Clinton News-Record, 1958-06-19, Page 1lrbg ,';rot (Column;:;=: (>sy W. n. ,u.) ACa01 W, Q TQ POPUIIA& i figurespd;'by' resenteCourcy Couw Nit week, Mntron remainsthe d lW0est :, nRin10pality in the county , , 2,940 people ('an In- ru!ease. of 36 since ''last Year), Coder cls lies us' bea=t with 5,755 (people and HOMrk is next largest ;with 2,707 peke . , . Clinton THE NAY' ERA ---93rd YEAR No, 25—The Home .POPPY With the News WNTONO ONTAR,IO� 'THUMAY. JUNE 19, 195.8. 7 .Cents a. Copy $8.4t1 a Xetr� • Ma La 1rhargos i Pert Little Students of the Ballet .►uollee aervices zee 0 $� FOR �P TR,IPS ecard arc�W a� �huwch for hOrtioiiltural socleties , .. and Capacity attendance at Brucer caultd Ws, gip is going 'gip to field T?nited Church last weekend, Lions Head' on' July 9 , - , ` marked the successful golden ju- sian is' the yam wsl: meOtim'g Of bilee of the fine brick building. Dr. this zone , . but one may rest C, A, Mustard, P,.A,, D.D., Toron- asswred that 'the members will to, and a native of Brueefield, was see some fine 'gardens *44e 'on the special speaker, addressing the their • tt<rip,, Anyone Wishing congregation at both morning and to go .should contact tR.ev., P, J. evening services. Lane (before July 1 , Mrs, W, N. 'Murdoch, Hamilton, * * m was guest soloist, Organist of the JULY I UOWNG DOMIN- church is Mrs. John R, Murdoch, birth of our who has filled that position since irnv Day the and the biggest g 1948. Actually Mrs. Murdoch was nation we've heard of being -planned, In -organist of the church for two C limon is a. Peewee rbas'ebaii game . Years before the present building Now Clinton�lans should be was erected, and ulitil 12. able to do a bigger celebration On Sunday evening, an augment- than that , . . Big fishings, are fAt choir was made up of rant doinglg in our country . , , we former members of the choir. shouili Y not spit idly by . . . For this event, an engraved 90 -day U s..ta>nce, that is the day that the clock was .presented Mars. Murdoch wgmlld's longest chain 'of Micro- by the official board of the church. wave towers begins .beaming tele- phone .'cal'ls and tetevrision pro- sentation, urns+ from coast to coast At the close of the evening ser - This 3,900 -male "skyway" was vice lunch and a cup of tea were built .by Trans -Canada Telephone enjoyed in the schoolroom .of the. System at a cost of almost 50 church, and many old friends re milhon dolt?ars newed acquaintances. Robert Wat- son, clerk of the session, read let- SPYUXG WILL BE OFMCIALLY over on Saturday . . ..Which a reminderr 'thatt H you wish tc ;get wour order onto the lffwti- culrtural Society for (bulbs' for ;;all ,p- Ranting ... now is the tame .. . If yon; are not Already a memrbea of the- Society, no .doubt stile trea- surer, Clifford,, Epps, or the pres- ident, Rev. D. J. Lane, or any of the executive would be glad to arrange to ,take your dollar, and to look after your order. Bulbs come direct from Holland end must be ordered sloon, it they are to arrive in time for planting this fall. MOST ASTOUNDING IN THIS age of educated people ; . . and enforced attendance at schools: ung tntl 16 . . . was: the recent dis- play of ignorance and: rourghouse taches of about 50i youths out- side a London restaurant . . . The picture of a. provincial podie-e- man_,rbei:ntg.. roughed NQ »by.: the young boys was solid evidence of the type of "•roughing„ 'being car- ried out .. The fact that about 500 people spilled out of houses along the way to watch. 4 the ex- citement hicheates the noise which must have erupted when about 25 policemen converged' upon -the spot sshrades, of the Hungarian rev- olution! The Week's Weather Hugh Low High Low ters from people unable to attend. Rev. T. J, Pitt brought greetings ' from Varna. A Ietter was receiv- Rain: .40 ins ,R=ain :.64 ins, ed from the Tuckersinith Town- ship Council, and from. Rev. Wil- liams, a retired former minister of the church, Monday evening ham and straw- berry supper was served in the church, by the Woman's Associa- tion and :a short program follow- ed, Included were solos by Mrs. Jean .Cairns (one of them accomp- anied by Mrs, Mac Wilson on the violin); selections by Miss Doris Johnston on the marimba; trumpet solos by Mrs, Clare McBride, Gos hen, accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Keys; a trio made up of Mrs. Wal- ter MacBeath on the piano, Mrs, Alton Johnson .on the organ and Mrs. Mac Wilson, violin; Sam Ran- nie. Hensall,•sang a solo; the Nixon sisters, Seaforth, presented a duet; Dick; Fred ,and Phyllis Lobb sang a trio; Joan and Frank McCowan and. Orrin Baird, known as the Melodies, presented a . number; Miss Georgene McCartney played a piano solo; Gaye and DuWayne Elliott played a duet on accord- ions; Mrs. Mac Wilson gave a reading. Rev. W. J. Maines, former min- ister of Brueefield, now at Embro, spoke briefly. Rev, S. Davison was chairman of the event. County Council Will Not Request CTA Abolition By a narrow margin of 18.15, the Huron County Council voted against a motion designed to place the county on record as protesting against the Canada Temperance Act. Albert Kalbfleisch and Geo- rge Armstrong, both of Hay Town- ship, approached council asking for support to end the application of the CTA to Huron, Appearing as private citizens, they said that "Our feeling is that we have suffered too long under this Act. We see no reason why we should .go :to, the. expense. ,of .a :can- vass, as we are convinced that public opinion would agree to re- scinding this Act". The application of the CTA to Huron, they said, leads to . "honest citizens breaking the law each day, because it is not legal to bring in your own liquor supply." The CTA they argued, is " a most ineffective and unsatisfact- ory method of controlling the sale, disposition and consumption of al- coholic beverages." Their form of motion read: "Be it resolved that the County Council of the County of Huron does pro- test the continuing in force of the Canada Temperance Act, and res- pectAW. , y request the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada to bring about the repeal of the said Act". The petitioners arguect tnat the CTA hurts the tourist trade in Hu- ron because there is little encour- agement to hotel owners to pro- vide good accommodation; that it hurts retail business, because shop- pers go outside Huron to towns which have government liquor st- ores; that it breeds disrespect for the law, because ordinary citizens are led to consider it a normal practice to circumvent the law. "Enforcement of the provisions of the Act has become virtually impossible." said the Kalbfleisch- Ar.mstrong submission. "In spite of repeated and persistent efforts on the part of both police and courts : The Act has become antiquat- ed, and no longer serves the pur- pose for whioh 'it was originally created." John McGregor Injured In Fall At His Barn John McGregor, RR 5, Clinton, -is in Clinton Pu!bdic Hospital, suf- fering from 'a +broken, shoulder and: coidar-�bone. He had :been repair- ing the floor of a barn on his farm, when part of the odd wood gave way and he fell to ,the floor below. On Saturday, he 'and his wife 01 -eta had' celebrated :their 25th- wedding 5thwedding anniversary, when neigh- bours, relatives and friends, sur- prised them, and presented them with an occasional, rocking chair: They were married' on June 17, 1936. Guides Play- Hostess for Mothers, Guests utinton uumes new tneir zirsir momer-anu-u augnLvr uanquut, ui Lie A..eriUAA =tUX Luw W=A. From the left are District CohirMssioncr Utg, 9. tr Castle, 'dying Officer G. L. "laud" Hayter, Guide Diane Murphy, Guide Nancy Scruton, Mayor Vit'. J. Miller, Mrs, Bud GrahaM, and in trout, Joanne Glew. (hews -Record Rhoto) ��JY� W� M�I�MR+JrMI Cruelty to Animals Act atClintan, Yard As a result .of Investigations carried .out on Tuesday afternoon, June 1-7 at the hog assembly yard here at'Clinton, charges .are being laid under the Cruelty. to Animals Sections of the Criminal Code against Howard Smale, Hensall, and against Joseph Corey, Clinton, Investigations were by Provincial Inspector A, E. Jennings of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Goderieb, who has been inspectiylg the yards .periodically for the past three months. Mr. Jennings. reports that four hogs were founts dead in a truck driven by Mr, §male for the Co-operative, which was bearing (according to the inspector), about 12-15 more hogs than' is permitted under regulations. Inspector Jennings stated that methods and practices used in transporting. live stock are in some cases not good at ' all, 'Warnings have been issued, and in most cases, drivers and companies con- cerned have co-operated;' C, Duggan Wins $500 At Lions Carnival Draw! Casey Duggan was the lucky name drawn last night; at the Lions Street Frolic, for the: big prize of $500 cash. Mayor W. J, Miller made the draw. Second prize of $200 was won by Ralph Matheson. A smaller crowd than had been expected, but still a quite success- ful evening, was the report of the Lions in charge. , The, children had fun riding ponies, and the adults had fun at the many different kinds of games. .A 'unique turtle race, "imparted" from Bayfield, proved the most attractive. Huron County Clerk A. H. Erskine Passes Suddenly Andrew Harvey Erskine, 58, clerk -treasurer of Huron County, died suddenly on' '�uesday night after suffering a heart attack at Hespeler where he was visiting with Waterloo County's clerk, Charles Stager. Funeral service Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian, Church, • GodeAch, Lodge funeral home in charge. o• Deer Lodge Park At Bayfield Sold, May Be Enlarged Deer Lodge :Park, just north of Bayfield, has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs, Larry Owles, G.od- ericb. Mr. Owles is on the staff i of rStheaffer Pen, Godericb. They plan to operate the ,paark on the same basis as the former owners, W, . and Mrs, Percy Proctor have done' fear .the past five years, and ,possibly will enlarge the enter- prise. There are. 'ten cottages, including the owners home. Agent for the sale was Harold Shore, Goderich. of Mrs, Zablocki, • which presented a ballet re- girls are putting on a repeat performance this cital in the Legion Hall last week. From the Friday night as a benefit for Guides and left, Rowena Corey, Janis Galbraith, J. Graham, Brownie work. Heather Van Riesen (who introduced the num- (News -Record Photo) Delightful ShowsFBallet Students. Repeat performanc=e of the sec, as, a benefit for the Guides and G. Hopaluk, B, Curran, B, Boyes, and ballet recital here in: Clinton, Brownie. Auxiliary. R=eception of G. Combs, P. Henderson, C. Cur- wil-I be staged 'by the students, of the ff:imst presentation last Satur- ran, B. Bahl, R. Murphy, L. Cani- Mrs. Tony Zablockti on Friday .ev- qday was particularly good, and vet, E. Banko and S. Lowe. ening in the Legion Memorial Had'l several hundred people en=joyed A folk dance was, presented, by the variety sof acts. T. ZablocM, P. Bateman, J. Gal - Kinsmen Ready For Busy Summer -Xinsmen Club of Clinton. met for the last time ,this sprang, with presiden=t Donald Kay in the chair, Three -guests present were two Kan: Doxy Waechter and Hec. Walker, Walkerton and Jack Lapp, London. Coarsing events in the Wn sch. edule include a bingo on July 16, convened by Donald, Epps and Frank Cook; lady's night at Bay- field pavilion on. June, 21, with a dance and) chicken barbecue; a golf tournament on. June 22 at the rGoderdch course answering a challenge of ,the Sergeant's Mess; a family picric on August 10 con- vened by H. J. McZwan and C. Denomme; a bus, trip to see a ball game out-Datroit being arrang- ed, by ,H. J. MdH;wan. Complete reports of chairman on the 'Peewee Hockey showed a tataal, of $5!1+6.49 spent in: the. 1957- 5.8 season, including donations. Clinton PC Association Annual Friday Night The annual meeting of the Pro- gressive Conservative Association of Clinton will be held at the home of Mrs. Ernie Epps, Maria Street, on Friday evening, June 20 at 8 p.m. All are welcome, iiighli ghts of A "mullion dollar" addi=tion to turned down the County Home at Clanton was council. Hay given. aproval 'by the Huron Coun- L. Becker bad ty Council, in session, in God'erich ing' .of the land and using It as last week. a County Park. Price of the prop - "After weighing 01 econornlc erty was to be $17,000, angles, your committee recom- Itonds and Bridges mends an, addition to the Huron $800,000 has been earmarked County Home as the solution to for road and +bridge construction indigent hospitalization," said the and mai.nteneace, this year in the report of the special eommrittee, Largest road spending program. "We further recommend that the ever undertaken by the county, Coun=ty Home committee be given County Engineer, J. W. Britne.9, authority 0 proceed with the told ;the county counedllors that preparation of plans for the tiara- approximately $285,000 wau!I ,be posed addition for later subrrds- spent for road improvements5, slot to ,council," $150,000 for bridge eonstruction, At the time the present addi- $290,000 for maintenance work; tion to the =home was built, a $6(';,000 for new machinery and master plan was prepared which $9,000 for Miscellaneous purposes, provided for future expansion. 'Phe Health Unit Iteiport axchilect is to contact the Dep- The director of the Huron artm,ent of Welifaro at 7'oronto County Health Unit, Dr. R. M. will a view to -proceeding with Aldis, gave a. report of -the year's the proposed addition. actdvibes of the unit. lie told the During a period of tows years County Council that one :percent the number of people at ,the i4urroh Of all; taxes collected in. Hiurm County Howie has dncteased from was spent on health services. 66 to 403 with every indicataofi '(`time -unit ihicurrecd ;it`s expenses bf further hiereases, through fom lly' sated school health increase Pay servlce.4, environment oar tadoh Cotivnittee members of die work and distadbutdon of vaccines% County oouncil, Will get half ttgaih in child health oonfeaences and as xweh at they have been paid test elinics, for attending nieetirtgs. Ctnm- y Ae, cautioned persons, especial - Council decided' to arierease rent- ly children, t0 avoid the ha:nd- Mera,doh ifebm $8 to $12, latus litvg of stray ,and dead animals. mileage. He buggested pets taken on vara- '.Curls PArk Down tions partietuisarly dni the north, or A proposal to buy rteaxl'y 1,M ea §t be vaCdhated against rabies, feet of loko fronta�g& ih RAY Dr. ,Allis explWned thait Se4• Tow,nsl ig near ,St., Joseph, was . forth last year bet a ne the, last Several of the numbers were braith, J. Graham and B. Corey. originals ,pl'anne'd by .the dns+truot- Tadaang part in: an acrobatic dance re'ss, who is a choreographer of were J. MacDonald,, J. Galbraith, some repute. Mrs. Zablo,cld stud- R. Corey, T. Zablocki, B. Bayes, led ballet in Warsaw before the At, Addison amd H. Winter. war, 'kin Announcing, the various numb - Talking part in the, opening ers ,were members of the dancing waltz were Barbara Draper, Kay groups. Added to the program, Carter, Margaret Jean A'ddisony were a bio-graphy of Anna Pav- Dilane, Manko, ,Heather Winter, 10 +by Diane Marko, piano solos Lucy Brudiviciki and Nina Mae- by Barbara Mock and Cathy Drap- Donald. Delight of The audience er; a'ccorddon solo by Stanley Stel- was shown when first year stud- arska, Wingh'am. T. Zablockf gave eras put on 'a fashion show, in a mu'sioal recitation,. dresses supplied by Martins Dept. 0 Store for .the occasion: Denise r Curie, Nancy Pickett, Josephine Hog Producers Are Ferrer, Fuggy d3ax�tdiff, D. Shore and Laura MacDonald. A .fairy dance showed the girls Responsible For in tradli onal ballerina tutu, Paula Henderson,, C. Curran, Barbara Ball, Ruth Murphy, L. Canivet, Getting 4n Lists FJlizabeth Manko .and Sally. Lowe. Dancing dalds in a minuet were According to information re - F_ WdeckowsW, D. Cox, G. Hopa- leased by the Farm Products Mar - 1 uk, ,B. Curran, Bonnde Boyes, G. Coanbs and J. MacDonald. A lis- keting Board, there are 74;000 play of ballet exercises; was given people eligible to vote on whether by Rowena Corey, J. Graham., or not to keep the hog market- Jaiiids Gaabraith, Penny Bateman ing scheme now in effect in Ont - and Theresa Zablocki. ario. Voters lists have been com- A gala number entitled "Echo piled in more than 400 of the of +Pari ' had John MacDonald 420 townships involved. pantomin-Ang the painter, and Date for the vote is July 25. dancing models were Barbara Township clerks will be return - Draper, K. Carter, Margaret Jean ing officers and poll clerks. It Addison, Diane Manko, Heathen is up to producers to make sure Winter, Lucy Brudnicki, Nana their names are on the lists when HacDona%d. they are posted in post o=ffices TkW tots in a sailors- dance on June 28. Those not included were K. Wiieckowslue, D. Cor., should appear before revising of- ficers for their own townships on July 4, and have their name added. The Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, minister of agriculture has stated that "it is particularly desireable by the board and myself that the lists should be as accurate as humanly possible." County Counci it 28-5 by a vote of j of the, five county hospitals to Township Reeve V. ( have its own. public health office suggested the buy- branch. Awards Are Presented To Guides and Brownies A Brownie -and Guide supper was held In the Ritchie Building at tRCiAF Station Clinton on Tues- day everting, as a conclusion to a successful year by. the girds and their leadeis', District Commision- er, Mrs. S, Castle, Cilintcu, was present, and was, inrtirnduco4 by Mrs. McLaron. +1?resentataons were made. by the commissioner to three Br'ownles who .had earned their (`301den Hand badges, Louise Nltckerson, Gail Ropalfitk and Anne Rowland. Guide .Caron Gattirni er, Tecrived I.er flmt, class badge, Gifts Were made to eath of the hairy Svc, which was thr. best : sx m the ThLrd l:t',.ii(on 1.3rownie l")eok this year, Louise Nickerson, slier, Marie Calvet, second; Carol lvervingtoh, Joyce- Petrow, Shawn Smith, Alexix <,.!vi.:n, Marion Ptr<ul; Smah R,)bloha id.. .''loch . of ,the Thl Ageft, best Guide Patrol of the year iii the 3 Ro v16M vet:eivcd a .spec. as "Brownie, of ,trhe Yiael seleeted by vote of her fellow - Bra hies. Anne Taylor received a similar special gift as "Guide of the Year" Mrs. C. A, Powell thanked Mrs. Cas=tle for her assistance, Then Brown Owl, presented Badeiir-Pow. els' pins' to Debbie Buck, Bambara Curran, .Marie Calvet, Louise Nickerson, Deborah Oates, Mar•» d'ene O'Brien Shawn Smith, Sli'ar- do Hodges, Carol Curran, Gail, Ropabuk, Joyce Petrow, brargo Cuarnm%gs, ,Arnie Rowland. Thanks to the ladies who as- sisted in ;the event were ofifeaed by Mals. R. P. Buck, and Tawny Owl; tthaulaed the mothers on be - WN of .tike Guides- and l3rOwfities A draw for blankets resulted iii, mazes being Avon by Mro. Z. Iaovett, Wppen• and Mrs. G. Mc. Antill, ILCIAIF 5tastdon. Over $o Birthday Quh Um Robert DrAper, St, Oathw ennead, 'colebivtted her 95'tli, ku+lah.. day Mere 64 dune 'T, Her . k CRrA lives hi Clih,ton, 1958 1957 June 12 72 39 70 51 13 67 • 55 79 52 14 61 41 84 62 15 64 44 80 68 16 64 42 88 61 12 68 41 92 62 18 70 38 90 64 Rain: .40 ins ,R=ain :.64 ins, ed from the Tuckersinith Town- ship Council, and from. Rev. Wil- liams, a retired former minister of the church, Monday evening ham and straw- berry supper was served in the church, by the Woman's Associa- tion and :a short program follow- ed, Included were solos by Mrs. Jean .Cairns (one of them accomp- anied by Mrs, Mac Wilson on the violin); selections by Miss Doris Johnston on the marimba; trumpet solos by Mrs, Clare McBride, Gos hen, accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Keys; a trio made up of Mrs. Wal- ter MacBeath on the piano, Mrs, Alton Johnson .on the organ and Mrs. Mac Wilson, violin; Sam Ran- nie. Hensall,•sang a solo; the Nixon sisters, Seaforth, presented a duet; Dick; Fred ,and Phyllis Lobb sang a trio; Joan and Frank McCowan and. Orrin Baird, known as the Melodies, presented a . number; Miss Georgene McCartney played a piano solo; Gaye and DuWayne Elliott played a duet on accord- ions; Mrs. Mac Wilson gave a reading. Rev. W. J. Maines, former min- ister of Brueefield, now at Embro, spoke briefly. Rev, S. Davison was chairman of the event. County Council Will Not Request CTA Abolition By a narrow margin of 18.15, the Huron County Council voted against a motion designed to place the county on record as protesting against the Canada Temperance Act. Albert Kalbfleisch and Geo- rge Armstrong, both of Hay Town- ship, approached council asking for support to end the application of the CTA to Huron, Appearing as private citizens, they said that "Our feeling is that we have suffered too long under this Act. We see no reason why we should .go :to, the. expense. ,of .a :can- vass, as we are convinced that public opinion would agree to re- scinding this Act". The application of the CTA to Huron, they said, leads to . "honest citizens breaking the law each day, because it is not legal to bring in your own liquor supply." The CTA they argued, is " a most ineffective and unsatisfact- ory method of controlling the sale, disposition and consumption of al- coholic beverages." Their form of motion read: "Be it resolved that the County Council of the County of Huron does pro- test the continuing in force of the Canada Temperance Act, and res- pectAW. , y request the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada to bring about the repeal of the said Act". The petitioners arguect tnat the CTA hurts the tourist trade in Hu- ron because there is little encour- agement to hotel owners to pro- vide good accommodation; that it hurts retail business, because shop- pers go outside Huron to towns which have government liquor st- ores; that it breeds disrespect for the law, because ordinary citizens are led to consider it a normal practice to circumvent the law. "Enforcement of the provisions of the Act has become virtually impossible." said the Kalbfleisch- Ar.mstrong submission. "In spite of repeated and persistent efforts on the part of both police and courts : The Act has become antiquat- ed, and no longer serves the pur- pose for whioh 'it was originally created." John McGregor Injured In Fall At His Barn John McGregor, RR 5, Clinton, -is in Clinton Pu!bdic Hospital, suf- fering from 'a +broken, shoulder and: coidar-�bone. He had :been repair- ing the floor of a barn on his farm, when part of the odd wood gave way and he fell to ,the floor below. On Saturday, he 'and his wife 01 -eta had' celebrated :their 25th- wedding 5thwedding anniversary, when neigh- bours, relatives and friends, sur- prised them, and presented them with an occasional, rocking chair: They were married' on June 17, 1936. Guides Play- Hostess for Mothers, Guests utinton uumes new tneir zirsir momer-anu-u augnLvr uanquut, ui Lie A..eriUAA =tUX Luw W=A. From the left are District CohirMssioncr Utg, 9. tr Castle, 'dying Officer G. L. "laud" Hayter, Guide Diane Murphy, Guide Nancy Scruton, Mayor Vit'. J. Miller, Mrs, Bud GrahaM, and in trout, Joanne Glew. (hews -Record Rhoto) ��JY� W� M�I�MR+JrMI Cruelty to Animals Act atClintan, Yard As a result .of Investigations carried .out on Tuesday afternoon, June 1-7 at the hog assembly yard here at'Clinton, charges .are being laid under the Cruelty. to Animals Sections of the Criminal Code against Howard Smale, Hensall, and against Joseph Corey, Clinton, Investigations were by Provincial Inspector A, E. Jennings of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Goderieb, who has been inspectiylg the yards .periodically for the past three months. Mr. Jennings. reports that four hogs were founts dead in a truck driven by Mr, §male for the Co-operative, which was bearing (according to the inspector), about 12-15 more hogs than' is permitted under regulations. Inspector Jennings stated that methods and practices used in transporting. live stock are in some cases not good at ' all, 'Warnings have been issued, and in most cases, drivers and companies con- cerned have co-operated;' C, Duggan Wins $500 At Lions Carnival Draw! Casey Duggan was the lucky name drawn last night; at the Lions Street Frolic, for the: big prize of $500 cash. Mayor W. J, Miller made the draw. Second prize of $200 was won by Ralph Matheson. A smaller crowd than had been expected, but still a quite success- ful evening, was the report of the Lions in charge. , The, children had fun riding ponies, and the adults had fun at the many different kinds of games. .A 'unique turtle race, "imparted" from Bayfield, proved the most attractive. Huron County Clerk A. H. Erskine Passes Suddenly Andrew Harvey Erskine, 58, clerk -treasurer of Huron County, died suddenly on' '�uesday night after suffering a heart attack at Hespeler where he was visiting with Waterloo County's clerk, Charles Stager. Funeral service Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian, Church, • GodeAch, Lodge funeral home in charge. o• Deer Lodge Park At Bayfield Sold, May Be Enlarged Deer Lodge :Park, just north of Bayfield, has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs, Larry Owles, G.od- ericb. Mr. Owles is on the staff i of rStheaffer Pen, Godericb. They plan to operate the ,paark on the same basis as the former owners, W, . and Mrs, Percy Proctor have done' fear .the past five years, and ,possibly will enlarge the enter- prise. There are. 'ten cottages, including the owners home. Agent for the sale was Harold Shore, Goderich. of Mrs, Zablocki, • which presented a ballet re- girls are putting on a repeat performance this cital in the Legion Hall last week. From the Friday night as a benefit for Guides and left, Rowena Corey, Janis Galbraith, J. Graham, Brownie work. Heather Van Riesen (who introduced the num- (News -Record Photo) Delightful ShowsFBallet Students. Repeat performanc=e of the sec, as, a benefit for the Guides and G. Hopaluk, B, Curran, B, Boyes, and ballet recital here in: Clinton, Brownie. Auxiliary. R=eception of G. Combs, P. Henderson, C. Cur- wil-I be staged 'by the students, of the ff:imst presentation last Satur- ran, B. Bahl, R. Murphy, L. Cani- Mrs. Tony Zablockti on Friday .ev- qday was particularly good, and vet, E. Banko and S. Lowe. ening in the Legion Memorial Had'l several hundred people en=joyed A folk dance was, presented, by the variety sof acts. T. ZablocM, P. Bateman, J. Gal - Kinsmen Ready For Busy Summer -Xinsmen Club of Clinton. met for the last time ,this sprang, with presiden=t Donald Kay in the chair, Three -guests present were two Kan: Doxy Waechter and Hec. Walker, Walkerton and Jack Lapp, London. Coarsing events in the Wn sch. edule include a bingo on July 16, convened by Donald, Epps and Frank Cook; lady's night at Bay- field pavilion on. June, 21, with a dance and) chicken barbecue; a golf tournament on. June 22 at the rGoderdch course answering a challenge of ,the Sergeant's Mess; a family picric on August 10 con- vened by H. J. McZwan and C. Denomme; a bus, trip to see a ball game out-Datroit being arrang- ed, by ,H. J. MdH;wan. Complete reports of chairman on the 'Peewee Hockey showed a tataal, of $5!1+6.49 spent in: the. 1957- 5.8 season, including donations. Clinton PC Association Annual Friday Night The annual meeting of the Pro- gressive Conservative Association of Clinton will be held at the home of Mrs. Ernie Epps, Maria Street, on Friday evening, June 20 at 8 p.m. All are welcome, iiighli ghts of A "mullion dollar" addi=tion to turned down the County Home at Clanton was council. Hay given. aproval 'by the Huron Coun- L. Becker bad ty Council, in session, in God'erich ing' .of the land and using It as last week. a County Park. Price of the prop - "After weighing 01 econornlc erty was to be $17,000, angles, your committee recom- Itonds and Bridges mends an, addition to the Huron $800,000 has been earmarked County Home as the solution to for road and +bridge construction indigent hospitalization," said the and mai.nteneace, this year in the report of the special eommrittee, Largest road spending program. "We further recommend that the ever undertaken by the county, Coun=ty Home committee be given County Engineer, J. W. Britne.9, authority 0 proceed with the told ;the county counedllors that preparation of plans for the tiara- approximately $285,000 wau!I ,be posed addition for later subrrds- spent for road improvements5, slot to ,council," $150,000 for bridge eonstruction, At the time the present addi- $290,000 for maintenance work; tion to the =home was built, a $6(';,000 for new machinery and master plan was prepared which $9,000 for Miscellaneous purposes, provided for future expansion. 'Phe Health Unit Iteiport axchilect is to contact the Dep- The director of the Huron artm,ent of Welifaro at 7'oronto County Health Unit, Dr. R. M. will a view to -proceeding with Aldis, gave a. report of -the year's the proposed addition. actdvibes of the unit. lie told the During a period of tows years County Council that one :percent the number of people at ,the i4urroh Of all; taxes collected in. Hiurm County Howie has dncteased from was spent on health services. 66 to 403 with every indicataofi '(`time -unit ihicurrecd ;it`s expenses bf further hiereases, through fom lly' sated school health increase Pay servlce.4, environment oar tadoh Cotivnittee members of die work and distadbutdon of vaccines% County oouncil, Will get half ttgaih in child health oonfeaences and as xweh at they have been paid test elinics, for attending nieetirtgs. Ctnm- y Ae, cautioned persons, especial - Council decided' to arierease rent- ly children, t0 avoid the ha:nd- Mera,doh ifebm $8 to $12, latus litvg of stray ,and dead animals. mileage. He buggested pets taken on vara- '.Curls PArk Down tions partietuisarly dni the north, or A proposal to buy rteaxl'y 1,M ea §t be vaCdhated against rabies, feet of loko fronta�g& ih RAY Dr. ,Allis explWned thait Se4• Tow,nsl ig near ,St., Joseph, was . forth last year bet a ne the, last Several of the numbers were braith, J. Graham and B. Corey. originals ,pl'anne'd by .the dns+truot- Tadaang part in: an acrobatic dance re'ss, who is a choreographer of were J. MacDonald,, J. Galbraith, some repute. Mrs. Zablo,cld stud- R. Corey, T. Zablocki, B. Bayes, led ballet in Warsaw before the At, Addison amd H. Winter. war, 'kin Announcing, the various numb - Talking part in the, opening ers ,were members of the dancing waltz were Barbara Draper, Kay groups. Added to the program, Carter, Margaret Jean A'ddisony were a bio-graphy of Anna Pav- Dilane, Manko, ,Heather Winter, 10 +by Diane Marko, piano solos Lucy Brudiviciki and Nina Mae- by Barbara Mock and Cathy Drap- Donald. Delight of The audience er; a'ccorddon solo by Stanley Stel- was shown when first year stud- arska, Wingh'am. T. Zablockf gave eras put on 'a fashion show, in a mu'sioal recitation,. dresses supplied by Martins Dept. 0 Store for .the occasion: Denise r Curie, Nancy Pickett, Josephine Hog Producers Are Ferrer, Fuggy d3ax�tdiff, D. Shore and Laura MacDonald. A .fairy dance showed the girls Responsible For in tradli onal ballerina tutu, Paula Henderson,, C. Curran, Barbara Ball, Ruth Murphy, L. Canivet, Getting 4n Lists FJlizabeth Manko .and Sally. Lowe. Dancing dalds in a minuet were According to information re - F_ WdeckowsW, D. Cox, G. Hopa- leased by the Farm Products Mar - 1 uk, ,B. Curran, Bonnde Boyes, G. Coanbs and J. MacDonald. A lis- keting Board, there are 74;000 play of ballet exercises; was given people eligible to vote on whether by Rowena Corey, J. Graham., or not to keep the hog market- Jaiiids Gaabraith, Penny Bateman ing scheme now in effect in Ont - and Theresa Zablocki. ario. Voters lists have been com- A gala number entitled "Echo piled in more than 400 of the of +Pari ' had John MacDonald 420 townships involved. pantomin-Ang the painter, and Date for the vote is July 25. dancing models were Barbara Township clerks will be return - Draper, K. Carter, Margaret Jean ing officers and poll clerks. It Addison, Diane Manko, Heathen is up to producers to make sure Winter, Lucy Brudnicki, Nana their names are on the lists when HacDona%d. they are posted in post o=ffices TkW tots in a sailors- dance on June 28. Those not included were K. Wiieckowslue, D. Cor., should appear before revising of- ficers for their own townships on July 4, and have their name added. The Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, minister of agriculture has stated that "it is particularly desireable by the board and myself that the lists should be as accurate as humanly possible." County Counci it 28-5 by a vote of j of the, five county hospitals to Township Reeve V. ( have its own. public health office suggested the buy- branch. Awards Are Presented To Guides and Brownies A Brownie -and Guide supper was held In the Ritchie Building at tRCiAF Station Clinton on Tues- day everting, as a conclusion to a successful year by. the girds and their leadeis', District Commision- er, Mrs. S, Castle, Cilintcu, was present, and was, inrtirnduco4 by Mrs. McLaron. +1?resentataons were made. by the commissioner to three Br'ownles who .had earned their (`301den Hand badges, Louise Nltckerson, Gail Ropalfitk and Anne Rowland. Guide .Caron Gattirni er, Tecrived I.er flmt, class badge, Gifts Were made to eath of the hairy Svc, which was thr. best : sx m the ThLrd l:t',.ii(on 1.3rownie l")eok this year, Louise Nickerson, slier, Marie Calvet, second; Carol lvervingtoh, Joyce- Petrow, Shawn Smith, Alexix <,.!vi.:n, Marion Ptr<ul; Smah R,)bloha id.. .''loch . of ,the Thl Ageft, best Guide Patrol of the year iii the 3 Ro v16M vet:eivcd a .spec. as "Brownie, of ,trhe Yiael seleeted by vote of her fellow - Bra hies. Anne Taylor received a similar special gift as "Guide of the Year" Mrs. C. A, Powell thanked Mrs. Cas=tle for her assistance, Then Brown Owl, presented Badeiir-Pow. els' pins' to Debbie Buck, Bambara Curran, .Marie Calvet, Louise Nickerson, Deborah Oates, Mar•» d'ene O'Brien Shawn Smith, Sli'ar- do Hodges, Carol Curran, Gail, Ropabuk, Joyce Petrow, brargo Cuarnm%gs, ,Arnie Rowland. Thanks to the ladies who as- sisted in ;the event were ofifeaed by Mals. R. P. Buck, and Tawny Owl; tthaulaed the mothers on be - WN of .tike Guides- and l3rOwfities A draw for blankets resulted iii, mazes being Avon by Mro. Z. Iaovett, Wppen• and Mrs. G. Mc. Antill, ILCIAIF 5tastdon. Over $o Birthday Quh Um Robert DrAper, St, Oathw ennead, 'colebivtted her 95'tli, ku+lah.. day Mere 64 dune 'T, Her . k CRrA lives hi Clih,ton,