The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-01, Page 4^xhvils'dav, sternum 1st, 192“THE EXETER Tl MESADVOCATE ■ ' ■ WHATMAN ’YOU DOV ' Are you trained far any particular kind of work? Can you apply tfor any position and know how to do it better than the ev- erage person? Your future depends upon your, answer. Let us tell you hotv you can tit you for a pleasant and well paid position holding forth every opportunity for advancement, Wri^ for our free catalogue- «■ Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. II. F. LUMSpEN, B.A., ITindpal • & ‘ ?■ ONLY General Motors could pro­ duce the beauty and comfort of ‘ Pontiac’s Fisher built bodies, with plush upholstery and luxurious interior appointments. Only General Motors, with its vast International Proving . Grounds, could give the definite assur- . - ance of Pontiac’s superb performance, rugged ,durability and long-life econ­ omy. And only General Motors, with its mammoth purchasing and ^iiianu- factoring facilities, could offer such un­ exampled quality and such phenomenal value in a low-priced six, as the New and Finer Pontiac Six ... at NEW! LOWER PRICES. \ ULRIC SNELL, Exeter, Ont. Dealer in Pontiac & McLaughlin>Buick PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, UMTTED MT. CARMEL ’ Mrs. J. Lynch dud son Sylvester, accompanied by Misses Regan, of Mt, Pleasant left on Monday for the former’s home in Detroit after a pleasant visit with friends here. Messrs. Vincent h»d Theadore Col­ lins accompanied by their mother and aunt, Miss Nora Collins, spent Sunday at the homo of Mr, and Mrs, T. Collins.Mr. and Mrs. J.<J. Blundy, of Sarnia were visitors at the home of Mi*, and Mrs. James- Carey pn Sun­ day. • ‘ .Miss Geraldine McKeever, of Dev troit, is.spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph-’ McKeever. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Campbell and family -spent Sunday" with friends at Varkliill. * ' - ’ ; Miss Mary Hall returned-home last week after spending a month with friends in London, Miss Kathleen Moir, of London, is visiting friends’ here this week. ' Mr. Thomas Rowland is on the sick list. His many- -friends wish him a speedy recovery. - • ■ LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS AT> . - MT. CARMEL SEPARATE SCHOOL . The.Mt. Carmel. Separate School, No. U6; Stephem and McGillivray had a most successful Academic year. Particular credit must be given to the staff, Mother M. Madeline Sophie and 'Mother M. ’ St. Dominis, who have been in charge during fixe .past •three ‘yeai’-s,.- and .whose untiring zeal has carried the-school to such a. high standard. -'AU of-’the Entrance can­ didates passed.wRh honors and the certificates issued to Lower School ■ candidates ’which have just been re­ ceived contain the following names: Deitrich, Alice; Deitricli,- Elizabeth; Deitricii, Hilda; " Hogan, .Wilfrid'; Houlihan, Margaret; McKeever, A. O’Hara, John; O’Rourke, Jerome; Regan, Evelyn; Regan, Pearl, Smith­ ers, Aletha; Thompson, Olive. These certificates are in the hands’, of the Sec’y, Thos. Rowland, Mt. Carmel. It is the intention to present these certificates early in September, up­ on the return of the principal, but any of the students whO’require their certificates. Before that time can ob­ tain them by notifying the secretary that, they wish to have them. beautiful .number at the evening ser­ vice pn th© camp grounds. (The Ev­ ening Shades.) Miss Muriel Fallis, of Port Huron/ visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. F/ Fallis over the week-end. Rev. j. m, Colling will be in his place uexf Sunday much renewed after spending his holidays travelling through .different States of the U.S. 'A. spending some of his time in Chi­ cago, The service will be held in the open air, weather permitting at th usual hour. Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Baker and family visited at Port Stanley -foi’ a few days recently. GODERICH FAIR NEXT WEEK "Goderich Fall Fair on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next'week— September 8,, 9 and io—-offers many attractions,’ Besides fbut’ speeding events for good purses—:2.50 and 2.20 classes on Friday, 2.30 and 2.15 on Saturday-—a* tug-of-war tourney on- Friday .-afternoon is attracting mucli attention. This is open to teams of seven men from any muni­ cipality in the County. Prizes, $35 to winners; $21 to second team. The splendid Confederation pageant, by Seaforth talent;. County champion­ ship baseball game, Exetei’ vs. Gode­ rich; old-thne fiddling and dancing competition, are other .events which,' with the displays of field and farm products, manufactures, etc., will make a visit to Goderich fair well' worth while, , Admission 25 cents. - *T ■■■?"■■»<....... ---------------- AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD' EFFECTS have received instructions to sell’I by public axiction the FURNITURE, and CHATTELS of the late Thomas Fitton, at the residence of W> j. Carljng, at CARLING ST,, EXETER SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1927 at 2 o’clock p.m. The furniture consists of walnut sideboard; one mahogany regulator clock, 6 walnut diningroom chairs, 2 walnut mohair parlor chairs,, /one walnut what-not, walnut bookcase, small safe, large number of books, wall pictures and many other artic­ les of furniture, bedding, carpets, kitchen utensils, etc., too numerous to mention. F.- TAYLOR, Auctioneer GRAND BEND be AUCTION SALE > of of Sarnia for the Watrous, Mrs.Sol, and W. • Mr. Frank Turner is able to ‘out after his two months of sickness we are pleased to say. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Batty, visited Mrs. John Statton week-end. Miss Laura Mollard, of Sask,, is visiting her aunt Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard Miss Mary Yeo, visited at J. Holt’s over Sunday. -Mr. Gordon Pollock, of Chicago, is visiting under the parental roof for a week. . The largest ‘crowd that ever came to the camp service was'.outJto’hear Rev. G.. A. Leichliter’s farewell ser­ mon for this year last' Sunday and all went home well'repaid and glad to know that Mr. Leichliter will be ' back next year to take his. place for the month of August. .. • The .Rennie sisters” rendered a r~Longer^ Roomier, V -^S^77 to $2270, f.c.b. Wind­ sor, Ont., including. . ■ standard factory equipment (freight ’ and taxes extra) ... Announcing! the Illustrious A Statement from Walter P. Chrysler In announcing1 the Illustrious New new results for the industry to follow. Chrysler “72” we are confident that TheNew Chrysler. w72” with the Greats our latest product is as great an advance New.w62,” the New “52,” and the mag-' over today’s fine cars as was the famous 'nificent Imperial “80”—are Chrysler’s “70” over the best of four years ago, ................covenant of faith with the public which has so generously The New “72” is ultra modern-^-again demonstrated its setting new standards, establishing faith in us FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction, on LOT 25, S. BOUNDARY, STEPHEN half mile west of Mt. Carmel ’— on — FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1927 at one o’clock p.m. HORSES—Pair work mares and driving horse; 1 brood sow due in November'; 8 pigs two and a half months old; about 40 hens: IMPLEMENTS — Riding plow,, walking, plow, set of 4 section har­ rows, drill, cultivator, scuffler, mower, binder, wagon; sleigh, sulky­ rake, 11-ft. M'.-H. nearly new; rack,- ladder, wheelbarrow, cutter, set double harness, set single harness, all in good state of repair. * ' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Range nearly new, Quebec heater, Daisy washing machine, wringer, .6 dining, room chairs,-6 ‘kitchen chairs, 3 rockers., 2. bedroom suites,- couch, linoleuhis "and- carpets, about 7 tons of hay, 30 loads of alsike chaff, large • fence stretcher, single wire, stretcher and othei’ articles too num­ erous to mention. -' . TERMS- All sums of $10 and under, cash; oyer, that amount 8 months’’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with a discount of 4 per cent, off for cash. No reserve as proprietor’ is giving, up farming. Ji, J. HAYS, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Fas ter, Han dsomer For the first time, in a car costing less than $2500 the Illustrious New Chrysler “72” gives an engine of 75 horsepower, with counter- weighted 7-bearing crank­ shaft, and rubber engine mountings to wipe out every last vestige of vibration. It gives you speed of 72 and more miles an hour, pick­ up of 5 to 25 miles in 7 - seconds, hill-climbing ability that sweeps you up even mountain grades at constant acceleration. It gives you spring ends an- K chored in blocks of live rubber, with the special . Chrysler spring suspension and shock absorbers. It gives you longer, more beautiful bodies, tasteful­ ly appointed, luxuriously roomy, and fully equipped * with saddle-spring seat­ cushions and adjustable steering wheel to give you the utmost in comfort* Test Only then can you appreciate just how much wider is the gap which the Chrysler “72” has placed between itself and all others in this class* , . Roadster, (with rumble seat), $1,930; 2-pasSenger Coupe, (with rumble seat), $1995; Coupe, (4-passenger), $2060} Sedan, 4-door, (close* coupled), $2060; Royal Sedan, $2060; Convertible Coupe, (with rumble seat), $2265; Crown Sedan, $2270. All prices f. o. b. Windsor, Ontario, including standard factory equipment (freight and taxes extra.) ■x C. C. PILON HURON GARAGE EXETER, ONT. e(Red-Head^Sef§ - Chrysler Performance Farther Ahead For those who seek su­ preme performance — speed, pick-up, hill-climb­ ing ability, going beyond . even the qualities of its ’ standard sixes—Chrysler furnishes its new “Reel- Head” high compression engine.. .. It will be regu­ lar equipment on the Illus­ trious New Chrysler “72” Roadster. It is also avail­ able for all other “72” body models. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re JOHN LYNCH, late of the Town­ ship of McGillivray, in the COiinty: of Middlesex, Fanner. CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV- ing claims against the estate 'of the said deceased are required -to send full particulars of such claims, duly proven, to the undersigned-Adminis ­ trator of the said estate- or to the' undersigned Solicitors. , fpr, said.; Ad­ ministrator on or before the. 20tli day of September, 1927, after which date the said Administrator will pro­ ceed to distribute the assets of tire’ said estate having regard only to the claims- of which . notice, ishall then have been given. Dated this 80th day of August, ’27. Herbert K. Eilber, Administrator Crediton, Ont. by liis solicitors ' CARLING & MORLEY Exeter, Qrit. I PLOWS T 22 £ C A fl A D J A N. 3 U H I CHRYSLER PHONE 155 W -r e AAA Harvesters35^000 wanted -r GOING \ RETURNING To WINNIPEG From WINNIPEG I Plus H cent per mile to points beyond, but not west <91 pips 14 cent per mile, st«rtiri||: of,-Edmonton, MacLeod and Calgary paint to Winnipeg From Station* In Ontario. Smith’s Falla to and Including* Toronto on Lak* Ontario Shor^ Lina and Havolock-peterboro LinejKIngatonto Ranfrew Junction, IncluylyarBurketon to Bobcaygeon, inclusive) JDranoel to Fort lyfcNicoilf Toronto-Sudbury dtracc Line. From all Stations in Ontario,' South jm<J Weat of Toronto to Hamilton, Welland, Niagara Fails and Windsor) on Owen Sound, Walkerton, Orangeville, Teeswater, Elma, uatowel, Goderich, St. Marya, port Burwell, and St, Thomas Branches) Toronto and North to From ad Stations in Ontario on the Michigan Central; Fere Marquette; Windsor.Essex A . .Lake Shore; Grand River; Lake Erie & Northern; and Toronto, HainUton & Buffalo e . - C •’ Railway**/ ' • Through Colonist1 Cars operated from principal points. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE; FROM TORONTO Ladies and Children—-SpeeiaJ Cara will- be reserved for the eaclueivc use of ladies, children anil their escorts. Fall information from any Canadian Pacific Agent, $15 AUG. 30th f From PALMERSTON—Sept. 7th — 9,00 a.m. via Guelph, Georgetown and Inglewood. From,WINDSOR—Sept. 7th —12.30 a.m. (Midnight Sept 6th) via Chatham, London, Hamilton and Inglewood. SEPT. 7th 1 Try one of our Quebec sulkys. has become very popular for doing good work no matter what condition the ground may be. Also our Num­ ber 90 tractor plow for Fordson tractors has taken many prizes at plowing matches, requirements in Our 3A binder is and has no side ber 6 blower has a great capacity and Is easily driven with Fordson tractor. Agency for New Idea and Nisco spreaders, De Laval separat­ ors, Beatty stable equipment water bowls, pressure systems, electric and power driven washing machines, etc. Save your sweet elover threshings and reduce your feeding cost by in­ stalling a sugar jack system of feed-* Ing. this winter. Some godd seeetid hand plows, stiff tenth cultivators end fertilizer drills for sale. Arthur Jones MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT. Let us meet your corn machinery, most durably built draft. Our Num- Travel CANADIAN PACIFIC 25,000 A WANTED ... Plus .half a. cent per mile beyond'to all points in MOni- • ’ ■■■Mr MS toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta;—■Edmonton,'Tannis, 'CIRflfl Tn Wl NM I DFR cal^ary, MacLeod and East.«D I UallU - I U H IH H 11 RETURNING—Half a cent per mile to .Winnipeg;■■■■ ■ ■ ■ w .-. ^^O.OO to destination. ' AUCL' flOth—From Toronto, Caledon East, .Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol, and *. South and East in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St. Andrews and Lachute. • SEPT. 7th—From Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jet, and West and South thereof. Special Trains foe Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways:,ail mm „ m n,mA.Pram TORONTO (Union Station)—30th-, From OTTAWA—Auff. 30th—12.01 am. (Mid- 12.01 a an. (Midnight Aug. 29th) 12.30p.m.; 10.40p.m. mght Aug. 29th); 12.01 noon. Sept. 7th—2.00 p.m.;t 10,40 p,m. From PETERBORO — Aug. 3Oth — 12.01 a.m. (Midnight Atig. 29th) via Lindsay, Black­ water and Atherley. Through cars from other principal points connecting with above special trains. ’ For details consult local Canadian National Agents ' Through Train*—•Comfortololo Colonist Cars—Spooial Cara for Women and Children Travel CANADIAN NATIONAL pROBABLY a few hundred dollars will . cover the cost of this accident,, but think how serious it might have been! Think how much of the pleasure we have every right to expect from motoring is being stolen from us by daredevil drivers ! You find these chaps everywhere especi­ ally when there, has just .been an accident . . they are always taking chances. British America!! Gasolene in the tank and Motor Oil in the crank: case meansafety in lubrication and . ’ a better-running; . carV. i. r <1 usually for no reason at all. (These reckless fellows ..do not mean to be the menace that theyare; iR.is only .that . they are bubbling.oyer' ' with energy, impatient’ of delay and. eager to “get some- ‘ where** . . One thing we can all do and'that is to be very careful not to merit the title. “daredevil” ourselves. As a means to this end, surely we are all agreed that for one thing- 4 Careless “Cutting In” Should Be Cut Out. Refiners of Safety Motor Oils and Casdleiics;