The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-06-16, Page 7, the I j F lol) lUX/UlKE SAN1TAHY RUBBEJi GQOPS, ■ write for catalogue ?ind price list, Site end Sanitary Bubtw Works, pepL W-L. J51-C1 ltorel Street Montreal, is good fe$ ff Baby’s Own Tablets are a mild but the ! thorough laxative which regulate the same as years ago ^jj^hang Reveals Story of How His Armored Car3 Captured I Those of Cantonese After Collision. Peking—The tale of how a misty morning and a train, coupling which miraculously held turned the scale against the Cantonese In Honan Prov­ ince and made possible Marshal Chang Ts-o-Lin’s rapid advance southward has safe in using them, jpst been brought .book to Peking by Concerning the Tablets, Mrs, John the- Marshall's sou, General Chang (Armour, R. R. 1, South Monaghan, ' Ont., says;—“We have three fine, to whom, when a For Either the Newborn Bube or the Growing Child. There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones-—- whether it be for the newborn babe or the growing child the Tablets al­ ways do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful ‘ drugs and the mother can always feel j J Hsiao-1 ia ng, t Marshal Chang’s troops held Cheng-, healthy children, chow, but their hold upon that Im- medicine is needed, wo have given only portant railway junction was .precarl-' Baby’s Own Tablets,. The Tablets are ous. They had been unable to get their the best medicine you can keep in any heavy artillery across the Yellow j home where there are young children." River, and Cantonese held the railway lending southward. • Moreover, Nowadays, when a local boy hits the grit, he may he burning up a gravel Cantonese had an armored train, and stomach and bowels; banish constipa- highway or he may be working on his many times daily this train, which car- ■“ lied a big Krupp gun, would run up the. tracks almost to the gates of Chong-chow, spray machine-gun fire over the landscape, and-bombard Mar­ shal Chang’s hearquarters in the City/ of Chengchow itself. The Northerners had an armored train, boo, but as-the Cantonese well knew it was in a repair yard on tho noilh side cf the river, and, besides1, the railway bridge across the river was- badly damaged. After four days of this situation the NoitlK'rners managed- to repair both the bridge and their own armored train - but this the Cantonese did not know. The morning of the fifth day dawn ed cold and foggy, Objects even forty fee I away were blurred by the mist, and into this dense fog the Northern ainiorcd Lirin slowly rolled out of Chi ngriiow and- southward along the titvcl.s toward the Cantonese lines, Lacking down the track, But the Cantcinese train "was also on the fiiiiiP line- backing its way slowly vy nadtliware toward Chengchow, with tl:c Ijiqie of opening a surprise attack. 'Uro train; f.nc’Jifr collided in the fog done to eithc on the two : ctiiighl. anti holfi. The Northern engine then.reversed and tried to drag tho Southern train into (’hcngC'li-ow. Tho Cantonese train reversed and tried to drag its oppon­ ent southward1. But the Northern en­ gine was the heavier and more pow­ erful. an dthe tugof-war was going.in favor of the Ohongchow crowd. JJeanwhiie machine guns on each train wete tired, without effect, and the Cantonese tried, to bring their Krupps into play, but because of their eleva­ tion were unable to damage the op­ position train. The shells sailed high in the air. At this point the Northerners got into action with three-inch field guns mounted on their rear ear, They sent six sheiks era®hing through the whole length of the Southern train, and the "battle” was over. Tho third shell disabled the Canton­ ese engine, and the six exploded in the headquarters armored car with fright­ ful effect, killing General 8. Y. Yen, the chief of staff, and-more than seven­ ty of the 1(M) men who were in the car. The crippled' ’Southern train was then hauled into Chengchow, the wounded were sent to hospital's, and tho Northern train, which had not sus­ tained a scratch nor a casualty, sallied out and mado a surprise, run into the Ca.nton.ose line which caused' a hur­ ried retreat of the whole opposing army . southward to Yencheng, and gave the Peking faction control of the province. "And the best of it all,” says Gen­ eral Chang, "is that out. train cost us nothing. We captured it at Nankow Pass last spring from Marshal Feng Yllsiang.” ! tion and indigestion; break up colds | and simple fever and make .teething I easy. They are sold by medicine deal ers or direct by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.. , Brookville, Ont.,_r_------------------ Toronto Doctors Enjoy Privilege Special markers have been Issued to doctors and surgeons in the city for their motor cars, the series' being un­ der the numbers twelve thousand or thirteen thousand. It does not appear that the physicians have expressed a preference for the thirteen series^. If a doctor is wanted, however, it is only necessary to step a car with a 12 or 13 series marker. The police have instructions about such cars, so that in emergency cases they may not be delayed. The privil­ ege, however, must not be taken priv­ ate advantage of. daily assignment of spinach, A perpetual smile means les® than nothing. Of it The secret of health is tho eating onion®. But the trouble is to keep secret. Economy- In Fashion’s cares We still are lost; The less she wears, The more the cost! Many a brunette is lightheaded enough to get married. Family jars won’t do for preserving peace. Never try to buck the multiplication table of the Ten Commandments. were so sx-wuy approaching one that when they no damage was but the coupling?r one, rear cars of each train Tho lambs tliait follow Mary around these days are sure to get a thrill. Tests show music will not soothe a wild bull. We always thought it bet­ ter to run than sing. There’s economy in two-pants suits •give one pair to the wife. The old-fashioned maiden’s blush is now painted on unblushingly. Slim’s girl is too-dumb. She thinks snakes two found on the limbs of trees. Jeffrey—"So your son has been in­ jured and is coming homo from col­ lege?’’ , Brigg®—•“Yes, he sprained his uku­ lele finger. “OI SING from the fathomless •LV depths of the mystic ^Sag-, uenay Canyon rocky tower 2000 feet toward the sky. The world-famed Saguenay fonU‘3 the climax of that famous NIAGARA-TO- THE-SEA cruise which includes tho fairy-like lOOOIslands—the rushing St. Lawrence Rapids—cosmopolitan Mon­ treal and Old Quebec. A good many girls are willing to he some man’s "little dumpling" provided he furnishes plenty of dough. that l®w&r For booklets, rates and full information apply CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LTD., A6 Yonge Street, Toronto!, or 0 Victoria Sq., Montreal CANADA' STEAMSHIP LINES - ’ The Fool. TTKnks Hie could save money if he got a raip.e. .Thinks a big house makes a happy pomeAc res that rouge fools the public. * ,.nes all his misfortunes on other* people. Believes the chance makes the man. Thinks loud talk is strong argu­ ment. Never suspects himself of foolish­ ness. "Man wants but little here below"— some people are even satisfied1 with themselves. In the Beautiful Muskcka Lakes The steamer Sagamo arriving at Royal Muskoka wharf, in the Muskoka Dakes-, with passengers who are planning a delightful holiday in this beauti- p ful lakeland of Ontario.—Canadian National Railways photograph. -L A Nova Scotia Lady Was in an Anaemic Condition. Men and' women who do not sleep well and are not refreshed and strengthened by a night’s rest, are generally suffering from thin, watery blood. The nerves fail to get the nourishment they demand and head­ aches and' a worn-out feeling is the result. Building up the blood is the one sure step to renewed health and strength, and for this purpose nothing else can equal Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. From the first dose to last they enrich and purify the blood, and in this way promote better appetite, better rest at night, and renewed strength. Mrs. Mary E. Hillman, Williamstown, N.S., writes:—-"I have received so much benefit from Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills’, that I would feel myself ungrate­ ful if I did not let you know. "I was in a very poor state of health, and reached the stage where I had to remain in bed. A doctor was called in and he told me I had no organic trouble, but was simply run down from overwork. I had been left with a family to support, which I did by dressmaking. The doctor said my bicod had almost turned to water, and advised a rest cure. I did it was possible for me to long rest, so I decided to Manis’ Pink Pills. Soon strength returning and long I was able to go about my duties as usual again. This was a few years ago, and my health remained good un- til about a year ago, when I broke out with humor of the blood; Again I con­ sulted the doctor, who said my blood had become so thin that it had really poisoned itself. I told him I had bought several boxes of Dr> Williams’ Pink Pills, and he told me to go on taking them as he thought they were just what I needed; I -took eight boxes and again was in good health. I can there fore recommend these pills to all in a weak or run down condition." Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or will be sent by mail, post paid; on receipt of price, 50 cents a box. Try them to day. not see how take a very try Dr. Wil I found my before very RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra, gooch/l Classified Advertisements bowls and flower pots, as well as the plants, afford a chance for Color. In the matter of pictures, sculpture and £*-coration, allow the child to choose his favorites from "several ex­ amples selected by the parent. If the child draws well, and even if he doesn’t, select several of his best paintings, frame them flat against the wall in a row with picture molding painted to match the woodwork, and see what a spur it is to future effort. These naive creations of childhood are individual and original. Posters for the walls may fee made of cut paper In pleasing colors and bung in a border in the playroom above the wainscoting. These posters may illustrate activities 6t family, friends and pets and will amuse and instruct the children. One little girl made such a quaint, interesting large poster of the family and pets that the mother cut the figures out in silk and wool and appliqued them to a wool background, The result was a most ingenious wall hanging which de­ lighted friends of the children, as the costumes worn were at once recogniz­ able. Pillows for the rooms were made by the children of gingham with figures and flowers in contrasting hues' appliqued. This idea could be carried out for a bed-spread of colored blocks. The colors chosen should always1 har­ monize with those of the room. <vV\PtSH''SuU Swimming and Deaths from Drowning. No doubt before long we shall be reading in the newspapers of some boy or girl being drowned while in swim mlng. These few timely hints may catch the eye of the would-be swim­ mers or their parents, and may be the means of saving some boy or girl from disaster. You can protect your property against fire—and you can replace pro­ perty lost through fire; you can pro­ tect your boy or girl against accident­ al drowning'—but can’t replace the life of your boy or girl. / Children learn to swim very quick­ ly. At the sam> time they can and should learn how to handle themselves in water: how to float, to tread water, to give themselves rest and all the various means to keep afloat. Above all, they should be taught that they can have all the real fun they want in the water’—’Without being foolhardy. In case of accident, it is well to learn all the tricks of life-saving, es­ pecially how to prevent a drowning person clutching you so as to render’ you helpless to save yourself or him. If you find yourself in distress’, keep your head. Don't struggle; don’t throw your hands out of the water—-, use your arms and legs as little as poe-' sible, just enough to float. Tho chances are you will be picked up with in a short time. To revive the apparently, drowned, the “Schafer" prone method is un­ doubtedly the best of all manual meth­ ods*. Briefly it is as follows: 1. The drowned person is placed on the ground, face downwards and to one side, arms extended above -the head. The tongue will drop forward and the fluid in the air passages will run out. Delay is dangerous—dent stop to re­ move clothing. 2. The operator should kneel astride the body, facing the head. Place hands in the small of the back, thumbs touch­ ing oi’ nearly so, the fingers spread out on each side of the lower forward and steadily allow of your body to fa’ll gently tim; immediately swing ribs; lean the weight on the vic­ backward, rapidly releasing the pressure without removing the hands from the body. Repeat this* movement every five seconds; keep it up until natural 'breathing begins, or all hope of such is given up. Minard’s Liniment is reliable. "Opportunities are MJpe girls," re­ marks a London writer, "we want to embrace only the pleasant ones,” | Cuticura. Talcum? fttjl CO SENTonREQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write fo-rj it to-day, mentioning this paper. Ad-’ dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital; Indianapolis, Ind. J --------------------- The Sense of Humo? Katharine M. 'Wilson in the London Contemporary Review: A seaise of humor purges away bitteraesg by lift­ ing our hurtful experiences' to a plane where they delight our minds instead of harassing them; by it we can enjoy our (ll.-uniiforts, cspeolajltly in retros­ pect. Jn fact, this make® the whole significance cf humor, It® origin, and raison d'etre. Things are not funny in th'cnmelves, o-nliy as we think them so; humor depends more on a.n atti­ tude of mind than on something in- trindcirtly ludicrous in the thing or situation. And it is not an emotion so much as a pt'int of view; the expres­ s-ion "a sense of humor” recognizes this, for we do not talk of a sense of love. I Russian Birds for Alberta. Calgary, Alta.--Arrangements are bei.’-g made to bring ©eve-ral new spe­ cies if glime hhdis to Albert), and. in- C'h'dc-il among th-eoa wi'1’1 ba a supply of iR’.sskii ;\oclc of the vkid” from the .Etsionian Government. The Cal- r -iry F>. q t’nd Gaine Asoctiaiio-n will f.i.oport pfi'CV-hnte and bob-white quadl ir<.m Eng’.un l. The few score of Hun­ garian rmiridgfctst liberated in Alberta 20 years age have now increased to hundreds of thousand)!? and it is ex- pooled that the game birds being secur­ ed from the Estonfan Government will fi.ro rd ^*1 ifi, wos'Lean Canada as have t’- •, Hungarian partridges’. A Tho riea of the nocesally of forming r.n Economic Union of Europe, in order to preserve European industry, has made even greater headway than I had WW-d.- K* »’$ Mend. *38B«a5»SXSaS«St --------------------- Color in Children’s Rooms. Children are delightfully responsive to color. They should find it used with joyous abandon in their simply fur­ nished rooms—an expression of hap­ piness, dear to the heart of a child. Happiness may be unfolded to a child through a harmonious -color scheme as well as through music, stories or play. Sturdy, simple furniture- in many pleasing designs, particularly the peasant styles, may now be procured unfinished, and painted at home. Do not limit the use of color to the furni­ ture but use it in the walls and wood- work also, keeping to three main hues. This will give variety and- will not be too complicated^ The tones may bo selected from pieces of dress material, colored tissue paper, flowers or any objects so arranged together as to sug­ gest three harmonious colors. Re­ member always that greens, blues, blue-violets and all very light tones make excellent backgrounds, as they give a feeling of space and aways stay back; that dark blues and red-violets, unless used very delicately, malto a room dark, while yellows and yellow­ greens make a room light Reds, vio­ let-reds and orange-reds afe best avoided as backgrounds except in most delicate tints as red, is so active a color, that it is Impossible to keep It back. In a playroom a threeToot wain­ scoting painted dike the wall or wood­ work and varnished is easily cleaned and is a protection to the wall from kicks and scratches. There are many ways of introducing pleasing- color and) Individual touched A porch swing of striped awning to harmonize with the scheme and piled with gay pillow's will be an, inviting piece of furniture for th*o plnyi'bom. If the room la largOj could be utK§d, Low bullvin bop>tasds and cupboards hjya' ar ^'useful and attractive. Lit- trg moss, plant and crocus gardens ar* ranged in a bowl by the child are in­ teresting. Pots of bulbs arc enjoyed by Children, and this year there are on the market fascinating little cactus . plants of queer shapes whose arrange-' ment delights youngsters. The glius; Breaking It Gently. "Ye-s’m a car ran over your hus­ band’s pants and cut them all to pieces.” "I never heard of such a thing! Where was my husband when happened^ man?” "He was in ’em, ma’am. Mr. Mellon London Spectator: We think Mr. Mellon—though we are sure th’is was not his intention—has done an injury to Great Britain’s reputation throughout Europe, and by so doing has aroused that kind of resentment here which must be entirely absent if we are to advance surely towards per­ fect Anglo-American understanding. The only consolation is that British newspapers can express their annoy­ ance with the certainty that there is no danger whatever of a split with America. ’The fact that the two na­ tions can speak to one another In- un­ guarded; language is of great signi­ ficance. No one here would; write of a French, Italian, German otr Japanese Minister in such tetnms as have been used, of Mr. Mellon, There is- one thing of which I am in­ tensely proud. It is being the wife of Stanley Baldwin. Not the wife of the Prime Minister—that is a totally dif­ ferent thing, but the wife of Stanley Baldwin, the man.—Mr®. Baldwin. Minard’s takes the itch out of mosquito ai.d fly bitesv Draws the poison. ( J A Square deals help to keep round sums in circulation. t Taken according to the simple directions on everv bottle, TRU-BLOOD brings the glow of vibrant health to the skin. n Complexions” re- 'fleet blood health" within. As a Spring Tonic and Blood Purifier, it j corrects the causes of eczema, skin i eruptions and kindred symptoms of . j-' yitiated or impure blood. i - p- ___all_ UUIU a dollar bottle at your Drttg^ find Ja*_.-it. ° ■4 i < •r< ] k' gist s and prove its worth. Bo as so many others are doing Hnllnr ______ tv * , y-- — uuiuc itt yu Minard's Liniment for Insect bites. Beam Wireless Test Success­ ful. London — Preliminary successful tests have been completed with beam wireless between Great Britain and South Africa, the Marconi Company announces. Tests under ordinary traf­ fic conditions are now being operated, prior to a seven days’ continuous trial under post-office supervision. The •tests gave -between. 200 and 250 words a minute, -A Continuous H-hour day service is guaranteed from the transmitter at Bodmin, Cornwall, and the receiver at Bridge-water* Somerset. These sta­ tions ^JisKT'serve. Canada. .............._........................■ -• . ■■ r--r- . ' - ------------ 1 Deafness—-Head Neises RELIEVED BY LEOHABD GIL “Rub Back vf Ea^”nT w NOSTRUM At All BrugjUts. frlw $1.25 Folder »ho«t. FAVES’’ «> rtUUWL A 0, .LEOKAND, Inc., 70 Filth *«■> Vwk Every strand of every; cord is insulated and im­ pregnated with rubber, after; ^vhich the cords are coated by the ^regular calendering process. This extra, advantage—» this extra process that is ex­ clusive to Firestone, is your assurance of greater tire economy, safety and com­ fort See your nearest dealer to-day and have your car equipped with Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. . FIRESTONE TIRE a RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED , Mrs. Wilson’s Experience a j Guide to Women Passing’ through the Change of Life’ Hamilton, Ontario. — ‘ T have takei$ several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’at J ydia E. Pinkham’at Vegetable Co nW pound and I can^N not speak tocij highly of it as k if £ was at the Change^ 5 of Life and was-? eall run-down and had no appetite. I was very weak and sick, and the pains in my back- were so bad I, could h ardlymo ve.^ T Mn.3 r. X. j Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Fireitona BwUiU the Only Gnm-rfippcSTireB times and thought I had not a friend- on earth. I did not care if I lived or: died. I was very nervous, too, and did not go out very much. A friend advised tne to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’d Vegetable Compound, so I did. I am a farmer's wife, and al­ ways worked hard Until lately, and was in bed for two months. 1 iiegan to feel like a new woman after the first bottle and I recommend it With great success, also Lydia ]3. Pink­ ham’s Liver Pills. I am willing to answer letters from women asking about yotir medicines, as I cahnot' speak too highly of them.'*— EMMA Wiijson, 471 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Sold, by druggists everywhere. O IS.S UE h’24—