The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-04-14, Page 8SLIPPERS SLIPPERS SLIPPERS Our stock of .Blonde and Patent Slippers for Ladies and Children are awaiting your inspection. Prices are right. Styles are good in ties, buckles and straps. SPECIAL IN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS , Printed mercerized Crepes in all the new colors and designs. Plain Silk Crepes in all the leading shades. the LADIES’ HOSIERY 49c TO $2.00 Our stock of Ladies Silk Hosiery is complete. ; We have all now colors now in stock. KMWM3 Values From Our Gent’s Furnishing Department Men’s Fancy Striped Sox Artificial Silk, mercerized lisle and silk and wool in a large range of colors priced from 50c. to $1,25 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE w TIiraSDAY, ll'KlI, !<<)», 11)27 Exeter Markets Wheat 11.15. Cats 5be. ■Harley 55c. Manitoba Hour $4.40. Bkaded Hour $3.90. Pastry Hour $3.40. Feed flour $.2.00. Bran $1.70 Shorts $1.70 Creamery Butter 52c. Dairy butter 42 to 45c. Eggs, extras 26e. seconds 22c. pulletts 22c. Eggs, Hogs $16.50 a*. locals J t.3 ru-. r Get your Formaldehyde fresh and full strength at Howey’s Drug Store. Come to the Bazaar and Cooking- Sale held under the auspices of the Hurondale Women’s Institute in the Town Hall, Exeter, Saturday after­ noon, April 16th, at 3 p.m. 4-7-2tC BROADCLOTH SHIRTS With separate collars and collars attached, white, sand, blue, fancy stripes and checks $2.25 to $3.25. MEN’S FEDORA HATS New styles and shades with fancy and plain, bands from $3.50 to $4.50 15 GIRLS WANTED Agas 12 years to 14 years inclu­ sive for quilt patching contest to be held at the home of Mrs. E. Row­ cliff e, on Monday, April 18th at 2 o'clock. Girls wishing to enter con­ test leave names with Mrs. Row- cliffe. First, second and third priz­ es given under the auspices of the Patches 14-tc Exeter Women’s Institute, supplied by the Institute. London, MEN’S OXFORDS AND SHOES We have a full range of Black and Tan Oxfords for men and Boys at $3.00 to $0.50. COME IN AND TRY US FOR GROCERIES. WE SELL THEM CHEAP ALL THE TIME J. A. Stewart Tailor Made Clothes Special Line of Spring Overcoats at $18 NEW CAPS, TIES, SHIRTS Agent for Tip-Top Tailors No More $24 No Less W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Outfitter CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J#me« Foote, B.A., Wnleter 10 School 11 a.m*—uT!he Ministry of the Ris­ en Lord." 7 pan—“The Power of the World to Come in the Present Order." 11 a.m. n4 A JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev* P. McTavish, Paster W. R. GouHIng, A.T.C.M. Organfet and Choir-Leader EASTER SERVICES -‘The Hope of Immortality’ p.m.—-’‘Eastei? In Song" special musical service by the choir. assisted by Geo. Grant violinist. Don’t miss this oppor­ tunity of listening to a rare treat. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor EASTER SERVICES . a.m.—"Opened Eyes on Easter Morning." Special Music. p.m.—Sunday School. "An Open Confession." p.m.—--Grand Musical Service. 11 3 4 The choir will render that splendid eantatta "From Cross to Crown” in two parts, 1. The Crucifixion, II. The Resurrection. Mrs.. Leslie Hearts, of Simcoe will assist in the solo work. There will be no sermon. Special invitation to all. The annual congregational meet­ ing and tea will be held on Thurs­ day evening, April 21st at 6.30. AU the congregation is invited. SPRING COATS 1= ALSO A SMART RANGE OF CREPES AND SILKS AT $15.00, $17.00, $23.50 $5.00 Oxfords $5.00 Shoes A Fine Range of Men’s Shoes and Oxfords, New Shapes, Tan or Black, $5. SMART LADIES’ AND MISSES’ I Furniture for Spring We offer you the largest range of Misses’ and Women’s Spring Coats we have ever shown* We have just received a shipment of Girl’s and Misses’ Coats in 8, 10 and 12 yr. sizes. Also a fine assortment of large sizes in women’s. Our prices are Chic Styles in Missss’ and Women’s Dresses EVERY WEEK WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW YOU. THIS WEEK WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW IN SILK AND WOOL JERSEY PRICED AT $13.50 Young Men’s and Men’s Suits IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES SEE OUR NAVY BLUE SERGE WITH TWO PAIRS OF TROUSERS, IN DOUBLE BREASTED, THAT WE OFFER AT . $25.00 Other Good Values at $27.50, $30.00, 35.00Mr. Chas. Gladman, of was in town over Sunday. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was at Gode­ rich on Monday on a County Court case. Mrs. Wm. Laverty suffered a severe sprain but under the doctor's cure, is improving, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders and son Aljoe and Mrs. T. G. Creech, spent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. Fred. Heaman, of Ann Arbor University, holidays at . . . Just two days left for boys and girls to get on Canada.See rules on page 6. Mrs. D, Roberts and son, of To­ ronto, are visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr. Mr. J. A. Stewart’s many friends are pleased to see him able to be around following his recent illness. Mr. C. McAvoy’ and the Misses Hopper, of Wingham, visited the former’s mother in town on Sunday. M'iss E. Link, Mrs. Flett and two children, of Seaforth, motored over and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz on Sunday. Mr. John W. Taylor was taken ill on Sunday and is at present at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital. He is improv­ ing nicely. Mr. Thos. Hern, of Usborne, ship­ ped througlu W. T. Co’lwill, of Cen- j tralia, a three-year-old steer that weighed 1700 lbs. I Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Simpson, of i London, motored up and visited Mr. | Jas. Oke, of Centralia, and friends I in Exeter over’the week-end. Mr. W, II. P. Hooper, of Huron St. who time, is ment in Mrs. daughter, the Easter holidays with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tuckey. Mrs. "Witmer and daughter, of Zurich, have moved ’into the dence they recently purchased Mrs. G. Manson. We welcome to our midst. Mrs. Robt. ed her house J. L. Lewis, tends leaving summer in Toronto. Mr. M. E. Gardiner and son Bert, of Meaford, were in town the fore­ part of the week and with Mr. Bert Harness they are taking back with them their hearse, truck and sedan car. Miss L. M. Jeckell returned home last Friday evening after visiting for some time with relatives at Youngs­ town, Ohio. Mrs. Howe also .return­ ed the same evening from a visit t/ Owen Sound. Mr. Enos E. Down, youngest son of the late Wm. Down, formerly of Exeter has been elected mayor of Cooperstown, N.D. ited with friends in this community two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Buttler, of Lon­ don motored up Sunday, the former visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson and the latter with Mr. and Mrs. IT. Perkins. Mrs. P. H. McEwen and daughter Jean, of Tillsonburg and their cousin, Mr. Howard Hill, of Windsor motored up Sunday and spent a few hours with the former’s parents,’ Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack. Mrs. W. S. Cole attended the fun­ eral in London, on Wednesday, of her aunt, Mrs. Clara L. Mara, prom­ inent Londoner, who died on Satur­ day in New Orleans, while return­ ing to tile city after wintering in the South. Mrs. G. Manson held an auction sale of her household effects on Saturday and on Monday left for her new home in London. Mr. Wm. Manson, of Forest and 'hliss Jessie Manson, of London, were here as­ sisting their mother. The best wishes of many friends will follow Mrs. Manson to her new home. Tn the final intercollegiate soft- ball games for championship played if. Toronto Vniversit lay two Exeter students were he vitl- George Beavers with the Victoria College team. The Victoria team ’ed the first 3 innings 3-0. but the “tnal score favored the Dents 9-4. The Ladies’ Aid Society Of Main ^t. United church held their annual meeting on Thursday, April 7th. ’’he annual reports were given and bowed a verv prosperous year ‘lecf’on of officers ‘‘‘resident, Mrs, W J. 5I1-S, W. is spending the Easter his home here. in on the essay contest THE SALVATION ARMY (Oveii Southcott Bros, Store) Captain and Mrs. A. J. Whitfield Officers in charge Sunday—"Holiness” 11 a.in. Sunday School 3 p.m. Sunday—"Salvation” 7 p.m. Come once, and you will come again PUBLIC NOTICE The town team will collect refuse for the dump ground as follows: On Tuesday, April 19th, on all streets East of Main St.; on Wednesday, April 20 , on all streets West of Main Street. A fee will be charged to cover costs of team and labor. 14-tc BY ORDER SPEAKS TN INTERESTS OF BIBLE SOCIETY has not been well for some at present receiving treat- Dr. Fletcher’s .hospital. Clifton Davis and little; of London, are spending-’ resi- from them rent- prove it Make it into a batch of bread and let your ovens HARVEV BROS. EXETER.ONT CANA0A prove its goodness. The proof of the flour is in the baking. Order “EXETER FLOUR” HARVEY BROS. Exeter — Ontario First Mortgages "r? »«^omwiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiii'iiii iM»———I Provincial Bonds Trust Co. Mortgage Bonds Dominion of Canada Bonds Any Term o< Years—Interest 5 to 6 per cent. GLADMAN & STANBURY - • ■ ■ ■,.. .....■„ . Mawhinney has for the summer to Mr. Mrs. Mawhinney in­ Saturday to spend the’ Mr. Down vis- H. Martin and last WedUes­ in line-up, W. Lawson played the senior Dental team and ’’co-wes, ■(ce-nres. Tro. W. IL Doerr; "owcH. The were as follows: ’, 8. Howey; 1st N Jfhwcrd;. 2nd . G. Medd; sec'y,- treas., Mrs, J. W. Rev. Capt. John • Garbutt, of Lon­ don, Field Secretary of the Bible Society for Western Ontario, preach­ ed a splendid sermon in the inter­ ests of the society in church on Sunday morning, evening a most interesting was held in Trivitt Memorial when the Main St. United, and Trivitt Memorial united interests of the Bible Society. Garbutt on "The Living Voice and the Living Book” with special application to the need of the Book in Canada.with a population made up of 85 different languages. Rev. Jas Foote and Rev. F. E. Clysdale were also present and assisted the _rector in the service. The choir rendered a much appreci­ ated anthem; in celebration of Palm Sunday and the duet “When I Sur­ vey the Wondrous Cross” rendered by Messrs. Jennings and Middlemiss was well received. At the close of the service the newly formed execu­ tive drafted a plan for the canvas in Exeter and adjacent rural commun­ ity and at the earliest possible date the canvassers will wait upon the people to receive their donations. This society merits a loyal support. James St. In the service church Caven in the Mr. gave an impressive address MODERN EQUIPMENT ADDED Messrs. Cunningham & Pryde have recently installed some of the most modern equipment for the cutting and lettering of cemetery memor­ ials. The new system is very simple and yet its simplicity makes it all the- more wonderful. The face of a block of granite to be lettered is covered with a thin rubber something like putty. The ing and the design are then of the rubber and a stream sand is blown against the tected face of the granite cutting it faster and deeper than can be done with pneumatic tools. It is a great labor-saving device. The equip­ ment requires a 15 h.p. electric mo­ tor and the sand is blown at 100 lbs. pressure. The stone is placed in a sand-blast room electric lighted from which a. suction fan draws off the dust. The new equipment will allow of a greater range of work, will do it faster and will be much easier on the workmen. coating letter­ cut out of fine tinpro- Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Doniielly, of Stratford, called on friends in Ex­ eter Tuesxlay. Tile annual Easter. Thank-Offer­ ing and Quarterly Tea of the Wo­ men’s Missionary Society of Caven Church, Exeter was held on Tues­ day evening in the basement of the church. Lantern slides were shown on the different mission fields al­ lotted to the Presbyterian church. The president Mrs. Graham took charge of the meeting with the help of Harry- Strung who operated the slides. $80.00 was given as a Thank _ from% the members and IicijidS. * The meeting clOs- liymn and prayers Tea was served and Offering 1 Home Helpers, cd by singing by Mr. Foote, i social time was spent. Exeter’s greatest asset is its citi- ifiis, men, women, boys and girls. To help them is to help Exeter, The Chamber of Commerce, just organi- ’Cd will strive to be of service in making this a greater Exeter. How can they do it? That is a matter o be worked out in the near future. For a start Wouldn’t it be nice to have everyone help in a "Safety First" campaign? Could we have a spring clean-up campaign? Could Ye all assist the local Board of ’•Tea I th by encouraging it real cleah- tp of all yards, rubbish, garbage, nnhure and all substances bake a breeding place of files? "'lies' carry disease. Lots tnake It real and. everybody at it» that. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments The interest is paid half yearly upon $100.00 or more for 1 to 5 years. Applications for same' are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont. Why Not Get the Best? SCRANTON COAL, all. sizes and SOLVAY COKE with the good old reputation. Why not order your supply today? Spring prices are: Stove $15.50; Egg and Nut "Coal $1.5.00; Nut Coke $12.00 delivered. 10c. per ton per month will be added after 30 days. H. T. ROWE PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acres, West % Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay. Never failing water in ditch. Fenced for cattle or sheep. Some wood. Reasonable price and terms. W. C. Pearce, Exeter FARM FOR SALE—-S. Half Lot 12, Con. 4, Hay, 50 acres more or less; 30 acres seeded to hay, 20 acres pasture, windmill on premis- Apply to John Penliale, Hay O. 3-31-3tp es. P. FOR SALE— The living apart­ ments in the Fitton Block. Apply to Chester Lee, Central Hotel, Exeter. Horseshoeing, General Black­ smithing and ascetylene welding. Hillary Horton. 3-17-8tp. i t FOR SALE’—International line engine, 2 h.p. Apply to ton’s Bakery, Exeter. FOR SALE—Baby buggy, good as new, price $15.00. at Times-Advocate. gaso- Middle- 4-7-tfc reid, as Apply 7-4-2tp Having purchased tlie"pump and windmill business of Reg. Doupe, of Woodham, I am prepared to do all work in that line, also plumbing and general repairing. Prompt attention. Phone Kirkton 53rl5. — ARNOLD HERN. 4-7-tfc Matron’s black, also black- and white hats and pretty colored silk hats just arrived. A. YELLAND FOR SALE—A few colonies of bees including boxes, also" extractor and bee house. Apply Emma Mol- lard, Grand Bend. 4-14->ltc FOR SALE—Collie pups, three weeks old. Apply Leslie Richard, R. 1, Exeter; /phone Crediton 18-21 1-1‘4-tp All accounts not paid by May 1st will be handed in for collection, W. H. Lockwood, Exeter. 14-2to FOUND—-A gold bracelet bearing initials.- Owner can have same by calling on Mrs. McAvoy, Exeter* and paying for this notice. House and two lots for sale, ply to Mrs. C. Heywood. 4-14 Ap- 2tp The funeral of the late Noil McKinnon priefor of the Arlington Hotel at Parkhill, was held on Saturday last and Whs largely attended. The de­ ceased is survived by his widow, dirce sons add oho daughter. E for about 25 years pro- With House Cleaning time at hand you will te wanting some new pieces of furniture for the home. We carry some of the LATEST DESIGNS and will be pleased to show you through our stock. Remember we are making some big reductions in prices order to move oux* large stock. It will pay you to come miles buy furniture here. 0 ■ R. N. ROWE I ’ I S> in to as- X' / ' rv .'S'. i aaaaa/y J*.* K j r --rf- I ALMOST^any car will give you satisfactory results for the’ u first 10,000 miles or so. But if you want the same fine service on through the second, third and many following tens of thousands of miles, buy n McLaughlin-Buick I Accurate tests at the great Proving Ground of General Motors, where all cars are. driven and examined, show ■ ?^c,±faughiin-?uick’s sturdy construction and powerful Valve- in-Hcad -Engine still gaining in efficiency at the point in miles where other cars are distinctly on the down grade. It is the care in McLaughlin-Buick design—the tests at the Proving Ground to be sure a suggested change is right—the ’ search for better and more durable performance constantly carried on—which are responsible. Enormous volume and its savings makfc possible this exten­ sive research and McLaughlin-Buick’s superior construction, McLaughlin-Buick cars are built for big mileage on their speedometers—-for greater satisfaction to their owners. Buy one for years of exceptional service. ULRIC SNELL, Exster, Ont Dealer for Me’ aughlin and Pontiac Cars MSLAUGHUN-BUICK J . e I 1 ____________ , Akijmt MUAOdirtiN-BviCK wm. TtiiitHr rrtOnVCTOr Op Cecil Gardiner, B.A., son of Nlf. and Mrs. Peter Gardihor, of Blyth, student and demonstrator of thysics at. Queen’ llniversity, Kingston, has becii offered a v^sittou as assistant to the well-known Prof. Hallett, ot' Princeton Vnivcfeity, ofte of the leading men in the United States info­ physics atul electro chemistry »