Clinton News-Record, 1959-01-29, Page 6PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, E. Beecher Men- les will attend the mid-winter eating of the Canadian Bar As- ociatiort in Royal Connaught Ho- e, Hamilton this Weekend, Mrs. E.-, R. Porter, RR 5,, Clin-. _re returned home. last Friday af.' er spending two weeks in Wind- pr Junction, Nova . Scotia, Mr. and Mrs, 'C.15, Epps return- d a week 'age from a holiday in erida, where they visited friends t Lake Worth. Mr. Epps reports xcellentseepather, and wonderful ishing, He enjoyed the experience f "air-boat hunting" which in- volves a,.praft powered by airplane motor, .aad it skims the surface of the water while the hunters track down duck and other waterfowl. 0 World Day of Prayer At St. Andrew's Church The Women's 'World day of prayer service will be held ineat. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clint* on Friday, February 13, t 2.30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Grant Mills, Clinton. Special mus- ic will be provided. - AIL the ladies of the town and brrounding area are cordially in- vited to attend, and -share in the fellowship. Transportation is supplied free {where necessary) for the treatment of cancer patients. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Clinton, Ontario Final Winter e„,,..„ „e• aeT "';000. • Ladies' Coats and Car Coats Ladies' Dresses Price Boys' Winter Jackets levevs1 Materials -- Dress Goods Shiiitings, etc., Cotton T-Shirts Flannelette Pyjamas NrairIMIN N.M.....110•~1111.4•••••••ftri Mal•Mft Off, • LADIES' COATS • CAR COATS DRESSES • London Lassie BLOUSES Despite the-, soupy fog and icy streets of last Wednesday eveniag, the members .and adherents of St. Andrew's Church,' to the number of 80*people, braved the weather to enjoy the fellowship of the )31.1111s dinner and program, -Spon- sored by the Men`e Club of the Church. As the assembly stood at their places at the table riper Bill Mut- ch led the parade of the Haggis, carried bd Michael Cowan and Douglas Macauley in the custom- ary manner, with 3. "Dick" Jacob performing the duty of the carver. George H. Jefferson, in his in- imical way, addressed the Haggis, when it was set before him, and thrust the knife that bared the contents of the, bag containing Burns' favorite "puddin of the race", and the guests "set to" to enjoy the potluck meal, Gordon Sutcliffe, president of St. Andrew's Men's Club, officiat- ed as chairman in his quiet and gracious way, and conducted a brief program of musical numbers by an entertaining mixed sextette, composed of Mrs. Frank Mutch, Mrs. H. Cowan, Mrs, D. J. Lane, George Roberton, Frank Mutch and Bill Mutch, accompanied by Mrs. M. 3, Agnew. Rev. D. 3, Lane introduced the speaker of the evening, Rev, D. Leslie Elder, of First Church, Sea, forth, who delivered an excellent talk on the religion of the 'Scots and its influence throughout the world. He emphasized the teach. ing of Calvinism and its strength- ened influence exerted by those Who held to his theology. Christian Reformed Church R.EV, G. 3. HOYTIINIA, Minister Sunday, February 1 10.00 a.ne—Service in English Sunday School after Service 2.30 p.m.—Service in DutCh Bible School-1.30 fam e Saturday Afternoon. Everyone Welcome Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON " Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt, 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love, . Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11,00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3,00 p.m,—Sunday School • 7,00 pan.—Preathing the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister VMS, M, 3. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Fri., Safi. 30—The Annual C011.. gtegational Meeting, at 8 p.m. All members should plan to attend, Sunday, Pebruary 1 9.45 a.m.—Chureh School Meets for study 10.45 a.m. Divine Worship Subject of Meditation: "The Christian—Past, Pres- ent and Putture" LET ALL *EN WORSHIP GOD ALL WELCOME Egeolep- liffE4 Zlittiteb Cburtb REV. J. A. MoKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE,. Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, February 1 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 12.15 • p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class HOLMES VILLE MRS. LLOYD BOND, Organist 1.30 p.m.---Worship Service 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day' to strengthen our Christian Faith ANGLICAN CHURCH Or CANADA St. — Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs, Theodore Frernlit. Organist Sexagesima Sunday 8.30 a.m.—Holy Comintlnion 11,00 a,m,--Parish Communion 4.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer ;.'rues, Feb. 3—St. Paul's Ladies Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. C. S. Inder, the rec- tory at 2,45 p.m. , eee PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, January 30- 8.00 p.m.---Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, February 10.0a a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.--Gospel Service Tuesday, February 3.-- 8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special WeIceme Awaits You • GooD BAKING ,ex p , that eids cbreakted . by ers Our staff have all IS AN, ART! had years Of practical A Our SATURDAY SPECIAL: Frem Our Store Only— Fresh From Out Ovens-- P01110kin Pies. Reg. 56c for 49c • 1 ' Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. Bakery awl Restautatit CLINTON HU 2 4721 GE SIX cL1NTPN N-ovvs,rt.vcoRD TRIMSDAX, JANUARY Ptik, 1969 Values to $21.95 tt (in TO CLEAR .„.,,„„„,„, ,,,,,, hAnv $c Special $c u Rack Ili See This Special Rack of Genuine Bargains DRESSES • SKIRTS • CAR COATS OF Selecting Officials at Ontario Street Enjoyed by folk Musical Program Precedes Business Burns Night Meal Tur k ey Dinner enjoyed of WesleyrWillis, LISTEN TO RADIO PROGRAM from CFCO (630 k,c.) Chatham EVERY TUESDAY EVENING at 9.00-9.30 by Christian • Business Man. 45-p • All BLOUSES • All SKIRTS , • All Flannelette PYJAMAS and GOWNS • All Snuggledown PYJAMAS. & GOWNS • AO ORLON SWEATERS esi:0°°I'''It.liiiltl.. ''4.:,•,:;:ae.:. it 1 /.\\0000•00...,,,.< . .:,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,.... •••••:,....,5,..:,,,,,4. 4.• i '',. .:i.HP,4.'-; ...'4 •!..,.:;;::,,.4...:?0>::: •„:4,50. .• . ,:::.• •.:1:•*„ * ,,,.• / :.00:- ,. ,.deottoiro/ :•;„.„..,..„,, ••:/,ii?: ''.,.:;:..„:":::,,.. a ` Jervis, Warren Gibbings, A. CO,x and R. Merrill; honorary eklera, C. Potter, James Livermore, B. Gibbings and J. Betkin, Parsonage committee, W. Mil- ler, E. A. Fines, R, Jervis, D. Kay, B. Olde, M. Batkin, L. Brown, C, Doucette, presidents of the Woman's Association and the Hearthside Club, Property committee, George Lavis, Harry Ball, R. Jervis, A. 3. McMurray, 3, Mair, C. COX, W. B. Olde, Roy Tyndall, H. C, Lawson, R. Trewartha. Choir and Organ Committee, B, J. Gibbings, 3. Lavis, D. Sy- mons, M. Crich, W. Aiken, E. Merrill, W. Welsh, F, Lobb, Mrs. 3, McKnight, Mrs. D. Kay. Trustees, 13. 3.• Gibbings, K Lawson, W. J. Miller, Bert Gib- bings, Roy Tyndall, Charles El- liott, A. J. McMurray, 0, Potter, Ushers, Roy Wheeler, chairman and direetor, f . • Missionary and Maintenance: F. Powell, Miss 5, Courtice, Mrs. F. Townsend, George Shipley, Bert Gibbings, Mrs. 33, Olde, C. Stew- art, D. A. Kay, M. Wiltse, Sr Schoenhals, R. Trewartha (see- retary-treesurer), Gladys Hab. kirk, C. Eiliott, H. Johnston, Ro- bert Elliott. (chairman to be ap- pointed by committee.) Christian education: The Rev Grant Mills, F. Powell, C. Stew- art, John Layis, S. Schoenhals, C. Proctor; Sunday School Superin- tendent, Robert Elliott; week gr- oup leaders, junior congregation leaders, representatives from the WA, WMS, Hearthside Club and Men's Club. Representative' to the Huron Presbytery Men's Council, Har- vey Johnston. TUCKERSMITH LADIES TO MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will meet at . the home of Mrs Howard Johns, at 2 p.m., on Tues- day, February 10. Roll call will be answered by a Valentine verse Of St. Andrew's Kirk Followed by Congregation& Meeting Charter Members of iThe turn lephoerltde dtean srpelgeunidaird year, meet- church • work. The M and M report was given by E. 3. Jenkins, chairman of the committee. Wesley-Willis increas- ed its givings by 20 percent. This suggests a growing interest in the broader work of the church. Four men were named to the Board of Stewards, Douglas Bart- tiff, Gordon Grigg, Douglas And-, rews and Tom Steep, Judge Fingland spoke on behalf of the officials and other members present. He thanked the preacher for his unselfish devotion to duty, and led the congregation as it unanimously pledged support and loyalty during 1959. ing with an average attendance of 28, Thanks to a bequest to this organization they were able With 35-Year Pins to liquidate the debt on the man- se. The W.M.S. held 8 regular monthly meetings, They exceeded Two members of the Huron their financial allotment of $90. Lodge No. 377 of the Ladies Or- George Beattie, Cree Cook, Geo- ange Benevolent Association were honoured recently by their lodge, rge Jefferson, William Jervis, all 'Both Mrs. Wes Shobbroock and members of the Quarterly Official Mrs. William McClinchey are ch- Board, expressed on behalf of the arter members, and have been congregation their appreciation of with the lodge since it organized the faithful work of all those res- ort May 27, 1921. • ponsible for the success of the They are now proudly wearing their 35 year pins. At the regular meeting Tuesday evening, the ladies planned for a bake sale on February 14. They will dispense with the apronatable, and will have booths for baking, farm produce and candy. A draw will be made on a cake. A small purse• of money was sent to Miss Clara Harrison' in- stead of a sunshine box, during her recent illness. The lodge plans to purchase more knives and dish- es for serving lunch. A card party in Ontario. • Church Direttory . , Clinton District Collegiate Inst. came at a joint meeting in the Decision to send the delegation . . tute here Monday night, when the i councils of the municipalities in- CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH volved in the District met to gain 1• Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN. B.Th- , information about the proposed 11.00 ania-a-"These People Called Baptist" . a addition to the collegiate. 12.00 a.m -Sunday School Irvin Tebbatt, chairman of the . Thursday, 7,30 p.m.—Young People's 'and and Prayer Meeting. CDCI Board, presided at the meet- ing, and presented the facts lead- A Cordial Welcome to All , ing up to the decision to plan for an addition. The enrolment at — present is 475, in a school built Maple Street BAYFIELD BAPTIST to 'accommodate 430. GOSPEL HALL . CHURCH The original school was built in CLINTON I. BODENHAM, Pastor, 1926 for $86,000, and was design- ed to serve 180 students. The ad- Sunday, February 1 Sunday,Y 7. dition opened in 1955 cost $180,000. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School Possible cost of the addition now 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 pan.--Gospel Service. Guest speaker, Mr. Carl Rickber, Waterloo, Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study ALL WELCOME TO OUR SERVICE ONTARIO STREET` UNITED CHURCH 1 "tti-to PnttilIDLY Cal.IRCH" 8,30 rinillivri:lue,'4 ti-tUR01-1 1 3.00 0,tyl.- ' day 8611001 2.00 p.tn,—rWership, Service _ PaSitV., *—RE8r, 6113+7N MILS, )3,A. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.30 p.m, Service in Chapel Many Other Sale Items Are Set Out! First Hate w F' s+ Served Sales Final a aches' \Wear TO CLEAR Reg. 69t yd. BRASSIERES Patterns and Stripes Long Line and Short Line PYJAMA FLANNELETTE 49c yd. - CLEAR Values to "." 98c ea. The congregational - meeting of Ontario Street 'United Church was held in the auditorium last Wed- nesday, January 21, with the Rev, Grant Mille acting chairman. The program included 'numbers from the church orchestra which was conducted by Miss Doris John- ston, A piano duet was played by Mrs. E, Radford and Miss Elva Wiltse; a singsong was led by Mrs. Willis VenEgmond. Miss L. Grasby aceompanied a duet sung by John Lavis and Mrs. 3. W. VanEgmond, Following the election a pot- luck lunch was served. Officers elected for 1959 are as follows: stewards, retiring in 1959, Dr. F. Thompson, H. D, Ball, W. Welsh, M. Crich, la, Ball, A. Aik- en, X. Pickett, Harold Swan, Per- cy Gibbings; retiring in 1960, Arthur M. Knight, Adam 1 Mc- Murray, Roy Wheeler, Harold Squires, Willis VanEgmond, Keith Tyndall, 'Orval Stanley, Robert Elliott, Frank Powell, F. Lobb, .and J. McKnight; retiring in 1961, Clark Ball, Louis G. Dutot, James Mair, Jack Merrill, Kenneth Tyn- dall, William Gibbings, Bert Gar- rett, Cale Doucette and, Albert Gray. Session, retiring end of Decem- ber, 1959, Brock Olde, Ross Tre- wartha, G. Shipley, Charles El- liott, Reg. Bali, Mervyn Batkin, Harvey Johnston; retiring 1n 1960, R. Tyndall, Bert Gibbings, George Lavis, William 3. Miller, W. J., Plumsteel, F. Townsend, • D. A. Kay; retiring 1961, Willard Aik- en, Milton Wiltse, Stewart, R. The annual meeting of Wesley- Judge F. Finland reported for Willis 'United Church Clinton was a committee appointed to con- held Tuesday, January 27, in •the older the matter of increasing feral of a turkey -dinner. More the number of Elders. He rec- than 100 were in attendance, =Mended that two women mern- Aftde the meal a short sing- hers be appointed in the Persona song was conducted by •William. of Mrs, F, Andrews and Mrs, N. Jervis, Rev, 3. A. McKim made Holland, This innovatiorriwas un- touching reference to those who animously approved by the meet-. had passed on since the last me- ing, eting. William Hearn was ap- The Church -treasurer, R, pointed secretary. Irwin, gave the financial state- The Session report was given meat for 1958 an& the budget by N. Trewartha. Fifteen, reg- for the corning year, These gave tiler meetings had been called by evidence of a very satisfactory the pastor during the year, There year just past and . much prom- was, a gain of 20 families and the ise for the future. present n)embership is 432- The following organizations of G, McGee, representing the the church gave reports: the Sun- Session, spoke briefly in tribute to Mr. Trewartha, retiring, clerk day School, the Junior Orchestra, the Junior Choir, the Y,P.,U, the of Session, He pointed out that Mothers' Study Club and Baby for 34 years he has been a most. Band, the Mission Band, the efficient clerk. On behalf of the Daily Vacation Bible School, ,the Elders he presented a gift. Mr. Trewartha responded briefly. Good Will Club, the Men's Club and the Couples Club, 'Both the W,A. and the W.M.S, Thomas 4. M.01‘lichatti .......... Thomas Joseph McMichael, .son of the late Thomas IVIeMicheel - and the former Lucy Fisher; died Wednesday. January 21, at his home, Wilson Street, Goderich.. He died suddenly of a heart attack after shoveling snow. He was in his 77th year, Mr. McMichael was born en Concession 2, Hullett township and lived in Auburn for a time, before moving to Goderich three. years ago. He was a member of the Free Methodist Church, Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Margaret Evelyn Scott; one son, Robert T, McMichael, Walton; two daughters, Miss Evelyn, at home, and Mrs. W. J, {Marjorie) Dale, Kinburn; three sisters', Mre. Hert Kirby, Walton; Mrs, Milton Wiltse, Clinton; and Mrs. Harry Hartford, London; and seven: gr-andchildren. Service was from the Lodge funeral home, Friday afternoon, January 23, by Rev. James Robb, London. Interment was in Malt, landbank cemetery, Seaforth. LOBA Honoured Royce Macaulay thanked the speaker in behalf of all present in most effective words, which were endorsed by "the whole assembly. Thus another evening of re- membrance of the -"Sweet Singer of Scotland" was observed, as the St. Andrew's people here, enjoyed w on lvionaay evening, Wednesday evening together. February 2. construction of gymnasiums and auditoriums for secondary schools be held vincial governemnt paying grant on $120,000 of this. It is expected that enrolment in two years will be 600, The ad- dition is expected to mean an in- crease of 2.4 mills, figured on the basis of the 1958 assessment. A breakdown of the percettage share paid by each municipality is as follows. (The figuresin brac- kets refers to the percentage of pupils attending from that muni- cipality) : Clinton 21,61 (26,74); Blyth 5.72 (8.21); Stanley 30,10 (20.42); Hullett 17.87 (13.05); Goderich 14.93 (13.27); Tucker- smith 5,74 (6.74): East Wawanosh 2.74 (0.21); Morris 1.29 (1.89). As Mr. Tebbutt explained the situation, the addition would con- sim of five regular classroom's, a second home economics room; a second shop room, a labpratory and a gymtoriurn. This latter room would be a double gymnasium with folding doors in the middle so that it could be used as two gym class- rooms, or be opened up into a large auditorium as required. If plans go forward, the present Met At Home of Mrs. W. Shaddock Mrs. George Roberton, first vice- president hied charge of St. And- rew's Wonlen's Missionary Soc- iety at the home of Mrs. Withal's Shaddock, on Tuesday. Mrs. Shaddock read the lesson from Deuteronomy, chapter 31 and Mrs. John Snider led in pray- er. Minutes were read by the secretary Mrs. Robert Scott and roll call was answered by the payment of fees for 1959. Mrs. J. K. Makins, treasurer, gave the year's financial statement show- ing a substantial increase over last year. Mrs, D. J. Lane introduced the study book "Missions Are Chang ing" and afterwards speaking o the work of Mrs, F. C. Knox I in the Bhil Fields, India. A Bibl quiz on musical instruments o the Bible was conducted by Mrs Robert Scott and sent in by former member. Mrs. J. K. Mak iris assisted the hostess in servile refreshments. Joint Meeting Considers CDC! Addition, Plan For Delegation To Government 1 planned is $328 000 with the pro- St. Andrew s WMS "Not Wanted on the Voyage" 7.30 p.m.—Evening' Service "I am the Bread of Life" Wed., 8 pan.—Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services, Warden William 3. Jewitt, reeve auditorium: would be converted in- of Hullett Township, has accepted to locker space, and a typing room. the task ot organizing a delegation The present gymnasium could be to interview Dr. Dunlop, used as a lunch room, and as in Toronto. Dr. Dunlop, who is money was available could be made the minister of educatidn will be into a cafeteria. asked, to authorize grants for the Each of the municipalities spoke to the problem. The townships of Goderich, East Wawanosh and Morris have each agreed to the addition. The others were agreed that the addition was needed, but they hoped for more grant support from the provincial department. They felt that if extra subjects were required, then grants should be available on them the same as for conventional classrooms. Warden Jewitt will invite repre- sentation from other school dist- ricts to . accompany the Huron group to Toronto. Present to provide information to the assembly of 50 men, were H. C. Lawson, secretary-treasurer of the board and Dr. J. A. Addis- on, chairman of the property com- mittee of the board. —