The Wingham Times, 1889-05-31, Page 8qt*AM gillItS FRIDAY, MAY 31, 8189. FARMING AS A PROFESSION. jnAn article on Agriculture as a Profession" in the last Harper's 1%.1ag. treine has much iu it of interest and value to farmers --the community in general—in everylaud. As he points out, and as everyone knows, agricul- tural conditions aro changing very tepidly. An abundance of rich soil uaa 1??een the cause of a great deal of poor but comparatively profitable farming in America. With advan- tages as to soil and facilities for work- ing it America is behind every .country but India as to individual showing in the wheat yield—not half up to England. As to productiveness British lands are improving and American decreasing — the former increased by a sufficiency of susten- ance for 5,000,000 people in 25 years. Increased value and cost of tillage with decreased value in pro- ;.plortionate returns render the situation to agriculturists a perplexing one. It is generally recognized to -day that farmers do not realize adequate re- turns for the money invested and the labor involved. Statistics show that in New YorlclState in '86 farmers on ..•the average realized'but 3i on oapi� • tel invested allowing nothing for time and labor. In consequence grain . growing and cattle raising are being gradually shifted west and dairying, .:fruit and vegetable growing are be- coming more common in the east. The latter tendency requires greater and more systematic work. The writer argues in effect that the school .aud farm must be brought into closer •contact—we must have more scientific knowledge intelligently applied. The education and business habits of business or intellectual callings might profitably and pleasantly. be applied to agricultural pursuits and professional business interests and, farming be toorrespoudiligly benefited. . 'The writer then points out the advantages :end splendid achieveipents of agricul- tural 'colleges and se/Aols of science. 1;.rhe application of s(aylentific methods ,in Britain, France, "`Germany aud sigiutm have largely increased the 'q iroduotivenees of the soil in the last 'lfty years. In this country' the "'acreage yield has been, as a • rule, 'steadily decreasing. In consequence, Xn America, dissatifaction i3 becotning general.. Greely's advice "to go west that coal from two points. and take up new land" is no lorger The Monroe Chair of English I,an- Traeticable. The question is, how to enol Literature in Dalhousie feed the land that it may feed ,yon 9 Unigungeversity, N, S., made vacant by Dr. The restoration of impoverished lands. Alexander's acceptance of a profeasor- is adifficult problem awaiting solution ship in University College, Toronto by farmers. Showing the possibilities of well cultivated laud, the writer says cents per square foot has—and can 1i` -realized yearly in raising fruits John Hopkins' University. GRA. vo4e ab'.os and these are destinedCarlyle described his indigestion to constitute larger elements in the . Five cities of Kansas State are "like a rat gnawing at the pit of his stomach," saidcian requirements of the future. That under •the government of women. was a horse.rd u chisonbestas hysijocoaely dalculation would mean $2,178 es.. five women are serving as mayors, • remarllod the outside of tl ]torso was ceipts of an acre of land. The ten- and twenty-five en city councils. thiLl,est thine for the inside of a tiled. deney is -- and sensibly too — to Three are performing the duties of Calvin was a sufferer frotc- indiges- tion, so was 'Emerson, so was its fullest productive e'apaeity. This writer claimsthat the pursuit of agriculture offers induoenoltts---as to financial returns and physical enjoy - meat alike to students, business min, scientists, economists, Rea This would prove a wholesome and satis- factory -check to the congestion of population in urban centres—in a more general understanding of the possibilities of tgrioulturo. Whilst all professions are crowded and every line of business is overdone the strong tendency is towards a decrease in the number of those engaging in agricul- tural pursuits. The comparatively small farms in 13elgium and Germany are described while the large yields are then referred to. We have given but disconnectedly the gist of this article. Whilst it may contain exaggerations aud extrava- gances it points out several marked tendencies anti has in it excellent suggestions. No farmer can read it without feeling that not a few bene- ficial truths are well expressed in in. PROTECTING WORKINGMEN. The f$Iail says : During the recent Presidential campaign in the United States the Bepttblicans, among them Mr. Andrew Carnegie, appealed to the workingmen for their support on the ground that the Democratic policy of tariff reform would bring low wages, and that the Republican high tariff policy, on the other hand, would en- snre high if not increased wages.: Remembering this no doubt, Mr. Carnegie's workmen recently petition- ed him for an increase of wages. His reply was the posting up initis mills last week of a new sliding wage scale which works an average of 20 per cent., the pay of some men being cut down 50 and 60 per tceut. As a result the 2,000 men, will .now .go oue or strike, and it may be safely assume( that their opinion.of the boasted higl tariff policy has•undcrgone a very greet change, EDITORIAL NOTES. THE government of Queensland have allowed a firm the use of the hack of postage stamps for advertising for three years for 20, 25 and $30,000 resp.ectively. Tan Canadian. Pacific will apply next session for a land subsidy for e line from their own main line a Bran- don south to the Souris coal fields, a hundred miles distant. The South - Western branch will also be extended to settle an emigrant on a homestead Lieut. -Col, White, deputy post. ti . 'In the North, West is $284. toaster general said that the private • •gc (In g m bolts delivery of letters is illegal and would '6G� 6 not be tolerated by the Government. --Is PUBLISIIED- npeotal Announcemont. The law provided that a fine of $2() We have made arrangeineuts with should be inflicted on each case of the Dr. B. J. I{endall .Co, publishers of1 kind proved. "A Treatise on the horse and his Dis• l -- lir IToronto, Flig„ins, of Toronto, says of 1 hours of sleeping: Nature requites five, • custom gives seven, laziness takes nine, and wickedness eleven. eases” which will enable all our sub. scribers to obtain a copy of our valu- able work free by sending their address (enclosing a two.cent stamp for'mail- ing same) to Dr. 13. J. Kendall Co., Ensburgh Palls, Vt. This book ie now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phen- omenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time, We feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opporuunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you 'mention this paper in sending for the "Treat - iso." This offer will remain open for only a short time. The. Noon's Influence on Sleep. A New York physician relates the following instance to show the ,neon's influence on sleep: The most sin - ular case of insomnia of which I ever heard is that of a friend of mine in a neighboring town, a lady of middle age. With the exception of her pearl- ier insomnia, she is in robust health. She, is an uncommonly sound sleeper in the "dark of the moon," but as the 'iew moon approaches its first quarter she is attacked with wakeful. ness. She eau sleep only at long intervals during the night, and only a few minutes .at a time. This sleep. lessnees increases with the fulling of the moon, and by the time that stage in the moon's course is reached she is unable to obtain even the lightest slumber. She remains in a state of uttertwakefuIness until the moon be- gins to wane, when she gradually grows sleepy again, and is able to sleep longer and sounder us the moon disappears. When the pe-' ' dark 'civ., et,...• pa.ient as preceaencu ethiin . Even the latilord's claims for arr.-ears of rent must yeild to the doctor's fee. The courts have decided that as it is an imperative right of humanity that the dyiug shonld have the necessary care and treatment, such attendance should be paid for before all other debts. Such a law in this country would be hailed with satisfaction by the doctors, and a similar provision for the undertakers would delight that profession. to meet this extension, thus tapping ARYICID TO MOTHERS.—Are you disturbed at nigh and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering an trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at ence and get a bottle of ",Urs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" Itor Children Teeth o . Its value is ineal:ul- Spoor little sufferer irnmediateiy. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it, It cures Dysentery and Dlarrhtna, res ulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and {fives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States, and is hp: sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five colts a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTMLSQ SYRUP," and take no other bind. has been filled by the appointment, of Mr Archibald Mae Meehan, of Hamil- ton. Mr MacMechan is et fellow of smaller ferule better tilled in the police Judge. A dozen women are i4tatps. The writer says that for the county superintendents of public ins last live years less than $9110 per acre structiou, and several are acting .as was realiz»d train the six leadiug city clerk or treasurer. In addition grain craps in the States and then to these a large number, probably 200, goes •ori to illustrates the possibi'ity of infinitely better results by enuinerat- boards. iii; what bus been dome by those in Under the title -of "Information for somber portions of land tilled to :,.nigra nti" the I)uh;in Freyman's something like their capacity by in. automat gives condensed and valuable telligent, labor eotnbi:.ce,l with know- intelligence to emigrants as to their Ledge. of market requirements. Ex. b:'st way to come to Canada and the anlples at an American college showed 'mot advisable course on arrival. it the fart that wheat to the amount of ciltttne►ate4nrticltls neeclei 011 board, abort 1,L0 huufired bushels to the acre also wiIatt clothing ought to taken hats been raised. TIM*. is admitted to a'nng. If eltli Tan's could furui;,ii, alBlt,':ar itioredil,le to Iuauy, and was theiltsel y with half ghat they re (i•„ =e' undo!. exceptional trealn(ettt and ootlltn(ile tln•y ittu-,b he better Circum• with wear attention. Every farmer stealciA in Y.re'lrtt,d than they may ex hn''tvs h+•'ve!vt•r that the capability of poet to be hike for several years. Or his own lands could be 1t1;ll0:at fitful (o 1rse they .%u16roal u:at(:rt that; the in- feciesteed. They can only be formation i4 for "those wli., go,despite c3titttot,stratted by taking a squill por- warning or who arae driven by dream - flan of land and attempting to realize . stances- to ga." The amount estimated are acceptably serving oti school Cowper, 51) was Darwin, so indeed were many of the great men of modern times. An old physician used to say : "Tell Inc how he digests, and I will tell you how he thinks." -The ;liedieal Press says there is h talk of applying telejMiones to the in -1 fee ions wards of tli • French h,sptta?:t, s.) as to enable the siok people isul1it"(l in their contagious sufferings to hate 1 the cointert of hearing their relative'.,' v11iO+'S without any rink of .'.nnvt'Viii' I infection by ail iutel'VieW. ly is a very tlltillegie idea, end w()t3:(1 not—o::e would think ---be a very o•541yon t:,cwry out, .. Why not in,1 the telephone in 110111" of the iinte'ction+ I wards of Our own hoapit,tis? In 184$' f.',e P1,pr'es income ata ed to ,';i:l1.1)0i),uf which z373,00.1; lain. from i'•'ter'e Punt -n fills leiw, 000 from th-' interest of money iuve::st• e(l out of.1'itly. Till Ont ay of ill., Vatican anionnt('tt to ()n!y : 1'bi;r does 1101 ieeciudo the uinaey Pres' (Seita, atnoua! iug Ito w$:30,000, which ;!('nn nol.rd's CoR.lt:rt DRUG flocked in during the P'opc.,s Jubilee, J Win;y'ham Agency. AkmoTkoq Concpraators and Builders, 1YIW0i1.% i, - 0NT, ,Agents for Downey's (Belgrave) lime. $500,000 TO LOAN.. On Farm and Town Property at very Lowest Bates and on Tereus to shit borrowers. MORTGAGES PUROHASED. NO COMMISSION CHARGED. horrouera can obtain money in 6 days if satisfactory, R. VANSTONE, Beaver Block, wingham. MONh,Y TO LEND. rpm; CORPORATION OF TIIE TOWNSHIP OF Y Turnhorry has about 53,000 to loan on Mort- gagee. For terms apply to, P. MoLARI:N, or will. McPIII BSON, Tr. TREASURER, wingham. , Itenvs, Glenfarrow Winghant, MaY Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted. AT REASONABLE RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per cent- with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. EbO�'r. IYIoENDOO. Orrice,—Heaver Block. Winghan), Ont. Sam'1,'ouhill's REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENCY. OFFICE : KEr4T's SLoCfc, IMINGHA113. Private funds to loan. A number of Building Lots and Residence proper ties for Sale Those desiring to make a home in wingham should communicate With, or apply in person et my Office, where all necessary information can bo btaoined. BANK OF HAMILTON, wSSTGTTAIV.L- Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, e360,0O0. President -Joint 2Toaur. Vlce•Presiclm,t-Ilex. ,iAars :rennin. DISECTOItS A. G. RAaiSAY, JOHN PROCTOR, R, ('HAS. GURNEY, Geo. ROACH, A T. Woes. Cashier -J. TfaNBULL. Savings Sauk bolus, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of 1i and upwards received and interest allowed. Special De:peoits arso received' at current rates of Interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States, bought and sold. 13. WILLSON, Acmti'. MEYER ct DICKINSON, SOLICITORS. EI AVIS IS OFFERING .� 0] ' i --ON VA EZM P2:2,OP:E1'T'Y' AT VERY LOW RA.`I'ES. OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKET WzvonAR OCTOBER •iTu, 1888. :...alaesir$'• '.'..":.�v.,.7,7 T.,�.,'.tin lobi'tlre..r'';-':r!litaLef S. GRACE F , Supplies all necessaries for fun. oral furnishing having a Delivery Wagon specially for this branch of business. All orders attended personally, and delivered n+m: where within 10 miles of tt.,(;: ham. Remember tho place, first floor south of the big brick hotel on the ';lain street, winghein. A WONOE:Rl. UL LAKE 0..033 WAVER eosin 0000 1„1 3.0 A MEDIUMS EVERY FRIDAY MOUNT -AT TILE-- TIMES OFFICE, Jo$EPl'U $TP1C?rrT WINGFIAM, ONTARIO. • Subacription prico, $i po:r year, lnadvanoo ADVERTISING RATES: Spare. _ 1 yr. 1 0 um 1 3 too. t 1 no. One Column 500 i 00 534 00 t20 00 55 00 Halt " 86 00 en 00 MI 00 8 00 quarter " 20 00 12 ne I7 00 4.00 tine limb6 00 3 00 2 00 100 Loral and of ter casual advertisements, Re. per line for first insertion, and 3e. per lInatoreaelt subsequent insertion. Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10e. for hest hi• section, ann Ile. per lino for each subsequent insertion No local notice will be charged less than 26e. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and :Business Chalices Wanted, not axeeeetiing 8 lines nonpareil, 51 per month. Houses and Fame for Sale, not exceeding 5 Snot, 31 for dist months. 50c, per subsequent month, • These terms will be strictly adhered to. longer• po Special rlods.rates for longer advertisements, or ter .tdvortiscments without spceille dirertiots, will be inserted till forbid and charged arconttngly. Tran- sitory advertisements must be Laid 01 advance. Changes for contract advertisements must bo in tthhe oaico by Wednesday neon, In older to appear at week 11. ELLIOTT o PROPRIETOR AFD Prnta8Ern: DR. A. F. McKENZIB, Ilanor graduate Toronto University. Attendant of New York Polyclinic. Office and residence over store of Gordon & 3ii inure. JOSEPHINE Sr. - WINOriAM. JIL, MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, ONTAntc. rot. J. A. DNL'LULITM, 1) IIonor Graduate of ' ororto University. Office and Residence -Tho old stand formerly oecu. tied by lir, Bethune, at tite oerutr et Centro and pied streets, . 1Ylsaunnf, Oxr, iq g tans. & DJ'GIUNS(.N, RA1t1:1$TEl:S..ke. Solicitors for the :Baal: of ilaatfit..n. Coninissione,s for taking affidavits for Mcwit�i a. Private funds to lend in straight loans at 'curvet rate,. (mew - iient's Block. Wingbi.n, L'tcloic.w and Gorr' c. 0. w. C. V0Y,;a. K. L. 0W108508. J. A. 8lo0TON, B RRibTElt, winghtun • Ontario. R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAIt3( "Putti .' CONVEYANCER, ETC. OFFICES -Deaver Pslnrk, %Viveash, Vier., G(n:nia.and Bina, ONT. Private and Ceemany fends to lezn et low sates 08 interest. Mortgages, town and farm lnnl'arty bulu:lit and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty. D13:1TISTRY.— J. S. JEROME, I% V011,111. e.. J ;Annie Is mrionfaoturing te5 • Ittloiel 11t,tes Vulcanite plates of tho bestmater:al as cheap as they can bo got in the Dominion. AR work war- ranted,- Vegetablo Vetter administered for tho painlese extraction of teeth, the only se.fe nnestlietlo known, OFFICE : Iu the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick hotel. 3)ENTISTRY.--.W. IL MACDONALD, \t'ruaman. 3s :» Maker of �Vulcanite, Celluloid, Anoy, N `a Sih'e. Geld, etc.. e4r., Platen, ranging 4 rn prices from 8:,')0 upwards per Set - crowing slid bridgework. Teeth eX reacted without the least pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. head office, Pi Ingham, sure entrance op• poslto the Qnaen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from 0 ant to 6 p in. Will be at .Blyth every `Sud and 4th Saturday of eat'll:pantli-•OflteeatMilne's hotel; Gerrie: lst and 8rd Mondays of each month-- 011toe ITS Albion betel, !Attracting 26 cents. • JCIIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AG8.8T , winutum, O:crA OBE18T CCNNINGUAM, >L INSUl1ANCE FIRE AND MARINE, G UI:LtMI. j(`''EOR(:R �dei�.tY, W1„ ghani, Ideonsed Auctioneo IT for tin; Count;es of Heron and truce. At moderato rates, t„de., will be cent:fitted in ' portion of the CutrutteI. Orders can be left at the TIDES Office. OLIN CUItRIE, NVEtu x t'f, JOHN' 1,1l Ns1:D .ALTTIOlIffr.11. Orders heft at Tome' cake promptly wended to TERMS t1EiSONABLE. A D. DEAN, 3a., WBxncur, Ji•� LItr:NsBD AtTOTte)NI.ga Ir.Odt 2'111; COt1NTTi 01' 1:1'RON. Salta attended in any pert of the Co. Charges liloile te. ay .tMI:S IIENItf:i:;iq v, Lit'tsn;cr, parr/IO::bf:n run Commits Manns A.1D. Alt sales attendul to i.,Oo:ptly ntid TO; the Shortie Mit ice. ('hn.r,;es I tedepa:e I(t..l N.tbilli tie:. (ttiprenteed, Alt ue..o,,aey e:ur,.:.?. nus.,; 114)1 bt made cit tllo TOMS .'Itkw. Wit:c m:4. Ost, I:0LION IIAWL!NS, P. L. St D. L. l;i':TVS:Y•:i'.s AND (Tull l:vptvrpas, LISTOWRI, Asn Wt ,(11idtt, All enters teff at Cm of tae mug will rib calve prompt attcn:.en, a..41