The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-02-03, Page 8gs Hi THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE STEWART’S - ^And Going Stronger Than Ever Yes, you can save a lot of money by buying a lot of goods at Stevzart’s during tho first three weeks in February. Our Stock is too large and we must have money. Just a few Sample Bargains Picked Stock Choice Red Salmon 99c Large Tin a good one..0^ Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25 Oats 45 c. Barley 55 c. Manitoba flour $4.55- Blended flour $4.05,, Pastry flour $3,55 Feed Flour $2.10, Shorts $1.75. Bran $1.65. Creamery buttei* 48c. “ ‘ butter 38-41C. extras 42c. pullets 32c. seconds 32c. $11.00, selects $12.10. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Hogs, L- u. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“AU Live to God." 7 p.m.—-‘’When Religion and not Atheism was the Inspiration of Nationalism," $7.15 PER BAG for best pure cane granulated sugar.... 1 Dox Royal Yeast and 1 Bor Comfort Soup 1 Ac TAt^ Two for ............... 2 lb. best Seedless Raisins for ................. TOBACCOS—Big Ben, reney, Stag, Crown, George, Shamrock 3 plugs for .................... c J •> National Soda Biscuits ^E/c 2 pounds for ............... Choice Fresh Crisp OFcGinger Snaps 3 lb. for'^^ c 36 in. Comforter Chintz Lovely patterns, at per yard ............... &*** McLaren’s Jelly Pow- ^ffc ders any flavour, 4 forAit? Forest City Baking Powder 1 lb. tin for....20° Canned Corn Peas Tomatoes, choice two for ............................... and 25° Christie’s, McCormick’s Soda Biscuits per pound 15c 5 Cans good sardines for ................................30° Pure Icing Sugax* per 10c -1 * Salada and Red Rose Tea, per lb..............67° Oh, Dlamlna/Look G Come to St. church per served e. ? 3 the Tea Meeting at Main February 4th. Hot sup- from 5.30 to 8 pan. fol­ lowed by splendid program: Zurich chorus, Miss Elizabeth Ren- Ellis, Hensall, greetings from Admission 40c. ladies’ nip, leader; Miss reader; local talent, resident ministers, and 25c. A Valentine Social will be held in Trivitt Parish Hall under the auspic­ es of' the Women’s Auxiliary, on February 14th. Good program and lunch. Admission 25c. Everybody welcome. sei’- C. Have you a small foot sizes 2 1-2 and 3, a small lot of fine Kid shoes QRf* Your choice for.............................................. S End of Season Clearance of Suits Underwear Overcoats Sweaters Shirts Socks Mufflers Handkerchiefs Glov.es, ________J_______’___________ '.j fc BIG SAVINGS IN ALL LINES W. W. TMMflN Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Outfitter ©sm The HARVEY BROS. EXETER.OST CANADA ❖ best ground and sifted cereal food ever offered for a man or woman’s appetite - entertainment— 1 ‘Exeter Flour HARVEY BROS. Exeter Ontario Mr. M. Quance spent Tuesday in Mr. J. H. Jones is in Toronto this London. [week on business. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. N, J. Bore is spending a week son Neil are visiting in London, in Windsor. | Mr, Fred Ellerington attended the Misses Irene Stewart and Borothy Bistrict meeting of Fall Fairs held Snell spent a few days in Stratford ■ in Stratford on Tuesday. Mr. Amos last week. iDoupe, of Kirkton, is the sec’y-treas. Miss Margaret We they, of Orange j Garnet P'rayne had a runaway Memorial Hospital, Orange, N.J.» is Saturday when his horse attached to visiting in town. la cutter bolted on John St. Tho Mrs. H. Coultis left Monday to; cutter struck a sleigh and the norse visit with her brother, Br * ™ ‘ Harrison, of Betrolt. Mr. A. F. Ford, who Toronto for the past month. <»d homo Tuesday evening. Messrs. Jos. Grant and H. J. W. lias been in return- I I la cutter bolted on John St. The 1. freed itself, the Cutter and harness | being broken. The horse was caught near the James St. church shed. Mrs. Rose Russell was the re­ cipient Saturday evening of a bronze medal sent from Buckingham Palace I by His Majesty King George as a I memorial of her late husband, Will- !liam James Russell who died six years ago from the effects of gas poisoning during the late •war. Along with the medal was tne fol­ lowing letter: “I join with my<-grato- ________ Souter, of London, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant.Mr. Bruce Medd was in Guelph for a few days attending the Con* versat at the O. A. C. Friday even- - ' letter: “I join with my«grate- Mrs. Gilbert Frockleton, wha re* people in sending you this mem- cently underwent an operation for orial of a brave life given for others appendicitis at Dr. I' lotcher s hospit- m the great war/* Signed George al, is getting along nicely. , R, I.. . if xsawwi JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leador 11 a.m.-—“Micah, the Prophet of De­ mocracy." 5th in the series on “Paintings of the Prophets.” p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.-—“Tlie Tragedy of a Foolish Choice.” 5th in series on “Bible Tragedies." (A message of un­ usual interest.) Note-—the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper lyill be administered at both services. Any desiring to unite with the church or to present letters from other churches, please communicate with pastor before Sunday service. Official. Board will meet February 7 at 8 p.m. 3 7 I <■ MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.—“The Lord’s Supper.” 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“Processes .of the Soul." Part three. Healthful services; invite friends; come yourself. Get er to folks and God. come for all.” •Married man wanted for farm work. Must be experienced and cap-, able, Hy. Smith, Hay P. O. Farm adjoining Exeter. Phone 13 r 2. Toronto, parents, Thomas, of Brussels to in the coming Mr. Ed. Johns, of Usborne, is iously ill with pneumonia. Miss Francis Pearce, of Stratford, was home over the week-end. Mrs. Jas. Wanless, of Duluth, is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Hardy. Mrs. Geo. Geddes, of London, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Northcott. Mrs. Elmer Tuckey and child, of London, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson. • Mr. Maurice Senior, of spent a few days with his Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior. Mr. J. A. Christie, of St. spent the week-end .with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. ' Mr. Archie Davis spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Atkinson, at Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marriott, of Bateman, Sask., are visiting with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Rose Russell. Rev. D. McTavish was at Siloam, near London, Monday evening giving an address at a young people’s ban­ quet. North Huron Liberals have nom­ inated Arch. Hislop, carry their standard by-election. Mr. Cecil Atwood has purchased the residence of Mr. Wm. Gardiner on Simcoe St. and has already taken possession. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cake, of Lon­ don visited a few days with the lat­ ter’s mother, Mrs. Bishop and • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey. Mr. W. G. Medd, M.L.A. and Mrs. Medd left Tuesday for Toronto to be present at the opening of parliament which took place Wednesday, Mr. F. Weiberg, who for the past seven years has been engaged with the Dunsford Bros, in Stephen, has moved to his farm west of Dash­ wood. * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Etherington, of Usborne, royally entertained “The Everreadys” a newly formed social club at their home on Tuesday even­ ing. Fire early Sunday morning de­ stroyed the main buildings at the Western Fair grounds. The build­ ings was situated just inside the main entrance. Reeve W. D. Sanders, Messrs. Jas. Weekes and E.- Treble are in Lon­ don today (Wednesday) inspecting a chemical fire truck which the city have for sale.- Mr. Wm. Manson, of Forest, son of Mrs. G. Manson, of town, was awarded the first prize for oil paint­ ing at Sarnia recently, open to resi­ dents of Lambton County. Will is to be congratulated on his work. Rev. D. and Mrs. McTavish and son Ernest were at Wingham on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. McTavish delivered an address at the graduation exercises of the nurs­ es of the Wingham hospital. Mrs. McTavish’s sister, Miss S. Colling, was among, the graduates. Mr. Thos. Coates on Tuesday took over the service end of the Ford garage for Mr. Milo Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Coates last week moved to Ex­ eter from St. Thomas, and are oc­ cupying the residence recently pur­chased by Mr. Snell from the estate of the late Martjia Lewis. The boys and girls of the L. T.’ L. held a skating party at the rink on Saturday afternoon under the sup­ ervision of their president, Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. After skating they gathered at the home of Mrs. Beav-, ers where very sumptuous refresh­ ments were served. Mrs. "Browning and Mrs. Gibson assisted with the serving. The youngsters had a very jolly time. Miss H. Snell and Mrs. Wm. Gard­ iner sang a duet at the James St. United church Sunday evening, at the conclusion of which the pastor, Rev. D. McTavish, paid -a warm tribute of appreciation for the ser­ vices rendered by Mrs. Gardiner, who is leaving Exeter this week for her new home at Meaford. Mrs. Gard­ iner is a ‘talented musician and will be missed not only in James St. church but also the community. She has presided at times at the James St. organ. Nominations will be held next Monday to fill the position on ihe council made vacant by the death of tho late Joseph Hawkinsz Several names are being mentioned for tho position, Mr. B. M. Francis, who was elected by acclamation to the Board of Education at New Years has resigned his position and will seek nomination for the position on the council. At the time of the last nomination foi' tho Board of Educa­ tion five names were proposed, four ■ to be elected, and in order to avoid ’■ an election, Mr, H. Dignan, a former s member of the Board, dropped out. 1 The Board have tho power to fill the ' vacancy caused by the resignation of < Mr, Francis and wo understand Mr. ’ Dignan will bo appointed to tho posl- 1 Hon, Mr3. Wm..Northcott, Sr?is on the sick list. . Mr. and/ -Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey, of ’Thames Road entertained a number of friends to a pleasent evening on Thursday of last week. A banquet is being tendered to Premier Mackenzie King at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Thursday evening and the addresses will be broadcasted through four . stations including the London Free Press. LITERARY SOCIETIES MEET On January 27th a meeting of the Senior Literary Society of the Ex­ eter High School was held, 27 mem­ bers being present. After the roll call a critic was’ appointed and the minutes of the previous meeting read and adopted. The president read the announcements and con­ gratulations were extended to Miss Ross oh her lates.t achievement. The treasurer’s report was read and adopted. A motion was made that the roll call be answered by a verse of poetry of a poet whose initials are the same as your own. Turn­ bull’s side‘"being file-first to answer with the poe.try.’\Because , of-- the absence of Harry ."book it- was decid­ ed that the .executive h’gye power, to appoint a^n'ew captain," At the con­ clusion of the business meeting Harry Joynt took .the chqjr, ljis side rendering a pleasing program. Thos. Heywood gave a lecture on “Race Problems.” The Senior Clarion was read by E. Howey in the absence of the editor. The critic gave an ex­ cellent report after which the meet­ ing adjourned with singing of ‘/God Save the King.” ‘ . The meeting of - the Lower School Literary Society was-held-in second form on January 27th with the presi­ dent Marjorie Westcott, in the chair. The -meeting was opened by the read­ ing of the minutes' by the secretary. As there was no business to be done, the meeting was taken over by Glen- ford. Desjardine’s side, but on ac­ count of his illness Doreen Westcott took over the responsibility and the following program was given: read­ ing, Stewart Campbell; solo, Wilma K^y;'riddles, Olive Harrison; jokes, Mustard; reading, Margaret Penhale piano solo, Kathleen Wiseman; jokes Dorothy McLean; reading, .Violet Frayne; mouth organ selection, Irwin Desjardine; jokes, ,N. Stanlake. The Herald was then read by Grace Chambers and Kathleen Snider. The critics report was then given by Miss Bayne. your clos- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3n1, lff®T ats FOR SALE—2 cutters, set of light single sleighs, set of farm scales, double beam, 120Q lb. capacity. Ap­ ply Wm. Walker, Exeter North. 22-1-ltp. FOUND—At Khiva an auto tire. Owper may have same by paying for advt. Apply to Mrs. John Walker, R. 3, Dashwood. 1-2 J-tc It will pay you to buy that new coat you are in need of any coat we 1 over offer very Special Prices on as we do not want to carry Values at Of special quality 36 inches wide, good weight and fine weave. Special at per yard 25c. The same quality as we sold last year for 35c a yard. Good patterns. Special price per yard 25c. • We ofter for the week your choice of 10 Flannel Dresses, regular prices which were $9.00 to 11.00. Specially priced for this week your choice $6.50. ‘ 3 dozen men’s horse hide mitts- with good warm lining, wearer. Special at per pair 98c. A great Regular value $1.25> In cream or white with short sleeves and V-neck, sizes 3 6, 38, 40 42. Special at each 75c. ring New light pfinps per yard ....... 24c White flannellette per yard .... 25c. Colored flannellette 3 6-in. wide 25c Bleached table linen per yard 1 lb. North Star Bats 1-yard wide fancy chintz per yd. 25c Pure linen tea towelling at 18c yd. 42-inch pillow cotton ,40c. Furniture Prices Reduced Lost 2. 3 5 8 Tie 1 0 1 0 HOCKEY STANDING Won Zurich ................. 6 Exeter ............. .... . 6 Hehsall................. 4 Dashwood ............ . 2 EXETER WINS FROM DASHWOOD On Monday night the local boys handed a 2 to 1 defeat to the Dash­ wood hockey team. The game throughout was fast and a good brand of hockey shown, with a few minor penalties being handed out. The Exeter team has been weakened by the loss of the regular defence Fahner being out of the limit and Batson not able to play. Exeter opened the scoring in the first per­ iod when Willard batted the puck in the net from a pass out behind the Dashwood net. Dashwood ev­ ened the count a few minutes later when Haist of the left wing batted the disc over Moir’s shoulder in 'a scramble in front of the net. This ended the scoring during this frame, the next period opened it each team trying hard to the tie. Pollen finally scor- w’inning tally on a pass from Dashwood tried to even the When found break ed the Medd. ................. count but their efforts were unavail­ able. The period ended With the score 2 to 1 in favotir~of the locals. During this period both °the goal tenders had some hard shots, but cleared them well. During* the final period play ragged a little ‘at the first but livened up as time progres­ sed. Moir made some clever saves, shots that looked like sure goals were turned aside by him, In this period neither team tallied and the game ended 2 to homo team.' The 1 in favour of the __line-up: Dashwood goal, Zimmerman; 1, d. Baeker; r. d. Gaiser; r, w. E'. subs, Eveland Tieman; centre, Gaiser: 1, w. Haist;, and Wein. Exeter, goal, Moir ; r. d. Creech; L d. ,Medd; centre, Bollen;r, Bowden and A, Willard, 1. W. Snell w. Willard; subs, GRASS FARM FOR SALE Splendid gi;ass farm for sale, known as part of west half lot 8 and 9, Concession South Boundary, Tp. of Hay, 146^ acres more or less, 2% miles west of Exeter North on the Lake Road. Excellent water supply. Apply to- Moses Amy, Ex­ ecutor of J. S. Amy estate, Hay P.O. Ontario. ’ "l-27-2ec . f ..... I,....-;......... ......i . ■! FOR SALE—100 • acre improved farm neap Lucan, piu good road, handy to school, good buildings, lots of water in . house and barn; 17 acres fall, wheat, plowing all done. Will sell at Sacrifice. $3,000 cash, balance time. Address Box 131, Lucan Post Office. 1-27-tf Wm. Ward desires to inform the farming community that although he has sold his warehouse on Main St., Exeter, to Chambers Bros., he yet retains the machine agency of the International Harvester Co. for Exeter and has reserved room, in the warehouse for all repairs for 1927. Anyone needing machinery or im­ plements by calling at my office to buy will receive liberal treatment as .it costs money to drive the roads for business.—Wm.- Ward. l-27-2tc jExeter W. C. CUTBUSH Bricklaying and Plastering General Repair Work -Simcoe *St. l-20-4tp The Exeter Canning. Co. will be closed every Saturday afternoon commencing January 22nd until further notice. l-17-2tc FOR SALE—-First class grass farm, east part of- Lot 10“ ip the south west boundary of* Usborne Township, contains 66 acres more, or less. This property" has first class outside fences, a never failing well and good windmill in perfect work­ ing condition, a nice block'of timber and is good grass producing land. Owned by James A. Toohey, for sale by Geo. A. Stanley. Lucan, Ont. 2-3 2tc Quality Supreme! That’s the standard we set ourselves whbn we opened our Bread Bakery. —And we have maintained that standard, even when costs of pure ingredients and , high- class labor have mounted sky­ ward. Lockwood’s Better Bread You’ll be repaid by seeing every member of your family enjoy a better satisfied appetite And your food bills will Shrink amazingly, W.H fi EXETER KW00D BAKER ONTARIO■*2 iff Notice Como here if you want your suit or overcoat cleaned or pressed. Tailor-Made Suits at Any Timo Come and see us T. IL Elliott Having taken over the furniture business of Mr. M. E. Gardiner, our stock is too large and must be reduced. PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT Stock Must Go, Regardless of Cost This is your Opportunity to secure High Class . ^’urnitufe at a Low Price. R. N. ROWE is nothing to be gained by that eye examination. is much to be lost. There delaying There Each .day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our methods—and will be pleased with the Call today and about your eyes. A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music In Schools' "■ Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 19& EXETER, ONT. glasses. learn the : truth ' John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 ....... _ ; - - - i HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments 5 % per "annum is paid half-year- upon $100.00 or more" for 1 to 5 years. Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING &‘MORLEY Barristers &c., -Exeter, Ont. iy HOUSE FOR SALE Brick residence and garage with three choice lots on east side of William St., Exeter. Well built and best of material and workmanship throughout. Central location. Will make a choice home. Special terms of payment if desired. GLADMAN & Stanbury Solicitors for Vendor WANTED—To hear from farm for sale. State cash pr F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 12 owner ch. D, 23-otC Bring your broken castings, mal- labte, brass or steel, ofc. and have them made as good as new. Horse shoeing. General blacksmithing and acetylene welding, HILLARY HORTON FOR SALE—Open cutter,- good buggy, stable blanket good as new horse clipper, the property of the late Or, Hyndman, Apply to E. C. Appleton. 1-13-Stc r Jeweller, — Exeter Fltton’a Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING! GUARANTEED F PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FERE, WITJZ ' B. J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and John* X I J.L,. LEWIS BUILDING and CONTRACTING [ Houses and Barns ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone 16 2w John St. East, Exeter; E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth Agents — 1927 ONTARIO M EXETER 1874 w. a peakce, agent Exeter. Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St. two blocks we&t of Ford Garage 1927 LIFEs, Tho Oldest Assnrance Co. In Canadrt B. M. PRANCI® Phone 101, Exeter;