Clinton News-Record, 1959-06-04, Page 1THE NEWSRECORD 77th YEAR
Reception For Liberal Leader
.22,--Tho Home Paper With the News.
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CLINTON, ONTARIO, THLIRSDAY, JUNE 4, 1959 $LOO Per Year--10 cents Per Copy-12 Page$
Chance For Citizens Band
Once Again in Clinton
Area Competition Winners
Top Cub Pack at the competitions staged in Clinton Community Park on Saturday
between Cub Packs throughout the area, were this happy group, from Hensall, Back
row, from the left, Assistant Cubmaster Bill Lavender, Cubs Bill Chipchase, Gordon
Deitz, Robert Wilkinson, Barry Mousseau and Cubmaster Bill Fink; front row, Keith
Havens, Danny Cameron, Sevin Bonthron, Charles Schwalm and Keith Hay, who received
the. Adastral Park Challenge Trophy from LAC Ben Cook, RCAF Station Centralia, As-
sistant District Scout Commissioner. This pack was organized only eight months ago.
(News-Record Photo)
Fourteen Packs at Cub Rally
Over 200 Boys Take Part
(By W. D. D.)
Us early this year Seems some
of the men who oppose the comp-
UlsOrY Marketing ligislation under
Which hogs are sold „ • have an
nounced they will boycott the pro-
vincial election next week .
Why, anyone would miss the op-
Penttinity to east his ballot for
the type of government he pre-
fers . . just because some part
of existing legislation is not what
suits him especially , • we fail
to understand .
you are supporting . , no matter
Which man you decide deserves
your vote , . VOTE at the polls
next Thursday, June I.I. . . *
Cadet Band will play at the Clin-
ton Spring Show . They will
'doubtless do an excellent job next
Wednesday evening , , and will
be a credit to their school, and
to their teachers . . The CDCI
band was asked to the Fair Board
to play at the Spring Show . .
but „examinations scheduled for
that date would have interfered ..
The Seaforth school cancelled ex
aminations also scheduled for Sp-
ring Show day, so that their band
could take on the engagement...
* tit *
ton Citizens Hortieultural Society
is growing steadily . . . up to 155
to date . More will be wel-
comed, and each one gets a free
premium . . . plants to grow in
their own garden .
SS 4 Pupils Visit
Two Interesting
North Huron Farms
(By Mrs. Ira Merrill)
The senior pupils of SS 4, God-
rich Township, in cars driven by
heir teacher, John 'Siertsema and
‹enneth Farquhar, travelled to
ingham, on Saturday morning,
o sing with other schools of God-
rich Township on the Kiddie
tudio Party, and tour the CKNX
uilding. Mrs. Rodgers, music
tructor, fed the singing.
After a treat of ice cream the
oup went to Teeswater for lunch
d then -on to the Double. "D"
anch at Bervie. Sdrrie ofatlite'gri.t'
nals seen here were monkeys,
lack bears, deer, elk, buffalo and
Next stop was the Game Bird
arm north-west of Blyth, where
he youngsters saw partridge,
uail, doves, peacocks, pheasants,
ucks and geese of many different
arieties and .colours.
After a call at Mr. Siertsema's
one at Riyth, the two carloads
ived home about 4.30 o'clock.
Ian To Annex More
and From Mullett
The newest plan for the annexe-
on project at the north-east cor-
er of town, will intrude 18,1 acres
f land, and adds the section on
hich the Christian Reformed
hurell is built, to that already
ecided upon to the east of the
ublic school property.
The Week's Weather
1959 1958
High Low High Low
May 28 80 52 62 33
29 83 59 74 47
30 72 52 72 57
June 1 80 55 70 53
2 72 50 65 48
3 66 42 72 44
4 77 39 78 54
Rain: .62 ins. Rain; .47 ins.
George Worrell, 17 Erie Street
North, bandmaster of the Wing-
ham Lions Boys and Girls Band,
Will be accepting responsibilities
Wins Awards
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo-
rge McIlwain, RR 1, Clinton,
received the Dr. William C. Sp-
roat award for surgical tech-
nique in. the operating room and
also the City of Stratford medal
for general proficiency in theory
and practice :at the graduation
exercises of Stratford General
Hospital's :School of Nursing on
Saturday afternoon, May 30, The
presentation was made by Major
Robert Mountain.
Attending the event were Mr.
and Mrs. Hector Kingswell,
Brenda and Elwin, Isaac Street,
Clinton. Mr, Kingswell is Hel-
en's uncle. The 18 nurses were
graduated in the Stratford Fest-
niyasl, Theatres
Sam Spencer, RR 1, Clinton, was
lucky in winning the top prize of
$500 offered at the Kinsmen-spon-
sored bingo, held in the Clinton
Lions Arena last Friday night.
Winners of the door prizes were
Ed Gibson, 23 Kirk Street, Clin-
ton; H. Beadle, Auburn; Donald
Compton, 90 James St., Clinton
and Mrs. Morin of Malartic, Qu-
ebec; Alex Patterson, Blyth.
Share-the-wealth wins went to
Mrs. Gordon Nivina, 62 Welling-
ton Street, Clinton and Mrs. Alvin
Dewar, Moncton, sharing $130.75;
G. C. Bowman, Berwill Street,
London, $129.50; Mrs. Walter
Tichorne, Mrs. M. Helesic and Stan
Haddon, all of Goderich, sharing
$129.50; Mrs. Ed Grealis, 48 Huron
Street, Clinton, $130.50; Ab Neth-
ery, Wingham, $121.75.
Regular bingos were won as fol-
lows: single wins of $60: William
Cudmore, Clinton; Norman Hol-
latz, Moncton; Charles McQuillan,
Exeter; Mrs. Roy Rohfritsch, 613
of Instructing and training the
members of the boys and girls
band, which two years ago was
organized by A. C. Robinson, Lon-
don. Mr, Robinson is giving up the
job, owing to medical reasons.
Mr. Wonch, who is a draughts-
man with the civil service at
RCAF Station Clinton, is an ac-
complished musician, having play-
ed with the Moose Lodge Boye and
Girls Band (later the Tech Con-
cert Band) under A. C. Robin-
son's leadership prior to the war,
with RCAF Bands during the war,
and with other London bands since
then. He was associated with Mr.
Robinson years ago when bands
were organized throughout many
towns in Huron and, Bruce.
For the past year,Mr. Wonch
has led the band in ingham, and
`each week arranged 'for nine
young people from the Bayfield,
Varna, Clinton area to travel to
that town to take part in the prac-
tice and performances of that
He expects that there will be
25-30 young people ready to play
in the Clinton Band, and more
young folk will be accepted in the
band if they wish to join.
The great need of the local band
is not for money, but for a spon-
sor, to back the activities of the
band, and lend encouraging sup-
port. Cost to members is $2.00 per
month, Present members own their
own instruments, so no great out-
lay for instruments by a sponsor-
ing organization is required. The
Band members are also developing
their own uniforms, consisting of
grey pants and skirts, white shirts
and blouses, dark ties.
Membership is not limited to
children and young people. Mr.
Woneh will welcome adults, in-
cluding those bandsmen from the
old Citizens Band, who are inter-
ested in playing.
Further information may be had
from Mr. Wonch at 17 Erie Street
North, dial IISS 2-7028.
Ontario Street, Stratford; Herb
Jenkins, 50 Orange Street, Clinton;
Mrs. Rumig, Goderich; James
Cruickshank, RR 2, Clinton.
Double winners, sharing $60:
Mrs. Tom Maloy, Owen Sound and
Mrs. Harry Bricklow, Walkerton;'
Mrs. James Kopp, Exeter and Alex
McMichael, Clinton; Mrs. Gladys
Kemp, Mitchell and Clive Lomax,
RR 5, Clinton; L. Plant, Brussels
and Mrs. W. G. Williams, North
Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Triple winners, splitting $60;
Mrs. Norman Fleischauer, Zurich;
Mrs. John Young, Blyth and Miss
B. Sloman, Clinton; Mrs. Wes-
Hugill, Zurich; Mrs. Harry Br-
own, Wingham and Mrs. Norse
Carroll, London; Mrs. Castle, Bay-
field; Mrs. N. Baird, Brucefield
and Alex Nixon, Auburn.
One of the regular games was
split five ways, won by Mrs, R. A.
Simons, Bayfield; Mrs. Richters,
London; Mrs. William Draper, RR
3, Goderich; Stan Watson, Mit-
chell and Mrs. Heffron, London.
Bonfield Baptist Church
Burns $8,000' Mortgeur
Bayfield Baptist Church last
Thursday evening burned their
$8,000 mortgage, and now is debt-
free. The church will celebrate its
fourth anniversary on June 17,
Last year a fund-raising scheme
led by Pastor Ivor Bodenham, was
undertaken, in the planting and
harvesting a crop of beans. All
profits from this project went in-
to paying off the church, debt.
Plans are now under way to
build an addition to the $40,000
building next 'year.
Bayfield Boy Earns
Top• Scout Honour
(By our Bayfield Correspondent)
During the Sunday morning ch-
urch service in St. Andrew's Un-
ited Church, Bayfiekl, Ted Turn-
er, Scout Troop Leader was pre-
sented with the Queen's Scout
Badge, by Rev. 0, E, Peacock.
This is the highest badge award
that can he earned by any Scout.
Ted is the first ,Bayfield Secalt,
to earn this badge, and the pres-
entation is a great honour, not
only to the new Queen's Scout,
but also to the leadership given
to this movement, in the com-
The Scouts attebded the ser-
vice with their Sco'tmaster Mert-
on Merrier. Follovvi g the respon-
Psalm, the Sc utrnaster pre-
sented Ted to the' congregation
and the brief cereal ry of presen-
tation was held. is.
0 t.
Hullett Awards Job,
Approve Atinexation
A tender of $1,200 submitted by
Frank Kistmer, Dublin, for the
construction and cleaning of the
Glousher Drain in,Hullett Town-
ship was accepted on Monday
night at the Connell meeting.
Work is to be completed by the
end of September.
Reeve William. R. Jewitt, War-
den Of Huron CouiSSea presided for
the township Meeting, The coun-
cil approved the addition to Gode-
rich District Collegiate Institute
and accepted. Hullett's share of
the cost.
A delegation from Clinton ap-
peared before council, and a mot-
ion was passed, that with permis-
sion of the parties concerned, the
Town of Clinton be given permis-
sion to annex the additional pieces
of land that they presented in a
second plan.
Court of revision on the Nott
Municipal drain will be held on
June 29. Next meeting of council
will be held on July 6.
Officials View Site
For New H<wspitcal
The Hon. T. Ray Connell, Oat-
ario Minister of Public Works, was
in the county on Monday with
Charles S. MacNaughton, candid-
ate for the Huron riding in next
week's election.
Mr. Connell, whose department
is responsible for the construction
of the new hospital school on the
Blue Water Highway near Goder-
ich, reports that work is to com-
mence immediately on the "ground
services" at the hospital site. This
involves drainage of the area, so
that construction can be done pro-
perly. When completed the provin-
cial project will house 1,200 beds
Summer Time Hours
At Clinton Library
Hours for the Clinton Public
Library are slightly changed for
the summertime, according to the
Librarian, Miss Evelyn G. Hall.
Closing time will-be at"8 'PM:" on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday, and ,9 o'clock on Saturday
Kin Club Initiates
Three New 'Members
Three new members were initi-
ated into the Kinsmen Club of Cl-
inton nn Monday evening at a
joint meeting held with the Sea-
forth Kinsmen in that town. They
were Earl Livermore, William Ch-
owen, and George Peters. Nearly
20 of the Clinton Kin attended.
London Man Here To
Assist Legionaires
All ex-service personnel and
their dependents are invited to
take advantage of a free Legion
service. A. G. Sauer, Service Bur-
eau Officer from London, will be
at Clinton Legion Hall, on June 9,
at 10,00 a.m., to give skilled ad-
vice on veterans' benefits.
Anyone with questions on war
disability pension, War Veterans'
Allowance, Treatment, or hospital
care is urged to call or write Mr
Cam Proctor, Clinton, HU 2-9548,
rho will arrange an appointment.
New Caretaker At
Clinton Cemetery
Henry Stryker, RR 4, Clinton,
'ias been appointed caretaker at
the Clinton Cemetery at a salary
of $2,300 per year,
County Orange Meeting
Ire Goderich Sunday
There will be a County Orange
service hi Goderich Anglican
Church on Sunday morning, June
14, at 11 a,m. DST,
Fourteen packs took part on
Saturday afternoon in -a Huron
District Cdl Rosily, under the • dir-
ection of Tom Darling assistant
district Cub commissioner. Mr.
Darling reports that this was an
increase from the attendance last
year, when eight Cub Packs took
part in the rally held at Centralia.
The 222 cubs were from packs
at Goderich, Clinton, RCAF Stat-
ion Clinton, Hensall, RCAF Stat-
ion Centralia, Lucan, Ailsa Craig
and Bayfield.
Hensall Pack, led by William
Lavender and William Fink, top-
ped the rally, earning more points
than any of the other packs. A
Graduate Nurse
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Sturdy, RR 5, Olinton, graduat-
ed last week front the Stratford
General Hospital School of Nur-
number of competitions were held,
with six from each pack taking
pare: " '
The Adastral Park Challenge
Trophy was presented to the Hen-
sall Pack by LAC Ben Cook, RC-
AF Station Centralia, who is As-
sistant District Scout Commission-
Second place was earned by
RCAF Station Clinton "B" Pack,
and third by Clinton (town) "A"
Two of the Women's Auxiliary
to the Cubs and Scouts, Mrs. Tom..
Darling and Mrs. Kenneth Pick-
ett assisted in the tent serving for'
a refreshment booth, and a num—
ber of the Clinton Scouts also as.
sisted there.
Vote on. June 11
For Your Choice!
Remember to cast your ballot
at the polling places next Thurs-
day, June 11.
In Huron riding, there are two
candidates: Charles S. MacNau-
ghton, Progressive Conservative,
and Harry Strang, Liberal.
Polls will be open from 9 a.m.
until 8 p.m. DST. If you cannot
vote on June 11, take advantage of
one of the advance polls, set up in
centres as advertised in this paper.
Staff members will be in the of-
fices of the Clinton News-Record
on Thursday evening to relay in-
formation about the returns as
they are received here.
Spring Show Here
Next Wednesday
Clinton Spring Show will be held
in the Community Park in Clinton
on Wednesday, June 10, with clas-
ses in all types of live stock being
exhibited and judged, Ferris wheel
for the children, and games of
chance on the midway, will provide
the opportunity for fun for every-
one. Approximately $2,500 will be
paid out in prizes.
There is a special draw for a
power lawn mower, and a floor
polisher, with tickets on sale the
day of the fair.
The evening horse show, will in-
clude four-horse tandem hitch,
carriage teams, gentleman's turn-
out, best-matched and best-dressed
teams, Seaforth District High
School Cadet Band will perform.
New classes in cattle and swine
are introduced this year for public
school children from the townships
of Mullett, Goderich, Stanley and
Over 80 Birthday Club
Ed Boyes will celebrate his 86th
birthday on Thursday, June 4. He
IS in good health, drives his car,
arid looks after his own house,
Ontario's Liberal Leader John Wintermyer, Kit-
chener, was honoured in Clinton last week, at a reception
held in the Legion Memorial Hall. From the left are
Harry Strang, Exeter, Huron Liberal" candidate, Mrs.
43 Winners at Kin Bingo
Sam Spencer Gets. $500
Strong, Mr, Winterrneyer, Rae Watson, Lucknow, Huron-
Bruce Liberal candidate; Mrs. Menzies and .E. Beecher
Menzies, _ Albert Street, Clinton, president of the Hur6n
Liberal Association. (News-Record Photo)
SS 8 Burns Sunday Night
Section Has New Problem
With definite plans for opening now facing the hoard.
their school building after 13 Under the advice of the rate-
years, the ratepayers of SS 8, payers, the school trustees had
Goderich Township, on Sunday decided to re-open their school
night found themselves without a building. Plans for renovation
building to re-open. A passerby had been made, and a teacher
noted fire at the school a little had been advertised for.
after midnight, and reported to SS 8 is more fortunate than
the nearby farm of Bert Schilbe. some rural school sections, in
The fire alarm was turned in to that there is a large assessment
the Bayfield Fire Department made up of summer cottage own-
about 12.45 a.m. 'ers. Taxation from these proper-
However, there was little that ties has helped to keep school
firemen could do, and the 100- costs down for the rest of the
year-old structure was completely residents, without increasing the
-demolished. number of pupils. While SS 8
A ratepayers meeting has been ratepayers have been paying about
called for Wednesday, June° 10 at 2 mills school tax, other schools in
8 p,ni. at the home of Grant the Township have been paying up
Stirling, to Consider the problem to 15 mills.
There was about $2,000 insur-
ance on the old building.