The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-04-19, Page 3W> "T ■'wn A THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE School Reports REPORT S, & NO. 14, STEPHEN Standing of pupils of S. S. No. 14, Stephen, Centralia School, for the past winter term:— Sr. IV—Donald J-Iicks 84.55; Doris Essery 81.44, Jr, III—Dorothy Hicks 91.75; S. Baynham 81.13; Greta Pollard 79.00 Jack Essery 73,50; Lillian Dobbs 71.- 14, Sr.,ii—Mildred Hicks 93.71; Gen­ evieve Kerslake 87.25. Stanley Smith 87.00; Helen Smith 80.00; Anna Neil 54.75,Dorothea Davison, teacher PU w * r J7OLLOW your grain drills 1 with a Taco pulverizer and you’ll get bigger, better crops this year than ever. For early cultivation of com and oats—for rolling wheat, clover and timothy-r-for mp^pro^t- able crops ^of every *• kind the Taco pulverizer leads all other machines. ! The simple, strong construction' and easy, efficient operation are the result of hundreds of the most exacting tests and experiments— a machine that never fails to in­ crease yields and make extra profits. Drop in and inspect one to-day. .<y y*—% The Famous TACO/ Line plows' / ' HARROWS CULTIVATORS1. , MOW£R$ RAKES pulverizers'’ MANURE SPREADERS .? SCUFFLERS ’ CREAM SEPARATORS GASOLINE ENGINES STEEL WHEELS SLEIGHS WAGONS AND GEARS RANGES AND STOVES FURNACES Write for free folder, tell­ ing us the particular line in which you arc interested.TUDHOPE - ANDERSON CO., Limited >■ Maker* of Good Farm Implement* 4 Orillia - Ontario W. G. SIMMONS, BLACKSMITH AND IMPLEMENT "DEALER Exeter Ontario IS 03 BBS 7/feReasonYbu Need this CHEVROLET Truck/ THE lowest Ton-Mile Cost in the world (that is, the lowest cost of transporting one ton for one mile, or its equivalent) is the- one big reason ■ why truck-users in all lines of business are choosing. the Chevrolet Ton Truck. Added to this economy are amazing speed’and dependability; exceptional performance, never before offered in a low-priced commercial car; rugged­ ness, strength and modern design un­ dreamed-of in a truck so low in price. Whether you need a truck for fast delivery on city streets or for steady transportation of ton-loads over all sorts of roads . . . you can find the right type of body available on the money-saving Chevrolet Ton-Truck Chassis. Ask your Chevrolet dealer. The G.M.A.C. . . . General Motors’ own de­ ferred payment plan affords the most convenient and economical way of buying your Chevrolet on time. Ton Truck Commercial Chassis cha«.u $470 Body and Cab Extra Roadster Delivery 46215 Roadster Express $650 AH prices at Factory, Oshawa— Government Taxes and Spare Tire Extra. ott-ette 0 A i 1 5 PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED J. McDoneil, Hensail, Ont I REPORT OF S.S. NO. 7, USBORNE The following is the report of S. • S. No. 7, Usborne, for the months of February and March. Names in or­ der of merit:—Sr. IV—Myrtle Earl Jr. IV—Lloyd Hern, Melvin Wright. Jr. ill—Wellington Brock, Cecil Wright, Thelma Jaques, Clayton Cornish, Garfield Cornish. Sr. Il- Edith Earl, Blossom Wright. 1st— La Verne Rodd, Verna. Jaques, Oli­ ver Jaques, Mary E^arl. Primer— Grant Taylor, Laurene Hern. No, on roll 16; average attendance 14.1. N. E. Godkin, teacher » HURONDALE SCHOOL REPORT V—Pearl Moir 804. Sr. IV—B. Horton 801, Alma Etherington 786, Lillian Miller 750, Gordon Block 5 63 Jr. IV—Marjorie Oke 605, Ross Oke 5 82, Fern Welsh 578, Richard Eth- erlngton 478, Harold Cudmore 478. Jr. Ill—Lloyd Reynolds 529, Alex Strang 517, Edith Horton 504, Dor­ othy Welsh 446, Paul Boa 499, El­ more Dunn 351, Everard Miller 236. Sr. II—Ray Squire 418, Jack Boa 380, Chester Dunn 356, James Gill 208. Jr. II—Marjorie Etherington 402, Mabel Gill 326. 1—Olive Par­ sons 3 84, Frayn'e Parsons 349, Wil­ fred Buelianan 314, Gordon Squire 230, Nellie Baker, teacher REPORT S. S. NO. 2, USBORNE Sr. IV, honors—Bernice Gollings, Arthur Rhode. Pass — Isabella Chidley, Howard Johns, Pearl McNi- col. / Sr. Ill, honors—Doreen Borland, Jean Chidley. Pass—Bert Borland, Mary Johns, Marjorie Stewart. Be­ low pass—Jessie Monteith, Willie Stewart, Jean Duncan, Lloyd Knight. Jr. Ill ,pass—Russell Passmore, Evelyn Hunkin, Noreen McNicol, C. Allen. Beatrice Knight, Wilhelmine Ferguson, Elsie McNicol. Sr. II, pass—Anna Rhode, Billy Coward. Jr. II—Lester Allen, Ray Knight, Mary Bordland, Marion Chidley, N. Ferguson. Primary ^.Class—Wilfred Hunkin, Wilmer Ferguson, Billy Pullen, M. .’Cottel, G'raham Campbell. ’ ‘ 2\.nnie Baxtei’, teacher REPORT S. S .NO. 15, HAY The following is the report of S. S.—No, 15, Hay. Those who missed one or more of the examinations are marked *. Sr. IV—Martha Rader'S?, Sr. Ill—Luella Walper 77, Harry Willert 73, Ivan Sliarrow 72, Arietta Walper 71, Elva Turnbull 63*. Sr. II—Lillian Wilson 66, Jack Turnbull 55*. Jr. II—Frieda Rader 74, Lloyd Willert 73, Anna Patterson 65, Billy Sliarrow 40*, Irene Stebbins 40*. Jr. I—Erma Kellar 6S, Warren Sliarrow 65. Primer—Merle Walper 93, Eva Baker 88, Florence Truemncr 78, R. Sharrow 25. Alice Hoffman, teacher REPORT S.. S. NO. 10, HAY For all fourths and for Sr. Ill’s 750 honors, 600 a pass. Marks in order of merit. Sr. IV—Hugh. Mc­ Ewen 761, Grace Ditfk 755, Margery Dick 73S, Ted Munn 717. .Jr. IV— Jimmy McEwen 801, Alvin Bell 772 Helen Munn 771, Mary Hiuser 710, Harold Elder 697, Garnet Mousso 603 absent. Sr. Ill—Dorothy Cor­ bett 718. Jessie Dick 647, Irene Mousso 612. Honors 675 and pass 540. Jr. Ill—Anna Coleman 706, Mary Coleman 600, Annie Hiuser 546 absent. Sr. II—Edward Cor­ bett honors, Edna Corbett honors. Jr. II—Jack Munn honors, Ken El­ der honors, ^farion Dougal absent. 1—Dorothy Munn. Primer—Lloyd Mousso, Alex Munn. -Best conduct, Grace Dick. Betty Ste.wart, teacher REPORT S. S. NO. fl, USBORNE The following is a report for the months of January, February and March Pupils were examined in all sub­ jects. Those marked with an ast­ erisk were absent for one or more examinations. Sr. Ill—Clarence Prance 78, Lloyd Bell 78. Jr. Ill—Gertrude Camm 80, Laura Ford 79, Ella Routly 78, Gordon Brooks 74, Ronald Elford 69, Ruby Johns 62, Ethel CoWard 48. Sr. II—Lillian Murch 79, Thelma O’Reilly 68. Jr. II—Gladys Johns 84, Alma Gower 7'3, Irwiil O’Reilly 71, Ken­ neth Hern 70, Garnet Coward 51, Laverne Kellett 50*. Sr. I—Earl Coulter 77, Gordon Prance 75, Marion Miners 74, Eula Herdman 70, Clifton Brock 69, Her­ man Herdman 65, Beryl Brock 62, Harold Clark 56. Jr. I—Wilmer Elford 80, Jackie O’Reilly 74, Dorothy Johns 73, Sr. Pr.—Hazel Johns 78, Marlon Pooley 70, Ina Ford 69. Jr, Pr.—Elgin Skinner 68, Wilbur CoWard 65*, Jackie CoWard 65*, D. Murray 6'2. Nd, oh roll 37. Average attend­ ance for the 3 months was 28. ■Mary Mae Kellar, teacher REPORT S, S, NO. fl, STEPHEN The report of the Easter examina­ tions at S, S. No. 6, Stephen are as follows:—- Sr. IV— Gordon Katz 78, Bernice Neeb 76, Clement McCann 71, Alex Dietrich Earl Katz 51. Jy, IV—-‘Monica Dietrich 63, Mil­ dred Neeb 62, Roy Willcrt 58. Sr. Ill—fcvelyn McCann 84, Irene Flynn 64, Jean Willert 61. Jr. Ill—Irvin Katz 62, Hilda Neeb 61, Gladys Ratz 57, Audrey Yearly 49, ; Jr. II—Reta Katz 78, Gladys Kin­ ney 76, Laura Regier 70, Abigail Flynn 55. •' Sr. I—Eddie Yearley, Sidney Neeb Marie Regier, Pearl Kinney, Jean Kinney. Sr. Pr,—Marie Ziler, Lucille Die­ trich, Harvey Neeb. Jr. Pr;—Leone McCann, Grace Willert, Gertrude Ratz, Gerald Shenk, Jack'Lawson. Vera,M. Mawhinney, teacher REPORT S. S. NO. 11, STEPHEN Report of S. S. No. 11, Stephen for the month of March. Jr. IV— Benedict Dietrich 84, Anna Dietrich 82. Pass—Blanche Morenz 74, C. Dietrich 65, Leonard Disjardine 49 Minerva Vincent 35*, Gerald Mason 31. Sr. Ill-—Jerome Dietrich 79. Hazel Disjardine 68, pass; Dorothy Vincent 42*. Jr. HI—Hugh Morenz 82 hon, Clara Dietrich 81 hon., Thel­ ma Vincent 64 pass, Elda Devine 64 pass, Carrie Wit-berg 51, Ida Mason 32. Sr, II—Eugene Dietrich 83 h., Lester Disjardine 74 pass, Ernest French 72 pass, Trellis Disjardine 71 pass, Pearl Wanner 70 pass, Er­ vin Devne 64 pass, Verna Disjardine 62 pass, Veva Adams 62 pass, Ira Vincent 59*,“Earl Vincent 49. 1— Louis Dietrich 192, Lome Wanner 130. Primer—hoy Morenz 267, Merle Dietrich 262, Raymond Wei- berg 190, Elva Adams 57. No. on roll 32; average attendance 28. H|lda Neuschwanger, teacher REPORT ’S. S. NO. 10, USBORNE For the months of March and Easter examinations. Those mark­ ed with an asterisk were absent for one or more examinations. Sr. IV—Jean McQueen 73*, Wm. Cann 64, Nellie McLean 61. Jr. IV—Mary Welstlake 5 6. Jr. Ill—Harry Stone 68, Melvin Glanville 54, Annie McLean 4S. 2nd class—Jeanette Stone 54, C. Glanville 52. Primer—Lome Passmore, Letha Glanville, Gerald Glenn, Ruth Tre- vett, George Trevett absent. Those having the least mistakes in spelling for month and at month­ ly test. Sr. IV—Jean McQueen; Jr. IV—Mary Westlake; Jr. Ill—An­ nie McLean; 2nd class—Jeanette Stone. Perfect attendance for the month, Nellie ■ McLean, Joan Mc­ Queen and Gerald Glenn. Perfect -.attendance McLean, No. on roll '14-‘average attendance io.o5. 1 I. Mi Thomson, teacher DASHWOOD SCHOOL REPORT Those marked with an asterisk missed one or more examinations. ROOM 111 Sr. V-—Ruth Kleinstiver 89, Helen Nadiger 89*, Antoinette Ziler S2. Jr. V—Zeta Nadiger, 77, Ruth Meyer 71, Sadie Held 66, Oneida Restemeyer 63. Wallace Wein 59*. Sr. IV—Rota Hayter 83, Ervin Guenther 66, Etliylda Held 65*, F. Baker 65*, Gertie Hoffman 58, M. Klumpp 44*, Melvin Restemeyer 39* Jr. IV—Ruth Tieman 82, Ralph Genttner 75, Stuart Wolfe 74, Kath­ leen Merner 72, Amelia Willert 71, Earl Zimmer 70, Harry Miller 66*, Melvin Stade 59, Verna Kraft 5 7; Howard Shenck 5 6, Addison Mason 37*. No. on roll 26, average attendance 25. P. B. Moffat, teacher ROOM II Sr. Ill—Arnetta Eveland 86, L. Witmer 83, Sheldon Wein 80, Thel­ ma Fisher 78, Rosie Willert 77, El­ la Witmer, 73, Lorna Kraft 73, Hu­ bert Restemeyer 73, Gladys Maier 68, Leonard Restemeyer 45*, Irehe Genttner 43, Melvin Mason 43, Mel­ vin Sclilundt 38. Jr. Ill—Evangeline Held 90, Mil­ ton Willert 84, Ella Eveland S3, IL Klumpp 80, Phyllis Reid 80, Mary Meyer 74, Regina Miller 66*, L. Genttner 60. Albert Goetz 60, Mar­ garet Restemeyer 56, Harold Kraft 51*, Mervyn Willert 50, Harry Rin­ ker 32.Sr. ii—Maida Wein 82, Dorothy Schroeder 80, Reta Fassold 79, Jno. Meyer 63, Cairl Maier 61, Leonard Shenck 61. No. on roll 32, average attendance 30. Letta R. Guenther, teacher ROOM I jr. ii—william Ness 86, Paul Ness S4, Garnet Weiberg 82, Doug­ las Shenck 65, Edna Maier 65, Ma­ bel Bender absent. Sr. 1 A—Myrtle Gai'ser 98, Mur­ ray Wolfe 98, Irma Wein 98, Ila Shroeder 98.Sr. i B—Alvin Willert 88, Lloyd Guenther 86, Eileeii Willert 86, W. Kraft 57, Verda Rinker 34. Sr. Pr. A.—Roy Bender 94, Hilda Maier 93, Herbert Hess 90, Joan Moulton 86.Sr. Pr. B—Mary Dodge 74, Geo. Mathers 56.No. on roll 21; average attendance 20. N, K. Gaiser, teacher GREENWAY We congratulate • Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner who celebrated their Golden Wedding oii Mdhday.—At the regu­ lar meeting of the official Board of the United church last Week, R6V. J. M, Collin® received and accepted a| nnanhnbus invitation to remain for the third term.—At the Efistef sCf- vice in. the United church last Sun­ day the sermon, music by the choir, and a reading of Mrs, Elton Curts were all in harmony with the season —Everyone reports a good time at the play given by local talent last Thursday. Mrs, Leslie Hutchinson held the lucky ticket for -the quilt. Proceeds amounted to over $50.00. —The Ladies’ Guild of Grace church will hold a pancake social in the parish hall on Friday evenng. Ad­ mission 25c.-—Mr. Newton Hayter and Miss Helen Hayter went to De­ troit for the holiday.—Mr. W, Curts and Miss Viola Curts, of London spent the holiday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. c. IL Curts.—Miss De- vina> Mason has returned from a vis-' it to Sarnia.—Mrs. Hutson, of Lon­ don is visiting her son Mr. J. Hotson. I —Mrs. English spent a few days In I London.—-Miss H. West, of Delewar^ spent Easter with Miss Lois Brown, -—Mrs. Elton Curts spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Sam Kerr, of Sarnia.—Mr, Lawrence Pol­ lock has bought a. Che.yrolet Sedan, —-Once more ’tis proved it pays to advertise. Last; Thursday as soon as the paper was published Reeve H. Billing hastened to our city and made plans with R. English and other leading citizens to drain the water from the north side of Main St. and east side of 21st are. In our interview with mayor Hayter he couldn’t promise any" pavements for* eithei’ Dundas or Richmond Sts. this year but went so far as to guarantee those streets will be in A 1 condi­ tion on oi‘ before July 1st. *■ THURSDAY, APRJXi 10, ar KHIVA (Intended for last week)' Mr. Arthur Hanover and the Miss* es Lavina and Veronica Hanover, oil Buffalo, spent the week endl witn: their parents Mn and Mrs, Haft,-* over, u . . iwr Miss j, McCann, accompanied by her little neice Leona McCann are visiting friends in Detroit at present* Mrs. Otto Willert and children .visited her mother Mrs. Sararas near Zurich a few days last week. Miss Esther Neeb, of Detroit is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson, of Kippen, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Neeb, CORPORATION FINANCING Midland Securities, Limited, serve Western Ontario with an unequalled Investment service. Government, Municipal and Corporation bonds to yield from 4.40% to 6.50%. May we place your name on our mailing list? Complete detailed information regard­ ing all classes of investment securities is readily obtain­ able. . - LIMITED BONDS FOR INVESTMENT 114 Royal Bank Chambers London, Canada “Establishi n~g A New Stan d 'ar d i n Au tom obi I e t * « . ■> yo’^will say, "Here U t car that gives me quicker acieration, more power, more speed and easier sustained driving than I ever thought could be had in any car at its price.” XOh en c;l/ou ‘Drive the Durant “65 Passenger Cars Fours mJ Sixes from $725 to $2195 Leant**t Taxct You will notice the quick, soft action of die Bendix ■4-wheeT brakes, the safety features of the full vision windshield and the little effort required to handle the Durant "65” in traffic. Your passengers will be equally enthusiastic regard­ ing the comfort of rear-seat riding and the quality of the two-tone upholstery and interior appoint­ ments. j f Go to your nearest Durant dealer . . . drive the Durant "65” . . . take your friends along . . , and see if your impressions do not agree with this forecast of them! ■ iy Durxnt Motors of CunuJo, Limited Toronto • Conoda The Dunmt Six Cylinder J •wlh irt four tnodatf, Eerttr Doer Sedanf 'Cotcp*, uftb Siat ratedFmier £>ee> Arttai; Cabriolett Rugby Trucki, Four and Six Cylinders; Capacity 1 ton and li/^tons Frank Taylor, Exeter - Ed. Kraft, Dashwood