Clinton News-Record, 1958-09-18, Page 6PAGE SIX Itt News of Bayfield By MISS LUCY R. WOODS PHONE: BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Dr. A. L. Chapman, Detrolt, was bend and skin Robert were at at his cottage forthe weekend. tbeir cotttage for the weekend'. Mrs. R. H. Miiddle'tonS HensadL, Mr.' ,and Mrs. F, C. Fitzgerald Was with her aster, Miss Lucy loft on, Monday for thedm home in R. Woods, from Fridayto Sunday, Kitchener after han*ing been at Walter Rolb!insonl, Toronto, was their cottage for the season,.. With his mother, 'Mrs. H, H. Rab- Mr. and Ms. Warren P. Cook ftv ao,ns, over the weekend. and ifiaurffl'y, London-, were at their Mrs. M. Geiger visited in Seib- cottage on, T"uyll Street for theReinlg�vIM- and at her home wear weekend.. Zurli,Ch from FUda!y' to .Sunday. Cathy MacLeod returned to hem Mr. and Mrs, H. Bauer and home id, Byron; on Sunid'ay after soon Tom, Waterloo, occupied their having spent some time with her cottage for the weekend, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, L. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tillman and H, D. MacLeod. ifamaa ,, Landon, spent the weekend. Mists, M, Roddick, London, was lot !their wattage. BE of liver brother and sist- Mr, and Ants, H,RamdIng, Surat- Mr. 'and Mrs. R. S, ford'spent the weekend at their "Geivtury House" over codrtage, the weekend. Mr. +anal Mrs, James Lindsay Mr, and' Mrs, Arnold Makins and two sons, London, occupied and two chdldrren visited his broth.- thedr cottage ,for the weekend. er4n4law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sprague, Kenneth Mackie in Landon from Detroit, aacupied the n'atter's soot- n—Iday to Sunday. Mage "Dolly Lodge„ over the week- Mr. ,and (Mrs. Lloyd S.cotdimer end, and Howardspent the weekend 'Me Rt. Rev. William A. Towns- in'Landon with Mr. and, Mrs. J. pend; D.D., F.C.I.S., Mrs, Towns- Pounder and fanrdly. Bernard FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, shipper Phone 7'73 43-ffb 36"x72" Plastic Sheet — 18 Feet Fibre Moulding 49e and 35 Nails — Ready to tack on ........................ 36"x72" with 6 yards of 1" Weatherproof Tape 90e 48"x72" with 7 yards of 1" Weatherproof Tape 2-1958 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF SEDANS — automatic transmissions, fully equipped $2,795 1958 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF SEDAN, standard transmission .......................... $2,595 1957 PONTIAC COACH — automatic trans- mission, fully equipped $ .......... 2,395 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON ........ $2,350 1957 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, automatic, fully equipped ....... $2,395 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN, fully equipped .. $2,095 1957 FORD CUSTOMLINE, fully equipped, six -cylinder ...:................ $2,095 1956 NASH RAMBLER, Custom, fully equipped $ , ...................................... 1 850 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, overdrive $1,650 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN, automatic trans- mission, fully equipped, low mileage .... $1,450 1954 CHEVROLET STANDARD SEDAN ...... $1,195 1954 METEOR 2 -Door Hardtop, automatic transmission dully equipped $1,395 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN ...... $1,095 1#953 DODGE SEDAN ................................... $1,095 1952 CHEVROLET COACH .......................... $ 795 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN ....... :........ ............ $ 895 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN .................. .,.. $ 695 1951 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON ........ $ 595 1951 FORD COACH ......., 550 1951 DODGE SEDAN, fluid drive .................. $ 495 1950 FORD STATION WAGON .................. $ 695 Cars can be Driven Away at the Prices Listed in this Advertisement. Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer BRUSSELS, ONT. Phone 173 CUNT ` NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, SLPTEMBER 18, 19561 Correction, Please ,An error as to dote occurred in the relpor't of the manicy Ch- urch Guild maee'tnng !n last week's innue, One paragraph should have mead: I'Lunch was arranged for S'ent- •ern ber 22 when; . Bishop Towns- hend shows saides and' sgiives� a tank on sthe Lanrlbeth Conlference in the prax'ish hail." It will, commence at 8 P.M. Stu %eon, who accompanied' thew,, visited R$o4y N'utldn.. Mr. and Mrs, William Murray, Detroit, were in, the vMasge from Friday to Sunday and visited his moither, 'Mrs. Agnes; Murray, who is a, ! pia ienit !in alntan PubUie Hsosp.Wtal rss katfhleen Rerld and her uncle, Harry Reid, Windsor, were at "Enfield" !cottage from Friday ,to Sunday, On their return, they were accompanied by Mrs. A. W. Reld, who has been here since May, and her guest for the, pant three weeks, Mrs. W. H. Helps. Sgt. and' Mr's, J. Maynvan who �haNe been on. a motor trap east for a week spent the weelvend with her parents, Mr: (and Mrs, R. L. MadMIll'en. Baby Jeffrey Mayrnan who was fyAtlh his grandparents Lash week returned to Centralia with his parents. J. A. ,Orr, 'Stratford, was at his ,co,tt;age for the weekend, His sisiter, Mrs'. J. R. R. Willcoicac, with Iver husband and their 'three children spent Sunday with 'him. They :leave Stratford on Friday and will (board a ptamie at Mial'ton on Ssaturday to return to their Mame in Rio de Janiero, 13=0. -o-- Bayfield Man's (rather -in -Law Receives Award (By our Bayfield Correspondent) The following icli,ppdng from the !Preston newspaper refers to the father iin- aw of Stuart Sturgeon: "A local citizen Mr. Bernard Davis, of 951 Queen Street was hasghay honoured recently' when he received the ImperiralServdo'e Med- al from. Queen Elizabeth, for serv- ice oto ;foie Crown tri lntertela!econ - unications:, London area in Eng- liand. He, ,also received a personal letter of congratulations, from. Gov- ernor General Massey. "Mr. Danis was employed, by the 'Civil Service since 1919 and duri!"ug the last; war was in charge of repairing telephone cablesdam- aged during ith:e kir !rands. on; Lon- don. He, retired in1956 c:omdng to Preston- the same, year and has since iapened his own business, Shnzrvisu Pain'tei rs, on Hamilton St- reet. ".C'oplgrrratulatians, from -this pap- er and feom Preston citizens go tc Mr. Davis at this time." Mr. Davis' and bis wife have frequently visited vAth Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ssturigeun here. He tools his s'on-7n lrarw, intobusiness with him. The partnership name 69d'e- rwe;d froml the first, part of the surname of :Sturgeon andl •the last part of Davis. 0 HOLMESVILLE Mr. •and Mrs. Gordon Maahrr`- lane and son; R.oi St. Thomas, visited the -Tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrrs-. Bert Lobb, on Saturday. and Mrs. Howard Pym, and danlghrter Joan, Elmville, visited the, slatt'er s ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb on Sunday. ,Fall Fair AT Milverton Saturday, Sept. 20 Good Horse Races Starting Gate $50 Stake for Heavy and Light Horses and Ponies. Horseshoe Pitchina Milverton Square Dancers In Attendance BABY CONTEST CKNX RADIO BROADCAST and DANCE -8,30 p.m. - �,MERRILL TV SERVICE' Call HU 27021' For Repairs to ALL Makes of Radios, TV, Auto Radios and Electrical Appliances. LOW OVERHEAD -- LOW PRICES w News of Holmesvill' Correspondent -- MRS. F. M00ULLOUGH Phone HU 2-7418 Mrs. Bert Trewkartha has rg- lesson and Marion Uelb.old gave turned to her home from (Mnton the prayer. Pni;Wc IIospital, where she was a' The president, Bob Xdrnan,, patient (for ka few weelm. conducted the (business, Donald The Wesley - Wdllis - Holmesav llo Yeo read' a story and Ei le Gah- Y,P,U, are having a party in the wedler rend a rt'emperance poem, Holmesvill'e School on Saturdlasy, Marilyn Yeo .read .ka poem. A Ocitober, 20 with Mr, and Mrs, contest was enjoyed. The study Gordan Ste'epe as hosts. book chapters were roVlew'ed by WA meets Mrs, pack Yea" and Mrs. Frank McCh]Riough. The meeting closed The WomwVs ,As'sociiatian meet- Waith sa benediction. ung followed, with Mrs. S. arqu,- bar, president, do the chair, The WMS Necking Seripsture lesson and comments With Mrs. Jack Yeo in charge, the Hoslmesvdlle United Church were given by XTis. Farquhar. Mrs, Edward Grigg gave the treasurees Woman's Missionary S,aolesty met report. Planswere made for the n the Sunday School rooms for their September meeting. Mrs. bazaar to be held in the ClintonYea Town Hall an October 4. The gave the call to worship, The meeting closed w#1h, ,prayer. Host- president, Mrs. N, Heard', conduct- ed the. (business. The Scripture esgesi for the day were Mrs. N. Heard, -Mrs. J. Huller andMrs, le'ss'on: was read: by Mrd. W. Yea, B, MacMaith, and Mss, S. Farquhar led] hr pray - Mission Band er. Mgrs. L. Bond gave a temrperanZe "The Wilhelmina Mission Band artiicle. Mfrs. J. Grigg ;gave 'a read - of Hidlmlesn hill's United Church ing on the segregation pmolbleir, met m the, school for' their Sept- and Mrs. L.' Bond played a ember meeting. Jim, McCullough ,piano solo. Mrs. R. Miller gave the topic was in, !charge of the program, on "She Views a Changing Worlds'. Fred Tyndall read the Seriprture The meeting clwd with prayer, News of Londesboro Correspondent — MRS. BERT ALLAN Phone Blyth 37 r 5 Miss Ann Fairserviiee, Detrod,t, program consisted of i'nstmment hasp returned from, Phoenix, ATdz- als, any Marguurdte Lyon. and read- ona, and spent the weekend at sings by Mrs. Durnisn and a love the home of her ,parents, Mr. and lunch (provided by the hostel ,Mrs. Robert Flaimervdce. broulgth the meeting to a close, Mr, ,and Mrs. Clifford Stewart, Mrs. Margery Daveys. and child' - Stanley, attended; the baipdism..of ren, North Bay, are spending this their grandson Brian Robert, itin- week with cher parents., Mr. and fiant son of Mr. and Mrs. Tough Mrs. Ehnergon Hesk. Mrs. Hesli Miner on Sundsay. who is! not enjoying her usual Mr, and, Mrs, Clarence Rath, health has; been, compelled to resit Mr. Land Mrs. Teasfordi Cook, Bel- up for a few weeks. Friends wdsb grave, ,aiilso Mr. and -Mrs. Karl her a speeidy recovery. Wihlitifiield sands Lorme, Blyth, were Sunday visitors wdsth M.T. and Mrs. Gordon Howatt, also attending, the baptism, of Kevin Gordon, b -dant � , son of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon l-Iow- att loin Sunday morning. ' WMS Hears of West The Womanns Mis'sio'nary Ssac- iety held their September meet- THEIR HOUSE WAS ing on Thursday .afternoon with e.,O CH1Ll.Y� the regular attendance. An inter- estinlg, talk was given by Mrs. IT MADE THEM FEEL Stanley Lyon, who with, her hus- 6 1RAPPY band has recently returned from a trip to the West. Spending same time Wath their daughter Vera 5lWCE USING. who is a nurse at the Wrinch ` OU R. OI L-. Memorial Hospital- in Hazelton, TNEY�RE COZYAfJo B;C., telling .of the work being done among, ,our• natdve Indians. %/� NAPPY - An invitation from Burnv's WMS to their ThankoBferinig attend meeting on September" 25 was accepted. k, .5 % WI Meeting The Warden's; liistitute' held - - their regular m(k6rng last Thurs- 1 1 day evening with about 40 muem- , 1 fibers and' visitors present. A dem- onstration and Tine display of foam novelties werepresided ov- a 11rulblber er Iby Mris. Lloyd Pipe. 1 ,, I'Th.e 00'aak- motto, "Do not resent grow- ing old, mi uW are denied that , r �. Phone privilege", was taken by Mrs. Harr H U 2-6633 ry Lear. The topic tivas' dealt with by Mrs. Robert Fairservsice. The See the Newest !Y 1, w in GAS STOVES and r+� • Other Appliances: :.. u ;r, iiihhi,' ._0_ - On Display Now 1 Hawkins'Hardware "Service is our Motto" Clinton HU 2-9433' N PE L THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY 100 Famous Make LONG SLEEVE f . SPORT SHIRTS y <� p Reg. $5.95 & $6.95. , ,> SALE $3.95 ea. PRICE ....... SIZES S -M - L- Herman's Men's, Wear (Open Friday Evening) 15 Farmers To Show, Woodham, we -Qt Seafloz`th, 75- Corn Berry, judsge. Corn at Seaforth iFWeen area farmers entered For Sale . . lthe.-Tield, husking corn competition sp%2rored by the Seaforth Agr'4- 3 -Ton Ford Stake, r ew motor culrturafi Society in conjunction j 4 fi, .rack, { with the annual fair. FolavMng are -the crop sewes 3 -Ton '52 Roo, Bold Comet,,. with final judgiM, t�akdnig place ... 16 ft. ,rock. at the d.aal' fair, September 18, 19: John Bell, RSR, 2, Seaforth, 92i/' 3 -Ton Chevrolet Cab & Chals-- points; Robert Fatheri nghlam, RR sis. 3, Seraforth, 92; Luthesr Saunders, 24-HOUR TOWING S i R V l .0 E RR 2, Seariort'h, 91; 'Mervin Lane, bW RR. 4, Seaforth, 90; Kenneth Stew- art, TIRES RIR 5, Seaifort'h, 89; John Bales and Service Hen,ders'on, ;RR 5; S'eefoetb, 86; Don p ld Buchanan, RR 1, Londes- New Cushion Ride Nylon bora, 85°;' Gordon. ,Papplie, RR, 5', Dunlop Tido S ectal 17.50- Sedfootb, 8'4; ,Toe Larse, RR 5, P s— P Seaforth, 82; Robert Broadfoot, Without Trade-in ,RR "' 1•, Btrucefseldi` 81; Harold Summer Prices on New Silent` Pryce,.R_ 1,, Sesaifpx•th, 80%; Art . ,Traction Snow Tires. Hendershony RR, 5, Seaforth, 80; Elora Mk:Sipadd n, 1,., Seaforth, 79,; Ivan;Mc�911ymont, RR 1, Varna, CLERE'YU AUTO, 7s; Robert E. McMillan, RIR 2; • in WRECKERS Staple Townshi Y r R.R.2 CLINTON Weelcend..,vdsirtors; with lvlx, ,and ' Mrs; ,Ed Glen were'NLr. aatd Mrs. Dial HU 2-3211 Guy Maddock and famuiay, Jbhn•r Glen Price, Prop. Mary and, Hildile, OakVia and 37-tm Mrs, Mary E1lhott, Toronto. IF YOU NEED CASN- f ` q THEM DON'T DELAY CALL T.C.C. ON THE PHONE TODAY ! T. TRANS CANADA CREDIT LOANS -$150. to repay-- t n OAE �A Up to 30 months to repay L 5 L� O � Plans to suit Y2£ budgets r•:,•';::r �' U$ THE SQUARE, PHONE 71171 f3 ' GODERICH, ONT. TM 13 It in MW WHYr•FEED ...F; :, ,,:. , PURINA -D.06 CHOW PURINA DOG CHOW is a nutritionallte adequate diet for dogs. But equally im-• portant, is the fact it is high in palat- .PURINA ability. Palatability, as far as the dog DOG CHO% is concerned, means agreeable taste and texture, Tests have shown a dog food must feel good as •well as taste good ta.. dogs before it -can ever get the chance- to hanceto do good. AT PRESENT PRICES, the economical thing to de is to eat`the traditional "table scraps" yourself, and feed your dog PURINA DOG CHOW! You'll both be better off, for Dog Chow is very reasonably priced . . . better balanced for: health and condition ... scientifically and practically RIGHT. Dogs take to it ... it's palatable. Backed by Research tests on thousands of dogs (some in the Purina Kennels have got nothing but Dog Chow and water for 17 generations, and: thrived on it), it's the choice of leading kennels and trainers, for top -priced 'show and breeding stock. DOG CHOW IS A DRY FO0.,D-90 percent food.solidsa. It is made in two forms—Checkers, and Kibbled Meal. The: Checkers are fed dry. The Kibbled Meal is fed: moist.. . . usually with water, though as a spur to appetite yo.0 may, sometimes mix in soup, gravy, milk, or broth from. cooked vegetables. Mix 1 part liquid, 2 parts Meal, stir and' left stand for 5 minutes. Feed according to condition. GUARANTEED TRUST CERTWICATES, • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 4%% interest, payable half - yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Commania_s and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 15 YEARSt THE STE R_LI �N 0­-� THUS '$- CORPORATION 372 Bay St., 1-3 Dunlop St., '., R �s.vr •. Toronto Barrio - ° • ' eMpire 4-7495 PArkway 8-5181 (Miss Hodgens) (Mr, Alcorn) H. C. LAA'6 SONi Representative: I Phone 11U 2-9644' Clinton, .Clatario