The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-09-13, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SBrTEMBBB 13, ll»28 WANT. COLUMN •FOR SALE—rOne -annex stove, aL i lost new. Harry Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Browning. 9-6-2tc. TQ ither ;'nell, RENT—Heated room with conveniences. Apply to C. B. phone 181. FOR SALE—Buoy's bicycle in' good condition. Enquire of Times- Advocate. 8-6-tfc. KTTCHEN GIRL WANTED — Highest wages. Apply to Hicks House, Mitchell. ?-13-3tp. . FOR SALE—Malt oak barrels, good for cider, $1.50, Apply to Grant’s Bakery. Exeter Markets ’ 'wheat $1.15 Oats 42c. * Barley 65 c. . Manitoba Flour $4.15 Blend Flour $4.10 Pastry Flour $3.90 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.80 Shorts $1.80 Creamery Butter 44c. Dairy Bptter 35 and 38c. . Eggs' extras 38c. Eggs seconds 30c. Ilogs $13.00 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—The Joy of Jesus. (Communion Service) 7 p.m.—-The Broken Helmet preparatory Service, Friday at Span locals < ■ •....................................... JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D.^McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader On FAIR DAY we will have on display the finest range of Misses’ and Ladies’ Coats ever displayed in this store. It will be a good time to make your selection.. Our prices should interest you FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine bri^k residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply -o R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc Dr. G. F. Roulston desires to an­ nounce that he expects to re-open his dental office on Thursday, Septem­ ber 20th. 9-13-2tc. FOR SALE—Potatoes, $1.00 a bag; 95c. per bag if picked up off *he field when digging. Earl Gaiser, •Dashwood, 8-6-tfc. LOST—A Parker Doufold fountain pen, maroon, without clip. Finder rewarded. Please leave at Times- Advocate. HAIR DRESSING— Miss L. Stackhouse will be at Harness’s Barber Shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week, com­ mencing on September 11th, Marcel 50c. and 75c.; Reset 25c. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—We always have a num- ’..-er of horses on hand we will sell n- exchange to the farmers.—G. J. Dow. 6,7,tfc HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT— The house of the late Mrs. John Jar- rott, on Station St., Exeter. Apply to W. J. Jarrott, Hillsgreen. 8-23-4tp. WANTED—Fresh eggs, live poul­ try any quantity. Write for weekly prices. Twin City Produce Market, Box 2 64, Kitchener. 9-13-2tc. FOR SALE OR RENT—Brick res­ idence on Main St. All modern con­ veniences, Barn, fruit trees and small fruits. Apply to ! Miss ®Mary. A. Tom 9-13-tfc. NOTICE— Contracts taken ’for* gravel, ploughing, quantity of man­ ure for sale; also good frame build­ ing suitable for garage or chicken house. Exeter. Apply to Clyde Heywood, 9-6-tfc. Martha Hunter, Spirella Cor-Miss setteerre. wishes tcP advise the ladies of Exeter and community that she is prepared to demonstrate her new­ est models in their homes or at her residence, William S<t. Phone 113w. Mr. Clarence Boyle has iakeS a position at Southcott Bros. Store. Mrs. T/ Oke, of Windsor, is visit­ ing her neice Mrs. Wilbert McFalls. Mrs. John Syvar, of Detroit, is visiting her sister Mrs. Tlios. Hudson Mr. Clarence Simmons, of Wind­ sor,, spent the week-end at his home here.. Mrs. Wm. Kay, of Strathroy, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Pryde. Miss Viola Elliott, of Granton has taken a position at the Central Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Rabethge visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bieber, of Hay .township, on Sunday. Mrs. David Mack has returned Home after visiting her daughters in Tillsonburg and in Toronto. Miss Marguerite Aldsworth, of Stratfprd, 4visited with her parents at Sexsmith on Sunday last. Miss Margaret Johns is leaving next week for London where she will enter Victoria Hospital on probation. Frank Wildfong is on a long trip with Mr. aDd Mts. Josiah to points in Eastern Ontario, and Mrs. Pain, of Flint, and WANTED—2 reliable men im­ mediately for permanent work. Real opportunity with good pay. Show us you mean business and we can place you. Write for interview giving telephone and references. Address Box 273, Exeter. STRAYED—From the premises of Gordon and Hugh Love, Stanley township, one white yearling steer with mark in top of right ear. Any information regarding same will be gratefully received by the undersign­ ed or the Times-Advocate office. Phone 99 r 7, Gordon Love. Zuri’cli P. O. . 9-13-2tc. We have in stock for sale the fol­ lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Buttermilk and. Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc------------------ --- NEW CANADA LIFE OFFICE OPENED Our business is increasing so ra­ pidly we feel we can give the pub­ lic better service by opening an of­ fice where we invite you if you are in need of Insurance information. Policy holders premiums may be naid at this office, of E. J. Christie. Fire, Automobile ‘■urance. Phone 164. The Oldest Company One door south We handle Life, casualty ih-and B.M. FRANCIS in Canada. ----- / NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the. undersigned up till 8 o’clock p.m., Tuesday, September 18th, 1928, for ‘he construction of the open portion i f the Winchelsea Creek Drain Re­ pair and improvement in the town­ ship of Usborne. Plans and speclfi- '.ations can be seen at the office of S'. W. Archibald, C. E., Seaforth, < nt., or at the Clerk’s office, Us< borne. The lowest or any tender rot necessarily accepted. A mark­ ed cheque for 5% of the amount ‘-.pecified to accompany each tender, lenders to be opened at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18th, at the Township Hall, Elimville. Henry Strang,' Ci^k. Hehsall, R.R.o-13-ite.1. BIBLE SOCIETY DONATIONS 'The’ tbtacl'“amoUnt 'cShtylbuted by the Exeter Branfch to the Bible So­ ciety for the yeaf was $188.47, Last ^ear it Was $200.00, This has been forwarded to Rev, John Gar butt, London, from whom a receipt has been received. G. & Howard, Sec’y.-Treas. • Mr. motor Kestle Mr. Mrs. George Hodgins, of Lucan, call­ ed on Mrs. Wilbert McFalls on Mon­ day. Mr. Alex. Elliott, of the • Canad­ ian Bank of Commerce staff, is hol­ idaying in London and at his home in Bly th. We understand that Mr. G. Grant is being appointed telegraph opera­ tor in Exeter, successor to Miss M. Sanders. Mrs. Mary Fallis, of Grand Bend has disposed of her farm on the 21 concession of Stephen to a neighbor Mr. Isaac Bestard. Great numbers have been passing through Exeter each day this week on their way to London to attend the Western Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Pain, of Flint, Mich., Mrs. G. Hodgins and Mrs. McFall, of Lucan, visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. Hodgert on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Howe and dau­ ghter, Miss Grace, of Haliburton, visited with friends at Sexsmith, for a few days last week. Mr. Sylvester Taylor was in To­ ronto last week attending the Ex­ hibition and was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Sheppard, of Linden. j Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce have returned from attending a wedding in Belleville of Miss Olive E. Red­ mond to Mr. Richard R. Pinegar, of Dorchester. Miss Madeline Dearing accompan­ ied by her cousin Miss Elva Dearing, of London, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Dr. and Mrs. Lannin and Miss Ai- leen, motored up from Hamilton and ‘visittd with Mr. and Mrs. John T.J Stewart and Mrs. Agnes Campbell and family over the week-end. Dr. W. E. and Mrs. Weekes are Spending a few days this week at Guelph, Hamilton, and Niagara Falls and will be accompanied home by Mrs. Weekes’ mother, Mrs. Mutrie. Grattan Bars owned by Fred Thrower, of Kerwood,- went lame in Detroit, last week and has returned to his home and it is expected that he will be out of the races this year. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Mr. Will Northcott and Miss Mary North- . cott visited at tb^ir mother’s home in Reech township near Scugog; they also visited at Seagrave. Mr, Harry Fuke, Canadian Bank of Timmins, is holidaying with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fuke. He is spending a few days in Toronto this MreJelt.' Mt1, and Mrs, Thos. Willis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Katinka and family, of Detroit, were week­ end visitors at the home of the for­ mers’ father, Mr. James W. Willis, of Stephen. Miss Martha Hunter returned last week from a two week’s Mb'litfaY spent at Tonaw&nda and Niagara Falls, N.Y, While away she attend^ ed a convention for Spirella Corset- teerres held the Spirella Falls N.Y. Port Perry manager of Commerce and the at at the head office of Cohiiiany at Niagara 7 New Crepe and Silk Dresses A beautiful new range of new dresses have been placed on our racks. If we have a style that you like we can have one made to you!* measurement. 12 doz. Ladies’ Swede Gloves In the season’s best selling shades. Fair Day Special at 59c. Silk and Wool Hose A good weight for cooler weather. All the newest shades. Fair Day special 85c BOYS’ and MENS’ OVERCOATS You should see the new patterns and values that we have to offer in Boys’ and Men’s Overcoats for Fair Day. It will pay you, as our prices are right. New Dinner Sets Four new patterns in Dinner Sets is what we have-to show- you.for,Fair Day. These are lovely patterns and a special value at 97 piece « $27.50 36 inch Colored Flanellette A fine range of patterns, all good wash­ ers. Regular 30c. value. Special for Fair Day, i > 23c. yd 15 only Ladies’ Cloth Coats Of good quality cloth, but old styles, splendid to make over for children. Coats Fair Day special $2.98 25 Misses’ and Ladies’ Coats Last season’s styles, all good cloths. Most with fur collars. Take your pick on Fair Day. at $7.95 PEACHES ‘ . PEACHES Next week is the week for peaches. Leave your order early.1' -Sunday School. Conformity is Transforma- a.m.- a.m.- tion. 7 p.m.—The Lost Coin, Second in series on “The God of the Lost.” Don’t miss these messages. All welcome. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH CANADA Moorhouse, Pastor Sunday School will OF Rev. C. J. 10 a.m.—Our meet. The Rev. J. Fletcher Sutcliffe, of Kerwood will preach morning and evening. Thursday evening prayer service at 8 o’clock. The ‘Mission Circle will hold a pub­ lic meeting on Friday evening at 8 o’clock to be addressed by Rev. E. Grigg. 8 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector 10 a.m.—Siunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer 7 p.m.—Evensong. a.m.—Corporate Communion for A. Y. P. A. Harvest Thanksgiving Services on Sept. 23rd.Preacher—Canon R. J. M. Perkins. HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices. Repairing stoves and motors a spec­ ialty. Estimates gladly furnished free. ERN. DAVIS The enrolment of the Exeter High School is now 171 an increase of 29 over last year. Mrs. Brown and daughter Miss Betty, of London, called on friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. Archie Morgan recently had the misfortune to have his nose broken. He was in the act of .tying in some cows when one of the ani­ mals tossed its head and struck Mr. Morgan on the nose. Mr. and’Mrs. W. H. Keddy and daughter Beulah, of Fenton, Mich., are visiting at the home of the for­ mer’s brother Mr. W. C. Keddy, of Usborne, and in company with Mr. Keddy and the Misses. Keddy in­ tends taking a motor trip to Niagara Falls this week. Mrs. Robertson and two daughters Mrs. Copeland and son and Mrs. Fox- son and son, of Wingham, spent Tuesday with Mr. anti Mrs. E R. Hopper. Mrs. Hopper being ghter of Mrs.’ Robertson. • Miss Annie Simmons has ed home after .holidaying for in Toronto, signed her position at Gladman Stanbury’s and intends returning school to resume h’er studies. Mr. G. J. Dow shipped a couple loads of horses to Northern Ontario last week. Among them was a fine team of chesnut Belgians, purchased from Mr. Chris. Wein. This ‘onesof the finest teams to leave part for some time. a dau- return- a week Miss Simmons has re- & to of was this STORES WILL CLOSE FOR FINAL GAME . Reeve C. B. Snell has interviewed a number of* the merchants of town and they have decided to close their places of business Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock for the final game in the Huron Baseball League between Clinton and Exeter. DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Hear Office, Waterloo, Ontario Clinton G. Morlock Agent, Crediton, Ont.Telephone 21 r 5 9-13-tfc. j it is Bargains you want call at T. H. ELLIOTT’S Store he has a sale on for TEN DAYS, starting on August 23rd. and ending on Sep­ tember 1st. Overalls, work pants, work shirts, ties, hose, suits, work shoes and every thing I have jii my Store will be oil sale. And this means a saving to everyone that buys at my store . Store open every night. T. H. Elliott’s Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 Dr. Wm. L. Lawson L. D. S. DENTIST Office in the Old Commercial build­ ing, Main St., Exeter,. Rhone 77w. D. I). S. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ........................... 3e DOUBLE EDGE ......................... 4« Perfect Edge Guaranteed • . W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST THE NEW STORE Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 IB. R. HOPPER MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE We Can Learn To Do Anything v true, the more To Learn . We believe this is we search the markets of the world the btter we get acquainted with Conditions if we want to soil cheap, we hiust buy cheap, and in order for all to live the fellow who makes this possible must use cheaper materials, and so on. You generally get what you pay for, for instance we sell you silk stockings for 49c. and another for 79c. you get value in each case according as you pay. We cannot enunerate the savings we have for our customers this week but we will remind you that all pur summer hose, Phonographs and re­ cords are on the sale block for the rest of the month. Our Candy coun­ ter has it’s bargains tod. Remem­ ber we are taking ho back seats, from anyone in the business. This store has always stood for "quality goods With fair prices. Dehl here with confidence. ’s Variety “WHERE YOU SAVE/’ Phone 66. CHESTERFIELDS Next week is National Sani-Bilt Week, September 15th to 32nd. .. Seven days of a wonderful buying opportunity on the Sani-Bilt. Week Special Suite being featured at the remarkably low price of $199.00 for this week only; Come in and see it. THE SANI-BILT WEEK SI,OOO PRIZE CONTEST OFFERS YOU ■A CHANCE TO SHARE IN BIG CASH PRIZES Big Cash Prizes, $300 £or first; $200 for second, etc., etc., are offered for the best 100-word answers to the contest subject: “What the Sani-Bilt Mothproof Replacement Guarantee 'Means to Me when Buying a Chesterfield Suite.” There are no strings to this contest. You don’t have to buy a suite. It is open to all Canadian, women. Official entry blanks, however, must be used, od these may be secured from our store. Think what you could do with that $300 First Prize] A new fur coat, some long-delayed pleasure trip, a new chesterfield suite a new rug for the living-room—lots of things,. Drop in without delay and see the Sani-Bilt Week Special and get your Entry Blank and start early to write that j>rize-winnig answer. We have a good assortment of Chesterfield Suites in stock. See them when you are in for t'he Fair. R. N. R O W E FUNERAL DIRECTOR NEW. FUNERAL COACH AND AMBULANCE Advance Models for Fall SEE THE NEW MODELS FOR FALL Suits at $22.50, $24, $27 and up MEN’S FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS ARE NOW IN STOCK THE NEW BORSALINO AND KING HATS ARE EXPECTED THIS WEEK. w. PHONE 81w W. TAMAN EXETER, ONT. W R. GOULD1NG A. Ta Me Orgahist. and Choirmaster Jamee St. United Church Instruction in Pfalao Vocal Organ . Theory Supervisor of Music m Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 12$ ‘ EXETER, ONT. „ _ a - 11 Ernest G*. Harvey GENERAL insurance broker ■ Representing Mutual Life of Canada EIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT. SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC.