The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-01-19, Page 5■)THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1938 "JC <c « 'N r gtrljord of ©umweuce CLINTON, ONTARIO Winter Term Begins January 3rd, 1928 B. F. WARD, R.A., M.Accts. JPhope 198 o Principal .....................■ HENSALL TENDERS WANTED Tendeife will be received up to and including February 1st, 1928, for supplying fourteen cords of Maple body wood, cut eighteen in. long. Wood to be delivered to Hen- Ball United church before March 15, 1928. Lowest or any tender not necessarily, accepted. A. W. E. Hemphill, Chairman l-19-2tc has returned she has been i -------------------------------- Mr. Robt, Higgins is in Goderich this week on business. Mrs. E. Jackson visited on Friday jwith relatives, in Clinton. Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill is in To­ ronto this week on business. Mi§s G. Marks, of Brucefield, is visiting with friends in town,- ■ Miss E. Morrison visited for’ a few days with friends in Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs, J. Passmore spent the ween-end visiting -in London. W. and Mrs, Fred Corbett visited .with friends in Exeter on Tuesday. ' Mrs. Frank Mo’sseau visited ^itli relatives in Clinton during the past jweek, Miss Christina McKay, of Toron­ to, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McKay, Mr. Roy McLaren is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin on the Thames Road. Miss Anna Tiernan, of Dashwood, visited'over the week-end with Miss- Mildred McDonell: „ Mr. Gerald Farquhar left on Tuesr day morning for Chicago where he intends getting a position. Mils. Thos. Berry, who has been Visiting for.«>some time with relatives in Windsor has returned home. Mehsrs., Clarence Smillie and Fos­ ter Pepper left recently for Guelph where they will take a course at the O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, of Strat- tford visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. . Brown. The Old Time Dan,ce held by the Firemen on Friday evening last was a great success, and all reported a Ijood time. Mrs. D. Shirray from Toronto where spending a- few weeks with her mo- •^Lther who is ill. ' • ""Mr. Lloyd Davis, of Toronto, vis­ ited over the week-end with his mother Mrs. Wm. Davis and sister Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt and daughter Lois, of Brucefield, visited over the week-end with Mrs. P. .Fisher and Miss Eleanor Fisher. The British Consols Social Club ^net at the home of Mr. Alex Mos- FBeau on Thursday evening, cards were played, after which a dainty lunch was served. Mrs. Wm. Colman, who has been visiting in Seaforth with her daugh­ ter Mrs. M. Stewart has- returned to the home of her son Mr. Wes? Col­ man where she intends spending a few weeks. The many friends of Mrs. _ Geo. Thompson will be sorry to learn that she is lying at her home, ser­ iously ill. On Thursday evening ■last she suffered a stroke and has failed to rally. Her daughter Mrs. Barnett,, of Toronto,- and grand­ daughter Miss Gertrude Barnett are at her bedside. , “ The service^ in Carmel Presbyter­ ian church on Sunday last were largely attended. A Communion service was held in the morning, JR,ev. Mr. Mclllroy preaching inspii^ ing sermons at both services. At the evening service Mrs. Wm. Mc­ Laren and Mrs. Andrew Dougall sang a very pleasing duet. The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in.the Commercial Hotel, Hen­ sall on 20 th at jpme of vectors tion of year, and for the transacting of any other business. Friday afternoon, January 1 o’clock p.m. for the pur­ receiving reports of the di- and auditors and the elec­ directors for the current HENSALL FLOWER SOCIETY The Horticultural Society held its meeting in the Town Hall on Friday evening, ed:—-Hon, President, Nathan Peck; President,' l|3t vice-pres, pres., F. Hess; sec’y-treas., Mrs. J. Elder; assistant, Miss M. J. John­ son; Mrs. Merner and Mrs. Elder Were appointed delegates to attend the Ontario Horticultural Conven­ tion. ’ The following were elect- Mrs. C. A. McDonnell; Dr. A, Moir; 2nd vice ; sec’y-treas., Mrs. J. DR. R. I. P. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine,and - Master of Science, {University of Western Ontario. Member of College Of Physicians Mud Surgeons of Ontario* Office 4wo doors’east Of Post Office. IPhone 5$?, " .Residence 114 “'LOENS ALL, ONT. Miss Eleanor Fisher i organist hensall United CHURCH TUITION IN PIANO |Term» Moderate Phone 18 HEADS HURON-BRUCE LODGE .John S. Wren, of Toronto, and an old boy of Henall district, and a brother of Rev. David Wren, a for­ mer pastoi- of the Brussels Metho­ dist church, was elected A. F, & A. M., Lodge at Toronto. His old Hu­ ron friende offer congratulations up­ on his promotion to this important lodge in Toronto, YOUNG PEOPLES’ LEAGUE The meeting of the Young Peoples League of the United church was held on Monday evening'with a good attendance present. The meeting was ■ presided over by Miss Mildred McDonell, and „was'opened by singing hymn 145 after which all repeated the Lord's, Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary Miss Flora Higgins after which hymn 153 was . sung. The Scripture lesson was read, by Miss A. Scruton after which kliss E. Mur- dock gave a very- interesting reading A very interesting topic was given by Miss Margaret Hbbkirk. on John the Baptist of the Afri'can Coast. Miss . Avis Lindenfield favored the League with an instrumental after which Mr. Harry Cook took up the collection. The meeting: was closed by singing hymn 156 hfter which all repeated the Mizpah, Benediction. MOLLARD MISSION CIRCLE The Mollard Mission Circle o>f the Hengall United church, met on Wed­ nesday evening last with Miss'Elva Sha'ddock presiding. ■ The- meeting was opended by the singing- of a hymn, after which Miss. Consitt led in‘prayer. The 23rd Psalm was re­ peated in unison. . The -minutes of the last meeting were read' and adopted, followed by a very inter­ esting reading by Miss A. Scruton. An instrumental duet-'by M. Sinclair and .Joyce Scruton and an instrumen­ tal solo by Miss Gladys Luker were much enjoyed by all. Election of officers then took place the follow­ ing officers ’ being elected: Honor­ ary pres., Miss. Consitt; pres., Miss Elva Shaddock; 1st. vice-pres., M. McKaig; rec. sec’y, Gladys Luker; treas., Alma Scruton; Corres. sec’y.,. Grace Stone; pianist, Marion Sin­ clair; system, giving,” Mrs.’Hedden;. Mite Box super., Mary McKaig; Pro. 1 com., Gladys Luker, Mis. Hedden Evelyn Hefferman. ■amounted to $11,30. closed by the singing of a hymn af­ ter which all repeated the Lord’s Prayer. ■■■■■....................... ........... ............ The members of the council thought this would be a good move, and which is being adopted in other places, to dp away with the elections in holiday time. By-law No. 3 was also referred to the next meeting and which is finding favor in a great many places, that is to col­ lect the taxes twice a year instead of once, anc|, to give a discount of 5 per cent, on the first half collected. We believe this would be quite a help to the average ratepayer, not having •to pay the full amount at once, and especially, as at present, at a time of the year when there is a greater demand on the purse oif the average ratepayer, and by paying half in the month of June when money and work is more plentiful. The Reeve suggested the work of the Council be divided into committees, and asked for a fire and light committee, and a street committee be formed said committees to be formed of two members of the Council and the Reeye. The Reeve stated that he wasn’t very well satisfied with the way the business of the town was conducted, teams being put on haul­ ing .gravel, and men being put to work without any check on their time, and theii; bills are put in and paid. He suggested that the differ­ ent committees keep a Check on the different accounts and O. K. them before presenting them to the coun­ cil. , Councillors Petty and Sangster were appointed to be fire and light committee, and councillors Priest and Cameron to the street commis­ sion, the reeve to be a member of each committee. Mr. Geo. Follick was appointed a member of the Lib­ rary Board for another term, and Rev. Mr. Jones was appointed to fill out the-term of the Rev. Mr.-Naylor on the Library Board. Before the meeting adjourned the reeve brought up -the xnatter of the’ light in front of the residence of Miss J, Bell on King St: east, he explained to' the council the reason the light was placed there, and that Miss Bell had agreed to pay for it. He stated that is was setting a bad precedent, and especially on our' back streets where anyone could-demand a light, if they, would pay for it, and in case -the property was sold the next own­ er might possibly refuse to pay for it, so he thought it would be better for the council to keep full control of the lighting bystem on the streets as the light 'in front of Miss Belt’s was placed there in the first layout of the lighting system of the town, and was afterward^ moved, and as the ditches are somewhat dangerous there the Reeve asked the council to put that light on the town lighting system, and relieve Miss Bell of any further liability. The council ad­ journed to meet again on Monday, February 6th. Crediton Mr. Dau Truemnex1 is visiting rela­ tives in Dashwood. . Mrs, Eli Lawson has returned home after visiting relatives in Ex­ eter for a week. Mr. Eber Anderson has returned to his home in Gull Lake after spending a month’s vacation here with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Wil­ son Anderson also visiting in Exeter with relatives. , , Mr. Eli Lawson spent Sunday in Exeter, ** Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mejick and fam­ ily, who a few years ago moved their household effects to Elkton, Mich., disposed of their if arm there and returned to Canada again, the land of their birth, They lived for many years in and around Zurich also a few years near Crediton, then moved to Michigan, They speak highly of tlie thrifty and prosperous communities of that part of the state yet we rather think they like the land of the Maple Leaf best of all. They made friendly visits at Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclsaac’s, the parsonage and other friends o>f the community and graced the Sunday services at the Evangelical church with their presence, The Home Baking Sale, given by S. of the Evangelical reached a Much more home-made In spite of the heavy losses, the financial standing of the pomapny is splendid. There being $3,345.19 in the Banks; $809.90 of unpaid as­ sessments; $16,000 invested in Pro­ vince of Ontario Bonds; $4000 in City of Toronto Bonds and 195.44; residue 'of premium notes making the total assets to be $.225,- An- will the STAFFA " The collection Meeting was MISSION BAND The Mission Band of the -United church held their meeting in -the basement of the church on Sunday aifternoon with a good* attendance present. The meeting was opened by singing hymn No. 91 aftei* which all repeated the 23rd Psalm. The minutes were read by Ray Patter­ son, after which the scripture lesson was read by Gladys Passmore ahd Lula Lindenfield, Aldon Appleton then called the roll. A reading wais given by Marion McKay, after Which the offering was taken up by Mary Hemphill while the Band sang Hear the Pennies Dropping. A reading was given by Katherine Drysdale after which hymn 347 was then sung- A chorus was then given iby the Mis­ sion Band Girls, after which three girls sang “Let the Lower Lights be Burning’’; an instrumental by -Flor­ ence McDonald, reading by Vera Saunders, a solo by Katherine Drys­ dale, reading by Olive Brock Were well rendered after which Miss Mor­ rison read the study. The meeting was closed, by singing hymn No. 145 after which all repeated the Lord’s Prayer. M'r. Bert Emmerson, who has been working for Mr. Jarnos'MJller, is ill with Scarlet Fever. Mr. and Mrs. W- J., Fell entertain­ ed a number of their friends to din­ ner on Friday evening. Mr. Cameron Vivian intends tak­ ing a Mechanical Course in Toronto. The course is to be begin on Tues­ day of this week. Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and. Mrs. Harry Leslie hpent Thursday in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson entertained a number of their ifriend to dinner on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs*- J. A. Sadler were London on Friday. Mr. O. W. Reed attended the W. Life Insurance Convention London last week. % in G. in COUNCIL MEETING The regulai' monthly meeting of the village council Wais’held on Mon­ day evening all the members present With the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted oxx motion of Petty and Cameron. A number of com- municiations were read and ordered to be filed. The Reeve stated, that the collectoi* Mr. Hemphill, who Was in Toronto had left a statement with hjm, regarding the 1927 taxes, and that all the taxes were paid in with the exception, of two propertied, which were several years behind. A number of accounts were presented and ordered paid. By-law No. 1, appointing the different officials foi' the town for 1928 Was then given its first, second and third reading. It was moved by Councillor Prie|3L seconded by Couficillox’ Camei’on that the mattei' of ’appointing the officials be 16ft ovex* Until tile liext regular meeting, and for applica­ tions to be received for the positions up till the time Of the next meeting. The Reeve asked for any amend­ ment to the motion, ahd there being none, he put the motion to the council, Which Was carried* Sever­ al othei’ by-laws write read and referred to the next meeting. By- law'No. 2, was to set the date of the annual nomination to the first Mon­ day in December, polling to bo one week later and the poll to often at eight o’clock instead of nine. As there was some doubt aS to the att- thority of the council in setting the hour of the oftehitig <vf tlie poll, it Was decided to leave by-law No. 2 to be taken up at the next meeting* THAMES ROAD Mr. Jack Gollings was home the week-end. Jack has a position with the Bell Telephone Go. Mr. Wm. Pollen was in Sarnia on Monday. Will ha.s his ■ grinding out­ fit going and Harvey assists his father in the mill. The roads are fair for motor-traf­ fic in this direction. The, teachers and officers of the Sunday School met Saturday after­ noon and all officers were re-elect­ ed. The treasurer wished a change and Mr. Wm. Allison was appointed in hi(3. place. • Miss Rhea Pollen spent a few days in Mitchell last week and at­ tended a social evening of the Jo­ seph Olivei’ Rebekah lodge. Dur­ ing the course of 'the evening she was presented with a past Noble Grand’s Jewel. At the close of .the evening refreshments were served and a pleasant social time was spent by all. ELIMVILLE for The members of the Board of El- imville and Zion appointments, also their wives enjoyed a banquet in Elimville church lalst Thursday af­ ternoon, Rev. McDonald, of Egmond- Vilie church, gave a Very interesting address on the Maintenance and Ex­tension Fund qf the United church." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright sang a beautiful duet at the evening ser­ vice on Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs* CoUltis and family were able to be out after being quarantined with measles. Mr. and Mrs, Luther Rowcliiffe visited at Mr, Chas. Johns Last Sun­ day. There was a large number at Sun­ day School last Sunday, 12 8 being present. Last January there was a very largo number confided to their hondieb With sickness and the attendance5^ was small. * The singling school" Was started last Tuesday evening over 30 were present. It is expected there will be still more join. Miss Ruth Weber visited her sis­ ter Miss Gladys Weber at Mr* Rich­ ard Johns last Sunday. the L. A. church Saturday evening the ufsual point of success and little more. bread .and coffee-cakes could have been sold. ed of. __ and purchased. The committee efficient managing. A number of the people of community are on the sick list: Wes. Whin, M’iss Lillian Haist, Jacob Gaiser and Mr. Royal Gainer. We hope to see these soon again on our streets. The Sr, E. L. C, E. 'contemplate putting on an Oritorical Contest in the near future. Good practice for future Parliamentorians. Mr. Henry Eilber is in Toronto on a business trip. Mr. Chas. Zwicker has returned after'a business trip to Toronto the past week. Miss Lillian Haist has been con­ fined to her home' through illness the past week. We hope to see her about soon. ' The Bell Telephone Co. workmen are busy in Crediton • and vicinity running .new lines. ..and .making minor repairs. . Mr. and MrsxG. E.,Wenzel motor- to Listow/ei and Gowanfbwn on Sun­ day to. visit, relatives, returning on Monday evening:' • Mr. and Mrs, ' Chas.' Eilber have spending a Detroit and Everything was dispos- Thanks to all who donated did the Mr. Mr. returned home after •month with friends in othei' U. S.’A. points. 'Mrs. Get). Eilber has his home after spending the past two weeks with friends in Detroit. Mr. Albert Wolfe is back on the job again after being confined to his home* for a few days with sick­ ness. Mr. Harry Trick is • taking a few days holidays in London and other points. ■The Mission Circle ,w&s„. held on January 6th, 1928-’' at the home of Mrs, T. TrevetJiick at 4:15 p.m. It was - opened .with devotional exer­ cises following with the election of officers.—Hon. presidents, '.MI'S. I. Hall and Mrs. T. Trevethick; pres.’, Clara Lewis; 1st. vice pres., Gladys Lewis; 2nd vice-pres., Alva Lamport secretary, Hazel Woodall; treas., L. Waghorn; Supt. of C. Stewardship, Marion Richards; Supt., of Mite B., Annie Waghorn; Press secretary, J. Richard; Stranger’s secretary, Mar­ jorie Lawson'. The meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpah bene­ diction. - . - During the past week calendars and annual reports have been mail­ ed to the policy holders of the Hay Township Farmers, MutuaJJMre Ins­ urance Co. This past year’s losses have been the largest in the history of the company. The total losses were $19,713.51 of which $11,417. was paid for losses of unknown origin. The year closed with 2042 policies in force insuring property to the amount of $7,742,045.00 returned to 850.53 and no liabilities. The nual Meeting of the Company be held in Zurich on Monday, 30th inst. at 2 p.m. Last Wednesday evening,' the men's Institute had a Social” in tlieir>. Hall, worn by the ladies and gentlemen were moat wonderful to see. Old dresses und • coats and shoes were worn which would do justice to any tramp ............... to fit social, which tions, Morlock a’nd Clayton Sims, a solo by M. Teller, an address by Rev. Hiscocks and violin selections. The recitations by J. H. brought down the house, tion on “Hans Scroplolis’ broadcasted. Alfred Melick, a for­ mer resident of this district, was present and occupied the chair in his usual happy manner and favor­ ed the audience with his old favor­ ite “Laughing Farmer McGee.” A Watch contest was also run off, The winners being Miss Jessie MacDon­ ald and William Smith. The prizes awarded for the best costumes were presented to Mrs. Lloyd England and H. K. Eilber. A very fine lunch w*as then served and after a vote of thanks had been tendered the Ladies for theii’ entertainment the evening was closed by singing the National Anthem. The annual ^meeting of the' Adult Bible Class, of' the United church in Crediton, was held in the- basement of the church, January the 10, 192 8, for the purpose of electing officers and teachers for the ensuing year, with Rev. Hiscocks presiding. The meeting was opened :by singing hymn 260. after which the pastor led in prayer’. The minutes of the lajsit m’eeting and the treasurer’s re­ port were read and adopted. The election of officers was then held re­ sulted in the (following:—Pres,, Mr. G. Hirtzel; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. A. King; 2nd vic.e-pres., Mr. G. Ma- whinney; sec’y-treas., Mrs. A. Baker assist, sec’y., Mr? R. .Hill; Lookout coin.,'Mrs.1 G. Hirtzel, Mrs: F. W. Clark, Mrs. B. Kestle; Devotional com., Mrs. G. Clark, Mrs. G. ' Hill. Mrs. Dr. Orme, Mr. Trevethick; Flower com.,.Mr. G. Mawhihney, Mrs L. Hill, Mrs. Dr. Orme. Social com., Mrs. B. Kestle, Mr)3. T. Yearley, Mrs W. Lawson; teacher, Mrs. I, Hill; Assist, teachers, Mrs. Rev. Hiscocks, Mrs. F. W. Clark. Mils-. Dr. Orme, Mr. T. Trevethick. After the elec­ tion a short program was rendered. At the close of the proyram, Mrs. I. Hill whs called to the platform and presented with two pieces of silver­ ware as a slight token of apprecia­ tion of her serviced' as teacher of the class. Although taken by surprise Mrs. Hill made a very fitting reply after which lunch was served and a social Half hour was spent. Wo- ‘Hard Time The clothes pr scarp-crow but it all went in with the spirit of the The men gave the1' program consisted of Orchestra selec- choruses, a duett by F. W. Holtzmann His ora- should be , t'... GREENWAY and Mrs. Bolton, of london, Dashwood ■ Dr. H. H. Cowen, D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Rev. and Mrs. Ness and family, of Logan, have moved, their effects and are now comfortably settled in the Lutheran Parsonage. We welcome them to our midst, Miss Edith. Walper visited with friends in Hensall on Friday. Mrs. Humble, of Sarnia, spent a few days with hex* mother last week. Miss Grace Guenther, of Mitchell, is visiting in town, Mr, R, Baker has returned after spending a feW weeks in Bridgeburg, Mrs, P. Mclsaac has returned af­ ter a pleasant visit in Detroit and Windsor. Miss F. Kleinstiver, of Stratford, spent the week-end with her parents. Messrs, Fred Preeter and E. Kaft are attending the automobile show in Toronto this week. Miss Anna- Tieman spent the week-end in Hensall. Mrs, E. Mclsaac and family, of Windsor, are visiting with- Mr, and Mrs. P. Mclsaac,. Mrs. E, Qesch, of Zurich, visited his mother last week. Mrs, P, Mclsaac entertained a number of her friends to a bunco­ party on Tuesday evening. A very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. E. J.Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, E. Walper. The W. C. Sewing Club met for the first time on Thursday evening January 12. 1928 at the home of Miss Letta Guenther. The election of officers took place with the fol­ lowing results: pres., Miss L. Guen­ ther; yice-pres., Mrs. P, B. Moffatt; sec., Grace Guenther; treas./Verna Birk. T1?A Club will meet every Wednesday evening from eight o’clock -until , fen and anyone who would like to join may do so. At the close of the meeting refresh­ ments were served by the hostess. Don’t neglect a chest cold! Apply a homemade mus­ tard plaster to your cheat the moment you notice the cold. This is the remedy which doctors recommend as quick and sure and there is probably a tin pf Keen’s Mustard in your pantry. To Make a Plaster mix two tablespoonfuls pf the dry mustard with six of Linseed meal or flour into a. paste with cold water, spread on brown paper and cover wita muslin. Aster Measles Take ANGIER’S EMULSION The chief danger of measles lies in the complications which follow. Quickly and efficiently the soothing and tonic effects of ANGIER’S EMULSION build up the general health and strength—-thereby pre­ venting the development of bronchitis or other chest troubles which so frequently attack the system weakened by measles. In WHOOPING COUGH, too, ANGIER’S EMUI,SION relieves the spasms of coughing, loosens and assists in throwing off phlegm, quiets thestomach, enabling the patient to retain and digest food. And by increasing the child’s strength and vitality, ANGIER’S assists ill thtowibg off the disease without ahy dangerous after effects. • ANGIER’S is pleasant to take* It has been endorsed by the Medi­ Cal Profession of Great Britain and Canada—and has been used in Children’s Hospitals for over thirty*five years. A British Doctof tvtifes; I consider Angier's Emulsion is one of the finest tonicsanrlstrongth-buildorsobtainable.'’ {Signed)—-M.Z). ; ANGIER'S EMULSION and $r.2O~~at all druggist*d s Mr. visited their daughter, Miss Bolton on Sunday. Mrs. J. Snowden spent last week with her neice, Mrs. Dean Brown. The members of Mrs. Sherritt’s S. S. Class gave her a splendid Christ­ mas gift in appreciation of her ser­ vices. Election of officers in the Ladies Aid of the United church resulted a.s< follows: Pres., Mrs. J. Brown; vice-pres., Mrs. W. Young; sec’y., Mrs. 'Fallis and Mrs. D. Brown; treasurer, Mrs. Goodhand; organist, Mrs. Colling; Mrs. R. Pollock, Chap­ lin, Mrs. Curts. Rev. J. M. Colling’s subject next Sunday afternoon will be “Seeing God Through Science.” Election of officers in the W. M. S. of the United church was held last Friday with the pastor presid­ ing: Pres., Mrs. W. Sherritt; Vice- Pres., Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. Good­ hand- and Mrs. Colling; sec’y.. Mae Wilson; treas., Miss Leask; organist Miss D. Mason; auditor, Mrs. D. Brown; Associate Helpers secretary, Mrs. Curts and Miss Young; Finance com., Mrs. F. Turner, Mrs. Frank Steeper and Mrs. Goodhand; Stran­ gers’ sec’y., Mrs. Sharpe; Literature Secretary, Mrs. Curts; Supply sec., Mrs. Sherritt; Mission Band; Mrs. E. Curtfc and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey; Her­ alds—China, Mrs. W. Hicks; Japan, Miss Young; India, Mrs. A. Pollock; Africa, Miss Leask; Korea, Mrs. C. Steeper; Trinidad, Mrs. Colling; H. Missions, Mrs. John Sharpe; Tern., Mrs. Roy Hutchison. KIRKTON The annual .meeting of ton Agricultural Society on Saturday afternoon. Treas., Mr, Amos Doupe report and Showed a. balance of over $300 in the treasury. Mr. J. Duncan was elected President for 19 28. The Kirktori Library Board in­ tend holding a social evening in the hall on Friday night. The object is to get the people more interested' in the library. Everyone welcome. The weather being fine on Sundriy a large number were present at the United Sunday school, the number being 173. The board of manage­ ment are hoping it will reach 200. Miss Hester Hannah of St. Cather­ ines, who is spending a month here, sang a beautiful solo after the les­ son had been taught. The annual meeting of the United Church was held on Wednesday night when the several reports of the different organizations of the church were received. The church is in a prosperous condition. The treasurer, Dr. Garence Jose reported a balance of $325. after all bills had been paid. The allocation fox' the maintenance and extension fund has been over subscribed. The W.. M. S. also went over the top with their allocation, The treaurer, Mr. Truman Tuft, of ■ the building com­ mittee reported that $1900 had been raised toward the new shed. The financial statement will be placed in the hands of each member in future Mr. Joseph Stone was elected to the Session to fill the vacancy of the late Samuel Tuft. FUNERAL OF MRS. MORPHET The funeral of Mrs. John Morphet a resident of Kirkton )for a number of years, took place recently to the Anglican Church cemetery. Mrs. Morphet died suddenly recently. She was about 74 years of age and is survived by her husband and one brother*' John, of Minneapolis, and one sister, Mrs. Blackler, ’of Kirk­ ton. the Kirk- was held The Sec.- gave his Woodham The black squirrels are quite nu­ merous in Woodham this winter and seem to have no. fear of humans in the least, than the rest, store each morning while the owner is lighting the fire, and will sit up on the counter and enjoy a break­ fast oif nuts, which is given him by Mills, the proprietor. One, a little more daring visits the general HABPLEY Miss Beatrice Stattoii, Of Grand Bend, is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. Hayter. a Mr. Byron Brown is confined to his home through illness. We hope for a speed recovery. Miss Margaret Steeper is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gollin. Mr. Will Eagleson spent Sunday with Mr. Will Hicks and family. Mr. Robert Love is in London on business and will also attend the convention for the agents of the Confederation Life Association. Khiva Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb spent] Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Heywood of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason Spent Sunday with fripnds at Grand Bond. Miss Thelma Neeb returned home on Sunday having spent the past Week With friends at Klftpen. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Atkinson, of Grand Bend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willhrt. . . j Mr* Wffl. WitzeL visited with friends at Orediton on Sunday. A hick town Is a place where there are Mill plaries where It isn’t all right to smoke* .. Mr. GRAND BEND The congregational meeting held, on Friday afternoon of last. week brought out a large crowd and there was considerable business to do. Every office was filled and commit­ tees appointed and the meeting was. through in real good time. Mr. Joe Ravelle, Sr., was in To­ ronto on Monday last on Business. Mr. J. H. McGregor, of Greenway, visited with Mr. S. Webb on Monday. Mr. Pete Eisenbach has moved in­ to the Hotel Imperial for the re­ mainder of the winter and has a gang of men cutting logs and wood i having brought five acres of timber from the Canada Timber Co. Quite a number of- Frank Statton called on him last Thursday night and spent a very en­ joyable time. Lunch was served at twelve o’clock when Old Lang Syne was sung and all wended there way liome. Morning service “Seeing God Through Science’’ with special sing­ ing by the choir and also in the ev­ ening there will be another night scene of the Bible “The Night Daniel Slept with the Lions.” Be on time when the bell quits tolling and the organ starts to play. The . famous picture of Daniel standing before the Lions by Beutgois will be on display. Come and see what J. M. Colling has- in store for you. A camping trip ils much like a toothache. It’s very enjoyable when its all over. £4! 4< i 4i 4i 4« * ♦ * , It’ isn’t hard to be a great speaker. Just tell the audience something it already knows. * * $ 4: * 4: 4t 4s 4< There’s one consolation about be­ ing poor. You can get bald without spending $825.00 WINTER TERM OPENS CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONTARIO R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., Principal Tuesday, January 3rd, 1928 Complete and thorough courses leading to a diploma. Free employment service for the benefit of all students. Without obligation, write for free c atalogue Money use the Money Order* sold at all branches of this Bank, They are safe, cheap and convenient, and are readily cashed in all parts of the world. « CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 Reterve Fund $20XX»XX» * 4 Exeter Branch Crediton Branch « * M. R» Complin, Manager Mk.W* Tclfec, Manager