Clinton News-Record, 1958-07-17, Page 8`SAGEEAG NOTICE T 0 DESTROY 'NEEDS Ali property owners in ,Huron County are hereby notified that all noxious weeds T 1u# {.e clestxoyed 'by July 79th. After that slate al{ negiected areas will be dealt with. In acoorda.tyce with the(Need Control �lGt of 'Ontario. W. R. DOUGAkLw tor "yon County W-004'MIAspeo 25, 26 b __ _...... ......... FARM 816HTS AT STAKE on JULY 25 VOT.E Y,iES.for -Plan . SELLiNG EFFICIENCY AND BETTER PRICES ARE CREDITED TO THE CO.OP Progressiveressiv Farmers in Huron n Coli nt Support the Hog Marketing t• n Plan Vote Facts in Brief: e When?—Friday, July 251 !4 a .m.to8P m.! oca Time. W here. Mn the townshipnshlP hall ofthe township ii WI11C you h reside. Who May Vote?—Anyone hose name Is ont E voters list. . • u con. -- t s the es Who, r h # t nt 1 Favour of the ar c Y Fou Ar You n Question?— "Are I r Marketing Ho Producers tin a e Plan?' Hog For Full Information -- Read carefully the information which will be y brought to our home by those distributing literature, Dont be afraid to ask questions. Bargaining Power Is Essential To Marketing, If You Don't Vote Yes Than What Happens? If You Vote "YES" If You Vote "NO" The f The farmers' selling plan will vanish rmers' selling plan Wil continue, We Will THEN Have: We NOW Have: 1. A marketing condition al the mercy of the buyers. 1. The cheapest and most 2. No opportunity to work efficient marketing system out our own problems for in North America. our mutual benefit. 2. An opportunity to work If You Don't Vote "YES" with fellow producers in a — democratic organization What Have You Got ? ? ? to solve our own problems. - Vote "YES" To Have 1. An organized group sell- ing program. 2. An equal opportunity for all packers to buy from our salesmen. 3. A staff of skilled livestock salesmen with ail market information at their fing- ertips tq act for us, 4. Our hogs sold to the place of greatest demand and to bring the best return. 5. The peace of mind that price, weight and handl- ing are in the care of people responsible only to us, 6. No hidden costs. 7. Prompt settlement at low cost due to large volume and efficient office staff, 8. Cheques payable without bank exchange. 9. The Toronto market pricq in all districts. 10. A $2 premium for light sows under 280 lbs, 11, Buyers bonded for finan- cial security. 12. Irregularities h a n d l e d promptly and aggressively and adjustments m a d e where possible, 13. right r. The g to change the! Program if farmers wish,. I VOTE YES You'il not have another chance for two years, by regulation to 'tote a (marketing plan into operation. (Signed by) BERT 1066 ALF. WARNER President Secretary -Treasurer HURON COUNTY HOO PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION Nears of Ay '"M LUI PHONE; BA Mr. and Mrs. G. W.-Cuninghame plan to spend their vacation or the East Coast and at Cape Cod Mrs, 'H. B, 'Colprb had the anis. ,fortune to sprain hey' an -We, ilasl week, just outside tlhe door at lW3 9zoarae, agnd l>er amany friends's s3,m, pazo with Mrs. Robert Wiaaiaffns, Nev York, with chem young daughters Liza amid Kate, are l?pencifiutg t%a summer 'at 'the lake shore hoar', of tier parents, Xegistmte amu Mme. Fred A"11,lster. The Rev. Alfred and: Mrs. Mc Mister, with rbhear baby sonl, Pet ex Bruce Mimes are estst a atthe MGA1o,s terC�tta e d whose hashadthe diarge of tTm United, IChwneh in Bruce Mines has acce'pt'ed la, call' to St. Mark'' United' Church, Dundasand'atft>er a visit'to New Yank dity wit] Mrs. XcA11ster, wia@ ibegin his ser vices there, the first of Aug'us't I 't� Mr. And Mrs, Els mLL'tl' 1 W1 d Jami. S b• d vies BJ.1wS5 Rdbr a?rn Murray,Mut'a+a , , Y Y i r. and Mrs. ''izs�i texi M . S. Ra Fit. aTuoav Y redoy. ' :oi S . Mr. rased Mrs. Herbert Altham visited ,thee 'Iady's parents, Mr. an Arms. rBknmersonl :kleard, for a, fe!t e days 'this we k. Mr.and Mrs. Ross,11. Bialto a T a0.'i Mrs Teddy, d Mrs,. C. Long, S'ara•LRa wereY>f - lies.ts cls week of .the RuyN t E4 B.?x and Mm: J. Harrison.Harrisum ' I A. a aa^n7 lois cercilf S. ,(��jj s a. Hill, a visited the res+J to . t t I ar?� rllIlod Westlake, cal• b1 I Mrs .Wiestllake;, 13:iclty and Oa.'thraa' zne K%clemer, 'YisLtetover t h, weekend ' with their t raaents' l Don teI I and aavd thee chil4ren. are sltaY'inl 1 � 1 '' I C ' with, her carts ML, a Mn. h and, parents, Malcorn. 'Moans, for a 1'om; er• hal7 day. Mr. I I M . crud Mors Gerald S'tnlr a i u and; baby Nancy Joyce, and; Vis Dorothy Sxlondck, Donald anj Li k e , R Solon c Preston), I 'spent t tkl om rt ` Ray p 1 weekend at The home of Mran' r Mrs. Ed Sturgeon. Their Helen, and' h er husband dM'aurlgane r Denis Bisback, C1 nton, wen s' om Sunday. vti at s Mrs, H. S. Strachan. Windsor and her sons, the Rev. Rober Strachan, Almente, Ontario; 'an( the Rely. James Stnadian, Wind sor, were guests. of Mrs. Stra,ch ant's brother, George Little, ,las week. Miss, William. MacDuff an( daughter, Holly, Albert Park Michigan, were -recent 'guests o: Mr. land :Mrs, George Little. Mr. ,and Mrs, Sam Candela Larry ,and Karen, Detmait, an gueists this week of Mrs, Caned e1a';s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arth ur 13nis'son. Mrs. Mroy Brownlee and soy Barry, St. Thomas., visited Mr and ,Mr's. George ,Little, last week Mr. and Mrs. Rddta'rd' Moore Detroit, spent the weekend 'al their cottage here. Mrs.Chrailes Toms, who haft bean a patient do Clinton Public Hospital for the 'past %elvrerai: weeks, 'returned home on Mondao Mr. !and Mrs. :L, Wile, are oc• cupAng 'the Metcalfe cotta'gle, rant had as their guests- this (past week, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Wilson anddaughter Mamy Jane, Howell, Ii4nohnhgan. Mrs. W Stratton, Lon- don, :are o ccupyling -the William Metcalrfe :cottage (far July, Mrs. R. B, Johnston, Sault -Ste, Mattie, is at herr cottage, on Louisa Street, and, is mis-iti'ng Them sister, Mrs. rack Stewart. Mr. and' Mrs. Keith Leonard; Toronto, with -baby son, visited Mand nd Mrs. E. A. Featherstor on Slu'nd'ay., and the grandchildren, Ray,, Linda, Sonya, Cheryl !and Mavis, returned to tih 'thoim par- ents to the -city, .after la, we'ek's hcdidlays mn Bayfield. Mr, land: Mrs. Dalton Smith and Janet, London, are spending, their hal:ildaysr at their cot'taige here, Miss' (Connie' Baker, Landon, is here this, week, and has 'as hex guest Mrs'. Douglas Yong, Mr, and Mrs., Harry Baker and Gwen spent the weekend 'at their cat- tago. Mrs. Joseplh, Stewart, Toronto, and her sister, Mrs. Ratugeay, Montgomery, Ala,, who attended .the Shakespearean play at Strat- ford last Wednesday, were ,guests wathl Miss, Mabel' Hordglns. at cher cottage, while A-Attinlg do Bait'_ .110d. Mrs. Roy Selling and Miss Allice Lee, Toranito, were also weekend guests with Miss' Mabel IZoldgi'ns, Mrs. Robert Clark land daught- er Miss Roberta Clark, ICleveland, have rbeen, Visri:bing Mrs. L. M. Burt -at her cottage, a0sa Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burtand, Janice, London. Friar a clipping 'in the, Van- couver Sun, we, quote, "Ken A'r- kell, the ball and bus'ky cx-Mann- t1c wrho developed, 'in'to, once of The Club's top Canadian li'n'e -mens be- ,fame suffering torn lli aments fast season, may not be garble -to glary this season. Although. the injury has healied, DolGtors- agree that it i5 'better suited n:ow rf6r 19 hales Of ,gdf, than) .for tackle or de'fen 's'ihve end in, 'footblall, The deci- sabre is up to Keri, however. He ,probably will matte Up ibis, mitnd kn 'Xelrawna," Kett Arkelil', who recently vtisited his parents lin Ray:fierld, Easy left ,for the West, to continue hair salt- dies 'at tete Univenslity of Britisiii 0011',11mbi+a, who're be will complete his I&W course, next year, H. 'Wbitconmb 'a•rid has daughter Marry, Windsor, are visiting do lC�aAerld, and have ranted, the' An Me and Mr's• Stanley Stewart, With; watts. Geralld, Ricky tLftd bait- i9, Woodstock, Imisrite'd At the, deo- tory 'this week, having rdriveft their daughter Joanne, to 'the amu- aloin, Church caan:p, all, darm►er ishiolnkersr of t6'he tra;rris6n, Miss Grace Wol{emden wba hers• been in lipe coua,go the past (n.otttlly had to petut:'rzu to Detroit for surgery 6u her eye, arud it ds heaped sho' c'aaz sixn turn, CLINTON NEWS-RECOAX) Dayfied PSK A. WOODS ... MIL14V 45 r,3 Mr's. Byron jobnsoln, and deer four •ctnildi'en dEl ie'a, Ruth, Marls raxnd Stewart, A,htahurlaa, Ohio, and hex irde'ce Lucy Ormond, Detroit, mvived on M''omudlay to spend some holidays' with, Mrs. JoUnslon°s .pax- enits, Mr, and Mrs. K H. Ortmoxud. Mr. and Mrs. J;oseeh Schoielr, Cincinnati, wem , guests of Mr, wand Mrs; Perey' 'Pi octor, at Deer Forager before they lv t to return to Detroit. The Proctors: left with i a :bast of sadness for they said, they apimecli'atsd so much: the 'kindness of the Bayll0d, peoprl(e, w'h'ile they . 'owned Deer Lodge. They left aeaviattg the rbrest, oz wishes, forthe new Proprietors, Mrs' et s Mr. and p - rA Um a Lw6y Owdls, (as' Mr, proctor sand it, "The W'i'se Owls,"). a Jack Womts1ey, Toronto, ds vis- " a'tdnlg This sNiter, Ma's. Jack 'C'am- 4 'eron. this week, Hugh MacLeod, Kingston, with a party lof Tviends, hos' been holim u da m Lodge a one the Deer L y aura of h e g g -Park Cabnats. > Mr. and Mast. George H. Fuc, >�' h Ma i ail had as IICQYI7,t11gh , � g , t weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. I Arthur Genung ami W. and Mrs. t LT hom s.' P. Henry,, aT sr f z rm- 2ngham. 1'zEy ala attended ;two af the Shakespearean, reanp1 s at St- matford. Tates ' v. and, Mrs. 'F. H. Fault Re , Listowel', ame the, guests ilis' wee. k of L t The HU 'V'. Buchan a t, 7 e d L list �e1 lav Mrs. namrt - +oil Coll L R. Bricker Waterloo, and' Mr. -and Mrs. Dahl', Bri'c1cer rand Mas- k " ter Te elnh week- end, s naris Terry, p e t ;thy RE'v. nd a blt�a cottage of e e r Canon .M M. Langford and' Mrs'. Langford, -Waterloo. Mrs,I and anal Ilia; Oates Joan . Donald! Marty 'and London' are M Tommy, Y, , 1 guests oaf Mrs. T. W. Oates, at I hely Icottalge, on Delavan Street - Miss, Kathleen Rend arrived, on I } Wednesday ,bo sipe+n:d ra fortnight . with, her nvoth r, Mrs. A W. Rehd I ` 1 ea a She w ac - +at fi d Cottage. was F1rL S 1 g s con aiIL ed b MissP! sDuck - worth., Windsor, Mrs George Shepherd, Mrs. W11 - liam Ewald and Mrs. T'headore Scatt are, visiting Mrs. G. IT, Fox at the McCombe cottage. Mrs's Amy Ellen Truitt and Rob- ert Rader, Royal ,Oak, Mulcha:gan, are rand at the Albion Hostel. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. R. Wnllack, i Douglas, Cathie and Ainslie;, Rio ,de Jandero and Mrs. Forrest Met - ten, Plaris, Ont,., are halli;day ng at the Orr 'c'ottage. Mass Kathy Disunion, Birn-AAg- ;ham, Mte.h., is a guest at the home off Mr. and -Mrs 'C. R. Willi Miss Carrie Dixon, Miss Mary Secord and Miss Adele Blrackle- bank, aa of Brantford, are +alt "'C'am'borne House" ;this week, the residence of the Rev. and Mrs, F. IT. Pauli, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond and Miss Jessd!e Metcalfe (drove to Lion's Head :on the, Bruce Pendn- sulfa, last week with Cbnnt•'an Chi- zenis Horticultural Society mem- bers to ;attend a regional meeting -of the Ontario Horticultural Soc- reties. Among those attending the Shakespearean Festival at Strat- ford :thus: week were the Rev. and Arms. 'F. IT. Paull, Miss Kathleen Rel'd, Windsor; Miss Carrie Dix- on, Miss Mary Secord' and' Miss A d e•1 e Brocklebank, Brantford; Mrs. Williams Purves, Birmingham. Mich.,; Miss• Mabel Hoclgdms .and Misys Margaret MacDonald, Toron- to. For the summer months the fol- lowing families will be occupying the Cuninghame cottages on Cam- eron and Tuyll Streets respectiv- ely: July, A. J. Sutherland, St. Thomas; August, A. Y. McLean, Seaforth; July, Flying Officer R. E. Neal, Ottawa; August, John E. Cuninghame, Liverpool, N.Y.; Sep- tember, A. E. Saunders, recently of Winnipeg. St. Ant reivs Ladies The, Wroanaii's Missionary Soc- iety and' Ibhe Woman's Associa:tnon of St. Andrew's Undited! Church met at the Iparsanage, on Thum- dlay evening of gest weak Wirth over 20 women attending In raddition ;to manly items of business which came up for at- tention feature of -the evening was .a him shown by Rev. C. E. Lakeview Casino GRANDBEND The Famous GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA We�nesdcay" July 30 TICKETS NOW ON SALE �. $2.50 EACH — DANCING Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestira Our crowds have been wonderful this season. Pian an Evening of Danoing You'll Enjoy (~very Mtnutd of This Great Entertaining anti - Danceable Orchestra T VF,$X>Ay,. amy 17, 29M. Bayfield $each Safety Club fund Turned a whdc has, savle been several % to hek), life, 'Mley also, purchased r ptacR Over To .ions Club $125.x'2 Total e$ to[ � papers ��� ,��, and paid ,for the removal oil Barrie, ha�pimig an this was" to keep'beadim, After sox years of successful; l3ayfielkl' $each Safety Fund, d'er cllean', Safety 'bents were Ia'Jroect, oper'ati'ons, the directors. of tho cidex at their annual, meetdzlg, c�r,qu hones At rthe :i?iw as in other' held on .Tully 15, to transife�r the IN'+aces ate to steps, to the beach Peacock, enitatA d'y "Th affairs of the orgatniz'gt on t'o 'the ". or lemergemncy` Wie", dao Case of �•. e Younger Bayf'iu a�I I dans CJlub, bather, being, 4n L stress. At c r- Bmplther", Which was ,the story of 'ch';equa cf $125,72, comprises t'4h) seaswO pawn was tsX ye4 a younlg Japanese who, alter has the iba4'dnce of the money ortgdn- t0,104 any pats'a4 4vy VIA nts that wheler's jd'eath, leaves has home, 'ally collected, by canvasses, land. might MW. where has' gilder brother, accord- was giverL toy Leslie Eilaott, preA Last week two of .our young Ing ria CRtsrtorrt, had dnhu a ited evau+y- dent of It1he , B'ayf1eld' Lions Club, summer women had to go to the. thing, and goes to 'tb!e d*ty,wberre meter parVnarent of this yea'r's court's aid of a Arowndn;g nvn, because group erts group of Chr''' sltaraats ate operation,the Iai4ns Club, is Ithu�"c was aro safety -heat to be lamdd decides to d'axsake the . i du741 of his fon~cfat2ners and be- to deaid�e thu future .of thus safety thrown to •the swanv►mer. Why w'aS pawJest, there moi belt .'because over come a 'Christian; pn splits of the Silgned by J. WaMan, chairman and .over these safety belts have, dnsapprovaa of 'his bxtatlter. James Day, 'secretaiv, ibeW taken: 'away. Mary -times- Rurny"aoSale Six years alga in the summer of they' ' I � p7aced• g th have peeav ae If you missed the annual. Tum- 1`,152 some of B -ends cottage It is srrd'eed m rettabae, to (&A' mage sale held each July by the 'awnem oirgalnu'zerd, a, group to bring s icb, 'conditions exnslt, 'but 'as rlrhe , P anee'r Park ,Assc,ciatdoln; (, as measures off safely •to, swimmers, 'beaches become more land more is e this writer did because e I •I d b . use n ties t Bud children, i a ern a t lee yea' cd' a and a d ems' such as > ix'3' ow bd ret are keep 2xC" hl e be written), I , carat n you have I � I d one I ' I , at7)iSIS� e Y beaches lE broken b cit d am of b aken 'glass ;land kacitSi,ed WWII alan*e to he solved. Of the hlrglg 9111ts Of the summer refuse, Thcough personal ;gifts, Great commendation is due to he,. sleasom. No otherr summer Iraswt and donatrians' ;from many of .Bay lloyal meters of Bayfielyd/s sufmw hras' what Bayfield has -to affer to Aead's summer visitors !aid' cita- mer 'c&mV who have tried so= shim'm'er vas'itors each year, Thee gens, theypurchased and rpresent- hard to make, Blayf eld/s bearche* sale was we]a rpatmoulized, ed to the Lirorcis (;lib, a Paleorlator, safe, and'trW, ta.ke'eip them clean.. Heddr Tuesday night an the Town Hall under the chrairniamsrhip of 4::15>) v: \•fi i+.T.. Mrs. C R. London l 3:,:.. ;.:L• ,„�i:}:i>x::: Wdrla t was ICI. n t i; a xaki 'N • F r `5 IITliOSrt s1 •inoses f 1 ta¢ud 'the Ital ,X"eICeI1 •'1•. x. +S�r:..n �<``:%t: pits 1. were-'a roIw nd17U. Mem bErs and leers .:.:+: ;. ,ti,, Y•F •t":":}.'r .n.. n. ,•::•::}, of the s ca'a '.on assisted i F \\ 4 y }: ii` • t by rExriendsr of .the village and the .summer'�coalanists a Work 'tagetl- .a ya�Irk; 1 ��er to se what has. been , <` ::L _}:�; ••H� } and sunt in. •,�:.,}� ::� • {� F F$':• ra Natbetter hdn i 1 }. s elan }$•' 1C7UI ante t0 :5 i•: [..};:.: . a r: Y�•: . . :.Y;rYi :i::'iF •. i�:''/F"'''YiL:•.ri;•':i,%`?_yA};:+{}: 1 I r,•r}`............. .F +nE:.':,.^.k�%.'•':"+'t�;r"?:�, a.nn::.,.::: .... t . {F arc' e't 'one' �'�< � appreciation ra .�:.. ..�. s .r aax a w �? y. F ' t�+jtiv� .b h..{i .r. is ad farcan, •.:};> �.:t[i.•. v rua'blle see y,', }�`5, A .1',mµ�•i- ;^✓ yr `'a. � v<x ¢•#ar''r ': Y'T . ?:z>%>;is'sz• r:}3.}, r buying ofsome- -people •{•... F:FY:�.`:.} :<.iv. } en atl.S 1 l nth' u , and' some ..,<[�• vY��?�` t' � P YL Yn::i e lie ,vi' •.CGa+. who c }� aullld b :p alit lltuttla' x^41 .:.1.. . : 4o, 4 `•3� }[€$:> ;rjl. +i�;;r S;FIa r?'Y' sax carrying lit a sugar /u e a un f .k .k Fa.:•.. ba ✓. • la' ''al:dish• I alll • � peso 1 Sn1ents a n me't :r.�n•. and, gaiety and .yama tESfellow- 5mfellow- jvmp between P1a ofthe vac,ge , ff�:i.�..•i.r.k}[}•,.,: '} '•".o,::3}S:i. c :}%J.fi• . + +hnLo :r }LS$w},}a}••s.;: rf:L: ,efi?" 44 and t 'sir rvisitors.. h s�wnarna • k, t :'•!iii:• k : 11O!rrrll �:.: i.`•i5F F{':$L,': •.v}r}:ri3xSY+i.;: . H. anti Is, es ; d t of xrvr :ki.:> tr n:$kv nl.. p.. 4s, fi ;} .v. s�o' at1 ' i � . the � cia and v ens :.{., I .vt 5 :$L ...; F:s::: f�: :'l':.i 1?W' a �r.iY.n y'1 "i f. : .:f . f 07]S of hd�S! rami i ':`r`},a:2 ..%;' ':3 cat everything e lex^ 'h ��} a�•+. +llY [ •..r [/ L•i. Sr. n ::•Y he associationundertakes. t oci�atao YF:..F+•n.+ y..a •Y'F'^ x nix;}:. =r� �• �, ,r• . ..Tt :Y. arF•:Y 3�t :;K•: Stn }r•;n '<'o,7 +n•:i+i5iv:i+: •s3`. ?ftk4 r5n v.{btiF .a .v Y[a5 i:; .: .Fi: •r+i: 2:: n}3' ...:k :i,y.:...... •:; v:[}.<:iy;S:af •; xr .ab't fi (: ti t c� :Fa^Fii • F :33:•• a:iF, . `..{.. :38$}• 'iii'. .ay... F•Yl, %;.rl::: {:;}`::.'':,'i;:'t:•`':irr•3.Y'{},a:,:5::t4,,;.{ l.t:}L , . ,% xY , . °{K.L•L i . >ry . . rk•. . d Av a. x` r"- t,. `•:irN <.ii1.Y nN • Y.Y.?f'•;•?Y l2 .}. � U ••ri.. CJI' O C. s: 1= E l L. .r• Y U O : {:L'. .;.�+} • as,y+. �:`•::ij;� `•:'i K21:,' i.lyy;;6; -p'E � [+�.,��:;l:$R•.,:}'i 1/ RUMORS [� ,1 �{�'• i.x ::'}. '7"I-l� ICG�R-��.7 Y �rl.Lr 16da? :a}rf'. �+.+�L,.o�`,C+, iv:C%!?,L::'r;� :^.sw':,5,�{$ �1� GO /yp� /� i L+:Fr,�'�'S ;Yn�A..:x:};F:<�.5} -[> fvr'>•,^,`4''�`.`.'''nr�9+•'4'wxi'%r:5s'<$} ( H E � i'LJV'O OL SUM om..+,,.iASK.ye 7 S l� iY•i SrnK d r`Yv:i% k54'$:\ i : :..... I IS VERY c,jlsd�LC?US ::.....5:.. S*rEALlvrr f The complete dairy `• naYSrucFi 1 feed that gives better ;. results. per feed dollar.. L SEE YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER TODAY ll IN r el H. F. W ETI LA U F E R •o ,. Phone KU 2-663: Clinton Phone HU 2-9792 (ASEORAMA TA,RLITE REVIEW' . Coming MONDAY, JULY 21 at 6.30 p.m. Peter Simpson's Farm, 1 Mile 'Nest of Seaforth td % } { V. ,The Caseorama Starlite Review is eoining to town, featuring revolutionary Case-o- twatic Drive which caused nation-wide comment at the Phoenix, Arizona, .J. T. Case 'World Prethiere of the 1960 Case.o•thatic Line. Case•o-inatic brive tractors will show their special taletits in dr4made do-nionstrations, and work under actual field condi. tions. The two-hour show, under the stars, will have as its finale a grand parade of Case tractors, machines and implements which are used in this area. ROWCLIFFE MOTORS S E A F 0 R T H