Clinton News-Record, 1958-08-07, Page 6r4LOF SAN, - _ GZI i' ON NEWS-RFCUF 1 't URS7aAX, AUGUST Z, 1958. Varma Lady Celebrates Eirth4ay In Windsor Two Hensall Cars Are ed !b' OPP ConstCabQe Gorge Mit-- � of Rn F1e�A d :. ..: .. ljnvolved in Crashes +elh the aster dnt►t., wl�l { . �7G'W W If lve By MISS BU. PUONE: BA M=. Wham Barber and fan -411Y, +St. Tliornas, are at their cottatg,e, Dr, R. G, Hunter; Toronto, is halal�ignin+g at his home ani the vihRa�, Mas', A, +ai , Furter, IM -4m, ur, spend mfg a week with her brother, i'ti. A, Sthmson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Sar. rnga, are, visiting W. and Mrs, E, A, Featherston, Mis0, Ruth Murray, Detroit, Mi- Chugarl, 2s the gamest of Mass Jessie Metcalfe this: week.. Massest MabeS Flodgins, and M Macdonald Teft on FWI&W to spend to few' days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Schnell, Detroit, spent the 4ro!li;day week- end. with Mrs. E. Schn.'ell, Mr, and' Mrs. E, Pollard', Lon- don, �acc'uppied .their cottage o'v'er the Civic HolWay weekend. Mr. arida Mrs. F. Chutor and Mks Doris Chutor, Preston, are haday'ing at their c'otttage, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bunch and 4axnify, ,,hallo rdal+e, are boaidsay- ang at 'trhe Must'ar'd cottage. Mr, and Mrs. A. Y. MciGearn, Seaforthy we occupying +the Oun- dnghamo cottagethis nionth, Jo, Anne Oates, London, is V'�t- ing at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. W..Jlliitl , Bails epi •Park. Cdiras'to!ph±er Howard, Windsor, is the guest of his brother, J. ;E±. fi; ward and famdliy this week. Mr. and Mas. Cslrydies Wood, 'Y:�aupzgstown, Odado, are ttJh'e guests of Mr. and Mrx TT, H. Ormond, Mr. and Mrs'. L. B. Smith, Lon- dlonr, are visiting at the home of her sitter, Mrs, R. J. Larson this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Lame and family, Troy., Mich,, have been holidaying at ttheir cottage in Lakeside, Park, Mr. ;and Mrcs, John Oates and three difi ren, Kitchener, are vis- atintg hitst mother, Mrs. T. W. Oates art her cotttage. Dr. and, Mn. Pawl 'Weldon, janld thrreel children, London, are at the guest house, "Sylvan Acres" for the month, of August. The Rev. anrd Mrs. F. H. Paull recti rned to the village on Mon- day after having been at Listowel since Friday. George, Lindsay accompanied by Alfred: Spencer, Paras, visited aims another, Mrs'. George Lindsay for a few days thin week. 11>fir. and Mrs.. Lyle James,, daug- lhter and family, Sarnia, arse occu- pying Mrs'. G, M. Galbrali&s cot- tage on Bayfield' Terrace: Sandra and Shirley Me'Cltincai- ey, Zurich', are visiting tt "01'r rgrandmother, ,Nares. •Mehzza Geiger alt "The Hut" thlis• 'week. Occupying the Scottchmer cabins this week are. Mr. and Mrs. Ted ,Hbm4,etit and tfamday; Mr, and Mgrs. Ben W l i r and family, Parris, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gingerich, St. aaIr' Shores, M obligan, were with the ,former'st uncle. Paul Cleave, and Mrs, Cleave over the long weekend'. Mr's. Norman Moore and Joe Ann, Mr. and Mrs, John Walters anal; Nancy, Gant were Sunday vis- dtors� with Mr, and Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimmons, Miss Joyce Bell, who has a posi- tdos>i with the London Life Asstur- ance Company, spent sthe long wveekend, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beal. Mms. J. M. Atchison; St. Olaar Shores, Michigan do at her home On: cbaina, Street, Reno>us, Joh and son Guane, Detroit, are vaca- •+tioning wlith her this lmeek.. Mr. and,, Mrs, Robert MacLe returned. to London on after having spent a few days with the Tormer's parents Mr. and, Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod. Dr. and Mrs. Manley Thompson, Catchy and Roddy, who have been visiting Mrs. Th:omp's lil's parenrts, XU( 2 CENTS A BUSHEL STOWS GRAIN INSECTS FOR A WHOLE YEAR Spray Bins With HOWARD BIN 110WOD TREAT to kill Insects ?BEAT in cracks and were arabin to get a ferxY across crevices, to Vancouver. (They had, previous - Treat new grain with HOWARD GRAIN GUARD POWDER U i X e s easily with new grain as it is belied --pro- tedts it from grain insects for a, whole year without effebtiing grilling, feed or seed Value. it costs a'bo'ut 2c a bush- el to use BIN' TREAT' and GRAIN GUARD—legs tb0di it does to f(tmIgate, bit Sale At CLINTON PARD SUPPLY and. Machine Shop t'hone "Uhter 1,0611 R,. WDODS �D 45 r 3 Mr. and Mrs, J. MacKenzie, Ve- turrned to Chacago qac Wednesday of last week, Mrs; J, Maca�enzie heft .on Wed- nestday to visit her son, John and family in, Toronto, Master Douj- iw O ngsbury� re�tuxned home on Wednesday .after a month's vaca- tion, at LTUcitnow. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbam MkUTAy came cru Tuesday to see the fo±ayxr.- er's another, Mm.. Agnes; Murray who is. a !patient do Aldnton Public Hospital. They are staying at their home in the village. Mrs. Lawrence' Spt''ague, accom- paniod by Mrs. Ray •Hayward and grand!daurghrters, Barbara and! Suie Haywar"d', Detroit, wero at her cottager ,Holley Lodge" from Thursday until Monday, Staying whthn Mrs'. R. H. F. Gair- dner ,over rthe weekend were: Mrs, Herbert Kuntz and daughter Gene; Waterloo,; Mr, and Mrs. Donald! Hudspeth, and twan sons, Robeot Darrel. and James' Wylde, Guests of the, Wm;1en Shop cabins visiting :there Mr. and Mrs. E. Prosser, HamDlton; Mr, and' Mrs. J. 'Stewart, London; Mr. and Mays, D. C. Farr, Londbn; Mr. 'and Mrs, N;Ed and' two child- ren, Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mott, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with the former's cousin,, Mrs•. Alf Scotch - mer, Jr., and family. Also visit - Ing thein, on Sunday was her um - le Leslie O'NeM, Westminster Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight •returned', to Toronto ori Monday after spendim±g a fortnight -at the Geme9nhiardt-Knlglvt residence on Louisa, Street. Their daughter, Mrs. Ant Latimer and two, chAd- ren, Toronto, are holidaying here now. :Mr. and Mrs. WAAam. Parker' ,and baby, tTLondon, are with the j •foimeVs! parents', Mr and Mrs. i W1,11am; E. Parker. Paanela (smaK daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Robert Parkes') is visWng' her grand iparents wthril'e her parents are an! holidays. William F. Buchan returned, to punnvillre on, Tuesday after hav- ing come on Sunday to vi�srist Ills niece, Miss Lucy L. Woods, and brother J, L. Buchan. Wd Aam.-F. and J. L. Buchan attended rthe• centennial' celebration in Durham ion Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McKinnon and: family., Jack McKinnon, Mrs, J. E. McKinnon and Jerry, Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Bellamy and family, Mr. argd Mrs. Douglass Me- ConneK ,and Miss Pat McConnell, London were at "The Cedars" :over the long weekend. Recent guests at the home of Mn. Walter Wesdil'ake include: Mr. and Mrs. Mint, Judy and Bunny, Toronto, for a week; Mr. and Mn. Murray (Bowen, Mr. and Mss. Glen Bowen., Tupltervalle, Ontarlo, Mr. and Mrs..C. E. Mac- Lean, Sax~n. weekend. Mr and Mrs. Alan Galbraith and Janis, ,(?limon, are `occupying their cottage on Bayfield! Terrace. Mr. and Ms. G. M. Galbraith, I7undav, who recently returned -from an European., moor are at rthedr house, "Sylvan Acres?' Bliue Water 0ghway, GoderichShipTowar- The Rev. and Mrs. George S,cottchme�r and six children, Gad- veston, Texas, who spent the John weekend with their father, F. G. Saotchiner, at his, .cottalge, left on Monday to visit This, sister, Mrs. Lembert !Beatty, Montreal, and friends in tthe, New Engaan!d Tues,, States, Mr, and Mrs_ Jack Frais'er, and Ricky, Londbi , were with lila .par- ents frown Friday to Tuesday, Mrs. John ,Praiser, Sr., returned' home n last Thursday after having spent a week with her son-in-law and d'auglhte:r, Mr. and Mrs. Wdlldam Parker and, iWaint son, Charlie, London. Mrs. Adam Boyd, who spent two weeks-, with, her sister, Mrs, J. E. Howard, and a couple of days with Mrs. A. Turner, White Ch- u:rch, accomlpanied' Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kritght on their return to Toronto on Monday, en route to visit, her, -son 'George, and fam- ily at Erin. Miss Carrie Ddxon returned to Brantford on Monday lafter three weeks vacation in the 01age, Her guests from Friday to Monday at "'Camborne House" were: Miss- es Florence YardPeyr, Marge Hamel:, Pearl, Jratrnb, Adele Brockdeibank, Jean Melue, Jean: Einigh: and' Mrs. ElvelHorben, Brantford. Mr Aird' Mrs. Keith Pbuss; and Charles :and the fo is nieces Barbara and! Part Carter visited Mrs. P-nusst mother, Mrs. J. H, Parker over the holiday weekend. Janice Pruss', who had spent two weeks with her anarrt, Mrs, Fred W'estoin 'and family returned to London. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Taylor, Janice,. Barbara and Garth,, aeve- land, Ohio, and their tgluests, Mr. alid Mrs. Jahn BUM&,vs, 130b, Da- vid and Beverley, Chicago, I11dn- ois were d'in'ner guests' of their aunt at'id, uriele, Mr. and Mrs. A. ,Roy Pi:tzaimmon!s' on SaturdW. 71he5r wd(a, be spending the helot two weeks, at Salutbtle, Beath, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pye, VAnd sbr, spentt hast week w1w ±hler ferthetr, charles Widwi'nller aiid Miss Mary Widt:ornlire in, the And - row's cottage. Mrs. Sail. Wid- ctmube; Wi'n'dsor, was �aaso th'ewr ,guest for, a fo%w days, Mt. Wid- cornbe and dauglStE�r, Mary are now apc�ullAng "WaTdiarn.,T: 1-%atitidls houstN on the darner of Ann and MRS. CHARLES STELCK, Varna, recently celebrated her 83rd birthday in Windsor, with her brother George Foster, Church Street. They were two of the nine -member family of the late Mr. and Mrs, Alex Foster, Varna, and Mrs, Stelck has lived in Varna all her life, This picture was taken in the lovely garden on Church Street, Windsor, of Mr. and Mrs, George Foster (who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in March), Merton Merner Family Takes Trip to West Coast; See Princess Margaret in Nanaimo (By our Bayfiefd, Correspondent) The C.Pa. ferny strike wast on Mm. and Mrs. Merton Merner the Merners planned! to start the returai journey, so they start -and children, Garrfield, Janice, Col- were arabin to get a ferxY across Teen, Lorne and .baby KeMn, ar- to Vancouver. (They had, previous - rived home pan Tuesdary eveninlg of ley been across to visit relatives last week after a holiday ,trilip for ,a few dgays). They drove to extending over four weeks. Sidney and wasted at th'e• wharf drove in their station &,ream anion until 2.30 a.m. for the waggon; camping on the way, to ferry to Anacartes, Washington, vfsat Ms. 1Vfeaners± brothers, Wda- This was, one, of the two nights tliam• and, Garfield and the'ir res- when they all slept in the station pectisve families at Port Albern2., Vancouver Island. wagon. The other occasion, was Travelling via the Trans -Canada when they had come through haul ,and snow, storms in the niont. HighWaY from Hearst, Ontario, they reported splendid camping .aims and it was toga -late to !aitch camp acid no motel was-, near. faoiNties -and a .good road all ac- ,mas Canada. The only part which. The YeRawsoone Park, where was at all rough was through. the there were aver 400' dor the tourist Cascade Mountains dei British .Cal- ca:rnp, the bears were quite tame unibda, Mrs. Merner was a bit and, a bit too close for comrfort.. nervous here when they met a bus Despite the undergmund garbagE -on ;the road twisting .around :the disposal, one cold bear kept thein mountain. The Merner car was on awake trying to ,get at it, in a the outside and theme was a sheer nearby pit, drop ,of a mile withoutam,, gyro- any it's; a small- world after all! City, Montana, -"The ,tective railing. They stopped lin Moose Jaw, Oid .Gihos±t Town which dWh't die", Sastk., and visited Mr, and Mrs. ,they -met M•r. and Mrs, Allan Ayl- Haeold MacLeod at Hope, B.C., ,esworth -and fancily, London, who en route, -taking nine days to, ar- maintain a summer cottage' in Bayfield. Herethe olzildren enq'o;y- ,rive at their destination. Thecy were in Nanadmio and had led a stage coach ride and Merton a .close view sof Princess Margaret. and the. older children visited a It was -a blustering hot day and goad, inkle. they rfelt sorry for the dainty W. and Mrs. Merner planme±c Princess having to carry out offi- thus'tom linthe early spring. They -cial: duties', under, sucdl conditions. euvioyed it very much but Ontario Mrs. Merner managed to get a and. "hiome" in particular looker' snapshot as. the Princess drove very 'good' to, them after ttheda past an her way to, out the, cent= ennial cake. And after the affair, travels. , Bkcept in the. miountains ant she drove past, the royal visit' the ,Starte of Michigan, they re• or looked; directly at the children,, Ported that camping facilities der the-U.S.A. could not compare witt smiled and± waved. it ds a. memory which they fonder Merner children those +provi ed for the tourist all MU aAways cherish. across 'Canada. It was rather terrifying, .to wit- o— nestst a forest fire which broke out about six mites, from Port Allber+ni. Bronson Line Breeder The loiggink, company bull dozens went into action and some cion- Sells German Shepherd cern was. felt until they had' it under control•. But after tthat aril Dogs In Eastern Canada tloigrging ;operations were suspended owiaig to the fire hazard. The "Smdmc 4' a silver Germarc ,climate thast year ds very dry and Shepherd from Huron, View Ken• until the close diown, the men nei's, Bronson Line, Stanley Tower lead only been working, from 2 a.m. ehiia,. is, the, pride and joy of hi: until: noon on this Wx ount. master on Prince Edward Island Asked what difference to Ont- Dion Campbell who baveds raga• aria,she noticed most on Vancouv- sterced German Shepherd dogs, hila er Island, Janice Merner said, shipped, pups to purchasers, as "The tide going :out and carradmrg Newfoundland Prince Eldward Is, in, and the high hills." !and,, Cape Breton end New Brun! - swick as well as to points dr Pioneer Park Ontario. There seems to be a de, m,and for these Tine woddrig dog The annual meeting :of the pion- in Eastern Canada. leer Park Association which was Don was quite rAleased to re Meld 4m Tuesday 'evening of tlast ceive snapshots of one ipulp when week in Trinity Parish Hall, was he was six months old, and a le;t• adjourned tivantrvl, Friday evening, ter ,from "Smokey's°' ow:ner teal - August 8. lit will ;be held in the Ing oT his achievements. At Chad Town tH+ald'. All, members are urg- ;time he had been ,going Tor thK ed to .attend. Amada and. carrying it home. Vittoria Street LEE'S Phone HU 2-9711 Clinton -- Ontario AIR-GONDI,rioNel) FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT BUY NOW and PAY LATER Avail Yourself of Our devolving Charge Account W e* Welcome Your Credit Come In And Get Full Details of the REVOLVING CREDIT PLAN 3 WAYS TO BUY 0 REVOLVING CREDIT LAYAWAY 0 CASH No Interest 6 No !Carry+rig dhargeg Bayfield Warty Drives To Orillia To Retrieve Alf. Scotchrner`s Car (By our Bayfield Correspondent) Alf. Scotchmer, Jr„ Reginal Francis, Grant Turner and Leslie tEiRotrt moltored to O,a illda on Thursday night. They returned on Friday with the formees car which had been, found abandoned in a ditch. It was dainaged and njost of the valuable stools for refrigeration repair were. missing. The thieves who took the Seat- chmer car, early Tuesday morning, stale another car dor, Orilfia. They were two 'Indian 'leads :and- were apprehended at North' Bay. Mrs. Alf. Scotchnier saw two young Indiansstanding at the end of t'he'briidge, owtsid.e their prop- erty for a song time. on Monday afternoon. They were •apspareuitly hitch-h'i;clting and trying to rthtumib a rade, It Is. thought now that they were probably the ones who stole. the Seotchmer car. Everyox e Reads and Uses the WAND' ADS (By our :HenspA Correrpon eAt) Two distr cot accidents over the weel�.en.d caused considerable 4,4- Mages but resulted, in alluor sal- Jurries. On gatupday afternoon .a .car drdven by Donald Koehler, i-ianndi= ton, was mAlong a aeft hand, turn on tthe forurth, conces's'ion of Tiuck- ersmith when it was, dtnuck by a ,car, driven by Harold WWert, Hemal]. Mr. and Mrs. Wd>laert received facial lacerations! And were treated at thre office of Dr, Statplietoli% Seaforth, They three Koehler chIlUdren were, treated at ,South: Huron Hospital, Exeter, amid, were altatetr released, D•aarmages' were estimated at $1400. On Sunday a car driven 'by Miss Frances .FitzgenOd, it, Paul, pd. led 'off the highway at Sar:epita to go Into the atun'eh counter there', and man unto .the back of a parked- car arkedcar owned .by Peanton Motors, Zu- rich. No one was injured in the crash, and damages, were estimat- ed at $800, Both accidents were 'i�nvestigat- RELIANCE GARAGE Bill Chowen and Jack Merner $1 MVICE -- —* MWAIRS Clinton RU 2-8052 LOANS—$150. to $2,500. Up to 30 months to repay— ns to suit your budget. 148 THE SQUARE,PHONE 757 .00ERiCH, ONT. AGENTS required MEI OR WOMEN' (full or part-time) who desire to associate with a new business which would give them an annual renewable income with the only re- quirements being a $25.00 refundable deposit and a willing- ness to present our Picture Tube Replacement Plan to the owners of T.V. sets on commission. INTEGRITY NOT AGE OF PRIMARY iMPORTANCE All As,pplicants Will Be Interviewed By One Of Our Representatives WRITE To: SEECOST ELECTRO SCS LIMITED NAVE YOU EVER HAD * .f 173 Roxborough St. W., Toronto 5, Ontario Litters which have had a setback? Litters from sale barns? Litters troubled with disease? Litters abnormally lair""gel• Litters from sows Short of milk? Littors troubled with urlthriftihess? ALMOST EVERY titter will honefit from this highly Mortified SHUR-dAIN feed . - specifically designed to snake ,those poor, slow fibers Go' with the best of them, Colnne on in and get the details on this Important step, tin important 'part• ref the COMPLETE SHUR-GAIN G STEP NO" 6 FEEDING PROGRAM. (ANA'.DA,PA1"/K IN Phone ,Vz��