The Wingham Times, 1889-05-17, Page 5Matttaud 1<'resbyter.. A. Dialogue No t Ifertu4 ne the Antiguiry TIF" part does at St. Melons, an but worthy of m owe tlaoretn. Mond ut 11 o'eloek a. m.,wheu Rev. R. S. (x. Anderson, M. A., R. D,, de- Miigpio 4fnc:kht6(4end Atm Llailiattar,%r.tar• livered, his trial. discourse, which was ?cotton. Fustained, In the afternoon the M. M.—Could yo tell` me. summer, court reassAmblefl, when Rev, G. fico this letter aboot ma Muir Steenie rias been opened, and then fixed up Davidson, of Wroxeter, preached au , able sermon. The moderator, Itev.D. • wiiVt of the 4 s. z M.—No,i canx,n jilt say. proceedingsG. �tl at ledave tothe nwell, put They're awfu' strict Hoa, sin you and the usual questions and by prayer and tjte used the keek intae the letters. laying on of hands, Mr. Anderson was labor. M. M.—That was a' vera weel for oi�itiir►eci and. '''ducted into. the chargefolks' letters, but when it coshes at St, Helens and East Ashfield. Rev, the oterenne's mint letters, that's a very dif� Mr.McQuarrie addressed the minister, Mrs. M.--Atweel I was that's true; • and Rev. Mr. McLennan the pnowl but ye dinna mean tae insinuate that or alio elm of itnducted servicethe pastor newly a wool edicate woman like me wad accompaniand ton tiiete door stbty he open a lawyer's letter I moderator and Rev, Mr. McQuarrie M. M. ---]`Felty, toity, lase, if the and granted the right hand of fellow- seidle disna fit ye cliuna pit it on. Mson, rs.M.,,--Ye misleared, impertinent °ofiGlas o ', who is s father, visit to�this joist, be oot o' this, or I'll •dicht yer country, was present at this service, ugly face wi this rag o mine, The i'reebytery met at Wingham, at M. M. --Coot o'this l My odic) lass, 11 a. m„ on Tuesday, when the ye 11 be oot a this suner than ye look meeting was opened with prayer. The for. The sehulemaister has written minutes of last meeting were read the Postmaister Gayneral aboot the and an adjournment made till after- haill business ; sae luk cot gien ye like. noon. There were present the modes- Pit that in yer pipe and smoke it, ye ator, clerk and Rev. Messrs. McKay, brazen -faced tickler. Exit Maggie Hartley, Howie, Sutherland, Brown; Illuoklebacket. Murray, Lavr, McFarlane, McRae, Davidson and McQuarrio, besides a number of elders. Rev. Mr. McRae 'reported on behalf of the committee chosen. to visit Trowbridge, which is connected with Molesworth. There are but 15 families connected with the church there, who subscribe about $100 to the Rev. Mr, Stevenson's salary, There is not material for mach increase and if the station were closed but two or three would be inconvenienced. But it is the desire of the congregation to have service, and they request a grant of $50 from the Sustentation Fund. • Id ssrs. Alexander and Dunbar, as delegates, also briefly put the situation before the presbytery. The report was re- coived and the matter left over for further consideration. Rev, Mr. Mur- ray reported the result of the visit of the eommissiouers appointed to look into difficulties in the Dungannon •eongreryation. Rev. Messrs. Ross and 1 tcQuarrie were appointed •to attend tho uext meeting of the Bruce Pres- bytery to arrange for the transference of a portion of the mission field of that, Presbytery to M aitlaud. Leave was granted to Whitectittrch to mbd- erat© in, tt call. , A telegram. was re- 'celved aunounoing the acceptance of the Waltan call by Rev. Mr. Forest, of• Bayfield. The induction was fixrd for Thursday, 80th May, at 2 p. m , Rev. Mr. Anderson to preach, Rev. Mr. Ross to address the oon re- gation, Rev. Mr. Jones, the utinister, -cud Rev. Mr. Stevenson to preside. The communication on Prison Reform was referred. to Rev. Messrs. Settler land, Hartley, McKay and McNabb, to ]report. Rev. Mr. McQuarrie, and Mr. Lockhardt were chosen delegates to the Sabbath Observance Convention to ba held at Hamilton on the 25th June. Rev. Mr. McNabb was chosen moderator of the Kincardine township congregation, in the absence of RevMr. Murray, for a couple of months. Au animated discussion took place on the Jesuit question. It was taken L part in by Rev. Messrs. Sutherland, Hartley, McLennan, Murray and McKay. A resolution submitted by Mr. Sutherland was modified and read as follows It was moved by Rev. Mr. Suther- land, seconded by Rev. Mr. Hartley, and agreed to by a standing vote, that this Presbyioryexpress in the strongest terms our disapprobation of the Acte incorporating the Jesuit Order and endowing the said Order from the public funds, and therein recognizing the authority of the Pope of Rome in Canadian legislation ; that this Pres- bytery further strongly. disapproves of the condnet of those members of the ' • House of Commons who have opposed the disallowance of the aforesaid act of endowment, who by so doing have violated their sacred duty, allegiance to the Crown and have rendered thein. solves unworthy of the confidence of their constituents, thus giving a standing in this peaceful and prosper-. ons Dominion to an Order which for over three hundred years has proved a curse to every country where it has obtained a footing; and this Presby- tory resbytory further express our appreeiation of the patriotic conduct of the thirteen • wlio proved fuithful to their trust on that oeeasion, The remit of the Assembly on the Deceased Wife's Sister I3illwasrejeoted. Presbytery then adjourned to meet at { Wingham sine dice. Lower Winnhont. Mr. Wm. ]Ferrier, who was %etiatt*;- ly ill at Mr. S. D. Welk owl's with blood poisoning, is almost eo i rh'tely recovered and one home. Turnherrv. Miss Maggie Anderson and Mrs I B. Anderson, of Dresden, are visiting at Mr, W. L. Anderson's, -- ,Scotch Wiltie's--at present.—Mr. and Mrs W. Mitchell reached their destination on Wednesday, the 8th inst,—Messrs A. Tipling and Robt. McKenzie have purchased a Canadian stallion, King of Quality. The animal was bred of imported King of Quality by Mr. A. Hunter, of Morris. This strain of horses took a high stand at shows in Scotland and also in Canada.. The stallion, now the property of Messrs Tipling and McKenzie, is a fine and promising one. WINCHAM SAW MILL, LUMBER AND WOOD -2-.A,zza). • L. & J. M°LEAN, PROPRIETORS, .Brussels. The Assessment Roll of Brussels shows the total value of real property to be $2O ,905, personal property, $48,450 ; taxable income, $2,100 ; total, $318,455.—Rev, M. Swann wi' hes to be superanuated. He has been in the Methodist ministry 40 years. He was presented with a con- gratulatory address at the last meet- ing of the l3russels quartely board.— The estate of Glias. Kingston paid the creditors 20 cents on the $. ALL RINDS 01' LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, AND WOOD, • !Copt constantly on hand or out to order and deliver. ed in any part of tbe town on the shortest possible notice, EarAll orders attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders in Car Lots a Specialty. Mill and Yard on Josephine street, adjoining the O. P. R. track. L. & J. MOLEAN, Wingham, May 1st, 1889. 1889. MILLINERY. 1889. IBS 1111114' PRY THE CITY GROCERY CHANGED HANDS. �. J.READING having purchased IL Bliscoek's grocery And made heavy pm - climes in GENERAL Fruits, Begs to announce to her many customers and the public generally that her stock for this spring is full in every Iine, BOUGHT FOR CASK in the best Home and Foreign Markets, and will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIDES. Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Laces, &o. also Silks, Satins, Brocades, Velvets Plushes and Fringes for " .1k..1\1 - Eggs Eggs taken as cash. MISS MURPHY, Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. WATED N*uri uryIStock.TOsIgS oroLdLs warranted First •Class: Permanent, pleasant, profitable positions for the right Hien, Good Salaries and expenses paid week- ly. Liberal inducements to beginners. No previous experience necessary. Outfit "free. Write for terms giving age. CHAS. I1. CIIASE,.Nurseryman, goohestor, N, Y. (Mention this paper,) WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Ginf gtiouery, Grocery, eattsgware, &a., He has naw • s IZ1Z G003 S ARRIVING DAILY, and offers-------^ SOLID BARGAINS FOR CASH. Come and'see. A CHOICE S ' OCR OP GARDEN SEEDS & HOUSEHOLD PLANTS; Try goods and ascertain prices, 50,000 pounds of Wool wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. T. A. MILLS. tc;J But we must sell our goods. Great Bargaiiis are H AR Therefore p .ESS D -- to � �,� General Dry Goods, Tweeds, Foreign and Domestic Suitings; Uenthr Furnishings of' all kinds. 0. d. READING. CO DON & Nelni of "The Brown Anchor,' Are Showing Great Values just now in NEW, FRESH TEAS SPLENDID VALUE IN BLACK TEAS. EXTRA VALUE IN YOUNG HYSON TEAS. UNSURPASSED VALUE IN JAPAN TEAS. ALSO IN SUGARS ST klaPPS, p7� RUBINS, Y�.NJ 15i a TOILET AND 't ` 'r 2 A:r SQAP. Canned Goods of all kinds. Spices of undoubted purity. Alt New, Fresh Goods, and our prices are always right. —IN— Prints, Muslins, Lawns, Seersuckers, Embroideries for skirting purposes, Parasols, Silk and Kid Gloves, Sheetings, Cottonades, Linens, Tablings, &c., &c. DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS! We make a specialty of Black Dress Goods, and would invite every lady requiring those goods to see our large range and get quotations before buying. See aur All Wool Goods at15cents per yard. GENTLEMEN, GO TO T. A, MILLS FOR YOUR HATS, TIES, COLLARS, CLOVES, UNDERCLOTHING, &C., and see our range of T ' ✓'TED S, PANTINGS, Vic., for ordered clothing. All suits guaranteed to fit or no sale. We have the largest range of goods in Wingham, and we mean busi- ness every titne, so come along.and get some of the cheap goods while they are going. Wingham, 8th May, 1889. T. A. MILLS. MOST CERTAINLY WE CAN SUIT YOU IN HOUSE DEOORATIONS, CONSISTING 01? CANADIAN AND AMERICAN WAIL PAPERS and BORDERS. Our Stock is'Varidd, Stylish and Cheap. Beautiful WINDOW- BLIND +. of Latent Design, Colors and Best Quality. CRO U T SETT Everyi;ility4 in th,i 1;y0lt lino, Siielcs, I ase l;:sit Bats, l;ells e' e, ROSS' POri L;t.N,nv Boot s leo :,.i, Wit:' .1, lNeellent awl Cheap, Salto,d rarl'ti. iter, Stationery, ri''ttr W s,ia BOOTS AND SHOES F3om the best Canadian, and American makers, and at prices. that cannot be beaten. Highest Prices paid for Butte EGGS, CURED MEATS AND DRIED APPLES. GORDON & MCIINTYRE, THE BROWN ANCHOR, Winehana. NSTONE Is the place to go if you want to get the BEST QUALITY OFIQOODS • at the Cheapest Possible Prices At which they can be sold, as HE BUYS FOR SPOT OASH. Vanstone sells Gold Pilled Cased Watches on a little advance of what others sell the same movements for in Silver bases. Alsokeep on .hand. a Large Selection of FIN'n STONE SET RINGS, ItENP811 ANI) PLAXI~t GOLD PINGS, Also ,a Large and Well Selected Stools of r0h4% a'aweary, Sliver ares p.oiW . tt Lo, 4. I do all kinds of Repairing in Chocks, Jewellery, &e. All work Warranted. Post Office Illoek, \Vinghnin, V'ANSI SUCCESSOR TO 11. PA