Clinton News-Record, 1958-07-24, Page 5THURST�AY, 7I,X 24,190$ w CJ>EI+TTON TWWS-RECQRO M-N111-:14VU coal: , �u>iO, 113.4 WOWS; TOWMI An .Pen, eral, 9 Towanshilr connmercial Munro"YoogbI `�7 li'IC,�1 Township �' � 2ng restrictions o d any Rind, lin _eyeN 7E PooRESTSALEsAAN CANSEtt FYArrERy: "We'll Act, WeEANV AmovNr of /r :1.1" the townsan�p, and rthat Wlete e nulls; parents. The baid'ers, nmollie+r w!oale Wddinss • Considers Planning many owasaoms, where ,peep. e who: ' a 11 mills; general school, 3 mills, (�y our Auburn Correspglndenti District , are 'buril+diM wish, to have certain Mnton ,Ciolllegiate, 8.5 mills; God- The United .Church an l3urk's aegullar uneeting of the God- r t ietliom's ' lalced: on. the lbcaal es zn ix Oxi�ch 'Co4le9date, 8.2 milds, Town:. 1 O a in was e Falls, ls, nt. x h scene of a ea44h Towns'h4p! Council was held area to �afeguai�' !their invest ship School Area, 7.5� axillo; 'SS wedding of interest to Auburn and n 7auly with all snegnbers present. rent. While no definite action Na. 2, $.3; wS No. 5 7.f;, SS l`10. Blyth, when Rev. Harold J, Snell S.t. chanes .A,ngilican Cfl mTb, A14, insurance, policies were re- rn'ewed with the !Frank Cowan Ag was taken, it was decided ;to nal- the illty of 8, 2, SS No,, 9, 8,4; Umbnn S$No. 2, T,lnnom $a No. n2 1,8.4; Urn united in marriage Mrs, Myrtle Yungblut, Blyth and Mr. Ralph D, M Jones"Hall Regal Mies, Eoxat4h4" Pins res- further possajj vestn)g .1!3; +the young c'o!upRO w101. residits ,the s'ettl a!g on Saturday, Judy 19, e4>c3', auud one ai'abillity policy was Increased; a tat1 of $869..3. setting up some, type of bldi reGstrietioln'sr or ,bui,141ii ' pearnits, roan SS Na, 1q 15.5; tTauiom SS' Na, 8, ].2; iFedearaW n of rAl • - g°< Munro, Auburn, Only the immediate families Blyth United Church, decoreAeld J. A. Sup4y was' � rese�it to dis- • p BytUaw No, 4 Te the 1gas ladies tore 4/10gtus of xa n'ra?41•Wolin • v were ollowing the wedding, Mrs, IT ;baskeaks of white, ate' giludiob, r CWS his sub4dnvisnonn pl'aim South eh. iConsrderaVe disous- of Godror ,to �xodericlm was giveul tlinrd and Councti4 gave appr0va4 fAr ilia T. Snell was the ]gasless and Serv- maa'de !a Preitty c�etttung on Satur- .lay, Jnailpn 19, when Rhiea Z�p1I, sign. arose over the a'dvti's!abi�lity final! readun!g. use, of t4nc '1'owanslmip shed' fair ed a lovely at Kan an their sum- mer .cottage at Katrina. B4y,th, ,and, Larry Jones, PUR 2, of setting u!p ra Planning Cam, By=1'aw No, 9, a, ibydaw setting the voting on the Hog ,Ma'rke'ting The couple plan a motor trip C�hntom', exchamge�l marriage views. .Odttee for the TownsbIp of Glade- the rates of taxation for, ,the' year Ran to 'be held on JVAy 245, rCou P adjourned nalntaii Aug- through the Maritimes and will be to their friends �e .b!ride, lir, ;the daughter of Mr. and MrsE Bernard Hall' Blyth, and. h. It was poind out that at the present time there are no build- 11958 was. given: three readings!, fopab,wbig are the rates- County of ust 4 at 8.30 p,m.august at home around I. ithe groom. is, Me son! of Mr. and Mrs, Morgan Joness RR 2.1 CHn- Long or short sleeve styles, large selection. Regularly Priced to $9.95 To CLEAR FROM .95Fnp SPECIAL COUNTER UTTERMERDUEc TD.. QUALITY HARDWARE and HOUSEWARES Clinton Dial NU 2-7023 Sport Coats Special Selection of all w o o I imported tweeds. Regularly priced to 39.50. PRICED TO CLEAR 14.95 , & 19095 each MEN'S BRIEFS S - M - L Special 59c pair CASUAL JACKETS reg. to 1S.05 .. , . , , 7o Gear 9,95 ea. WORKSHIRTSSumtndr Weight, reg. to 3.25. oa. WORK PANTS and 1016c reg, to 5.95 ........ 2.1 pt. MANY OiWR SPECIALS P Ckett & CLINTON No Exchanges Cate,pb Open Friday Evenings No Refunds Limited 14U 209732 ton. Rev. D'. W. Cdrark performed the Libu'bale rang ceremony. Mrs, J, 'W D!a'ugrailai presided alt the org- an and, Mas's Gpenyc.e 13ainton was 9CWiM Guvveo In marriage by her fathn or, the bridle was ,clharmnang an; a gown of fn"othy white, ar!yann cpndf- flon worth, a wide sliirt• over whke satin, lavelder nec!kadne. enhanceld with. Pdnt -de Venis!e mace, and sI k al'Wslilon voill-, fal4uing ifmom , a crown headpiece of d'r+apded nyllon trimmed ,with; vequin!s, She carried Flnench, oamnlatdbnss Mrs. Stewart Topa, 1-15annulliton, was mvaWon of honor for :her A- tter, we'arung aqua nyibn; chlif+fion, styled vAthL a shiirred! +bodsce and rflitteld! waliist emphaslAng a draped neeldline Wilton! flying panegs which f'e+lll dingo a, fuR skirt over !aqua. tai feltal She were, a whine petal htallf-halt and cawleld' a siptray ,of ,White poem poen 'mnumns, rtamrteed, to match her gown. The brldesmaids, were Miss, (.dubs, Jones, sister of the ggiooml, amid M'i'ss! Bambara M11pat- mi,ek, Iks!toweS, in identical gowns' and apish carrA,n!g 'mums. Flllowler gl'Tft, worse the Masses Mary and Marigaare,t T owson, twin dhulgihtems, ,Of Mr. arvd Mrs. W. F. Howsbmy Bilyth. Tilney wore spnifflar !direlssles, and,carmiEjd, nosegays df aqua -tin - ;W, 'ariRims Dick Smell, 'RR 1, Clinton, was, t-do:onnsman and the ushers were ,Stewart Topp, H!anii!ltoii, and Am Snell, !RR 1, Cpdnto n, ,$Myth, United Church HaRl. was d'eco!rated witih plink !arid white !fplowem! and ,talpiers! f!o+r t>hie recep- taibn. The brrp:dle's, mn,o!thler wore a sbeatlh. of silk shantung in Di!om Mue, fe,eiturd,nlg a biddice, of Ad'- ,encfon lace, with ma!tc iinig shant- ung jacket and corsage of Sweet- heart, roses+. z<or a we!ddi!ng !trip to northern Onrta'rdo, the bnide's travelbnlg cos- ,tume was a blue sheath. ,d as,s wlith. ma:tcbiog jacket, wb6ite, !acces- vorieis !and comsage of peerless ros!- e!s, Zane youin!g cloupi e WIR reis�id'e ,in ainton. The bride ads' a griadu- ,ate of .S!tratford Teachers Cdl- ilegle and the ;groom is in the H.E,.,P.C. Forestry Division. At various; times in history dounterfemt''ing pias been puin- isihabde by death. ao It is, estimated that cn the cur- rent year federaa goverment spen- ding will exceed $6 billion, more than ,three. times the 1549 total. Clinton Mem ori 1 Shop T. PP.YDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative Phones - Sus., HU 2-6606 - - - Res., HU 2-3869 Did you know many sum- mer fabrics retain their love - FII• i Iy colors, their "finish" and beauty only by professional dry cleaning? Our process also prolongs fabric -life, means much more wear out b of your favorites. Careful handling, quick service. r, n Call now. Today. This Week The Lucky No. is 2042 Check your Calendar. If the number matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim you $3.00 credit. For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (Opposite the Post Office) ner.f,• `1 r iI M R-PHY BRU so GARAGE PHONE; HU 24475 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO Look 1`4 this high sign of quality . YON Spow A RiC��s! VEAR FOR AIN GOOD; , 3-T RYLOM O'ELUXE. SUPERAUSNIOUS 9 for 6.70 x l5 with frade•ih. All Nylon tits$ are not al kel; Only boodyeot Nylon is 3.T Nylon -specially tempered (like steel is tempered) fox imtot amnoth and xesiiionCy. YOU ;het M00 blowout and pudctuft protc UOA thau OV01 bcfoxe, A M-N111-:14VU coal: , A 1100eptaan was h'eod 'art Whop _eyeN 7E PooRESTSALEsAAN CANSEtt FYArrERy: "We'll Act, WeEANV AmovNr of /r :1.1" A parents. The baid'ers, nmollie+r w!oale Wddinss CITIES SERVICE s � FOR EVERYTHING IN, l q PETIA01.lEUM at% +► Clinton Mem ori 1 Shop T. PP.YDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative Phones - Sus., HU 2-6606 - - - Res., HU 2-3869 Did you know many sum- mer fabrics retain their love - FII• i Iy colors, their "finish" and beauty only by professional dry cleaning? Our process also prolongs fabric -life, means much more wear out b of your favorites. Careful handling, quick service. r, n Call now. Today. This Week The Lucky No. is 2042 Check your Calendar. If the number matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim you $3.00 credit. For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (Opposite the Post Office) ner.f,• `1 r iI M R-PHY BRU so GARAGE PHONE; HU 24475 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO Look 1`4 this high sign of quality . YON Spow A RiC��s! VEAR FOR AIN GOOD; , 3-T RYLOM O'ELUXE. SUPERAUSNIOUS 9 for 6.70 x l5 with frade•ih. All Nylon tits$ are not al kel; Only boodyeot Nylon is 3.T Nylon -specially tempered (like steel is tempered) fox imtot amnoth and xesiiionCy. YOU ;het M00 blowout and pudctuft protc UOA thau OV01 bcfoxe, A A 1100eptaan was h'eod 'art Whop HURT Farm, 11i!e hume of rthe br+ide'o A parents. The baid'ers, nmollie+r w!oale Wddinss a chaMpagne iiece sheatih with +► ,liehge, !orgralnza back dra!p'eid rpan4 and tpl::nk ralccesson''ies, N liefaw +giooanPs! unolliex CbWle saplbkm .. i4ue!lacc and p:ak awessodi n 'Quas•to were resemt,edf2 omWan. a-Apeg, Toronto, Detr t, B nda,6rindlay-Middleto Niagarua l?1a�1!S 'and Llgmidoam. S.t. chanes .A,ngilican Cfl mTb, Tb!r a wedding tatirp to Ifah!e New Eagl!and S!taUs, the a)eWi ''s travel" Mluddlreltoany beta utifnzlp diere+oMteid 009 co!stum;e WAS a White 7bgll q with candelabra. and, s!banda!rds,' of "slh'e!arth' with !cofrnfiliower b!lato nasi. Regal Mies, Eoxat4h4" Pins res- white, accerssmies, and ooa�sage ptR Ibphze c�orraElowers. On, thew rot urn !es' and Mue delVi6uyum, tlarrpeld +the young c'o!upRO w101. residits ,the s'ettl a!g on Saturday, Judy 19, 14nd0n, The :bride ibeachei5 at fa r the w!eiddhm!g of Ba!riba�ria. Agnes Lady '13001c S'cdmo,od, Lao!nd0 n, . Jean Middleton and Andrew !Grim- ithe !giraom, a graduate of I he Umpl- verestity of 'S+askatchie"n and the dray. The ,bvide us Vie, daughter U•,naveMlty iof Western,C)nitiaia40, ars of lMn and Aft, Fred Aadd!lletom+ 'a member .oaf the istraft of U.W.io, RE, 3, i0into!n, and Abe gvo!on i' Schfoo4 of B4mness Adnlirds!i!nat ul,. Pa!reAlg, ,are Mr. and Mrs,. And- rew Gmandllay, Mossejaw, Sarsk, The Rev. E. J, s Hardsbn' oma- We Have Suffered! diiated. ,Mess, Mavis Steepe, dint-. on., was organist and Meas Doutdd "144leotony soloist. "We have suffered too lbn'g un- Gav!edn in mamr'a'age by hies father, der the Act. Esifomcemregn,t of the pnov4sions of the Act Pias ,beconne the (bride was' 1'0VOY in ip!ure White virtually di npossible.,' siiak !organza over whdtte net and b,a!sq+ue b'otd- taffeta. The. ,poihh. We quote from a ibrierF recently was style;. 'wfi g snort presented to our Nuron County Council by .two private citizens. sgle d a. neered ispieeves orad a .sa!b!diaLa meckl!lne' ap pllquied, with ,gWpure place. Tian They ,d!enianded: that through. the rbaplowing ful4W'engtfh skirt feat- County CounxC our County be .place;d cam second as Protesting the aired. sb£tlb* gat ed' band enm. bdraidlered Mt la-31.mvo!tdfs, Her Canada Temperance 4,pt. rimpor ted' cape-leingth sok eaukiopn Who have suffered? Not iabstain- vleari' was held, An p4'ace bay a, tiny ers, n'a!tnuraal y. Not law-a>lai brig ,organza. pndpb!ox with ;fiishitaia puck, moderate dAn'kers. They can. le- OtudlO,d V%th ,peamas, ;and s!he !car- 2�le!d a errencein+t bouquet of steplh,- gaMy have hquor brought into their an>arries ,by common carillen: ,anotia' and ivy. Nat most of our alowdy famvil!ies. Miisg Margaret Durham, London, Our County -record elf !b!raken was m edd of honour, w'earling. a homes, unmarried mothers, and sttreet-d'englth' ,dress of ch6tff5an, d'estitutaon in general, is far be - shading from ;chamipaganie, to Ta11is� 10w that of legal -..guar -outlet man Rank, ,over ropy ip;each; taffett!a, counties, and matching piotur;e hat. Miss Whohave suffered? Legal liquor Anne Falirs!er!vice, Detroit, Mob vendors, ,for we have no legal Ji - and Miss Diane S:peali!ghit, Taranto, gtzor outlets in,Huron. ,Bootlegg�eTs. were Ib4desm�alids, wearing saunpplam Yes, our Act has ,teerth. One ho- dresisels of shaded. chiffon over teT keeper has had ;three convic- pi+nk itaffeta.MT three attend -i tions. for "keeping for sale", and ants; candied crre+seenit ;bouquets of has two -other charges pending. J!othanna Hill roses and Wy_ qhe One bottle, club propt'ietor not hong Mower +girfl, Nancy Md"eiton, since opent four nront'hs in jadd. niece S;tr utfiovd:, ece of the:bode, wai Our Crown Atteamey in Huron dressed, iia Talisman 4plak chdf7fom takes action. without fear or fa` over rosy peach taffeta and car- vour when, dnEraoti,oans of .the !Law died !a nosegay, ,of Johanna 09:1 are reported to him. We conn:. roses, mend our County Counca ,for tuts Lyle Ab rens, London, was gr- ac*an flan; defeating tapas move., oloinsman and, ushers were, DavW Middleton, Clinton, brother of ithe Huron County bride, ;and Joseph MuMe, Toronto. Temperance Federation Clinton Mem ori 1 Shop T. PP.YDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative Phones - Sus., HU 2-6606 - - - Res., HU 2-3869 Did you know many sum- mer fabrics retain their love - FII• i Iy colors, their "finish" and beauty only by professional dry cleaning? Our process also prolongs fabric -life, means much more wear out b of your favorites. Careful handling, quick service. r, n Call now. Today. This Week The Lucky No. is 2042 Check your Calendar. If the number matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim you $3.00 credit. For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (Opposite the Post Office) ner.f,• `1 r iI M R-PHY BRU so GARAGE PHONE; HU 24475 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO Look 1`4 this high sign of quality . YON Spow A RiC��s! VEAR FOR AIN GOOD; , 3-T RYLOM O'ELUXE. SUPERAUSNIOUS 9 for 6.70 x l5 with frade•ih. All Nylon tits$ are not al kel; Only boodyeot Nylon is 3.T Nylon -specially tempered (like steel is tempered) fox imtot amnoth and xesiiionCy. YOU ;het M00 blowout and pudctuft protc UOA thau OV01 bcfoxe, A