Clinton News-Record, 1957-11-14, Page 7of Births, No charge for announcementsR AT E S " Marriages and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, ate., Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, 3c a word, minimum 750, Box No: to this office 15c additional. Repeat in- sertions 20 a word, minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNT; IA if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 10c added each time bill is sent. Latest Time for Insertions — 12 noon Wednesday Dial HU 2-3844 ONEWOMM...MX NEWS-RECORD WANT FOR QUICK' RESULTS Clinton Folk Suffer Accidents About $250 damage occurred in a one-car accident on November 11, • when a 1954 car driven by Mrs. Kathleen Laycox went out of control and hit a tree on Mary Street. No one was hurt. .Appar- ently when the power brakes were applied ,the car skidded on the slippy street. - Injured Jaw A badly injured jaw, and a, new car can be written off as just about so much junk, was the re- sult of an accident to Ralph Dup- uis on November 1. He was in a head-on collision with another car driven by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolfe, Port Elgin, at the crest of a hill on the Telephone Road, next to the 16th of Goderich Township. The Wolfe car was of 1933 vintage. Mr. Dupis had just purchased a new car, and the speedometer read 57 miles, at the time of the crash. Both he and the other couple were taken to Clinon Public Hospital for treatment, 'Chief H. R. Thompson learned of the accident from a passerby, and after calling the Provincial detachment at-Goderich, proceeded to the scene and arranged for the injured folk to be taken to Hospi- tal. Constable Parkinson, Goder- ich continued with the investiga- tion, Articles For Sale :BABY BUGGY, GREY IN 'COL- our, in •excellent condition. Phone --HU 2-9536. -46-x 'LARGE STEEL BABY CRIB; , grey chrome high chair, grey 'baby eart. Phone_. HU 2-6615. 46-b FOUR-SKIN' GREY SQUIRREL -TieckPiece, with back tails. .Phone HU 2-9406, WILLIS ?IANO,.AND BENCH in good condition. -Phone Hayfield 54r5. FUEL OIL — Stove -and Furnace Oil delivered anywhere. A. G. Grigg and Son, phone _HU .2-9411. 43-tfb RUBBER STAMPS, SIGNATUR- es, maps of town, marking device§ of all kinds. Call at News-Record 'Office, Albert Street, Clinton. 14-fifib TARPAULIN, 8' x 14', used once, cost 15c per sq. ft., selling price $10. -Phone .111.7 2-3411, local .225, -between 5 and 6.30 p.m. Ff.0 Billesberger. -467p (CLARE jEWELL 'COAL AND 'wood stove, all -wfilte enamel fin- :ish, with blue :enamel oven, high -shelf attached. -Apply to Box 460, (Clinton 'News-Record.' 46-p kcimwpuous TRADE-IN Allow- ance on your old TV on a Brand New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton 11W _2-3232. 71VIAGIC:MARKERS, Will write on anything, ,glass, wood, paper, etc. :Dry immediately. Seven different teolours.- Good for poster work, signs, etc.. $1.10 each, refills, 50c. kClinton News-Record. 37-tfb YOUR OLD WASHER IS WORTH :money when traded DO a new 'Thor washer. T. A. Dutton's Ap- aoliance Store, Brucefield. Phone Clinton KU 2-3232. 46-b 'NEW SMITH CORONA PORT-'- :able typewriters, juSt arrived. On .display at News-Record office, Ask to see the new Skywriter, in the smooth light zippered ease— '$79.95 complete. 46-x PIANO ACCORDION, HORNER, fill] size; black and white, 120 'bass notes,' with 3 reeds in the bass and 6 reeds in the treble. In good condition, only used one year. Phone HU 2-7057. ARTIST'S SUPPLIES, OIL Brush- oes, Paints, Canvas Board, Linseed Turpentine, Retouching Varn- ish, Spray-Fix, Brush Holders, etc; ideal Christmas gifts. At Mc- . Ilwan'is Book and Stationery Store. 45-tfb 'CHRISTTMAS CARDS, personaliz- ed—envelopes, too, with return ad- dress if desired, . . Take the work tout of sending your greetings. See the National line, at the News- Record Office. ' 46-x 4.4:4Nr."40.4r..nciNr"..evp,nr.r .- ROY THEATRE Clinton Two ShQW$ NiOhtiy -Wide Sc reen NOW: Thursday, Friday and Saturday "lih Great American Pastime" A comedy of small-town life that will keep you„ in stitches, Tom Ewa -- Anne Francis -- Ann Miller MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "HIGH SOCIETY" wonderful love story, explosive with merriment and Cole Porter's sparkling tune. --- Adult Entertainment Bing Crosby -- Grace Kelly — Frank Sinatra COMING: "THE RAINMAKER" Burt Lancaster — Katherine Hepburn FOR BEST SELECTS() S s Our ' Store Is Overflowing With Gift ideas For Moles On Your STOVtS FOR SALE KITCHEN STOVE, BURNS COAL' or wood. Phone HU 2-9993. 46b LARGE COLEMAN SPACE Heat- er. Ekcellent condition, Phone' EILT 2-9520, . 46-p MEDIUM SIZE COLEMAN OIL heater, also two 45 gallon oil drums with taps. Phone HU 2- 9402. 46-7-b 1VICCLAAY ELECTRIC RANGE nearly new. To be 'sold' at the Community Sale on Friday after- noon. 46-p s. REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY—One Stor- ey dwelling with two self-con- tained apartments. Livingroom, modern kitchen . with dining space, two bedrooms, full base- ment. Oil heated. Located near schools. H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone HU 2-9644 REAL ESTATE 200 ACRES OF CLAY LOAM land, good house, barn, garage, implement shed, on Highway No. 8, close to Clinton. Priced• to sell. Terms. 65 ACRES OF LAND, LARGE house and extra large barn. Only $4,000. Cash. STORE WITH THREE APART- ments above, on Main Street in Clinton, only $8,400. • JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderieh Phone Goderich. 1108 Salesmen: Geo. McGillivray, Lucknow Joe McConnell, Seaforth , . Angela Bosveld 46-7-b :1 i 1 Notice TO Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of John B. Lindsay, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, retired farm- er, who died on or about the 12th day of October, 1957 are required to file the same with full particul- ars with the undersigned by the 16th day of November, 1957 as _ after that date the assets of the f ?state will be distributed. f DATED at Goderich in the County if Huron this 22nd day of October, 1957. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the 'Estate. 14-5-6-4b The Canadian Junior Red Cross has 37 branches and 913 members in the Department of National Defence Schools in Europe. Accommodation For Rent ',HOUSE IN LONDESBORO. Un- :furnished. Hydro, Water. Phone "HU 2-9812. 43tfb ROOM HOUSE, • .ALL MODERN ,comeniences, .near ,Kippen, Apply '.:Lloyd Lovell, Kippen. Phone Hen- sal1 46-b HEATED FURNISHED 3 ROOM 'downstairs apartment, electric stove and refrigerator. Separate entrance. Apply 116 Elgin Avenue owest, phone 534, Goderich. 45 -6-b Automobiles For Sale „ 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE Sed- an, Alaska gray in colour. New battery. Phone HU 2-9422, ,46-p 1952 AUSTIN 4-DOOR SEDAN, grey in colour. In good condition. Contact R. j .Wilson, William Apts., Clinton. 46-p CLOTHING FOR SALE SPECIAL—on men's winter over- coats in excellent condition, $4.98 to $9.98. Apply Kinette Nearly. Nu Shoppe, 46-b MAN'S BROWN WINTER. OVER, coat, size 40; also brown fall top coat, size 38. Phon e Clinton HU 2-9391. 46- CUSTOM WORK MASONRY WOR,K,. All Types. Apply William Harris, phone. HU 2-9240. 37-ttb FARMERS, WOODCUTTERS, Cut your wood with an I.E.L. Pioneer Chain Saw. 3 models from $199.50 up. Robert Glen, Pioneer Sales and Service, Clinton, phone HU 2- 9909. 43 to 47p SEPTIC TANKS, CESS POOLS, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment, All work guar- anteed. Estimates given without obligation, Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 42r 6. 42 to 50p AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1,25. Or just •filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor - sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton. Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-tilb EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAPABLE LADY wants house- work, 5 days a week, no objection to children. Phone HU 2-9429. 46-b Livestock For Sale 10 YOUNG PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD. Contact William R. Jenkins,-Phone HU 2-3290. 46-b Livestock Wanted ( ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, ' courteous collection of all dead and ' disabled farm animals and hides. t Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling J,, and Co. of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tfb , c DEAD STOCK PICKED :UP pro; //aptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone collect: Goderich, 148344, Seaforth, 146, William Stone Sons, Limited, In- gersoll. 42 to 48b 4 Lost and Found LOST—Size one figure skates, i white in 'colour, lost in front of Ball and Match store. Finder please phone HU 2-9507. 46-b LOST—Part Persian cat, mostly yellow with white throat, lost be- tween Walton and Clinton. Finder f phone collect HU 2-3884. 46-b 1 1 LOST—Strayea: red heifer, about I 600 lbs. from the premises of the E undersigned. Please notify J. W. 1 VanEgmond, IIU 2-9231. 46-p t 1 LOST—Defence 1VIed5.1,o-in parade E on Monday or between Legion Hall and Norman Fitzsimons House .,011. Townsend Street. Paul , Cormier, Phone HU 2-9276, 46-,• • BIRTHS BRANDON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, November 8, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Brandon, Hayfield, a son. HANDY In Mescordia Hospital, Winnipeg, on Friday, November. 8, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald A. }faddy, 691 Queenston. Street, Winnipeg, a son. Clinton Public Hospi- • tal, on Thursday, November 7, 1957, to AC1 and Mrs. Trueman Latta, RR 2, Hensall, a daugh- ter, PARKER In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, November 9, 1957, to. LAIC and Mrs. Ja.mes Parker, Clinton, (nee Audrey Oliver), a son, Thomas George, SNiFq Clinton Public Hospi- tal ,on Thursday, November 7, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell, Clinton, a son, DEATHS GILCHRIST—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, November 12, 1957, Gillis Duncan Gilchrist, Sr., Clinton, in his 88th year. Ftineral from the Ball and Mut- ch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery this afternoon, Thursday, Nov- ember 14, commencing at 2 o'clock, by the Rev. D. J. Lane. IN MEMORIAM AT TS—In loving memory of my husband and father, Frederick William Watts, who passed away one year 'ago, November'16, 1956. His weary hours and days of pain, troubled nights are past, And in our hearts we know, He has found rest at last. —Ever remembered by w i f e, laughter, son dn-law and grand- on. •'2; 46-p In fotid and loving memory of a Sear mother, daughter and sister, rs. Sadie Falconer, who passed way a year ago, November 16, 1956: ','You suffered much in silence Your Spirit did not bend You, faced your task with cour- age Until the very end, At times when we are lonely Your smile seems to say Don't grieve for me, my loved ones I'm with you all the way." —Too dearly loved to ever be for- otten by her daughter Lois, other and brother and family. 46-p 0 Debra Gass Lions Enjoy Poems. Recited By George Jefferson Members of the Lions' Club were thrilled and fascinated by their guest speaker's knowledge and ability to interpret poetry this week. The meeting was in the charge of president, Ross Mid- dleton and the guest-speaker was George H. Jefferson retired prin- cipal of Clinton Public School. Mr. Jefferson chose to demon- Strate to the Lioos his rare abil- ity to recite poetry. His choice ranged from "Guy's*Elegy written in a Country Churchyard" to "Lit- tle Albert." He introduced to the Club' a poem entitled "The Un- known Soldier" which had been forwarded to him from London for this occasion. It was unfortunate that all the members of the Lions' Cldb were not present to hear Mr, Jefferson's fine address. Lions were reminded to sell their tickets on the Grey Cup Game, all proceeds to be turned in to Laurie Colquhoun. In place of the regular draw a chinese auc- tion was held. The vice-president conducted the auction, and Lion Wilf Parker won on his bid of.50 cents. The speaker was introduced by Lion H. C. Lawson and thanked by Lion John Livermore. The club approved the following recommendations from the execu- tive: That a donation 'of $200 be given to the Crippled Children's Building Fund; that the club share in the Christmas party with the Fish and Game Club and the Town Cduncil: Arrangements for a skating par- ty were left in the hands of the Program Committee, Miss Emily Collins has been appointed as 'the 'club's regular pianist and this has added much zest to the sing- • ing. The Club was treated to a solo selection from one of the lad- ies present, Miss Jayne Mary Snell. LOL GIVES 50-YEAR AWARD TO Gonnucn MAN Members of the Clinton LOL No. 710 attended a special cere- mony in Goderich onOctober 21, when James Leishman was pre- sented with a 50-year life mem- bership certificate. Past County Master for North Huron, Charles Stewart, Clinton, made the pres- entation. PAGE SEVEN 'PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: Joel McCrea and Felicia, Farr h "THE FIRST TEXAN" In Chternascope and Technicolor Mon., Tues. and Wed- By Popular Request!! "TAMMY AND THE BACHELOR' — In 'Scope and Color A Blue-Ribbon Winning romantic comedy set in the deep South where a plantation owner is in- volved with an impoverished min- ister's daughter. Debbie Reynolds -- Leslie Nielsen and Walter Brennan Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Chariton Heston — Anne' Baxter and Gilbert Roland - Whereby a Texan, Civil War vet- eran, marries a dancehall girl and helps restore ,a rundown ranch. "THREE VIOLENT PEOPLE" — In Vistavision COMING: Fred Astaire & Cyd Charisse in' . "SILK STOCKINGS" To Buy or Sell a WANT AD Does the Job 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1957 LUTON NEWS-RECORL). Notice To Creditors u the Estate of Willett Glen Cook, late of the Town of Clinton -in the County of Huron, Hotel- keeper, deceased All persons having claims again- t the Estate of the above deceas- d are required to file the same th the undersigned Solicitor for he said Estate on or before the 9th day of November, A.D. 1957, fter which date the assets will e distributed amongst the parties ntitled thereto, having regard on- y to the claims of which notice hall have been given. Dated at 'Clinton, Ontario, this tit day of November, A.D. 1957, E. B. Menzies, Clinton, Ontario, (By our Hensall correspondent) Funeral service for Debrah Lee ass, three years, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gass, Hensall, were held from the Whitney fun- eral chapel, Seaforth, on Novem- ber 7, with interment in Malt- landbank Cemetery, Debra pass- ed away in Scott Memorial Hospi-• tal, Seaforth, on Tuesday follow- ing a two days illness. SurviviMg are on brother, Gary, two, and one sister Brenda, one. Mr. and Mrs. Gass were formerly of Sea- forth. A••••••••MM.MINNIONIMPOMMINOMNIIIIIMI BETTER SELECTION 0 BETTER BARGAINS Large Stock Of Long-Playing RECORDS Decco, RCA Victor, London, Columbia, ality,