Clinton News-Record, 1959-01-08, Page 6BRUCEFIELD Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-. Per will be administered in, the. Brucefield United Church next' Sunday. Prayer -service will be held on Wednesday evening and Friday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs, :Douglas MoBeth, Windsor, • spent New Year's with his parents, Mr. bud Mrs. W. Me- Mr, and Mrs,.. Stewart Knox, Sarnia, spent a few days last week with relatives, in the village. — Brucefield' Firemen' answered- a call to the home of Ed Layton on Sunday afternoon. Fortunately it was a chimney and it Was soon extingUished. Firemen had some difficulty with the snow, due to bad , visibility. • Miss, Alice Caldwell, 134\1., LOA- don, spent the weekend at the home of her' parents, Mr. and. 14rs. William Caldwell. MIDDLETON Vestry Meeting The annual Vestry meeting of St. James' Church, will be held Friday evening, January 16 at the home of Mrs. Edward Wise, at eight o'clock. All members and adherents are invited to attend. WA to Meet The Woman's Association of St. James' Church, Middleton, will meet Wednesday afternoon, Jan- uary 14 at the home of Mrs. Arn- old Miller. The rector, the Rev, E. J. B. Harrison, will conduct the service of installation - of of- ficers for 1959: The roll call will be answered by paying member- ship fees. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and David spent New Year's Day .with Mr. and Mrs. R. B., Camp- bell, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wise enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wise, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wise end 'family on New Year's Day. Stuart Shearer and , James Wettlaufer, Bright, spent' Satur- day with their friend David Mid- dle-ten. recitations given by the smallest children. A very important part of the program was the, 'distributing of Bibles, Player' Books and Hymn- als, to the children whose attend- ance through the year 1958, was called "excellent attendance". They were Sylvia ,Fitzsimons, Roberta McLeod, Freda McLeod, `Jim Heard, Joe Heard, Jacquel- ine Weston, Terry Fitzsimons, Wayne Heard, Teddy Heard, Kar- en Fitzsimons and Nancy Heard. Santa Claus distributed candy and oranges, and the teachers presented the gifts' to ,the child- ren. The ladies of the Trinity Ch- urch Guild, who always contrib- ute the candy,_and oranges; served refreshments to all, and the de- lightful evening ended. GENUINE., HY - LINE CHICKS '• - Hy-Line Layers eat ,less than heavy breeds and at the same time '-' lay more eggs, They cost less to It, .•••• ,. raise and eat less feed during the N,'.I,Pr ..' when the chips are down, try ft....,.% laying period. For real economy i 4 r., r's HY-LINE the efficient chicken, -,- h. * Order yours today at H. F. WETTLAUFER CLINTON Phone HU 2-9792 .1111. -Ana ..;11111,....., .6. .111... •41114. _•/•.• 41, ' 1. • • HY-LINE Chicks ordered eight weeks prior to hatch date will give. you a two cent (.02c) sav- ing. There is also a quantity dis- count which can be supplied- to orders of 500 or more. "AMERICA'S LARGEST SELLING LAYERS" HOUSEHOLD .FINANO M. L J.nkku, Managoost 35A VissiOnto • GODERICH. January. Clearance:. SALE OF FOLLOWING. APPLIANCES, 2 Only—Apartment Size ELECTRIC STOVES Suter Price $149.00 1 only—ADMIRAL 12 cu. ft.-REFRIGERATOR Sale Price $T39.00 with trade 1 only---RCA: WHIRLPOOL UPRIGHT FREEZER 12 cu, ft. Reg. $349.00 On Sale $289.00 1 onlyWESTINGHOUSE REFRiGERATOR 8 cu. ft,, Reg. $279.00 Sale Price $229.00. 2 only-9 cu. ft. ADMIRAL REFRIGERATORS Reg. '$279.00 Sale $219.00 3 FLOOR POLISHERS only 2 year guarantee Sale $39.50 1 only—RCA WHIRLPOOL WRINGER WASHER with pump $129.00 with -trade 01, • 410- T A. DUTTON Appliances : "The Extra Mile is Worth Your While" BRUCEFIELO HU 2-3232 HOG FEEDERS am' - NOW MORE THAN EVER YOU MUST HAVE THE BEST POSSIBLE RETURN FOR YOUR FEED DOLLAR • Hog up — Hog prices down and now feed efficiency is more important than eer, You must mtlice sure you are getting every last centof value from your feeding dollar. Do YOU know what to look for when buying the BEST in Hog Feeds? Check these essentials to profitable 'Hog Feeding — HOG I9EEDS' giving the most gain for your feed doll& HOG FEEDS`fully /fortified to provide safeguards for good health HOG FEEDS which build the correct proportions of lean meat and fat. HOG FEEDS MADE FROM SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATES IF IT'S PROFIT YOU WANT MAKE IT WITH SHUR-GAIN HOG FEEDS MANUFACTURED DAILY BY US FOR PERFECT FRESHNESS, 11' NEWS-WORD AGE rcYgi, 0 I THURSDAY, iTANWAY .0, 1.959 , News of Bayfield By MISS LITOT It, WOODS PHONE: HAYFIELD 45 r 3 Mr. and Mrs, Russell Kerr, sp- at New Year's with friends in etrolia, Mr. and Mts. Charles Toms aietly celebrated their 410th 'wed- Ong anniversary on New Year's 'ay, Mrs. Chris Parker spent the olidays with her daughter and amily, Mr, and Mrs, N, Scott, the village. Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, r„ and son • Charlie; London; sp- nt • New Year's with, Mr, and Irs. John.Fraser, - Miss Helen Bayfield, al- o spent her Christmas holidays n a trip to Florida and returned ome on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester, pent New Year's with Mrs. For-' ;..ater's parents, Mr. Wand Mrs. ydney McClinchey, Auburn. Francis Anderson; young gr- tudson of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stur- geon, spent his Christmas holi- lays with them in the village. Master Durand Beevers, Gode- ich, was a guest of his uncle and tunt, Mr. and Mrs: Roy Fitzsim- ins for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Poth re- awned from a motor trip to Flor- da on Sunday. Their son Ronald, oined them at Hamilton for' the rip. • • Mr, and, Mrs.' James, S, Smith,' with Bobby and Murray, Brussels,.' were dinner guests New Year's! Day with -Mr. and .Mrs. Roy 'Fitz- simons and family. Guests with Mrs. W. J. McLeod! and family over New Year's, were Mr, and Mrs. Jack Murray, Owen Sourid, and . Mrs. Murray. and Donna, Toronto. The. Rev. E. J. B. Harrison rep -turned bome on Saturday,' having spent New Year's with his broth- er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Char-, les'Harrison, in Sarnia. Mr. and ' Mrs. Robert, 'Parker and daughter Pamela, spent the' holiday with Mr. and Mrs. William,. Parket and. Mrs. Parker returned , to London with them for several days visit. Ed. Siddal brought. in 14 tons of perch. on New Year's Day, us- ing his two boats out of 'Gode-c rich Harbor in spite of the ice, It was quite a load at this season" of the year. Mr. and Mrs; William Elliott. returned on Saturday from a visit to Kitchener and' Stratford; hav- ing gone there with their son John and family, after their visit here at Christinastide. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flowers spent New Year's in Thanaesford with their and will visitthere for a time, leaving their store in charge of Mr. and Mrs, B, Math- ews, VIQ will occupy their apart- ment.. Miss Dorothy Metcalf who sp- ent. the holidays in Bayfield re- turned to her home in Detroit on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Maynard -Carrie and David, spent New Year's Day as guests at the home of "Mr, and Mrs. J, D, Corrie, at Stratford, Martha Corrie, who spent the week with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs, Gray, and *grand- mother, Mrs. H, Lawson in Lon- don, returned home on Sunday;. Mr. and Mrs, Torn Arkell, Jo- anne and Kenny, Bay City, Mich,, Mr. and: Mrs. Donald Sager, Clare and Mickey, Goderich, were' holi- day guests of their 'parents,, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Arkell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, with Gayle and Philip joined their family for a holiday dinner_ party while they were here, "" Trinity Club The Trinity Club held , their an- nual election of officers at a meet- ing Tuesday at the home of Mrs, R. H. F. Gairdner. Sixteen memb- ers attended and Mrs. Leroy Poth Presided. Scripture was by Mrs. R. Roddiek;• prayer by Mrs. Gaird- ner and the general theme was "The New Year". Read was a sp- ecial letter of thanks from the secretary of the Chancel' Guild for the Trinity Club's recent gift of 400 "toward vestments for Tri- nity Church Choir. Plans for the year were discussed and Satur- day, July 4 chosen as date for the annual bake sale. Officers elected were: honour- ary president. Mrs. Gairdner; pre-. sident, Mrs. Poth; secretary, Mrs. Alf. Scotchrher, Jr.; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Arkell; birthday box convener, Miss Berthena. Sturg- eon; telephone convener, Mrs. Spencer Irvine; pianist, Mrs. R. Roddick. After the meeting a 'social hour was held and refreshments serv- ed. The February meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. J, Cobb. Trinity Party The annual Christmas party for the children of Trinity Church Sunday School was held, in the parish hall, on the. evening of De- cember 29. A Christmas Tree, re- splendent with lights, and gifts• for. each member under it, adorn- ed the platform. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison wel- comed' the parents and visitors, who were present, opened the program with prayer, and the singing of Christmas Carols. Each department of the school- had been asked to furnish a number. The primary department, with Mrs, R, H. F. Gairdner reading verses• describing the many kinds of Christmas cards were demon- strated by the children. There were the grandparents favorite cards, depicting "pictures", with Mark and Glen Carswell dressed warmly with their sled. A large candy cane, a.• bird cage, Santa Claus face, a string of sleigh bells, even a monkey were illustrated by the children, until the last and nicest sort of Christmas card, told of Jesus' birth. It was a tab- leau of the Nativity Group, rev- erently portrayed by Monica Gem- einhardt, as Mary; Lorne Merrier, as Joseph; Daniel Johnston, Gect- rge -Tilden& and CalVin: Scotek, mer, as the three shepherds; An- gels, Karen Fitzsimons and Ka- thy Weston, who sang, "Away in , a Manger". The intermediate class taught by Mrs. Carswell, and -the older children taught. by Mrs. R. Lar- son, sang solos and carols. The rector then called for an improm- ptu program, and many were the Mrs. W Stacichousa is pon4-i4x some time with...her son a.ntl. d aughter-in-law, Wilton .Grove,. .and her ;0.4,4141aw and daughter, London, • Congratulations to. Mrs, James- Berry, • who recently celebrated . her 90th birthday, Guests with Mr, and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin over the holiday period , included Mr.. and Mrs; Arthur' Dinnin and family, Montreal; Mrs. Ted Munn and family, Kitchener; Mr., and Mrs. Robert Barr and family, Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. John Snelling, ponald and Thelma, Port Col. 'born and Nancy Mustard, Varna, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs; ..Charles- t. • Enjoy totally new driving confidence this winter with Mechanical Interlocking Tread of the new silent traction Snow and Mud Tire Now—for the first time—a new type of tread that gears your car securely' to every type of winter road sur- face. Come in and see it. CLAYT. DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY HU 2-7034 -- Clinton, Ont. Bayfield Agricultural Society ANNUAL MEETING to' be 'held in the Town ,Hall. Bayfield Wednesday, January 14, 1959 at 2:00 p.m. HAROLD PENH-ALE • MRS. A. M. BASSETT President Secretary • 1-b . BORROW FROM THE LARGEST,. MOST RECOMMENUFD , COMPANY OF ITS KIND Backed by over 80 year. experience Wheii a. loan. will help..-large or qintall-borrovir,. 'with con8deuceotlarC, No .hokuhle-eecuriv or.-eudorsere required. ,. For CHRIST 'RI COUNTY. YOUTH !resents a SPECIAL Mci*re4helley. .Team 1111111111111•1111111111111111111Mline. . • , .37,, //:// / / / 'i5:.•II11 11 - G A IN / • A,„.&.,,, ..4i'i,••••sair .4 k ... ‘,.. 4...i'..... ,....!......• ,,,o.:-.,..:. .....,.$,.. \":: . .....4w;i...:> 9, . l..,..,,..,,;4,..,!:.4,.::...i.,..:....,;,......,:.:4„.„.„.....,....,,...,..,.....!..k,,,...:„....:,::::4,,..,,,,,,,..4,:,...,:i....4..:.:::!.:...:.:...*;,,.......„... ....t,.....!...:........%:,.....,,,,...i......„ ,,,,, , ','. •,;,..,!..„...,,,,,:.,;;;;...,,,!.):::;,...::::........1.7....,..:,..721...„:„.:::..s..., ..‘.,,,,,,,.„..., ,.....::"..e.:..i,:::•,..),,H--'1............4x.....)...1.,..t.Y.il:.............;', ?..,...k..4.;•,,,.:.•;',..!...,,,...., ,‘.....,....'•.'..,:,...... .,'"..%.5:**.:;.:' ;.,:'''.'ie:...:1:;*;,...!':,:..?.,..i*:;• 't, "•,,,s.......:f......,;,%:,.. • FEE 05 `41*. /44 • E. Barry, Moore, MA DYNAMIC SPEAKER, MUSIC- IAN MISSIONARY, FormetDir- ector of Youth For Christ THRILLING COLOUR FILM AND • SLIDES OF FRANCE CAUGHT BY HIS CANDID CAMERA THIS IS THE CENTENNIAL • YEAR OF "LOURDES" FRANCE SEE IT ON THE SCREEN • Clarence and Pearl. Shelley MISSIONARIES TO' FRANCE SINGERS AND ARTISTS OF ,111 HARMONY ON THE ORGAN PIANO, CORONET & VIBRA- HAR PIANO, CORONET AND VIBAHARP. SATURDAIG)AKIART,10 --- 8 p.m. Clinton - Legion' Hall Everyone Welcome Free Admission Canada Packers Limited Phone HU2.3815 • Clinton