Clinton News-Record, 1958-10-09, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS-R76CORD TRURSDAZ OCTOBE13, 9, 1955 Thankofferinr ..At Wesley -Willis Held Sunday Night The 'autumn rtharrleOffering of Wesley -Willis Wianvan's Missionary Soelety was bald Sunday everting, ()etdber 5, with Mrs. Charles Ned- slorz giving ,the 'call to worship, Mrs, R, B. 'Sutter read tilhle Scrip- ture from 2 Corinthians 8: 1-0 and ,Phil, 4; 5.13, Mrs. Wlilli'arn iHeann sang "I Walked where Jesus Walked". Mrs. Nelson introduced rtlhe guest •speak or, Mrs. Dewitt Cos'enis, wile said, "We' slhlonz7ld Pause to thank God al or rfmuirt and Rowers; be tinankful tor Jesus. Cur offering should be u nt just money, we can give your time and talents," She reminded her audience to pray for the children, ian!d for the Missionaries. Wis. Frank Flirigland moved a vote oif thanks to the speaker and Pall t'h'ose ,who took part in the meeting. The Rev. J. A. McKim pron(ou'nlced the ib'ene!diction. Personals ,Mrs, 'Harriett iBlanoha'd is in Detroit, visaing relatives. Mx: and. lV1•ms, Frank Haines at- tended the wedding in Sarna on Saturday of their ,grandson, Ron- ald L.'aur. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Betwden, Hammerer, were in town, last t welek attending the funeural of 'the late Arthur Wiltse, J3lyth, Mrs. Iver} F`yams, Landon, spent is recent weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mr.s. Norman Carter. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Cuuvia g- basme !lelft lalst week for a trip through the New England' States, viisiiting Bsiorbon, Plymouth end Prov nce'tawn in Cape Cod. Mr, and 1VLrs. Harry W. Ambler, Detroit, visited with. the lady's parents, MVLr, and Mrs, H, E. Radice, last weekend, spending some tune gat the Rorke cottage on Lake Hu- ron. Merrill T.V. Service Call HU 2-7021 For Repairs to All Makes of TV, Radios, Auto Radios and Electrical Appliances. LOW OVERHEAD -- LOW PRICES •.sem Choose your Footwear from our new Fall Selection. LEATHER H!CUTS, insulated for coldest weather comfort, as well as the regular styles. Also RUBBER LACED BOOTS in several different models, and the popular leather tops with rubber bottoms, Just Arrived! Shipment of HANSON Wool Socks - for Hunting and Cold Weather Comfort. See the new WOOL STRETCH I ES, by WIGWAM, for super warmth and wear. 0 AIKEN'S CLOTHING and LUGGAGE CLINTON Phone HU 2-9352 Mr. and Mrs, E. Radford, at* and Doreen attended the Craig - Ashton wedding in Humber Va1'$ey United iChurdh, Torento, last aat- urday.. The bride is. a niece oif Mrs. Eladlford, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ciiich left an Mouvday cfor 'a trip to Stnals- hatiirg, Sask., where they welly visit Mr. CziUchts 'sister, Mrs. Robert (Nettie) Douglas, and other rela- tives at Nokomvis, Macklin and Saskatoon. Sergeant and Mrs. D. R. Gdlbbs and family have.arrived Knack &oar Whlitehorse, Yukon Territor- $eis, where. they have spent the past' two yearn, They are again at Sta- tion Clinton, presently living an Mr, and 1VLrs, Ira Merrill amid Elwin returned Mame this week after hauling Spent a week with relettives in Bledllevi ll'e, also tour- ing the Thousand Islands and the St, Lawrence Seaway Project, re- turning 1r6' way Of Peteaib.ora. They were accompanied by Miss Violet 1�h'illfips, Toronto. Mrs. Harold Tyndall Installed in High Office of Rebekahs RCAF WA Begins Winter Season; Will Hold Rummage Sale The October meeting of the R0A1F Women's Auxiliary was. held on Monday, Oet:,dber 6. Mrs, W, J. Michalski presided In the alt arm, 'Mrs. J, M.. Mermen read the minutes 'and Mrs, R, B, 00045-, s pith read the binancial report, Vidus cfor the County Horne were 'arranged, Mrs:. ,S. A. Bziilghtral!t announced that a, giant nummiage sale rhes been Planned for S!atuutday, Nov - mbar 1 In the Council Chanibensi, Town Hall, Clinton. Rummmage Iblagts, have been, idonated by Herbs Peed Market, I:G.A. Store, Mod- ern Meat Market 'and the Stip- et or Store. A quilt made by the ladies of the Huron 'County Home will be raffl'eId at the sale, The quilt wi11Q he d9spliayeld at Pickett and Camtlp- )bellll Ltd. from October 29 to Nov- ember 1. Tickets whll Ibe sold at the rummage 'saile land all 'pro- ceeds fromv the ci sa t wall go to the ladies of the 'County Home. A plant table and mystery rattle will also, be hew at the rummage With the District Deputy Presi- dent, Mrs. Gladys /Chambers and her installing staff, Exeter, offic- iating, f ic- lia h g, lVfrs. ,Harold Tyndall was ''insitaIllled as Noble Grand of the Hunarvlc cReibedaah Lodge No. 306, on Monday evening, October 6. She succeeds Mrs. Douglas Andrews, whose ioltfi'aial office is now, Past Noble Grand. Other 'officers i n s t ailed are: Vice Grand, Mrs. Bert R.owden; 'chaplain, Mrs.. John Hamilton; re- cording secretary, Mrs. R, B. Sut- ter; financial secretary, aVLrs. Gold- ie Smith.; treasurer, Mrs. Wes/ley Hoagland; warden, Mrs. Orrin Daw- son; ciondiwatoir, Mrs. Garnet Har- land; colour (bearer, Mips. Albert Shalddilok; musdian, Mrs. Harold Wise; 'RSN1G, Mrs. John Broad - foot; LiSNG, Mrs. George Beattie; RS,ViG, Mrs. Qarnien McPherson; LSMG, Mrs. Elmer MicGlinohey; inside guiaridian, Mrs. Clarence .Bail; outside guardian, Mrs. Rob- ert Cudmore; Ruth, Mats. Clarence Hulgial; Re(bekalh, 'Mrs. Alvin Coat; RS Chaplain, Mrs.. Ab.e Orpen; ISS Chaplain, Mrs. Wilfred Freeman; RS Jr, Plot NG, Mrs. Elmer Hu - gill; LS Jr. Past NG, Miss Dorothy .Sterling. Degree Captain, Mrs. Cannan MiciPherson. A good will gavel was present- ed to the Madge by Mrs• M. Ned- !irger, vn! apprecilation of kindness Shown her an Plast years. It is for use lin 'the District. The draw for the past Noble Grand's Bride Doll was made by Mrs. William 'Cann', Exeter and holder of the lucky ticket vias Mrs. Harold Tyndall, Clinton, the newly installed Noble Grand of the ledge. The social committee served a delicious hunch. .Visitors present for the installation were from Pai'sll'ey, Hens!all and Ebeetter. OWL HEARS DISCUSSION ON BAPTISM SACRAMENT Ali rty-lone members of St. Jo- seph's Cathioc Women's League met on (Monday night With Mrs. Joseph cBlake presiding. Variiaus subjects were 'discussed and the Rev. L. E. Read -Lewis gave an instructive talk on the sacrament of 'baptiism, After a flower, and spelling -Contest, ,dainty lunch Was served by the hostesses, Mrs, L. Medd, Mrs. W. Monaghan and Mrs. E. O'Brien. s LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET ON OCTOBER 13 A regular meeting of the Lad- ies Auxi'li'ary to the Canadian Leg- ion, Clinton Branch 140, will be hid on Monday, October 13 at 8.15 p.m. in the Legion Hall. OUR LOIN PRICES PUT moREA047- otAircoostE For A THANKSGIVING FESTIVAL of GOOD FOOD VALUES Shop at The New MODERN MEAT MARKET for the Finest Selection of OVEN-READY TURKEYS - DUCKS - CAPONS FRESH YOUNG LEG OF PORK --Whole or Half lb. 49c SIDE BACON -Our Own -Sliced -The Way You Like It lb. 69c COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 3 lbs. for $1.00 For a Heal THANKSGIVING TREAT Try Our OVEN -BAKED HAM. No waste, fully cooked. Low Price. For this week 98c lb. oh(y, WHOLE or HALF iO Modern Meat Market sells only the Finest No. 1 Grade Red Brand Steer Beef. May we suggest that you try a Steak or Roast from the Modern Meat Market and you'll be Convinced that we specialise only in the Best of Reef. MODERN ,MEAT MARKET OiiVILLE STANLEY, Proprietor CLINTON Phone HU 2-3834 a1'e. The president expressed thanks to the Adastral Park Town Coun- cil and Mrs. Mellish.tor the mak- ing up of our newsletter. Mos. Rusty 'Brown convener reported that the first clink wiould be held :on Wednesday, October 8 in the cCh'alpe1, Annex aid in future - on the first Wodnesd'ay of each month. Following the m'eetin'g a very in- teresting talk on juvenile delinqu- ents was given by W. "R. Craven, Probation Officer for Huron County,.after which; refreshments were enjoyed. The mystery raffle, a tea pat, 'donated by Hawkins Hardiwlare, was won by Mrs. Brown. H. zootHSLD'EE CLU$ TO MEET QN QCTQBEIt 9 The I3earthside Club, of Ont- ario Street United Church will meet on October 9 at 8 p.an. Group 2 wiila be in charge,. 0 GOOD WILL CLUB TO MEET ON OCTOBER 14 The Good Willl club ,af the Wesley -Willis Unlined Church will meet in the:church parlour on Tuesday evening, October 14, at 8 p.m. 0 HAPPY WORKERS' CLUB TO MEET ON OCTOBER 9 The Happy Workers' Club will Meet on Thursday elvenftng, Oatoib- er 9 at the home of Mns, Ebner Page 'at 8.30 pan, Roll oal'1 will be a donation for the bazaar on Nov- enpber 8. Lunch Milt be ,pat -400k. The ladies will he working at a gwid't. BAKE SALE Council Chambers Town Hall, Clinton Saturday, Oct. 11 at 3.00 p.m. EST Auspices of Tuckersmith Ladies Club 41-b The British Knitwear Now Has The New Ban Lon Sweater Sets Also for Little Girls .. . in the New Shades, also UNDERWEAR SLIPS up to 48 O.S. . . . and lots of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Come In and See What We Have Mrs. Marion Carter WA Will Hold Bazaar Early in November In the Clinton Laundry Down -Town Store or by appointment phone 9797 41b Church Directory CHITR'CH LA.N, B.Th. Thanks" and Prayer Meeting CLINTON BAPTIST Pastor: JOHN AGUL 11.00 'a rn.-"In Everything, Give Tha 10,00 a.m.-Sunday School Thursday, 7.30 p.m. -Young People's g. A Cordial Welcome to All Christian . Reformed Church REV. G. Jr. HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 a.m.-!Service In Dutch 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 2.30 p.m. -Service in English Everyone Welcome Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church: Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a.m., 1070 kes, Windsor, Ont., CK - LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kes. N�-I•J.I-I-rN Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, October 12 10,00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 'a.m.-Morning Worship 8.00 p.m. -Speaker: Mr. Archie Fields, Forest. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer and Bible Study 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m. -Wednesday- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M, J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 12 9.45 a.m.-Church School. 10,45 a.m.-Thanksgliving Service Subject of Meditation: "The Trrue Mcpression of Thanks" Sacrament of Holy Baptism. will he administered. Sun., Oct. 19 -No service in St Andrew's 'Church .owing to the Arublirn, Ammiversat, . ALL WCilISuIPP RS WELCOME ele�u=lil�illi� 3initeb eljjurci, REV. J. A. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNNIE. Choir Director Sunday, October 12 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Nursery service provided for babies. 12.15 noon -Sunday School, HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m.-Morning Worship 10.45 a.m, Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K, L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, October 10- 8.00 p.m. -Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, October 12- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Gospel Service Tuesday, October 14- 8,00 p.m. -Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHLI,RCH 1. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, October 12 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a,m.-Morning Worship Subject: "Beware That Thou F'lorget Not„ 7.30 p.m, -Evening Service Topic:"The Sermon at 9 a.m." Wed., 8 'p.m. -Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to ,these services, ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's Clinton REV, C, S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Nineteenth, Sunday Atter Trinity Sunday, October 12 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion. 14.,00 S.M.-Parish Comhnunlion Wednesday, Obtobor 15 Monkishly 'Club titin; meet in Parr fish, Hall at 8.15 p.m. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "TI -IE FRIENDLY CHURCH', Pastor -REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A, 9,45 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 a.mx•, Thahkslgilving and B'ap isnn Service 7.30 p.m. -Chapel Service TURNEW8 CHURCH 2.00 pan.---WorshIip Service 3,00 p: i. ----Sunday School 8.30 Taos., Oct. 14 -Ontario Street W'MS will held their •autumn thanka'ffering meeting at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. 3. C. Britton, guest speaker. Mrs. J. B. Laois, president of the Ontario Street United Church Woman's', Asslociation presided for the Oct/Ober meeting on Toesld'ay With an attendance of 44. Mrs, W, S. R. Holmes conducted, the devotions using "'Thanksgiving" as her theme. The wererteay's and treasurer's reports were given by Mrs. B. Odd'e 'and d Mrs. C. Proctor, Re- ports were given by the conveners of the standing committees and to the absence of :Mrs, C. F.1/lodrt the ;corresponding secret'a'ry, N. B, aide read the correspondence. Planus were made for the bazaar to be held ii'n November. 1VLrs, G, R. Fear gave 'two readings, "Det Us Give Thanks", by Edna. Ja;c- eines and "The Dollar amid' The Cent'„ Foll,owiai the meeting, Munich was served by .thee ladies of High,- way 4 North, and Concessii;on 2, Millet, t, rconlvened by Mrs. Percy Gijbbings and Mrs. Ivan Ileggarth. A vote of thanks to those asslist- iing In the meeting was 'given by Mrs. l't, 'Sly and Mrs, E. Radford. tion to ail to visci them Engagements Announced aVtr, And Mrs. H. W, Laded, Clinton, wash to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Gertrude to . Mr, Jack Dietrich, Cllimton', son of Mr, ono Mrs. A, Dietrich, Walker- ton, The marriage will take liiktee in October. 41-p Shower Held For Young Bride -Elect (By our Bayfiold Correspondent) MIi'ss Jroylce Ralf, London, ent- ertained at cards at the home p8 her parents, ts, 'Mrr, and Mrs, Charles Beal, on Friday evening, Sefptemb-# es 26, 'in; honour of Mrs, Eugene McLaren (formerly Miss Donna Leckie),. Ibbonowing ilunich, Miiss Belli sur- prised id the !baiide b presenting !with a aniis'celllanelous shower bas- ket, as-ket, After opening the packages, Mrs. Mcla'ien eaepressed her thanks,and appreciation for the beautiful gifts and a delightful evening, and 'extended an navvzta- i Just Arrived! Imported Dutch Bulbs Flowers • DAFFODILS • TULIPS • HYACINTHS • CROCUS • NARCISSUS Telegraphed Anywhere K.C. COOKE, Florist Dial HU 2-7012 - CLINTON IN 140"41" tv c0III Gwoue 109 {leIdAoolIivk y.osl14o0Ycl Mdar{ulwboycn 1411 asl11ye�1}oaeaootnee n• • H arris Tweeds Shetlands Con' 29,95 FOR YOUR FALL WARDROBE - We Suggest: TOPCOATS -:- HATS SPORT SHIRTS -:- SWEATERS Pickett & Campbell Limited ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS Phone HU 2-9732 -- Clinton, Ont. FOR THANKSGIVING Dinner Rolls 30c doz, Fruit Loaf 35c eaoh Honey Dip Donufs 40c doz. Tarts 60c doz. Layer Cakes 45c each Pumpkin Pie 55c each Our Saturday Special Frani Our Store Only-- MINCE M[AT PIES - - Reg. 55c for 49C Bartlilfs BaL. Bakery and Restaurant