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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-01-12, Page 5
T r r THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THlKSDAr, JANTABT 1-111, 1»2S News From Hensall ** • k gdjovl of ©ommcrce CLINTON, ONTARIO Winter Term Begins January 3rd, 1928 J3. F, WARD, B.A„ M.Accts. , Principal . ... . > Phone 198 k ............!?----------- HENSALL Mr. 'Alex Taylor, of Saskatoon, visited for a few days with friends in 'town. ]dr. Ernest Nutt, of St. Marys, visited for a few days with Mr. and NTs. Wm. Hyde. r Dr, Geo. Blatchford, of Clinton, Mich., is visiting his brother Mr. Richard Blatchford. Miss' Florence McDonald entertain ed 4 a number of her friends to a birthday party on Monday evening. Misses Margaret and Lizzie Sla vin, who have been visiting with friends in London have returned Lome. Mrs.- Lorne McNaughton and her children, of the Thames Road are visiting for’a week with relatives in town. ' Miss Dorothy Welsh, who has been visiting for the past week with friends in Detroit, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins and son Harold visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hig gins, of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drummond and Mrs. Herbert Doig, of Orillia, visited for a few days with Mr.-and Mrs. Thos. ’ Drummond. Misses Evelyn and Dorothy Hef- ferman, who have been visitihg rel atives at Centralia for the past, two weeks, returned home on Monday. "All-hydro users in Hensall are entitled to a 1928 Hydro Calendar -free, which can be procured by call ing a.t J. Passmore’s Radio-Electric Shop. ' A dance will be held in the Town .Hall on Friday evening, under the auspices of the Hensall Firemen. Good music is being furnished for fhe'occasion. „ . A communion service will be held in the Presbyterian church in Sun day,morning January" 15th and the. Preparatory, service will be held on Friday evening of this week. Sunday, January 22nd will be the Men's Day in Carmel Presbyterian church, a men’s choir - will furnish the music and special-sermons will be delivered by .the.,pastor, Rev. Mr. Mclllrqy,,.. .. , 9 „ The services in the .Carmel Pres byterian church _on Sunday ; last’ -were largely attended. At the morn ing ..service Rev. Mr. Mclllroy Spoke on “Religion for the New Year.” and at the evening service- “New Year’s Prayer”. Special music was li given , by the choir. The- Young Peoples meeting of Carmel, Presbyterian church was held on Monday evening with an at- tenrance of 37 present. _ The meet ing was opened by the singing of a hymn. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Dorothy Little aftei* which another hymn was sung. The roll was called by Miss Rena Hud son. Rev. Mclllroy gave a very in teresting, address on Young Peoples’ Problems, followed by the singing of a hymn after which the meeting was closed by the Benediction. Hensall School Report for December Sr. IV.—Bob Houston, G. Brock, Mabel Workman, Howard Hemphill, Mae Kenning, Irene Daters, E. Lit tle, Eleanor Skinner, Beryl Drum- jtnbrid: ' Jr; IV—Gladys Passmore, Alide Higgins, Hazel' Hudson, Mar ion McKay, Irene Hoggarth, Will Drummond, Florence McDonald, Ma vis Spencer.’ .Sr. II.——Harold Fos- '’ter, Eleanor Bell, Ray Patterson, A. Apple ton, Norman McKay, J. McKay Harold Sher.ritt, Lorne Elder, Isa belle. Smale, Helen Glenn; R. Brock, *• Emnia * Wurm, Will -Nicol, Harold* Appleton; Viola- Hildebrandt. MISSION BAND ELECT OFFICERS .>• TAe..Mission? B1a’nd‘ of,.,the,.Hensall .•TJni^ church wast held' Iti ThA/b&be-, men’t' of the chprch' on JS.un'day 'after noon,., . The , meeting was" Opened by ’singing 'hymn 429, the -minutes ; of the last meeting were .read', by; fhd'A^cretairy. Gladys :Passmore, the. roll-call was read hy TSieaiior Sltin*' ner, a recitation' by Harold Sherritt, after-.which ..Eleanor Skinner-render ed a very . pleasing instrumental. The collection/was then taken up by N; Sinclair, a reading by L. Linden field, 'after t which hymn 413 was fiung. Aldon Appleton gave a very pleasidg reading after which Miss Morrison gave the study which was enjoyed hy all. The election of of- *l(cers ’Vrere as follows: President, Mariort Sinclair; 1st vice-pres., L. Lindenfield; secretary, Raye Pat- , -ter^pn; roll call, Aldon Appleton; treasiifer, Gladys Passmore; pian- Bearl Elder; Assist, pianist, F. McDonald; collection, Mary Hemp hill; program com., Gladys^ Pass- more, Grace Brock, Emma Wurm, A. Higgins, Marian McKay, Eleanor . Skinner, Harold Sherritt, R. Brock, II' ilii -l.'l 'iiii'Vm i'i; r DR. R. I. P. DO UGALL Honor graduate Of Faculty of liedidnep and -Master of Science, r,(.Wafwrity.. of Western Ontario. 1 WM "bi' College irt^PhyaWn& .A^WrMqon'i^dfwtariiR^ Office T^rck^dOorM* easl/oi Fob! Office. • "Phone 5# ■ »• Residence, 114 ’ J?.... • hrnsalta Qnt. y . Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED ' f ' OHuROn . ... WITION IN PIANO MeAerate ’ Phoaa .<•, .Norman Sinclair, Lome Elder, L, Lindenfield, Vera Sundercpck, R. Smale, Hymn 245 was sung, after which the. meeting was closed by all repeating ;lhe Lord’s prayer,, . . - » NEW COUNCIL MEETS , The new village council met on Monday at noon for their first meet ing, reeve - Higgins,- councillors . Priest, Cameron, Petty and Sang- ster taking their oath of office The reeve suggested ,that the first . regular meet, jg; of the council be held on Mo; fay .evening, January 16th and-.that the first Monday in each month be the night for the Council Meeting. It w$s moved and seconded by ^councillors .Petty and Priest ..that The;.Suggestion-' of the reeve bev.accepfed..- The council then adjourned tq;..meet again, Monday, January’ 16th.. r. ST. PAUL^ ■CHURCH CONCERT The Sunday. Sc^ippl scholars of the Anglican, phurghyheld their annual Christmas concert , in the basement of the church, and a very delightful evening, was. spent. A good pro gram was given/ consisting of plays,' dialogues, .drills,., readings, instru mentals qnd other fhings too num erous to menfiom ' A quartette, .composed of. Master Bob Houston, Robert Varley, .Albert Wolfe and J. Drummond -was Well rendered, all doing their., part .(veil, also solo by Katlieryn Drysdale and a read ing by Eleanor:, Skinner, following this Santa J, Gibus/ arrived, Mr. Er- rold Drummond acted as Santa Claus, and* assisted with .the, distri buting of presents from the. Christ mas tree. . CUDMORE—DICK NUPTIALS A very pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the United church manse .'.on Thursday-afternoon, Jan. 5th, at 3 o’clock, when Rev., Arthur' Sinclair united' in 'marriage/ Miss Estheyn Marie Dibk, eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs.' R; H. Dick, near Hensall, to Gordon Daley Ciidmore, Second son of .Mrs. Alice Ou,dmore, Of Usborne, the young couple, were unattended. The. bride- was-’ taste fully .attired in .a gown..of blue sa tin, with hose and shoes to, match, and her travelling costume, was of A blue pin-point, coat, with fdr 'trim-' ming ahjpjiaj; to. inatch. The happy young couple left on the evening train for London where they will make their future home. The groom holds a vbry good position in that city. Hosts of good wishes are extended to‘the young couple in their married life, from their num erous relatives and friends. LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS The meeting of the Young Peoples League of the United chur’ch was held on -Monday evening with a large attendance/ The meeting, was in charge of Mis# J. Johnson and was opened .by singing hymn No. 1, after which Mr.’. Sinclair led. in prayer. The Scripture lesson, The Beatitudes, was,'read responsively, after which the secretary read the minutes-Of .the\last meeting.' Miss J. Buchanan gave, a very interesting topic on ’“A New -Year's Message.” Short readings were' given by Mary Hemphill, Pearl Eider and; Mildred McDoriblL Sbott Welsh favored the league With. a., yiolin' selection ac- compani,€$,’by ’Miss Dorbtliy Welsh on the ’, ftiano.'' The officer^ were then .Amcted; for the comlhg year which f.'attb'/as follows; president, Miss Jessie'Johnson; 1st yice-pres., Miss Noi*a. Follick;. 2nd ’ Miss ..Jessie. Buchanan; pres., MiSSJ Gladys Luker; pres., _MrS.'’ Ail. * Smith; Harry Cook.., .Stacey;.asSis(;“pianist, Miss A. ?Lin- dehfielif.-, My/Hdriry Cook read tlie treasurer# r^p6tt for .the year, after which" ti\'e,J meeting, . was ■ closed; by singing th^mh”6i/ aftet^Wlildh all’re- peatoft ‘ the? Mizpah7 benediction; HENSALL W. M. S. The W*. M. SL:,of the United church held their monthly meeting in the basement of the church, Hensall, re.- Cently,- with the president in the chair. The meeting was opened with hymn 390; followed by prayer by Mr#*- Lammie.. The Scripture lesson. w;as read by the president. A lebilefr entitled; ‘‘Respect For Other Folks/-*'’ was read by Mrs. S. Stacey, foilOjWed .by the minutes read by the./-secretary, hirs. Drys dale.. The offering was taken.. It amounted to $7*00‘ A letter Was read by Mrs. MhDonnel which was receives from the- Christopher House Toronto, thanking ■ the W. M. S. for their splendid .dentitions, ydiich Were sent to them for Christmas; also a letter was read ? from ,the deaconess training; hoihe dti Toronto; thanking them forf .‘their gifts Of dMttlt and quilts,’ Which.were.donatethem; The ;roportih>'- committee' • reportecl calling ak-sayefai siok/m^mbbrs; And . Faths <(<or-&id..i»u»pQSe*b w.aji taken by. Mrs. McDonnel And leaflets deal ing .with the subject were read by , Mrs. Merner, entitled^ “Story of China J "-•^he- Woman From Japan;” Mrs.. Hemphill;. “A Woman From Iff# dia/’ Mrs. ^ Elder^ ThAWeeHbrt- rtf' officers *theri»«idok place’, Mr. Sin- ciair,..having, charge. It resnlted as \.fo)loM:^Fr^l4ph^ Mrs. a* A, M6* .vice-pre„ 3rd vice- 4th vice- ____ . secretary, Miss Flora Higgins; treasurer, Mr. pianist, Miss Lillian. Dopnel; vice-president, Mrs. A- Sin clair; treasurer, Mrs. A. W. Hemphill; secretary, Mrs. Drysdale; correspondent, Mrs, J..W, Skinner; flower secretary, Mrs. S, Stacey; strangers’ secretary, Mrs. W; Dougall;; missionary monthly, Mrs. Agnes McDonald; press secretary, Mrs, Lee Hedden; mission band leader, Miss Emily Morrison; home helper secretary, Mrs. Merner and Mrs. Sheritt; pianist, Mrs. C. Cook; supply committee, Mrs, Hobkirk, Mrs. Stacey, Mrs. Bonthron, Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. Scruton, Mrs. Buchanan. Following this Mrs; Hemphill read the report for the, year’s work Which was one of the best yet, 16 members were present. Following this .meeting the Jadies‘ Aid met-and elected the following officers. Pres., Mrs. S. Merner, vice-pres., Mrs. J. Elder; secretary, Mrs. • C. Cook; treasurer, Mrs. J. Zuefle; organist, Mrs. M. Drysdale.- Following this the business part of the meeting took place, after Which the meeting was closed with prayer. M. E. G. Da&hwood. Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S,, D.D.S. PENTAD SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, ip Zurich, last three days of week. Mrs. Shenk and two children have returned after spending New Year’s with friends ip Detroit, Miss Verda Fassold, of London, is visiting her .parents, I Mr. J. Wein Is on the sick list, We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Louis Smith is confined to his bed through illness. His sister, Mrs. Dpvis, of London, is attending him. Mr. Mervyn Tieman spent the week-end ip London, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong returned to Detroit last week. Rev, and Mrs. John Oestricher, of Southeast Hope pre visiting Mr. and Mrs, G. Oestricher.' At the time of writing Mrs, F. B. Meyer is in a critical condition. Her many friends hope for a speedy re covery. This week we record the-death of Miss Anna Walper, youngest dau ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Wal per, which took place at her home on the Bronson Line on Tuesday, January 3rd. She reached the age of 32 years, 6 months and 14 days. The deceased has suffered for sev eral years and all that good nursing could do was done but to no avail, s.he was only too., willing to receive her Master’s call, Her illness she bore with patience and resignation. She leaves to mourn her loss, her parents, one brother and one sister. The funeral .was held on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Killinger, of Lon don, officiated. l CROMARTY On Friday last lhg meeting of (he W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Duncan McKellar in- the’village, Frfc day, January 6tli. Ijeiug set*'apart .by the Ontario Provincial W: 1M[. S._ *t£)i* day of prayer. Owing to. the illness of Mrs. Oliver, the president, "Mrs. Hill presided, very efficiently. The, program was very . inspiring. Prayers offered by nmuy of ^ke members and reading of the Scriptures and a short discussion on what ways we could best kelp to further and help to extend God's Kingdom in the world. A quartette of girls Of the Mission Band gave a selection; We have been honored with a sacred commission for Services in the W. M. S. in the Mission Band, in the Sunday School. Has our work mer ited the “Well done good and faith ful Servant.” Mr. John .Ewing returned to .his home in Brussels after spending the Christmas holidays with his nephew Mr. John Scott. . • The Misses Borroughs, of iStrat- fofd, visited at the home of James Howe over the-Christmas week. ’ , (Intended toy last week) Mrs, Shenk and two children are visiting in Detroit. Miss Laura Reid, of Goderish, spent a few days with her parents last week. Miss Emma Tieman, of London, spent the week-end with relatives. Miss Hasel Snell and friend, of Detroit, spent New Year’s with her parents. Miss Wood, of Clifford, is visiting at the Evangelical parsonage. Beginning this week on Tuesday the stores in Dashwood will he clos ed on that evening of each week during Japhary, February and Maich and will be kept open on Saturday evenings only, Mr, Raymond Calfas returned to Detroit Monday, after spending the holidays with his father. Miss Hilda Snell, of London, spent New Year’s with her parents, Mr, Chas. Hpoey, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs, Meyer. STAFFA We are sorry to report that Lorne, son of Mr, and Mrs. P. McGill is ill With Scarlet Fever, We hope for a speedy recovery, Miss Mary McKellar, of Cromarty spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Will ’Miller. Mount Carmel School reopened here this week. Reeve Hayes spent a few days at Goderich last week. Mr. Joseph Guinan returned home on Friday after spending a week visiting friends at Chatham and Dutton. WINTER TERM I Tuesday, January OPENS 3rd, 1928 Complete pnd thorough courses leading to a diploma, Free employment service for the benefit Of all students. Without obligation, write for free catalogue CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONTARIO % R, F. LUMSDEN, B.A., Principal Mrs, Mary Glavin, of London, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Corie Re gan, MissMaril Regan, of St, Joseph Nursing Staff, London, is spending a few weeks at her home. Miss Geraldine Harness spent Sunday with. Miss Fileen O’Rourke. Miss Gertie, Hilda and Elizabeth DCitrich" spent a .few days with friends at Zurich. Miss Spsl® Keogh, of Shipka, is visiting her apnf/Mrs. M. Madden. Mrs, JOhn .Rowland returned to his home last . week after spending several weeks with, friends at Gode rich. - • . 9 ! " ,ij< ■ ■ "! " 1 ’r"> '.■! '■ '■ -- THAMES ROAD Congratulations- to Mrs. A. Hack ney, on her 8 9th:ibirthday, Sunday, January 1st. We are glad to hear she is enjoying fair health consider ing her advanced years. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen are stay ing with the Tatter’s parents, Miss Rheta is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duncan en- tertained’" for New; Year’s. Mr. ’ a'tid ’ Mrs.* Benson Tuckey called on friends recently. Miss Marjorie Gollings returned Tuesday to London having spent the holidays at home, Rev, Wm. and Mrs. Monteith and. family are visiting at the old home for New Year. W. M, S. Meeting postponed till Thursday, Morgan’s. Mr. and cago, are _ , „ a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. - Creery. “Mr. Sam McCurdy is nursing • sprained ankle these day*; Mrs. Lorne McNaugncoh is visit ing her sister Mrs. Venner of Chisel hurst. Mrs. Penhale is visiting in Exeter A dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson last Friday evening, the object being to form a club on the Boundary, so cial and friendly community spirit and to visit the homes of the mem bers holding dances and euchre each Friday evening during the winter. A president and committee vrferir chosen and the club is off to a good start. January 12th at Mrs, A. Mys, Thus, Davis, of Chi returning after spending is also a safeguard djgkinist the chest complications associated with measles, scarlet fever and grippe. Angier’s looseiis the 500.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.Q0*♦ * • * *»» 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 • •• •• ELIMVILLE We are sorry to report that. Mrs. Wm. Clark, who has been confined to her bed for several weeks with neuritis is not improving as her friends would wish. A 3inging class has been started in the church here under the leader ship of Mr. Roy Goulding, of Exeter. The open air skating ring under construction here is making a great deal hf ’work and no skating thus f al1'. -* The -weather, -hasi apt -feeen ..any too kind to the hard-working-young men. • ’: ■ Messrs. Gafiiet -Johns and Ewart Corhish left last Friday for Cricago to finish their studies, in electricity. Miss Bessie Johns is visiting in Exeter for a week. Mrs. Weston Horne is under the doctor’s care. We hope she will be out soon. ; The following are the officers for the Live Oak Mission Circle for the coming year: ,Hon. Pres,, Mrs. C. Johns; Pres., Miss Verna Brock; 1st vice-pre., Miss Marjorie Hunter; 2nd vice-pres., Miss Ruth Skinner; Rec. Sec’y., Mrs. Mert O’Reilly; C. Sec’y., Miss L'avona Cooper; treas., Mrs.-Ewart Pym; organists, Misses Olive Prance and Lena Pym; Mite Box Supt., Miss Elya Horne; Stran gers’ Sec’y., Miss May Clark; Sun shine Com., Misses Edna Pym and Ltilu Hunter; Press Sec’y., Miss G. Weber; Missionary Monthly Sec’y., Miss Florence Herdman; Sec’y., of Literature; 'Ass. Helper’s Sec’y., Mrs, Leon O’Reilly; Secretary of C. S. and Finance, Miss Lena Pym; S. Sec’y., Mrs. Chas. Stephen. For Children’s Coughs, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Chest Affections Soothing and healing in its ac tion, ANGIER'S EMULSION is an- effective, remedy for children’s. a i 1 m e.n tjs—par ticularly colds, Coughs, brori- ; chitis and whopping Cdugh, It is also a safeguard the chest complications associated >, OtclJ IVl IV v v* grippe. Angier’s loosens the phlegm, relieves the soreness of throat and chest, and its cleansing action removes body impurities, thus hastening the patient’s recovery, ANGIER’S is an emulsion of puri fied petroleum oil with hypophos phites (lime and soda). It is pleas ant to take, bhjlds up strength and Vitality, and cart be given to the children with absolute confidence. For over thirty-five year* ANGIER’S EMULSION has been endorsed and prescribed by the . Medical Profession of Gt. Britain and Canada and weed In Children's Hoepltela. A Btifiah PcotprTrrit—: ft oouidtr rout fr»p»t»t!on iupttioftotny olhoromw- \ alonot pfpntltn hMnt ths Uitio of simitar oMitul” . * (S44.)—M.D. angiers EMULSION FOR A Don’t wait for your ship>f-*: grasp this op portunity to make your pile. Own your own; home —r: have a fine automobile — send your children to college —• have oom-' fort, luxury, social position! . J’ . $i5nnYoocANwiN$i5nn With $1,500 you can build up a fortune. And you can win this grand sum. .It won’t cost you a penny.' You don’t have to be clever — it’s easy. Don’t waste a minute — send the coupon now. You’ll get your cash prize before March 15.' Be a winner. Find the two airplanes that are exactly alike. IT’S SIMPLE—READ THIS At first glance all the airplanes look alike. But upon ex amination you will see that almost everyJone differs in some way from all the others. In some the difference, may be in the black stripes on the tail of the planes, and some have 'black radiators, while others are white. Or some have two black stars on the wings and some white and black stars. ' Only two are exactly alike. No, it’s not as easy as it looks. !\ Just look closely — make sure tliat you have found the TWO airplanes that are exact duplicates, then send in your answer. Someone who finds the right airplanes is going to win a lot of money. Make that “someone” be YOU*«^ . - . 25 GREAT OPPORTUNITIES TO WIN Here's a great array of splendid Cash Prizes offered by The London Free Press. That’s what it is, folks — and you can be a winner. The prizes range from $2.00 to $35.00, and from $20.00 to $1,500, and if you make up your mind to go into this thing heart and soul, you can win as much as $1,500. Think of it! You can have $1,500 in cash. In all, $3,000 in cash prizes may be won in this interesting Puzzle Contest. The Contest closes on March 8, and all prizes will reach the win ners on or about March 10. There will be 25 winners, and the First Prize, The Golden Opportunity, is $1,500 — and you can win this M you act quickly. In the event of Ges for any prize, the full amount of the prize will be awarded to each of the contestants so tied. Five hundred points' gains firfct prize. We are giving you 475 points for finding TWO''afrpIim4s'‘7ttUi -Ate exactly alike. Promptly upon receipt of your answerwe will send you particulars of a Magic Word1 Girrie, R suceeasful, you win the final 25 points required to gain-A $1,500 First Frize or one of the 24 other big Cash Prize*.-. $3,000 in cash Prizes Listed belrtw are the Mnximuni Prizes you <**» win: .......$1,500.00 • A A 4 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize 5th Prize 6th Prize 8th 9th^rlzA;^>., lOth^Frize"’,!. , dwdv«4...,. • • » • * • • • i» • 4 • in- • •20.00 47 "~j USE THIS COUPON r. _ —GOOD FOR 475 POINTS Prtizlb Manager, Room 47#. The London Free Press, London, Ont. Numbers and ... are the TWO ah*- planes that arc. exactly alike. If these ard correct, please . give me 475 jiOints and tell me how to gAln tho final 25 I points to Win First Prize. ' ’ - ’ ■ - | ..... ■vTjH ‘ 'ii k k 4 k ik 4 "A* 'W *’4 A A k -A A' A A A A' A 'A* A A A* A A A A A '* A A A A A A k i-H b 4 A A b V A ■< A A A W A A > A * A A A • A A A A A A 4 A 4 A W AAAWAe :'4<r * * * * * ■ *•*.'’* 1 * 4 t * « 4 i .4 w'« < i < 4 < 4 g Mali your answer promptly to PUZZLE MANAGER, ■ The London Free Prtteifc, London Ont » * * * R*»n