Clinton News-Record, 1958-10-30, Page 6AGE SIX C'I4t TON NEWS -RECO U THTJRSDA"x',, QQOTOBER 30, 195 News of Bayfield By MISS LUQY R. WOODS PHONE: BAYFIELD 45 r 3 The Rev, and Mast F. H. Paull, LiStoiv✓eill were the guests of Miss utcy, R. Woods oven., Wednesday. Mme. J. W. Jowett moved into he hams seen mon Street for +G'ODERI�CH PAVILION. EVERY WEDNESDAY at 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club for Welfare Admission: $1.00 $HARE -THE -WEALTH PRIZES OVER $300 tfla eemeeeeee the winter season. on Thursday. 1Vliiss! Ruth B. Hartle -an left last week icor Logldon ern route to visit in • Terento band New York, Mr. and Mas. Gorden Heard and baby visited realatiee's uin, the vel age on Suunda ?, Mrs. D. Newanarn visaed on 'S+un- day wFth her 'brother Thomas Roan and 'family, TeeeWatem, Mr, arid' Mrs'. Cleave Riehaa1ds, Stratford, spent the weekend with M. land Mrs. L. el, D MacLeod, Donald Mattive'ws, London, was With hills wiife and do/lighter at the Albion Hostel over the weekend. , A. memorial uta Miss, L, C, Mor- ley well be dedicated at Trinlity Church on Sunday at riternu'ng ser- vice. Har'ry Hak'er as' 'o ocupyring his c!atbalg>e, "Wiheeil"In" at night this week while working in the dist- rict. Mr, and Mrs. Saner Lawraston, Liinsltowei, 'visited his mother, Mrs. Isabella Lawrason from "Thursday uta Senldiary. Mr. and Mos. S. H. Fant re- turned! to !their home at Byron on Siatwrday after 'haMg c ased rtheitr' eottalge for the season. Mr.'and Mrs. Lloyd Scoit hmvnr VouiI see more... ,�enJo9 more... pay far less than yotrthink! Don't fight the traffic, the weather, and the annoyance of\catcelled plans. Settle back and relax in carefree comfori as you view this wide land's many wonders -- through the sweep of wide picture windows in your ',modern CNR Railcoach. Arrive fresh aqd, rested as never before,.. rent a car at destination for sightseeing if you wish. Sample Return Fares Clinton -Regina $86.60 Clinton -Toronto 8.20 7.8.56 end Howard spent Saturday nm Londoto with Mtn, J, Fouinder and ifatnikl'y. Mr, end Mrs. R. Roy sifm+oun!s�, SIylvaa, Terry, Karen and. Kelso visited Miss Hazel Wocks, Tees- water, ees water , .on' Sunday, , ioseph. Gingeztiel Bad Axe", .Much., visited htis butottier-fln-lliw, Peel eed MYLrs, over the weekelad. ns, Albert Leitch, Ingersoll!,. her h, n!visaingat ..ter wt has been Wg Elni �G(adericlh, spent -the weekend .with her Sigler, Mrs', Walter West- lake. M. J. B. I1 ikggi ne attended the sernnl-annual meeting of the Wo- men's Aruediiliar"y of the Diocese of Huron h'el'd dui Kincardlilne on Octobelr 24 The Rt. R. William A. Townns:- hemld', D,(P., F;C.I.S., Suffragan Bishop of Huron and Mrs, Towans- herd, London, were at .their cot- tage from iiwa r to Sunday, Congratulations go to Mr, • and Mee. R. Jenkins, London, who are the proud parents of a baby bob' born in Victoria. Hospital on O'ct- o'ber 2$. . James Con -rand, Scout Meister of Na, r Samniat Trroolp, visited the (Rev. E. J, B. Harrison on eater - day en mute home from a two-day Sopwt expedition. Mr. and Mrs. Eirefesrt Relhn; 'Grasse Poiinnte Faarmts, Mich„ entre with her mother, Mrs. David De- war, at itheht'borne on Catherine Street from Friday to Sunday. 1Georige Estill, who has been sail- ing on the S'S "Wdmdloc" as tthihrd enigiayeer (carnet Mane on Fritdfay eventing and is with his tjoarents, Mr, nand Mrs. Charles 'Belli, ,Charnels :Scotchmer and tahnift" have reeved frown the Bee Water IHiehway into their rnew theme, which, they built on Main Street Faust. Mr. and Nims. John Lindsay etc- eempartheld Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner and Bratdlely, and Fired. Turner+, to Windsor on Sunday where they visited Mr. and Mrs, Wel Turner. At their respective homes an th'e village for the weekend were: 'Glenn Sturgeon, Ethel Blair, Joyce Beal', Beverly Heard, Helen; Me - treed and M'argar'et Kendall all of London. Mr. and- Mrs H. 'MeL'aren and Chiristine, Port Elgin, were with Mews A. M. and E. J. Stirling +ov'er-Thursday night en route to 'spend a week.- :at the home of theta. alder daughter in London. Bobby Clulff returned to, Loud- on on Sunday atter having. been home' Tor - a week. Jacqueline .Cuff, London and Vicki. Clutflf, LantdeSboro, were naso with their egiermomier Because Modern Cars Are More Complex... . THEY NEED EXPERT CARE regularly! That's why you should always drive' in here ... and enjoy complete, thorough service. Don's BEA Service Volkswagen Sales Clinton HU 2-9088 ANNOUNCING Wells Auto Electric As the New McCULLOCH Chain Saw Dealer NePPM= y0,bestb'. MA$ 11-30 with meaksarq LOBRI-MAC Only McCulloch, manufacturers of The world's finest chain saws, could make such an outstanding saw at such a low price; -and then give you greater value . by equipping it with LUBRI-MAC, the revolutionary new system that oils the chain directly from the fuel mixture! Complete with Automatic Clutch, Rewind Starter, Diaphram Carburetor and other famous McCulloch features, Come in, see and try the sensational MAC D-30 and the D-36 at ANOTHER STANDOUT! The McCULLOCH D-36 (v i!fl LUeRI•MAO! 4.5 hClahe heavy-duty esdutyMculcextra . Built for rugged professional cutting A bargain at $1949 * with 12" Blade and Chitin WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC OLIN I V N V I ■ . PHONE HU it .3851 , tanether over the weekend. Mrs. Victor Va'nstonre, Torontle, ea'iletd on friends in the vdllbge on Wednesday With her ituslband she! vl Bled her 'brother 1Vliiltan Pollockk and farnipy, Goshen Line, Stanley Township, from Monday uta Thursday, The Rev. and Mrs, E, O. Lan-, easter, An S.aiuuts Church, Wood - stook, a!oposr pane ed by Sildhney Bowyer, organist, oa>ll'ec on the ;Rev. E. J, B, Harrison art the .rectory nn Wednesday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Arkell, Jo Awe and !enny, Bay City, and .their guests, Mr, land Mies .William Wb te, Jennifer and Norman, Levy- ington, Ky'., spent the weekend with the lfermer's• parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P, Arkel1, !Vers. r Jack McDougall and Miss 'Enema Thom!pson Toronto, were the guests of their outran,. Mlrs Thomas Westlake, Blue! Water Highwav, Stanley Towanahip, over the weekend, and also visited their sister, Ness Elsie Thompson, Say-. �seLd. Tine Rev, and Mrs, C. E. Pea- cock left on Tuesday :for Port Arthtuir ,ta satttencl the •weddiilnig, of their son Thornaist Harold Peacock, to Miss Patricia Anne Brown nn St. Stephen's An'gliean 'Marrah, Port Arthur, on November 1. They were accompanied from Tlotnonto by theie +danugi it er ; Mrs. Laing. Mr. and Mels. H. H. Ormond ,rte - !burned to their home in the village en llnilday-after an albistemlce of 10 days, They visited their daughter, MTs. Byron Johnson and family, Ashtabula, Ohio!, and Mrs. Or- mond cI remained there 'while her husband, accompanied! by his, bro- ther, !Roger Ormond, Grove City, • 'viisitteld cousins in western Pennsylivania. Mr, and Mrs, Or- mond aDso spent a shoat time in Detroit, Buried Here • Mrs.. Rot Douglas, forimeraty Miss Selena Durand of the Town Line between. Stanley and Haty, was- buried in Hayfield Cemetery on Monday afternoon, Aged 73, she died at her home in Port Delver on Friday afternoon where they located after returning Dram ;the Canadian iian West. She is surviv- .edby her huslbagnd. Card Pasty A very successful card ,partly was held in Trinity -Church Parish Hall orn Friday •evening under.the auspices Of Trinity Guild.. when • tables were cin play. Winners at euchre wereMrs.- Nltiulton Pol- lock and Gordon G. S'cot'chnner, high; Mrs. J. M: Siewert and 1VIsi1� `bony Pollock, low; :bridge: 1Vlns. J. E :Howard and James A. Canner - on, The, committee in charge was Mrs. Pearcy Weston, Mrs, Fred Weston and Mr's. A. M. Bassett. Agricultural Society The meeting of the Bayfield Agricultural Dti!reetbrs, held in the Town Hall on Monday evening under the ehaiirmamslhiip of the president, Harold Penhale, was Weil -attended. The secretanly, Mrs.. A. M.. Bassett -presented the prize list which, in all!, will amount to nteariliy $1,200. Rasseal: Grainger, treasu.rer,• estimated that the soc- iety will bane' to eprn,forutable bal- ance when ail +bill 'aret•palndi. Dele- gates appoirited to attitend the distt- r<tilet meeting. of. '.Vito Aigaticullturial Societies tin Bruss'el's' on Wedhnes- day, Octolbe(r 29, were: Mr. and Mrs., Harold Petnhale, Mr. and Mm: Forest McClure and Mrs. E. Greig. Guides and Brownies Guides Sylvia Fitzsimons, Cathy Wait]d's, Margaret Wallis and Janet Reder of the First Bayfield Comp- any attended a Patrol. Leaders training course in Exeter on Sat- urday. The Ladies Association, of Guid- es and En -ovaries met at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Castle on October 21. Mrs. A. M. Bassett, the new chairman, presided, and Mrs. Alf S!cotdhnrer, Jr., took "up her duty as secretary (officers who, retired at the previous.meeting were: Mrs.' J. Lindsay, president, and Mrs. A. M. Bassett, secretary). Mrs( Merton 1VLeruner, treasurer, gave the. £inan'cial s'tatehnent. Ih was deeldddl to bold a' card party oral November 30. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. A. Cameron, (December 3. Mrs. 'Reg. Fxiannces was hostess. WIN A $7000 CAR OR A '7000 MiNK COAT IN FiNA'S 5" ANNIVERSARY FINER SERVICE CONTEST One Draw Each Month Entry Forms Available at Frey's Fina Service Station Clinton HU 2-9022 THE Iil1ENDLIEST SERVICE IN TOWN Huron Presbytery WA Meets at Bayfield, Over lQQ Ladies At Important Event (By our Bayfield Coerespondent) The Revr, C. E. Peaeoek 'extend= ed •a welcome to those attending the sixth semi-eerna.s 'i (meeting of the Heroin Presbytery Woman's Asso'platdon meeting in St. And yew's 'United tChurph on Thursday, 0eteber 23. The theme was "For none of us ilveth unto himself". Mrs, A. M Talggart, Brussels, pee - sided. The Morning worship period was bailee by the Hayfield group.Mrs. Lindsary iSrngth`, president expres- sed {pleasure at the large attend- ance. Mrs, H, Rohner read the Scripture lesson and Miss A. M. Stirling offered prayer. Mrs. Don Kingsbury rendered a vocal solo, 'Dear 'tta the heart of the Shep- herd", with Mrs. C. E. Peacock at the organ In the business sessulan, Mrs. R. E. 'Pboley, secretary, read the mlinutes and Mrs. M, Bean, Aub- urn, gave the treasurer's, report'. Mnis. C. Higgins Bilytln', read a paper on visitattion'. A skit entitled "The• Program Committee", depalc!ted tthe functions df the Woman's Association. Mrs. H. Toldnay, Godenncnv, discussed a press report, Mrs. S. Argyle!, God'erich, was in charge of the lilt- erature exhibit. Lunnlc'h was provided by the Wdtl- llin(g Workers tier the 101 persons who registered. The afternoon devotions • were taken by the Varna ladies, and were in the -charge of Mrs. Lee MaConneil assisted by Mrs. Gord- on Hill and Mrs. Wilfred Center. 1Viusti al! numbers were !given by 1Vftrs, CCllare McBride, Zumitch, on the cornet, accompanied by Mrs', Keys at the organ. The Rev. E, McLagan, Blyth, GODERICH TWP. The Women's Auxxdl'iary of St. James! Church, T/itddaeton, will meet Wednesday afternoon:, Nov- ember 5, at the home of Mr's. Ed- ward Wise. There wil0. be a qultt rand the mold' can word els "Jay". On Friday, Oct. 31 Come Join The Fun FOR THE BIO HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE ST. JOSEPH (Former St. Joseph Airport) *Prizes for Costumes Best Dressed Lady',.,$5.00 Best Dressed Man $5.00 ' Ladies' Comic $5.00 Men's Comic $5.00 Best Dressed Couple 10.00 Best Comic Couple10.00 * Music by• Desiardife Orchestra Dancing 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Admission: 75c was the guest speaker, He took hfis text from „St. Matthew, Chap- ter 6, "Do .not your alms before nre'n to be Sekan of them." He stressed that we must be doers as well as bearers. Mr. McLagan Closed has ren)aniks with the tryrruat,,. "Jeisus calls us o'er .the tu4`ntu t e' onus, 're's restless sea, saYinr 4:Thra'Wan toflow bene" Mrs. R Seoteuner and Mrs. • ManKenz'ie reek up ,the offer- drag, ;and the deli ation was gwein by Mrs. M: Steve* Gluon. Mrs. F. .Asn:direwis, Minton, ex- tended thanks to ell for hellanng:: with :the program of this very' fins mealy. B.EGoodricb TRACTION TWINS give you happy mileage all year LIFE-SAVER tubeless tires are perfect for all-weather city and suburban driving. RAILMAKER. traction. tires get you going, keep you going, through any snow, slush or mud ' Lt doesn't matter when you drive—or where you, drive=these B.F.Goodrich Traction Twins give you sure? starts every time for safe,._ , . driving all the time. That's ar:G.,d.itt \\\i u Smileage • See us for Smileage SOUTH END CITIES SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRS Phone HU 2-7055 -- Clinton, Ont. LLOYD BUTLER WHITE ROSE SERVICE Phone HU 2-9021 — Clinton, Ont.. HARRY 'WATKINS SUNOCO SERVICE Phone HU 2-6661 -- Clinton, Ont. CANTELON'.S Service Station CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS • Phone HU 2-9032 -- Clinton, Ont. READ IT --- AND REAP! If your granaries are abulgin' And that's a sucker bet, For the crop has been a good one And it's cost you lots of sweat Then, you're lookin' for a market For your oats, your corn and' wheal And you wanna make a dollar ' Cause the kids, they gotta eat Then take•it from a feller Who has been around awhile You can walk it off to market And you'll wear a broader smile. For the best durn way to cash it,. But don't leave 'til too kite, Is to mix it, then to feed it With a SHUR-GAIN Concentrate.. There's your answer and your market For the grain you've got at home For the detailed SHUR-GAIN program You've only got to phone. You needn't ponder longer 'As you view those brimmin' bins Choose your SHUR-GAIN feeding program, BALANCE FEEDING ALWAYS WINS, P.S.s If you're bringin' in your feeders There's shipping fever risk SHUR-GA!N Cattle Booster Sweetened! And They,go on feed right brisk. Canada Packers Limited Phone HU 2-3815 — Clinton