Clinton News-Record, 1958-10-09, Page 8PACE EIGHT CJ4W QN NEW$-figCQRD THURSDAY, OCTOX3I R 9, 1958 News of Bayfield By MISS I.:(.17Y R. WOODS PHONE: BA.YFIELD 45 r 3 Ma: and Mrs. Charles WYIse, London, were weekend gue;Sts/ at the New Ritz HbIVe'1.. Tony Pugh and family, Royal tack, 111411oh., olcienp?ted rtheh, cottage elver rtlhie weekend Mr, and Mr's. George Kano and Idlanalgiter, .Jennifer, Detroit, occu- pied their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Jtames P. Fergu- son, London, were at their cottage Iran the we'ek'e/ndi. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bauer, Water- ttho/a, spent the weekend at their 0ottaatge. Mr. and Ws, Nelson MCConk'ey, Toronto, were at their home iru the village for ;tinge week'end•. J. A. Orr, Stratford, spent karst tweelt at itWs ,cottage ouv B/ayttri'eM Terrace. MI:Lsis+ :E/illeerru fHes'sian, New York, is vacatiloning at "Felix Aare,/", her hom7e in the village. Mr. ;area urs. aVLunmae linker and Susan, Waterloo, occupied WOULD YOU SPEND 5c A DAY NOT TO CARRY OUT ASHES NEXT WINTER? • • • • e • • s • • • • • • • • • if your answer is yes, here's great news. It costs less than 5 cents a day, over a 20 year period, to equip the average 6 room house with a com- pletely automatic, work -free TEMCO Gas Floor Furnace. if this sounds too good to be true, stop by our show rooms today. We II prove it to you in black and white. And well tell you all about the features which have made TEMCO Automatic Gas Floor Furnaces, the thriftiest, automatic gas beat in the world. Liberal terms, naturally. • • • No basement is required- it tits right into the floor! MODEL No. 506-46C Fully Automatic $211.00 Plus Installotion 20 YEAR WARRANTY Two Tone TV Screen Oeslgn 100% Safety Shut-off. 20 Year Warranty $120.00 and up Plus Installation NOT A SIDELINE-- WE SPECIALIZE IN GAS EQUIPMENT. TEMCO DEALER FOR CLINTON HURON GAS EQUIPMENT co. Phone HU 24641 their cottage over the weekend, Mr, land' Mrs, Glen Smith nin two children, Lonlddom', were the gupo t orf Mx, and Mum, R. Larson om Slunday. �• Mr !and Ws. ,Charente Larson on And daughter Karen visited arts parents, QVIr. and' 1YIns, 'R.. Larson an Monday evenniin/g. Gtlennn Brandon who is worktirrg in the Ca/Pith/am district spent thie weekend with has wiife axed xkn'. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Pruslsr and two chIldr/em/, London, and Bllalir could, De'trolit, spent the weekend with 1VIms, J, FI, Plark'er, Mrs. Malcolm To lett on Wednesday Of last week to visit her sister, Mrs, Clayton Guest, Leaside. Mr, anal Mrs, Gerald Stuirgleon aced baby daughter, Preston, visit- eld his parents, Mr, and Mrs. K. J. Sturgeon rfor the weekend. Mr. amid Mrs. Harold Westoan and dean ghtter;, Saasaanane, Detrioit, visited his father, George Weston, over the weekend. M. and Mrs. William Parker and balby Charlie, London, visited over the w'ekenld with her parent$, Mr. and Mrs, J. Fraser. Mrs, M'i@vennta Ilnwlin and two children, K incardtnei, are spending a. few ',lasys rwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wli7tDaand. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dtunn, Mias'- es/ Alice .and Janice, Dunn, London, were at !their cottage over Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs, David Ormond d and three children, Lucy, Stephen 1 and Brian, Lav mita, Mich,, vistteld his Parents, 1VJx, goo Mrs. H. l:I, Orinound, ioivea* the weekend. Mrs, Antes Desi Jardine a'nd d,aru >te"r-int- tw, Mrs, W. plater,. 1)000it, called on her uncle, L. I- I. D. MacLeod and! Mrs. 1VIa eLeoxt om Mond'ap', Mr. and Mrs. Wiiillaaarn Maedon- allld /and ttamitiy 'who have been Occwpying William H. Jiohrnst>orr's cottage,Moved into Mrs: Jaynes pea' Jari 3iin s i lettSe an Caine, St- reet Bast nweek. Rellatbsnes here received word df the death oif Mrs'. Wellington John- ston at her home in Ne'ieonha. N Dalt„ on (Mondray, October 6. For- merly' Miss/ :Sarah Greer, site was i n her 95rthWOW. !Gerry Wallis, Ston of Mr. antd Mrs, :Fried Wallis, Blue Water algalivvlaY, Coder -lob' 'I'owns'blip, has beear promoted to corporal lir the Rtoylatl Ciainadian Aix Cadets; Mait- lamd Squadron. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Mrs, C. tKnulakey, Miss Lucy R. Woo'd's, Mrs. Percy Weston, Mows, R. H. F. Gairdner, Mrs, J. B. Higgins amid' the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison ,attended the service in' St. Paaul's/ Parish, Hall, on Friday taifteirnoom' at Which the Rat. RIew. Cad)e Bay, Asstsstarut Bishop of Lahore, Pakistan, waS th'e special slpea4eer. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carver, Tofberrn'ory,, have been visiting :their daughter, Mrs. Stewart Lange arid famhily. It is 29 years since the Carvers lelft the village and ;they have not been back since itlhai time. They have enjoyed rre- rnerwiinlg acquaintances! clueing the Past two weeks. Bayfield has Changed for the 'better, they think, with the new highway and brlid'ge, many thmproverments and new buil- dings. WA Meeting The Wbtmanfs Asso'ci'ation: of St. Reserve a Fable At a Bounteous THANKSGIVING DINNER Tomato Juice Cocktail with Cheese Dream ROAST TURKEY and DRESSING Cranberry Relish -:- Potatoes -:- Gazed Carrots or Squash and Green Peas Tossed Salad with a French Dressing Home -Made Rolls Pumpkin Pie with. Whipped Cream or Apple Pie with Cheese or Tutti-Fruit Sundae Fresh Fruit Bowl -:- Mints • Tea or Coffee or Milk Monday, Oct. 13-1 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST Price: $2.50 1iIJt lLitttc 3Inn, Tgapitelb For Reservations: Phone Bayfield 8 tai Prepare Your Car NOW for Winter! See Your Neighbourhood CITIES 120 CITIES SIRVI(( SERVICE Dealer Now! CARL CANTELON Yesi there are long months of tough, rugged driving and you'll want your car welt protected and in tap condition! Drop in and let us get it ready with a thorough theck-up and changeover. Do it naw! Cantelon's Service Station Corner Mary and King Streets Phone HU /4032 Clinton NEWS of GODERICH TOWNSHIP iFine weather has helPed tike ifari n?'er$ clean up the' bean erop aan!d they report a good year. ,Alden Betties received word that, his brother garland had talk- en aheart attack and nsinbospi-- tal isv Toronto. ,Geon get D' lrnxnierson, Couvicessiton 7, aoderuchr Towrnshnlp, has solid his farm to Kerb, MateAdann, Con- ce'ssllon 6. Mr. Exnucnersbn lies bought a house in cannon and tends moving latter. Grant Stirling had the anis/foa't- +erne to idose a horse least week. He had just bought them a week be. fore, and at was a real show tearm ;Grratnit was helping a med'ghibo'ua' rwinth, Ms Iberaans. Since it looked Dyke ralin, he tied the horses .to the rake while he helped deice a 'wagon, Something must have frightened/ the horses, for thely ibalolke loose and one of the team, toad Its foot caught i!in the rake, The horse had 'tta :be shot, for the Mott was dram aged too badly. 1S/00;e/b/ody shopu'ld have his head read about this oahange of time. /Soave families an Godeari;ch Towwx- ahip are on fast time, and the others on Standard. G+otterieh Dis- trict Collegiate is on fast time, and Bayttuelid pp/biro school is rin s/tandlaa;d. Sante families: have children Igoitng to both sldhioels. This means they must ha,'v/e two cillockss, set at the afferent times. At this time of year, fast time i fax Ibetter for farmers, as some evenings it tis so dark you can't find the cows at milking time. WA Meeting The Warmers Auxiliary of -St'; James Church, MiddlIeton, met ion WerWesday afternoon, Octtolber 1.' with; 18 padres present and the prtesltde/rnt, Mxs. 1R.owd'enn in the. clicky,. Tine meeting opened with the singing Of the hymn "In Christ there, Is no vast or, West", follow- ed by Ir espbosa've !prayer's f4"Orn the !l Ji{vliang, '1Viessage, the members prayer and the Corers Prayer. MS. Gordon. Ratthwellr read; the Scripture lesson, Dant. 28: 1-14; Mrs. Keith Killer read the minutes and M. Dutot gave the treas/ur'eaw's report. Mrs, Ratyt Wise read a lovely card Of thanks receiver!' from pray- er partner, Miss Frances Hanwktns, in Japan, The rector, the, Rev, E. J, B.. Rarristoa +ga,v'e' a short biography soil the two Bishops on a speaking tour in the Diocese.; they are Bish• - op Chandu Ray, Indian and Bish- op Kuriosi, Japan; both returning from the Laarnberth C'onfere'nce. Mals, John Grigg c'dnnrtributed an interesting reading and a poem, (birth on the subject of Thanks_ givirnn(g, WS:, Oliver Coyle •gaNe' an inter- esting reading re modern inven- tions; revolutionizing farm life; also a tixne'ly poem "God is Every- where". Mrs. Dutot conducted a bra* sale ref Christmas cards, The rector closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was; served. Andrew's Vatted ;Church met at the parsonage on Thhursid'ay even- ing. Mrs. Lind/slay Sneath, the presi- dent, opened wlirth the reading, St. Luke 17: 11 to 19, followed by a short readiing on Thenk/sgtvinlg. During the business s'estshon, aar'- ram/gements were made for the Presbyterial to .be held lin St. Andrew's, is ,Chtuncrh on October 23. Mrs. L. Smith closed with: pray er after which the committee len. charge served laanch. BRUCEFIELD Cannmunilo;n service was held in the United Church here on Sunday morning. Next Sunday ills the serv- ice of baptism. The outside work is now corn- iplette on Gordon Turner's new Ib'arn. Built to re -place the build- ing which was •hi.urn',ed this sum- mer, the Bari n is of cement block, metal' roof and siding. Mr.. rand Mrs. Ross Scott return- ed early Sun/diaty morning from a Visit in Western Canada, wrath re- latives in Winnipeg. Mrs. G. Wright, Sea/forth, who (motored wtlth them, had /flown to Calgaaiy to ibe with her Son an;d daugthtetr-tin w, Mr. and Mrs. Bruuce Wright and family, for a, short vitsiiit. Mr. and Mr. Harry Dinnin made a night from the village to Graveanhurst on Saturday, re- turrin/g home via the village on Sunday afternoon. Their daught- er Kathy •visited with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs{. W. V. Dimn- l:trr. Other callers with the JDimmkns oxn SLvniday were Edward Neil, Ex- eter, nephew Of Mr. Darman; and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dirrntoh and Billy, anion; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fraser, Exeter. o. Bayfield Trinity WA Meets at "The Hut" (By our Bayfield Correspondent) The Woman's Aalxa iary of Trin- ity rimity ,Church met at "The Hut" on 'Thursday, September 18. The Raw. E. J. B. Harrison condsucted the 'dp/ennin'g exercises, and Mrs. Etnersan Heard read a portion of Scripture from Sit. Mat- thews Gospel. Tints Luray R. Woods presided for the business session. Mrs. C. Knuckey read the min- utes of the, last meeting for Mrs. W. J. McLeod who was absent. Owing to the absence of the treasurer -the president outlined the cormini/tmn!ennta which had not yet been met. Mrs. Percy Weston gave the Dorcas Secretary report, The Rewe. F. J. B. Harrison game the itinaay of the two visit- ing Bishops—Rt. Rev, Paul Y. Tiurose, Bishop Of Mid -Japan and Rt. Re. Ohandu May, assistant 'Bishop; 'of Lahore, Pakistan, It was ;decidedthat as a branch, plans(be made to Maar the latter when he speaks in Clinton, Mrs. 3. B. Higgins, educational secretary, introduced the new stu- dy book on social service. • 1'd1ioiwling the cltasri;ng prayers by, the rector, the hostess served relfrethmen'ts. RAILWAY TiME TABLE CHANGES Effective Sunday Oct. 26th,1958 Full Information from agents HENSALL Mrs. Jack Faber who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hos/patap', Loddon, has returned home. Mr. and Ins. Jack Peebles: and family, London, were weekend vts- intonns with, 'Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Noakes . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw, To- ronto, were guests this week with Mr. Frank Motusseatu, Wilfred and Margaret. Mr. and Mrs:. Carmen Beaton, Detroit, were weekend vlilslitors With Mr. and 1VLrs. Berverley Beat- on and Ron, Miss Margaret Moir is one of 13 entrants, for the Miss Lonldloan Lords Contest to /be held October 17 at Hotel, London. In addition to $1,000 in gifts the winner twI"il /also receive an tali expennses pal'ud trip, to the Grey Cup Game in Vancouver. Miangaret is on the staff of General Coach.. Township of Mullett NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Huilett will hold a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the year 1959. The Court will convene on November 3, 1958, in the Com- munity Hall, Londesboro, at 9 o'clock p.m. All persons wishing to ap- peal their assessment are to have their appeals into the Clerk's Office before this date so that their appeals may be considered. HARRY TEBBUTT, Clerk 41-2-b TENDERS WANTED Stanley Township School Area Board is inviting Sealed Tenders for the supplying of No. 1 Furnace Fuel Oil for .Schools No. 1, 6, 7, 10, 14 for the 1958-59 school term. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Closing date, 12 o'clock noon, November 1. T. B. BAIRD, Secretary -Treasurer, Brucefield, Ontario. TO MAKE YOUR OWN .. SOWAT R ION use Or HOG GROWER MASTER - Sow and Pig Concentrate Feed this concentrate mixed with your own grain to make a good home -mixed hog grower—. "Formula --100 lbs. Concentrate 500 lbs. Finely Ground Grain MASTER SOW and PIG CONCENTRATE is a high quality concentrate containing a variety of growth promot- ing animal and vegetable protein„ vitamins, and minerals; also contains Vitamin B12;, and Anti. biotics. VVettlauf er's Feed. MiII Clinton Phone HU 2-9792 i10 POINT WINTER TUNE*Up ,• Adjust Carburetor O Check Distal:1n% • Check Fuel Pump t (• Check and refig • aeon Air Cleaner battery . • Check spark plugs, �� Focus lights regap or replace if )needed • Check battery cables • Check timing�• theck ignition wiring Before rho ¢cst ret! telt# snap comes along, it's ?eon to give your cat s winter check-up and tune QIP& for quick, tote ,taus. Drive is TODAY! Wells Auto Electric KiNG STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2-3851 J ORIGINAL AUTO'LITE FEEDING YOUR GRAIN ? GET THEN - MU MN THE MOST OUT OF IT! MINIMM ..... �.. ▪ .r, --.. . --. Mown .om.. THE MOST GAIN! THE MOST PRODUCTION! and so THE MOST PROFIT!! Grains supply ENERGY. The major part of any livestock or poultry feed, apart from, roughage for cattle, is made up of grains. You know all that! But grains LACK SUFFICIENT -- PROTEINS! MINERALS! VITAMINS! needed to, produce fast, economical gains that you must have in your business. And you know, all that! To bridge the gap, to balance the groins you produced this past summer, to ensure fast gains or increased production, at minimum cost to you, you need only BALANCE your grains with concentrates. SHOR•GAIN CONCENTRATES We have a SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATE and a proven SHUR-GAIN FORMULA to suit every need you have for feed. Drop into the mill and see. We'd be pleased to plan, with you, your entire winter feeding program using your own groins. Look for this sign . . . and get the most out of the grains you aro feeding this year. Canada Packers Phone HU 2-381S — Clinton