Clinton News-Record, 1958-10-23, Page 9PAM N'IM1
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IX f» to #t>tit. A LEA'
tend the Lambeth Conference- was
a deeply moving experience which
would always remain a treasured
memory. He and Mrs. Townshend
would always be htdebted to -the
-Diocese ,of Huron which made
their going possible. He comment-
ed humorously on the. rough trip
across the ocean.
"The Archbisgbp of Canterbury
is enchanting," reported Bishop
Town-Shand, ."still like- the old
schoolmaster he was, -He is' proud
of his' flowerbeds and his chickens.
He had many guests: at Lambeth
Palace during the conference and
had the visiting bishops spend -a
night at the Palace.
"There were jokes:, played by the
press which were enjoyed. One:
newspaper came out 'with the head-
lines: There was a boat trip yes-
terday-56 bishops en one bout,----
so (holy, why -.didn't it sink?"
"Someone -asked why mire- peop-
le could not have stayed at Lam-
beth Palace, A hotel waiter replied,
"Because they only have 39 art-
icles there".
And yet when, the ogre-at con-
Terence :opened and the 321. Ang-
lican Bishops gathered from all
over the world walked down the
aisles of the cathedral, to be greet-
ed by the Archbishop seated on
the Chair Of Saint Augustine it
was a great thrill. His words, "The-
Gospel -of Christ is our salvation.
From God be our help.," made one
feel his power, his humanness and
his, saint/Mess, too.
Bishop Townshend told of the
many committees which met for
discussion. Everyday, each sat
with different folk for meals, sew,
ed in huge tents on the grounds.
"YOU got to know your brothers
in Christ; got to know your geo-
graphy, and about their problems
and their ways of life," said' Bish-
op Townshend.
One day at holy communion,
Bishop Townshend and Bishop A.
H. O'Neill were the only two white
bishops at the altar rail, with
others from all around the- world,
He described the final service,
with the sermon by presiding
Bishop 'Sherrill of 'the United Sta-
tes, on the meaning of The Good
-Shepherds', and the closing ben-
ediction of -the Archbishop df
,Canterbury, "We -are the disciples
of the One who lived and died
and rose again :from the dead that
He might draw all men unto Him
---,we are the servants of Jesus
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Hundreds of local folk visited the farm of Bruce Turkey, near Hensall on the weekend to
see where the huge United States Weather Balloon crashd early Friday morning, October 17. Above'
is the canister which houses valuable equipment used to record weather data, It was lowered by
crane from a fork in a tree 50 feet above the ground where it had lodged,.
(Zurich Citizens News Photo)
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Bishop Townshend Tells OF
Adventures In England.
(By our Bayfietd Correspondent)
The Rt. Rev. William A. Towns-
head, D,D., F.C,I.S., Suffragan
Bishop of • Huron, gave an inti-
mate view of the experiences he
end. aVIrs Townshend.had during
their trip to England this, sunimer,
where he- attend the Lanibeth Con-
ference. The talk was, given in-
formally irt Trinity Parish Hall: on
September 22, when he showed
pictures of the scenes visited.
The opening hymn was "In
Christ there ,ss no East or West",
with Mrs. E. Chuter at the piano.
This set the keynote of the _con-
ference. The Rev. E. J. B. Hair-
risen Igaive the opening- prayers
and welcome to Bishlop Towns-
The bishop explained that to at-
Impressions of the English left
with Bishop and Mrs. Townsliend
are of a 'hospitable people, eager.
to ,entertain, Of Old London, he
felt that the peepe. were living in
the paSt, They have 'great pride
in past glories. The church - does
not seem to have touched the lives
of the people. The Towns-
bends went to the great church
-of St, Martin's-inathe..meld, There
were: about 16 or 17 present and
two clergymen.
Not far away from this church
was a barbershop, where' for 28
cents one could have- a (haircut..
The barber, was a sort :of John
Falstaff 'character, proud to have.
-a Bishop come into his shop. After
he had finished he washed his
hands and dried them on the -towel'
which he had used for Bishop
Townshend and another barber in
the shop followed suit, "Yiou, are
the first clergyman that ever took
notice Of us poor mortals'," said
the barber.
"God help us," said the Bishop
Townshend, "If Bishops cannot
talk to the common man. That
made an unfavorable impression
on me. I am- glad if we gave an,
appreciation of our church- in Can
"I would not want ito live in Old
London- where four million souls
come in every morning and return
at night to their homes. The traf-
fic is so heavy, a Car can only
move about nine miles in, an hour.
We were :driven Jto a place 40
miles away and' I thought we
would never make It took us
nearly three hours, to go 40 miles,"
-said the speaker. •
Pictures shown included those
taken on tours to. Oxford, Cam-
bridge, Woodstock and St. Leon-
aresaon-Sea, and one of Princess
Margaret leaving the cathedral
after the service marking the in-
augural 'of the Centennial of Brit-
ish Columbia.
Bishop Townshend related! amus-
ing • anecdotes concerning the
speech and dialect and dry hum-
our of the English.
Shorthorn Cattle
will be held
WED., OCT. 29, 1958
at '
14 Bulls, several of which tested
for rate of gain, Government bonus
will be paid on these bulls, Feat-
uring cows with calves at foot,
suitable for 4-H Club work, and
some open and bred heifers.
L. J. WHITE, St. Marys,
Sales Manager
Victoria Street, Clinton
Phon'e HU 2-9088
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