The Wingham Times, 1889-05-17, Page 41204 TScott Act was defeated in Ox -
‘4e 0.,11Ttdaill im inet MO ford, Middlesex, andLandaton by Four additional water tank e are
majorities ranging from 11200 to 2,. being placed.—The council is discuss-
000,on Thursday last. ing increased !whoa aecoraroodetion,
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1888. The avow(' attendance for the last
Union of the Dominion of Oanada, number on the roll id 236. There are
BlYt/e. 1 Belgrave.
The School entertainment in 13. S.
No. 10, Morris, on Friday, the IOth
inst., wee a great success in every
respect. The house was well filled
and great credit is due to the teacher,
Mr, Nicol,for the splendid programme
which he had arranged for the even-
ing Having taken considerable pains
to cultivate the elocutionary talents
of the children, was rewarded by each
one taking his part in the recitations
and dialogues in a very pleasing and
satisfactory style. There were also
some very fine instrumental selections
by the Misses Lawrence and Miller
and Messrs. David, Bell, Hingston,
Miller and Geddes, who never fail to
please an audience with their finely
rendered music and were repeatedly
encored. Solos by the popular singers
Messrs. Lawrence, McClelland and
Shane, were well received and brought
forth enthusiastic encores. A beauti-
fully rendered duet by Messrs. Me-
1Clelland and Shane brought the pro.
gramme to a close.—Dr. T. E, God -
Tule Woman's Christian Temperance month was 57 in each rocw and the
Dr. Tuke, in an %McLain the Nine- will meet in Toronto, on Tueeday, ' three teachers at present.—R Sy-
vntit Century, claims that the treat11, 9. Miss Frances E. Wil, mends has tendered hie resienation
ti- Jun188 as countullor.—Arbor day was well
•lar, president of National and World observed at the aohool.—The corner
-Mont of brain diseeeses has net kept
Woman's Christi= TemperanceUnion, atones of the new Methodist ohuroh
abreast of that of other diseases,. es- will be present and many other clistin- will be laid on the 24th. Mr A H
Ipeeially in the surgical department of
inedieine. The Montreal Witness sums
guished workers from all the Provinces Massey, of Toronto, will lay one, and
'• Mrs. A. Coulter the other, -^-11E/V t Mr.
and from across the Border.
:up his conclusions : For the last
twenty years the average ncrease of of Parkhill, occupied the
In the British House of Commons pulpit inFreeman, Trinity church last Sabbath
luuatiesasylums has amounted, to me Dilloyn's motion in favor o f the morning, taking for his text the 12th
fifteen hal:Wind, the gross number
disestablishment of the Church in ohapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes,
% of
all registered lunatics in Great Brtain
Wales was rejected by a vote of 284 part of the 12th verso: "Of making
many books there 18 no end." The
to 281. most of the Unionists voted
beforty-six thousand, The books rev. gentleman preached a very touch -
with the majority. mr. Chamberlain ing sermon, pointing out chiefly the
show that the annual proportion of
receveries in asylums is about thirty-
voted with the minority. mr. Glad- kind of books that should be read in
stone and Lord Hartington were ab- our homes.—Captain Pennington has
eight per cent, of which about one taken charge of the corps of .the Sal-
half relapse and ten per cent of pa-
tients resident.die, It is Dr. •Tuke's judge Loranger dismissed the Mail's
opinion that asylums, instead of do. exception to form in the impending
libel suit and struok from the plea all
veloping into hospitals for the cure of
disease, have remained simply lodgingattera and issues raised in the plea
houses for the insane. They perform
the philanthropic work of keeping
their afflicted patients comfortable
and neglect the essential features of
cure. Comfort and even luxury is
secured at great expenditure, but there
is little evidence offered of scientific
enquiry into diseased conditions of the
brain. All asylums are provided with
plentiful means of recreation, but
none of them are provided with hos-
pitals for the treatment of recent and
scute cases. The duties of the medical
superintendent are far too multifarious
and the medical portion of his work
is rendered subordinate to other claims,
The assistant physicians are often in-
experienced youths, fresh from college.
Insanity is notet, mysterious dispensa-
tion of Providence,without an explain.
ed cause or a proposed remedy. To ren-
der asylums curative establishments,
Dr. Tuke insists that each should be
previded with a hospital distinct from
the main institution, the patients to
:be submitted to tbe same system of
• examinations as those in large general
kospitals. The entire time ' and
eaergy of the medical superintendent
shduld be reserved for his professional
duties, and the staff ample and experi-
encied. Every case demands and
should obtain separate individual -
treatment. The result of these im-
provements would be a rapid increase
in the number of recoveries, the grad-
ual building up of a true ,systeln rf
pathology, and a rational mode of
treatment. 'Insanity is said to be
steadily increasing in the New World,
as well as ia the Old, and suggestions
frein so distinguished an authority as
Dr. Take are quite worthy of serious
%ration Army here.—Mrs. McCarthy,
of Plattsville, is visiting her daughter I fray and sister, Miss Lizzie, are this
Mrs. George Hirano, of this town.-- I week visiting friends in liensall.—
Master William Belfry received a very Miss Maggie. and Alfred Day, of
useful present in the shape of a fine Guelph, aro at present visiting at
Mr. J Walters erected a corn.
modious bank barn on Ws emieeit
last Thursday. 11. Martin and 11.
Gillis were chosen as captains and till
near the finish of tlie race it seemeit
as if it was going to bt• a tio,but Hugh;
pained on his opponent anti came out
a length and a. half ahead. Every-
thing pasaecl off quietly and without
accident, except Mr, D., McOorrniele
getting his fingers crushed and Mr.
McBurney getting hie head in a tight
place. The affair wound up with a
grand hop-, but we being some years a
benediot did not wait to see the dance,
knowinebit was intendedyou
for the ye*
folks; terefoe we cannot report on b
but feel safe in saying it was a sue -
o088,— There is still eome excitement
in our school. It appears there are
some parties in the section accused of
keeping in their domiciles small men.,
ageries of animalcules which get smug-
gled into the school and these speci-
mens of natural history being of
nomadic nature and very prolific, will
not stay with their proper owners -
Hence the trouble,
game cock and a pair of game hens their uncle's, Mr. J. A. ovel s. Mr. Glenfarrow.
except in so far as they refer to the from his uncle, Mr. Charlie Shane, in Day intends remaining in the employ Master Johnny Gemmill is woven,
oonatitntionality of the act of incor- Detroit, well known in this town.— of his uncle for some time.—Rev T J ing from a severe attack of inflamina-
iteration of the Jesuits and the oath Mr, John Moffat, who is agent for a Brandon, of New '
Hamburebwho has tion.—Miss Maggie Kitchen officiated
published. by The Mail. Notice of . tablet, and ticket firm of Chicago, came been visiting his father, alio is 111, as organist in the Salon Methodist
appeal will immediately be given. home this week for a short returned to his home on Wednesday Church last Sunday, ---A meeting is to
Mrs. T. Jones, who has been very ill last.—Mr J A Tovell, our enterprisine be held on Tuesday nigSunday spliced for the pur-
0 .
Goderieh. for some time past is able to attend to merohant, was this week on a business pose of reorganizing
Dr. Ross received the appointment her household. duties again.— Mr. tour to Walkerton. Ho was also in the Salem Methodist Church.—The
of second assistant medical officer in Richard Irwin is having a new fence paying old friends a visit while there. Congregational Suuday school is in a
the .Hamilton Asylum.—The lawyers built in front of his residenoe on Dins- --Miss R E Hingston is at present flourishing condieion, under the effici.
•and the bankers played a game of ley street, which will add greatly to very sick with Erysipelas in her face. ent superintendentship of Mr. Long -
,base ball with the merehantr, the for- the appearance of the place.—Mr. —J J White returned to Chicago on ley.—Miss Lizzie Bolt, who has been
mer beating by 18 to 16.—A joie'• Donelly, who moved here a short time Tuesday last. After a few weeks learning the dress making in Wing -
stock ago moved company is bein ' organ- moved away again last week to visit to his uncle, Mr Wm Clark, ham, returned home last week.—Mr.
ized..-The year's receipts bybthe Me. parts unknown..—Wonder what mis- Morris.—A number of our citizens and Mrs. H. Davis, of Wingharn,
epent Sunday with friends here.—
chalice Institute was $656.26 and ex- ohievious boy captured Mr Gurney's went off on a fishing excursion Tues.
penditure. $630.36, The assets are duck in the bush last week and made day of this week; we did not bear howfter a lingering illness of about two
$2350, of which $2150 is in books.
it taste death ? • Ask Mr Gurney.— many fish they caught. Guess they years, Mrs. Jas. Henning, one of our
There woe spent for rent, light and Mrs Robert Brownlee, who was on a are not up to telling fish yarns.—A most respected citizens, passed away
heather?, 81.27 26; salartes, $157.O; visit to her relatives in Whigham last wedding party passed through the on Monday, the 13th inst. She was a,
books "(not .fietion), $151.97 ; books week, returned home on Thursday village on Monday. Wonder who it good neighbor, a kind and indulgent
fiction; -$16.12; magazines, new- evening.—Mr e inn Coulter is on the was? —An entertainment under the parent and will be long and faverabl
papers, Sc ,i115.29 ; miscellaneous
sick list this week. Heart disease is auspices of the I, 0. G. T. will be , remembered hy all who knew her
$88.18. The number of volumes in the cause of her illness. She is very held on monclay evening may 27th. She leaves a family of three sonsa
, four daughters, all grown up, to mourn'
low at present.—The Mansion Hotel
the library is 2114 and there were their leee.
had a very narrow escape from fire East Wawanosh.
issued 2929. The officers elected were;
President, Thos. Weatherald ; lst
this week. The chimney caught fire Mrs. G. Steen, of lelarnoOlt, is
vice president, T. 0, Naftel ; 2nd vice- and burning soot and coals fell down spending a few days with her mother,
president, W. F. Foot ; secretary, Geo. between the lath and the lining of the Mrs. J Bennett, on the 7th.—Mr. and
Stiven treasurer,A. 3. Moore; direc-
building. Mrs 3 Bennett, who lives Mrs. W. J. Feu wick are spending a
tors, W. H. Murney, Ed. Sharman, opposite the hotel noticed the flames couple of weeks among friends in
Fred Blair, J. H. Williams, Thos. in time and gave the alarm. A few Osprey, Grey county.— Mrs. J. Me-
Troy.—The last issue of the Phone- pails of water scow -extinguished the Burney, • of Cass °citing,. Mich., ,is
grap ic o; on ants a p o grap
and sketch of Mr. Thomas McGilli- to pr.event soot falling down in that some time ago to visit her sister, Mrs.
particular place, as this is the second A. Robertson, who is also ill.— Mr
caddy, late of the Signal, now a short
time .it has caught fire in the same John Anderson is putting up several
handwrites in the Department of Ag -
place in a few. days, .time.—The Town rods of wire fence. When completed
riculture, Toronto. He is president Fathers met. in the industry Hall on he will have an unbroken stretch of
of the Canadian Shorthand Society, a
Friday evening last.—Mr Pelton, who this sort . of fence along the entire
clever and affable young man.—The
has been.on the Standard staff for front of his prethitiee, which adds
council has decided to submit a bylaw
Monday. Mr Cum- greatly to its appearance.—Mr. A.
some time,left on
to the ratepayers graneing $5,000 to
the Goderich Organ Compatiy, Limit-
consideration.,ed, same to be repaid in. 20 years with
5%interest.—Signali Wednesday after -
neon, Wm. 0. Dyment, at one time
EDITORIAL NOTES. manager of the large lumber firm of
Mr. '' Erastus Wiman subscribed Dyment & Co., at this point, was sud
$.1,000 to Victoria, Building fund. - • denly stricken down with apoplexy
oldie sitting in a -chair nu the side -
FIVE hundred ttudents were writing •
• walk in front of the hotel at which he
at the Toronto University examination "
boarded. He had resided oft and on
• h denies. Some Steps should be taken seriously indisposed. She came over
this week. • in Goderich for some years, and was
Tho Edinburg Municipal Council, of a friendly and agreeable disposition.
He was in the 80th year of, his age, of
by vote of 28 to 15, greeted the free- a stout and healthy build, au1 his mid-
dom of the city to Mr. Parnell. den taking off was a shock to all who
ISIeere believe that there is no publie knew him. The body was taken to
Sea -forth.
The Seaforth football team will play
the Berlin Rangers ou the 18th inst..
A match will be played here on the
81st inst., with the Fall River.
Rangers, charnpietie Of • the .1,Tratetr---
States.—A $6,000 bylaw for eleetriC •
light purposes will be voted on thts
18th May.—Rev, C,S.Roe, of Bram?
ton, preached the anniversary sermon
in the Methodist church On Sunday
week. — The Mechanics' Instituto.
treasurer's report shows balance on
hand of $155.05. The number of
books in the library is 8458, of which
brother of the proprietor of the Hoover is getting his barn moved • 282 were added this year. The num-
ber of volumes issued during the year
18,532, and the number of members
354. Officere : Dr. Campbell, presi-
dent ; ;James Craig, vice-president ;
F. Holmested, treasurer; Wm. Moore,
secretary and librarian; John Darwin,
assistant secretary. Rev. A. D. Mc-
Donald, It. Lumsden, D. D. Wilson,
George Good, Thos. Duncan.
Standard, will 'fill the vacancy.—Won- preparatory to having stone stabling
der what the three young fellows erected underneath.—The good Tem -
from Blyth were doing on. the baso piers of Westfield intend having a
line when the fire bell rang the other grand picnic shortly. An excellent
evening? programme is to be given by eight
• different lodges, with speakers from
Langside. • • Toronto and Brass Band from Goder-
The Y. P. 0. A. Society,will. hold. iuh.—At the re-orgt nization of the
their monthly ineetihg, as well as base -ball club. on the 6th concession
their annual one, on Tuesday the followine officers were elected :
evening.—There was nnservice in the President, libflenry ; vice pres, M 11
Methodist church on Sunday on ac- Harrison ; secretary, P W Scott;
count of Sacrament being observed'in captain, P M Scott. The boys talk of
the Methodist church at initechurch, arranging a . match with the Blyth
—Miss Elizabeth' Ross is spending a team before long.
few days in St. Helene—Mr. Richard
the railway station on Thursday After -
man an Canada more, habitually mis McBurney, while assisting to raise • Listowel.
noon, in transit to Barrie for inter -
represented or grossly maligned than the frame of a barn, was the recipient The first cheese shipment from here
mene—John Floss, or Flails, a shoddy
Erastus Wimart. Ile recently appear- of a very disagreeable blow en the was made on Wednesday week by A.
peddler, was cotnmitted to gaol on
hope . head witht ... apiece of timber. We F. MeLaren from the Elmo. Joint
ed before the Interstate Commerce Sunday for insanity. He had a horse
prove fatal.—Mr. Stock factory.—Mr. J. Lowrie shipped
Committee and says of the reports gi yen and buggy in his possession, which nJohn Davidson lost one of bis working horses to the value of $10,000 recently.
have been placed in Reid's livery
of his evidence : I stated that thehorses the other day.—The dress- They were sent to a rancho in the
stable hero awaiting an owner.
Canadian railroads, not exclusively making establishment is now vnoulding Northweste-:-Miss Nellie Wood, of
some very delicious handiwork.—The this place, who was teaching in
members of the Methodist church Palmerston, took sick on Arbor Day
The value of property in the town-
held a meeting on the 7th instant, (Friday), returned home and died on
ship is $1,710,720. No. of acres'
for the purpose of making a few rules Tuesday. She was highly 'respected
64,714; cleared, 37,078.; wood-
to prohibit improper deportment and and an excellent teacher. The Bal.
land, 7,588 ; swamp, 19,448 ; in erch-
soiliug the floor and carpet with the megaton school board attended her
ard, 267 ; in wheat, 3,594 ; births,
juice of the weed. They also elected funeral_ in a body on Thursday.
62 ; deaths, 21 ; 40. of children be.
two ushers to perform the duties to
tween 2 and 16, 1,005, between 7 and
the Canadian Pacific road, had done
mere than anything else to build up
the Westen and Northwestern States.
did not say' that Commercial Union
Was a short cut to Annexation, but
that riotne sceregarded it, while others
looked u pine it as inclefinitelypostponing
it. I did not say that Canada cotild 13, 596, between 16 anda21, 305 ; No.
hot remain ht her preseet conaition of male persons, between 21. and 60,
' 797 ; Total No, of persons, 8,750.
but that there were many who eon-
ceived that she would be mush better. Jamestown.
011 with freer trade relations with the ' The Jamestown snake killer is on
United States. I did not say that the the war path. Mr. A. Frahm, of
tic which hound her to England wee Urey, kitlled eleven largo snakes one
that of the merest sentiment, but 1 dstleyvvtaraidge‘,vesepke.—n t MaissJfe‘vo hzytosn, las
did say thtft the son timene which bound week with friends around Jamestown
her to England was of a strong char- —The antlers have nearly all finish"'
acter. I did not say that she must ed seeding.—Rev. Mr. Mcleabbita
the widest sense of the meaning of Bluevale.
the word. t a meeting of Court Douglas, No.
27, C. 0., on Wednesday evening,
Cllnton.the following officers were installed
The cemetery committee planted by H. C. R. Rebore Elliott and H.
400 trees on Arbor day.—The receipts Treas. John &elands, of Wingham
of the Mechanics' ',learnt° for the 0. E., W. J. Johnston ; V'. 0. R.,
past year was $642.55 and expendi. T. J. ; Chap., W. F. Smith;
tura $668.21.—There was expended R. S., J. Burgess; S., Jas. Elliot;
on books, $175, and on magazines Tran, G. Aitchison • S.W., J. blesser;
.and papers, $79.40. There are 2,011 J.W.,A G'ray ; Gardner ;
volumes in the library, and issued A. Jackson, Bro. John R. Miller was
during the year 7,406 volutnee. The elected as Represeetitaeive to tint High
Lucknow has a cow by-law from 7
p. till 7 a. m.—A hundred new
books havebeen added to the Mechan-
ics' Institute library.—The newly ap-
pointed officers , of .the Mecha.nics"
Institute are : D. D. Yule, president;
James Sommerville, vioe ' do. ; M.
Campbell, secy • R, D. Oameron,
treasurer and kessrs. 3. Murdoch,.
A. bloPh'enon, 0, _Middleton, Gen.
Kerr, J. N. Rose, R. Graham, H.
Morrison, T. Lawrence and 3. Mut-
chison, directors.—Tho council decid-
ed at last meeting to have eleven
• lamps placed en the streets.—W, 3.
Lyons has been reappointed constable;
—On May, the '21st and 22nd the
annual meeting of the Kinettrdine
district of the Methodist church'will
he held here.—Rev. A. Sutherland,
of Ripley, delivered an able address
hero in opposition to Jesuit aggression
on Monday evening.
Mr Itte Ritchie, of the 17th con-
cession,. returned from blanitoba,
where Ito has t eon for a short time
disposing of some of hie fine imported
'stock. took two horses West with
him for which he received the snug
cern of $2,700. Mr Ritchie has some
fine horses left, ono of winch, "Scot --
either become an independent republic preachea.a very eloquent temperance fo,lowing are the officers: Pies, J Cotirt.
enjoin the Union, but I did say that °swab R Rowlands. Oninmittee--A Me -
Kenzie, 1) liehh, 'Rev J lel teinitle j 0 jolin ;Witte, (heti here on Thursday mime of the finest horses in the -
of trade with the Unite,1 Statue titignt Mies Kato Drexel. who inherited stevAnson, 11 Stoneham, J Me,Ortire t, weeleetzer Abort illnees,fenni inflate , county. Mr Ritchie ia an molt
land'a blotto," was awarded first prize
eermon 131nevale last Sunday Scott; trees, J Combe; secretary, •
and diploma at blildmay spring ehowe
• 1880, where he was shown against
the political consequences of freeCoei
be that In seine future rinie Canada it LX00,000 froth 1i r fatlif r, has enter. A11 Manning1) (3 -Carr, Doherty mafjoh. Be wee ularreel it little more horseman and his purdiat4es ar4.
might become independent anti. n greet ea as n pos:Ulate th91.' 'Order of the and W kenttette.--- e 0(1 • • nc., 9 .0 dandiate4 Gf J01111 -always the very best proeurahle with.
Th er " 're then a -ten r •• • •
°A.publie be thin ereeted, I Sis'ere of non, at Pittsburg. , close their Shope nt7ip. luo 816111, of Con. it, Morris. out respect to price.