Clinton News-Record, 1958-01-02, Page 3HARRY WaLIAMS
?sae 9.1414_.
CLINIX)11 NS-13,M010) PACO TRAM 71HURSDAY, .71ANTIA*Sl' '2, '1958
The Bible Today
The Bible speaks in the idiom
of the people it addresses any-
where in, the world. An example,
of this is shown in a paraphrase,
' of the .23rd Psalm for the Navajo
ahead" will stay with me. through
this life, and afterWards I will go
•to live in the "Rig Tepee" and ,sit
down with the Shepherd Chief
Suggested readings for the
Sunday Matthew 23:23-39
Monday Psalms 19: 1-14
Tuesday Psalms 91; 1-18
Wednesday T'Salms. 98: 1- 9
Thursday , Matthew 3; 1-17
Friday Matthew 4: 1-17
Saturday .. „ Matthew 4:18-25
News of Brucefield MSS. G, Clifton, en anstrum-
ental, °Trinity Chimes" was play-
ed. hy Uery
A Christmas Query "What LID
KnOW about Christmas?" was'
given bY •the Mission Bend and
the Baby Band leaders, An in-
strumental duo "Star of the East"
WAS: plaYea by , Mrs. U. Wilson,
violin, and and Mrs, W. .11SciSeath,
organ. Rev. S, Davison ehoweel
slides on "Our Lord's Nativity,"
Officers for 148 are; president
(still to be, elected); viCe-presid-
eats., Mra. N. Walker; Mrs. P,
Ra.thwell; recording secretary,
Mrs. E, Allan; .corresponding see-
retarY,'•MrSS'iIle.17ah.Senielee treasee:
Slyer, Mrs. L. Wilson; Cbristign
.Beird;,,ryeriple„ Mrs. lir Cairns.
and Janet Henderson.. A poem "A periodical Seeretary, Mrs. A, Mee
Chrietinas Legend" was. given by Queen; Chrietian citizenship nee
retarY, MrS. 14,yre: pieniet, Mrs.
Hevierson; es.sietent, pianist.
miss Margaret McQueen; cern,
rnunity friendship; Miss X. Swan,
Mrs. 5, McKenzie; Mrs. J. Thom-
son, Mrs. W, Moffatt; supply sea, rotary, Miss Bowey; asSoelate
members, Mrs. R. Allan; Mere.,
ture. eecretary, Mrs. W. Scott; ex,
pense fund treasurer, Mrs. W, Douglas; .OGIT, Mrs. M. Grtharn,
Mrs.. G. Clifton; Mission 1.'eend,.
Mrs, E, Allan, Mrs, G. Svvan;
Baby Band leaders, Mrs. R. Dal-
rymple, Mrs.. J, Hendersen; press
secretary, MrS; A. Ham; nOrnin-
ating committee; Miss E.'Bovsen,
Mrae, Fotheringham, Mrs. J.
Brow:1143'ot; auditors, Mrs. H. Dale
Onisessiiiewas'iessSt ° -woctetEeritmovoc-twolog404
V1.410404.040stAK-4.40.' c';.°
Everybody gets a bit run-down now foul •
then, tired-out, limy-beaded, and maybe
Whop& by badipclipsi Perhaps nothing
seriously wrong, 'just a temporary toXic
condition caused by excess acids and
wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Decld'ar stimulate the,
and so help. restore their normal action of --
removing excess acids• and wastes. Then
you feel better, sleep better, work better.
Get Dodd's Kidney'Pills now. Look for
the blue box with the red band at all
druggists. You can depend on Dodds. 52
by investing $1.od or
more for 0' years
in a,
Guaranteed Certificate
(new or renewal)
obert W. Cole
• R:'311eLliteTTON, Ont.
Phone: HU 2-7453
Burton A. Stanley
inton Electric Shop
ALBERT ST D, W. Cornish, Prop. CLINTON
The United'. Church Sunday
held a sufcessful entertainment
and Christmas tree' last Monday
Congratulations to George Cole-
man on his passing the Interrhed-
ate examinations for. Chartered
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barker
and Miss Ruth, King City, spent
the .weekend at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McClymont.
Mr. and Mts. Gerald Clarke,
London; Miss Ruth Clarke, R.N.,
Strafford, spent Christmas at the
home of their parents in the vil-
The Quarterly Communion Ser-
vice will 'be held in the United
Church next Sunday, January 5,
at 2 p.m. Rev. T- ,Pitt will he
n charge of the service. There
will be a New Year's EVe 'service
ini Goshen United Church ate 8,30
Um, 5
le.11101110111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111( 0(1011111111P 11111111I11111110 ,
F4E1.01i,. 4' 4:4 SOLINE
Our Store' will be closed all
next week for stock-taking and
January 6 we will be operating
from our new location on Victoria
Street (London Road) opposite
the new BA Garage.
'r and taff 'of
Stanley's Red &White'S,itpernia.rket
wish' :YOU 125\ ' all a- ( 04
We take this OpporSunity to thank
you for your past patronage and to '
assure you of our continued desire
to' serve ,you through the coming year.
fills till it runs over.-
What I tell you is true; I
not. These vade that are "away
ee. „e 4 ik.:t •
"The Great Father above a
Shepherd Chief is, the same as I
am he is, and with him I want
lie thraws,, out to me a rope,
and the name of the rope is love,
and he draws me, and he draws
me, and he draws me to where
the'grass is green and the water
is not dangrous; and I eat and
lie down satisfied.
Sorne!Srnes my heart is very
weak, and falls down, but he lifts
it'up again and draws me into a
good ;p pd. His name is Wonder-
ful. &Meth-nes; it may be very soon,
it may be longer, it may be a long,
lniag time, he will draw me into a
place between the mountins. It is
dark there, but not draw back,
I'll be afraid not, for it is in there,
between thos'e mountains that the
Shepherd Chief will meet me, and
the hunger. I have felt in my heart
all throUgh this life will be satis-
fied. Sometimes he makes the
love rope into a whip, but after-
wards he gives me a staff to lean
Ire spreads a table before me
with all kinds of food. He puts
his,:WU my he$t1' and all
Abe' h fired" gone. My cup fie
Morley Taylor, Sarnia, spent a
few days at leis home.
Hugh McGregor, Detroit, spent
Christmas holidays visiting a few
days in Kippen and around Bruce-
Miss Darlene Coughlin, Komo-
ka, this week is visiting her aunt,
Mrs. Norman Baird.
James Stewart, Toronto, visit-
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ford Stewart, Christmas week.
Mrs. Marion Laramie a n d
daughter Elizabeth, Kincardine,
spent a lew days visiting her fath-
er, Mr.. Alex McEwan.
Mrs. Marge Graham and Jack
left. on Sunday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Fred. Robinson in Toronto.
'Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stephe,ns,
Grant, David, Ruth and Shirley,
Burford, called on relatives and
friends on concession 2, one Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. SteWart,,Baird,
Orrin, ..Gerald, Dianne, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Love'' at' Cairo, Michigan-. - •
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor,
Visited Misse chaileitte Johnson,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods at
HU 2-6633
soul singtimssmi
comspondentt MRS. pnanx
.0flione Oaten MT 2.1072 er Sea,fortb OW?
(By .our Hensall correspondent)
St. Andrew's United Church,'
Kippers, was•-the setting on Dec-
ember 21, for the, wedding of El-
aine.. Marie. Bell '.and, Irvin Joslin
For. Rev. D. A. MoMillan per-
formed the double ring ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. William, James For-
syth Bell are the parents of the
bride and the groom. is the only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' Ford,
Exeter. The church was beauti-
fully decorated with' baskets of
white 'mums; Candelabra, the pews,
were marked with • white satin
.bows centered with holly.
Miss Jean Ivison provided thd
traditional wedding music and ac-
Companied the soloist, Mrs. Ray.
Lee, Galt, who 'sang "The Wed-
ding -Prayer"' and ."I'll walk Be-
side You." •
Given in' marriage -by her fath-
er; the bride was loVely in a floor
length gown- of silk chiffon and
rosepoint lace. The snugly fitted
bodice was of rosepoint lace with
scalloped portrait neckline en-
crusted with opalescent sequins
had long lily point -sleeves. The
billowing floor length skirt was
layers of chiffon over satin sweep-
'ng into a chapel train. ' Her fin-
ger tip veil of French illusion was
attached to a pillbox of rosepoint
lace outlined with tiny seed pear-
ls and sequins. She carried a
White Bible covered with lace over
satin' crested with red roses.
Attending the bride were Miss
Carol' Tuckey, Hensall, as maid of
honor, Miss Gladys Moir, Hensall.
and Miss Marilyn Mousseau, Lon-
don, as bridesmaids, 'who wore
"deistical gowns of red velvet, with
three quarter sleeves . and full
pleated skirts, white feather head-
dress and gloves and carried bou-
quets of white 'mums.
Groomsman was burl Hopper,
Seaforth. Jack Bell, brother of
the bride., and Dalton Skinner,
cousin of the groom were ushers.
The reception was held in the
church parlors which were attrac-
tively decorated with red and
white streamers, red candles and
white 'mums. Receiving th e
guests, -the bride's mother wore a
honeycomb lace sheath with beige
accessories and a corsage of yel-
low .rosee, The groom's mother
chone royal blue crepe with Wed-
gewood rose accessories and wore
a corsage of white roses.
'The groom's gift to the bride
was a rhinestone set. The bride's
gift to ./.'he groom was a diamond-
centered onyx ring; to her at-.
tendants'a pearl necklace and ear-
Dings and to the pianist and solo-
ist, crystal,-
For travelling the bride donned
a winter white, wool sheath, hat
and gloves, a beige . coat with
brown accessories and a corsage
of yellow roses. The happy couple
left amid showers of confetti and Insurance and Real
best wishes for a honeymoon in
Florida. On their return they will
reside in Exeter. AZOIVAMBIZairraltikeitai-DitiZMINDS-k,,
.. .
Mrs. Jean Cairns visited with
her niece, Mrs. Howard Currie on
Miss E. Scott, London, was a
Christmas visitor with Miss Swan
and Mrs, C, HaM.
Mr, and Mrs. Murray Tyndall
spent Christmas with Mr, and
Mrs. Bonthron, Hensall,
Mrs, Bruce Menerey, Bayfield,
spent Christmas with Miss Kath'
leen arid Miss Marie Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay and
Mrs. Irwin, London, spent Christ-
mas with Mr, and Mrs. W. D.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kovacs,
Port Colborne, spent the Christ-
mas holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling.
Mr: and Mrs. George Hender-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jervis,
were visitors on Christmas with
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox, Mil-
Mr. and Mrs.' George Griffiths
and familyS`Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Elliott and family
spent Chria,tmas, with Mrs. H.
Berry. • • ....
Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter 'Moffatt and
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwdood Stack-
house and family, Willowdale; Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Neale and fam-
ily, London, Spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Mee Wilson and
Mrs. W.G'Stackhouse,
... Mr. and Mrs. John Rathwell,
Toronto, were weekend guests
with Mr, and Mrse Fred Rathwell.
Miss Ina Taylor spent the holi-
day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Harvey Taylor.
Mrs. W. H. Pepper, Mr. -and
Mrs. Aldie Mustard, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin Tbompson, spent Christrnas
with Mrs, Pepper's daughter, Mrs.
George, Pinkney and family, Walk-
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dirmin and
family, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs.
Vie Dinnin and Billy, Zurich; 1VIr.
and Mrs. Harry Dinnin. and
Kathy, Petrolia; Mr. and Mrs.
-red Munn and family., Kitchener;
MS. W. Wright, Seaforth, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
V. sDinnin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murclodk
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter 1VIcBeth,
spent Christmas in Toronto with
Captain arid Mrs. S, G. Rumble
and family, and in Hamilton with
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Murdock.
Also with Miss Beth' Murdock
who is at present a patient in
Nora Frances Henderson Memor-
ial Hospital, Hamilton.
. VMS Meeting
The December meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society was
held in the auditorium of the
church on December 22, on Sun-
day evening. Worship service was
on the theme, "Let the Song Go
Round the Earth, Jesus Christ is
Lord" and was conducted by Mrs.
W. Moffatt and Mrs. H. Dalrym-
ple led in prayer.
The .president, Mrs. S. iDavids
son gave the words of welcome,
and the resuonsive service as out-
lined in the Missionary Monthly
was used followed by readings
given by Mrs. Horton, Mrs. E,
Thomson, Mrs. W. Fotheringham
and Mrs. G. Henderson,
Mrs. Jean Cairns &inducted car-
ol singing, with Mrs. W. MeBeath
at the organ. Mrst M. Graham
gave a read-hag,: .sThe Christmas
Bells," and -a piano duet "Sans
Souci",'Wai ',played ',by Barbara
John were guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Donald McKenzie, St, Thomas, on
Christmas Day.
Mr. and Mrs, W. V. Dinnin and
Wilma spent Christmas in Kiteh.,
ener with the former's eon-in-law
and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Ted
Munn and family. '
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Baird and
family; Mr. and Mrs, Robeet Dal-
rymple and family, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Love, Cairo, 1Viich,
Here's hoping your 1
New Year is tops! J
Phone HU 2-9747
'''14.4-04-01K-rig-re r
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P fl. ,:,,,,E;'; ^r.:, , , -i.• * t7 ' i ..•
14) ',1;.:',":" , ...' ..:.,-.;0. ,- •
• Oft ,
• V
their many past favors and to wish
one and all a New Year filled
with much hnprinew
•!' ' •
Just a light-hearted greeting to
thank our frienas and patrons for
Clinton, Ontario
1E` .
H Unter
2-6626 •
We thank. our many
for your patronage' in
and hope..ta ibe able to
better in the, future.
the past;
serve you
May we
chime' 'in with bur
best wishes for
the New Year!
Beattie Furniture
George Beattie Reti Steep
I wish to thank our many cus-
tomers lot their patronage for the
past seven years, and also wish
them the Compliments of the Seas
My former partner Boss Merrill
has pnrclutsed my half interest in
the repair and service business
and d wish him stieeess In the
May 1958
bless you with health.
prosperity and much happiness!
PER' 0.
BROBACHErt, P eop Hetet
...that 1958 may bring you
„,9 generous portion of success
in everything you del
Pickett -Si.: CamObell limited'
"KEN" and "0013"
••?'":ir ree or," .
1 a
ew Year