The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-08-09, Page 6{THURSDAY, AUGUST Oth, 1028 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Promote the Safety
of the Highways
Wear this sticker on yonr
e e
fa 4
I B R ®
Ask £®r otse at your SiSSing station
Highway Safety Committee
27<e HON. GEO. S. HENRY, C/wiman.
News of the District
Mr. and Mrs. George Tebbutt, of
Goderich township, recently celeb-
, rated their golden wedding anniver
sary. Dinner was served on the lawn 'and a pldasant time spent.
her death were practically
her. In the passing away of
B. McLean, the efimmunity
one of its most honored and
Provincial police from London
made another raid on Parkhill rec
ently and as a result charges were
town for having liquor unlawfully.
against two residents of the
The Collegiate Institute of Goder
ich have engaged Miss B. M. Shipley
B. A., as teacher of classics. Miss
Barber, B. A., of Toronto, will be
in charge of the commercial depart
in the
is the
7Yj"EW Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher endow these jiew
McLaughlin-Buick creations with a measure of style,
individuality and dashing beauty unapproached by any
other automobile.
Gorgeous new colors and wonderful new upholsteries
lend an added touch of luxury. New adjustable front
seats and wider rear seats provide unequalled driving
—and riding comfort.
Increased bore and stroke—greater piston displacement
— improved carburetion and other advancements in
McLaughlin-Buick’s famous valve-in-head six-cylinder
engine—give tremendous new power to what was already
the most powerful automobile engine of its size in the
The same great developments impart thrilling new pick
up, lightning acceleration and new top speed that few
drivers will care to attain.
Other features include new high-pressure gas pump——
handsome new radiator design—new ehrome-plated head
lamps and eowl-Iamps—new type instrument board—as
well as. many additional appointments of luxury and
convenience. -
The 1929 McLaughlin-Buick is an epic ear marking the
supreme achievement of automobile engineering.
Confirm these facts at your MeLaughlin-Smckfshowrooin.
The G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan offers many
advantages to buyers of McLaughlin-Buick cars.
Death of Mrs. R. B. IHcLean
It is our sad duty to chronicle the
death of another ..of Kippen’s old
and respected citizens in the person
.of Marion Kerr, wife of the late R.
B. McLean, of the London Road,
who passed peacefully away on Sat
urday last, July 28tli. at the ripe
old age of 76 years. Mrs. McLean
was a daughter of the late William
and Isabella Kerr, pioneers of Hay
township, and was born on the 26th
of March, 1853. In the year 1876
slie was married to her late husband
where they started out in life with
brightest prospects for the future.
They lived for some years in the
township of Tuckersmith and later
on in life moved onto the London
Road, where she has lived her life
ever since. To this happy union five
children were born and who at the
time of
all with
Mrs. R.
has lost
respected mothers and one who will
be much missed in our midst. In
the earlier years of her life she took
a great interest in anything that
was for the benefit of the commun-
ityf both in church and home, and
as a kind friend in sickness and
trouble she had but few equals. She
was a valued member of St. And
rew’s United Church, where she
seldom ever missed being present
when health permitted her to ho.
For the last two years she has bee::
confined to her home and for the
past month or so to her bed, wliero
she was given the constant care of
loving daughters. Her end was pea
ceful and happy and it must be a
consolation to the bereaved mem
bers of the family to feel that her
Christian life, her devotion as a
wife, and mother, and her largo
. heartedness and kindly sympathy
with all with whom she came in
contact and through the merits of a
loving Savior she has reached the
golden hevte above. She leaves t.i
mourn her loss, two sons and three
daughters, James B., of the London
Road; William J., of Haileybury:
Mrs. Jessie Fowler, of Exeter; Mrs.
Earl Sproat. of Tuekersmith; and
Mrs. John Henderson, with whom
she resided; also two sisters, Mrs.
Mark Wilson, of Winnipeg and Mrs.
Wm. McGregor, of Detroit. The fun
eral was held from St. Andrew's1 *
United Church on tvlonday and was
conducted by her paster, Rev. R.'
Conner, and the remains were laid
to rest in Baird’s cemetery. The.
pall-bearers were Thomas Archibald j
Thomas McMillan, John McLean,
‘Riverside,’ James W. McLean, fWm.
H. McLean and Andrew B. Bell.
There passed away a well-known
inative of Colbourne township,
j person of Mary J. Buchanan,
'of Alexander Young, age 70
I One of a family of ten she
| only surviving member.
I A serious situation is arising in
! Huron County at the present time
! over the lack of help for farm work
'when extra help is so much required
for haying, harvesting and other
Paving operations have commen
ced west of St. Marys. The highway
is now closed to Rannoch and traffic
to London or points west must now
go by way of Water Street, St.
Marys to the Townline.
A barn dance was held in Mr. J.
Murray's new steel barn near St.
Marys. Music was supplied by the
Atcheson Orchestra, of St. Paul’s.
The' barn is nearly completed, hav
ing been erected to replace a frame
barn burned down last year,
A very pretty wedding was
emnized at the home of Mr.
Mrs. John Kindree on Tuesday
ternoon, July 24th, when their
only daughter, Doris Pearl wqs un
ited in marriage to Mr. Frederick
Archibald, former principal of the
Jarvis High School and youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Archi
bald, of Seaforth, Ont. The cerem
ony was performed by P. E. Deeth,
of/Wesley United Church. The bride
was very winsome in a gown of rose
beige georgette with picture hat of
lace and orchid chiffon, and she
carried a bouquet of bridal roses
and lily-of-the-valley. The bride
entered the drawing room on the
arm of her father to strains of wed
ding music played by Miss 'Meta Mc.-
Murchy. Miss Mabel Johnson and
Mr. A. Edward Archibald, brother
of the groom, acted as witnesses.
Mrs. Kindree, mother of the bride,
was charming in a gown of cham
pagne flat, crepe and Mrs. Archibald
mother of the groom, very chaste
in brown silk with lace trimming.
The rooms were tastefully decorat
ed with pink and. red rambler
roses and ferns. After the ceremony
a very dainty luncheon was served
to about 24
gift to
ers of
left on
and southern points, the bride tra
velling in blue coat with chic felt
hat. On their return they will reside
at Hallville, Ont.
The regular meeting o£ the HRm
bert Council was held on Monday,
July 16th. Members all present. The
minutes of last meeting read and
confirmed. Tenders for the Hocking;
Drain were opened and Chas. Kist*
ner’s tender, $4080 being the lowest
was accepted. The police trustees o£
Dublin village attended the meeting1
and it was agreed between the coun
cil and the trustees that the agree
ment made in 1927 regarding the»
Township rate, be effective in 1928.
Orders were issued on the treasurer
amounting to $3,006.06, There be
ing no appeals against, the assess
ments for th.e Black Creek under
By-Law No. 3 J 3, Court of Revision
closed, and By-Law read a second
time. Council then adjourned to
meet again on Monday, the 20th day
of Auugst at 1 o’clock p.m. to strke
the several rates for 1928.
J. Jordan, Clerk-
guests. The groom’s
the bride was a chest'’of
Community Silver, to the
a. gold bar pin. Amid show
confetti the happy couple
a motor trip6 to Philadelphia
First Motorist—“A driver really
ought to giive the pedestrian a
chance.” ''
Second do. (a former pedestrian)
—'Taint necessary. He takes one
every time he gets out on the street'
Kidney Trouble
Feet Swelled
The death occurred recently of
Janies Speedie,'of Woodstock, after
a lingering illness. Mr. Speedie
came to Canada six years ago and
{was engaged in farming at Seaforth
I for a year. The deceased is survived
I by hs wife, three sons and two dau
Mrs. George Rundle, died at her
home in St. Marys in her 82nd year.
Mrs. Rundle had been in her usual
health up until two weeks before
her death. Fifty-six years ago she
was united in marriage to George
j Rundle, who predeceased her just a
year ago. Mrs. Rundle was always
, an active church member. Surviving
are one son, George, of Blanshard;
and one daughter, Mrs. Chas. Batten
of Anderson; also one sister.
Prices away down for Month of .Maj
No. 1 B. C. 5x Shingles $1.16 bunch
wire woven fence per rod 3 8c.
wire woven fence -per rod 42 c.
' Mrs. Edith4' Hagan, Orillia, OmL#
writes:—“A friend of mine advised ,
me to take Doan’s Kidney Pills M
I was very bad with my kidneys. Wx
back ached all the time when I did any^
housework, and my feet were svroHaffl
at times. I took three boxes of tkfc
Pills and am feeling fine again; my, ,
back feels good and my feet don^t ,
swell any more. I will always reamt
mend Doan’s Kidney Pills highly foe?
what they have done for me.”
Price 50c. & bo®
at all druggists «]
dealers, or mafledj
direct on receipt ofi
price by The T.
burn Co., Limited^
Toronto, Ont.
•‘-•h tty
Uric Snell, Exeter Ont
On Wednesday.- July 25th,
at high noon. Trinity Church,
Craig, was the scene of a
double wedding, the occasion * > mg
the celebration of the nuptials of the
Dixon—Thompson and the Hots-.m—
Dixon quartette. Miss Violetta Grace
n of
Morgan Dixon, of the
McGillivray; and Miss
of Mr.
the 6th
Phone 12
J Mr. S. J. Pockock, of St. Marys.
I has invented an automatic gas pump | A purchaser feeds a 25-cent piece in
to the slot, and the machine delivers
one gallon or fraction thereof of
gasoline. If more than one gallon is
desired the purchaser puts in the
25-cent pieces and the machine will
pump one gallon at a time and re-
I peat the operation for every gallon
that is required, thus making the
machine absolutely accurate. These
pumps are so equipped that no mat
ter what price gasoline happens to
be, they can be adjusted to deliver
[ 25 cents worth of gas, by the simple
j twisting of a small wheel which
registers on a dial the exact amount
of gasoline that will be delivered for
25 cents. One of these pumps was
installed at a now gasoline filling
station on the Lambeth Highway
where it has been serving the public
hor the past twelve months.
[Thompson, niece of Mr. and
i Hiram Thompson, of the "rd
; of McGillivray, was united in :
riage to MT. Wilfred Dixon, so:
Mr. and Mrs.
4th Con. of
(Olive Maud Dixon, daughter
and Mrs. Morgan Dixon, was
ir. marri;
Fon of Mrs. Lucy Hctso
■cm. of McGillivray.
T. Moore. L.Th.. R
Lurch, performed
Mas Violetta
he first bride to
:iven in marriage
Hr am Thompson,
! charming dress of
■georgMte. with
i and carried a
, hair fern and baby roses.j Miss Olive M'aud Dixon, the second j
bride, was given in marriage by her p
j brother, Mr. Earl Dixon, and wore, the exception of teaching a year in
■a lovely frock of peach silk gror-' Belleville and Wingham she has re-
e to Mr. John Lee H
lit v.
ice ’
d wc
'ture ha'
bouquet of muiden-
t to
ch I
, of Toronto, formerly of
give-i some very interest-
fac/s about his daughter, Miss
Rice, of Wekusko Lake,
...................... , .......... .......................... .V“
ri'-h copper pyrites. She
Mr. Rico.
St. Mary.?,
Northern Manitoba, who has recent
ly satucj
has always teen a lover of out-door
sports. At St. Marys I taught her
boating and shooting and she glor
ied in it. After graduating from
Toronto University she went to the
West to teach and the lure of the
.West probably got her then. With
JtitSge for yourself these real bargains ®n
Goodrich Tires. Real Goodrich Tires,
first • quality, the kind you are proud to
Priced this week below prices asked for
ordinary tires.
When Belter Automobiles Are Bulb.-—-McLaughlin-Buick Will Build Them
Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service
on Brantford Roofing rendered by
Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd.,
° 'O.
cD O
Fire-protection is all important in modern
building. Help protect your home from the
menace of fire by using Brantford Roofing.
All Brantford Roofing products are fire-re
tardent and usually reduce insurance rates
by 10 to 20 per cent. Specify Brantford
for permanent roofing satisfaction.
Brantford Roofing' Co. Limited
Brantford, Ontario
i gette and picture, hat
j also carried a sheaf
1 and maidenhair fern.
The bride’s entered
the strains of Wagner’s
Chorus from Lohengrin,
Mrs. George W. Moore, !
church to the music of Mendlosohn's
Wedding March.
Immediately after the ceremony
the happy couples left on a honey
moon trip by motor to Leamington,
Detroit and other points.
of whit0, and
of baby roses
the church to
, played by
and left the
Egmondville United Church
Seaforth, was the scene of a
wedding when Frances M.
of Seaforth, was united in
marriage to Mr. Thos, E. Shields, of
Detroit. The ceremony was perform
ed by the pastor, Rev. W. D. Me
Donald. The bride wore a navy blue
flat crepe dress, trimmed with srfnd,
blue crochc-.t straw hat, with sand
and mulberry trimmings, with hose,
shoes and gloves to match. Mr. and.
Mrs. Shields will reside in Detroit.
To be born a gentleman is an
accident, but to die one is
an ach-
If yon cannot pay as
. perhaps it would be just as
[ to go.
<you go,
well not
mained teaching in the West. In
1913 she decided to strike out for
The Pas, to see what the country
could offer. She immediately locat
ed a quarter-section beyond the Ind
ian reserve cn the north side of the
Saskatchewan river. She made there
a small clearing and erected a very
comfortable little cabin. Her present
strike of copper pyrites is in Rico
Island at the east side of Wekusko
■ Huron Garage, Exeter
Phone I55w ULR1C SNELL Res. 155j
Goodrich Sievertowns
» K
AUG. 21st—From Toronto, Caledon East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol, and
South and East in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St. Andrews and Laclmte.
AUG. 23rd—From Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jet. and West and South thereof,
AUG. 31st—From all stations in Ontario, Capreol. North Bay and South and East thereof.
Plus half a cent per mile beyond to all points in Mani
toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,—Edmonton, Tannis,
Calgary, MacLeod and East.
RETURWEWG—-Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $29.00 and tax to destination.
Special Trains for Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways:
From TOROMTO(Union Station)—Aug; 21st—12.01 a.m. (Midnight Aug. 20th); 12.30 p.m.; 10.40 p.m.
Aug. 23rc8—2.00 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. Aug. 31!st—2.00 p.m. and 10.40 p.m.
From OTTAWA—Aug. 21st—12.01 a.m. (Midnight Aug. 20th); 1.00 p.m.
Aug. 31 st—1.35 a.m.; 1.00 p.m.; 10.40 p.m.
From PE fERBORO—- Aug. 21st—12.01 a.tri. (Midnight Aug, 20th) via Lindsay, Blackwater and Atherley.
From WIWDSOR—Aug. 23 rd—12.30a.rri. (Midnight Aug.22tid) via Chatham, London, Hamilton and Inglewood.
From PALMERSTON—Aug. 23rd—9.00 a.m, via Guelph, Georgetown and Inglewood.
Through cars from other principal points connecting with above special trains. For details consult local Canadian National Agents
Through Trains—Comfortable Co ion iet Cars—Special Cars for Women and Chiidron