Clinton News-Record, 1958-08-07, Page 8STOP! Weevil Damage Prevent Grain Weevil Damage for a Whole year, Get BIN TREAT and HOWARD'S GRAM GUARD If you didn't prevent Plan Your cure Use HOWARD'S BIN-FUME H. F. WETTLAUFER Clinton Phone HU 2-9792 For Best Car Care ... AND BEST BUYS IN ALL CAR NEEDS— SEE US! • Tires Always Checked • Windshields Cleaned • Car Swept Out • Under-hood Check-up Don's B-A Service • .. to their Ontario Hospital Insurance This man's employer is one of over eight thousand Ontario employers who have selected semi-private coverage through Blue Cross for their between standard ward and semi-private care for an unlimited numbel employees—the plan designed to cover the cull difference In ra of days. Individuals, too, can enrol for this completely new Blue Cross service effective January 1, 1959. Add Blue Cross semi-private coverage to your Ontario Hospital Insurance—one payment can be made to cover both plans. Blue Cross Plan for Hospital ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Here are the about exchanging your 3% wartime Victory Bonds C- 1. What is the Canada Conversion Loan of 1958? It is an offer to replace all unmatured 3% wartime Victory Bonds with new 25-year 41/2% Canada Con- version Bonds. (Other bonds of shorter term, bearing interest rates of 41/4%, 3 3A% and 3% are also available.) ' • • • 2. Why is the Government making this conversion offer? In order to reorganize the national debt on a longer term basis and thus reduce the volume of Government refinancing over the next few years. There is widespread public and business agreement that this is a sensible idea and will help protect the soundness of the Canadian dollar. 3. What interest will I receive on the new bonds? On the 25-year bonds the interest rate is 41/2%—this is . 50% greater than the old Victory Bond rate. The in- crease on the 14-year and the 7-year bonds is also substantial. 4. As a Victory Bond holder, will I be required to make any additional paYment? No. On the contrary, you will receive an immediate I cash adjustment. 6. What will be the total of my cash adjustment? It will depend on the type of exchange. For example, a $500 8th Victory Bond exchanged for a $500 Conversion Bond paying 41/2% will give you $8.75 in cash fin. mediately. This includes earned interest, 7. Does this offer apply to Canada Savings Bonds and other Government of Canada Bonds? No. This offer is limited to unmatured wartime Victory Loan Bonds only. 8. What steps should I take if I am away from home on vacation and wish to take advantage of this offer? You should write immediately to your bank, investment dealer, stockbroker, trust or loan company, requesting literature and application forms. 9. Does it matter that the Victory Bond I hold is very small? Every holder of a Victory Bond, even though the amount held may be only $50, should take advantage of this offer. It is in his best interests as well as in the best interests of Canada. 5. Do I have to convert my Victory Bonds? !You may, if you wish, hold your Victory Bonds until maturity and on the due date you will be paid their lull face value. The Conversion Loan offer is open only to Victory Bond holders; and the "right" to convert gives Victory Bonds a special value until the offer "kispires. This is because there are many people twins At any bank, investment dealer, trust or Wan company; i_Yjita.141.9;der to invest in the new bonds. or through your stockbroker. 11.0 •tvit, 10. How long is this offer open? Until September 15, 1958, but it is to your advantagei to convert as quickly as possible and have the benefit of the immediate cash adjustment. 11. Where can I exchange my Victory Bonds? Turn to !WC for money service you can trust HFC, Canada's leading consumer finance company, has been making prompt loans, in privacy, to over 34 million Canadian families a year. At HFC you can borrow up to $1,000, take up to 30 months to repay on terms you select. Modern money service hocked by 80 years' experience HOUSEHOLD FINANCE • • or/A, / R. K. Filch, Manager 33A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH HARVEST TRUCKS SAVE ON YOUR HAULING COSTS NEW 1958 FARGO TON TRUCK Large box. Heavy Duty Springs. SPECIAL. PRICE O nly 2,195.00 1951 MC TON A Good Farm Truck. Only $195.00 F .:14 • *$ t PAGN =MIT CLErGN NEWS-RMORP THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1,08, Huron. County Junior Farmers Hold Meetingw Lay Plans For First Year Book. To Be Published This is an 'item I ran across in the weekly tplletin, put out by clo,operative Insurance Associa- ' !tiPa Which I think WOrth repeat. The other day we read an art- liPae urn our daily Paper which start • e0 that violent times in Cyprus rolled tip, a total of 49 dead within five weeks. Another article in the, Same paper mentioned the nutribet7 of people killed by a disease in the PrOvince — and still another — the number killed in plane crash, But in 'Canada In a single, nor- mal weekend, almost 50 people were killed in • traffic accidents, or just under half in Ontario, where annual death rate in traffic rises steadily (1,279 last year). Most terrifying aspect of it all is the way that Canadians take for granted the hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries every year when it curs to automobile accidents. • If a Plane crashes, for example, government official's rush th the • scene to Investigate every detail lVfaSsive research programs seek out cures for diseases. If an epi- demic struck Ontario, Wing more than 100 people per month and crippling -20 times more, there find a cure. But traffic accidents LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND * * Dancing Every Wednesday Friday and Saturday * * * Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orch. *: Some say this is the best Orch- estra ever to play at 'The Bend' Have you heard them — Really Sweet! Plan a party and dance in a ballroom where nice people meet. Sunday, August 10 9 p.m. COMMUNITY CONCERT Inside Lakeview Casino SING SONG Hammond Organ Recital by Len Burt, assisted by Verne Rayner on Piano Everybody Welcome Let's Get Together! Sponsored by Ratepayers Association, and Chamber of Commerce which kill more, people than 015elas'04, Plane Praishes or Cyprus riots, get only cursory ,attention., The causes of accidents are Cla'S-, 0y recognizable, road hazards', flaws tin ears and highway design, law enforcernents and careless drivers and ,pedestrians, Although individuals and various ,orgarniza- tions are trying to corphat these causes — real safety progress, as someone once said, can only come when Canadians make UP their minds to stop tolerating in the driver's seat the kind of 'reckless- ness, discourtesy and sheer atm, idity they would not tolerate any- where else in Canadian life. We are now hi the middle of the summer months which always bring the traffic toll to a new high. Let every one of us, by word and example encourage ac- cident free driving. 0 Huron County Farming Report (By A. S. Bolton, assistant agricultural representative for Huron County) "Hot dry weather during the past week has ripened cereal crops very quickly, consequently harv- esting operations are in full sw- ing. With the exception of the northern tip of Ithe County, which did not receive as much rain as 'the remainder of the County ear- lier in the spring-, these props are giving excellent yields, .Coon and beans continue to make excellent growth." Volkswagen Sales Clinton HU 2-9088 r••••••••••••111011114=111114111•141 Farmers.BelieveIn Marketing Principle Says Gordon Hill. Tile recent hag plebiscite indic- ates fanners be ieVe in the POPO- pio of organized marketing', but have reservation es to the mech- anics Of the Program carrell* being followed by Ontario Hog Producers Association, said Gord- on Hill, president of the Ontario' Farmer's Union. The campaign carried on by Ontario Hog Producers" Market- ing board prior to the July 25 vote stated quite clearly that the question was not whether pro- dwells favoured either assembly yards or the present personnel, but whether they favoured a central sales agency. In fact, president Hill said, Hog Producer president McInnis, stated during the camp- aign that assembly yards are a "temporary feature" of the plan. The failure of over half the el- igible voters to cast their ballot indicates lack of confidence; this coupled with the fact the counties producing the largest 'Minnie of hogs failed to carry the vote in- dicates the rather insecure posi- tion of the "Board", More cc-opera- ton; and certain modifications will be necessary If the. "Marketing Boated" is' to regain the confidence of the majority of produeors, Mr. Hill concluded. Everyone Reads and Uses the WANT ADS A Special ConornAittee of the Huron Connty Junior Farmers met 4n Ciinton on Monday, July 21t to •diselle5 PlarlIS for their year book. The Year Book is being published in connection with tire 10th Anniversary the linron 'County 0:014•Or Fanners whidh is to be held October 4ith .!axia 5th. The 'keir Bonk 'Will include ar- Wes on the various phases of Junior Activities carried' on dur- ing the year, These activities in elude .such things as drama, sp- orts, debating, pablie speaking, chair, Judging competitions, only to mention a (few. The committee, also plans to have pictures of the executive --and the various .corn.: inittees .concerned with the 10th Anniversary celebration included, Federation Heldman Reminds Readers Canada Has Too Many Traffic Deaths (By J. Carl lieraillgWaY) 4 r, 1950 STUDEBAKER 1/2 TON Good. Only $195.00 Eff...**1.4:4?.14414-444440101,3 MURPHY BROS. GARAGE PHONE: HU 2.9475 CHRYSLEit.PLYMOUTH-FARGO '44 #44444-44-444-•44-44-44,•44-044.4049-44++++,4444-.4-444444-4-* dQp..t delay --warii convert today EARN UP TO 2% ON THE NEW CANADA CONVERSION BONDS