The Wingham Times, 1889-05-31, Page 6ur thne FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1889, EDITORIAL NOTES. A Committers has been appointed to collect funds for the Prof. Young memorial, which will pobably take the form of a university scholarship. AT the auction sale of the noted' Oaklend herd of Jersey cattle, late the property of Dor. Valency E. fuller, of Hamilton, Canada, iu New York the av+,r:'ort price of $608 on the twenty- nine heat composing the herd was m5. do. Ix the final examinations the medi_ cal faculty of Toronto University sent up 50 candidates, of whom 43 passed and 16 were rejected (27 per cent). In the primary, out of 63 candiclates 36 passed and 27 were rejected (12 per cent). Trinity Medi- cal sohool passet'i 30 or 40 of her can- didates iu the final examinations and in the primary between 35 and 40 passed. Tus Ontario Legislature Asssombly having given the Artillery Association of the Province au annual grant of $500 it wet; decided to call the cup after Premier Mowat. The 4t -Oliver Mowat Cup" is to be awarded to the battery making the highest , total points in general proficiency; the cup to become the property of any battery winning it three years in succession. Last year the oup was won by "A" Battery, Field Artillery, of.Guelpli. Ose of the most flagrant cases of combine discovered by the, Combines Committee of Parliament in 1888 was the Ottawa Coal Cartage Company, under whose operations coal was re- gulated both as to who should get it and at what price it , should be sold. At the rl,nnual meeting of the Com- pany, oln•pany, ;o was resolved, to wind up its afle:cs as an association. Senator Clehnow, when asked, said their action was due to the passage of Mr. Clarke Wallace's Combines Pill of last sea. sion. Brussels. On Wednesday week a 14 year old son of Mr. John io1Cinnon, living near town,was killed by It kick from a horse. Luclknow, I1r. Angus McQuaig, of baucknow who has been for twenty years in tim- ber shipping; from thus noihern t:ectlol has this year slapped over x•010,000 worth of Bieber—cent to Quebec and British markets. He has spent twenty seven years at this work in Canada and teas for 21 years with Messrs. McArthur Pros., of Toronto. In that time lie has paid millions of dollars into the panda of the hardy pioneers and has a well established reputation for fair and honorable dealing. He as et present on a purchasing tour. through Lautbton and Middlesex counties. Queen's birthday in Londa .—Miss Katie Taylor.., dresa►haker,of 4Vittg. halts, was the guest of Miss Alice Harrison last week.—Mr, tined :ill•s. W. 3, ],eenwick, who bavo been visit- ing in the vicinity o£ Collingwood, i•e+ turned. home on Friday. ----Mr. Irl. Sllorta is having a stone foundation *1erected under his barn for stabling purposes. The premises are at pre- sent occupied by Mr A. Scott who lam rented the farm and who super- intends the work.—Mr. G. Blackwell of '1'urt.berry, has the contract,—The work of building the basement of the church at Westfield is now going on. The corner stone will be laid on June 20th. --We had quite a snow storm ou Tuesday morning, somewhat wintry for the 28th of May.—The oillcers of . the baseball, club on the 6tii Can. are seriously considering the advisibility of prohibiting lady. spectators from entering the pratico grounds as they seem to draw the players attention from the game. O.n Saturday evening. two, of the players oamo somewhat late, and declined taking part in the Igame. .Having noticed a group of young ladies in a distant part of the field they contrived a scheme, quite as ingenious , as thait of the Indian Chief Pontiac, in itis attempt to cap- ture Fort.Dotroit braving procured a ball every time the ball was thrown it fell a little nearer until the finally an open entertainment . given bye the reached .the desired object.; Belgrave Good Templars. The meet- ing opened with singing and prayer by Blyth. Rev It Godfrey who being vote.([. to Quite a number of the congregation the chair, presided with tact and good and friends assembled at the residence humor. Messrs Bell and David. on of the I1ev. A. Thomas and presented the violin and Miss Lawrence on the him with a farewell address after which organ were deservedly applauded. for they did justice to the good tihings. their musical rendition. Miss Fer- provided and then they departed - gason, of St Helens, then gave a well feeling that they had spent a very , rendered and feeling recitation. A enjoyable evening.—Miss • i'iaggie laughable dieloguo—The witches in McQuarrie returned home from Lon- • the orealn—was given by Misses Bone, dssboroagli on Saturday where she Bretz, Reilly, and Messro J Hone and has been visiting friends for scene . W Bretz, Then followed in good titre.—Miss Olds,of Goderich is the : style a reading by S Irwin,, a recitatiou guest of Mrs. W. H. McBride this by 0 Wightmau, a song by Miss week.—Miss Mairn,.. of Goderich, is Sharpe, of Teoswater. Dr Macdonald visiting friends iu Lown.—Mr. Tanner M P, of Winghaln, then gave a very of Torouto, was in town last weer.-- &earnest, eutertaiuing and stimulating Mr. P. Conroy, of London, traveller . address on temperance, Ho corn - for Mr. John I>iunell & Co., did mended the work done by these quite a business with one of our pro- : organizations, indicated modern oppor- minent merchants last week.—There; tuntties and responsibilities and gave is quite a novelty in one of our milli- : much wholesomeadvieo. logaveavivid nery shops in,town in the shape of a picture of the evils of the liquor Chinaman assistant —Mr. J. Ross, of traffic which carries off 8000 people Clinton, spent Smiley with the old' yearly in Canada.. He gave statistics ,folks.—her. W, Potter returned home personally obtained from inspectors of from Clinton last week.—T. McNeil asylums, prisons, chief of police, a clerk iu the store of T. Eaton & (10., reformatories ---gall showing that every is lar of Toronto, formerly a Blyt}rite, ;e per tentage of those incarcerate i visiting friends in town,—,Wonder if were brought there by the iufiueatee of Fred is business going- o rGeergo Poto leaen well, Canada's then) $33+000` 00 yearlyudill was England's firm of McKinnon & Powell hes opened over /400,000,000 moderate. Drink - out a general feed store in the store ing was the, beginning of the evil. lately occupied by Anderson &. Elder The ineonsisteney of ohristittus gave where he is paying cash for butter and respectability to the braille so deletes- eggs.—Miss (Jerson, of Clinton, is tFte oils to the interests of the country by guest of the Misses Kelly's this week. granting licenses. All were cautioned --Mrs. James MarsLell is on the sick to use their -influence for the suppres- list this week.—Rev. Mr. Isaac, of sion of the. traffic. The potvor 'of Auburn, preached in the, Methodist example was emphasized. The doe- chureh last Sabbath morning and tors speech, which was eloquent, evening. ---There will be service both comprehensive and forcible, was well morning; and evening in trinity church received and heartily applauded. 0next Seam—Mr.. Do oody. and a in ng s wife of IL ncatd i e are home siting lent lellensng tyle. dsa John oBowlerhtgga eexcoa his mother.—Mr. George Waugh.spent recitation, as also did R Wightlnan, a few days in our midst last week.— and R Hyslop a reading. Messrs A1r, A. Lmigh, of London, is horse for David and: Bell again gave a violin a short time.. Art looks hate. and selection and J Lawrence a song. hearty,—Rev. IL A., Thomas deliver- Two splendidly acted dialogues were ed his farewell sermon in Trinity given by members from the Blyth church last Sunday taking for his sister society. The Blyth performers text the third Obeptor ,of St. John wore : Misses itf' and L Floody, E and the 16th verse, (For God so loved Yonng and Messrs M Fleetly, R the world, the he gave his only be-• Clark, A Id;• Plummer, R Somers, J gotten sou, that whosoever believeth Gray. Representatives were present in hits should not peri:lt lint have from several sister lodg,is. Good pro - in everlasting life) from witch lie preach- grammes are but one feature of enter ed a very touching, sermon after tainments at Belgrave. Ample pro-' vision is invariably made for the which the sacrament of the Lord's haler Supper was partaken off.•• -There were wants. Thea. ecus hospitality of about three liondrocl. witnessed the the people in tihu emote of excellent laying.of the corner stone of the new cooking was freely sent round at, the Methodist church.---blx. T. F. Jolr- close of the lengthy pro,ramine. A son, of Myth, Nati entered into a law oul.eotien.of $11..0 was taken up. partnership with M'r. E, W. J. Owens, barrister, of London.—The Stunciesr,l. Turxtberrve Mr. Wua. Campbell sold a sucking - age. Jelin Jenkins,briekla left colt, got by Kentucky Star, the other for l , t , T,bricklayer, day, for $100. The colt woe bele one a}. nto ou uesday where he is - day old when the sale tools place. mange() work at his track—Dan Wni. Nicholson for some time working iu >3elarave. Galt,,haa gone to Toronto,--l4hat- The cheese factory' 18 limy in geed ever has eono wrong with the weather,ruurtiu„ order, 111onday • week. wing lately.. A. snow storm on the 28th of ti,e first start of the aeasot1. Mr. T. MtiyJs sorely a new sensation. and We IIsi ni,1lte•v rias been engaged as clieeett- mast say a rather chilly one too --Mr. • 11't(►knr.•---•free. 1). Rog to, of Loathes J,u-. Showers, has returned . from a b ro, rt•liv,ered cat ilfontle! ee :t.ine of vittit to the state of Michigan where Let %wok, in tiro Mfethodie, oituten, he ila3 f; tentle residing. His sister De. Tecica,•tgeh famous lecture , r,It , Ila,uttalt aoeoulpenicd hire ---.1Ir, Win, '• 11'14'r-.,a;1i61u," This was one of Gray, who ware, laid up with an att-ick the motet iatereetiuiy leetilree Wylie a of hill; nation, is around again.. --•:1).r. lit•., ,a r ;r shine tini.'. The pi•o.etiis Mallock, inepeetor t'isited the schools write t., tee tpert I uastien fund•I of of this,township Iaet week. ----Tho stone that eilurcll.--lt,•v, Il. A Themes, of mattes have completed rhesfoutidation. Blyth, lure resigned his poititioar as `of Mr J. 'Thoaalpson's hoose. ----Mr. a1. pastor ..f Tingley Coatoeh here on ac -•!Caitlin is home from Toronto Univer c:.n•.r of 111 Itea'tb.- w Mr. J, Tovell lefty, having written on the flrst year, second it large bankrupt stock t)f boots , examinations. -Mies Emily Stapleton Culross, The next mooting Of the West Huron Parlers' Institute will be held in Clinton on Wednesday and Thurs day, June 5th and 6th, commencing 'at 1 p. in., the best day. Amongst those whe will be presort and take part in the various discussions will be Hou. Chas. Drury, Minister of Agri- culture for Ontatlo, Prof. Robertson, of the Aerieultura1 College, Gu(siph, A. MeD. Allan,. President of the Ontario HarticniturtLl Society, •and John McMilIan, M. P. for South Huron and others. .Oltz!dso Chronlolo. V. 1.—Noor it came, to pass c1? the Four uud twentieth day of the month and in the fourth watch of the, tight, being early cook -crow, 1 was roused from slumber by a uoise like auto thunder, and my couch heaved, even as if tossed by an earthquake. V, 2.—T'hen I remembered that it was the day of the birth of the great and good Queen, and I arose quickly, and donned my upper and nether gar- ments, and descended to the streets of the city. V. 3. --And 1 met certain youths, who should have remained in Jericho •till their beards had grown. V. 4.—Anal with the money earned with the sweat of their brow, they had . bought a mixture of brimstone, and nitre, and coals of wood, that maketil the hills,to clap hands, and the dogs that wandered about the city quaked nor fear. V. 5.—Now at tile• eighth hour ,of. the day, to 1 Hanna, the merchant prince came forth as .the captain of a ,,:eat army. 1 V. 6.—And a mighty multitude, an . -?le scud of the seashore, and leaves of • tl:e forest of Harctll, followed him on 1ht rses, and in chariots and in wan. ions, whereon stood dancers and cute ia:n players on stringed instruments. V. 7. --Now in a field where repos- e li the early dwellers of .the city, a pole of the height of twenty cubits woe set up, ou the top whereof was set a cooking vessel fashioned by the Itientls of a cuuuing c+,ppetvntith. V. t3 ---And proclamation was made that whosoever should climb the pole, etnl reach the top thereof, the vexes, :could be his, and his posterity unto the third and fourth- generation. V. J. And a certain than whose 19UI30 by interpretation is Patter, whose foot Were , bud , with sandals Isot known to our fathers, attained arse the top thereof, and it ihnnt rose es the din of battle, earl the ial,(tglat,;r •.h: the greet multitude trey ne the neve ee The Goderich Signal makes this reference to the late Mr. Craig father to Mrs Stowe : An old and esteemed resident of the town departed this Iife ou Smithey last in Mr. John Craig, who died at the residence of his son William. For something like forty - thine years he had.been a resident of G-derich, and was one of the old settlers. For a considerable period he had been indisposed, and of late his malady had assumed such serious complication that he was unable to take nourisha:lei,t. The funeral took place to Maitland celnete.y ou Tues- day afternoon, and was largely attend- ed. Listowel• The securing of a market ground is being energetically agitated.— This town had a case of conscience money recently. Mr. J. Livingstone of the flax nil:ls received ten 'dollars stated to be six dollars with -interest, which was gotten by mistake for fax years ago. —john Moss Robertson,- Dep- uty Grand Master of the Masonic order of Canada will lecture before Bernard Lodge A. 1'. & A. 111. on the Goll of June. . Zetland. In honor and justice to our departed hruther Mr. Angus Clark we feel it our duty to correct some mistakes that appeared in the "Times" last week. Although we cannot give dates we shall give as true a statement of his pilgrimage as we can in few words. )Ie, was a notive of Ba•:ieuoch, Inver- nesssbire Scotland as stated. He emigrated with his father to this country when he was 0 young man. They settled in the Township of Pnslinch, county of Wentworth, when he commenced farming and continued in.that business for many years. His sterling worth and upright dealings with his fellow -men are much to be couamended. A kind husband and a loving father, he proved to be In res- pectably raising two largo families being married twice. Five of his first tinnily and ton of his second survive h]uh glad his widow to mourn his ,lois Ile was never a member of the Presbyterian but of the Baptu t church until he received the plain and simple teaching of tate Gospel preach- ed by Ifo T. Grant an evangelist who proaehcd in :Moerist•,li nineteen years tggo. He then clearly took This stand for Christ and the Gospel outside sr'cterianism and continued so stead- fastly, witnessing for the sane, until the day of hia death. He was a mart of few words, but when he spoke he ;puke as the emelt: of Gad, He Rained much. with that distressing 1 isease, asthma, patiently waiting for t his departure to be with Christ wtnoit is far better. He hurl entered on lite rest `L ripe sheaf ready for the g,tr: i'r i at the age of futu•-seurte Il(1.i .we t:lem aro left 'behind, may say in [fie language of .the f'.l owing Hpi-igen; ; c 01100 tear 0,1410121111k ;*a tvi.It n'.. inJe:,u4n„wbe d(••,.,: wr,l vee for lunewhile netting theee A,; hopel se caa,ut.t c.'etkv. c c'e.ttering - cranes on the. house ee ,)s." 'oil h • Ysr. ()i.e. Anderson, outplayed ill # !aa 3b WVG'a1t,u 1 ee:avia,trr. Dele s Furniture factory, Winwham, The meeehents new close at ;.30 watt home for tenllday.-••-Mese rs,15. W.' r, ua, xyeo,t and J, Coultct ur. speut titer r' e—ete. find shoes while away last week. - - Miss Maggie Day, who was visiting et Mr. Tovoll's returned to her home in Guelph nu Tlturselay lust.—Miss F, Watson, of Goderiob, who was visit- ing; leer brother here has returned home again. ---•Mr. Austin Budge, re turned to Clinton after a short visit to friends here —Mr. D. Geddes and H. Wilson, of Luckuow, paid frionds -here aL short visit on Friday last.— Quito u number os our citizens took in the gauzes at Winghan't on 24th May. --A grand ball was held here in the Foresters' hall on the evening of the 23rd whieli was well attended. A number of `'Vinghalnites were present on that occasion.—Mr. Fred Kay went to Exeter on Friday last to attend the funeral of his grandmother.—air. Humplhery, of Stravfordville, brother of our cheesemaker is at presnt help. ing his brother at the factory.—Next Saturday there will bo a,. base bail hatch here between the Irish and Scotch members of the club.—Tho weather here is exceedingly cold for May and we jotted down in one diary Snow storm on the 27th May 1880.— Miss Annie Meiltlejohn is ou a visit to friends at Bervie this week.—Miss S. Sharp, of Whitechurch is visiting at Ur. Meiklejokns. The Foresters hall was .crowded on Monday evening the attraction being got the fore finer off the left has •, badly bruised in a mangle a 1 ` Dinsley House last Saturday that it was found nect'esary to ttentotate 0 portion of it.—Mr. Wm. Hastings d moved to Bluevale this week..••-•Work etas enatioulet,eecl olh Gray's 4go alt the 9th concession.—Mr. Lithgow, . librarian of the Mechanic's Institute, is frequently seen taking walks through the country in search of botanical specimens. He does not study botany because he has all examination to pass, but because he like([ it. There are wady more in town wye would get hettltlt end wisclotn by following - his e,n u,ple. • The ropier council meeting was held -- in Sault's hall Bluevale on the 27th May 1886. Members all present. The' • reeve in the chair. The minutes of • last and special meetings were rpprov- `. ed. The reeve reported having lent $1,000 i'f sinking fund moneys on mortgage for four years at 6 per cont. adopted. Mr. Gremlin reported hay. ing authorized the putting inof a culbert and resommeuded that John McGlynn be paid $3 for the job. Adopted. Moved by Mr. Thompson seconded by Mr. Dimetht that a -bylaw be passed. appointing Mr. N: J. Ritchie town- ship engineer at a fixed charge of *:t. per day anti no expenses. Carried. Moved by Mr. Thompson seconded by Mr. Dinient that we pay the family of the late.Thos. Fortune the sum of $23 salary as cleric, secretary Board of Hottlth and fees as Division Regist. , rar, carried. Moved by . Lr, Gemmill seconded by Mr. Cruickshank that we expend $25 on.sideroad. between lots 25 end 26 iu•the lith concession. Car- ried. Moved by 111r• Dirnent seem!. ed by Mr. Thompson that the (hurt of Revision be now opened for busi• - ness. Carried.. Tho Court was opened by the members of the Council signing declaration of officers of Court of Ile- . vision. Moved by Mr. McPherson seconded by 11'L1.Oruicksliank that 11Zr. Gemmill be Chairman of Revision Court. Moved iu amendment by Mr. Diluent soeond,'d by Mr. Gemmill that Mr. McPherson be Chairuaaih, )rreietl The following changes were made : Moved by Me., G;ena►lili second- ed by Mr. Cruickshank thet John A. Me1)onald,s assessment on toes 252 and, 253 W. T. Plot be reduced . i0 carried. Alfred Adams was entered on roil as resident on lets 120 and -14.0 Whighain Town 1':ot. W' m. }l arstin,a et8S( a:petit of lot 11 in the Stn 131113 - cession and part lot 11 in the Oth aoneesiou. were struck o; roll. Lot 11 in the 8th conchesiuit tv;t3 aaS5ee8ticd to Thos. Ill.stings at '' s°3,1500 and part lot 11 in .the Jth . cottct's,5ioht w:s ltSSO$GCd to Rvbt. W it at ;`3,0x0. The assessment on part lot 11 in the 9th conet'eh n fora. eriy assessed to llobt. Weir was reduced ;,100. Jos. Richardson' ii assess:Ilett was reduced . 4100. Mr. Itfr•Ia(loo'a assessment was reduced 203. M r Gregory's wee sessmentwas raised $200. The. Court of iievisior, adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock a, iii. June 2411i 1869. Council resumed regular business. Gideon Parks was authorized to get a stone hemmer for the use of his Divi ion and charge same to council. Moved by Mr. Gemmill seconded by.,; Mr. Diment that James Elliot be pai d $3 for drain on 4th lino provided by • agrees to keep it open as long as he owns then farm draining into it. Carried. The following accounts were passed : James Piper, charity, $7 ; Wnl. And - arson, charity $5 ; Ed Armstrong, charity $5 ; John McGlynn, culvert, $; Jas. Elliot, drain, $8 ; Robert McPherson, valise, $L'25 ; John S. McTavish, assessors salary end post- age, $62.50 ; Meyer tti, Dicl(iuson, communications (111 loan eat 5i3: Wm. M.oPher ion, expenses re loan, $2 ; - Peter McLaren, expense ro loan and clerk special meeting, $3.50; Peter McLaren, loan, $;;1,000. Moved by Mr. Thohipson seconded by Mr.Gcme .. mill that the clerk bo. authorizer) to got a desk with snitable drawers cupboard and pigeon holes for. nee in Ins office Cost, not to teemed $12 car- ried, Moved by Mr. ('anauhiil ecconcL . ed by Mr. Dirnent that Mi. -i-1 1110 Phernn, T1halilpS'n1, and Cruickshank be a committee to let job of approach- ing to Gray's bridge. Moyle! by Mr. Diluent recouth by M. Gt•:ninill that the reeve assi;et the clerk to destroy all usele:h., 11;1peets 111 Ins .eilice, Carried. Meeting edi•,ltrued t,, meet liond.ty June 21t}t 1889 at 1tt o'clock IL m, JOIN DliISGESS Tp Clerk. In connection with the treat orange ... demonstration at Gerhart :h this weep we lhtigllt say that Mr. W. J. Wilson, . of Salem, Was one of the Hest -3heth In Canada to obtaihl a eortill ate ..f thee. ]royal Black Kni„iia;art' Ieek:eel. ---:lir. Rohr \%'cods, carpenter, had his foot badly cut with an a:lzo It f(:cr day:. ago,