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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-08-25, Page 2
Highness •w •’ when you want a change. It’s delicious. All Royal Guests Farming and Travel Has Prepared Him for His Future Estate GRACIOUS GIFT "As the tumult and the shouting progress, without any hesitation or dies” w® get time to re-read and con- j looking backward, to the conception elder the public utterances of Prince | and attainment of a group of auto- and Premier. Naturally such public . nomous expressions of opinion are made after British Empire, equal in status-, mark careful study of word and phrase so Canadians may well consider -care fully the remarks made in our midst. Tl?e message of the Prince, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, at Ottawa, made his most pregnant statement after thanking Canada and the Canadian government for their in-; always to keep in my mind. The vitation to visit Cnada, expressed his Crown stands above all distinctions of appreciation of his appointment as country, race, and party, and serves Privy Councilor the acceptance of to mark the unity in which all such which “carries with it, too, certain differences are transcended. If, some duties and certain obligations; my d^y, it should fall to my lot to assume acceptance of them constitutes one that high responsibility, I trust that more link with Canada and a very JI may be found worthy of it., intimate one.” After telling of the kindness communities within the ed b^ a common allegiance to the j Crown. Foresees Great Responsibility "To me in particular, as the King’s eldest son, the conception has a ! special importance which, in whatever .part of the Empire I may be, I try ■ always to keep in my mind. "At least I may say that I' lose no of | opportunity of keeping always’ fresh their Majesties the King and '"Queen,!those contacts with all parts of the in promising to replace the State Portraits of King Edward, Queen Alexandra and their own, -all destroy ed in the fire of 1916—-he went on to say: "Since I was last the guest of your Government, since even my last visit) to Ottawa, the relations of the Do minion of Canada and Great Britain have entered on a new and significant phase, about which, I hope, Mr. Bald win will speak to you to-night. "My brother, the Duke of York, in opening the first meeting of the Parlia ment of the Commonwealth of Aus- i,?.;ia at Canberra, said: ‘It is, per haps, peculiarly fitting that we should celebrate the birth of this new Capital city just after the close of an Imperial Conference which represents the be ginning cf another chapter in our Em pire story.’ "It is at least as fitting that the notable landmark in the growth of the Empire fixed by that Conference should also coincide with Canada’s celebration of her Diamond Jubilee. It was the Confederation of Canada, 60 years ago, which marked, if not the first, at least the clearest step on the road which has now led, by natural jpres3uroof tight shoes# COMMS Quick i'ell of from painfulAre Well Guarded ?°°^ ®>When I told my friends I was go- (Ing to Peru Faey became flippant. The ’ most staid and serious immediately quoted Limericks- about young men of Peru who had nothing -to do aud sent snakes to the Zoo, Others made puns about Peruvian bark and several declined altogether to bok-eve that Peru existed anywhero but in a poet’s fancy, I am still unable to- understand why Peru, of a-11 the countries in the world, should be treated as a geo graphical jeko, but 1 know to ray cost that It is.. Two or three people treated me seriously. One Fleet Street man said all he knew about Beni wa® that it war where ink came from, I asked him if he were not thinking of "Inca®" rather than “ink," He said It might be so. He knew ho had heard of Peru in connection with yom-ethiug allied to Ink. AnohUer journalist saM I did well to go to Perm I should be a missionary cf Empire," "How so in Peru?” I asked. "Why, isn’t. Peru part of the British Impire?” he demanded. He was- nonplussed to- learn that Peru had somehow or other escaped absolution, "If it doesn’t belong to us then,” be said, “I suppose it lie-longs to the United States.” My literary agent had heard of Peruvian condor^ cannibals and crocodiles'. Slbie- desired me to leave in London a full power of attorney. “Your return being so doubtful,as she explained. ’The first -shipping agent I consulted confessed himself quite in tho dark as to how one travelled to- Peru. "We have never.booked a passage there-,” ho said. He declared that I should in any case have to change ship at Panama; but after some searcfrlng dis- Systematic Watch Kept on Possibly Dangerous Organizations When King Fuad left London eently ono group of men inontheil more freely. They aro tho secret acr- yico agents, whoso business it lu to secure his safety, writes F. A Mac kenzio in the London Dally News. Everyone sees tho open proteitmn. tho police ear that drives in fiou*- el tho royal guest, the attendant high police officials and the like. But be hind this is an organization that goes much deeper. The real guard in the systematic watch that is kept on every possibly dangerous organization in this coun try. This is not a new thing. Thirty years ago, when the International© hjLd Its club and secret groups cen tred behind Tottenham Court-road, somo of tho most violent members of these, groups received police pay, not always from Britain. To-day the system is more far- reaching. Our secret service has its agents or informers in practically every violently revolutionary group In this country. People likely to make trouble are known, just as each class of thief is known to the C.I.D. Their records are docketed, and their faces are familiar to the men behind the scenes. Before any state visit to this coun try our secret ’service gets in touch with the secret service of the other country and learns what dangerous elements, if any, might get here, who the men are behnd them, where they are and what their appearance is.; Suspicious nationals find the ports closed to them. . On the day of procession through London, any suspected man who comes anywhere near the Royal visit or is kept under close watch. If he starts to make trouble he is quietly, swiftly and effectively put on one side, and the men who do it are not particularly careful about the meth od employed. Quite recently on the occasion of a big royal ceremony ,a violent Com munist who had been waiting quietly among the spectators started to shout as the royal carriage drew near. "This is what we want,” ho cried, putting his hand into his. innei* breast pocket to pull out a red flag. Before he had Die flag half out, three men standing near turned on him. “You’ll get what you want,” said one, and three firsts simultan eously struck his jaw. The man took ho more interest, in‘the proceedings. Now, of coufS’e," these three men may have been loyal citizens, suddenly moved by the same impulse, but it whs a curous coincidence that they happened to be just where they were.. •wcnwwro ^LL CLEANING SOFTENS WATER Eyerywoman's Wald-of-olhwork friad Real Badl Spells*- When tho heart begins to beat irregu- i larly or intermittently, palpitates and throbs, skips beats, beats fast for a time and then so slow as to.seem almost to stop, and tho least little excitement pe^ms to affect it, it causes groat anxiety i and alarm. To all sufferers from heart trouble we would advise the use of o’clock, on a bright spring morning. In tho town we could see the tops of palms and ether trees but tho south coast of the island was composed of bare, red, volcanic rocks-. Wo^s-aw the opening into tho crater on. too Peak, and abouQ, tho middle- of the morning passed Ped Point. lime were many flying fish, some, about a I'o-p-t in length and others smaller. They darted up from under tho bows and skimmod away in flashes of silver over tho waves, finally dropping with a sud den plop into the water. Seagulls fol lowed us for s-onie distance and then left us- and sfi-oa.13 of porpoises played alongside. In the channel between Toneriffe and Gomera Island we met a north westerly wind ami swell, but,-soon wo ran under the fee of Gomera into smooth water. ... Beyond Gomera is Hierro-, or Iron Island, tho westernmost of tlio Cana ries and the last point of land to be seen- in the Old World. . . . No one leaving Europe can look on tho cliffs qf Hierro with obsolulc in difference. On it? inhospitable lii-lls are patch-e-s of liy'it green verdure, and here and there a few white Imuses. Ahead of the ship is the open Atlantic, and when Hierro disappears, astern wo shall see no speck of green and no human habitation until, all being well, we arrive at Trinidad.—Anthony Dell, damn Land.” I I as we know of no remedy that will do so much to make the heart regain strength and vigor, regulate its beat and restore it to a healthy, normal condition, Mrs, Ambrose Orser, Elginbuqg, Ont., writes:—"I suffered for some time with -a bad heart. The least little excitement would cause it to Hutter and palpitate and at times I had real bad spells. I suffered in this way for some time when, ono ••day I saw Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills advertised, so decided to try .them. I had only taken a few boxes -when I noticed 1 felt bc(te.r, so I con- itinued taking them and in a short time iny heart felt entirely different.” Price, 50c. a box at all druggists or dealers,, or jnailcd direct on receipt ol price by The T. Milburn. Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. ’ ■» ,/* *' Oa the Irrawaddy _____ _ Tlio Irrawaddy is of all the great rivers of InTo-China the greatest. . , . Its length and volume, its important^ as an artery of the world, its rise and fall—these are easily recorded facts. The lieauty of its waters that mirror a '* sky of varied loveliness, of Its hills and forests and precipitous heights, of its cast spaces that bring a calm to tho most fretful spirit ,of the sunsets that wrap it, in mysteries of color-*-thes-> are things' for which words arc great ly naadeqyate, A geat painter might attempt tho ricture; hut he would do so.with tho knowledge that ho must. t leave it incomplete. . , , He could tell but, little cf the human interest with 'which it fe fraught. . , It is one of.tho most most intiafying voyage-’ this swift, descent waters of the Irrawaddy. . . . The great ' river, f -ee for the present to go where it lists, flews on in scene untroubled beauty, the central chord in a grand harmony of nature.. Overhead there t"''*- is a flawloss, sky, and on ‘very hand the mountains stretch away termost horizon In shades from tints so faint that scarcely to be known from beyond, to the rich’ purples of near peaks, and the deep blue breons of heavily weeded.spurs which rach down to the water’s edge, laying their uncov ered foundations in the stream. At w points like these in its course, where the dense shadows fall on the seem- inyly motionless waters, the river pre sents its most characteristic and -*• beautiful aspects, resembling some i still mountain lake, and recalling mem- j cries of far-off Como and Lucerne. . . . | A few miles- below Bhamo, the Ir- . rawaddy, leaving behind it a great mass of mountains, the loftiest peaks of which are the possession of China, glides into the gorge known as tjie Second Defile. . . . Near the northern entrance a mighty cliff.......rises stmer into the sky from the water’s edge, eight hundred feet from its massive foundations, made smoth by the con stant friction of the speeding river, to the delicate clustering bamboos on its summit. Round its base graceful creepers climb, and hang in festoons i amid the branches of noble trees. A j pagoda in minature, one of tho smal lest of the myraids which taper heaven-ward in this land . . . crowns the top of a small rock at its‘feet. Its diminutive size throws into relief the great rock, seared with the stress of centuries, which towers majestically above it.—~V. C. Scott O’Connor, in “The Silken East.” BOY8’ 8UP-0VER PAJAMAS. The slip-over pajamas shownxhere will be found quite simple to fashion. The jacket has a V neck finished with j covered an Italian line which sailed a facing, long sleeves, and a patch- pocket. No. 1591 is in sizes 8, IO, 12 and 14 years. Size 10 require® 4% yards 27-ineh, or 3% yards 32-inch material. Price 20c the pattern. Our new Fashion Book contains many styles shewing ho-w to dress boys and -girls. Simplicity is the rule for -well-dressed children. Clothes of character- and- individuality for the junior folks are hard to buy, but easy to make wit-h our patterns. A small amount of money spent on good ma terials, cut on simple lines, will give children . the privilege of wearing adofable things. Price of the book 19c the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain ly, giving number and size of such patterns as yon want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade laide St., Toronto? Patterns sent by return mail. from Genoa direct to Callao, Callao, I had explained to ths agent, was the port of Lima, tho capital- of Peru. , . . The Genoese ship I selected was to call at Barcelona and take her last sight oif Europe at Gibraltar. Thence she would ®kirt the coast of Africa to Teneriffe and from there run down tl-b trades to- Trinidad. Who could resist th© idea of, first setting foot America at Trinidad, so named Columbus himself when he sighted three hills on his third voyage? So it „ came about that I left Eng land for Peru by way of Newhavcn. A thick mist 'Sfelrouded the Seven Sis ters as we left the- harbor and spared us a pang, for no cne would willingly le-avo -the cha-lf cliffs of Sussex astern when they are- shining, under an April sun. Farther out the sun w?s indeed shining, but the coast of England was already below the horizon, Dieppe- was showing up ahead when we began to- overhaul a sailing boat whose bellying topsail instantly made me think of the Overland Passage into London River. “Wliy, she is like a Thames barge,” I sa-id to "That is what she is, "an old Diepee." A westerly breeze was carrying her forward at a good speed. Her red sails shone like copper and finer great sprit, newly scraped and varnished, sparkled in the sun. I watched her as we overhauled and passed -her, for of all the rigs in the. world there is none which makes- the- same appeal to the, Londoner as title .Thames sprit-sail barge. With regret I saw her top-sail dim and fade away in our wake for I knew that with her had vanished the last sight of home. The next morning I wa?5 -cressing the French Alps into Italy and some time afte-r dark reached Genoa. Out side tllre railway station stands- the statue of ColumbUs and from a little way down the street can be seen the funnels of the ships in harbor. We sailed for Peru at three- o'clock the next afternoon, • No mist veiled the exquisite- city of Genoa from the eyes of the Italian exiles on board. Some were so- much affected that they went down to their cabins. “I am going out for five years,’^_said one .young engineer afterwards. '/‘If I Ika-d as much as looked at Genoa as we wont out of the harbor I should have jumped overboard." The ladies heartily agreed with him, and a day among the splendid shops of Barcelona failed to revive their spirits. Thejordly peaks of the Sierra Nevada, which we passed at sunrise, were not worth a glance, and' etfen Gibraltar failed to interest. . . . Two days lat-er the Peak of Tene riffe rose on the- starboard bow. The sun was setting as we approached tho island and Sugar Loaf Rock off the , north coast was silhouetted against a • flaming sky. In a few minutes the color faded and we drew under tall, blue-grey cliff® already shadowy In the ' “I always used to do what my doc-1 duskz The lights- of Santa Cruz tor told me." ■ I gleamed ahead, but while still a good , "Well don’t you do it any moro?" way from the town "Wo dropped "Huh! I should say not! I mar-’ —1 ried my doctor." ——.—‘—^*2 *- The older We got tho more We learn and the more deeply we reallzo how little ive know. Yet wo arc vain enough to think that our years of ex perience enable us ta render our {clients a worthy service. British Empire which I have been fortunate enough to make in the past. Learns From Visitors “They all have something to- im part, and to all of them I am grate ful for the help they give me, it may be quite unconsciously, in vitalizing my interest in Canada, and in keeping me abreast of the- development of this great country, which is so bewilder- inyly swift. I like to think, too, that such visitors from overseas re turn from the Old Country with some thing of equal value to what they give —that there is a fair exchange be tween hosts and guests—albeit all members of one great family—of this quickening of ideas- and stimulating of interests. Only the ’other day I was present at a gatlieriny which, I be lieve, has admirably fulfilled this hope. I mean the opening meeting of the Imperial Education Conference in London. "There is no need to lay stress on the value of such conferences for those taking part in them. They con vey, moreover, a striking example of the importance which Governments now attach to the education of the coming generation, though this is not a lesson which Canada, requires to learn from any one.. Nothing, for in stance, could be more Impressive than the history of the Canadian univer sities have a continuous and remark able record of progress-, while each of the new provinces of the west has signalized its entry upon the status of province by the creation of a univer sity whose successful development has fully justified the faith of it® found ers.’ “There was one subject discussed at that conference which was of parti cular interest to me—namely, the in terchange of teachers. I know that much has already been done to facilit ate such interchange, and I hope that it Will be found possible to do yet more. It seems to me to be one of the simplest and yet surest methods Of distributing widely a real knowl edge of the Empire and its needs. "It is not possible for all to travel and see for themselves, but surely the next best thing is to enable all to see with the eys of others-, to travel in the spirit and in the imagination, and so to attain to a wider knowledge of what the Empire means. "At this moment I at any rate can congratulate myself that I am once more having the good fortune travel to and across Canada; and meet in the seat of government, us I do to-night, such a gathering of Canadians as this,”.... ...... i beautiful an-1 in ilie world, down the upper u..." ’’ ' ■"vr’n< Ninety-Yiear-Old Woman Flyer Harrow Nonagenarian Real ises Wish Cherished For Fifteen Years - A long-cherished desire to fly was gratified .recently by Mrs. Hannah Smith, of Harrow, who is 90 years old. Mrs. Smith, who. has long silver lockp, scarcely knows what Illness means. was taken, down to the aerodrome in a bath chair, and th a Press representative, who made the trip with her, she said: “I have wanted to fly for maiiy years. While staying at Lincoln I first saw an aeroplane go up, and al though I was 75 at the time I made up my mind that I, too,'should fly.” Delighted. Asked if she were at all nervous, Mrs. Smith said: "Of course, I am not. Why should not we old people enjoy your modern pleasures? Do you think,” she added, "I am the oldest passenger?” She waved her hand delightedly to the spectators as she flew off and up on landing expressed herself greatly pleased. ;• "I was most struck,” she said, "by the beautiful view of the gardens be low me, and I enjoyed every moment of the flight.” British Research Causes Discovery New Industry May Result From Treating By-Pro ducts from Tar — London.—-New methods of extract ing the by-products from tar are re ported to have been discovered by re search chemists at the Mond Gas Company’s plant In Dudley, in the heart of England’s Black Country, and ■dt is likely that an entirely new in dustry wil be created as a result, It is also likely that the discoveries will have an Important effect on the world's chemical supplies, and it is understood that a new company will shortly issue a new range of products, the derivatives of tar. Fot some time the Germans and Americans have held a monopoly in this industry. a sailor. he replied, Thames spreety bound Tor Just, the Thing. 1st Fish—“What did they have dessert at the banquet?” 2nd Fish — “Why jelly fish, course1” for of to the ut- of color; they are the ether SHE A FLOATING KIDHEY AN OPERATJON ADVISED Mrs. Charles Llewellyn, Middlewodd, Siinh -V'1 g0X VerY eick and gulled m the doctor. lie told mo I had a floating kidney which he said was caused fro/h.A strain and that I should go to tho onc?jand( iwo an operation, did C0U not Je helped unless i , He would not even give mo any medi cine as ho said it was of no usef I re- ?bouV° haVC aU operation and was W to to aa feo I got a box and soon felt a lot better and after rising a few more boxes I was ^ni, I have great faith ■iq HoauV.” t Pritie, & box at all dealers or inaikd direct on receipt of price by Tho ■*»Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont* Pension Payments in British Columbia Victoria, B.C.—-Definite arrange ments for the inauguration of pensions in British Columbia will be made here shortly when Peter Heenan,, Federal Minister of Labor, comes to Victoria to confer with the Provincial Govern ment. At this conference, the two governments will reach a formal agreement covering the inauguration of tho new Canadian pension law in this province, the first part of the Do- iiilnfon to adopt it. Details' of regulations to be enforc ed under the law have yet to bo set tled between th federal and provincial officials. It Is planned to start pay ing pensions early in the autumn at a cost of something like $509,900 a year. Hundreds of applications for pensions have been received by the Government already. A Issue no. 39—*27 .Fools at the Wheel Ottawa Journal (Cons.): It is we ceased being casual about auto mobile accidents, classing them more or less with inevitable- natural occur rences like earthquakes and electrical storms. The- plain fact of the matter is tihat the great majority of such ac cidents are caused by stupidity and recklessness and nothing else'. The modern motor car is a splendid and powerful machine, but the manufac turer cannot protect the public against a fool at the wheel, nor pro tect the fool against his own criminal folly. time- i "Jack Pickford and I could have been divorced in America.’ We chose Paris because it gives us both a va cation while wo are waiting.”—Mary- lyn Miller. ' " Minard’s Liniment for scaly scalp. Mothers-Should Use A JUS) Not Now. .When The Babies Are Cutting Teeth During the baby’s teething tiffie, in the hot summer months, the bowels become loose and diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps and other bowel Complaints manifest themselves} the gums become swollen, cankers form in the mouth, and in many cases the child wastes to a shadow, and very often the termination is fatal. This is the time when the mother should use "Dr. Fowler’s,” and, per-— I snoum use 1* owlet s, and, per* Files aro among the latest things haps, save the baby’s life. used for trimming women's hats. And; It has been on the market for the wo thought there wore no files on' past SO years: put up only by The T Fyztt j Milburn Go., Limited, Toronto, Ont. "Prosperity Is the fruit of liwu. ( property Is desirable; it Is a positive good in the world; lot not him who is houseloss pull down tho house 6f an- ! other, but let him work diligently and I build one for himself, thus by ex- I ample assuring that his own shall be ’ safe from violence • when built,’’—- Abraham Lincoln. If you can laugh at your own trou bles, your neighbor’s troubles won’t seem nearly so serious to him. I am a true laborer—I earn that I eat—get that I wear—owe no man aught—-glad of other men’s good— content.—Shakespeare. Minard's Liniment for sore feet, Several other American aviators are planning to fly to France. These heroic men are undeterred by the fact that Captain Lindbergh was kissed by several politicians on his arrival.The Battle of Jutland was fought in 1916. It is not known when it will bo finished. A ONTARIO COLLEGE OF ART «• Grange Park , Joronta ♦ Gmplefe Znifnte&n w DRAWING ,'PAINTlNG ILLUSTRATION,INTERIOR DECORATION * and the APPLIED ARTS. * NfW TEACHtnr COUnSF.tMlTHOniTY ONT DEPT OFfD»C> DAY AND EVENING CLASSES HE OPEN OCTOOrn THIRD ,» ♦ WRITE TOR IWttttB 0!T IMrORMAWN . SALT RHEUM ALL OVER HER HANDS COULDN’T DO HOUSEWORK Mrs. Walter Misner, Midvine Branch, ;N.S., writes:—-‘‘I had salt rheum all over my hands and especially between my fingers., It was impossible for me to put them in water, or do my house- ’ work. "After trying medicines and salves, which did me no good, I heard of anchor. . . . We railed from Santa Cruz, at seven buns and bread — so the one flour sack only, is necessary* Tty Purity Flour to-dayit is certain to please you. being so wonderful, and after taking twei bottles I am entirely relieved et myW (rouble.” Mamffariared ofily by The T. Mil burn Co., Limited, Toronto/ OnL Its superior strength makes Puritv go farthet than ordinaryflours. It is perfect for all your baking cakes, pies, Send 30c in stamps for our JOO-rtcips Purity Flour Cook Book. iTcJt'wtt CAacdtji i-Luc MhL Co. Limited. Aol'od.o, MoaUcaI, ClUr.a, f«iuc JolMi,