The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-01-12, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE AT PHONE 81w his a ONTARIO Calendars held Fri- a new -the pro- ser- If hour glasses Were now used they would be filled with quicksand. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the ter Agricultural Society" will be in the Town Hall, Exeter, on day, January 20th at two o’clock p. m. for the purpose of receiving re­ ports, election of officers and the transacting of any other business .in the If pain, he was about 42 his last birth­ day. Prior to Stock-Taking The rich housewife has an, advant­ age. She can afford a better can opener. “The Newest in Gents’ Furnishings/’ B He argues well who holds tongue. J •< High Class Big Reductions .. W. W. TAM^N ./ IXETWWT. TRADE MARK REG At the new Dynamic ■ ■ jtf TO Is much to be lost. T. H. Elliott’s It you good maidens. those who spent New YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY AT preach. Wreck- Amuse- Alas! to be enough servants. We SALMON, SNACKS, FOR SALE—One cutter and one set of single driving harness. Apply to Dr. Gibson, phone 99, Exeter. Frank Weekes, of Brandon, is visiting for a couple of The'annual vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Church will be held in the parish hall on Monday evening, January 16th, at 8 p.m. FISH FISH will have this week ■ WHITE FISH, SALMON FILLETS, HADDIE AND HALIBUT HARVEY & HARVEY Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN THURSDAY, JANUARY Igtli, 1928 Phone 16 £Jxeter Markets Wheat $1,2.5, . > Oats ,55 c, , Barley 72c Manitoba Flour $4.40. Blended flour §3.90. Pastry Flour $3.40, Feed Flour $2.10. Lx an $1.75 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 44c. Dairy Butter 35—38c, Eggs, extras 42c. Eggs, seconds 36e, Hogs $8.00 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHWRCH Rev, James Foote, B.A.» Minister 11 a.m,—•’Knowing the gift’s of God' The Minister 10 a,m.-—Sunday School, 7 pan,—‘The contradictory reports The Ministpi’ ■ i Model 250 With Junidr '- Symphony Speaker Public approval of this new 1928 Rogers Radio Outfit has enabled the Rogers factory to produce more of these sets and speakers and give you the benefit of the saving. At the former price of $263 this outfit was a good “buy”, at the new low price of $250 it is unques­ tionably the biggest value ever offered in a five-, tube, high-grade, completely batteryless outfit, v,’ • You are sure to get a Radio some time in. 1928— get this complete Rogers Outfit now and start the year right. A small cash payment and easy terms are offered to any responsible family. Wt nrro i? vi?rrTj*T> fLJkll/ JL f K The Times-Advocate have just received their hew line of Calendar samples which is a most attractive assortment. Merchants are re­ quested to reserve their orders un­ til they see this line. r Mr. J. Hubert Jones is in Toron­ to this week on business. Miss Muriel Hogarth le<t.t Satur­ day for Ford City to teach school. ’ Mrs. Matthew Tinney, of Sexsmith is confined to her home through ill­ ness. Miss Hilda Sims and Miss ■ Rosa Dearing are spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. E. Coultis left Monday for Detroit to visit with Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Harrison. Mr. Earl Russell returned last week aftei* spending the holidays- at his home in Detroit. Mrs. E. M. Steiner, of Bergen, N. Y„ is visiting at the home of her son, Dr. E. S. Steiner. Mr. Man., weeks with relatives in town. Mr. S. M. Sanders is confined to his home suffering from erysipelas. He is now somewhat improved. Mrs. Geo. Geddis, of London, spent the week-end with her dau­ ghter, Mrs. W. B. Snell, of town. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers spent Fri­ day and Saturday with Miss O’Brien and Mrs. A. Geddis, of Sexsmith. Mr. W. C. Pearce was in London this week attending a convention of the London Life Assurance Agents. Mrs. Alex Lloyd and daughter, June, of Toronto, spent New Years at the home of her father, Mr. L. Day. Mr. Jack Marshall, of London, spent the Christmas holidays with his friend, Mr. W. J. Geddes at Sex­ smith. Mr. Stewart Moorehouse, of Lon­ don, spent a few days with his par­ ents at the Main St. Parsonage this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Greive have re­ turned home after spending Christ­ mas and -New Years with then* son F. L. and Mrs. Grieve at Strathroy. Mrs. W. Goodison and daughter Miss Marjorie, of Sarnia, spent a couple of days last week- with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jackson have moved-from Miss Frayne’s house On James $t. to the residence -recently vacated, by Mr. Chas. Way. Mr. Lawrence White has returned to the home of Mr. Thos. Harvey qlt.er visiting for some time at his old home in Dickerson, Maryland. Mrs. Wm- Street and son”Bobby have returned to Bartonville after spending the recent holidays with, the former’s parents’ Mr. and Mrs. W. Johns. Miss Hills, of Dublin, returned Monday- to resume her position as teacher on the H. S. staff.’ Miss Hills has just recovered from a re­ cent illness. Leap Year will soon be two weeks old and we have yet to hear of a bachelor who has consented to pro­ vide a meal ticket for life for any of the fair Among Years with Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hog­ garth were Mr. E. S. Hogarth, B.A., of Hamilton; Mr. Fred Mitchell and Miss Janie, of Toronto. The road to Dashwood is open to auto traffic and Mr. Harry Hoffman was able to drive the Dashwood bus over the road Monday for the first time since the recent storm. ‘ Miss Ila Westcott has received word of the death of tier cousin, Mrs. Mary Obre, of Wapella, Sask., which took place on Monday. The deceased was the youngest daugh­ ter of the late Chas. Kydd, of Wa- pt'ila. Mild weather has’, prevailed for several "days and much of the snow lifas 'disappeared... Sleighing on some parts of the country roads is getting pretty thin. The London Road has not yet been opened to au­ to, traffic.-. ' ! - A. cutter, an electric stove ‘and tire Chains which last week appear­ ed in the Times-Advocate For Sale column have all found new owners. The former owners got rid of some­ thing they had no further need of and the purchasers secured articles at bargain prices. There is usually someone looking for the articles you have no further use for. Advertise in the Times-Advocate. Last week an item .appeared in the Times-Advocate in reference to the bell-Nngdrs of Trivitt Memorial Church being entertained. The Item Was not complete and a correct ac­ count is given below. On New Year’s eve the bell-ringers were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. Jas. Handford, After an evening spent in cards and music a very sumptu­ ous oyster supper was provided. Following the supper and after thanking the ladles the bell-ringers adjourned to the belfry of Trlvitt church and after ringing the old year out and the hew year in they left for their homes thoroughly sat­ isfied with the evening’s'enjoyment. As this Was the first time in nearly nine years that the bell-ringers have been entertained it was more than weieomc. The ladies who provided the entertainment Were! Miss A. Handford, Miss E. Quinton, Miss E. Blssett, Mrs. F. EHerihgton and Mrs Middleton. JAMES ST, . UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavieh, Pastor W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—Rev. J. W. Down will preach- Subject, “The of the Cross.” p.m.—Sabbath School p.m.—Th® pastor will Subject—“Recreation or Creation.” “The Ethics of merit” or '“Philosophy of Fun.” Old and young invited to hear this message on a live and important issue, Y.P.L. on Monday evening. Please note change from Tuesday to Mon-? day night, Prayer service on Wednesday at 7:30 o’clock The Adult Dept, of the S. School have been re-organized with their own opening services. Everyone invited to be .present. T SOUTHCOTT BROS. ? Phone 16 A«. .................... ' 20 size in the lot. Here is your chance to buy a good winter overcoat at a/great saving in price These overcoats sold for $23.00 to $25.00 Take your pick for $14.95 Men’s Winter Overcoats, nearly every '. Here is your chance to buy a MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 a.m.—Gentleness and Goodness 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—r-The minister will begin a series- on assurance. “How we may know we are Children of God.” Prayer meeting Thursday even­ ing at 7:30 o'clock. • ANNUAL MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of the Exeter Horticultural Society will be held Friday, Jan­ uary 13th at 8 o'clock p.m. in the Town Hall, when the report’ of the officers will be received and the election of*officers take place. . J. G. Stanbury, Sec'y-Treas. interests of‘the society. W. R. ELLOT.T, President R. G. SELDON, Secretary -& ’ a/j ’ / OF JlXEtEI^ ... I wibh to take'this opportunity pf expressing my appreciation to all who supported rile at the polls in the recent election. We are pre­ pared to do what 'we can in the best 'interests of the town- ‘ ' H. C. RIVERS THE RATEPAYERS OF EXETER . Ladies and Gentlemen,—I desire to express niy sincere thanks to all who in any way Assisted in electing me' as Reeve of Exeter. I can, as­ sure you that the; interests of Exe­ ter will have my best consideration and I hope that I may merit the confidence placed Jn me.. c. b. Snell WEEK OF PRAYER A special week of prayer was held last week in the James St. United church conducted by the pastor, Rev. D, McTavish and assisted by Rev. W. Down. Splendid services were held each evening with a good attendance. Friday evening at pre-communion service twenty members were received into church, ten by letter and ten on fession of faith. Communion vice was held on Sunday. *** • isn’t a good mitr'd that makes think doctors useless, but liver.♦ ♦ * * ** ♦* * women in business give him a One of the high school boys says he never plays football because he is very thorough .and doesn’t do things by halves. *** 44* 44* A free people is orfe that willing­ ly passes laws to make itself behave In spite of all it can do, ♦ 44 * 4 * 4*4 It is easier to make up a new quar­ rel than to patch up an old one. *** ♦ * * 4* * The chap who has lost his memory usually gets it back When he reads that his Wife has inherited a for­ tune.**» ♦ ♦♦ *♦»' a woman with sense enough an ideal servant has wit to get a husband to provide The only thing that makes a fiiv- ver ride as easy as a big cat is a ttnatt. ♦ ♦♦ •**' *** Alas! it wasn’t mdthet,’s cooking that was W wonderful. It was a very young appetite. New, Patterns in Chintz for Comforters 15 new patterns in Chintz for Comforters, 36 inches wide ' in a very fine range of hew patterns. You, will be needing, a supply. Good value at per yard 25c Remnants Remnants . We start to take stock this.week dhd will place on our counters many ends that have been .greatly reduced in price for quick selling. . > • ■ ■ In Cream or White, with no-sleeves and half sleeve, re­ gular $1.00. These are good weight and good value. (Clearing at75c. 15 doz. Ladies Wool & Silk & Wool Hose These hose sold as high, as $1.50, a pair. We have group­ ed them all together and offer them for quick clearing at per pair 98c Phone 16 !,nffiiiinmiHiniiiMiiiiimiiJiignnimifrTini]miii^ ; ■' ' —I ---------r FOR SALE PR RENT—Fine brick residepep, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. ‘E. Pickard. 10-27tfc • HIDES WANTED—We pay the highest cash price for all kinds of hides.—Rivers’ Meat Market. J . . LOG WANTED—Delivered to Ex­ eter, Centralia and Clandeboye’sta­ tions. Soft elm, rock elm, bass­ wood, hard maple, soft maple, cut 10 ft. 2 inches; 12 ft. 2 inches; 14 ft.-’ 2 inches; 16 ft. 2 inches., with an odd 8 ft, 2in. Logs to be cut in the crooks so as to make straight logs.. Highest cash price paid. Gode­ rich: Mfg. Co., Goderich, Ont./ R. Gillies, Agent. 1-I2r2tc Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual life of Canada FIRE,; AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. ASSURANCE CO. Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario Clinton G. Morlock Agent, Crediton, Ont. Telephone 21 r 5 10-6-4te MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the ..County of .Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of Tues­ day,’tht 24th day of January 1928. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding .the meeting of Council. .•i Goderich, January 5th 1928. GEO. W. HOMAN, County Clerk l-12-2tc. w R. goulding / A. T. C. M. ■ Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Cliurch Instruction in’ Piano Vocal * Organ Theorj Supervisor of Music rn Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, .Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT. 1874 1927. The London Life POLICIES AS GOOD AS GOLD W. C. PEARCE Exeter. Phone 13 0W. Residence, Ann St. two blocks west.* of Ford Garage SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ...„,..1...,..,.......... 3c DOUBLE EDGE ...........4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given- that the partnership heretofore subsisting.'be­ tween Frederick Wuerth, deceased and Sylvester Wuerth, as Seed and Produce Merchants, in the Village of Crediton, Gounty .of Huron, has this day dissolved by' mutual con­ sent. All debts owing to the said partnerhip are to be paid to Sylves­ ter Wuerth at Crediton aforesaid, and* all claims against the said Syl­ vester Wuerth, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Crediton this 3rd day of January 1928. G. E. Faist, John N. Morlock, Her­ bert K. Eilber, Executors of Fred-, erick Wuerth deceased; Sylvester Wuerth; Witness, Lloyd England. l-12-3tc. HOGARTH BABY CHICK ' HATCHERY FOR SALE—Some choice cocker­ els for breeding purposes, various prices. We carry a complete line of poultry Supplies, including Cod. Liver Oil, Poultry Specifics, Developing and Laying Meal, Beef Meal, Bone Meal, Oyster. Shell, Cell-O-Glass, Etc. 9-29-tfc FOR SALE—-Storey and half brick house on Gidley Street with two lots, hard and soft wate., and Electric Lights, also some fruit trees. Cen­ tral location. Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors fOr Adminis­ trator, Estate Caroline G. Ford. Electric Wiring and Repairing Workmanship Guaranteed LEO. HENNESSEY Exeter, Ontario William Street Telephone 193 Suits, Overcoats, 'Overalls, Smocks, Odd Pahts, Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, Mitts, Shoes, Rubbers, Shifts Collars,. Mufflers, Ties, Hockey Shoes Hats, Caps or anything you want in Meh’s Wehr. This is not a ten day sale, but i am going to Continue this sale just as long as the pubiic will help me to carry out my plan of selling on a small profit. And let me tell you everything I sell is first class quality and not old stock. ,, Many c&n help one and in this case one can kelp many Have Your Eyes Examined To-day Thera is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glasses Youwill be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments The interest is paid half yearly upon $100.00 or more for 1 to f years. Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by carling & Morley Barristers JS-e.. Exeter, Ont, HOUSE AND BARN FOR SALE Barn is 56x40 ft. with 18 ft. posts. Two-storey brick house. Both to be removed off farm. Terms reason­ able. Apply to Noah Deitrlch, Dashwood, Rhone 5 on 31’ 12-22-8tp. YOU’RE NOT SO DUMB to suffer frdm Sore Throat, Bron­ chitis, Cough, Bronchial Asthma, Catarrh, Head Colds, Adenoids and Tonsil troubles, when GOOD re­ sults are guaranteed by using Mrs- Sybilla Spahrs Tohsilitis. Try It. Howey’s Drugstore, Exeter and A W. E. Hemphill’s Hensail.