The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-01-26, Page 76-4 , * The 1928 -Colynlpic OLii VINTEit NOM ----- Atl spertsmen ere relieved to bear ts:,'at the Prielsh Olympic Gatate A Trying Tjoie for People With Council have docided to take part in WeakaterY 01004 the 1-928 games at Amsterdam. There WS 44 awkWarcl obstacle—the peel- Cenadian winter aweather tri 4 try lion take n up by some European coun- Ing time 'for delsilitated, run-down pece tries on tho vexed queistion et "brole Pie. The close air of ahut.up 'houses. en -time," It arose fs'om pie lack et 4 lack of out-of-door exercise, the re- formula for: What hi an amateur? stricted diet of the season all have . '. e problem has, .beeti with us for their yo effect on Weakened systems, ni . y years, and we have solved it There is always In such cases the as our hearts and our tradition dictat- denser a severe colds, attacks of in- fluenza, •Or the gall more dreaded pd. We saY, broadly, that ail amateur le a man who plays, for the fun a the Pneumonia, There ia eto other time bey thiug and who does not eXeeet either a year when a entifel Supplof rich, red blooa is Bo necessary; ancl to make money out of it or to have re - the one way to keep the blood rich funded any wages he May have to aur- rder to Playand pure and thus avoid winter trou- en. We have taught the world to Play ' _bltsri is through the use of Dr. Williams' Isi It Pills, If, unfortunately, you Stave practleally ' all its games, which are Mlle , . la a victim to influenza, pr other now popular. And to a Praiseevertny winter troubles, this same medicine degree, one love of sportsmanship, 'elle will restore your health end strength, inherent belief in what we cell Splay- Among those who have proved the ing the genie," has also been adoet-; value of Dr. Williams Pink Pills is ed. I3ut as. was only to be expected, Niles Margaret Pearson, R.R. No. 3, those nations who were our pupils Chatham. Miss Pearson had passed have former different opinione on through a severe attack of influenza certain aspects of sport. And there 18 and says: "It left Me so weak and also this meter of amateurism. run-down, that I could scarcely walk. Some continental natiOne say: "We Anaemia set in and it almost seemed do not want the full-time professional as if I would not pull through the win - at all. We prefer that all oar sports, ter, as I grew so weak that the leatat Men shouild be embraced under one definition as amateurs. For tele pur- pose we believe that if such a man as• a carpenter, who iv paid wages by the hour,. is to lose wages in adveragement of Dr. Williams' Pink order to represent his peovince or his Pills, and decided to try them. BY town r las country, that losshould the time I- had utted three boxes I felt oe he made good to him." much better, and continuing the use Thee who control our sport find b' at such payments, open the way to ttiniee of amateurism and will have uone of it. a So far. as the Olympic Gamesare concerned, this "broken time" is mooted only in the case of football, at least, the pills have been worth end therefore, as matters stand at • - . preeent, Britain, and the British Em- their weight in gold." As a precaution against winter 11181: take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now. Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent by mail at 50c a box by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ____—_____ Willerhy expected to benefit by hie rich uncee's death. The latter read not failed to observe the nephew's onxiety an this, point, however, and when on his death -bed sent for Willer - by. "I haven't forgotten you, George," he said: "got you down in my will," •et the funeral. Willerby invested in an expensive wreath, and attended to hear the will read. "To my dear nephew, George," Nan the document, n "I leave an illustrated editioof Dick - exertion would bring on fainting spells. I was under medical treat- ment, but it did not help me. Then one day in our local paper I read an of the pills it was not tong before I felt better than I had been before the lufluenea attacked me. My rapid re- covery surprised my friends, and when asked "What did you do?" I prould proudly say, "Not my doing, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." To me, pire, will not compete in football. It is a great and glorious episode In tee his:tory of the world, this Olympic gathering every fourth year; It is tS ought to be a true path to bet- ter indeestanding between countries. Four yeare ago at Paris forty-two nations tool: part, and the preliminary parade of the thousands of .conepeta • tors was perhaps She meet wonderful sight of its. kind the world has ever Gem Besides the English-ape:eking and European nations, „there were- mere- sentatives from such places as China, Turkey, Haiti, Egypt and Mexco. Ana ealest a galaxy oftalent was produtted! Fidel la Barba, afterwards en's 'Great 13xpectationeS " world's flyweight ehampion,' dise — tiaguisbed the boxing. 'Willie Smith, the South • African, who defeated Bal -dock recently, first TOS0 to fame at the Paris gamest Such brilliant erackmen as H. M. Abrahamee who won eel sprint, WC Liddell, the Sea, Corporal Cotterell and H. D. Stallard ran marvellously well to uphold Bri- tish honor, • Then there was; that marvel of the track, Nummi, the Finn, Who, loping Lap after lap with watch in Stand, gave the most extraordinary performances of long-distance running the world had ever seen. All eatione did not compete at all events, of course; but there were no fewer than twenty-nine nations com- peting at boxing, which the United Sate e just won' from England. Women took part then in such events as Swedish drill, but Ms time their field Is to be Widened. They are to have their own track events. Germany, with Dr, Peltzee as one of , the vvorld's beet sprinter, and with specialists in field events., and a vast number of splendid young - boxers, is devoting Government time and money to the 'exploration of Ger- many for talent. France has long had etnnething like a ministry of sport. The United States are under- stood to be chartering and equip- ping a special liner in which to bring and house their hundreds, Our then endeavor is left to those who are interested. We have no Government subsidy or Government organization. Because of our deeply rooted belief that amateurism is voluntary most of us would rather shoulder our o wn burden. Considering what we have to lime, we .cannot anticipate more than .a reasonablygood show against the Test of the world. The pupil is fast be- coming the mastee. "Color in Men's Clothes" Plan Dropped by London Tailors Color ds a stimulant to improved sales of :ments clothing in England has failed, accordingto a report made to the Department of emmerce .by As- sistant Trade Commissioner C. C4rant Isaacs, Londog, The trend toward color was initiated and endorsed by London tailors and fabria wholesalers In the belief It would bring about a more definite rotation of Styles in men's clothes, with consequent. gain 111 ealess e The inoveinent, however, failed to gather .any impetus and now darker clothes subdued patterns are favored. American buyers of Thiglish fabrics are also allowing a desire for eoneervativo materiale, reports Mr, -Isaaer. "Ciatlles ate enwty," says a nmral- ist, "beer.use the modern faMily is Ueddeci to its' InOtor can'"nill debt t:o there. part. V Do your registration plate ShOPPIng exi'ly tii Whether good-•netto. apanese onor 1 BROKEN WATCH " SENiP US YOUR Why They . Prince Sells Last of Property Aid clients of closed Bank Tokyo,—Dispossi or the last of bis belongings and the gift of their pur- [ WE'LL REIfrAIR IT As good as new and Guaranteed for 2 Years at Moderate Price* DURBIN JEWELRY Co. Ltd. Established 16 years TORONTO "Run Amok chase price to the Fifteenth Bank, and the rettira of Ms Datent of De- bility to the throne has been decided upon by Prince Iwao Matsukats,. Prince Mateultata, who is the son of Prince Masayoshi Matsukata, has felt the personal responsibility tor the failure of the Fifteenth Bank 80 greatly that he is unwilling to leave arty stone unturned to aid the hanlee shereholdere and creditors, Ile has gone far beyond the requirenaents of , the law, although he 18 president of the bank. When the institution, familiarly ; knewn as the Veers' Ita.nit"'because the stockholders are largely members of the peerage, crashed last spring, Prince Idatsukata sold the bulk ofsbis estate and placed the funds at the dis- posal of the bank. He retained only a small villa and sufficient funds to ensure a modest living. In the months that have Intervened he has consider- ed his course and has now arrived at ; the conclusion that he must sacrifice I all that he has. As a result, his villa ' is to be sold and all that he possesses will be given to the bank. In addition, Prince Matsukata has informed the head of the Peerage Bureau that he wishes to return his title' of prince to the throne. He gives as his reason the fact that he will not in the future be able to live, in a style suited to such a high title, "I have decided to surrender my title and give up what property I have," he says. "I am now free, but :what a fool Jam that I did not be- come a plain man long ago." There is general regret that Prince Matsukata has been brought to this pass. His father was one of the .most distinguished statesmen and finan- ciers of modern. Japan, and formed one of the little clique known as the Genro which ruled behind the throne. INDIAN WOMAN COURT OFFICER Bombay—Daw Me Khin has been appointed Assistant Registrar he thee Rangoon High Court. She was the first woman to pass the Bachelor of La.ws examination at the Rangoon University, and this is the first time that the posthas been offered to a woman. see. In telling her age a woman is often shy—in more ways than one.—Wall Street Journal. , • High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, /TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given in various trades. The schools and classee are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made t� the Principal of the school. COMIViERDIAL 'SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING,. HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided • for in the COurses.of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate, Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies. of the Regulationselssued by. the Minister of Education may be obtained from.the Pelee* •Minter, Parliament Blaildings, Toronto. APPLICATIONS Are Filled As'Far As Possible in the Order In Which They Are Received .ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are Invariably Given the Preference Farm Help Supplied The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Families—IVIarried Couples Without Children— also Single Men. Farmers 'requiring help will he well adficed to make early application to Geo. A. Elliot Director of Colonization Parliament Bidet., Toronto. Ont. Fite Your- • Application. at Once Ali Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON, JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture r::;° 9 ' For In-oubles due to Acid, INDIOESTiON ACID STOMACH "HeCi4AROVIlite" GASaS.NAUSCA edue ci iteh inteetines sour, avid iiistantly, The best form is Phillips' 1VIlik of Magnesia, be- cause one harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times its volume in acid. Sine() its invention, BO year ttgo, It hail reitittiried the standard With physicians everywhere Tako a spoonful 111Nvater and your unhannY condition will probably end Ixi five miuutes. Then yoU will al- Wava know What to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you.. Go prove this for your own sake, It may save a great many disagree- able lidurs: 130 sure to get the geentine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by Oyu!. dans for .50 years in correcting excess acids. tech bottle contains full direc- tions any drugstore, . , . t.; Try It in ana a Collars Replaced Free To Get 1.4aunfary Work London collar mannfacturers are going Lady Oesulatoll one better. Her Ladyship offered to do away with the frayed edges of men' e col- lars if they would have them washed in her Mayfair laundry. The collar manufacturers now offer to replace collars free of charge as fast as they wear out. But the collars must be purchased directly from the manufacturers and must be turned in to them again to be washed when they are soiled. The usual charge for washing is made. Their profit comes from the laun- dry work and is on the same business principle employed by the manufac- turers of safety razors who give the 'razors away, but make their profits 'from the 'blades. IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Is there a baby or young children In your home? If there is you should not be without a box of Baby's Own Tablets. Childhood ailments come quickly and means should always be at hand to promptly fight them. Bayb's Own Tablets are the ideal home remedy. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach; banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers—in fact they relieve all the minor ills oi little, ones. Concerning them Mrs. Moise Cabotte, Makamik, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy in the world for little ones. My baby suffered terribly from indi- gestion and vomiting, but the Tablets soon set her right and now she Is in perfect health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. Lunacy' for All London Times (huh): (A French statistician has sihown by figures, that by the year 2139 the British people will be composed of an equal nura- ber of sane people and lunatics.) A people like. the British, who have al- ready adventured to the extreme limits set by geography, are likely to welcome the further adVenture of na- tional lunacy, to be made in. the same gradual but unresisting way. TibeY can always draw back, not denying the facts but by changing the defini- tions. But a bold acceptance of their destiny, a genial reluctance to disap- .point statfeticians who raa-ely take their disappointments well, will lead rather to an eager impatienoe for the new epoch to 'begin—Partly in order that comparisons can be made, but chiefly that all may enjoy the "hap- Piness which madness often hits on and reason and Danity cannot safely he delivered of" to which olonius al- luaese in a play which will now be re- read with quickened interest. PLENTY OF EYES Turnip: Goodness, Mr. Potato, you never ought to become near. sighted with all those eyes! Canada's Seed Grading System Commerce in seeds in Canada is conducted on a basis of legally defined grades, and the quality ot. seed sold must conform to preseribed, grade de- finitions,. This involves responsible duties for the inspectors of the Do- minion Seed Branch, Departmeut of Agrtculture, who grade all agricul- tural seed and a large part of the field root and garden vegetable seeds required for domestic use and for ex- port. According te the latest an - nal report of the Minister of Agricul- toe 32,617 control sampleswere ex- amined and graded at laboratory points during the fiscal year 1025-26. The total quantity of seed represent- ed by these samples amounted to sev- eral millions of bushels,. That the system followed in this country is sound is 2111,0Wn by the recognition givbn on foreign markets to Canadian seed offered umicr official sale and grade names. U'irst llrohhx "Yah, your mother Sick stomachs, sour stomachs anti Indio:111ton 'usually mean exces.s acid, The ftomadi nerves are over -stimu- lated. Teo /11t1( h avid makes the stoni- takes in washin't" Second Urchin— "Well, you don't think she's' going to leave it ou the line all night when your =then; abaht, .do you?" • suppese there are many prOlems wieh Polar .explorers sack to i‘olve?" said theunscientific man. •'‘'Ires,"‘ re - Piled the intrepid traveller; "a greitt many." "What is the most important tiler "Getting bolt," minarti's •Lirlitneht fee rheuttlatiten, Batavia Physician Reports on Peculiar Malay Psychosis IDr. Van Loon Professor of Pay^ Chietry in the Medical Echool of Ba- taVia, has had an opportunity study the special psychoses of the Malay race, which he recently de- scribed to the International Institute of Anthropology, according to the Geneva correspondent of The Journal, of the American Medical Association.I Of especial interest is the phyche-I Ide known as amok. A seizure of this. sort is a thoroughly Unexpected and murderous attack by a Ilalay &object, who throws himself on any one --even members of his MIA faraily—and kifls or severely wounds several individu- als before be has been overcome or, as usually occurs, kills himself, The insanii subject seizes on the first arm t knife, xnoro usually ` the Malay kris—and gives birnself . up to a massacre. If after the attack the patient can be questioned it is common to find him in a state of com-' • pike amnesia, If he recalls anything,. it will be the vision he saw. Ail enemy arose before him in the form of an armed man or tiger and he fell on his aggressor, l "Van Loon refutes Kraepelin's opinion that the amok is an epileptic episode," says the correspondent. "It, is the result ef mental distress the' etiologic factor in which is an infec- tious process, usually malaria, ty- phoid or influenza. On the Continent infections do not produce such same attacks of !sanity, but in the Malay race the'emotivity is intense and sug- gestibility is without equal in other races. These people offer no resist- ance to a sudden emotion; they queckly lose their heads and are strongly &object to panic, Aided by an infection, it is evident that emotiv- ity and suggestibility increase and lead to the acute mental cortfuston resulting in the amok. The Unclean Male London Sunday Times (Cons.): We have grown accustomed to the um - mantic tholight that the Elizabethans, swaggering through their spacious days in cloak and ruff, were far from cleanly, and the memory of the men who fought at Waterloo remains un- tarnished, in spite of the fact that they really washed. When it comes to mordern hygiene it is ,a different matter. It touches us nearly to be told that present-day men's clothes are not clean. Yet here at last is the retort for which woraen,•Iong censur- ed for their dress, have been looking. The 'modern girl, charged with the brevity of her skirt, can politely in- quire when the modern man is,st had his trousers cleaned. The typist whose employer objects to her short sleeves can hint that her jumper washes, while his "very . serviceable suit of black" doesn't. The historian of a future age will not fail to com- ment on this circumstance; an our descendants will be heard saying their grandfathers (not their grand- mothers, mind you( Were amusing fel- lows, but 60 dirty, you know: It was her first voyage, and the old lady took a keen interest in the work- ing of the big liner. The vessel had not long left port when she slowed down. 'The ship appears to be stop, ping, captain. Why should we stop here?" asked the old lady, anxiously. "To let the pilot off, ma'am." "Do you mean to say the pilot does not go with us all the way, to. direct the course, captain?" "That's what I mean, ma'am." This gave the questioner food for thought. Presently she I smiled, as if struck by a bright idea, 'sad added: "Oh, I suppose ,Iteter the I pilot has set the rudder. pointing in the right direction, there's nothing I more for him to do, so he goes." .11.1.1•!••••••••••1 "We've had a fine time playing post- man," exclaimed the small hopeful of the family. "We gave a letter to every lady in the street." "But where did you get the letters, dear?" "Oh, we found 'eni in your trunk in the at- tic, all tied hp with a blue ribbon." ClearYour Skin Of Disfidurind Blemishes Use Cuticura Sample Soap, Ointment, Talcum free. Adilreas Ca - ?Indian De otr"Ontien 261111111t....ar ".esealretfelife TENTS List of "Wanted Inventions" and rull Information Sent Free on Request. T7321 RAMSAY 00., Dept. W• 273 Dank St., Ottawa, one. vivs•matosamovversvOmovarovvo Grippe Heat and inhale Minardvs. Al- so rub it on throat and cheet. The great preventative, easeseeeeseasersereee, da. Issue No. 3--'28 is good teed' Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest tea in le hest package—Ahnninum • • • " •-• • • - — Who, me?" "Bora?"— Plres, sir," Where?" — ''Rhssia." "What part?" --"All oe me," "WkY did you leave Ruseitt?"—"I couldn't bring it with me." "Where were your forefathers born?"—"I only got -one father." "Your business?" — "Rot- ten!" "Where is Washington?"— He s dead. I mean the capital of 'Classified Advertisements l-41and light sowing at home, whole or WAXTED--To Do PLA.19 sparAeptii:Se. Good pay. Work sent anY distance. clutrges Paid. Send stamp for particulars. Nationat Marmfacturieg (lo, esontreal. Willie. "Ms, if the baby was to sat tadpoles, would it give hten a big the United States?"—`They loaned bass voice like a frog? Mother: : It Good gracious, no, They'd kill him." all to Europe." "Now, do you promise to support the Constitution?"—"Me? ithey How can I? I've got a wife and six children to support," The King of Paln—Minard's Liniment There is something about the mod- ern girl that ye like, but it can't be clothes, lipposo— Acts Like a Flas.4 In Relieving Colds That's why eo many people buy "Buckley's" to end Coughs. SIVA.. f chitie and all Throat, Chest and Lung troublea. It's instant, pleimant, guaranteed. You'll note its unique powers in the very first dose—and there're 40 doses in a 76 -cent bottle I Ask your druggist for "Mickley's". W. E. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 YS egrpkti. A OPERATION LEFT HER VERY WEAK Letter Tells O.f Wonderful Relief After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Coniston, Ontario.—"After a se- vere operation and a three weeks' stay ite a hospital I returned home so weak that rwaS unable to move a chair. For four months I was al- most frantic with pains and suffer - mg until I thought sure there could not be any help forme. I had very severe painsin zny left side and suf- fered agony every month. One day when I was not able to get up my mother begged me to try your med- icine. My husband got me a bottle of Vegetable Compound at once and I took it. I started a second bottle, and to my surprise and joy the pains in my side left me completely and I am able to do all my work without help, I am a farmer's wife, so you see I can't be idle long. In all, I have taken six bottles df Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, five boxes of the Compound Tablets, two betties of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and have also used the San- ative Wash. "—Mrs. L. LAJEuNESSE, Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. a The BABY No mother in this enlightened age would give her baby something she and not know was perfeetly harmless, especially when a few drops of Wain Castoria will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little ill. Fretful- ness and fever, too; it seems tto time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influenee seems just what Is needed. It does all that castor on might accomplish, without shock to the system. 'Without theeessitateate.--, It's delicious! Being purely vege- table, you can give it as often as there's a sign of colic; cbastipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, uatur- al sleep. Just one warning: It Is genuine Fletcher's Castoria, that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be jest as free from all doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's is going tea test them! Besides, the book on care anti feeding Of babies, that comes with Fletcher's °eater% " is worth its weight in gold. 0111913WMIVVICPSII Children Cry for Headaches ma3r be Swiftly and safely relieved by an Aspirin tablet, A most efficient remedy, and there's no after effect; its • ttse avoids much needless suffering. Try it next time; see how soon its soothing influence is felt. knit as helpful when you have a cold; neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, lumbago. ingt be certain you get real Aspirin --the genuine has Bayer on the box, and on every tablet, All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Aspirin Is tht trad mark (tertelored In Canailal MGM:nine Payer tiann.:tetar%. *4110 it is well lthetra that Aspirin Means lieYer rascureeturs. ta csaare the purte egstest Dons, tho Tithiets Will be damped with their "Sayer Cross" trialtungh