The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-03-31, Page 30 1 A NORWEGIAN HOME ALMOST HELPLESS WITH RHEUMATISM A Nova Scotia Lady Tells IIow Isak set to work making a seat for the cart. . , . Anti when he had got; * the seat made it looked so white ahd now that it had to be painted darker. , As for that, there were things : enough that hiul to be done! The whole place wanted painting, to , begin with. And lie had been think­ ing for years past of building a proper barn with a bridge, to house in the crop-. He had thought, tod,.. of getting that saw set up and fin­ ished; of fencing in all his cultivated , . ...evennd- of building a boat on the’gl*ftt agQliy WSt of th° linia After fake up in the hill’s Many things' ’trying ln vain to get «™tothing to re- to y L Ik’-ovG me, I decided to take Dr. Wll-ph|?nVto In nnv fb„ J Bink Pflls, which I hafli heard wnV dec ded vnd emplmS ’ The'lligllly recommended. I may say that toii.iln ,^tor!'tho Quiek relief they afforded really L itond’ i thS!!RWri&ed me, and after taking some r^stoou like houstb th<3n t . boxes of tlia ni'lls; overv t*win^ ofshirt-sleeves. There was time yet!alx Doxes 01 U16 eveiT Uvnigo ox before the busy season; the spring was hardly begun yet; f* things were out, but there was frost in the ground still, Isak goes do-wn to the village, tak­ ing with him a few score of eggs for sale, and brings back paint. There was enough for ono building, for the( barn, and it was painted red. He fetches up more paint, yellow ochre this time, for the house itself. . , . When Isak had given his Avails a first coat, he went down to the vil- ’lag’o again and brought up all the paint he could carry. Three coats he put on in all, and white on the window-frames and corners. To come back now andHook at his home there on the hillside, it was like look­ ing at a fairy palace. The wilder-1 ness was inhabited and unrecogniz­ able, a blessing had come upon it,., human creatures lived there, children played about the houses. And the forest stretched away, big and kind­ ly, right up to the blue heights.... The sun is big and strong now, the snow is gone, green showing; everywhere; lhe cattle are out to' graze. Isak ploughs one day, and" a few days later he is sowing corn/ planting potatoes. Ho, the young-!' sters, , too, planting potatoes like. angels; blessed little hands they have, and wlmt can their father do but watch? Then Isak washes out the cart down by the river, and puts the seat' in. Talks to the lads about a little ourney; he must make a little jour­ ney down to the village. * "But aren’t you going to walk?” "Not to-day, I’ve took into my head to go down with horse'and cart to­ day.” "Can’t we come too?” "You’ve got to be good boys, and stay at home this time. Your own mother’ll bo coming very soon, and she’ll learn you a many things.” Eleseus is all for learning things; he asks: "Father, when you did that writing on the paper—what does it feel like?” "Why, ’tis hardly to feel at all; just like a bit of nothing in the hand.” "But doesn’t it slip, like on the tee?” ’’What slip?” "The pen thing, that with?” "Ay, there’s the pen. have to learn to steer it, But little Sivert he was of another mind, and said nothing about pens; he wanted to ride in the cart; just to sit up on the seat before the horse was put in, and drive like that, driv­ ing ever so fast in a cart without a horse. And it was all his doing that father’ let them both sit up and ride with him a long way down the road. —From "Growth of the Soil,” by Knut Hamsum, translated from the Norwegian by W. Worster, M.A. She Found Relief. Among the weW-knpwn residents of Nineveh, N.S., is Mrs. William Silver, who tells for thd benefit of other suf­ ferers how she found relief from a severe attack of rheumatism. Mrs, Silver says:—“In the early fall of * 1926, I contracted a cold which de­ veloped into a severe attack of mustsu- rheumalisin. In fact, it almost totally disabled me-, and I suffered I the rheumatism had gone, and I am 1 now feeling better than I have been not but -cnin-io- ' uvttvr tume joung.^. w y,e,ara 1Mwt> 2- was frost i „. The pills only banished the rheumatism, helped me in many other ways.” Try Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, vousness and stomach trouble. 1 them as a tonic if you are not in the best of physical condition and culti­ vate the resistance that will keep you well and strong. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail at* 50 cents- a box by The Dr, Williams’ Medicine Co., Brook­ ville, Ont. for , ner- Take Sugar is found in the sap of near­ ly two hundred plants and trees. APPLICATIONS Are Filled Ab Far As Possible In the Order In Which 7’hey Are Received you write But you you’ll see.” Mary Jane’s Career. "What shall w-e ^lo with Mary Jane ?” is a question which thousands of fath­ ers and mothers are asking every year. Mary Jane may belong to a clover family—-but she isn’t clever herself. At least, her parents and sisters don’t think she is. She enjoys “pottering about” in the kitchen; she likes doing housework. Well, why not give her toe career she is so obviously fitted for? That doesn’t necessarily mean making Mary ’ Jane a domestic servant, though “ser­ vice” Is usually quite comfortable" now­ adays, and a capable girl can qualify herself for quite a good position in it. Where her parents can afford it, how­ ever, it is better to give Mary Jane a course in domestic science. Apart from the teaching of this subject in lhe schools, which is open to women with a University training in it, there are good positions to be had in tho catering departments of hospitals, col­ leges-, and similar institutions.- Hotel and restaurant work also of­ fers many opportunities to-day. Such posts as manageress are likely to go In future to too woman who has a do­ mestic science training. She will <probably have to work In too various departments of the business for a lit­ tle in order to gain experience, but it would be worth it. At 15,000 Weddings. It was claimed by Mr. T. G. Boulden, .^ho hagi.dUtl fit pey^nport^England, wlierd he W. been feglst® bf“mar­ riages tor half a century, that he had Officiated at 15,000 weddings-. Live entirely on Flesh*. » Polar Eskimos of Greenland live en­ tirely on the flash and blubber of the i animals they kill, . , Oatmeal Much Jw been said for and against oatmeal end oatmeal porridge. The old stony will bear repetition. Dr. Johnson define fl oats ds a grain used in England for horses, and in Scotland for men. The dk tort was: “And where do you find ria ch horses and such men?" Certain adverse critics, such as Pro­ fessor Mellanby and others, object to oatmeal because it is “deficient hi vita- mines.” The term vitanrines appears to have become a peg upon which cer-‘ tain learned folk are hanging a pro-’ mtecuous lot of tatters. J W-e understand the importance of vitaanines", but wo know that lialf a glass of milk, a tea-spoonful of raw cabbage, two tea-spoonfuls of cooked cabbage, a small portion of any other vegetable, or some fruit, raw or cooked, will furnish all the vitamines required for a day’s meals. The simple old dish of oatmeal por­ ridge, or other cereal, and milk, fur­ nishes excellent food; but is heavy— not light, as is sometimes supposed. When taken in quantities beyond na­ ture’s- powers of assimilation, it causes indigestion with flatulence, due to fer­ mentation. One of the occasional results is the “porridge rash”; this may be cured or prevented by taking less porridge and eating a little fruit raw or in the form of Jam, i Better wind up some of your bad habits before your health runs down. Tony was having Ills second son christened and, being very anxious to have his name recorded correctly on the birth certificate, remarked to the clergyman: ONTARIO \ department of agriculture Farm Help Supplied x APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are Invariably Given the Preference and Families—-Married Couples Without also Boys between 15 and 17 years of < Farmers requiring holp will bo well advised to make early application to \ Geo. A. Elliot Dlreotor of Colonization S' Parliament Bldos., -Toronto, Ont. File Your Application at Once HON.-,S7 JOHN th-e Children— age. All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by |aw to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education, THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under'tha direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should, bo made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD . SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools a^d Departments. . Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may b» obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Health Broken-Lost 66 lbs. Now ’Wfell, Won Back 82 lbs* Ottawa merchant, formerly city officer, rundown by kidney trouble. Wasted from 201 to 135 lbs. Tanlac restored robust health? now weighs 217 lbs. and feels fine Philias Seguin’s grocery at 285 St. Patrick St., is well known in Ottawa. Mr. Sequin was formerly a police - officer. When ill-health seized mm ho lost weight rapidly. “I had kidney trouble for 6 years,” he tells, “and was given up as a hopeless case. Many times, from sheer weakness, I have fallen where I stood, and had to be helped to my feet. • Pains racked my entire system, especially my back, which felt like , splitting. Needless to say. I could neither eat nor sleep normally. Weak spells and nervousness would leave me trembling all over. I faded away from 201 to 135 lbs., and tried endless treatments and remedies in those 6 years, without result. “I had begun to despair, and when a friend advised Tanlac I was skep­ tical. But one month’s regular use of this wonderful medicine convinced me that I was on the road to health. I kept on taking Tanlac and to my delight and surprise it made mb a new man in a surprisingly short time. DtllRFl It ‘■gweygy T- When a writer has something to write, thatls- inspiration; when lie has to write something, that’s drudgery. Dickens. Yes, he had many grave faults. ! So had Sir Walter and the good Dumas; so, to be candid, did Shake­ speare himself — Shakespeare, the king of poets. To myself he is al­ ways the man of his unrivaled and enchanting letters—Is always an in- ‘ carnation generous and abundant grind y, a type of beneficent earnest­ ness, a great expression of intellec­ tual vigor and emotional vivacity. I love ... to reflect that even as ho was the inspiration of my boyhood so is he the delight of my middle age. I love to think that while Eng­ lish literature endures he will he re­ membered as one who loved his fel- Jow-men, and did more to make them happy and amiable than any othei* writer of his time.—W, E, j Henley, in "Views, and Reviews.” MAKE CAREOf BABIES EASIER Duck hunting isn’t always what it’s quacked uip to be. Regardless of what style- has done- to the bottom of skirts, the waist line remains in. approximately the same place. Why Not Handle a Woman Electrically? If slie is willing to come half-way— Meter. If she will come all the way—Re­ ceiver. If she wants to go still further.—Dis­ patcher. If she gets too excited--Controller. If she talks too long—Interrupter. If her way of thinking is not yours— Converter. If she picks your Pfickels—Detector. If she sings inharmoniously—Tuner. If she wants chocolates—-Feeder. If fiih-e gossips too much—Regulator. If she is wrong—Rectifier. If she is a poor cook—Discharger. Isn’t it peculiar how everybody’s, a little bit pecufliiar but us? The only traveling some folks do is from bad to worse. It was, the third day of their honey­ moon. “Darling,” she whispered, “isn’t this heavenly ?” Her husband, sighed. "Do you know,” he exclaimed, "life doesn’t seem long enough for our hap­ piness. Just think, even if we are for­ tunate, our married life can hardly •last longer than fifty years.’’ “Is that all?” she queried, edging closer. “Yes. Only.fifty years in which to love each other.” "Then kiss me^q-ulckly, dear,” said.; '‘we’re wasting time!” she Free With Every Treatment. With mud she daubs her rosy cheeks, Likewise her dimpled chin, And thus indomitably seeks Eternal youth to win. Wherefore the heart of -oMi o-r young With undimoned ardor burns, As woman, who from- clay first sprung, At last to clay returns. The short skirts of to-day may be quite a problem, but we can remember way back when the bustle wan a stern reality. Badly digested food, acidity of the stomach, and sluggish liver cause headaches. Seigel’s Syrup will remove these causes. Any drug store. “Well, ya seo—It’s lika dis-. My flrsta boy I telia ya I wanta heem chris’nd ‘Tom’ and ya puitta 'Tom-ass’ on heesa paper. Now I want dis boy name ‘Jack’ and no want heem name ‘Jack­ ass’.” Lose no chance of giving pleasure, for that is the ceaseless and anony­ mous triumph of a truly loving spirit.—Henry Drummond. By a tranquil mind I mean nothing else than a npnd well ordered.— Marcus Aurelius. Keep Minard's Liniment In the stable. PUT STOMACH IN Now packed in Aluminum, the same as years ago. Now I weigh 217 lbs., eat and sleep like a healthy boy, and feel like a different man altogether.” If neglect or overwork are taking toll of your health, try Tanlac. It is nature’s own tonic, made from roots, barks and herbs. Your druggist has it. Over 52 million bottles sold. ORDER AT ONCE "Pape’s Diapepshi” for ■' Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Feel Tired When You Get Up ? Tongue coated—head aclios—no pep for the day’s work7 Thou your liver is lazy,, your kidnoys are not ellmlnatihg the-prisons from the body. Your system ho^ds toning up. Thousands upoiTthousands all over the world take Warner’s Safe Kidnoy and Liver Remedy. It corrects fiinotlonal troubles and by Its tonic and purifying propertied festoros the liver and kidneys to their oohdlttott, *0 you soon feel like yourself again. Warner’s Safe Remedies Co., 'Toronto, Ont Instantly! Stomach corrected I You . never feel the slightest distress from : Indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stem-' ach, after you oat a tablet of “Pape’s • Diiapepsin.” The moment it roaches , the stomach all sourness, flatulence,; heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain; disappear, Druggists- guarantee each ’ package to correct* digestion at once. ! End your stomach trouble for few i cents. Stomach disturbances and oonstipa- ti’-o-n are responsible for much of the peevishness pf babies and young child­ren. When the baby is cros-ff^ir irrit­ able the mother skoulid not resort to so-called soothing mixtures to correct the trouble, for in the majority of cases tlrcso mixtures simp-ly drug the child Into an unnatural steep. What is needed is a gentle laxative that will sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels. Such a remedy is found in Baby’s Own Tablets. They are easy to take and guaranteed to be entirely free from opiates- and narcotics, Con­ cerning them, Mrs, Jos-. Tousaignant, Ste. Sophie, Que., writes:—"I would like all mothers to know tlrat I feel- there is no other medicine to equal Baby’s Own Tablets. I always- keep a box in too house and their prompt use never fails to restore my little ones to health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams’’ cine Co., Brockville, Ont. i Medi- Wales’ Great Day. Patriotic Welshmen decorated their mantlepieces with the leek on March 1, for this plant is the emblem of their Saint, whose feast falls on that day. No one Is quite sure why the leek was adopted as the emblem of Wales, but it is believed that before a battle with the English, St. .David ordered the Welsh to wear leeks in their hats, so that they might be distinguished from tlieir foes. Although the patron saint of Wales, St. David’s memory was always honor­ ed. in England. Henry VII. used to give away two pounds to Welshmen on St. David’s Day, while until the ad­ vent of the Hanoverian line, kings of England always wore the leek on this day. St. David was the son of a Prince of Cardiganshire, and after receiving his education in Menevia, he founded a convent with very rigorous discipline in the Vaio of Rhos. St. David event­ ually became Primate of Wales, and was buried in the Cathedral at Mene­ via—now called St. Davids. In In The The Classified Advertisements. VJANYABD PISTON JUNGS VVX WOllN CYL- JL INDERS and jjare iwJn<lto& Gudrantood fot 15,000 miles. Panjard l'laton Bins Co.. .52-21 Vront St. W.» Toronto. ***"*»!?■ I... I . . ■ mi !■ ■.Wil■■ , u , ,J|, n, HEALTH GLASS. Unbreakable glass substitute bob poultry houses, hot beds; spetdj grqwtb, doesn't burn plants. Delivered <6o sauaro yard. Pcerlws Poultry, Elmira, Ont BUILPEna1 SUPPLIES. Heavy slate-coated boobing, |2.««r House Paint, 12.45 gallon; poors, Windows. MTamei, mooring, Wallboard. Thousands of Build­ ing Bargains. Free Catalogue. Halliday Company, Box 281T, Hampton, ‘french self-taught. The most simple system evkr devised, with pronunciation of every word; A pcr/wt umowladso of the lamruago In three monUi-s, Com­ plete cloth e<L, 50c; abridged paper c<r„ 25c, post paid. World'b Subscription Agency Jidgd., P.O. Box 3105, Dept. F, Montreal, P.Q, An Old Cameo, Within an oval of unshaded blue Tho figure of a dancing nymph is seen, Moving with measured step and air serene some enthralling dance that wood­ folk knew days when skies were of a softer hue, And forests wore a more delicious green Than now. And nevermore such shape and mien Beneath the skies shall happy mortal® view. Of less unearthly grace toe forms ap­ pear keen frost carves from crystal. We may bless wind of time that froze this airy sprite To immobility and kept her here In all her fragile, glancing loveliness Through these uncomely years for our delight. —Antoinette Scudder.----------------------- Buried Cities. Buried cities which are being un­ covered in India prove toa.t there was a mighty empire in that country 2,500 years a,|0, These cities had been built on top of one another. -------- -------------- Wine still preserved in the cellars of a wine-dealer in London dates- back to 1540 and 1631. WE BELT, 10.000 HOUSES A YEAR TO satisfied customers. Send for our Hurntsi Catalogue; it will save you money. Tho Bouository. 10 Nelson Street, Toronto, ICATCII FROM: 45 TO CO FOXES IN FROM 4 to 5 weeks" time. Can teach any reader of thia mafiazine how to get them, Write for par­ ticulars. W. A. Hadley. Stqnstead. Que. BUNIONSS I end buntonsforeT« -with m, now Pedodme Solvent treatment, Polj etifee almortbutant- ty. Actual reduction at t!>< onlargod growth Eturta ao fast that j-otir rtexn>alr ot aboo* can o a (4xo aciallor—often tpo aixea smaller. 5T FREE—Juat pend your nam» end addrosa, no money, and the fall treatment SWf LABORATORY, Copt, aooo €0 Front St.yW. TGrohtOj^nt^ pATENTS A Litt af “Wanted Inventloni” and Full information Sent Free on Retiucet. The Ramsay Co. The present complexity of civiliza­ tion could not be maintained except by people of strong moral fibre.— Calvin Coolidge. To-night! Clean your bowels and end Headaches, Cold.% Sour Stomach together with Hst of fill free pamphlets. Accent only "Bayer” package ’ zhi'ch contains proven directions. Handy "Baybt” boxes of 12 tablet* Also bottles of 24 and l(X)-*l>tt«$i8ts. Aspirin is tho track mark (rculctcrod in Canaria) of Bayer Manufftoture oi Itdnotwetlc- iwWestor of Salkylloaeicl (Acetyl SalkyHo Add, “A. S, A<"). While it la veil knowrt that Aspirin ifteans Bayer mcnufavtnro.to acmst the public against imHaUon^tiih Tablets Gt Bayer Conipany will be stamped vmix the!;- general trad^rasi'k. Kayei Cross, Minard’s Liniment for rheumatism. ---------------------------------------------------- To-day is your day and mine; the only one we have; the day in which we play our part. What our part may signify in the great world we may not understand, but we are here to play it, and now is our time.— David Starr Jordan. <OV> Government Pamphlets Ought to Have ONE tells about beautifying the grounds around your house—tho other, how to get bigger crops from the same soil. "Crop Rotatlcn and Soil Manage- nient’’ — Goes into this matter fully. Gives best rotations for dairy farms, mixed farms, and those farms Specializing mostly In grain and clover seeds. Is based on years of experience at Dominion Experimental Barms. Tells how best to utilize day, sandy and peat and muck soils, and what to do with hillsides and rolling land. "Annual Fh-wer,”—Lists the flow­ ers that grow best in each locality across Canada. Enables you to sctcct those most suitable to your district. Gives details ns to color­ ings, height, planting dates, etc. There are over five hundred free government pamphlets on all the different branches of farming. Write for the 1927 lbt. Fill in and mail this slip BOST FREE to PUBLICATIONS BRANCH Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario. Flense send me free pamphlets on: “Buckley’s” for Throat Health A axp night and morning relieves soreness and hoarseness, and pre­ vents more serious developments. A bottle of Buckley's—40 doses for 75 cents—is an economical guar­ antee of healthy throats for the whole family. Pleasant to take— "instant in action—positive in re­ lief. All druggists sell it. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 Acts like a flash— single tip proves it Get a 10-cent box. Put aside — just once — the Salts, Pills, Castor Oil or Purgative Waters " which mer-elly force a passageway through the bowels, but do not thor­ oughly cleanse, freshen, and purify these drainage organs, and have no effect whatever upon the liver and stomach, Keep your “insides” pure and fresh with Cas carets, which thoroughly cleanse the stomach, remove the undi­ gested, sour food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver .and. car­ ry out of the system all the consti­ pated waste matter and poisone in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will make you • feel great by morning. They work while you sleep—never gripe, sicken, and cost only 10 cents- a box from your druggist. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Biliousness, Severe Colds-, Indigestion, Sour Stom­ ach or Constipated Bo-weis. Cascarete belong in every household. Children just love to take them. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain Headache Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I Sold by all 0^5 per bottle. ISUE No. 13—-'27 WARNING! Beware of Counterfeits There is only one genuine ** ASPIRIN” tablet. If a tab­ let is offered as “ASPIRIN” and is not stamped with the “Bayer Cross’-refuse it with contempt-it is not“ ASPIRIN” at all I Don’t take chances! •t