The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-04-14, Page 4iWTfSDAT, APRIL 1W THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE w --The deceased husband of a widow dead until marries ««aiu. People talk too much nonsense, they say, But why drag in that word “nonsense BABY CHICKS AND EGGS White Leghorns (Ferris Best Egg Strain.) eggs $8.00 per hundred; chicks $18.00 per hundred; Roses’ Strain Chicks $16.00 per hundred; Barred Rock chicks $17.00 per hundred. GARNET HEYWOOD Hon. Graduate American Poultry Schopi, Address, Exeter, Ont, phone, Crediton 17-12, Delicious Steak In No Time ELIMVILLE Mr. Silas Joints who has been ill with pleuro-pneumonia is recovering nicely. His daughter, Mrs, Wm. Py- bus, of Chiselhurst spent a few days last week with him.—Miss Alma Johns is able to be outside again after being confined to the house with throat trouble.—Mr. AV, Johns is sporting a new Chevrolet Coach. —Messrs AVeUington Skinner and Harry Ford were in .Goderich on Saturday having the township road grader repaired.—Miss Myrtle Johns was taken to London Hospital by Dr. Fletcher last Friday evening and op­ erated for antrum trouble and also for mastoid trouble the same even­ ing. Her mother and brothers Hil­ ton and Fred were down to see her on Sunday and also on Tuesday and considering the seriousness of the operation she was doing as well as could be expected. Her many friends hope that she will soon be recovered sufficiently to return home.—Mrs. John Kellett who has been on the sick list is recovering.—Seeding op­ eration have begun but a good rain is needed—Mr. and Mrs. B. of Exeter, were present at school last Sunday. Mr. gave an address and Mrs. spoke to the Mission Band.- Amos Herdman has been confined to his bed for a week with a heavy cold.—Mr. Len. O’Reilly has started his ditching machine for the season. Mr. Mert O’Reilly and Mr. Mack Cor­ nish are working with him.—The Young People’s Society of this church intend holding a box social next Tuesday evening. April 19th. A good program will be given by the members.—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns visited at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. Richardson near Mrs. were Mrs. Beavers, Sunday Beavers Beavers —Master St. Marys, recently.—Mr. and Norman Jones of neai* Kippen visitors at the home of Mr. Henry Johns last Sunday. and One Day’s Work "Today, with 1 gal- ion of oil in my Perfec- /ion stove, 1 got the breakfast, baked 2 apple fits, 1 custard, 1 duck, pie, 1 pasiie, 4 sausage rolls, 12 bran jems, 1 chocolate cake, 1 rice pudding; got the din­ ner, got the supper and . had some oil left. How many can cook as much with 27 cents in any fange with coal or wood? Ho one can, if I , . kisowatsythitigaboufif” i Mrs. M.H., Ed ora, Ont. Well done, medium or rare-:—steak cooked savory brown and juicy! And quickly, too, on the Perfection Stove! You simply turn the wick until yellow tips 1^2 inches high show above the blue area. The intense heat pours up the long chimney, covering, the entire surface of the pan or broiler. The steak is evenly cooked, delicious and tender. You can cook anything on a Perfection Stove. Be sure to use genuine Perfection wicks only- Others cause trouble. See the latest Perfection models, priced from $9.00 to $170.00. Distributed in Canada by the Sheet Metal Products Co. GRAND BEND STEPHEN COUNCIL The council pt the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 4th of Aril, 1927, at 1 .m. AU members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ad- opted. The following orders were passed; Hydro Electric Com., account $14.85 Municipal World, supplies, $3.32; Dominion Road Machinery Co., drags, $114; Humphrey Webb, tile 3rd S. Rd., $7.50; Wolf & Roeszler, teaming, $2.00; Henry Link and others, grading, $43.75; Ontario Hospital, Woodstock, re Alma Wil­ liams, $19,50; Wm. Bowman and others, grading $26,15; Wm, Bow­ man, grading S. B. $14.15; Wick­ wire Print Shop, ’account, $19.75; Herman Powe, rep. 1st S. Rd, and Cons. 2, 3, $41.25; Wesley Mellin S. B. $13.50; Chas. Ragier, dragg­ ing, $22.00; Heaman’s Hardware, account, 40c.; Nelson Schenk, grad­ ing S. B., $4.50; Nelson Schenk, grading, $11,50. The council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 2nd of May next at 1 p.m. Friday of this week is good Fri­ day and -n public holiday. Easter comes on Sunday. Special Easter services will be held in the various churches. MR. MacNAIR GIVES HIS EVIDENCE FINDS “FRUIT-A-TIVES” BEST CORRECTIVE FOR CONSTIPATION Igl F'■ Henry Eilber, Clerk STAFFA hi S ’Yi Si a J?: to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1927.•' AND NOTICE is FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the: Executors will proceed to.; distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, this 9 th day of April, A.D. 1927. GLADMAN & ST ANBURY Exeter and Hehsall Solicitors for Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of JAMES G. JONES, late of the Village of Exeter, merchant, who died on the 22nd day of March, A.D. 1927, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un­ dersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, this 9 th day of April, A.D. 1927, GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executors the estate having regard only toth#' claims of which they shall then hAv»h notice. Dated at Exeter, this 9 th day of? April, A.D. 1927. GLADMAN STANBURYExeter and Hehsall "• 4 « Solicitors, for Executory NOTICE TO CREDITORS « NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against* the estate of JANET DUNCAN, tetr of the Township of Usborne, inarrieS.. woman, who died on the 25th day of February, A.D. 1927, are requir­ ed to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be­ fore the 2nd day of May, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GTV- en that after the said date thr* Administrator will proceed to dis­ tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shaUU have notice. Dated at Exeter, this 9th day oF April, A.D. 1927. GLADMAN & STANBURY , Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Administrator- MONTRV.M. TORONTO 'WINNIPEG EDMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY ess and. i gfrT NEW LOW PRICES Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens l\Ir._ and Mrs. Frank Geromette, of Buffalo, are spending a few weeks with their daughter Mrs. Roy Holt. —Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard, of Sarnia, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. W. Holt.'—A large crowd gathered at the congregational meet­ ing of the United Church and elect­ ed the officers for the year. Reports’ were received and the church was shown to be in a prosperous condi­ tion.—Mr. and Mrs. AValter England spent the week-end in Granton.— M'essrs. Cecil and AVellwood Gill were visitors at Sarnia over the week-end.—Mrs. Ed. Gill, Jr. and son, Eddie, renewed aquaintances in Granton over the week-end.— Mr. and Mrs. Sky Holt, of Parkhill, vis­ ited J. AV. Holt on Sunday last.— Mrs John Devine is on the sick list. AVe hope for a speedy recovery.— Mr. Morris Brenner is having his garage remodelled which will add to its apearance greatly when finish­ ed.—Mr? Peter Eisenbach has se­ cured the contract for tile cement work for Mr. Laughton’s new cot­ tage Miss after —The fishermen are preparing to get their nets out. The earliest for many years is the report.—Rev. and Mrs. Colling are having a holiday at St. Thomas this week, calling on Mrs. Colling’s father and mothei* of that place.—Quite a number of farmers are busy at the seeding. All report the land working well.— A large number of people owning cottages along the lake were out to give them the once-ovei’ on Sunday before coming to camp. All expect to come earlier this year.—Don’t forget the special service on Good Friday evening at 8 o’clock, Rev. J. M. Colling will preach. All are in­ vited.—A real treat awaits all who will be able to attend the special Easter services next Sunday at the United church whenx special music will he given. Also at the evening service .a special number will be given by the choir. The Rev. J. M. Colling will give that wonderful sermon on “If a Man Die Shall he Live Again?” The ushers will be there in good time so as to give everyone a comfortable seat. Come early. All are welcome. Mr. R. S. Hoggarth, County Treas­ urer and Mrs, Hoggarth, of Stratford were calling on friends on Monday. —AVe are glad to say that Mrs. Rev. J. E. Jones is improving and that she is expected home from the Lon­ don hospital this week.—Quite a few new cars arrived here last week. Mr. A. AV. Norris, Mr.’ F. O’Brien and Mr. J. M. Miller, There are more expected this week.—A very inter­ esting sermon was held in the Unit­ ed church on Sunday last. It being Palm Sunday, Rev Mr. Jones preach­ ed a very fitting sermon. Miss Norma Wilson 'and Miss Verna Kleinfeldt sang “The Palms.”—Mr, Samuel Norris took the topic at the Y. P. S. meeting and Mr. Howard Leary presided over the meeting. CENTRALIA and has started the work.— Edna Gill has arrived home the winter’s work in London. Mr. and Mrs. Rex. Mills, of Wyom­ ing spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills.1—Mr.\ and Mrs. C. Simpson and little son, Gordon, of London, visited with Mr. Jas. Oke over Sunday.—The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held last Thursday afternoon in the school room of the church. After the usual business was disposed of, reports of the year’s work were read which showed very gratifying re­ sults of the work done during ’the past year. Following are the newly elected officers: President, Mrs. B. Hicks; 1st vice, Mrs. AV. Bowden; 2nd vice, Mrs. A. Isaac; sec’y, Mrs. Wm. Smith; asst, sec’y, Mrs. G. O. Thompson; treas., Mrs. Thos. Neil; pianist, Mrs. Alvin Essery; asst, pianist, Mrs. Wm. Essery.—Special Easter music ' by • the--clioir and special Easter services by the pastor both morning and evening in the church here next Sunday. Every person welcome.—Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomp­ son, of London, spent'Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Par­ sons. It takes a memory to remember what to forget. * * * Your sins and your wife both find you out. # & & * * In times like these a good plan is to pay what you can and promise to pay the balance as soon as you can. :■< # St « St St St Most Men Who Understand Women Are Married—But They (Jot Married Before They Understood Women shall MR. S. MacNAIR. Mr. S. MacNair of New Mills, N.B., is one of the thousands who owe much to “Fruit-a-tives”. Full of. gratitude he writes the simple truth as follows: “I can honestly say that ‘Fruit-a-tives’ are the best intestinal regulator I have., ever used. Other remedies, and I have tried a great many, cause pain and grip­ ing, but ‘Fruit-a-tives’ always act easily and effectively, I was inclined to be con­ stipated before, but now I am feeling first rate, and most sincerely recommend ‘Fruit-a-tives’ to everyone.” “Fruit-a-tives” is the sworn enemy of constipation. Made from the intensified, juices of fresh fruits combined with ton­ ics, it is a natural medicine. It is not habit forming. Don’t let constipation plague you. Get back the bloom of health, the sparkle in your eye, the feeling that life couldn’t be better. Begin at once, with “Fruit-a- tives”—25c and 50c a box anywhtfre— everywhere. i NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM H. TRUEM- NER, late of the Village of Hensall, gentleman, who died on t^e 18th day of February, A.D. 1927, at the Town of Clinton,’ are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on oi’ before the 2nd day of May, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute Just Arrived A shipment of wire fencing, poul­ try fence, barb wire, staples and steel posts. Are you looking for,” some good second hand machinery? We have it! Drills, cultivators, disc­ harrows, spreaders and riding plow# Call and see them. A full line of machine and plow repairs a I way®-- kept in stock. We also have a good, carriage horse for sale, which would’, make a good third horse, well broke single or double. Arthur Jones MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT,,. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SUMMER SCHOOL, JULY 4TH TO AUG. 13TH Six delightful weeks of study and recreation* For- Information write the Director, Dr. H. R. Kingston, or the Regis­ trar, Dr.K.P.R. Neville, London, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM SINCLAIR, late of the Township of Tucker­ smith, retired farmer, who died on the 30tli day of March, 1927, are required to forward their . claims duly proved to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. 4 GLADM'AN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executor Special Courses for Teacher* 1. Course in Nature Study and Agriculture, 2. Review Course in High School Geometry, 3. Course in Library Science. Courses offered also in Chem­ istry, English, French, German,’ Greek, History, Latin, Mathe­ matics and Zoology. A splendid social and athletic program throughout. Beautiful new University Build­ ings in a 260 aero Park. Start on a B.A, now. JI K Wm 1 jnfjte Hl -j __5 A- I f ‘ r-5 CJ PL 'i THE announcement of a New and Finer Pontiac Six—built in the great, new General Motors plants— justifies high expectations. Yet even this scarcely prepares you for the thrill of real delight you experience as you see the New and Finer Pontiac Six, and ride in it for the first time. Here are all the smoothness, power and stamina for which Pontiac Six won such unstinted praise last year,, Here is the economy for which Pon­ tiac Six became so quickly renowned, Here is all that made Pontiac Six, in its first year, the greatest success of al! motor car history. But in addition, • here is a new BEAUTY——new, Fisher Bodies, lower, longer, more graceful" new, higher radiator, new, appealing shades of Duco. Here is a car that commands a second admiring look .wherever it appears. The New and Finer Pontiac Six is a car of dashing appearance, built to perform out­ standingly. It merits your close inspection, as its new, lower prices warrant your serious consideration. „ / PRODUCT OF ^GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, tlMITED ULRIG SNELLj EXETER , ONTARIO ~Dealer\for; Pontiac & McLaughlin REPORT OF S. S. NO. 5, USBORNE Sr. IV.—Lloyd Hackney 1215, N. Harburn 953, Leslie Hackney 947, Emily Harrison 488, John Lammond absent. Sr. III.—Margaret Hamil­ ton 1298, Lome McGill 1236, Roger Christie 1149, Robert Hamilton 998, Gordon Scott 448, James Scott ab­ sent. Jr. III.— Colin McDougald 1048, Murray Christie 911, Laurie Colquhoun 889, Alex Hackney 864, Sarah Harburn,83.8, Mary Dow 799, Alvin Scott, Alvin McNicol and Vel­ ma McNicol absent. Sr. Il—Mary J. Hamilton 896, Jenette Scott 803, Ross McPherson 694, Jean Colqu­ houn 525. Jr. II.—Mary A. Hamil­ ton 814, Elmer DovV 450, Wm. Har­ burn 400, Robert Gardiner 352, B. Harrison 284, Carman McPherson 282, Rhena McNicol absent. Prim­ er—Donald Colquhoun, M. Dow. Carrie Anderson, teacher S. S, NO. 10, HAY following is the report of S. 10, Hay for the month of on examinations i The S. No. March 1 work: Jr, IV—honors, Hugh 90, Margaret Dick 81, James Row- cliffe 78; Pass,,Ted. Munn 67, Grace Dick 61. Sr. III.—Honors, Jimmie McEwen 96, Garnet Motisseati 79, Helen Munn 77; Pass, Alvin Bell 71, Mary Hiuser 71, Harold Rider 57, Dorothy Corbett 45. Jr. Ill—Jessie Dick 65, Irene Motisseau 63. Sr. II.—Honors, Annie Coleman 93, Annie Hiuser 83, Mary Coleman 82. Jr, It.—Edward Corbett VO, Edna May Corbett 64, Jack Munn 40. Jr. I.—-Marion Dougall. Pr. Kenneth Elder, Dorothy Munn Highest in Spelling for each class —Hugh McEwen, Helen Munn, Jes­ sie Dick, Annie Coleman, Edna Cor­ bett. Number on roll 23, average at­ tendance 22,6. M. G. Johns, Teacher and daily McEwen NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of ELIJAH EDWARDS, late of the Township of Hay,“ farm­ er, who died on the 3rd day of April A. D. 1927, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un­ dersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, this 9th day of April, A.D. 1927. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executors Mi SOT i!l ■* s ■4 ' Coleman Radiant Heater Model No. 2 Are you overlooking ’ tnis economy? At ten o’clock about five days a week, Jones of Kit­ chener says to Long Dis­ tance, “I Avant to speak to B. H. White, Peterboro.” White looks forward to Jones’ cans, and is always at his desk ready for them. ‘Why do you always ask for Mr. White?” a tele­ phone salesman asked Mr. Jones, ‘'Because he is the man I want — no one else will do.” “But Mr. White is always at his desk. If you said t6 the operator, ‘Please get me anyone at 2624 Peterboro/ you would get Mr. White, and the Station-to~Statioh rate would be about twenty per cent cheaper/* 4$ Jons $ now twn ettelusivety* So finds it ansivers every ' rsqMrim/nt and swss ntoney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate ,of MARGARET E. FOAVELL, late of the Village of Exeter, widow, who died on the 14th day of March, A.D. 1927, are requir­ ed to forward theii' claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be­ fore the 2nd day of May, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- en that after the said date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice Dated at Exeter, this 9 th day of April, A.D. 1927. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for The London & Western Trusts Company, Ltd., Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of CORA B. TAMAN, late of the Village of Exeter, married woman, who died on the 5th day of May, A.D, 1926, are required to for­ ward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1927'. • AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the Administrator will proceed to dis-” tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at kxeter, this 9th day of April, A.D, 1927. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all person having claims against 6f MARY ANN NORTH- tete the Village oi Hxeter, widow, who died on the 2nd day of February, A.D. 1927, are required to forward their claims duly proven I 5 Gas Heat IVheraver You Live/ i O matter whether you live far out in the country or in a town Without gas mains, you can now enjoy gas heat. The Coleman Radiant Heater furnishes plenty of clean, live heat—no matter where you live! The Coleman makes its own gas from any good grade ofclean gasoline. Operates on the same simple and safe principle as Coleman Lamps and Lanterns. It’s porta­ ble — use it anywhere, either with or without flue. No piping, no wiring, no in­ stallation cost. Nd soot, no ashes. The Coleman radiates a penetrating fan-like zone of clean, healthful heat—like sunshine. It is just the thing for the cool days -of fall and spring whfcn it’s too chilly to be comfortable, yet not* cold enough to start the furnace or stove. A real help during the severely cold spells of winter, too, for warming up the “cold corners.” Just the heater for any home, store, office, shop, etc. Model No. 2, Price $37.50. Ra*Mt^’CaterDe?rT '? show you ,ho Co'wn™ Addr8s3 S?prE^rat“re ’nd f“" THE COLEMAN LAMP CO.,Ltd. • Queen Street, East and Davies Ave. Toronto, 8, Ontario COLEMAN Lamps & Lanterns Make and burn their own ’ gas from any good gasoline. Light with matches. Give 20 times the light of old-stylo oil lamps or lanterns. No wick® to trim> ,no chim­ neys to clean. Can't spill fuel even if tip­ ped over; can't be filled while lighted. Lamp, Price $11.00. Lantern,with separate Pump, Price $9.50; with Built-in Pump, Price $10.50. r ••r 4 LANIER^ STOVES