Clinton News-Record, 1958-10-16, Page 8'PAGE =MT
Z Mir. land' Mrs, John MacKenzie
'w ' chilar" "d 'CA To-
rionitiol after haivIingvisit'led his- ipar-
einto, Mr. and, Mrs. J, M nid�
aioxii e
News of Bayfield from, Friday.
By MISS LVOV It. W001318 Mr. and tMrs. ,Stuart Sturg1coh,
Mr. and Mrs, Bemniard Darvisl, Pres-
P90NE: BAYFLEIX� 45 r 3 ton, spent Thaiii1migiviling with the
: I r
farmer's parents,, N land,Mrs.
Xr, and Mrs,. Donald 1$lLvEler and oni, Loindoin, sppnt th�_, Thanks' P, argeon Mr. And wbr%
Aks- - J, St -
tiwo dhildren, Godwich, qienit glMing weekend at their coittagie. Dennis Bisiback, Clinton, also
ThankogWing with. bxx t the hou 111th, her r
,r parlents,, Mr. and, Mrs. George reajows spea day w r pa -
W" land XTis. F. P, Ar-%Iefll. W, . and and famidy, Rlversiide, wiliere at entis, And on 5unday, Mr. wad
Ms. Robert Turneir Phiffilp and their cottage over the log week- Mrs. Carl Baird and Uvol daught-
Gayle joined them ibr dinner �Uw- ers, Lioudon, were the guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Hardd sa!mpscin Mr. rpod Mrs,. 4d. Pollazd, Lon- their '&=t.
land: [1!4niWl, London,, spent Thanko- don, occ iledl their ic L ottalge for Mr. and Mr% Binic r�adi, London,
giving Day w4h her sl!ster, Mrs. Thaini Ze. sipent thie weeilve0d at their clotitoge.
A ffi. §mbehmier, Jr., widl iflamilly. The Rev. end' Mrs, Aahvid- Me- The Rene, and Mrs, H .B, Scuda-
Miss Jacqueline alq4t, Robert Allister and PeD
ter, unidas, spent more were lhe 1gluests of AG. A.
CWf, London 'Mass Vick! Tbafflogiving ,Peter,
his p'aren'ts, W, Redid cod Miss Kathleen Redd
OufC Loodedbora, were'home' ov- -Mugisitrate, and, Mrs. F. G. McAl- in, Windsor from Friday to Tues-
er the ThanksgWhig weekend, 1-xwr, at their coittiage, at The day
Mr, rained Mrs, Neaisoia McConkey,
Mr. and' Mrs. James P. Fergu,5-, M, gha)an&.
Tarontg, were at their homie, in the
Thanks g. With
Crwlz ithear san`�Jdiln and
and Mrs, Jack T144man, and
Varnilly, London, spent the week-
end at their cottage.
,gild Mrs. Earil, Pounder,
Seventy-Ninth ,gildStratfovd, cioaupied their cottage
for Thianksgivang.
Mr, and' Mrs:. Dona[lid Oates and
famiffy, London, sipenit the week -
eta at hisi mother's cottage,.
ANNIVERSA R Y Mr.. and Mrs. W. E�. Manniess,
Mr. and Mrs. Armand Manniessi,
John and David,, London-, spent
Sunday, October 19th, 1958
the liong: weekend at thie formler's
Warre" P. Cook, and - famfly,
Landon, weirni at their cottage ov-
11.00 a.m.-er the weekend,Morning Worship The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison is
ia)tterAfflr>g the,Clergy ConMrelnce
7.30 of thee Diocese ofHurion. In Would -
p.m. -Evening Worship stoclic this: wleek,
Surilday, Ootobier 19, is Children's
Day. It wi'.11 be observied in Trin-
Guesf Speaker: REV. J. T. WHITE Ity Cbulrichi as, a ifamily, day, when
linstead of ;Sunday School hour,
the children, will attend sewtvdice
with, their pairealts at 11 a.m.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon 1-Teavid
A Welcome To All - and baby. soni, whohave, bipien stay-
iog with his: piarentsi, Mr. slid Mrs,
Elmiersun Hound, lieft on: ffh-ildlaiyJ for
ithdir hoona in London.
iMr,,and! Mrs,,. J. B. Higgiins,
were, do d3irantifordon, Sunday and
Monidav wM thea
, iatter's, father,
Mr, and Mrs. George Simmis
and daughter Dawn who were
is Reid to the, MINAlge on TLVes-
day owing to, •the death: olf Mrs.
STmonsP grandmother, Mrs. Mary
E, M&ICE!enzle, returrileid to their
hlome, on Georgina Island, on Sat-
miday. Mr. and, Mrs,. Colin Camp-
beld, accompainiVed them to visit
m4th theilrdaughter and family.
W, and Mrs. Wili N. Rollfe,
accompanileld lby Mrs. Oilive Caw-
siton, :London, were at their cott-
age- over the aung, weeknod.
Mr, and Mrs. G1111berit Kinight,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Ronald Knight and
baby, Tuivwto, spent Thanksgiving
EASILY GETS at their home, in the vamage.
Mr, -aidd Mrs, Eid. Rowse and
children, Jimmy, Cathy and
TO -REACH Vicky, Dolcnester, visited Mr. and
Mrs, R. J. Larson, on Sunday.
PLACES . Mr. and Meg, Draersion Rearid,
Mrs. G. Lindsay aiddBiriown IAUd-
say eellebraited Thanksgiiviling on
Sunday mAdth Mr, and Mrs'. George
Mr. and Mrs. Hiewbert Kdrkham
ansheman Kumkbiam, Doinidon,
GUARANTEED vdsliled his parents,, Mr. and Mrs.
FOW -r YEARi 3m99 Elmerson, Heard and brother, and
wife, Mr. amid Mrs, Geowge, Heard,
With ,their .father, 1-1. N. Brandon
SPEEDS DAILY HOUSEKEEPINGI This amazing 'aver true hadday weekend were
< large, fluff Mr. and Mrsi. W. Pitbi Oak-
ly mop covers 11/2 square feet of vi'Pile; Bob. Brandon, Grand Bend;
floor space, BUT - its special construction en- Miss ShlrleyA BraliU.W.O.,
London; Mr. and! Mrs. Keith Bram.-
ablos, it to easily reach under and behind doni and two, childwen, Brian and
M, radiators, beneath low -slung furniture) It's Gary, Stratford.
mr, and Mrs. D. J, Lance and
B -l -G and speedy perfect too, for ceilings, famlig]y, rlyOY, Mich'"
were at their
CLEANS BEHIND door and window casings. Shakes clean in a coittagle flow the weelcend.
RADIATORS Mr. land Mrs, Lloyd Maldins went
RE" i'ffy I Launders easilyl to Londoin -to spend -the hoRday
wlith, their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. and, Mrs. StanbeY B,ryaYllt,
the force that produces tiny Byron, were, attheir cattalge, over
sparks after you've walked ithie, weakend-
Miss, Berveitley Heard, Loindioni,
on a woolen carpet - is was, home, (for thel long weekend.
MAGNETIC MOP's secret. Mr, ands Mrs. Wilfred Helalnd and
the six younger,chiDdren, spent Sun -
A sewed carpet yarn mop, day in Waillacebuxig.
Mrs, n.. G. Hunter)aTdl her mo,-
1ASIL REACHES a it attracts dust, lint land dirt th,,er., Mrs. Charles F. Ragea%s, re -
D602 A WINDOW WASHES CLEAN like a magnetl Leaves floors tumed tio their home in Toronto
CASINGS L IN A JIFIVI gleaming clean! on Tuesday after halvinig been at
her home in the village from FFI-
day, Dr, -R, G, Ilivipter and IWC
daughters', Mary Allil-�ce and Sally
Belth, anid Jahn; Downde, returned
to Tononto art Monday lafter hav-
ing blem here ifor the Weekend.
���Perdue Ltd,, Mrs, Pat Lyttl1e, Toronto, was
theguest of Mrs. J. H. Cbblb Over
Mr. and Mrs James Day and
iih my, Gtiomel�odli Mich., were
at •awlr hiome here for the, week.
Mr. and Mm, Lorne Cook, Elvan-
stol Ill., spent the, weekend at
their cottage, ".10ghitiolp". They
entertairield' art ThanksgiVing din
riler on Sunday at which the, flolalow-
31SAFE]. DRI vlr gai A SAFE (AR: filig rella*?m were, present: Mir.
L and Mrs. Cwee Coolk Clan"ZIMr,
; M
,amid Tdrs, Stewart !Cook, Donald
and Niancy, Stratford, and, their
guesltsi M.w. land Mrs,. O. Loos, 001-
oraddlol,S(prings; Mr. and Mrs, L. A.
Stelpbents:, Jane, Mark and, Mora,
Tonontia; Mr. rose, James Day
1955 STUDEBAKER 1%2 Ton amid, Jimmy, Grosse, Pal ate, Mich.
Mrs, J. Radford, Clinton, closed
her clattialgle forki season on, Mon -
Mr. and Mrs.. I -Parry Baker re-
tumed to Loindot; on, Wednesday
,w,enling aftler haWng. been at their
6 cylinder, with overdrive• cottage for several' drays, Mr. and
girg, Dougilbs, Loing. and Miss Gwen
19,48 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION, 4 -Door Baker Were -firth them over
Mrs. Bruce, Barwick and 11aincy,
Mooretown, NAslted her a-unit,Mrs.
1. E'. Hbward over the, 'PhAnkstv-
inig weekeod. Miss Margaret How-
aivd, Huron Cdqege, Londan, was
1958, STUDEBAKER' CHAMPION ailsiD withher paxents, for the hoV'-
EXECUTIVE CAR -Only 1200 miles, jMv. and Mrs. Cafraweill, 0hat-
Na,m vi&'11ted thdir snin vnid family
4 -Door Deluxe, wlfh Ovordr*lye. over' the, Thlan.ksg,,*vi!r.g weekencl.
,MkLls, Elthell Blair, Loal,dion', Was
?With her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Blair, over the 3ionig we'ekend.
WIIII H., Dalrymple & :Son :Mr. and MTs. E�, A, nathers-
ttoni, left on Sunday to, spend a
PHONE HU 24211 - filtUtEFIELD, ONT, dew Jday% with her iiaughter, Afr&
Xaft1h, I mnalrid amd1anU, 11y, Williow-
CLJNTON =W".gconp
George Mpsion who was a pat -
Mrs. D. A., MacKenxie
knit. in Westminster liosiplital., for
40( Mils. LeslilLe Lore,e), Nanton,
Alla Luelllia (,Mrs. Niorbe, al.
rt w
aver three weeks r'eturned h*1*4,e
Jon Friday, much, improved In
(By our. Bayfleld Correspon(Jeot)
The ide-,atb occurred at her home
Mrs. G, Sbazpand daughtor
jai the vearly village earTuesday mara-
FJya returned to BU, r 100.0014 todwOctober
7, 1058'of Mrs. Don -
after halvinig spent 1m, wee'k'swee'k'swith
a04 I't A. MacKenzi:e.Jn her 9.3
h" sister, Ws. G. Hopson,
home, CTintion on Thursday ar
Guev.,!s, with Mr. and, Mrs. G.
F-0,TMelly Miss Mary- MIzabeth
Houscial civet, the ThainIcsiglIving
StiTaing, she, was theoldest daugh-
weekeind were Mr,anidl Mrs, B. E.
ter land second chi'l'd in, the farnlily
Moplffew, Mr. arld Mrs,, C, Miller
r1f 14 of Rebecca Jane Colwell
wild two sons, Korth Tonawanda,,
and William Stirbrig.
New York.
Blorn Mar -oh 28, 1866, on the J
Mns, L. Bert spent Thanks iv-
flojurth,cloincession, Goiderich Town-.
109 at her blome in the ivi-1111age
ship, she -attended SS 10 and grow
With, iserveral members of her farm-
to; young, womaxibood in 4his dint -
riot. She was active in. Blethany
Mir, wad Mrs,. Jamit?,s, Dewar and,
Pirletsbytenian Church, teaching in
Jandve, Elinigislition-, acclomlyanied, byS'anday,
Slehooa, and was also a
Mr. and Mis. W'1,00am t:. MeWailf,
choiv member,
Montwena, motored to the NdZage
On Februraiiy 2a, 1896, she. was
.on Vriday, spent Thonkggiving
marv*.;ed at the home of -her par -
With her molther, Mrs, David De-
ents, by the Rev. W. Grablam, to
Donald A, MacKenzie and went
Mr. and Mrs, David Dewar an!d
to Hive on the famiW homesteold
Geonige, Toweinitio, were aaso, with
his imolther Jon Sunday and Mon"
on the secould concession. -x
church affiliation was; changed to.
day_ J. Dewar and famlilly left on,
:St. Andrew's Church, Bayfield.
Monday, WIValm L. Metcalf re-
Here 'w ilth. heir husband, she was
tumfed to Montreiall on Tuesday,
prominentin the, work of the
'whine Mrs. MetcaqIr remalnied iJ6
Christilam rJadleavor Society. She
spend this weelc with her motlier.
was -a Liffe, Member of -the Wo -
Miss Jesslie L. Maticallf, Detroit,
n%en',s Missionary Sulcielty, Her
Was at her h!ome, here- from Fri-
'h'usband predeceased her Decem-
day Mal Sunday.
ber Z, 1908,
Mrs. Plat Lyttle, Toronto, was
Mrs, MacKenzie cuntinuied to
the liguesit of ,Mrs'. J. 11. Cobb
INVe on the farm until 23 years
oler the weekend,
ago, when with her sister -sin -law,
Mr. and' Mrs, Flugti McLaren
Mss. Carrile MacKenzie, she came
aind firjsltlne returned to, Point
to reside- on Ann Street. Mists, Mac-
Ei)-aglin. on Friday aifter havAng been
Kenzie, passeld away June 12, 19-
w;,th Misses A. M. and E. J. SfiTa-
48. Wi. MacKenzie lived. ,alone
Ln1g, from Tuesday owing to the
Untlill '1956, when: her sion4n4aw
death of their sister, Mrs. Xiary
and daughter, Mr. aidd, Mrs. Cohn
19, MwcKenlzie,
Campbell. moved in to (be with
Mr. mid' Mrs, R. H. Middleton,
Bobby and "C&aket!', e
Of a happy disrJuslUlon, she pos-
visii-ted Miss Lucy R. Woods! and
sessied -an dinner fortitUde -which
J. L. Buchan, from Friday to
was,a. stay- an time, of sorrow and
trial diuriling her long life. She
J. Q. Doy1e,, who, was a patient
had been, conifixied to, bed for IE
at Westminster Hospital, Lotnddon,
months prior to her death.
inelturned to his, home, in, the vRR-
SuwWinig. are -three chal&en,
Vo last week, He is, much dmprofv-
Dwaildl W. MacKenzie, on the
ed in, health.
hoimestead, Blue Water I-lighway,
Mr. and:: Mrs'. C. Alerner and
Goderich Township; Jessie (Mrs.
'falmily, -,Detroit, were at their
Shewilock Keyes), Varna and Dear
,home, ,on Collina, Street over the
(,Mrs. CoUdiiii, Campbell), Dayfilield;
Thanksgiving weekend.
ILO gvainxithildren and none, great-
fM,'ss,, Ada Bilnigky, Detroit, and
grandohdilidren); Wi§o six sisters,
Miss, Barbara. Steiphenson, Toronto,
spent the weekend at th4-r home
on! Arn Street.
Lynn,, Cassie'and Jane, Merritton
Mrs. Mall'cal)m MacLeod and
visited, Mr. and, Mrs. GaadWiir
Briuce, relturned to Port Dover on
Westlali<e, Blue Walter .Highway
Tuesday after -having vilsited her
Stanley Township, from TT�iiday tc
husband's parents, Mr. and, Mrs.
Monday. They spent Sunday wltlh
L. H. D. MacLeod from. Fnday.
Mr. ,amid Mrs. E. A. Westlake.
John R. MacLeod, PoTit Burwell,
Mrs. WMiam R. Jowett retum-
was, also with: his -parents on, Sat-
'ed ,to Gludlerldi on Tuesday aftea
urdlay and Sunday.
Mrs, C. W. Brown. spent Thanks-
having been, with her daughter
gidivimig with her sister, Mrs. A. A.
Mrs,LeRoy Path, from Friday
Ronald Poth Toronto was hom(
Awmistrong, Bronson Line, Stanley
•ower the, Thanlzsg,!Waig wieleikend
and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hughes
,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Scot-
Detroit, were, guests of Mr. anis
chmev and 'DaRel were in Windsor
Mrs. Polth for part of the -weekend
for the Thanksgilving weekend.
Roy ,Flromier and family, Mitch.
Mrs'. M. Geiger was at her home
ener oJeculpied one olf tie Jowetl
near Zurlich from FrIldhy to Man-
c-ottaf,,& aver the TharrksgliN4nig
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Talton,
Mr &nd'Mas. E. J. PO"graiez
Walkerton, visited her nephew, F.
Gloss*,e Pointe.,MicK., were i all
P. Ark& and, wilife, recently.
their coittage for the weekei
'Mr. tis, F. SchafeitEn and
where they entertained memben
three d-Aditien! 'Niagara Falls; Wal-
of the Grosse' Poinit, School13oare
ter,Rubdnslon,.'15avonta and- WiMam
off which Mr. Pongracz 15, a mem-
Roibinscin, Sarnia, spent the
Thlaniksgbvirig weekend with -their
Wffliam, Gmelinel, Grosse, PointE
mother, Mrs. William H. Robin-
Farms. Mich., accupled their cot,
,rage f;v the weekend'.
nd Mrs. J. Z Cavanaugh,
daughtler land, family, Lmfflbn, ac-
At The Poplars
cupied, thedir cattagge for the week-
Mr. and Mrs, Gree, Cook, Cliln-
tion, -were, at, "Wlee, Loch Home'
Bishop and, Mrs. W. A. Towns-
hend and several memilyers; ofthdir
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephew
fafmCly were at their cottage hieve
and three children, Toronto, oc-
aver the Thanks'givingtidie,.
touipied "Lath Home" from Friday
Mr, and :Mrs,. Z W. Odddeffson,
to Monday.
London, sigent the holiday at their
Mr. and Mrs. Frar& Peter,
litme Jon Main Street.
Doi and Mary, Stratford,
Dr. and, Mrs. Ralph NichxAls,,
were at their cottage over the
Landon, were, vAth her moither
Mrs. F. W. McEwen over the long
Mr. axed .Mrs, Stewart Cook and
two chwTdren, Stratford, were at
Congratulations go to Mrs. R.
their catitaige for the )long week-
MchoUls; whose, iname appears
end. Mr. and Mrs. 0, LGcJ8', Color -
twice, an, the Ul sit of uwarchs for
ada Springs,, were their guests,
fast year pubifishled lasit week by
Mr amid Mrs. George Peter and
the Medical Slohiooll, of the lhili-
Beverley, Stratford, were at their
versity of Western Ontarlor. She
mttage,oiver thel Weekend, Mr, and
reiceived the Ontario Medical As-
Mrs. lRerblager, StrIatfard, were
soclatillon prl'zei in preventive
also here, and, Mrs, M. Peter was
medicine, and the, Chraxles R. Will
with then, im Monday,
Ca,, firsit pwize, for her essay an
Trinity GuUd
Mr. and Mrs, J. Pounlder and
Thie Trinity Church GWIld met
two 01-11!Wwe�n spent the Tha.nksgiv-
at the Panish Hall ori Tuesiday
libig weekend' with her mother,
eiv&lng, with, eight members: aq-Ad
Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer and family.
,one %guiest, present, It took the
Mrs. Mae Cook is- a Pati;ent in
1form of a quilting and a short
Chniton Pubair, Hospital where she
busineissi session. Mrs. Peray Wes-
undenweirit emergency suwgeTy on
ton presideld and' conducted thle
Sunday., October 5.
of elxwrcises-. Mm. Merton
Mr. and Ms. Dalton Smith. and
Mernerrewd the minutes and W&
Janet, Loindbn, spent Thlaniksigiiiv-
Fired Weston gave the fimt inicial
ing Vth Mrs. 'Smilths, father, W.
report. It Was; decided to hold
W, HiWns. 11b, accohipanied -them
a card. 'party in the parish hall
,an their return to London for a
uni 1,1rTdaLv ievedineg, October 24,
An lainih7ersary tea for the end of
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Sam-
November was discussed. Mrs.
murtt, her: mother, Mrs. Jane Wail-
Wlildriam, Parker led the, closing'
Tace, and their [-our ebfiffilen, Gary,
Mls,ses, Kwude and Joaleine Stir-
ling, '��ayrjcw; Sadie Mrs,. John,
Crawford), PlOkford, Mich,; Jes-_
w =2111111111%
Township of Hullett
40( Mils. LeslilLe Lore,e), Nanton,
Alla Luelllia (,Mrs. Niorbe, al.
rt w
Aaw Sla4z.; Cliarliatte (Mrs.
TAKF_ NO,,TjI0E that the
Hugh McLaren} port El 94nl; IWO
Township of Hu*14ett will bold
one, lmther, D. A, Sllrgang, Gode.
r1cA Townshilip,
The funeral service was held
from Bal -11 arild, Mutch efuneral
Court of Revision
home, CTintion on Thursday ar
noon, Octob�er % It was condu te�
on the Assessment Roll for the
by the Rov. C, Be. Peacock, assist,
year, 1959,
ed by George nis
The Court will convene on,
Inte-rMent was mail in, Blay-fiedid
November 3, 1950, in the Com-
six igrian&ons
munity Hall, I-oniciesborp, at
John Camipba, Vpm�pbiell'
9 O'clock p.m,.
,Dofialld t
George, Sfiiions, Donald R. Mac-
All persons wishing to ap-
Kenzie-, Dbnald xelytsl 'GeuTge,
peal their assessment are to
.:have their appeals into the
1T]ower bearers were nephews,
Clerk's Office before this date
William L. Stirling and Ralph: Jew-
so that their appeals may be
ReddatLves from a distance whlQ
were 'Present rin-elludled: Mr, amid
MTS, H, McLaren and, Christine,
Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs, Gkoi,Ja
ShPlons, and Dawn, Georgina Is-
land; Ur, -andMrs. D, A. Stirling,
Mr, and., TEs. John Watsion, Cldn,
ton; Mr. and, Mrs. RwIph Jewega
Wilfla;m L. Stirling, Godierkh-i
It's Time for Good
DonallidKeyes, Polint,'Edward; Mrs,
lawstler MaNock, Steven and Pat-
allicil Badien; Miss Jean, Keycis,
Fall Television..
Come In And See Our
Stanley Township
Selection of Fine
Mrs. John ARGTegor held a cup
and. saucer shower in honour of
Miss Efielen Wright on Tuesday,
October 7. About 25 people were
present, glAftiends, ne�ghbours,
and, friends. Mrs,. John McGregor
conducted Igames, and contests.
Glifts,were presented by Jean Me-
Phone HUnter 2-3232
- - - - - - - - --- - - 7-7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#0 W!
Your stock, -con go
through the winter louse free. Treat,
beef cattle and hogs with HOWARD STOKPEST
. . dairy cattle
Easy to use -simply spray or wipe
on. You get complete coverage... and kill all the lice.
Safe to use.
S00 BY
Clinton Form Supphy
Clinton, Ontario
"I ,
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�1- - - - - - - --- ---
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The protein content is •supplied by nine, different
protein ingredients, carefully combined in correct
quantities to give you a real milk making feed.
Goinmaker is also rich in minerals, it also contains
pure cane molasses, uniformly mixed through the
feed, making it sweet and palatable.
100 lbs. Gainmaker 246/o Dairy Concentrate
200 lbs. Rolled or Coarsely Ground Grains
300 lbs. Balanced 16% Dairy reed
We Also Have -
This feed is made fbr the dairyman who grows an
abundance of good quality grain.
100 lbs, Master 320% Dairy Concentrate
350 tbs. Rolled or Coarsely Ground Orain
450 lbs, Balanced 16% Dairy Feed
To Get These Feeds Ground and Mixed - Call At
Wettlaufer's Feed Mill