The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-04-12, Page 7Greek Police Force
Headed by Briton
Sir Frederick Halliday Has
Been Twice Re-engaged
by the Athens Gov
Sir Frederick Halliday, the head of
the British Police Missionrin Greece,
has just signed his third Three-year
contract with the Athens Govern
ment for the reorganization and di
rection of the urban police of the
country, with special reference to
towns like Athens, Piraeus, Patras,
Salohlki and Corfu. For the first
time ho has the promise of the full
and unpolitical co-operation of the
When he took hold in 1918, under
the auspices of the Allies, he found
cities, like tho provinces, “guarded”
by a gendarmerie whose members
were constantly being transferred.
They had no patrol system and no
very clear appreciation of law and
order. In the towns they spent their
time at hotels and cabarets and only
emerged when necessary—to make an
arrest or when ordered to quell a
riot. Sir Frederick received the man
date to reorganize the entire system,
both town and country, but so far he
has not proceeded beyond the latter.
At the beginning he was greatly
hampered by the influx of some 1,-
500,000 refugees from Asia Minor;
then came the Pangalos dictatorship,
which made him practically power
legs to proceed—the officers he had
so carefully trained were ordered
back into the army and their places
taken by the’ henchmen of the dicta
tor. In January, 1926, Pangalos de
creed the dismemberment of the town
force by traz\sferring to the rural
gendarmerie all duties concerning
public order, detection and prevention
of crime criminal investigation and
prosecute n.
Sir Frederick then took a holiday
in England and France and, after the
fall of Panagalos, returned to Athens
and had to begin all over again. At
first he was hampered in the old way-
This was the situation when, on the
eve of the expiration of his contract,
he presented the Government with an
ultimatum: either he would go home
or the Towns Police Force would be
allowed to vesumd' its full activities
or with the alternative of an amalga
mation with the rural police with
headquarters in the principal towns.
The Government declined to let him
go, but wanted him to think out his
alternative. Meanwhile the press is
unanimous for a restoration of
Towns Police Force according to
Frederick’s original plan.
British Ships
Try New Device
To Gain Speed
If you use Red Rose Orange
Pekoe Tea in 1928 you will
enjoy Canada’s finest, tea and
materially reduce your tea
bills. Red Rose Orange
Pekoe lasts longer because
its additional strength and
flavor make it go further.
Every package guaranteed.
British Envoy to
a re-
pressed with the vigor of their na
tional life. There is no longer any
mention of the old scheme of an Im-
■ perlal Federation and. an Imperial
Parliament. Canada, Australia, the
' Irish Free State, New Zealand and
South Africa can never return, to such
close allegiance with the mother coun-
. try. They will now accept no bonds
j beyond those of common loyalty to
| the British Crown, symbolized by their
Governor Generals, and if Canada’s
lead is followed special envoys be
tween the mother country and her
children will serve as the mediums
through which these independent na- I Hons will arrive at a policy of co-oper-
■ ation.—N.Y. Sun.
j '
r ■»
w'- Lt
>1 O;
•i <■’
s&. >
Red Rose Orange Pekoe
—Top Quality
In clean, bright AluminumThe probable appointment of
presentative of the British Govern
ment to serve as a special envoy to
Canada, entirely distinct from the
Governor General, seems to be about
■the last word in international anom-1
alles, What is this organization we .!
used to call the British Commonwealth ’
of Nations? Is it an international lea
gue or a single nation? Whatever it
is and no matter how little it may be
understood, it is evidently able to
function. We can only watch its fur- 'people feel weak, depressed and easily
ther developments with mingled awe tired. The bady lacks the vital force
.and amazement, . 'and energy pure blood alone can give.
The idea of Great Britain having a In a word, while not exactly sick, the
representative at Ottawa is in one indoor life of winter has left its mark
sense a logical result—in so far .as upon them. A blood-building, nerve-
anything Is logical in the relationship , restoring tonic is needed to give re-
between England and her sister na- newed health and energy. Dr. Wil-
tlons—of the new idea of empire e^,liam8' Plnk Pllla are an all-year-round
tablished at the last imperial confer- blood builder and nerve tonic, but are
ence. Mr. Amery, Secretary of State, especially useful in the spring. Every
for the Dominions, who has just re- dose helps to make ne^v, rich, red
turned from the first complete tour of, blood and with this new blood retUrn-
British territory ever made by a Brit- ■ ln& strength, cheerfulness and good
has been zealously heAlth quickly follow.
Is What Thousands of Mothers
Say of Baby’s Own Tablets
Black Magic at Sea.
Astounding feats, quite apart from
his duties as purser of the Cunard
liner, Ascani#, have gained for A. P.
Williams the title, "Houdini of the
High Seas." He is here seen causing
an egg to disappear against the laws
of^ nature—to the bewilderment of
Canadians gathered on the Ascanla’s
decks, returning from a recent trip to
May Go Again Classified Advertisements
With the passing of winter many OWL t LAFFS
—. BV O.W. u.
It ain’t the guns or arm’ent,
Nor the tunes the band can play;
But the close co-operation,
That makes us win the day.
Not Sick, But Not Up to the
Mark—You Need the Help of
That Sterling Tonic, Dr. Wil
liams’ Pink Pills—They Give
New Vitality.
leh minister,
spreading this new doctrine. ' More If you aro pale, easily tired, or
at the least exertion, iffiipi CU'UiJLlijb til Id I1UW U4J VL1 xuviuthan three hundred enthusiastic audi- breathless
ences in the Dominions have heard y°ur complexion is poor or you are
him S!«ak o« "equa! freedom, under,'Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are just what
you need to put you vright. If you
have* twinges of rheumatism, are subject* to headaches and backaches, if j
the Crown, in which no one Govern-j
ment admitted subordination to any |
other of its- members.”
We have seen this principle work
out in the dispatch of ministers by
Canada and the Irish Free State to
foreign countries, in the membership
of the Dominions in the League of Na
tions and in their appointment of High
Commissoners in London, but this is
the first suggestion that the British I
Government must send special repre- found great beuefit from the USQ Qf
It ain’t the Individual,
Nor the Army as a whole;
But the everlasting team work,
Of ^very Blooming Soul.
You can usually rc-ad ones age
tween the lines in the face.
How gladly we would pay a larger
income tax; how we hate to pay the
you are irritable and nervous ,lf your sum we actually owe.
sleep does not refresh you, or your ap- ‘
petite is poor, you need the treatment
Dr. Williams’ Pink pills alone can
give—you need the new blood, new
strength and new energy this medi
cine always brings. Mr. A. Marcotte,
North Ham, Que./writes:—“I have i
sent'atives. to its own Dominions'. And
what the status of the proposed envoy
to Canada would be presents a com
plex problem. He cannot be an am
bassador or a minister, for, after all,
the Dominion cannot be classed as a
foreign country. Bu.t if he is not
he will rank below the ministers of
foreign countries—the American Min
ister, for example—in the official life
of the Canadian capital. Yet what is
one more anomaly in the life of the
British Empire?
At all events, Great Britain and the
Dominions now stand forth' as free and
equal partners In an unwieldy organiz
ation in which London finds herself
with less ad less control. There is
little that the British Government can
do if one of these grown-up ’ children
of hers decides it wants' something.
Mr. Amery returned from his trip im-
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Before I be
gan using them I was in a badly run
down condition, and at times felt
scarcely able to work. Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills have changed all this and
since taking them I am enjoying the
best of health. Every man who feels
rundown and easily tired should
this great medicine a fair trial.”
Try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia,
gestion or nervousness. Take them as
a tonic
mail at 60c a box from The Dr. Wil
liams’ Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
Can You Beat It?
This thrilling love letter was found
in a basket of beans:
“Dearest Sweet Pea:
Do you carrot all for me? My heart
beets for you, with your radish hair
and your turnip nose. You are the
apple of my eye. Give me a date. If
we canteloupe, lettuce marry, any
way. I know wo would be a happy
pear.” •
“I took the recipe for this cake out
of the cook book,’ said the wife.
“You did right,” said the husband;
“itt should never have been in there.”
A medicine for the baby or growing
child—one that the mother can feel
assured is absolutely safe as well as
efficient—is found in Baby’s Own Tab
lets. The Tablets are praised by
thousands of mothers throughout the
country. These mothers have found
by actual experience that there is no
other medicine for little ones to equal
them. Once a mother has used them
for her children she will use nothing
else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles
Hutt, Tancock Island, N.S., writes:—
“I have ten children, the baby being
just six months old. I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for them for the
past 20 years and can truthfully say
that I know of no better medicine for
little ones. I always keep a box of
the Tablets in the house and would
advise all other mothers to do so.”
Baby’s Own Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers or will bo mailed up
on receipt of price, 25 cents per box,
by The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Washington Says Lindbergh
May Fly Over Atlantic
To Europe Again
“ Washington, D.C.—A rumor is cur
rent here that Col. Charles A, Lind
bergh will fly the Atlantic again in
May. It is said that he will pick up
a prominent United States- automobile
manufacturer and a United States1
manufacturer of tires and take them
for a flight to the principal capitals of i
Confirmation of the rumor cannot
be obtained. Col. not
accessible here and his friends refuse
to discuss the matter. It is known '
that Col. Lindbergh has desired to fly |
over Europe ever slpce his flight from '
New York to Paris, when he planned
to complete and air tour of Europe,
but was- ordered back to the United
•States by the United States Govern
Use Minard’s Liniment for Corns.
faot that
that is
Experiments on Two German
Vessels Yielded Extra
Knot on Less Fuel
London.—Four British shipowning
firms have each decided to try as an
experiment the equipment of one of
their steamers with a new device for
Increasing the horsepower of existing
machinery. The companies are the
Anchor Line, the Booth Line, the Com
monwealth and Dominion Line and
the Clan Line.
The device, which has been intro
duced by two well-known German en
gineers, is known as the Bauer-Wach,
after the names of the two inventors,
and it consists of affixing to an ordin-
. ary steam reciprocating engine a tur
bine which uses up the exhaust steam
and which, being coupled to the pro
peller shaft, transmits this additional
power to the’ propeller. Experiments
tried on two German ships, the Cap
Norte and Antonio Delfino, each of
14,000 tons, showed that they could
make an extra knot speed on a slight
ly reduced fuel consumption. The Bri
tish exeperiment is interesting, be
cause it is being tried on various
types of ships, one of which at least,
-has the reputation of being a very
economical vessel already.
The significance of the
ment, however, lies in the
if this invention does all
claimed for it, old ships which have
been out o fthe running in the com
petition of the motorship and the
more highly developed, modern steam
ship, wll be able to come baclO with
renewed vigor, as it were, and pro
vide their owners with ships almost
as good as new at very little cost.
When one remembers the high cost of
construction to-day and bears in mind
that many of these older ships, owned
by the conservative shipowners of pre
war days, stand on the books at prac
tically nothing, the possibilities of this
revitalizing process are very remark
able. '
Nor do, the complexities of the situa
tion end there, for it is to these same
owners that the eyes of the shipbuild
er are turned for signs that they may
want new ships. While the owners
may have cause to rejoice at the pos
sibility of their ships receiving a new
lease of life, that Is exactly what the
shipbuilders do not wish to see.
And tho matter goes even farther;
many old ships are almost out of the
running In the highly competitive
freight market to-day. They would
come back as a now compotltlvo forco
just when the matfeot was beginning
to get the measure of post-war condi
tions and flattered itself that there
were no longer any seriously disturb
ing elements, ...
to-Why do so many, many babies of
day escape all the little fretful spells
and infantile ailments that used to
worry mothers through the day, and
keep them uphalf the night?
If you don’t know the answer, you
Castoria. It is sweet to the taste, and
sweet in the little stomach. And its
gentle influence seems felt all through
the tiny system. Not even a distaste
ful dose of castor oil does so much
Fletcher’s Castoria is purely vege
table, so you may give it freely, at
first sign of colic; or constipation; or
diarrhea. Or those many times when
you just don’t know what is the mat
ter. For real sickness, call the doctor,
always., At ether times, a few drops
of Fletcher’s Castoria.
Tho doctor often tells you Jo do just
Other preparations may be, just as
pure, just as free from dangerous
drugs, but why experiment? Besides,
the book on caro and feeding of
babies that comes with Fletcher’s
Catstoria is worth Its Weight in gold!
discovered pure, harmless
and always says Fletcher’s.
Children Cry for
ISSUE No. 14—W
if you are not in the best
condition and culttivate a re-
that will keep you well’ and
You can get these pills
any medicine dealer or by
A woman may get more thrill out
of a mouse, but she gets more exer
cise out of a moth.
Many men who are truthful by na
ture have to make themselves remem
ber that business Is business.
English Train Bill Gives
“Lying Down” Privileges
' London.—Sleeping accommodation
on the English trains, which is obtain
able only if the passenger travels first
class, has always been rather expen
sive. A bill has recently been intro
duced in Parliament, however, “to
provide lying-down accommodation on
night journeys in third-class railway
The wording, it will be noted, is
scrupulously accurate in referring to
“lying down” rather than to “sleep
ing” accommodation. The bill pro
vides that every train which has first-
class sleeping cars shall have, at least
one-fifth of its third-class compart
ments equipped with beds, bunks or
The “lying down tickets,” as they
are called,- are to cost only five shill
ings ($1.25) more than the ordinary
third-class fare.
_______ _________________......... - v .............
Lexicographers, state that there are
20,000 useless words in the English
A little nonsense, now and then,
Is relished by the best of men,
Provided It is offered when
Our moods are trite and mellow.
We all enjoy life’s little bit
Of gay satire and comely wit—
And voice our joy whenever it
Is on the other fellow.
Maybe, and there are also
more useful ones than most
Charlie Sets Forth
To Make a Call
But He Omitted to Note
Auntie Edith's Address
London—Certain writers make a
practice of bewailing the allegedly
degenerate times in which they live.
In their view, the zest for adventure
which led Sir Francis Drake and
many others to undertake the un
known perils of travel no longer act
uate Anglo-Saxons, These
Press Inspires Oversea
Flights, Says Birkenhead
London—Lord Birkenhead thinks
the attempts to fly the Atlantic would
be few and far between if.,.the press
“failed to advertise all the prepara
tions of the flyers, all their efforts and
their lipsticks.”
In a humorous speech delivered at
the annual dinner of the Newsvendors’
Provident Institution he made merry
with the chase of newspapers after
, sensationalism and the various chan
nel swimmers and trans-Atlantic
“Any man, woman or child who in
existing conditions tries to fly over
the Atlantic is obviously mad. He may
be a valiant maniac, but that does not
in the least come into the argument,”
said Lord Birkenhead. “In my judg
ment, there is nothing being advanced
in aerial navigation by these rash and
dangerous exploits.”
not presumably met Charlie
Gadsell, ayoung man whose parents '
live in Hastings,
One day recently, Charlie, who is
just three and a half, was told to go 1
to his grandmother’s' house, three
doors from his home. This did not
A wife is a person who interrupts >Yall in with his- own private plans', J
your funny story to ask if you want
another cup of coffee.
They'd never give some chloroform
because they'd never know when they
were unconscious.
A young woman with aspirations to
be a singer, and, as 1b often the case,
little else, went to a German vocal
teached for a tryout before arranging
to take lessons. The professor sat
down and played a selection while
the budding but ambitious singer
poured out her choicest assortment
of notes. When all was over the pro
fessor swung around on his Btool and
in wrathful voice said:
“Ach! Never have I heard such a
voice!. I blay on der vite keys and I
blay on der black keys, but you sing
in der cracks!”
“Did that firm fall to pay Its debts?”
“No; it failed so that it wouldn’t
have to pay them.”
It is
the alphabetical order of invest and
a wise investor who reverses
egg production, white, Browri
and Buff Leghorns, Barred and
/White Rocks, R. I. Reds, An-
' conas, Buff Orpingtons, White
Wyandot tea, 12c and up. 100%
live delivery guaranteed. Write
Kidney Disease
Doesn’t Warn
It strikes—when least expected-
Ward it off in time with
Warner’s Safe Kidney
and Liver Remedy
At forty and after is tho critical time
for men. If you slow ’down you* lot
younger men, blooming with health, step
up ahead. They tako tho promotion, the
big _ money—you. take their Orders,
that’s what you need in business.Gently stir up your liver and kidneys
to do their proper work with Warner’s Safe Kidney and Li,Ver Compound. This
safe, herbal remedy With the pleasant
taste has been famous for more than 60 years. Originally a doctor's prescrip
tion, it is doing untold good. Save your health, man. Any druggist Will sell you a bottle of. Warher's Safe Kidney /and
Llvfer Remedy at small cost. But get It—-there's tho only way to enjoy its benefits. Warner's Safe Remedies Cp„
Toronto, Out
Warner’s Safe Kidney and
Liver Remedy
Heavy Winds.
My, tho' March winds
unusually violent this year!”
The Woman’s Vote
Manchester Guardian '(Lib.):
are bringing our shippers excep
tionally high prices and 5% BONUS
EXTRA. We pay all ^postage and
express charges'.
Send For Our
Free 1928 8peclal
Price List.
so instead of turning in at Gand-;
mother’s gate he contained, more than '
a mile to Hastings station and enter-,
ed a waiting train bound for London. ’
The guard shut the door of what he
thought was a empty compartment,;
and when the door was again opened '
the train was in Charing Cross Sta
tion. Charlie had been in the station 1 before, although he had a chaperon
on the previous occasions. He walk
ed up and said to a station policeman,
“I am looking for- my auntie Edith.
She lives in London.” |
Charlie’s inability to remember a.
more precise address resulted in an
invitation to spend the afternoon In
Bow Street police station, where he
had a thoroughly enjoyable time un-;
til the hue and cry that had been1
i started in Hastings reached London,!
and the young adventurer resumed,
his travels, but this time in the direc
tion of his family hearth,
Minard’s Liniment for Backache.
The Loyal Chief
London Observer (Ind-.): To every
war there is a bitter aftermath of
forgetfulness and ingratitude. The
race of wealth and pleasure is resum
ed in too comimon indifference to those
whose sacrifices and suffering have
made it possible. Lord Haig neither
himself forgot, nor let others forget
in so far as his voice and pen could
avail, the men broken in his service.
cVx JI JACVVv? » M A F ...
least give women a chance to break
with a past tradition of female in
feriority to work, to organize, and to
serve in public life as in private. Social
_ ______________ equality was achieved; it was only
Health—a clear brain-—a sound body— * «««(>«• to recognize it by the re-
moval of ancient disqualifications and
barriers. . < • When t'he historian re
views the record of ths generation ho
will probably regard this publlo ro-
' cognition of sox equality as the most
! significant and far-reaching social
change of the period. It has already
released vast stores of human energy
hitherto thwarted, and Is transform-
| ing iii all sorts of natural and wholo-
sotne w«
of men and women.
war, whatever Its other results,’’did at' Alike In fath, mercy and courage, ho
’ wa,’s Of knightly degree.
Corrugated Iron
Ml vi nwvuiui uiiu wuviu-
’ays the personal relationship I
and women. |L
‘‘Council Standard”
thick, even, heavy spread ofA ------- - -galvanizing over every inch of sur
face., Deep corrugations. Agencies
still open in some localities.
Write us, stating size of
barn you want to cover.
Dept. W, 108 George St, Toronto 2
xjw.iii iwrrrnr-... ...-.......—...- *............rum.
Bvsi-JL> NESS—-earn big bonuses. Write
•Ojuojoj, 'jog xoa ‘XuudmoQ paspuw^fi
NEW bbunswzcb:
farming opportunities offered here unsurpassed anywhere. Another fact,
cheapest good farms on earth still here. Burley's free bargain catalog ready,
AKred Burley Co., Limited, St John.
rnowEES .
roses 8, delivered, $2.00. Catalog free, M. & O. Dodds, Sorrento, B.C.
ZxJL Wyandotte, Red Baby Chicks, per 100 and up. Hatching eggs, ?8.00 per 100 and up. Pedigreed Cockers els, $6.00 each, and up. 86 Page Illus
trated Catalogue Free. L. R. Guild & Sone, Box T, Rockwood, Ont.
TJABY CHICKS—WE HATCH FOUR I~> varieties of Baby Chicks. Write for free catalogue. Price 10c and up. A. H.
Switzer, Granton, Ont
Bpeedy padded vans. New Equipment latest methods. Two experienced men
every trip. All loads insured. Beyond compare for skill and care. Before you move, write us or wire and reverse the
charges. Head office- Hamilton, Ontario.
Canada. Hill the Mover.
New question for the prospective
landlord by searching tenant: “And
how is radio reception in this neigh
Daily application of Minard’s
will dry up warts. Also ex
cellent for callouses, corns and
Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Levin Fur Co.
172 King St. East Dept. B
Grade Holstein Heifers
Client wants-to purchase now
fifty grade heifers due to freshen In
Autumn. What have you to offer
and what Is your price.
Clear ThePorerJ
Of ImpurltiesrWitli’H
Cuticura Soap
Soap. OMment-Talcum sold everywhere.|
ACID stomach
Coniston, Ontario.—"After a se
vere operation and a three weeks’
stay in a hospital
1 returned home
so weak that I was
unable to move a
chair. For four
months I was al
most frantic with
pains and suffer
ing until 1 thought
sure there could
not be any help
for me. 1 had very
severe pains in mv
left side and suf
fered agony every month. One day
when 1 was not able to get up my
mother begged me to try your med
icine. My husband got me a bottle «■
of Vegetable Compound at once and
I took it. I started a second bottle,
and to my surprise and joy the pains
in my side left me completely and I
am able to do all my work without
help, I am a farmer’s wife, so you
see I can’t be idle long. In all, I have
taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, five
boxes of the Compound Tablets, two
bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood
Medicine, and have also used the San
ative Wash. "—Mrs. L. Lajeuness^,
^Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. a
Ju&t a tasteless dose of Phillips’ Milk
of Magnesia tn water. That is an
alkali, effective, yet harmless. It has
been the standard antacid for 60
years among physicians everywhere.
Ono spoonful will neutralize at once
many times its volume in acid. It is
the right way ,tho quick, pleasant and
efficient way to kill the excess acid.
The stomach becomes sweet, the pain
departs. You are happy again in five
minutes, ?
Don’t depend on crude methods. Em
ploy tho best way yet evolved in all
tho years of searching. That la
Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia.
Bo sure to get tho genuine Phillips*
Milk of Magnesia proscribed by physi
cians for 60 years in correcting ex
cess acids, Each bottle contains full
directions—any drugstore