Clinton News-Record, 1958-07-24, Page 11TM SDA Y, TU. 24, 1958 News A ,V Phone Dun Mr. aimd Mays. Lewis; Wagner and son Lewis, Masselon, Ohio, are >vli iltiinfg Whiter land Writs Mtinna,e Wagner and other xelialtives, Mrs, Kitchen 'and sign John, Piort Da, iio'usiie, are visiitang Mr. and, Mrs. J. J. Roblertsl i ,, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. (hinter, PoOt Eligin, spent rt'h ,,woekend withMess Sadie Cakiter. Mrs.. 'a lark, Taroaato, its vd'slitivnlg Mass M. R. Jackson. Mr, and Mrs, Pray Bridges, Sag gnaw, Mich., care vlislitiing Mr. ia¢td Mrs. Donald Fowler, D, W. IHamiiltlon, wbo, has, beam visiting has daughter, l&is. M: All N6on land! Mir. Allinson,, Paa''khdfl, has returned hlome: M'is's Colleen Miflhan, London, was a weekend visiutoi- moth- aveor ,parents, Mr. ,and' •Mrs, Goorge iNfdlllian. Mr. and Mrs, Eldloln Stoltz and family, Guelph, spent Sunday with the Ifarmler's patients, Mr. end Mrs, J. C. Stoltz. W. and Mrs. RMI Rathweal. and, Michael, wtia have been holla'- daying here have returned to St, ,Cathea•ines'. Mrs. James Joel-sioin, Blueval'e and Mrs. Catherine Diable, called on f4enft here Sunday.. Mrs., ,Hasner Hogg, Saskatoon,ds vlilsptlan!g her ,aunt, Mrs. C. M, Straiugh'an and iother reliaiftvies. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Crag, who hia-,re been, hdRdayiing in th'e Mrarl- etdmries: have iret,uaned home. Jtobeait Wilkain and. Jidhnnty Mac- Kay iare hollidaying 'with Mir. and Mrs. Archie Wilkin, Galdlerich. Mrs. 'Eid 'Davies, was the guest at is wedding an Tlillsonburg on Siaturday,. Gary Byrd, teUier of tlhle Bank of Commiei+ce, whio: has, been on Mr, ,and' Mrisi. Cal, S,traughan, hlaUdays has re't'urned Thome. Goderiiiclh, and Miris. Fired Ross, spent ea ,few days; at Ba9mn. Beach near Madiiand. Barbara MadKaly' •and- Barbara Sanderson attemndled ,the Ghras Pses- Ibyetedian •Camp, alt Kintaiil. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nodholslom, Karen and Gary, Seaforbh, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,, Wes Br idnock. Mises Idbel Foos and Miss 091ve MCGdU,Blyth, vasiited Mr. and Mrs, E. P+h'iEaps. ,on Sundaiy. Misses Bernice McDougal, B;eibtiy Yurvgbault Band Agnes, Wdakln are 'a.ttendieng 'tlhle. United! Church camp at Dunlop, Miss' Margarat A. Jai lesion as the -music dxisitructor and Maas p • r WV� s'^ 1 '1 S�,ne.M ..... ,.--r. 1. SOME FOLKS HAVE FALLEN ARCHES FROM TAKING SUCH DECIDED STANDS ON QUESTIONS/ Some people have fallen arches from walking home from stalled cars. Make sure your car is always on the go . . . let us regularly ser- vice it. Expert mechanics at your service. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ul' ervt .. F o • Bull Wait operaltlinvg it is careless — even STRANGLER" HeMd at Summer Camp ght at Auburn Worship service' at the United / / By 1.500 Hear4d X1i&S. FRED` ROSS Church Su ninef School, .north of Goderich, was enjoyed, on Sunday, The' annual Bull' Night of :tbr ;anon 9 it 10 July a3, by the Huron County Fed- eration of ,Agriculture members. Wiaterioo Cattle Breeding Associa• tion was held July 15, with 1,50C peapl'e ,present The crowd f .. _ _ _ �'� ��' W � off �' About 50.0 attended and joined in biri, =from bhe heavy' rain, w}vi�cl� athienlded la h eshow (tqu"W1 a 1(l 1tit lunch tAgether gftex the service, fieli4 during part of the eVena0g, in Ed Davies a d, lCourtbimd Kerr The Salvation Array band under the lunge itervt that watts px!avad!ed an Tmiontio on Seaturday. There the leadership of Envoy Newman, and, an the rbulid$ngs, wier°- 61 en't'emeic, but only 3i2 quad- f eld. Mr.aid' Mr. 1KMT Wingham, supplied the music which The ,A praataeal talk was given by the,guest speaker, the Honourable -V4Mle0 were ai he prize mOOP'' •was much en'oyed, group roe received inspiration from a W' A. m fo fellow, Minister of th- raqulhing fax Ontario. Among oth- Mr, and Mfrs, Eidgar. Lawsion y Mr, Mrs. 0Hv'e� Amdem on, fine sermon' f•by' the Rev, ,er things, Mr. Goodfellow stated somal Wlia�iam arudbl`Tam a vii ted MirW.!and Lloyd' Brown, ^Brussels United Church wli o on the theme -that artifucial insennana,tIon had. played the most aanpoatarit role in Mrs.• Waplilam xruse at flh�m cum,- mnler cottage at ISoutliyaan tan Nan- <spoke .:.o _ of Power with thp.Scripture les the improvement of cattle of .any cc, riemplrned' ifor 4.,:*eel? "^ " son from II'Timothy 1; 1-10. development ev pment in recent years, He spoke al's'o how ,Harvey 1VIcG ,-` 1oglt'h Bay, k - APpreciatibn Was extended to things themselves fanners did' tlndngs far themselves visiting faiiehldl here ;:.... the ladies of the.Tiq Dunlop, Wo- and the cahanges ;that Were tak- ' Vacation "i3ibile�' School men's,Institute'vvlro took charge of servr�ig lunch. ting, place do mnod'ern faamiing meth - ads' and !farm marketing. A successful lten ,they •viacabUon same safety cionotousness, and, em- President, K. A. Hammond, B-Ible ;S'ehool ,came to a -el bre Scum- Moorefield, was, rhairm'an for the khat have. iproved practical and day evlemliang liven pupli�lts, pre- siented a programa. for their par- LONDESBORO evening and welcomed flhe crowd. He complimented the, staff for enit's ,and :friend§ hon, Knox Unilted - , working (tong 'hours during the eChurcK ,Dunimng file rten ;days 17.0 lousy season. edheilldren attended t'i'es ooll. Chairman, bhe,Rw 9R,"'S, .HIi1'tz 1VIissiori Circle Y prominent ominent viisi'tors' were welcomed :by fire Unit Veterimrar- weelaomned Ithe rguesits, The pram- T e July, meeting of the Alm- ion, Dr. C. F. Hawkins, ary diass, with Mass M.,,IR, Jack- " well; Missidn; Cvrole was held at Manager, Roy G, Snyder, in son as leader, Wig. the op,enhnlg thle, hio. Xasgurite. Lyan,. The me his report stated that ,there was song, Rev,. D. J. 'Lanni, �resb!y= preslde'ht' 1 th, Viincenit apenetd the a tremendous' demand for the ser.- iteadiian Church, autl1lined the course meeting with the poem, "Hig Lamnp vices - of •tbe Waterloo Cattle Breed. that had Ibeen' telllasP',ed, end' spoke am I". 16hiembers answered thle ing Associations during the pres- of the wondlertu+l :work the leaders 'roCil call amid' 'theme were 16 vdsit- ent fascal year —from December had done. He stated: the children 'It>rialinanig, ,ors, lit was moved by Laura, For- 1 1957 to June 30, 1958, There meceWed more Bnbd'e In lbes ialnd, seebaded by Dorathyy Mc- has lbeen an increase in the vol - ten idays Maar: they do by going Lean, that the August meeting bye dime ,of business over the same to Sunday Scllool ,for a year. canceRaled. Ruth read ,a. story on period of the previous year of The. pre-s,cihool class wlith Mrs., Welfare, an Japan: Members are 8,l16 cows or 23 percent. 'I7,e W. Gwid' and Mrs.. •F, 'Raith>.'biy asked itb save old nylons to send' increase in this severe month per - as lealdieirs, and;,thelir assistants, root Japan. Nona Pipe read a tear- lad it greater than elver experienc- sanig sieh�email numn'b ;s and iter iR peramvice stomp,. Zone worship Piro- ed in a WE -yeas. except an 1952. ,them ansiw red: questions asked by gram w1as' taken, by Pat. Murch More than half of the dnarease the llmder. Fiouir garls,, Patsy Wal'- land Laiva•a, Forbes.. Laura read the was in the 1-1olateiimni breed. The -cin, Sheriffi Stewart, Martha Blvd:- Sicrlip'tm a and' Plat fed an PmVer. greatest percentage increase was ,die land' Linda, Reid slang ia, um, bler; ith�e datss� slang 'fewer Guest of the eevenlimn vwa, ra Car- 'in the Jersey breed, with a 95 per- pillmamy numbers, and the leadelr,.' Mass ,m- member, Mists,, Vera Lyon ,from, a Mission • rbslplibal in Hazel- cent increase. Of the 43,798 cows inseminated, diuAng this seven Jackson, reviewed their letssuns• and itomn B:C. She, showed pictures P' month period (df .the e percentage p, p ' g answered, with verses- mm the 'B1- � tihait were very interesting, and erre- increase as maintained for flue bal- ,ole. 1�ve junior class with Mas, Ed. joyed by all. The meeting closed walth.` 'beneda'ctdon, ance •of the year, ithe total will be 71,745 covers) 47.7 percent were Davies' and Mrs. Hugh 'Bennett as leiaders: slang some numbers - o and head• a lifesaver 'drill. Offer- sang was orad John Ai Carelessness Causes SUNSET fer can, Baptist church, offered the hist chu the Most Farm Accidents dedicatory pier. The senior class led by Reiv. Safety on the, farms Is seome RIVE THEATRE •- R. S. 1-Mtz had a. question and nd thing that icannot beovea-empih- -1N •answer perliod, followed by a, song. ,aislzed. Inid'usltvilal workers are us -t 1 /a Miles East of Goderich After a hymn, Rev, Hiltz pia ,wally nounced thee ,benedicMan and the protlected -by special c'i1oth- ling equipment and inspection on No. 8 Highway parents and friends, vaiewed the which as; compuhseoay where haz- — — — —•— — — — — — — work ,done by the children. Stead- ,to ardour work ars ,engaged in. The Thursday and Friday eers presented certificates all the dhiildircm,. Accompanists Mrs. farm worker., however, cannot die- pend ion s,om cone elsie iso be safety JULY 24 and 25 D. A. 'MacKay, Mrs, R. J. Phaalhips, concious for him, for whilee farm "FRIEND.WITHOUT Miss Margo, Graiinlge and Mass Marian Pepper dirrrplemnent manufacturers, put lasee A FAC —o6 - many s'arfeity devices: as possible +1-;_ d ' d Crich Reunion The 23irld' annual' {Mich reumion piicnic was holid -at the S�aforth Lsiuns. Park ion Saturday, July 19, with 75 preslemnt. Resuaits- of sports events were asi follows: races, five yeia'rs and ,under, igarls, June ,Fal- camer, Bonnie 111hiiel; !b'oysy Gamy' 0=1 ings, Murray TayaDr'; six to nine, girls, Deia'nnee Doulgiias, Marie Trew�artha; boys, Ger ' Town- send, Ronnie Crich; nine to, 1G•, giirllls, Sylivaa Dougilas, Janet Fa1- coner; bays, Melvin eCrach, Tarry Cummings,; young ladies, Eliza- beth Townsend, Mdl'dred Crcdch�; young men, boss ,Crich, Roger Cummings; manned ,ladies,, Mrs. Roiss Trenvartha, 'Mrs. Framik val- canes; married men, C110ford Pep- per; Fred Taylor. -Ladlees ldck-ibhe�sMgser, Mas.. Palcaner, Sylvia ,Douiglllas; sUrp- rise race, Eltzabelbh Townsend; griandparents. rake, Ezra Ellis; eea- imriination race, Mr. and Mrs. F. Falconer; oldest person present, Meru~.. Gi,ffiard 'Crlidh; youngest p'er- seon ipreslent, Douglas Rhicll•; lucky number, Marie Trewartiha. Otlficers• for 1959 are es. f filows: pre;saident, Fbmnk Falconer; Vice- president, C'iftord Pepper, secret' any, Mrs. Ross Trewarbha; treas- urer, Mrs. Frank .falconer; seports con miLttee, Mrs. Cummings, Geo- rge Turner, Ross; Crich, Alec Townsend, Mr's. -E Ernie Crich:. Ta- ble committee, Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. ,Grant ,Stirldang, Mrs, Ray Tawuns'end, Mars. Warren Whit- more ,and Mrs. Alden Crich. 525 Ib. capacity, Interior light. Storage Racks, 5 Year Guarantee REG. $489.00 $329, Clearing at ....................... •....... $35 Down Delivers r . To A DUTTON. ,, BRUCEFIELD — Phone HU 2-3232 ori iemr eq ipm an proven a instructions for its sante use, these Don Dafoe -- Shirley Lang "HAUNTED are iaR of no awal, iif the person operaltlinvg it is careless — even STRANGLER" for ea moment, ,Some off thee unsate. cond`it'ions Jon Jeffries -- Alice Cumberland or hazards around a farm are lead- — — — — — -- -- •— — — — ders with, broken, rungs or crack- sat.' Morn. and Teles. ed slide mals., cluttereid stairways, combusitlibl�e fuels. sitored do or near JULY 26, '2s and 29 buill,dlogs, bull hens and exercise "TEACHER"S PET" yards, with anaide,quate femcing and' Clark Gable -- Doris Day giate5, lighti-An g rod ground 'mines PLUS that have become, disconnected and maclndnery operated, without Adeed Shorts power taike-off shielft, or other Every Saturday night is give-away protective covenings. which have night at the Sunset. Win a large been removed during servicing 'or hamper of groceries. Be the lucky mlalimt,enance olperataoens and not re- one. placed. ------------- Farm mnadhinery by the very Wednesday&Thursda nature of the Work get has to pea•- form, can be dangerous ito op'enate JULY 3and 31 for df it wall cut grass, at -Mill Walt Disney's cut fingers; if it can press hay, a, "OLD it ;can alsomnadm arms, and, Pegs. YELLER" Many madhdnes' have dangeraw lly exposed working ,pants which it CARTOON COMEDY is, ampossible to ,cover while in — — — — — — — — — — — usle. Ila offset these dangers, the Two Shows Nightly operator must learn to take ittree Box Office Opens at 8 P.M. same precautions, achieve the First Show at Dusk same safety cionotousness, and, em- Children under 12, in cars, FREE plfoy the same! safety tedhnIqueis Playground — Refreshment Stand khat have. iproved practical and successful in, industry. PAGE =VB" , ero0 Attended. Quality -- R ALL Service SUMMER* SPECiA.L$ MSN .. _. u tune- Minister Trvlr,•ldroot Cream oil mated to Holstein bulls; d.5 per. BAN,. D-eodoranl in .the push-buttorl ran. cent to Jerseys; 1,8percenttoOnly 1.1.9. Aymhlres; 1.7 ,percent to Querns- S9C oys; 2.7 to Dual F. — — — — — -'— Purpose Short - 11.5 ,percent to Beef Short- Try horns; 21.5 percent. to Herefords; NEW T.ussy TO Brass 1 5 percent to Angus'; 3.5 percent to ROLL-ON D P levio Qlressing. Charoaaas, ,1 percent to Red l?ofil, Deodorant sy Rexton Snyder also stated that there Reg. 1.25 for 85c 51,25 are still many cattle in 'the area. summer Cologne — served, mated to scrub ,bulk eachS — — — — - — — - year and that they must strive ! 'Fragrances TOOTH. PASTE to mate these cows � ;bu'Jles used Reg, 2.50 for 1.25 in the Waiter loo Cattle Bir,eedimig S P E C I A L S Association--"ONYbere Better Bulls REXADENT TOOTH, PASTE Are Used°'—'and then the people F R E E Reg, 59c — Special 2 for 890 now Wdng .scrulb buills will also Hudn t KOLYO59c TOOTH PASTE have "'Better Cattao For Better u .Egg Creme Reg; . _ Special 2 for 890 Living", COL.GATE TOOTH PASTE — 630 Manager Snyder announced that Shampoo and Ball Point Pen FREE experimental worse indicated' that — — ,_,- — — — — — the 'percentage of non -returns, ex- 75c Value — with peraenced when cows were not dn- Prevent Sunburn seminated -until the day after they New Quick Home Use CARANOME SUN TAN first showed heat was satisfactory LOTION With this ,background, the board Permanent of directors• have decided that for. It wont, come off in the water a 'trial eperaad', begdxunirvg August Both, reg, 2.75 for $2,00 Plastic Bottle — $1,50 1, 1958, calls for servli.'ce wall be For iia Fever'-- USE taken on. Saturday evening from Y 6 to 8 p.m. for cows first notleed ANTISTINE PRIVINE--$1.00—lt Gives Relief in heat on ;Saturday afternoon and evening. These will be insem- inated early noticed' morning. For Wx C Newcombe,Phm■B■ caws first noticed' emuheat omu Sun- ■ day morning, members will not call for service until Monday mos- Chemist and Druggist ning. PHONE HU. 2-9511 CLINTON TEEiM '-HRS 0�E�TIRAN ONE WAY T4 SKINA(AT"------- --- AND THERE'S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO SATISFY ALL YOUR FEED NEEDS. BUT THERE'S ONLY ONE BEST WAY FOR YOU — and that's J SHUR—GAIN FEED SERVICE! Why? Well, if you want the finest of first line feeds, knowing that the feed is completely fresh, and knowing that you're not spending good money for grain freight charges buried in the price tag of the feed ---- then switch to locally manufactured SHUR-GAIN. ! And, if you want to buy directly from the manufacturer, top quality feeds, farm proven for Canadian feeding conditions -- then switch to locally manufactured SHUR-GAIN. • _J YOU CACI - - — - MORE SHUR-GAIN That's at — — — — Phone HU 2-9301 Clneton, Ont. Cecil B. DeMille has recorded, for the ages, all of the dramatic story STARTSTONIGHT of Moses and The Ten Commandments. He has brought to life, through the medium of the motion picture, this great subject which has been described as "The most decisive leap forward ever discernible in the human story." CHARLTON YUL ANNE EDWARD G. YVONNE DEBRA JOHN Hf-STON,oRRYNNfR#BAXTf-R*ROBIN.SON*Df CK 7MIE vh `�,,w9hm.N COMM M.DMIERTS A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 1N VISTAVISION AND TECHNiCOLOR RROHI°S DIYF-N TMATE-- C�IN`tQH sclA�, Pales Adu S -- $ I.25 S+Lrdenta 75 Children ---•:50