The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-04-07, Page 8SLIPPERSSLIPPERS s STEWART’S - ■« Ladies’ and Misses Spring Coats Easter is almost here. Have you your new Spring Coal to wear on Easter Sunday? We have a large assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Coats in all the new shades including Black and Navy. These styles are good including fur bands and fur collars. Come in and let us show you. our snappy Tweed Coats for sport and street wear. We also have in stock a range of Children’s Coats reason­ ably priced. SLIPPERS Our stock of Blonde and Patent Slippers for Ladies and Children are awaiting your inspection. Prices are right. Styles are good in ties, buckles and straps. . SPECIAL IN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS Printed mercerized Crepes in all the new colors and designs. - Plain Silk Crepes in i ll the leading shades. J. A. Stewart 1 8BB Tailor Made Clothes in all theJLatest Suitings NEW CAPS, TIES, SHIRTS Agent for Tip-Top Tailors $24No More No Less LADIES’ HOSIERY 49c TO $2,00 Our block of Ladies Silk Hosiery is complete. We have all the new colors now in stock. COME IN AND TRY US FOR GROCERIES. AVE SELL THEM CHEAP ALL THE TIME MEN’S OXFORDS AND SHOES We have a full range of Black and Tan Oxfords for men and Boys at $3.00 to $6.50. Values From Our Gent’s Furnishing Department Safe Securities Any Term of Years— Interest 5 to 6 per cent. MEN’S NECKWEAR Special lines for Easter , ’ > in Silks and Knits and (;ndi Proof Ties 45e. to $1.00. Men’s Fancy Striped Sox Artificial Silk, mercerized lisle and silk and wool in a large range of colors priced from 50c. to $1.25 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS With separate collars and collars attached, white, sand, blue, fancy stripes and cheeks $2.25 to $3.25. MEN’S FEDORA HATS New styles and shades with fancy and plain bands from $3.50 to $4.50 Special Line of Spring Overcoats at $18 W. W. TMMMN Merchant Tailor and Gents* Outfitter First Mortgages Provincial Bonds Trust Co. Mortgage Bonds Dominion of Canada Bonds GLADMAN & STANBURY , THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.15, Oats 5Qc, Barley 55 c. Manitoba flour $4.40, Blended flour $3.90, Pastry flour $3.40. Feed flour $2.00, Bran $1.75 Shorts $1.70 Creamery butter 54c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs butter 42 to 45c. extras 26c. seconds 22c, pulletts 22c. $10.00 rv— 1L locals ..J’N [ -j Come to the Bazaar and Cooking Sale held under the auspices of the Hurondale Women’s Institute in the Town Hall, Exeter, Saturday after­ noon, April 16th, at 3 p.m. 4-7-2tc Get your Formaldehyde, fresh and full strength, at Howey’s Drug­ store. with Col. and Mrs. over the week-end honeymoon,. are on the land and The fall wheat The Mr. Gib Dow shipped a earload oi‘ horses to Montreal on Saturday. Mrs. Louisa Westlake has return­ ed to Wyoming after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Murphy. Mr. Wm. Sweet, of London, spent Saturday last at the home of his mother. Mrs. Thos. Sweet. Mrs. Wm. B. Snell visited for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Geddes, of London. An epidemic of distemper has been prevalent among dogs in this com­ munity for the past few weeks. Mr. J. A. Christie, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Miss May Elworthy, R.N., of De­ troit, spent the week-end in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Elworthy. Misses Marguerite Aid worth and Francis Pearce were home from Stratford Business College for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinney and daughter, Dorothy, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winer. Miss M. G. Grant, of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent a day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant last week. Mrs. G. Geddes,, of London, visit­ ed for a couple of'days the forepart of the week with relatives in this community. Mrs. Thos. Sweet, who under­ went an operation for appendicitis is getting along nicely, improving a little each day. Messers. Harvey & Harvey, A. E. Moore and C. L. Wilson, have all in-, stalled electric refrigerators for their ice cream business. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mitchell, of Detroit, visited W. J. I-Ieaman while on their The farmers seeding has started, has come through fairly well, run of sap was fairly good last week Mrs. A. Spencer and son Walter were in Toronto over the week-end and returned home with a new. Pon­ tiac Six purchased from Mr. Ulric Snell. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman, of Seaforth, attended the funeral of the former’s aunt, Miss Elizabeth Ann Dayman, in Exeter on Saturday and spent the week-end with relatives. The farm of Gordon Hunter on the 3rd concession of Usborne was sold by public auction on Saturday to Mr. Fred Ellerington, the price being $9,525. The farm contains 150 acres. Mr, A. J. Ford has this week mov­ ed into the residence of Mr. Thos. Harton, Andrew St., recently vac­ ated by Mr. Clarence Kestle, who with Mrs. Kestle, has moved to Sea­ forth, where they will reside in. future. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers entertain­ ed at the tea hour on Wednesday evening of last week in honor of Mrs. Chas. Coates, of Detroit, a former Exeter lady. A pleasant evening was spent in reminiscences and games. The Mission to Lepers, Toronto, wish to acknowledge with grateful thanks the gift of $7.30 for leper work, offering of the Women’s prayer meeting and extend to the kind friends their sincere apprecia­ tion of the gift. Mrs. A. J. Ford returned home Monday evening after spending sev­ eral months in Hamilton. She is still not in the best of health and will be unable- to see her friends for a few days. Mrs. E. W. Hilborn, accompanied Mrs. Ford home and is staying for a few days. Miss A. D. Doupe, deasoness of ’ Canada Tract Society soldiers, light­ lumbermen, etc., thank the Exeter friends help this year. $60.61 and is greatly appreciat- good and worthy cause. the Upper mission to sailors, house keepers, wishes to for their was given ed in this Mr. R. E. Pickard received a tele­ gram Saturday from the manager of the Great West Life Assurance Co. congratulating him upon leading the entire province ' last month in vol­ ume of business produced. Mr. Pickard also won the Inspector’s prize and a trip as the company’s guest to their convention in 1928 The regular meeting of Willing Workers Mission Circle of James St United church was held at the home of the president, Miss Stella Soutli- cott With a good attendance present. The musical program consisted of a solo by Mrs. Roy Goulding and an instrumental by Mrs. Victor Kestle, and was followed by the tobic “Ail Easter Message” taken by Miss Alice Handford. During the business ses­ sion Miss Reta Rowe Was appointed as delegate to convention in Gode­ rich. It Was also decided to hold a bazaar in the fall. The treasurer reported $310.00 raised during the voar and a bale worth $125.00 sent. Lunch was served and a social half hour spent.I CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Key. JaMieg Foote, B.A., MlnUter 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—'‘The Ordination of Elders” 7 p.m.'—Service in the Trivitt Mem­ orial church in the interests of the Bible Society. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D, McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—Rev. ’John Garbett. (Field Secretary for Bible Society) 3 p.m.—-Sunday School. 7 p.m.-—"Judas, the Traitor” or "The Apostle of Materialism.” 6th in the series on "Disciples of Jesus.” Don’t fail to hear this message. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.™"What the Absent Member Missed.” 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Mains St. congregation will join with Trivitt Memorial and Caven congregations in Trivitt Memorial church in the interests of the Bible Society, speaker, Rev. John Garbett, London. Easter Sunday evening—Cantatta, musical by Main St. Choir, "From Cross to Crown.” THE SALVATION ARMY (Over Southcott Bros. Store) Captain and Mrs. A. J. Whitfield Officers in charge Sunday—“Holiness” 11 a.m. Sunday School 3 p.m. Sunday—"Salvation” 7 p.m. Come once, and you will come again WOMAN WANTED—Widow or single to manage a small house and look after woman patient. Address all letters to Box 283, Exeter, Ont. 4-7-ltp. WANTED—25 fat rock hens, more oi’ less. W, F. Abbott, Exeter ■ FOR SALE—Good Durham cal­ ves. Apply F. Lewis, Centralia P.O. or phone 40 r 2 4, Crediton 4-7-ltp. " —* z Horseshoeing, General Black­ smithing and ascetylene welding. Hillary Horton. 3-17-8tp. FOR SALE—International line engine, 2 h.p- Apply to ton’s Bakery, Exeter. FOR SALE—Baby buggy, good as new, price $15.00. at Times-Advocate. HOUSE FOR ern, new', storey brick, centrally Times-Advocate. gaso- Middle- reid, as Apply 7-4-2tp SALE—Fully mod- aud three-quarter located. Apnly at 2-17-tf. FOR RENT—The living apart­ ments in the Fitton* Block. Apply to Chester Lee, Central Hotel, Exeter Having purchased the pump and windmill business of Reg. Doupe, of Woodham, I, am prepared to do all work in that line, also plumbing and general repairing. Prompt attention. Phone Kirkton 53rl5. — ARNOLD HERN. Mr. and Mrs. John Keys have re­ turned home after spending the ter in London. Mrs. H. Skelly returned to home in London, after visiting her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Ward. The Council has issued orders to the effect that it motorists do not recognize the street stop-signs they will be severely dealt with. win- her with s: S. NO. 12, USBORNE following is the school report S. No. 12. Usborne; for the of March: IV—Ruth Morley 87, Clyne 80. The of S. month Jr. Dobbs Sr. III.—Malcolm Jones. Sr. II.-^-Gladys Squire 77, Lloyd Dobbs 70, Roy Harness 62, Granton Jones 45. Jr. II.—Dorothy Hazlewood 93, Eric Brown 82, Mabel Eliot 73, Ruth Hodgson 57, Kenneth Harker. 1st Class—-Harry Dobbs. Sr. Pr.—Margaret Hern, Russell Morley, Merle Squire, David Hodg­ son, Joffreine Jones. Jr. Pr. — Velma Squire, Betty Jones. Number on roll 22, average at­ tendance 19.65. B. Whaley, Teacher REBATES FOR LONDON RURAL POWER AREA THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1027 1", —r_—- w- - - - - __ __ SMART LADIES’ AND MISSES’ kJ We offer you the largest range of Misses’ and Women’s Spring Coats we have ever shown. We have just received a shipment of Girl’s and Misses’ Coats in 8, 10 and 12 yr., sizes. Also a assortment of large sizes in women’s. Our prices are right. Chic Styles in Missss’ and Women’s Dresses EVERY WEEK WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW YOU. THIS WEEK WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW IN SILK AND WOOL JERSEY PRICED AT $13.50 ALSO A SMART RANGE OF CREPES AND SILKS AT $15.00, $17,00, $23.50 Men’s and Men’s Suits IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES SEE OUR NAVY BLUE SERGE WITH TWO PAIRS OF TROUSERS, ? IN DOUBLE BREASTED, THAT WE OFFER AT $25,00 Other Good Values at $27.50, $30.00, 35.00 $5.00 Oxfords .00 Shoes A Fine Range of Men’s Shoes and Oxfords, New Shapes, Tan or Black, $5.1 Southcott Bros HURON & ERIEi; DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments, The interest is paid upon $100.00 or more for 1 to 5 years. Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont. half. yearly Why Not Get the Best? SCRANTON COAL, all sizes and SOLVAY COKE with the good old reputation. Why not order your supply today? Spring prices are: Stove $15.50; Egg and Nut Coal $15.00; Nut Coke $12.00 delivered. 10c. per ton per month will be added after 30 days. H. T. ROWE PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acres, West % Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay. Never- failing water in ditch. Fenced for cattle or sheep. Some wood. Reasonable price and terms. W. C. Pearce, Exetei* HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship, at reasonable cost. Repairing stoves and motors a spe­ cialty. Estimates gladly furnished free.—Davis & Wells. GENERAL STORE FOR SALE Large well-established business; no better location in Huron County. Possession any time. Clean stock. Ap-ply to W. Brydone, Clinton. FARM FOR SALE—S. Half Lot 12, Con. 4, Hay, 50 acres ,more or less; 30 acres seeded to hay, 20 acres pasture, windmill on premis­ es. Apply to John Penhale, Hay P. O. 3-31-3tp HORSES EOR SALE—A car of western horses at the Metropolitan Hotel stables, Exeter. All broken, will hitch any horse; to be sold pri­ vately. Prices reasonable. Clyde Heywood, salesman. ■ Furniture for Spring 'X With House Cleaning time at hand you will be wanting some new pieces of furniture for the home. We carry some of the LATEST DESIGNS and will be pleased to show you through our stock. Remember we are making some big reductions in prices order to move our large stock: It will pay you to come miles buy furniture here. . R. N. ROWE l I i in to j- ’ ? MSLAUG sets a value that always is the N-BUICK. Standard of Comparison Tl/TcLAUGHLTN-BUICK welcomes comparisons. Select any car you wish compare it point by point with McLaughlin-Buick. Compare the long­ standing and stability of its manufacturers • the extent of its resources—the number of cars produced—the number of cars in actual service today—the correctness of its engineering principles — the number and quality of its mechanical features— the provision made for the cornfort and convenience of passengers — the quality of the Craftsmanship and coach-work — the reputation and prestige'it enjoys — the price for which it sells—and the value which it represents. Compare any or all of these things. Select any measure by which you can judge a car. And, then, from the facts of the case °5aw y°ur own conclusions. It is upon, such comparisons that McLaughlin-Buick supremacy has been established. BIBLE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Exeter Branch Bible Society was held on Monday evening. Mr. J. W. Ort- wein, the local field secretary, was present and acted as chairman in the absence of the president, Rev. A. A. Trumper, who has moved away. The minutes of the last meeting and the The rural power district served from London has accumulated a surplus on operation in four years of $33,463. Cost of service in 19^6 was $3 4,182, and surplus for that year, $15,456. The rebate now be­ ing made to customers trict is $22,604. Lucan though in operation months, will get $102. customers will receive $14,705 and Delaware $6,283. Following is a treasurer’s report were read and on list of the other rural power districts motion, confirmed. in Western Ontario which have op- officers resulted erated long enough to build up a surplus, together with the rebates now announced Amherstburg Belle River Blenheim ... ’ Brant ........ Chatham .... Drum bo Essex ..... , Exeter ........ Kingsville ,. Preston .... Ridgetown . St. Jacobs .. St. Thomas Sandwich .. Sarnia ...... . Stratford ... Tavistock .... Tilbury ...... Tillsonbiirg Wallaceburg Woodstock .. o£ the dis- district, al- only three Dorchester J The election of as follows: Presi­ dent, Mr. J. G. Stanbury; treasurer, Mr. G. S. Howard; executive com­ mittee, the resident clergymen, to­ gether with the following laymem Messrs. T. Pryde, H. E. Huston, Jas. Morley and W, A. HIM was decided to extend the boundary of this branch to the south, east and West neighboring branches and to hold the annual meetings in a cycle order in the four churches in town. Rev. John Garbett, of London, will be with us on Sunday, April 10th, and Will give two addresses on the work of the Bible Society. In the morn­ ing he will be at James St. United church and in the evening at Trivitt Memorial, where the other three congregations, Main Street United. Caven Presbyterian and Trivitt Memorial will untite. We trust the people will show their interest In tlie good Cause. Turnbull, It county north, to meet, the ffULRIC SNELL, Exeter, Ont. h® Dealer for McLaughlin and Pontiac Cars i I WLAIJGHUN-BUICK a WW>HTm OTOMOB.HS m ,t,tt MUAUOHL^V.CK W.H ......................o e t*?