The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-01-12, Page 4gin^SIiAY, JANUARY C >• * THE EXETER TIMES^ADVOCATE ev.and tbe ses- the 8. S. executive of Raffled church lost Sunday af- “’TWa members of Mrs. F. Turner’s and Mrs. Frank Steeper’s classes in Eunduy School very generously re- jnembered their teachers with Christmas gifts, Next Sunday Rev. J. M, Collins wvill continue pis series of sermons speaking on the subject "Seeing God through Worship/-’ On Friday afternoon all the La­ dies of the congregation are urged to be present at the United church for the annual business meetings of, the W.M.S. and Ladies Aid. W.M.S. will meet at 1:30 sharp ,Jhat. meeting will be followed Mediately*by the Ladies Aid, Mrs. W. H. Hayter and Miss jen and Willis Hayter returned week from a holiday spent with trait relatives, Mr. Lawrence. Pollock drove over to Kerwood last week accompanied by Mervin and Donald Pollock, who had been storm-stayed here. Mrs, R. English visited her dau­ ghter Mrs. R. Shfeppdrd in London last week. Mrs, Sherritt4 has returned from a visit with her daughter in Wheat- ley and Detroit. Schools opened last week with Misses Walker, McLean and Bolton in charge of the West, South and North schools respectively. Master Willis Hotson visited at Grand Bend for a. few days. Among the. visitors at Mr. J. H. Day were Mr, and Mr.s, Arthur Finkbeiner, of Shipka; Mr, and Mrs Elgin Webb, of Grand Bend; Miss Chase, of St. ThomaS; Mr. R. Webb, of Saskatchewan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steeper. 1 The Y, P. S. of the: United church will hold their meetings on Friday evenings after this. Election.of of­ ficers last week, resulted as follows: Pres., Harold Turner; _ .vice-pres., _Byron Brown* and Alice' Turner, I. Slfarpe-^and Lois Brown; sec’y. .-CT Brown; treas;>..CIa,ude Fall-ir;' organ­ ist, Mrs. Harold’" Brophey, assist, organist, Luella Curts; sec’y-treas., for M. & E. Fund, Dorothy Belling. Rev. J. M. Colling will take the topic next Friday evening and Miss Alice Turner will preside. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock and fam­ ily, of Kerwood; Mr. and Mrs. El­ gin Webb "and family, of Grand Bend and Miss Ejnma McPherson, R, N., of London, were holiday vis­ itors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson. Mr. Chas. Stewardson, of Saskat­ chewan, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Thos. -Stewardson. Mr.l R. Hutchison, of Parkhill, spent the week-end with his son, L. Hutchison. Election of officers will be held Y. P. ;S.- Qf the. United’ church on Thilrsa^y*^even’ihg.' . "• ’ Mr, ''and’rt‘Mr. Jos.* Bullock, of Crediton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock recently. A great many family re-unions were held in our community at Christmas and New Years. The and im- He- last De- GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tiederman, vx jti. 4r1uj.Mii, are visiting with the Jatter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Devine.Mrs. J. M, Colling, who has been laid up with a bad cold, is almost well again we are glad to report. The United Sunday school held their annual meeting last Thursday and the following officers were elect­ ed for the year; Supt,, Mr, J, Gill; assistant, MtoWm, Patterson; secye- . 1T1L, v« II. v. , ----• ,ni Welwood Gill; teachers, Mx\J. Love ” Robt.'' Pollock, Mrs. Ridley^ John Eagleson, Mrs. R. Ravelie T. Webb, Mr. Ezra Webb, Mr. , - i « dJtu<- Patterson, Mrs. E, Disjardine,11 Tr .1 . 1 Missionary sp.ciety of. Misg B TayJoi. aud Shaddy; the United ehurch was held.. on Fn-. Pres. o£ Home dept., Mr. S. Webb; day, Dec. 30th, with the Pastor, Rev. Supt. of Missionary dept., Mrs. John E.’ S. Hiscocks in th^.,.cMir,; Follow- Gill. Supt> o£ roU> Mrs, oy. mg. of ^.jie OffiCer3 -win be In­ stalled at the morning service next Sunday. | Don’t forget the. Oyster Supper jrx t. " m' i*“t on by the Ladies’ Aid next secretary, Mvs.- T. Thursday night, January 19, follow- — —™ ‘ed by a lecture, "Seven Great Mis­ takes in Life” by Rev,. J. M. Colling. Other numbers will also be given. Mrs. N. Ravelie, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs, Sim. Dewey, of St. Marys has returned home. Mr. Blatchford, of Hensall, is vis­ iting at Mr. A. Ireland’s over the week-end. . The service next Sunday promises to be a r’eal surprise to all, so be out on time at 7:36 sharp. Subject "Belshazzar’s Feast’’ another night scene of the bible. Mr. Z, Disjardine, of ited Mr. Jos. Sharrow past week. . (Intended for last week.) New Year’s passed off quietly,, it being a very stormy day. Sever­ al celebrated the day on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Pollock visited Mr. E.' Disjardine on Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Colling is recover­ ing from a very bad cold. The Ladies’ Aid of the United church will hold an ■ oyster supper on January 19th. Keep the date free. A lecture is to be given by Rev. J. M. Colling. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Merner -their daughter Mrs. Anderson visiting in Pt. Huron. The school meeting held Wednesday went off in apple pie or­ der. The section is in good shape financially. ’ ' Miss Stella Webb, of London, is' home for over the New Year holi­ days. * Miss Cora Oliver has returned • to Sarnia to resume her work after spending Christmas week at home. Owing to the condition of the road on Sunday Mr. E. Disjardine drove Rev. Mr. Colling to the afternoon ppointment at Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Webb, of Cor­ bett, visited Mrs. John Eagleson for; •New . Years,. ‘ - ** * • Creditor Master William’Woodall, who has ’ o£ “pY, Huron, been on the sick list the past week - ■- • - is able to be around again. Mr. Gerald Zwicker has returned to Toronto accompanied ?by his fa­ ther, Mr. Chas. Zwicker, who will remain in Toronto a few days on business. ’ * Next Sunday evening, January 15. a lantern slide lecture entitled "On ! Tour with a Missionary in India”.- _________ will he given jp the Crediton^United tary Mr/ j \v. Holt; treasurer, Mr. church beginning at 7 o'clock. .A- ~ 'w F J. L“-bout eighty interesting slides -will Mr,* T^LoveYMrs? Andrew‘Turnbull, be shown on the screen, This ^UI.Mrs - - - - -- ----- be a treat for everybody. ®v‘®ry_. Mrs* body come. I Mrs* The annual eleqtj.qu«of officers of Ti * the Women’r day, Dec. 30tli, with the Pastor, Rev. SCHOOL REPORT OF. S. S. NO. 3, USBORNE ■Sr. IV.—Bert Gardiner 77, Flor­ ence Brock 67, Wesley Ballantyne 66, Gerald Neil 61, Elsie Heywood 60, Laverne Stone 51, Violet Stone 29, Colin Gilfillian, absent. Jr. III. —Evelyn Routly 84, Jean Ballan­ tyne 66, Wesley Neil 61. II;—Beth Ballantyne 90, Melvin. Gardiner 89, Ross Francis. 71, Jessie Heywood 60 Clifford Scott 45. Jr. I.—Billy Bal­ lantyne Clarke McGill, Orland 94, Verna Brock 84, Ray 77. Pr.—Verna Scott, F. Bessie Heywood, J. Duncan, Squire. E. Tinning, teacher lowing are the officer^ for thq com­ ing year: Pres., Mrs. G-eo... 'Clark; I 1st wipe pres., Mrs. R.;H|l);"’2nd vice ’ pres., Mrs.- C. Zwicker; 3rd vice- > JJUU x pres., Mrs. I. Hill;* 4th’ vice" pres.,1 nut on bv Mrs. Hiscocks; Trevethick; corrpsr -seety., - Mrs. M. [ T-elfer; press secty.-,.- Mrs.' J,, W. Orme; teasurer. Mrs/-* At • Baker; pianists, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Zwic­ ker; supt. of Christian stewardship, Mrs. G. Hirtzel a^d, :MEa,^iriclair’ supt. of mite box^^MrejHHiscocks; supt. of Baby Bapd„..Mrs. J...Hill; associate helpers, ’ Mrs. -K. Clark and Mrs. A. King. •_/ r /." ; The friends of Mrs* H- Shear down who is spending some, time With her daughter Mrs./pocknqr, at Ship- ka, will be sorry to know that she is ill and under - the doctor’s /care. Mrs. Orme and. daughter * Lois, spent the week-end^ in JLiican the guests of Dr. and Mrs..( Orme. Preparations are being' made at the Evangelical churclf :rof.'‘its 'Anni- versary Services to beheld on Feb. 5th .Dr. ,H. C.^tauffacher, of Cleveland, Ohio, wili?bX^he speaker for the eccasion. , -The last Sunday in 'Feb^uhry will ..he-the W. M. S. ' Grayer for the Evangelical Ltadjgs\ Aid^and W. M. S. Appropriate ^Sriheps/ dn the morning and prayer' meeting 'in the afternoon and program fit? the ‘ ev­ ening. ___ returned Saturday two weeks with Mrs. S. G. LairijJBrt KIRKTON Mrs. Silas Shfer spent?' a few days f this week visiting friehds ip -Strat­ ford. , Y : Mrs. Bonteel^elurned .Home on Saturday after vjsitipg with friends in Brantford. Dr. and Mrs. Jj^Rdgex*4, who have been visiting • with^^HpJ. Urquhart left for their h^te af;:/Worthington on Saturday. The Annual meeting of the Sun­ day School of *tthe.’-Uniteid church was -held. on.Friday- night. ThejRev. J. L. Foster in tlie' chaif. Thtb re­ port of the treasurer, Mr. A. Crago shows the school^to,<b.e in flur-shing condition $197.06' of? a balance ia the Treasury. The?-/following offi­ cers were elected ' Superintendent. Robt. Hazelwooa; <assis^ spper., T. Tuft; secretary, Trueman Tuft; Treasurer, Alex UGfago {’.□piapist, G. Shier; asis. pianist,’ Mildred .Rout­ ly; choir leadei^;--,Silas Bhiery Teach­ers—-Miss Kate Doupe,- .^s-.- H. V. Crago, Mrs. Dave Haz.elwpQdr .-Mrs. Geo. Hazelwood, Mr. Trueman Tuft, Mr. David Gouidiqg, Ge.o., Hazel­ wood, Wm. Urquhart, . Mr^.George Harrah; Assistant "Teachers—Mrs. Jas. Gardiner, /.^sl.'TtObf// "Hazel­ wood, Clarence /Routiy,1 *C. '/Switzer, Eleanor Doupe, Ruth/',Hafihah? Miss N. Watson, //TrUenian /Tuft; Missionary Secretary,„:Mrs. 'Clarence Routly'; secretary ‘ of/^'Cradie ' Roll Dept., Mrs. Wm. Denham, attend­ ance on Sunday 148^^ < ■: • ■ .ii •Mis Eileen Lamport, of Detroit, " ~ ' s|y after spending mr parents Mr?'apd si ■■ Zurich, vis- during the and are Centralia The song service ju the church here last Sunday evening conducted by the choir leader, Lloyd Hodgson was much appreciated by the people It will be continued every Sunday evening through the winter Hymn sheets are provided for the congre­ gation being a selection from the old time sacred songs. The pastor began a course of ser­ mons last Sunday evening to young men and young women, his subject being "Sowing and Reaping”. His subject for next Sunday evening will be “How are the Sins of the Fathers Inflicted upon the Children?” At a congregational meeting held on Monday evening the Stewards were elected for' the coining- year. They are: Wm. Oke, Arthur Mc­ Falls, Hi Buswell, D, M. Elliott, W. Neil, Wm. Skelton,. Win, Bowden. Vacancies made by the expiration of the term of service of two members of the session were filled by the re­ election of the same members, so the Session consists pf W. R. Elliott, W. J. Parsons, J. Oke. C. Skinner, Dan Hodgson, J.< S. McFalls, John Essery, A. Mitchell, A. Isaac, John McFalls. The appointment of El­ mer Wilson was' 'made to assist in receiving the offering at the Sunday services. Mr. and Mrs/ Geo. O. Thompson were called to Brantford last Thurs­ day owing to the death of Mrs. Thompon’s father, Mr. Durham; who died quite unexpectedly last Thurs­ day evening; ■ r". Miss Kathleen Hicks, R. N., who has been visiting at the home of her parents over the holidays, left Tues­ day morning fpr a New York hospi­ tal. The friends qpd neighbors met at the home of Mr? and Mrs. Louis Da­ vey last Thursday evening to spend a social evening and also to present the recently married couple two upholstered., chairs. . Here and There last START.THE.'.NEW -YEAR RIGHT Any, home wishing to provide every member of the family, old and young, with a few hours’ enjoyment every day during 1928, should see that the Family Herald and Week­ ly Star of. Montreal is a regular weekly visitor. For two cents her week, or one dollar per year, every member of the family, will receive a treat that.will be appreciated. If is not only a world’s newspaper, but a great family magazine unequalled on this Continent, and a farm jour­ nal that will bring value an hun­ dredfold during the: year. The Fam­ ily Herald is read already by one million Canadians each week. It is surely wonderful value, and every home receiving it is benefited by its weekly visit. 1928 Will be happier for your home if you send one dollar for a year’s subscription to the big 72 page paper." Sudden. -fii CJ- *♦■■r- tor reaWyou ■.7.: -;,v- you do not need to worry. Prepare for such ocpAnions by building Up an interfest*bearin^ sayings account^ th^iBANK OF MoNTI^AL,whioh yititects the 0avin6$ of mdiiy thousands of Canadians from one end of the (Ibtal ,cxce««v^. i £stabli«h«dAl*lT> with HARPLEY Mr. , Newton Hayter and Albert of /Willis West, have is J. McLinchey, ( gone to DetfSit on business. Mr. Carl, Jackson, of Kippen, visiting at the - home of Mr. Hickey. • Miss Evelyn Isaac has. gone Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Love and fam­ ily called on Mr. and1 Mrs. W. Hicks on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ridley Laxgord, en­ tertained some of their friends on Friday evening last. Messrs; Hugh -Love, ' Hugh Hod­ gins, Carlyle', Taylor, Cecil and Ed­ die Gill-left yesterday for Guelph O. A, ,C, to take a.^nter course there. Mr. Arthur Bayjjhain is- working for W. H. Love. ’ . Mr. Ross LoVe "visited at J. E. 'Hodgins and R. J.- Tayloy’s several days, .last week. /A j -Kenneth *Hodgins/Speiit*.a few days With Hugh Love.'i..,; F I Miss Sarah Hodgihs has returned.1 to Detroit. ’.Mr. Robert Murray Has: moved to! the farm he. recently purchased^ from Mr. J. Carruthers of Corbett. (Intended for last Week.) Miss Bolton, of Rondon, has been "engaged to teach- afe4%S,f‘ S. No. 10.’ We,"welcome her to pur Community.; Miss Mae Hodgins returned to "Toronto on Friday to' 'spend New Year’s with her sifter there. Mr. Mansel Hoiigins and family accompanied by Robt." Murray and family spent Newy Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carruthers, of Corbett. Mrs. Thomas Fallis left Tuesday for Ontario, Calif. Her daughter Muriel will accompany her from Sarnia. Mr. and ..Mrs. L. Brophey have moved up With Claude Fallis during his mother’s absence on her trip. JThomas Love atad family spent New Year’s Day 3Vith Mr. Andrew Turnbull and family. ; Mr. Leoriard Pfaff •• returned to Exeter after spending a week at Harpley. Mr. and Mrs. Will Love and fam­ ily; also Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love spertt New Year’s .eve with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gill, of/^rftnd Bend. . Mr. Ford Oliver, of St. Marys spent. the holiday around Greenway ;calling on, "friends : for,several days. Miss Evelyn Isaac. Spent the holi­ day with Messrs. Leop and Ted Eag- leson.„■/> kF f I M^S Will Fros.&an® babe, of El- gihfield,’'spgnt the week-end with Mrs. Ji Hickey. L • J ' Miss' Evelyn McLinchqy and Car­ man spent--the holidays--in the con)- munity. , . r | i Mr. Langford‘'’'Mlidley had the family home NeW Year’s Day. Among those attending were: his mother, Miss Lillig, of Toronto; J. B. Nichol and family'and Mrs. An­ nie Hicks. , r-■•’ * to j THE LATE JOHN G. ANDERSON John G, Anderson, aged 89, a ve­ teran of the Fenian Raid, in which he served as a Lieutenant in the Blanshard Militia. Company, died at his home at Anderson on Saturday. Mr. Anderson caine,from-Nova Scotia With his parents 80 years ago, and lived in the Blanshard neighborhood all his life, Surviving are his wife, formerly Ellen White, of Blanshard; two sons, H, A. 1>. and-WHliam J., of St. Marys; six daughters,-Mrs. J, .HBaldwto of New York I Miss Mary and Mrs. James Peebles, of Ander- ‘soil ;• W EdWWf-Chufch, of Win­ nipeg, Mrs. William ‘Arthur, of. Rlan- shard and Mrs. W/esley Hodge of Fullarton, Deceased also loaves an bnljusister, zMrs. JXnO.Robertson,j.of B’lttnshardJ who year, interment .fpoi Maf^soh Tuesday.? 1 .. We know a.glM Who Is 06 modest she goes into the next room to change her* mind- ; Women: endure pain more heroic­ ally than men. Any shoe store man can inrear to ihitw ifbr eighty-Mx place in St. i..... ' British Columbia^ forest rangers and patrolmen report a reduction in forest fires costs of practically 90* per cent., compared with 1926. The total los$ this year was about $214,- 000. An air line between Halifax and New Yotk city for freight, express ilftd mail, is being considered by Halifax business interests, accord­ ing to fi report made to the United States Department of Commerce by Consul Eric W* Magnuson. The Canadian Pacific Express Company has extended its service into the new gold field of north­ western Quebec, reaching Rouyn oyer the recently completed exten­ sion of the Nipissing Central Rail­ way. This extension provides a new and short route into the rapidly developing mining, area. Turkey raising is a coming in­ dustry in Alberta as a number of successes at various fairs would in­ dicate. A recent move in this con­ nection is the formation of the Al­ berta Bronze Turkey Breeders’ As­ sociation, which, is now active in promoting and extending the turkey breeding industry.. According to Dr. J. B. MacDou­ gall, Assistant Chief Inspector of the Ontario Provincial Department of Education, the operation of the Canadian Pacific school car in northern Ontario has proved a more, successful venture than the Depart- . ment had ever expected. He stated that the progress of the pupils dur­ ing the year of operation has been remarkable. The Western Canada Grain Pool contemplates spending $5,000,000 during the coming year in exten­ sions to facilities in- country eleva­ tors and terminals in Western Can­ ada, according to George H. Mclvor, General Sales Manager of the Pool, on a visit to Toronto recently. The building programme includes 100 or 150 country elevator in Alberta; 150 in Saskatchewan and 40 In Mani­ toba. At present there are 160 in Alberta, 730 in Saskatchewan and 50 in Manitoba. Close on 400 miles of branch line construction in Saskatchewan • and. Alberta have been .virtually com­ pleted up to ‘December 1st by the Canadian Pacific Railway, accord­ ing to a report from headquarters. On 282 miles ' of this construc­ tion grain from the current year’s harvest is being taken out, and while work is closed down at this date on most of them, there are still some on which bridge and other construction Work is being proceeded .- with. ’ ' About 306-tarloads of Christmas trees will be delivered to, the trade from’the Province of .Quebec from Mho end* of November onward, ac­ cording to indications of traffic re­ ceived at Canadian Pacific .Railway headquarters. This will mean about ' 500,000 trees of a value of about . $150,000 to .the farmers of this pro- . vince. The average size of the trees for the New York and Bos­ ton markets is about 6 feet. They are mostly white spruce and bal­ sam of the “weed tree” ® variety which is of prolific growth and little commercial value. * ____ CLEARING - AUCTION SALE — of — STOCK and IMPLE51ENTS wa LOT 15, CON. 2, USBORNE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1028 at one o’clock sharp the* following; HORSES—1 grey horse rising 9 years pld; 1 aged horse;* 1 filly 3- ypars old, broken; ,1 gelding rising 3 years Old; 1 Jiorse rising 7 years, 1600 pounds. CATTLE-— Holstein cow, 5 years old, due time of sale; Holstein cow due March 1st; 2 Durham cows five years old, due March 2; 2 Holstein cows 8 years, due April 1st; 1 regis­ tered cow, 8 years old, due April the 5th;; 1 cow due April 10th; 2 Dur­ ham cows 5 years old due August 1; Holstein cow due Sept. 3rd; 1 three year old heifer due in August; two spring calves, 1 age cow due in April SHEEP—5 Lincoln ewes 2 and 4 years old; 5 pure-bred Lincoln ewes rising 2 years old; 14 Lincoln ewes rising 2 years old; 6.ewe lambs. PIGS—3 sows due first of March; 12 chunks. FOWL—80 hens; 50 pulletts, White W. and Rocks; - 6 good W-W. roosters. IMPLEMENTS—2 M.H. binders 1 new; M.H. mower 6ft. cut; cultiva­ tor; M.H. manure: spreader; hay rake, hay loader, ;2-£urrow riding plow; 2 walking plows; tractor plow Oliver; Fordson tractor; -fanning, mill, Bissell tractor double disc, sin­ gle disc, 4-section harrows; ■ 2 > grind stones, 10 ft. steel roller, root pul­ per, 2 sets of bob sleighS;-seed drill 12 hoe, side delivery rake, f- clover buncher, corn cultivator, corn binder truck wagon, 2 high wagons, slid­ ing hay rack, stock wagon box, gravel box, corn scuffler, 1 buggy, cutter, good as neW, cutting box and horse power, wheelbarrow, pig trough, ladder, post'/hole digger, 2 gas drums, wire stretchers, sheep rack, cedar posts, ‘ lumber, bricks, hay fork ropes/ .‘fehr and pullies, slings, hay fork',; 2 sets double har­ ness, set single harness, horse col­ lars, quantity of WOod, straw, De­ Laval cream separator,, turnips, mangolds, timothy.hay, 100' bus. of barley, 600 of mixed grain,'150 feet of galvanized piping, lawn mower, planks 2x10x16 ft, long, pine; sugar kettle, three thousand pound scales, with stock attachment, • forks, shov­ els, hoes, chains, whjfflettees,__1 yokes and. other articles too num­ erous to mention. FURNITURE— Kitchener cupboard, flour box, 2 bed room sets 1 bed, kitchen lounge,' 1 rug, TERMS $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 month^* credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discpurit, of 6‘ per cent, per annum off for cash.' Hay and grain cash. R. H. ELWORTHY, Prop.. F. COATES, Clerit • FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. ................... In the old days there was a filling station at every corner, but one staggered Out instead of driving on. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors and others having claims against the .estate of HEN­ RY PYBUS, late of the Village of Hensall, who died on the 2nd day of November 1927, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of January, 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have. notice. Dated at Exeter this 3rd day of January 1928. . v,,'GDADlViA^- & STANBURY 1 Executors-’ -Solicitos"C'i :::’jibTi^.^cREp\To«is •'JNO^CEdSt/HERE^Y,GIVEN that. > others'; having claims against the’Estate of Maty A. Hodgert,' spin^tef, late of the Vil­ lage of Exeteiy who died on the 28th day of December, 1927 are required to forward their claims, duly proven to ‘the undersigned on or before the the 30th day of January. 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said data the Exe­ cutors Will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 10th day of January, 1928, • GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for the Executors V NOTICE TO CREDITORS , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN others having claims agaiiist thb Astatd' ot WILL* iam Mcdougall, of'‘th^1 township of., TuCk^mith; ‘fWitter;■■'■WhOi die# November.. 2rid;, to forward their clfum«j;,><4uij&’:proV^ en, th the undersignecLx__ _ 7“ AND ftpitda IS FU^TH^k GIV­ EN that hft6f the said d&to the Exe­ cutor Will proceed to distribute the estate having regard 6hly to the claims of which they then shall have notice/ Dated at Exeter this 11 th day of Jihuary, 1928, GEADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executor en, to the undersigned January’ neck­ range CLEARING AUCTION SALE — of FRAbI STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS- The undersigned will sell by public auction, on LOT 23, HAY TOWNSHIP U mile north of Zurich, Goshen Line- FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1»28 pt 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—-1 team of horses, 1 driver, 1 sucking colt, CATTLE-—9 cows, mostly fresh, 1 due Feb.; 7 steers rising 2-years-old. 5 heifers rising two years old; small calves; 1 pure-bred bull; IO spring? calves. PIGS- about 100 pounds; 1 sow with at foot. HENS—150 White Leghorn mostly pullets. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.—M.H. um- der, 6.foot cut; M. H. 5 ft. mower;. M. H. disc; M, H. corn cultivator with puller attachment; Internation­ al fertilizer drill, new; 3-drum steel roller; 5-section harrows; 3-sectiori. harrows, gasoline engine 8 h.p.; Gray engine, 4 h.p.; hand scuffler;. spring tooth cultivator; steel rake„ two wagons, two hay racks, 2 grav­ el boxes, wagon box and stock rack,. 2 fanning mills, 2000 lbs. scales; 1. wheelbarrow, manure wagon,Madder, logging chain, 2 double. plows, X single plows, pair hob sleighs, 3 »et of team harness, Chevrolet car in. good running order, about 5 ton of? clover hay, 5 storm windows, about, eighty onion crates, 2 bushel sika clover, 2 bushel, of red.clover;, and. numerous other articles. TERMS—All sums of ?10 and. under cash, over that amount Id months credit will be given on fur­ nishing approved joint notes 4 per­ cent. straight off for cash on credit: amounts. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer R. F'.-STADJS, Clerk ' ' OSCAR KOEHLER, Proprietor 27 stocker pigs weighing; litter hens/ ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 8 Years Experience, Prices Reason* able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. J OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School, Special course taken 1». Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,X Merchandise, Real Estate, Fam. Sales, etc. Rates * in keeping witk. prevailing prices. Satisfaction en­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or* phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. AUCTIONSALE of' - FARM, STOCK b# IMPLEMENTS The undersigned , has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on W. HALF LOT : 6, THAMES RD. TUESDAY/ JANUARY 24th 1928, at 1 sharp the following: HORSES—-First class bay gelding white tace, sound and reliable, 13 hundred pounds, rising 6 yrs. old; filly, rising 3 years, oid, make good third horse on farm, ' well-broken single; grey filly, 2 years la st July; one pair matched hay farrii geldings. CATTLE—1 cbW, fresh milker, Holstein due in" April; cow due in March; cow due'- in April;’ Jersey cow just lately bred, i calf.; - PIGS—York sow with litter of 8 at foot; 1 sow due 1st April; six chunks. . ‘ IMPLEMENTS—M.H. drill; ' F. & Wood mower/ 6' ft. cut nearly new; Verity walking’ plow' No. 13; sulky rake, diamond hat'roWs, 1-h. scuffler, set of sleighs.' ^^Ugons, 1 light wagon, disc harrows, hay rack gravel box, cutter, steel-tired, buggy, set of double harness, ^et/o.'f single harness, nearly new;< foot? pulper, cutting box, Anchor HOlt' afepatat'or, nearly new; fanning miJl?And other articles.’ ,' , , 10 tons, of Hay. " : "7'/' '■ ■/ ■ FARM—Cqnsistihg ,of 50 acres being the Vf- Half of 10t '6, Thames Road, good; jbsiflfe "barn/, bri;ck' hOttse,' drjye. shed,'.,5 ^.bres Jmshi;'2Padres, ploughed^welKfenced ap^ ,rjd?ained. Land is.;}n, gopcG state:- dr’fe.uttiVation. Will be offered "fbf ‘sale' subject ;to reserve' bid. . , . . TERMS—9 months’^credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, with a discount off• 5 per cent, off for cash. . ED. PENHALE, Proprietor,*: F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer F. COATES, Clerk .. .. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER > > for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction - Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING ISO GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, *0. Money to Loan, Investments Mad# Insurance Safe-deposit ,Vault for use of oafr Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSALR CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETCk LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN­ SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Alain Streep EXETER, ONT. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Faculty of Medicine*. University of Western Ontario, Meae*- ber of the College of Physicians an# Surgeons of Ontario; Member of th# British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the lattr Dr. H. K. Hyndman) pn or hetbw*:* USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office,'Farquhar, Ont. President, JOHN ALLISON Vice-President, ' JaS. McKENZIE DIRECTORS ’ ' FI^K McC0NNELD, SIMON DOW ROBT. NORRIE WM. BROCK ‘ . AGENTS; .. .' JOHN essery, Centralia,' Agent for usborne and Biddulph * Harris, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, FUUarton.and* Lagan ’TURNBULL:’,.. . ' Se^tary-Treasnror ,-sf ‘ .j- to .^I^hTS/’Exdtdr «■■»f ’’ ^Odod advW'^'kotJ’Bo-’^ffactive- «'s a good scare. - ■ • ♦4. ♦■»♦■ - *o kn»* of is that of a blotter. ‘ 4- When a girl. ']{ . ... Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEONLate District Dental Officer of KBlltar# District Number One, London, Ont. . Telephones OfficelUW,' "; Residence M* Office/ open'"eyery Wednesday un— til, April’ .25t&; 1928/ ’ ; / ' • " -."MAIN ST., EXETER/ ON®. ' .. ■ 1L ......."i<ssr Dr. G. F. RouhUm, L.D.S.,D.D.S». • " dentist'/' „ : Office over Carling & Morley Law1 Office I Extractions Under Oxygen GM I EXETER, ON® .. ............. ............ ".■Ji’ l"-!gX- DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterfnm* College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TC$ Offico in old Ford Garage BtriMin* Corner of Main and Ann Streets EXETER, ONT; :' , m',,......, ;; i ,-t B.C.SH1NGLES Grain xxxtx (;7; best -made... „ ■BMWiri' TiwirWrEroM EpaciiX.Wtfrti 8 wW-Frost Fence ‘clo'ie"stay 'R* J 8 wife Rlhg Lock 4* 4* if 4'*> • • * * *' * 7 Wife Rink Lock • • ♦ • ises*'is •• S WlihS Ho^» -B^ence V Bar Steel Post **,*1*4 $C» M€B don t give hetthOOpportun- A.J J. CLATWORTHT , r-,1 ■ * Phowe IB • .m Granton