The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-11-03, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THCHSDAY, XOVimiiKB 8, 1»2T
jcljxrol cf Commerce
Fall Term Opens, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1927
Expert teachers, Two Standard makes of Typewriters, Practi
cal Business Training, Gregg Shorthand, Secretarial Studies, Actual
Office Practice and a record of successful Graduates, whose high
Standard font good work, we expect you to reach or exceed.
Phone 198
B. F, WARD, B.A., M.Accts.
of Exeter, whose machine careened
across the road, striking an ap
proaching motor driven by Robert
Keyes. Mr, and Mrs. Enoch Parker
were passengers In the Keyes car.
Mrs. Parker was removed to the
home of her son Gordon, in Hensall,
by J. Passmore, who was on the
scene of the accident a few minutes
after it happened. Mrs, Parker col
lapsed after reaching Hensall, but
was able to leave for her home on
Sunday night. There were no lights
on the Hyser wagon. The same
evening near Kippen a wagon driv
en by James B. McLean was struck
by a mo'tor car, but no one was in
jured, although the team ran away.
A car of Prince Edward Island
Grade A, white potatoes. D. A. Can-
telon, Hensall, Ont., phone 10w,
Big Rexall One Cent Sale at
Hemphill’s Drugstore, Hensall, this
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Nov. 3, 4 and 5.
We have a surplus of splendid Mill
Feed, Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour. Get
in your supply while we have it.—
over Sunday graced the Sunday ser
vices with their presence.
Thanksgiving services next Sun
day at the Evangelical church. The
choir will render appropriate an
thems. Everybody turn out at the
services to make it appropriate. By
order of the Governor General and
Premier: “Let us go to our houses
of worship and &ivb thanks to God.”
The pastor of the Evangelical
church had the privilege of conduct
ing the anniversary services at the
Morriston Evangelical
day, October 2 3rd.
sermons were delivered
evening of the Sunday,
on the subject, “Sowing and Reap
ing in the Garden of Life,” was
given Monday evening. At the close
of the meeting a vote of thanks by
Huether-Morlock was tendered the
speaker after which by way of a re
sponse to the words of appreciation
he gave them a violin solo.
church Sun-
morning and
The lecture
Miss Elya Horne gave a reading, roll
call by Mrs, M. Q’Rellley, secretary;
Miss Marjorie Hunter gave a splen
did report of the Circle Girl's Ban
quet held in Exeter recently. The
offering was received by Squire
Herdman and Delmar Skinner, Miss
Lena Pym had charge of the games,
Everyone present put names in
Birthday Book for Circle leader,
Lunch was served at the close. All
present had a very pleasant evening.
Mr, Samuel Hunter suffered a
very weak spell on Monday of this
ably gave a tails on “Homemade Ed
ucation.” He spoke of several, things
that we could apply to our own ev
ery day lives, He sang a very pleas
ing Scotch song at the close of the
program. A hearty vote’of thanks
was tendered to Mr. McTavish from
the ladies. A dainty lunch served
by those in charge brought to a
close another successful meeting.
The next meeting held at Mrs, Run
dle’s on the Thames Road has its
special feature of a demonstration
on “making fowl dressing?’ Remem
ber the early starting of the meeting
at two o’clock. Be on time for the
music lesson from 2 to 2,30 o’clock,
Mr. Hector Taylor confined tOK
his home through illness,
Dr, L. Foiiick, wife arid family* of
St. Marys, spent Sunday at the horn®
of Mr. E. Hern. "
Miss Margaret Trothan and friend*
of London, spent Sunday with Mr*
and Mrs, W. J, Brock.
Mr. and. Mrs. H. Kyle visited
friends near Deieware on Sunday.
Services were withdrawn on Sun
day owing to anniversary service®
at Whalen, at which a large number
attended. Next Sunday the service®
will be withdrawn In favor of Elim-
ville anniversary.Big Rexall One Cent Sale at
Hemphill’s Drugstore, Hensall, this
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Nov, 3, 4 and 5
The regular monthly meeting of
the council was held on Tuesday
evening, November 1. All the mem
bers-were present with the Reeve in
the chair. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of Cameron and Higgins.
The reeve reported that he had re
ceived a letter from Miss Kate Mc
Ewan complaining that the water
from the Welsh drain was running
on her land and asked the council
to take steps to have the drain re
paired. Councillor Higgins reported
that he had the water tanks started 1 __ ____ __ ____ ____(
and one of them nearly finished, Zurich, last three days of 'week'
but owing to the shortage of cement |
it would be several days before much
would be done. A number of ac- ......................________________
counts were presented and ordered Feed, Bran, Shorts, Feed" Flour. Get
paid on motion of Cameron and ; in your supply while we have it,—
Priest. Councillor Higgins was re- I ~~
quested to look after the supplying
of the cement and other material for
the cementing of the water tanks.
Considerable discussion took place
as to the letting the fire engine go
out of town for outside fires. Since
the new engine was received two
SEXSMITHserved in the basement of the
Archdeacon W. J. Doherty will in
duct the Rev. T. W. Jones as Rector
; of the Parish of Hensall and Staffa
at St. Paul's church, Hensall, on
Wednesday, November 9th, at 8 p.m.
Rev. W. Jones, of Exeter,- will
’ preach the sermon.
The services in the United church
on Sunday last were largely attend
ed it being automobile Sunday. Rev.
Mr. Sinclair delivered excellent ser
mons morning and evening. At the
morning service ther choir rendered
an anthem. A very pleasing ladies’
quartette was rendered by Mrs. M.
Drysdale, Mrs. Lee Hedden, Mrs. H.
Pfile and Mrs Ed. Lindenfield and a
male quartette composed of W. O.
Goodwin, H. Pfile, Geo. Follick and
J. Passmore sang at the evening
Dr, Gordon Knapp has sold his
dental practice to Dr. McTaggart, of
Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Knapp are
leaving £his week for Toronto, where
the doctor has bought a . practice.
Dr. • and Mrs. Knapp have lived in
Hensall for a number of years and
while here made a number of friends
who will be sorry to see them leave.
Dr. Knapp was a valued member of
Zurich lodge A. F. & A. M. at Hen
sall and was the president of the
Young People’s League of the Unit
ed church and also teacher
church ___
basement of the church on
afternoon with a good attendance.
The meeting was opened by the sing
ing of a hymn, after which sentence
prayers were given by members of
-the band. Eleanor Skinner then
called the roll. The Scripture les
son was read by Margaret Kennings
after which Norman Sinclair took
up the collection. Hymn 358 was
then sung. Kathryne Drysdale fav
ored the Band with a solo accompan
ied by Eleanor Skinner on the
piano: The study was very ably
taken by Miss Morrison. The meet
ing was closed by singing hymn No.
268, after which all repeated the
Lord’s Prayer. %
The Young People’s League of the
United church held a Hallowe’en
social in the basement ofrth^ church
on Monday evening. The ^basement
was nicely decorated for the .occa
sion. The program was in charge of-
Miss Gladys Luker and Mrs. Alf.
Smith with Mrs. Smith presiding.
The meeting was opened with a
hymn followed by,_the Lord’s Prayer.
The, minutes of the last meeting
were read b the secretary Miss Flora
Higgins after which the scripture
lesson, Psalm 19, was read respon
sively and was lead by Miss Doro
thy Welsh. A violin selection was
given by Scott Welsh accompanied
by Miss Dorothy Welsh On the piano.
Kathryne Drysdale gave a reading
in her usual manner. A very in
teresting topic oh “Hallowe’en” was
given by Harry Cook after which
Miss Mildred Smillie gave an in
strumental. A masquerade chorus
was given by five girls of the league
after which Mrs. Lee Hedden sang
a very pleasing solo. A half hour
was spent in contests. A dainty
lunclj^of sandwiches, cake,, pie and
candywas served at the close of the
A team and wagon and two auto
mobiles figured in an accident south
of Hensall Saturday night at 8
o’clock. No one was seriously hurt
although one woman is suffering
from shock. The cars were badly
damaged and the wagon axle broken.
Conrad Hyser, who resides two
miles south of Hensall, was driving
home when his wagon was struck a
iteresting pro-! glancing blow from the rear by a
Supper will be' coupe driven by M'r. Wm. Webster,
Miss Nellie Boyle, of Lonon, visit
ed on Sunday at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Simmons, vis
ited for a few days with relatives in
Dr. Russell McKay, of Toronto, is
Visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. McKay.
Mrs. Mew, of Goderich, visited
during the past week with her neice
Miss Mattie Ellis.
A number from Hensall attended
the fowl supper at Zurich on Wed
nesday evening last .
Mr. J. Jones, of London, visited
lor a few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Jones.
Mr. Wm. Wolf, of Sebringville
visited over the week-end with
and Mrs. Chas. Wolfe.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon, of
Marys, visited on Sunday with
and Mrs. Fred. Manns.
Miss Dora Sherritt, of California,
Is visiting for a few weeks with rel
atives and friends in town.
Miss Irma Rennie, of Detroit, vis-,
ited over the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie.
Mrs. Beverley Beaton, of Detroit,
is-visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jonas Green, west of the village.
Mr. Andrew Lammie, of Detroit,
has been visiting for the past week
or so with his sister, Mrs. G. F.
Case and other relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Greaves and son
David and Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson,
of Seaforth, visited on Sunday last'
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyde.
Mrs. ^Bertha Bell visited for a
few days 'witli her Sister and broth
er-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Cawthorpe
in Tavistock.
Mrs. Effie Carrick and daughter
Veitta and Mr. Cecil Ryan, of Gode
rich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Wolfe.
Mr. and Mrs. White, of near Owen
of near Cromarty are moving into
their new home this week which
they recently purchased from Miss
M. ElliS.
The. baseball club are holding a
euchre and dance in the Town Hall
on Friday evening, Nov. 11th. Good
music is being furnished for the
Mr. and Mrs. White of near Owen
Sound who recently purchased
business of Mr. J. W. Skinner
moving this week to town and
be in business, shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. Bawden and
Donald and Mrs. John Blatchford,
of Talbotville, visited over the week
end with Mrs. John Murdock and
other relatives and friends in town.
An‘orchestra dance will be held
in the Town Hall on Friday evening
Jfov. 4th. The music will be fur
nished by the Buescher boys of Lon
don and a good time is being looked
for.The household effects of Miss M.
Ellis were sold by public auction on
Saturday afternoon last. The sale
was largely attended and good pric
es werprealized. Mr. G. H. Elliott
acted a!s auctioneer.
The South Huron Religious . Edu
cation Convention will be held in
the United church, Kippen, Thursday
November 3rd, in-the afternoon and
evening. A very interesting —
gram will be given, f
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three das of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
} __ We have a surplus of splendid Mill
Bible class in the
Mission Band of the
held their meeting
of the
in the
fires have taken place in
township of Tuckei'smith and the
fire engine went to their assistance.
As there is considerable expense in
running the fire engine at a fire, the
clerk was instructed to write to the
township Council of Tuckersmith
and see what they intended to do
about paying the expenses of the
engine at a fife in their township.
The cler notified the Tuckersmith
council at the,time of the Wm.
Green fire, but received no reply
from that council. The opinion of
the Hensall ^council is that the Town
ship of Tuckersmith will have to
take notice and -pay at least the ex
penses of a fire, if Our department
is called on for help by some citizen
of their municipality. If they do
not do so, the people of Hensall
cannot pay for fire protection for
Tuckersmith Township. x If the cit
izens of Tuckersmith want the pro
tection pf the Hensall fire depart1-
ment surely their council are willing
to pay for it. The council then
adjourned to meet again at the call
of the Reeve.
it as Attractive ftoside as Oirt?
MAKE your summer cottage comfortable and. home-like
with Gyproc Fireproof partitions and ceilings. . At
small cost the whole interior- may be transformed into
attractive, cosy rooms.
Write for free booklet—"My Home." It will teH you how Gyproc,
Roeboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce youtfuel
bill from 20 to 40%.
For Sale By
* The Ross-Taylor Co.,*Ltd
W. E. Pfaff «... - - - -
Exeter, Ont* -
Hensall, Ont,
Mr. Robt. Tetreau, of Detroit, is
visiting with his sister Mrs. Frances
Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Tetreau, of
Grajld Bend, spent Sunday with
their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Frances
Mrs. John Lawson has returned
home after visiting relatives in
Parkhill for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson and Mr.
and Mrs Henry Motz spent Sunday
with the latter’s brother Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Messner in Dashwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and
family, spent Sunday with the for
mer's mother Mrs. Lewis near' Brins
Mrs. Chris. Hoffman spent Sun
day with Mr and Mrs. Wilb. Hoff
man in Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dark and
daughters, of London, spent- Sunday
with Mrs. C. Hoffman and family.
Evangelical Church Items
The Junior C. E. held a Hallow
e’en Social on Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Herb Eil-
ber. The home, was most appro
priately decorated for the occasion
and nothing was spared to make the
social inviting and attractive. There
were forty in attendance. The prize
for the appropriately costumed
girl was given to Alma Ratz and a
similiar prize was given to Eugene
Beaver who represented the boys.
In the guessing contest Elva Wuerth
knew every person present even
though they were curiously disguis
ed. Best drowning of the ‘witch
was given to Ruby Finkbeiner. The
musical contest with snatches of 20
selections was answered correctly
by ten of the juniors^which speaks
well for the musical" ear of our
youth. Mis's Lovilia Smith the able
superintendent'of the Junior C. E.,
had the entire affair in hand to
its success is greatly due. Miss Al
ma Smith and Miss Clara Morlock
ably asisted. At 11 o’clock a sump-
tous lunch was served consisting of
sandwiches, pumpkin pie, fruit and
home-made chocolate candy. It
isn’t necessary to carry any provis
ions back home when young healthy
Canadians have a social. Everyone
arrived home safely and the follow
ing Sunday were in their classes.
A golden wedding Anniversary
will be held next Friday afternoon
and evening at the 'Finkbeiner
Home’ at Shipka. To Mr. and Mrs.
Christian Finkbeiner are the con
gratulations. Many of the friends
from a distance will be present also
some of the brothers who are active
ministers of the Gospel,
that some will stay over
Particulars later,
The Sr. C, E. will hold a
on Social at the home- of
Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner, Monday ev
ening. A very enjoyable time is ex
A conference on Missions and
Evangelism will be held at the Lis-
towelle Evangelical church Monday>
Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week. Several of Creditor’s Evan
gelicals will attend. Missionaries
from Japan and Africa will address
the' Conference. Dr. Hangen and
Secretary Epp* will also take an im
portant part in the program.
Visitors at the parsonage and also
at Mr. and Mrs, Gottleib Brawn’s
Miss Loretta Ziler visited in De
troit last week.
Mrs. Simpson, of Kitchener, visit
ed friends in this vicinity last week.
Miss Alice Hoffman entertained a
number of her friends to a Hallow
e’en party Monday night. The
ing was spent in games and
after which refreshments were
Mrs. Witzel is spending a
wees with relatives in Stratford
Rev. F. B. Meyer and Mr.
Mrs. J. Kellerman attended
Provincial, convention in
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo Edighoffer and
Blanch, of Mitchell, were Sunday
visitors in town
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hess, of Zurich
visited Mrs. Kraft
Miss L. Hartleib
Frank on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E.
and Mrs. G. Wildfong
week-end in Detroit.
The home of Mr, and Mrs. John
Bender was the scene of a pretty
wedding on Tuesday, October 25th,
when their daughter Clara Eliza
beth was united in marriage to Mr.
Fred Cunnington. The ceremony
was performed at five p.m. by Rev.
F. B. Meyer, in the presence of about
140 guests, bridal party taking their
place under a beautiful arch of ev
ergreen, flowers and streamers. The
bride was very becomingly gowned
in a, dress of binmailk. velvet and
carried a beautiful bouquet of carna
tions and ferns.. Miss Idella Ben
der, cousin of the - bride, acted as
bridesmaid while Mr, Vernon Schotz
assisted the groom. Miss Verna
Birk played the wedding march.
After the ceremony~*the guests sat
down to a very sumptuous wedding
dinner, the tables and rooms being
tastefully decorated with flowers
and streamers. The bride was the
recipient of many beautiful gifts.
The groom’s gift to the bridesmaid
was a white gold
best, man gold cuff
pianist a fountain
Mrs. Cunnington
honeymoon in Sarnia and Pt. Huron.
Messrs. W. J. Northcott and W, B.
Snell are on a hunting expedition in
the north country at present.
Mr. W. W, Northcott is in Gode
rich this week, on jury duty.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Campbell attend
ed the funeral of Mrs. Campbell’s
aunt at Frpme on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes and
Mr. and Mrs, W. Vincent and the
latters mother, Mrs. Buckler, all of
London visited friends here on Sun-.
Mr Robert Tinney was taken
suddenly ill on Saturday last, and
was taken to London. He was
as can
home and is doing, as well
be expected. Dr. ’Moir, of
is in attendance.
forget Centralia fowl
on November seventeenth.
We trust
■ Sunday.
Mr, and
on Sunday,
visited in Port
Tiernan and
brooch; to the
links and to the
pen. Mr. and
spent a short
Miss Aleatha Odgen is spending a
few days in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter and
family of Stratford, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Skinner on Sunday.
Miss Ruth
end with her
Mr. Smith is sporting a new Ford
car these days.
A number from here attended the
funeral of Mrs. Hodgson in Exe-ter
on Monday.
Mr. and
daughter, of
home of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moir and baby
were visitors at Mr.‘Leu. Q’Reilly’s
last Sunday.
Mrs. Chas. Johns spent a few days
last week with her sister, Mrs. S.
Whaley in St. Marys.
Miss Mina Cornish who has been
ill with pneumonia Was removed to
her home here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper and
family visited friends in London on
Sunday last.
Biallots were distributed and a
vote taken to find how many were
in favor of having hydro installed in
the church and parsonage. The ma
jority were in favor and the work
is under way this week.
Keep in mind the anniversary
services next Sunday. Mr, Fred.
Wright, soloist, formerly of London
and Miss May Clark, soloist will
sing, also special singing by the
choir and quartettes, also Fowl sup
per on Monday night.
Two Hallowe’en parties were held
on Monday evening one at the home
of Miss May Clark for the young
people and the other at Mr. Ed.
Johns for the juniors. Most were
dressed in costume and games and
contests kept them busy. Everyone
reported a very enjoyable time,
Mr, and Mrs. Oke and daughter,
of Seaforth, visited at Mr. John
Brock’s last Sunday.
Messrs. Jas.
Frank Coates,
Strang, Clerk;
Supt., were in Goderich on Tuesday
on municipal business.
On Tuesday evening of last week
the Mission Circle held a birthday
party in the church basement with
a good attendance.
Occupied the chair
son was read by Mr, Walter Lidston,
Skinner spent the week
uncle, Mr. Gordon Hun-
Mrs. W. Bosnell and
Toronto, visited at the
Wes. Johns a few days
Ballantyne, Reeve;
Treasurer; Henry
Harry Ford, Road
(Intended for last week)
At the close of the S. S. session
in the United church last Sunday
the class of junior boys met and
presented their^teacher, Mrs. Lloyd
Brophey with a handsomei buffet
set in appreciation of her " work.
Harry Stephen read the address and
Russell and Ross Brown and Manuel
Curts made the presentation.
Mrs. W. Horne
Scripture les-
The Institute met in its regular
monthly meeting at the home of the
Misses Keddy on Wednesday last.
Twenty-four members answered to
the roll call. Mr. Goulding had
charge of the first half hour of the
meeting and expressed his pleasure
in finding so much musical talent
among the ladies. During the busi
ness part of the meeting it was de
cided to hold a cooking sale about
Thanksgiving time and a committee
was appointed to look after same. A
thoughtful suggestion was made that
a carcl shower be sent to Mrs. Will
Etherington, St. Joseph’s hospital,
London. Rev. Mr. McTavish very
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