Clinton News-Record, 1958-07-24, Page 3..... 77m,-4-7 FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND INFORMATION -- -- SEE H. R. HAWKINS HARDWARE GAS APPLIANCES ABOUT ALL THE NEW " •••••••Iniinewinin gillimmo nliFilailaMild1Mdi011.1.011•1•11.01111IN Ail HOT AND TIRED BY ISUMMER'S NEAT? ITNEN'S WHEN A SHOWER I CAN'T BE. BEAT/ WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL CLiNiT (ON I.D.A. Specials TA Bur with TAN-EASE 4 oz. $1.00 -.111r.e.22 "-vteszoozr-F 4.00 A Division of HENRY K. WAMPOLE A, CO. LTD. PERTH, ONTARIO July 21st - 26th CALAMINE LOTION 4 oz. — 23c 8 oz, 39c MINERAL OIL 16 oz. — 43c 40 oz. — 87c TOILET TISSUE 2 for 25c HUDNUT QUICK with Shampoo $2.00 J. & J. BABY OIL 2 x 69c — $1.19 VITALIS — 19c off Reg. 99c — 80c WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO Reg. $1.25 — 98c NOXZEMA Reg. 65c — 2 for 99c 2 x 35c COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE with TOOTH BRUSH 70c LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO Reg. 98c for 79c ARRID ROLL-ON DEODORANT 89c BATHING CAPS 59c -- 79c $1.19 VASELINE HAIR TONIC 2 x 43c — 59c 10 GEM BLADES with Razor S9c 2662 FES F . B. PENNEBAKER Hunter 6 - DRUGGIST Only Gas gives you all these benefits: SPEED . . ECONOMY ; ; ; CLEANLINESS . . ; SILENT OPERATION ; . . DEPENDABILITY . . . AUTOMATIC CONTROL FREE SERVICE: Your gas company is on call 24 hours a day . ; ; gives your burner a free yearly cleaning and adjustment. BUDGET PLAN: Pay the modern, easy way. Your gas company offers a budget plan which spreads your yearly heating bill over a ten month period. Discover the benefits of a modern, economical Gas Heating System for your home today. NOW IS THE TIME A modem, automatic Natural Gas furnace or Conversion Burner can be installed in a few hours with absolutely no muss or fuss. Of course, you may budget the low cost over many months. Don't wait for the rush season. Learn how you can have solid comfort next winter by calling your heating contractor or Union Gas Company for a free estimate. AT YOUR HEATING CONTRACTOR on UNION COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED COLBOURNE STREET", GODERICH Phone 1364 Sale Starts THURSDAY July 17 Many Unadvertised Specials THIS IS MEN'S SUMMER WEAR LEARANCE, All Wool Tropical PANTS — ikpg. 16.95 Sale Price $11.95 Herman's Men's Wear CLINTON (Open Friday Night) NU 29351 ate 1.11HILMSDAY,. MIX 2,4: 1-958 Cl2NTON 114WS,TIZCOTtP RAGE THREE Mr,land'Mirk. Colonel Mark; aViies 1040.11 Mark0, LiStowel and. Olen Tiencler, Ralinersten,sPent ,Sundlay with. Mn and Mrs. gill. avfns. Rpnaont, of near Woodstock.spent a day or two wM.till her mother, Mrs. Thomas- Fairservice, last week. Mrs. Matthew Airrostrong, -Who resides lin !Stratford, is spending a few :clays wlith her 'Pen and ,daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Ann- otrong, Mrs. George Cowan, Whohas been neouperating from an opera- tion dui Clinton Public Uospital for a few weelAs returned on Sfuttir, 'day and is making favourable Pre-: gress, her many (filends will be. pleased to hear, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer .nowatt,' Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert and fan/lily, Thames' Road, visited with friends 'at Kennittworth, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, William Little and :family returned last week !fr.= a vaicatilon in the west. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert-Allan last week were Pr. and 1VErs. 1VIcClane and daughter, Ger- rard, Perim and Mr. and Mrs. W. Rdss, Seaforth, also Mr, and Mrs. Gordan Jenkins and (family, St. .Catherime, 4ttencle 111 ithe v1/47e4ftig Of her Wend MSS 13aIrhars. 14tiddletOA Kenneth Wader, Silent the we'el- end at litle heane here. IF YOU MISSED OUT ON COMFORT LAST WINTER CONVERT NOW TO NATURAL GAS! , • LONDESBORO Nlisitors with Mr, and Mrs; Rob- ert Vairservice on Sunday were, 1‘4% Artd Mors. Charles lienctrPon, Mr, and Mrs, John Carge And Mr. J. R. ArtinStrong, all of Icin- tem also Mx, land,' Mrs. NOR UniVersity Heifdits., loondOn, .As Ann nIrservim. Detroit, spent the weekend with her parents and Jenkins Reunion The Minna Jenkins reunion was held Ady 19, 1905,. en the heautl- Ail opaciotis !'awns at the .home of Mr„. .and Mrs:. ClaYitC41 Toaithwaite, Goclerieb. Poring Ole afternoon 90 .meanhers tef the Earn icy gather- ed 10 chat and Oak, A picnic Inoch was served on the &v,WT under the .able dimtion Of Mrs. Williarn Jenkins, .clifiniton, assisted. by Mrs, Clayton, Leith,- Waite and Miss :Norte, Stevens, London, singing of grace 3/041$ illed by Mrs, Percy 'Atkinson, London, The business was .conducted by the president William - Jerkins, Clinton, Officials for the comIng year are; past president, Wil/liain Jenkins, Chinlioni; president, Clay- ton LaiJthwaite, Goderich; first vice-!president, Ed 'Bell, 313lytiir, sec- ond wee-prestdent, Ames Andrew, Goderich; Secretary, Mrs. N. Forbes, Clintiorv; treasurer, Mrs. Maitland Driver, Goderich, A.anemerlial service was held for the late Mrs, Harry Charle.s- worth, Mrs, Dd. Jenkins, Clinton,' led in the singing O "Abide With Me". Sports were conducted by Ed Bell, Blyth, :Eldest lady present was Mrs. Cora Driver, Godericili; eldest :gentleman present, William Jenkins, Galt; largest family pre- sent, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bell, B1,01; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs, WitIllam Jenkins, Galt; birth- day nearest date of the reunion, Charles Barker, Goderich. Guests were present from Lond- on, Lambeth, Windsor, Clinton, Blyth, Bluevale, Londesboro, Galt St, Catharines, Brucefield, Gode- rich, Micbagan: and •Ilderton• HOOVE Kyle—Thiel Carole Vera Thiel And Donald E4'ner.50/1 Kyle eechanged wedding vows before the Rev. 0. 'Motet do a double ring ceremony at 'St, Peter's Lutheran Chareh, Zurich, on Saturday, July 19 at 4 p.m. The bride is the only daughter of Mir. end Mrs. V.EL4 WE% Zu- rich and The ,gromn's parents. are Mr, and Mrs. :Emersion Kyle, Kip-pen. The bride was given in marriage by her father and chose a floor- length 'gown of pure silk taffeta, Appliqne of irridescent sequins and seed pearls outlined the wide scooped neckline and the edge of the fitted torso, A shirred hu.S- sel-effe,ct hip line accented by a large bow enhanced the fullness of the skirt which extended to a short train. A coronet oomph- merited by seed and irrides- cent sequins held heir finger tip veil and she carried a white Bible crested with a white orchid. Gowned in street-length white Swiss dot over pastel ,bilue. nylon with fall skirts and puffed sleeves complimented by taffeta curorner- band with a ,bow at the back, the attendants' were Miss Mary Louise Fritz, Toronto, as maid of honour, Miss Norma Steinbiack, Zurich, and Mrs. Ronald Helmrich, 'Exet- er, as bridesmaids. Their small hats were of the same material and they carried colonial bouquets of pink carnations nestled in a pink ribbon background, Ringbearer was' Master James It's amazing the number of th- ings' one can remember having forgotten. hrother of the VIXYrn• Gre- ogneMan was. Thomas Kyle, liens, al% and the ushera were William McColinchey and Douglas, Thiel, 4r- other of the bride, Ronald Kelm, rich, Exeter, was soloist and Miss Marlene Wagner, ,Guelph, was 04"-glalliSt, The bride's mother wore a light blue embroidered sill( dress and pink accessories 'and the .grogra's mother chose aqua eyelet over tat- teta with white tieceeeorieS. The reception was .1i/ell: at the Thdel residence, For travelling the bride chose beige sheath dress And 3:r/rad/ling coat with 'coffee.accessories. The couple left on a wedding trip tn. northern Michigan and .northern Ontario. On their return. they will, reside an 'Zurich, where the bride is on the teaching .stallif of the school.bpi Come in for a demonstration Come see the new with double-stretch hose • 11111111111‘04; , , • Just a foot in diameter from swivel top to easy-glide base, yet it's the world's most powerful cleaner! And easiest to use! New hose actually doubles its length, yet compresses for storage. New Hoover nozzle-and full-horsepower motor—get more dirt with A less world Clinton Electric Shop CLINTON Dia Cornish, Proprietor HU 2-6646 MEN'S ALL WOOL SPORT COATS All Sizes 35 to 42 — Reg. Price 31.50 to 39.50 SALE SPECIAL $15.95 to $24.95 MEN'S FINE WORSTED SUITS Reg. to 65.00 — Sizes 35 to 44 Group No. I $39.50 Group No. 2 $49.50 EXTRA PANTS FREE on 110BBERLIN TAILORED SUITS SAVE! up to $30.00 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT and T-SHIRTS Reg. to $4.95 Hundreds of Shirts to Choose From $1.95 to $2.95 No Exchanges — No Refunds — Terms Strictly Cash NAME BRAND .WHITE SHIRTS Sizes 14 1/2 to 17 — Single or Double Cuff Reg. $4.95 Sale Price $2,95