiter is a neice of Mrs. Miners. Rev. Ernest and Mrs. Grigg, re­ turned missionaries from Burma.,. visited last week with Miss Grigg and Miss MacFauL They for New York and expect th&?winfer' in the south. Councillor H* C. Rivers to be down town Tuesday for the first time since his recent illness with pneumonia. It is hoped that he will soon regain his accustomed health, The auction sale of M. L. Beavers, held last Thursday, drew quite a crowd Mr: and ter. left here to spend was able Be iS despite inclement weather, avers has rented his moving to his home in farm Exe- i Southeott Bros. , conic stupendous the next 15 days. page advertisement in this issue. are advertising bargains during Read their full Mr. Ernest Davis, fell out of an apple last week dislocating Mr. Edgar Rod'd, "Waiting Upon God” p.m.—Missionary Message by Rev. Davison. Open School. p.m.—"Uplifted Christ.” Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Toronto, will assisa the choir. Mid-week service Thursday at 7:30. The Times-vldvoeate $2.00 per year; to United, States $2.50. yr. Times-Advocate and The Toronto Globe ..... $6.75 Times-Advocate amd The Toronto Mail and. Empire ........ $6.75 Times-Advocate and The Toronto Daily Star ......... $6.75 Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate and The Saturday Evening Post Times-Advocate and The New Outlook ............ Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate The The The London Advertiser ........:....... Farmers' Sun ......................... Farmers’ Advocate ................ Family Herald & Weekly Star and The London Free Press and and and and The and The Canadian. Countryman and The Saturday Night ............ Mr. Clarence Simmons, of Wind­ sor, was home over the week-end. Mr. j. G. Stanbury and Mr. M. F. Gladman were engaged at the Assizes at Goderich this week. 10 bars of P. & G. Soap for 39e. at Harvey’s Grocery. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and chil­ dren, of Chatham, spent the week­ end with their parents in Exeter. of Biddulph, tree one d'ay his shoulder. of Woodham, was taken to the hospital in< London on Wednesday of last week for treat­ ment. Mrs, George McLeod, of Egmond- ville, has been the guest of Mr. R. G. Seldon and visiting her old friends in Exeter. * Miss Hettie Sweet returned Tues­ day after visiting for a time with her brother Victor J., at Cleveland, also in Windsor and Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Glaman • ac­ companied by Mr. Charles and Miss Marion were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury. Mrs. Frank Delbridge is carrying her arm in a sling, the result of having; fallen down several Sunday last, spraining her Mrs. Ernest C. Pym, of was taken to St. Joseph’s London, on Sunday suffering an attack of appendicitis, pe'ets to undergo an operation in the near future. To-.night (Wednesday) is Hallow­ e'en.' Gnomes and witches will no doubt parade the streets as in for­ mer years. The young people are bent on frolic but we trust that no damage will he done to property. The A. Y. P A. of Trivitt Memor­ ial,church held a very jolly Hallow­ e’en evening in the Parish hall on Monday evening. The hall was dec­ orated for the occasion. The young people were dressed in costumes Games and contests wore enjoyed and lunch was served. The first real touch of winter came on Monday with a slight fall of snow during Sunday night. The ground was not covered, however frost during the week has cut down the flowers. The change in the weather caused many to 'dig up their winter underwear. Miss Reta Ro we'attended the wed­ ding of Miss Eunice Reid-to Mr. Wil­ bur Keys on Saturday and sang a solo. The wedding took place at the home of the bride’s sister, Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Graham, near Clin­ ton. The bride and Miss Rowe were Normal School Rev. W. and ma Winer and turned Sunday Dominion A. Y. P. A. convention at Windsor. Three hundred delegates were present and were royally en­ tertained. The convention was a splendid success. "Mr. and Mrs. George J. Soederj and children, visited in Exeter over Sunday with Mrs. Boeder's mother, I Mrs. Willard and her brother, Arn­ ie! Willard, who has just returned from Grill Lake, Sask, where he had been for several years. He says that there were good crops in that district this year."—Mitchell corre­ spondent in. Stratford Beacon-Her­ ald. Last week Mr. R. E. Pickard dis­ posed of the farm of. Fred Stewart, late of Farquhar containing a hun­ dred acres to a buyer from Mark­ ham, Ont. The purchase price is $12,000.00. Mrs. Stewart gives po- session on 1st March next. Spencer Blair, of Lucan, was the winner at the annual oratorical con­ test for rural schools of East Middle­ sex held In London Monday even­ ing. Among the others who spoke were Merle Langford and Merle Gun­ ning, of Biddulph, At the James St, Sunday School on Sunday afternoon last Misses B, Grant and M, Rowe gave two very fine <rt.ports of the laymen's conven­ tion rocoiitly held in Toronto, Miss­ es G. Frandls and Reta Rowe* will also give reports next Sunday. steps; on arm. Usborne, Hospital, ,g from She ex­ chums. Mrs. Jones, Miss.Al- Mr, E. E. Moyle re- after attending the GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS for Bronchitis, Cough, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, Tonsilitis Sore Throat and Tonsil sufferers. Use M'rs. Sybilla Sphar’s Tonsilitis. It works wonders, and is guaranteed ■Howey’s Drugstore. While we sell all the Banks & Insurance Com­ panies throughout the Do­ minion, we are just as de­ sirous of serving the small investors who has $100 or upwards for ? safe investment. We handle only securities enjoying an immediate market. Arriving ‘"WHERE YOU SAVE” Phone 65 and The Canadian Homes and Gardens .. and McLean’s Magazine ......................... & Montreal Witness, renewal $3.85; new and World Wide .... renewal $4.25; new and Youth’s Companion ....................... and The Toronto Star Weekly ............... CLUBBING RATES WH OTHER PERIODICALS MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION Furniture Bargains IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR BIG STOCK WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GET GOOD FURNITURE AT A LOW PRICE. WE HAVE A GOOD CHOICE. R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR RHONE 20w; RESIDENCE 20 j Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 R. HOPPER MODERN EQUIPMENT Kindly & attentive service W R. GOULDING A. t. a m. ■ Organist »ud ChoirH<H«t»‘r James St United Church instruction in Ph* Vocal Oram., Theory Supervisor of Music tn Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 19* EXETER, ONT. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE .......................... DOUBLE EDGE ............,...... Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S* COLE. DRUGGIST ASSURANCE CO. Hoar Office, Waterloo, 3c Clinton g. Morlock Agent, Creditor, Ont. Telephone 21 r 5 tMB-tfc. Ernest C. Harvey general insurance broker Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT* sickness, windstorm* etc