Clinton News-Record, 1959-02-12, Page 8Miss Elma Mutch is a patient Clintonin hospital, Miss Sadie Carter came home on Sunday after a week spent with her aunt, Mrs, Wilfred Cockerline at Clinton." Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lyon and Wayne, Londesboro, and Miss Marl. lene Easom, London; spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy EaS9.111.., Mr. and Mrs.930rdon R, .Taylor spent the weekend at. St, Cath- ariries with their daughter, Mrs, Ronald Bathwell, Michael and Jan- ice, Mr,. and. Mrs. John Daer visited last Sunday at Mitchell with their daughter,. Mrs. Robert Seiler, Mr. Seiler and John.. The World Day of Prayer for Women will be held in. Knox Un- ited Church on, Friday, February 13 at 2.30 p.m. All ladies of the Knox Presbyterian At Auburn Annual Meeting (By our Auburn Correspondent) Rev. D. J. Lane presided for the annual business meeting in Knox Presbyterian Church with a large attendance, of members present. Minutes- were read by the secre- tary Donald Haines, The Session report was given by the clerk, William Watson; man- ager's 'report by Kenneth Scott; budget report, Mrs. Wes Brad- nock; WMS, Mrs, Alvin Leather- land; Ladies Aid, Mrs. Roy Daer; Sunday Schbol, John :Houston; Mrs. Donald Haines. All departments showed much interest and financially had met their allocationS. Officers for 1959 are:, Session, Rev, D. J. Lane, B.A., moderator, John Houston, J. C. Stoltz, Alfred Rollinson, Kenneth Scott and Don- ald Haines; managers, Alvin Lea- therland, Roy Dag-, William Wag- ner, Gordon Dobie, Kenneth Scott and Major Youngblut; church trustees, J. C. Stoltz, John Doerr and Arthur Youngblut. Treasurer, Mrs. Wes Bradnock; secretary, Donald Haines; organ- ist, Arthur Youngblut; assistants, Mrs .Duncan MacKay and Mrs. Donald Haines; ushers, Gordon Dobie, Kenneth Scott, Edgar Lea- therland, Stewart Youngblut, Ross Youngblut and Charles Stewart; church historian, Mrs. John Houst- on. An "In Memoriam" service was held for two departed members, Mrs, Fred Ross and Mrs. E. Leath- erland, New business-was discussed and as this congregation will hold its centenary next year in 1960, a committee was named to, start planning for this event. They are Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston, Kenneth Scott, William Wagner and Donald Haines, 4-41-404 -1/1N44.41-4-0-e.4.04. district are urged ,to attend this interdenominational prayer serv- ice, Bob Pagr spent a few' days last week-At Mitchell visiting ,has, Siat,- er, Mrs. R. Seiler, Mr, Seiler and son John. Knox .United Church. WM$ The Woman's Missionary Sfic' iety of Knox United Church met with the • president, Mrs. Oliver Anderson .in charge., Mrs, William J. Craig was at, the piano. The minutes were read by the, secret- ary, Mrs.. Roy Eascons. Roll call .WaS answered by 14 members, At „the-next meeting: the roll call is to be answered. by • a verse of scriptUre containing. the word- "Love". The _corresponding The Young People's Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School room of the church with a large attendance, The president. Edgar Leatherland opened the meeting and Miss Shir- ley Brown presided at the piano for the hymns. Scripture was read by Marilyn Daer. A meditation on the life of Christ was read by Betty Youngblut. As Lent starts this week, thoughts were centred on this season of the year. The minutes were, read by the secret- ary, Helen Youngblut. New busi- ness was discussed and roll call N, , ews of tiro correspond,. MRS. W. BRA NOOK Phone elyth 43-r-14 Was answered by naming auth- or of a hymn. Offering was receiv- ed by the treasurer, Gordon Daer who also gave the financial state- merit. The, study. on "Pre&byterialASP1 in Canada and its Origin", prepar-ed• by 13,0v. A J. Lane. was read -by Mrs,, - Wes Rradrio0k, After study of the Shorter !Catechism the meeting. Was closettwith pray- er, A recreation ,period fellowed. with games, PreabYtetiait Laymen Meet Gordon Walter, Goderich, was chairman last Wednesday evehing in Knox Presbyterian Church for representatives of the guren-map,. land,preshytery, The Presbytery is divided into-three sections for their project, with the meetings held every Wednesday evening in one of the sections, Hensall, Seaforth, Clinton, Gode. rich and Rlyth are in this part and the representatives from these Presbyterian congregations took part in the Bible Study Training Course that is outlined by the Rubber Stamps add Marking Devices of every description Also Stamp Pads Sold by Clinton News-Record secretary, Miss Margaret R. Jack- General Assembly of the Presby- son read the thank you notes. terian Church in Canada, The supply convener, Mrs. Jam- es Craig, repotted thhat an em- ergency bale contained 150 lbs. of-quilts and used clothing, Mrs. Harold Webster read the financial report. Mrs. John Durnin took charge of the program and read a poem_ entitled "A Thought for Today", , followed by prayer by Mrs. Ernest Purnin, Mrs. Roy Ea- -som read the Scripture lesson from the first chapter of the Book of linth. -- Mrs. Gordon IYIcClinchey sang a solo, "Carry the Light", Miss M. R. Jackson read' two articles on Temperance. Mrs, James Craig gave interesting facts about Can- ada from the Study Book. The of- fering was received by Mrs. Har- old Webster and Mrs. William Dodd. Presbyterian Y.P.S. ICY PAY MORE? CHECK. THESE VALUES Electric Kettles $8.88 Burgess Flashlight Batteries 2 for 26c Garage Brooms 99c 60-Watt Light Bulbs 6 for 99c 5-Tube Radios $23.95 Philips 21-inch TV $189.00'with trade T. A. DUTTON Appliances "The Extra Mile is Worth Your While" BRUCEFIELD Dial HU 2-3232 We Cufe ALL CAR ILLS Our Mechanics have the Know-How to Right Your. Auto Wrongs Fast. Period 'c Checkups here Will give you, the top a uto 'pe'rfor'mance that resuffs in' Big operating Savings. DbWS SERVICE Volkswagen Sales ex. Service Clinton, Ont. — HU 2-9088 A brilliantly white enamel that stays :white, Dries with a sparkling norm. lainaike -surface that's easy to clean as a piece of china, Keep kitchens, bathrooms, refrigerators. sparkling white. In gloss or scini•Iustre. NO USE WAITING WI 'LONGER •*, • frbar ROWNWIE irmiVefifreeer 8,/iYeifel ar.TUNE.UP SPECIALISTS *III make it. purr Eke a kitten 6 Test ind service entire ).electrical system... Pluts:'reflak land Mplace_if necessary.---, AUTEITEI AUTO WELLS ELECTRIC Clinton Phinte HU' 24851 See These Alert New Larks at the Garage in Brucefield GOOD EARS 1958 STUDEBAKER, 6 Cyl., 2-door, with overdrive and radio°, 13,000 miles. 1956 DODGE SUBURBAN 1954 STUDEBAKERN4-door with overdrive W. H. DalryMple & Son BRUCEFIELD DIAL HU, 2-9211 ...•:VONSUP sektEMWAWAMM Va'AMV",..01:74r A quiet atmosphere in pieasont Surroundings And a trained competent staff. BALL ik MUTCN FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone HU 2-9441 Save Feed --Buy In Bulk A CALL TO US CAN BRING YOU YOUR FEEDS IN A BULK TRUCK AND • LOWER FEED 'COSTS FASTER SERVICE *• CONVENIENT HANDLING • COMPLETE FRESHNESS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS_ --TO YOU --FOR BULK SERVICE OF SHUR-GAIN FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR FEEDING NEEDS— CALL Canada Packers Limited Clinton HU 2.3815 ers will be able to assist in this field, There was :SQPie OPpaPition pressed by some particularly large producers because of the compar-, atively large amounts that Would. be collected from them on a pro;, duetien basis, However, they didr n't seem to realize that the bone+. fits would be equally largo, Also some felt that a Promotion plan would not help the large prci- ljnor who has been able to- arran, ge. a special market. Mere again: they failed to realize that they must.. dispose of their sUrplua duction and it is the market price established on this surplus that determines the price on their. spec- ial market. • in order that all producers May '— be fully informed a meeting of all township poultry producers will' be held in the Agrieultural Roard Rooms, Clinton, Friday, Fehrtiatr 13, at 8.30 p.m. osimmusaammamas There Will Be DANCING Every Friday The Night Old Forge - Bayfield 10.00--1.30 Music By Grant Edighoffer WARBLE FLY CAMPAIGN TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH Applications are hereby called for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for the Township of Goderich for the • year 1959. Mileage will be paid at the rate of 8c ,per mile. Applicants to state hourly wage expected. Tenders are hereby called for the spraying of cattle in the • Township of Goderich, under the Warble Fly .Cam- paign for 1959-, Tenders to state a price per head for spraying. Tenders are hereby called for the supplying of 600 lbs. of*Warble Fly Powder for the Township of Goderich. 300 lbs. to be in 15 lb. bags, and 300 lbs. to be in 1 lb. bags. The powder to be delive'red to the clerk's office by April 1', 1959, All applications and/or tenders to be in the Clerk's hands by February 28, and lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. R. E. Thompson, Clerk, R.R. 2, Clinton, Ont. ti FOR THAT "NEW" LOOK in BATHROOM and KITCHEN Easy to G'LEA'N as a china plate! loomiopmagmeormasommamismonow. VASUNAMMANANOMUMMISMOOMMUONNONAVAMMUIMMOVADOSINMAW,a,"IUM§M's1 PAM EIGHT Fault Accident, Survey ,Being Arranged TO Get Under way First of March ents," gates the Extension Branch Director. It is estimated that approNitn- ately 7„000 Ontario farm people have agreed .to act AS, farin-ae,, eident reporters in the survey. They ask the co-operation of their neighbours in. order that they may record all accidents occurring on ,Ontario farms over the one-year period'. spontaneOus co-operation of Ontario farm people and farm organizations la carrying out this survey is, very encouraging," sayS Mr. Hilliard, "It shows that the farm people are just as , earnest as the Ontario Department of "last as improved farming prat- Agriculture that something be %ices ' ate the result • of 'scientific done about the farm accident pro- research applied to actual farming blem. /I know Ontario farm people conditions, , so can a sound farm will co-operate in supplying the safety PrOgram result only from necessary accident information to research on actual farm accid- make this survey worthwhile," :1 • • 71711,lA$DA"4, nal:WARY 1959 on Dairy Princess Contest and Poultry Meeting (ByCarl Hemingway) On vot6,14ii, 2, the Dairy Co- Ordinating Board met in the Agri,' cultural .Off ice Board Rooms to lay plays for the Dairy'Rrincess Con-. test to be held this summer. .George' Watt was eletced chairman of the board.. and, Carl Hemingway, sec- retary-treasurer. ,:This contest has proved quite .popular and we are hoping, that • even more will par- ticipate. Prizes 'have been arran- ged . for the first ten .placings, and in order that the.participants may receive some coaching,' entries are reaueated by May L First prize is a free trip to compete at the cNg, The .ohtario Poultry Producers meeting held in Toronto, Friday last, was not as well attended ns was hoped. Bad driving conditions kept many of the north western producers at. home, However the plan was thoroughly discussed and dates for county meetings early in' March were arranged, Under section nine of the Farm Prodticta 11Iarketing Act the On- tario Poultry Produecrs can have 'a deduction made on eggs at the egg grading station and on poultry at the killing plants, With the money so raised a portion will be used to finance the Ontario Organ- ization and a portion will go to the county organization. By far the largest portion will be used to promote the better handling of ,eggs—at the farm— at the wholesale—at the retail levels. There are few „products that deteriorate as rapidly or have such a discouraging affect on con- sumption as a low quality egg. It is hoped that an-advertising campaign will stimulate the sale of eggs. A similar promotion of ,cheese has increased domestic con- And His sumption by 20 perecnt. A research. program will be car- ried on in the field of pricing and marketing. The Department of Agriculture has intimated that the quotations of daily poultry and egg prices are far from' satisfact- ory and has expressed the hope that the Ontario Poultry Produc- =MP WS-RECORD ri ft WITTER rERDUE LTD. QUALITY HARDWARE and HOUSEWARES Clinton, Dial l U 24023 ArrangementS are VW MOO- in. Ontario counties and .dis- 'trieta for the. carrying out of the province -ids Farm Accident -Sur- reports' T. R. Hilliard, Direct- or of the' Extension. Branch, Oat-. 'arid DePartnierit of Agriculture, The surveys Under the ion :or the Extension Branch, will . fomalty- get under way on March, 1, 1959<. It, will ,attempt to deter- mine the causes, types, extent,. and post• of farm accidents in OM-, oyd to disclose the farm accident picture for each county and district, The survey will con elude on February 29, 1.960„ inside BIG 3 feet shorter outside That's sense „ , that's 'the If, by Studebaker With Vocals by Jo Ann ADMISSION: 75 Cents DINE and, DANCE mew Melody Masters