The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-01, Page 74 JCi must try RED ROSE ORANGE i 4 AGENTS WANTED in districts where we are not represented. *5T CCt Aviation « speeding . n. ... I .....J Minard’s Liniment relieves Backache. she was again in the Crosbey could stand so he caught her and oat sack, "I’ll take Deming, New Mexico, stands cabin, in which lives an old Tom Crosbey, better known Tom.” Old Tom makes his in the hay-loft. The old her there when he went his stock. He tried again off, but she only ran back Let Cuticura Soap Keep Your ~ Fresh and Youthful Sample Soap, Ointment, Talcum frea. Address Ca­ nadian Depot: “Cutlcuru, P, 0, Box 2016, Montreal." asked. "The head of tlio house out in the yard looking on the morning paper,” was tlio reply. ' In Canada the air vote for the year has been doubled and aviation is and sur- and new If the girls are to wear only six ounces of clothes this winter, no doubt about four ounces will be in the hat. Farmer—“How did ye come by that black eye, jarge?” Jarge—"Ole cow had a way of flick­ in’ me face wi’ her tall, so I tied a brick onto it.” 1 The test of greatness is tho num­ ber of kinds of soap, tobacco and hair oil named for you. Classified, Advertisement! A Man Who-Does Not Like Cats Fred Cornelius Ten miles straight out Into the dee -ert from lonely ».san, Mr ns “Old living by paunjng gold and doing odd jobs about •ranches and mining camps. Save for another prospector’s cabin, six miles north of him,' the nearest house is at Deming, ten miles away. Tom Crosbey lias no pets, nor does he want any. He says that if he takes care of his saddle horse and two pack burros, he has dono a-plenty. He does not care fox' dogs; and as for cats, well, he just can’t stand theii' pres­ ence. Yet the old man is a kind- hearted fellow. He has been known to risk his own life in climbing to the top Gf a telegraph pole to rescue a black cat that had kittens under a< ranch house. I > The old man does not go to town ■ 7T||iore than is necessary; and when he goes it takes tho best part of a day for him to ride his horse there and i tack. I Ono morning he awoke to flpcl a nice black and white cat scratching at his front door. He tried to drive hex* away, but tho eat had definitely decided to make this her home; • so she went out to the barn and made her a bed man found out to feed ts run her the cabin. The next day hay-loft. Tom no more of her, “^put her into an ydu to Sally Gray’s in Deming,” he said, “she is foolish about cats, and will be glad to give you a home.” Twenty minutes later ho was riding his horse toward Deming with tho sack hanging across his shoulder. It was a hard trip, for the weathei- was hot and the sand was deep, making it hard going' fox’ the horse. Just the same, Pussy had to have a home, and that was tho only way to get her one Now Sally Gray owns tlio boarding­ house, antf she was badly in need of a good cat, for the rats, as she said,, were about to eat hex’ out of house ■ and home. So when Tom Crosbey rode up and presented Sally with a fine black and white cat, she was very happy. She gave old Tom a hearty r hand-shake and said that he was the . best old desert rat in the desert, and for him to come right in and have din- ' Siei’ with hex* before starting back, old man accepted her invi- he knew that she was the in the state, and, too, he As a rule, properly fertilized wheat matures from a week to ten days earlier than unfertilized wheat. Get the. advantage of an earlier and better-quality crop this season by using National Fertilizer. Every bag is uniformly mixed with guaranteed analysis attached to each bag. AH National Fertilizers are “Made in Canada” from tested formulae it has taken years to perfect. You can’t go wrong on “National”, Write us now. Ask also about National Stock-Foods—they get results!% NATIONAL FERTILIZERS, LTD. West Toronto 9, Ontario Liner s Length Compared You PEKOE. A little higher price than other teas, but a real difference in quality. Now packed in Aluminum.________ _______situations vacant_______ IADY OR GENTLEMAN ^WANTED J in every city, town and Villas’S In Ontax’Jo,'to act as exclusive'represen­ tative in distribution of the Bible Prayer: whole or part time: position of importance; do business at home; pleas­ ant and profitable occupation- Apply by letter only. Bible Prayer Association, CIS Ontario Street, Toronto, Goats Light Up Later* Automobile lambs to be lighted one- half hour after sunset.—-Washington Star.T. A ..... -L-. We wonder if Dempsey will be anxi­ ous to fight when oi’ if he wins back the title. "Sier with Gladly the tation, for best cook was very hungry. For two hours after dinner the man and woman talked, but when the shad- ’ owe. began to lengthen, old Tom bade Sally good-by and mounted his horso for the long ride home. The return trip was made more quickly, for it was not so hot now, and the horse wanted to get to his comfortable quar- ters'Svhere he could rest. When they arrived at the cabin, old Tom unsaddled the horse and put him in the stable, then went up to the hay-loft to get some hay. As he stop­ ped over to get the hay, lie heard a sound that almost caused him to tum­ ble outvof the loft. It was the meow of a kitten. Looking under one side of the hay-mow, he saw three kitchens not yet old enough to open thelri eyes. “Well, what do you know about that?” the old man said in a loud .voice. "Throe kittens and ten miles away from their mother. Sure wish old* Pussy had a-told me she fetched- kittens up here. It sure wpuld have saved me a long, hard trip.” It was- almost sunset when old Tom mounted his tired horse to make a second trip to Sally Gray’s that day. "I sure.liafe to make you do this,” he told his horse, "but these here kit­ tens must get ’to their mother, and this. is the only way to get them there.” It was two hours after dark when •the horse 'stopped at Sally Gray’s boarding-house/ You should have seen that lady’s face when old Tom handed her the three kittens! "I still say you are the best old desert.rat in this part of the country,” she said, laughingly, '"and now get right down- and* put up that tired horse, for you must not go back be­ fore morning.” ’>‘Tho old man gladly accepted her hospitality for he, • too, was tired.— Our Dumb Animals. ♦ Life’s Darkest Moment. The return to the home town of the “local boy” who has made good in the big city is rarely, we have, understood, what it might bo. In connection with this we" have to report the particular­ ly sad experience of a young banker who, after eight yoars of absence, alighted at the station of the town of his'birth. There Was, despite his ex­ pectations, no one on the .platform whom he knew, Nd one- Discour­ aged, ho sought Cut the baggage mas- tev, a friend since boyhood. To him ht least he would be welcome, and he was about to extend* a hearty greet­ ing, when the other spoke first. “Hollo, George,” lie said “Goin’ f^vay?”—New. Yorker. "What do you think of Mr. Blank?” "Oh, lie’s one of those people that pat >ybu on the back before your face, and hit you in tho eyo behind yot|r back.” The philosophers urge us to step onward and upward, but the modern world is mostly isitofestod Hi Stepping out. Queen of Shanghai” Dies; White Girl “Went Native” Shanghai.—Helen Kelly, dethroned '“Queen of Shanghai,” wab buried in Bubbling' Well Cemetery recently in a cheap pine coffin, her only mourn- cra a Catholic priest who prayed for her aoi’d a Salvation Army man Who sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.” She came here eight years ago from Kansas City, Kan., where she' had left her real name. She made a hit in the ’cabarets and became the toast of-the international settlement. Adulation of many men, jewels anid jazz and champagne, were not enough for her. She “went native” to the extent of acquiring the opium habit. Before long she was Seeking help o4' the.sG.rt she had .given, to many Am­ erican® and1 ethers in the days of her prosperity. ■ Women, who “hammer ths gong*” do not last long. . She had ’become almost used to her now life whan she died dead broke,, and her one-time giitrl friends around the cabarets, who had remembered her longer than the men did, took up a collection and bought her coffin. Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby’s Own Tablets. A medicine for the baby or growing child—one that the mothex- can feel assured is absolutely safe as well as , efficient—is found in Baby's Own Tab­ lets. The Tablets are praised by thousands of mothers throughout the country. These mothers have ,found by actual experience 'that there is no. other medicine for little ones to equal them. Once a mother has used them for her children she,, will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Hutt, Tancock Island, N.S., writes: “I liavo ten children, the baby being just ‘ six months old, I have used Baby’s Own Tablets* for them for the past 20 years and can truthfully say that -I know of no* better medicine for little ones. I always keep a box of the Tablets in- the house and would advise all other mothers to do so.” Baby’s Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be mailed up­ on receipt of price, 25 -cents per cox, by The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. A judge the other day halted his court until a woman present rolled up hpr stockings. Probably he is a pret­ ty keen judge. booming generally. Forest vey work is being extended fields are opening up. The Canadian Post Ofllce hopef| to soon put into operation’ the speeding up of mails from Europe by taking them from the -steamers at Father Point in tfip summer and from Hali­ fax and St. John in the winter. Doubt­ less this will eventually extend across the continent. Australia, too, is experiencing a small aviation boom. Clubs are func­ tioning well and several schools .are getting into working order. «, The principal Queensland daily papei’, the Brisbane Courier, is con­ templating the extension of its news­ paper service. , Its airplanes carry full loads of papers daily to Toowoom­ ba and generally return with full loads of passengers. The journey takes one hour as compared with be­ tween five and six hours by train. In New Guinea, over which Aus­ tralia exercises the mandate, gold in large quantities was discovered some 60 miles inland over, very difficult country. The journey/which took, six days or more, can. be done by air in 50 minutes. . ... Tlxb Australian Government has ap­ proved the scheme of a transconti­ nental service. To start with, a ser­ vice will be flown between Adelaide and Perth which will bring Sydney and Melbourne ja week closer to Eng­ land fox’ mail purposes. Following on the signing of an air . navigation agreement between Czec­ hoslovakia and Austria, a co-operation is taking place in the operation of the Vienna Prague, Dresden,Berlin route. Flights will be made two days a week by Czechoslovakia, two days by Aus­ tria, and 'two by Germany. Tlie Latecoere Company proposes to start its service from France to South America -in September. The total time for tlxe £2,400 kilometers is to be eight days, of wh’ich three days will be by fast hteamers from 'Cape Verde Islands to the Island ’ of Fer­ nando de Noronha. The French Government is again offering bonuses totalling nearly 1,- 000,000 francs to encourage the gain­ ing cords, planes The prises 60,000 ■ ■ .....,•■ ,. Charles I would never have remem­ bered If he had not had his head cut off.—C. F. G. Masterman. Few people realize the length of an ocean liner as "they see the ship in port or at isea. The above illustration shows how, if turned on end by some giant hand, a 14,000-ton Cunard Canadian Service liner would top by somo 150 feet the new 23-storey Royal Bank of Canada building, now under construction in Montreal. - The bank towers 395 feet from the street level and is the tallest office building in the British Empire. The Cunarder- Berengaria, one of the world’s largest ships, is 919 feet long. ‘ ’ The Condition of a P. E. I. Lady Who Again Rejoices in Good Health and retention of world’s ail’ re- The making aftd flying of sea­ will be specially encouraged. German summer program com- 80 air lines over which about kilometers .Will be covered.. . ;. t<t .... "I can most heartily recommend Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to all weak people,” says Mrs. Augustin Arsen­ ault, Wellington Station, P.E.I. “Be­ fore I began their use I was very weak and nervous..' I had always worked hard, with no thought of my health, until suddenly my strength left me. I began to feel tired and de­ pressed, and did not sleep well at night, feeling just as tired in the morning as when I went to, bed at night. I began to feel discouraged when I would think of the work neces­ sary for me to do. I got some medi­ cine from the doctor whom I consult­ ed, but it did not appear to meet my case as I showed no improvement while taking It. Then a-neighbor ad­ vised me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and I got a supply of this medi­ cine. I very soon found they were helping me, and I continued their use until I was well again', and I have been strong and well ever since.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills do one thing—and do it well. They build up, purify 'and enrich the blood, and as the blood supplies the whole body, new life is given to the entire system. Bettei- sleep, steady nerves, improved appetite, increased vigor—all these can be yours by taldng Dr. Williabs’ Pink Pills. Begin to-day. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brookville, The railroads would like to see automobile trucks taxed heavily, but the railroad operators should look a little further ahead—it won’t be long before airplanes carrying perishable freight will be the hottest’bompetition the railroads have ever had. New Vicar—"Quite a lot of people had coughs during my sermon this morning.” Old fVerger — “Coughs? They ain't coughs, zur. Them’s time signals." PAMO'£PFREE B°oK UHtca oLfasENTonREQUuST Tells cause of cancer and what to du for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to-day, mentioning this paper. Ad« dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. Campers. A reliable first-aid remedy in the woods, for burns, bruises, cuts and wounds. Bankers should know something about farming as well as banking. None will deny that they know how to make interest grow. Why Gum-Dipped Mileage Costs Less 66 Per Mile” (Od With tanghterj < Tniii-i i riri timiihiiimiii<ii i - no “Son, how come you didn’t jine the lodge?” • “Huh, de ’nishiation wuz too strong fo’ me.”’ “Dey said dey would hab to scrut­ inize mah credentials thoroughly; an’ ah don’t want no hawspital work done on mah sweet body!” "Ah don’t blame you.” Let’s Smile. A smile is quite a funny thing, It wrinkles up youi’ face, —' And when it’s gone 'you never find Its secret hiding place. But far more wonderful it is To see what smiles can do; You smile at one, he smiles at you, _ And so one smile makes two. •If ydu have tried to dig any worms lately, you’ll understand why Coolidge has changed to flies. Slim—"When do you do your hard­ est work?” Fat—“Before breakfast always.” Slim—“What do you do?” ‘Try to get outa bed.” Minard's Liniment for burns. The summer girl who used to wear out the hammock is now wearing out her shoos on the tenfiis court. A man who fifty years ago said nothing was left to invent* died the other day in Edison’s home town. "Your son family.” "Yes. He one years.” when Not to Drink at All. "I met Ethel and she sings ‘Drink To Mo Only With Thine Eyes.” “That’s all right and safe; but when you meet Methyl don’t drink at all.” A mother was singing her baby to sleep, “If I were a baby,” said the baby’s brother, aged six, ".I’d pretchd to bo asleep.” Baby Bum sounds a’hiess TTLIT spray dears your home of flies and mos- JL: quitoes. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Distributed hi Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & Co., Limited, Toronto DESTROYS Flies Mds^uitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches witbfheHack l>aisd Ho smiles at someone since you smiled And then that one smiles back; And that one smiles until, in truth, You fail in keeping track. Now, since a smile'can do great good, By cheering hearts of care, Let’s smile and smile} and not forget, That smiles go everywhere. Sambo—"What is de difference be­ tween a dog and a book?” Rastus—"I don’t know.” Sambo—“Well, sub, de book has Its tale on de inside, while de dog has Its tail on do outside.” The time has como when if a stock­ ing isn’t silk all the way up, it might just about as well not be silk at all. “Where you from?” -“Saskatchewan.” “Bad cold you got there, boy.” An honest confession is also good for a front-pago story. Small talk—Discussing the 1927 bathing suit. must be the idol of the has been idle' for twenty- "Sho was daughter-—that’s dumps.” only the garbage man’s why I’m in the Death is tlio ohly blessing in which everybody will share. "What is the- first thing you notice early in the morning?” a man was ISSUE NA ’27 The demand from car owners for Fire­ stone Gum-Dipped Tires has given Firestone Dealers a large increase in volume that enables them to sell these tires to you at the lowest prices in the history of the industry.’ The Firestone Balloon Tread, scien­ tifically designed three years ago, and unchanged today has the wear-resisting qualities that give thousands of extra miles. This tread must be placed on a carcass that has the qualifications to withstand terrific flexing.. The Firestone carcass is made of cords dipped in rubber solution which not only saturates and insulates every fibre of every cord, but unifies sidewalls with carcass, elimin­ ating any possibility of separation under the extreme flexing of low- pressure tires. The Firestone Dealer in your locality will gladly explain the Gum-Dipping process, the scientifically designed tire tread, and other advantages that only Gum-Dipped Tires can give. See him today. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Firfcatone Builds the Only Gum-Dipped Tires Two More Cases cf Feminize IH-\ ne®8 Relieved by Lydia E. Pink­ ham’s Vegetable Compound i , —------------- Barrington, N. S.— "I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. My husband and my father did my work for me as I have two children arid we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about it through the mail, and ray husband sent to Eaton’s and got me a bottle, and then we got more from tho store. I am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg­ etable Compound that makes me feel s0 wen. ’ ’—Mrs. Victor PvICHardson, Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont. — “I took four, bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege-;. table Compound and found great re­ lief from the dull, heavy pains in the small of' my back and the weakness from-which I suffered for five year«. after my boy was born. After taking the Vegetable Compound.and using Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash I am feeling better than I have for tho past seven years, and advise *ny friends to take it.”— Mrs.F. Johnson, : 49 Moore Street, St Thomas, Ont. Oj Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for, Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Neuritis Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism t. - ,1,,^ a, i„„,w,ifft,rl^-mrT1: X.,, MMMnn.U, a, Him■» DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ....... ■.I'.i.i.inaaaaai*ll Accept only "Payer** package which contains proven directions. Handy “Bayer” boXca of 12 tablets *" Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aspirin ts the tfAife mark In Oankjlft) ofacldc.stet of SuUij-llt*cW (Acetyl Salicylic AcM, “A. Wil town that Aspirin means Bay er mfthttfnetlttc, to atolrt the Crus.t ’’M flayer Ccmpany will bo utamped with their general trade mark, the Bayer GWM. &